HappDongs of a Local and Personal Nature. --B. A. H-lagood is on a visit to Charleston. -A full lino of Buiits turnip seed just received at R. 0. Cartor's, Libor ,ty. Mrs . 1). orrip, who lis been quito ill for some i ino, is slowly jiff provng. -Don't fail to reai the oil mill (d. inl this isue. It cQ otains imilportant newS to you. ---rs. LJ. L. Tloriley is oil a visit. to her *ighter, Mrs. R. E. Ol.iver, at Cla.ks'ville, Tenui. -Wi'ter II. Oriflla, of Greenville, fpetJ last. we'ek N Mth his mothe'r, Mrs. APO, Florence Grif.in in Pickens. --Misses lessio and Antonia Smith, of 13etOnl, isited tie MlieSses Clayton, near Liberty last week. --pFlgolr & Thorley's store is rap icdly namg comph-tion and will be ready for occupancy by Sept. 1st. --We want, 500 dozen eggs weekly and will pay a good price for them, ltrado or (ensh. Craig Broy. -Mr. and Mrs. William 1lummer, who have been sponding some time in Pickens, left for Seneca Tuesday. -The PickOem Railroad wi!l ostab lish a joint ticket agency at Eatsley, in conect ot with the Southerti, on Sept. I1st. -WV. L. Fleming, wife and chil. dren, of 11ona Patli, visited the faim. ily of W. I.." Garrison in Pickens Situ) rday. -All interested il the Bethlehem eemeleiy and Church aro requested to ni et there on) Friday, August 28, to clean off the yard. -Protracted mceting was begnn at Antioch church last Sunday by Rev. A. J. Manly. Much interost is l'eing manifested in the services. -11. A. Looper, of Loopers, dropped in to sco us Sal .riy an1d reports evorythimig mnovinig atlong sat isfactory inl his parnt. of the county. -Prof. and Mrs. W. E. Dendy and son1, W. E. Jr., rotirned last week from i pleaait outilig spot with r'elatives and frien'Ds ii York Ville. ---Ma-ried, at the residence of t-. bwide's father., W. L. Parrott, on tLio tl inst., Mr. Harry Stone to Miss Eula Pariott, Rev. . F. Murphree oficitig. -'quairo Mattliew Gillespie, an olid and honlored frmner citizen of this coumity, but now i residenat of the GresmNillo side, was in Pickenas a few days last wee-k. -s. T. A. 1htinekyt, wife of con ductor Tomn Rtiiney, oIf then Southern Railway, and( children. of A12:anta, are on a visit to hor sister MrIcs. J. T1. Talrin Pickemns. --N. D). Taylor, photographer, wvill bo in is at udio, Carey boalding, oii ToOsday and Wednesday, Aug. 25th and 2dth. Remember the date, and call on him for nlice wvork. -Great crowds of ieople from neighboring cimnticsa, and peopl)e wvho hadio neverJ been here before, w~te hero Saturday; they went away greatly iminpressed with P~ickens and her pe(ople. --MIrs. James F. Hlendr'icks, near' Lib~ert y, whiilo coming down the steps onie day lost, week, fell and broke a rib andt brui'ised ha-r'se(l f conisidlerably. S3he is uinder tie ca- :re of a phliysicianl and is imp jroving niicely. --There will be an E~ducat'onal Rally at Shuady G rove school house on next Tuesday, the 25th inst. The S patrons and trustees have dlecided to have a picnic and several promiinut speakeis have been invited. - Miss lairy Syxmes, who has been visitinig relatives in Pickens for somec tinmo left for her home in Green vjill Mlonday; she was accomnpaniodl by Aliss Lucia .lolger, whlo wiil spend sonme time with friends ani relatives. -Frank Ariail, of Sanford, Fla., is on a visit to his father and mother, Mr. and M rs. WV. H. 1I. Ariail, of the Enion section of the county. Frank is a portly, fine-looking man,, and is scecoeding acdmiirably in his neow homne. -RI. V. Royall, Professor in High school at C:harlestoa, camne up with his friend, Dr. WV. J. Blowen, and en --jye1sme of t his purio mountain air, that blows cool fromi thce Bicio Ridge. 