E~jp~iT!~ ~ Loiw all 11ClNOn"d Maume -N. D. Taylor has bon over worked this time. -Born on the 1st inat., to Mr; and Mrs. Woa. N. Ganitt, a son. -Dr. W. F. Austin, dentist, will be in Pickens July 14th and 15th. S -W. H. Ashmore found a cotton bloom in his patclh on the 7th iust. -13orn unto Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Freeman on the 6th niat., a daugli. ter. -Dr. Wardlaw, dentist, will be in Piocons the 13th, 14th and 15th of July. -Born to Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Lowis, of Piater, a son, on the 3d in I --John Fiold, Bon of 0. P. Field, hans been (uito sick but is reported better. -Representatives J. A. Hinton and Mattliew Hendricks were in Pielns -A nonL-r of the teachers oH(f the c3ounty are aittending toEeNr -IwItd ,t' Riill. -Savo your forage with the up-t. dato Plaio Mower and Rake. I. 0. Carter, Liberty, agent. -Will Bruce, son of .1. B. Bruce. of Greenville, visited his uncle R. Ep Druce, in Pickens Monday. -The great problem for the negro those days is this: Will my lion hold. out until the grass is killed? -Mrs. .J. N. Morgan, of Central, is visiting her sisters, Mesdames It. A. Bowen and Florence Griffin. ---Tho Pickens Drug Co., has got sometthing to say to you this week: road their ad. and see what it is. --J. Ollio Brock will bo in Pick Vn (lurilng court week prepared to