1He was pea fectly delighted with Pickens. -Work on the Oil Mill is progroes sing finely; the ginnery will be readoy for the first bade of cotton and thme null will be crushing sceed by Octo ber. They w anit 500 cords of pine wood1. See thteir advertisementI on -- the front page (If this issue. -Erniest Folger, of the firm oIf Folger & TrIleyC, left Monday for tho norltern marketsa to pcurchase their line ol f:mll and winter goodls. Ernest is a close buyer ando will have all of the sealsonm's ncovelties for his customers ait reasonable pirices. -A good meeting at, Six Mile whlaich wa- 4 cooanuted( by, Rev. B. C. * A thinson., cloa'ed on last Sumnday. It was a spl'-ndid revival of religion and1( with the elchie. They wilh he b~ap tizedl the second Suntday in Septeom ber at 10 a. mu. --At the election for cotton weigh. or held ini Pickens Saituirday, theto were 358 votes cast; of this nutmbe-r J. D). Ild ar received 198 votes ando + F. Bradley Fieldl receivedl 100 votes. Mr. Holder was elected by a majolrity of 38. Jo ff huas been weigher for sev eral termis ad lie will conitinue to serve the people to the best of his ability. -We cal your attention to the ad. of the Pickens 0Oraded School, wvhich appears (elseiwhero in ihis issue. +- This is oun of the best secools ini the up-country, anywhe~re, and with the corps of teachers at, its htead it will continue to hold its own and gain strength. No bntter place could be0 found anywhere to educate youir childreon. For rates, terms and fuill informatiton apply to the Superin Lonudent WV. E Dndn. --Mrs. R. E. Bowen is visiting her son, Charles M. Rowen, in At. I anata. -Supt. of lMducation 0. B. Mar. tin reminiied in Piokons until Sun day evening. -B. T. McDaniel returned from Columbia Monday and will finish his interrupted vacation in Pickons. -My mill will be oponod for busi. IIous again Tuesday iorning, Aug. 18. B. P. Kelley. -J. F. Bannister and wife, of Ca. teechee, visited the latter's parents, ir. and Mrs. R. E. Bowen, lasi week. -Miss Oral Mitcholl, of Prince. lon, 8 C., is visiting the family of ltcr uncle, Jaies Ht. (Jlaytol, near Liberty. -R. C. Carter, Liborly, has re eoived a lot of tlt colobrated "Thorn. hill" wagonis which he Will sell at Ile right price. -The lower part of the county was blesse d with a line rain last Fri (lay afternoon, aind on Saturday and Sunday Pickens was given a good wetting. - -Give us your ordet for job print. ing. Our line of stationery is com. )loto and we can do your work with neatness and despatch. Call and get our Pr-ices. We call save you money. -That. reliable clothier, L. Roths child, of Greenville, spent Monday in Pickens. He has added a tailoring department and can cut to fit and mako to order a suit of clothes while you wait for it, -R. C. Carter is connected with two other very large stores and they buy their goods in such quantities that it enables him to save you money on most everything you buy from him. See his chango in ad. --Pickens again has a first-class imeRt market. J. D. Mooro has bought a refrigerator and has fixed to run a good market and1 will have fresh meats on hand and at all tines. Give him a call; he also pays the top of the market for good, fat, beef cat tie. -The seventeen-months old daugh. t, r oF Mr. and Mrs. B. 1). Mauldin, 1-f the Stewart section, died on thbe 11th inst., after only one night's ill. ness. Tle remains of the little one was laid to rest the (lay following at Gap Hill church. The bereaved pa. rents have the sympathby of manly friends in their sore bereavement. -That excellent citizen, good far mor, and staunch friend of this pia per, B. D. Lendardt, of the Easley sect-ion, wis in Pickons Saturday and dropped in to see us. H*e reports everything as running smoothly in his section; ho says hard times and laziness have run away from his see Lion and that euergy, push and vim have won the (liy. --This paper is pui shed t~o dis seminiate the news, aund we can onily give the news whenever we learn of it. Woe want to give you valuo ri-. ceived for your money and~ all the news we can, so wvill appreciate very'3 mtuchi any itemts you will send( un. Whlile, they may nomt b~e news to you, remember that othcors will appreciato reading them. .Just sendl us the skeleto oni ai postal card anid we can put, the clothes on it. tf. -The educational rally hlcd at Glassy Mountain school house Mon (lay wvaR one of time muost successful yet held in thme county. InI theO mlorn ing excellent addresses were made by Miss Marye Shielor, Solicitor .J. E. Boggs and Prof. WV. E. Dondy. Much enthusiasm was awakened along ed ucationall lines, so much so, ini fac~t, thaut a sumti of $25 wvas appro priated for the purchase of a school library, and an order made out for the books at the close of the meet img. --Note change in thbe ad. of J. D. Holder & Co., Real Estate. There is a plerfect "hum" in real estate cir cles now; everybodly is making a rush for Pickens county dirt and the old town is gradually forging to the front. Let everybody get them a nice home in town where they can come and school their children. By so doing they make a good investment in every way. Ilckens is hound to 1)0 a city, and that very soon. Nothing can keep her dlown. Call on those gen tlemen and they will treat you right. -The series of meetings held at Golden's Creek Baptist church, Rev. B. C. A thinson, pastor, closedl on Friday 7th inst. There were eleven additions to the church. Bev. E. A. Dunlow assisted in the meeting and the membership was greatly revived and refreshed by the earnest work of these consecrated men of God assist ed in loading members to the church. At the close of the meeting there were over twenty pen itent mou rners at the anxious seat. TIhec member. ship of tl~e church asks the prayers of all of God's people ini behalf of themselves and the miourniers. -Mr-s. James C. King, and1 child. ren, of Brevard, N. C., who has been on a visit to relatives and friends ini this county for the past two weeks. i-eltimned home Tuesday, Sh3 will he pleasantly remomnbered1 by many of our readers as Miss Ethuer C'renseaw, being a daughter of "Uncle Jesse" Croenshaw, of the Tale Mountain section. We are glad to state that she is in good health anid she and~ hors has greatly p~rospered1. Mr. King is thme popular sheriff' of Tra,, sylvania county and is serving his second term and his friends till say he can have the olfloe as long as lie will serve. - --M~essrs. H. Baker, suiperintend enh; T. B. Sumner, road master; and MIr. - --, forem-an of bridges, of the Southern Railwvay, spent a wvhile in Pickens Friday. They camne up on a special C~n the Pickens railroad, and reported this road itn good cont. dition. All of these gentlemen ex priessed themselves as very much pleased with Pickens and her future prospects, and stated before leaving that they saw great possibilities in the futuxe of Pickens and protmised to pay this thriving little city a long visit in the fall. The naive beauty and charm of the town'and her sur roundings completely captivated them and, as they are all true sportsmen, the excellent shooting privileges lucre. abouts; will be an added incentive toward bringing them augain in our -Wantted new orop of souid dry peacb Hood; $1.00 1)er bushel in triado. Craig"Bros. -A good meeting is in progress 1the Pickens Baptist church this week, conducted by the pastor, Dr. A. J. 8. Thomas. --Prof. Duff Bolding will con lu';t a ilgiug at Bethel church next Sun. day. Everybody cordially in vited to coO and br'mg well-filled baskets and song boo!. o. -In tihe comin ication from Knob it, should read "there are about 185 iles in Pumpkintown township and about 1100 miles in the county. On a 5i year contract "B. J. V." "will tak the contract and keep thoi ronda in Puipkintown township in firsit class condition for $4.60 a mile, per year.'' This would cost 'the county $382.50.per year, or $1,912.50 for the 5 years. This would be a great sav ing to the county over the present syst(m, and, we think, bhould be adopted. -A very interesting protracted servico has juht closed at Fairview m. 1', church. Tho pastor, Rev. W. E. Loudormilk, was most ably assis. ted by Rev. William Porter, of High Point, N. C. Much interest was manifested by all denominations and all were benetilted by the sound force. ful sermons. Fourteon wore added - the church and the only draw back was that the meeting could not continuo longer. Mr. L'oudo-milk is a very popular patstor and he wis quito fortunate in securing the servi ces of Mr. Porter. All extend to Mr. Porter a most cordial invitation to come 5Caam. Dr. W. Joel Bowon, of Mount Ploasaut, S. C., has been on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mira. V. T. Bowep, near Pickenus After roam itg over the scenes of his childhiod, he returned to his practico last Tues. (lay. He is succeeding tadmirably in his adopted home, and raiks high in his profession and is surgeon for tihe Consolidated Railway Co., but with all of this, and notwithstanding his prosperity, deep down in his heart, there is it secret longIing for the free and easy life that is etjoyed here in the foothills of thO 11 Blue Ridgi; so much so, that he may becomo i citizen of Pickens. -A representativo of this paper spent the night, last week, at the lovely country home of the Misses Claytoin, near Liberty. This is one of the most beautiful homes in the up country; the houso is well ap pointed an)d( sits on ani eminence in a beautiful grovo of majestic oaks, and the lawn, of so'ne five acres, is weil laid out and beautifully kept. Their brothur, I. L. Clayton, who lives with themt, is very t uch a "hotime man," but not a "homely one," and he takles gr at prido in keeping the placo i p and haiis every appointmaentt for comfort and enjoymnent. T1ruly13 it is a Hsplenatd place to visit. -- The meeting of thte D) s ughters of t.he Confederacy at Mrs. AloFall's wvas w(ell tttenided last Thursday. Several important matters weI 3 (dis cussed. It was5 decided to send a delegtt to thle conventloln oIf theit Stto divisionl atI Camdlon int Decem-i her, also, if p~rac(ticable, to send onec to the antnuail Contvoention (of the U. D). C. in Chairleston int November. As a means of incaing the ttronsurtyl fund the Daughlters expect to give an: entertainmont in the near fture.j After the chapter was adjourned the hostess served most del igh tfully re freshimnts and the members spet sotmie time in social enjoy mont. Liberty Locals. Liberty, S. 0., Atig. 18, 1903. We certainly have had1 fine rains the past few days which has great ly improv'ed the crops. The addition to the factory buil (ing is nearing completion and will soon ho ready for the machinery. It is a foregone conclusion that the company will have to erect miore houses at an early dato. Work on the new station honse is prgrssing finely and the walls are nearly completed. T1. N. Hunter has broken dirt for a large and commodions two-story brick store, wh ich, when (done, will he one 0f the mnost complete and uip todate business building in the country aind an ornament to any town. The protracted meeting that wvas to begin in the Baptist church has been put off' untilI Monday after tha, fourth Sunday. It will con tinue thr ough the wveek, maybe longer. Rev. L. J. Ehrlich, of Morgan ton, N. C., arrived hero yesterday on his way to assist the Rev. Lewis in a protracted mneetintg in the Pea Ridge section' Mr. Ehrlich is a converted .Jew and is said to be an excel lont preacher. The looks of the school house has been woniderfully changed, andl for the bet~ter, by a liberal appli cation of paint. .A fow delegates loft hter' ye'ster day to attend the Sunday School Institute niow in session at Rich land, Oconee county, S. C. c. Beverley News, Health of this section is very good at present. The Sanday school celebration at liounion was a gr'and( success. Sev eral goodl speeches were made. The ladies around here certainly know how to please the inner matn. Mrs. Ben Boggs is still in very bad health. T1omn and1 Stam Norii have gone to Abbeville and other placos for a t wo weeks' visit. Crops wverc refreshed witht a good rain last week. Elijah Davis, wvho has been nick for somne timne, is vet'y much im proved. T1. E Smith has the finest picco of corni we have seen. Several of the Beverlovilcs went to Secona the second1 Smtiday to the Singing convention. Willie Bloverley weont to Greenville Saturday on business. . Lost Boy'. If constipateti riious, call for Ra men's Pills and be certain our clerks give you the~ genuine Ramoni's; Complete treatment 25 dloses 250e. Big Reduction Sale Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes I And All Kinds Of . HARDWARE, TINWARE, STAPLE AND FANCY CROCERIES. My buyer will leave for New York about Aug. 28th to buy one of the most complete lines of General Merchandise ever kept in this country and will be sold at the right price. Aa I AM M 'IT FOR riE CEElBRATE) PLANO MOWERS and RAKES. 'ihey are the most simple in con struction and lighest running and most lasting mowers ever made. _____________ ________ .00CME AND LET ME TEL YOU ABOU? TH1it1. R. C. Carter THE CASH MERCHANT, ][Z~oC,, C rterLiberty, S. C. CesQip To Cure a Cold in One Day s. TakeLaxative Bromo QuinineTaets. on every Seven Million boxes sold In past 13 months. This sigRature, box.25c. Hazel Happenings. Health is good at th a writing. Prof. J. L. Mui phree is conduct ing t flourishlig singing shoolVehicles d H n Mountalin Grovo Baptist church. W. H. Gilstrap has returned from a business trip to Easley. Miss Olive Newton is an (xcellent Take teacher and knows just how to man- A Look In. age tile scholars to get along with O o them withiout trouble. Miss Olive is . OOO a charming young lady. One of our neighbor boys is ilshing for her al- Pickens. S. C.0 1*oC5 ~ have sized up the wants of this community in Vehicles and Harness and ready.are prepared to eet thorn. We make no shoddy orns. We're resi J. L. Graveloy and wife bavo just dent sales agents for the returi.ed from a visit to 1. L. Gil-l strap of Westinester. Ho sail that "Bob" was as jolly as ever. Mrs Sallie Gilstirnp cao hack with himin. She j 1 S ye. You know and everybody else knows there Is nothing yetprior t h a rMr.t andKnMrs.andu. Pallillo tespoio.haone returliC ne tm a vist to Brevard, N.toctiad titqik Adtwllbalrcithi tcu s Recv. A. J. ilianly is coniducting a series or meeting at Aintiech Bazptistpae agurne chu irch. He is nasisted1 by Prof. W. M. WValkor, of Blackwood, S 0., and Rev. WV. 0. Btren, of Galloway, N. 0. At this writ ing there hats been three accessions to thie chutrchi, and the membn ers greatly revi vedl. Prof. WValker is a deep and1( earnest wt irk r in his .\iaster'si cause.I VOnelminute of yourftime tolhear our story. and l'erlapsSavHEATH-BR.UCE-MORROW CO.BUE a Life. PrPickens. CS.hi.r "Aa rotmeagprws akawihe -~te a ft o nuiyio o sHresa vioentatackofDiarhoa nd elevent sae agnt fo the b e f ritth a p rn riat h a sstnon ,u eAn k e . e'a'Atfeti ev ' o o r p a r e o*mne hmbra Clc.CoeaC PTA L, as-etl k- nm $lt o it2i'syor 0uaane.toa0 er twenty-lve cent.lottlsiva aftrantein. Vtolent dtac of iarntrely cured. byEOST, Chain i hebtrla m edyCo inc, Ch o rler-____~____. f a oe n iarhin.Fi Remed ) neetpintm eois aeu aaeet anden D ruh.aps FSaved 1ru ingintgttc oneniaroneiv I o have t3i i Ig co cnotoen ~ ~ , ~ i~CTR~ citize of atuton . "A.A.frien. 'riw rec- ~ia enidertit et remed the worldsth - andoraicers and Te. J. I. unoter.ibr Si(o inging \ Cneton. Pick0ns thatt ladingingn conetio Ahejonventonwasurpand b tha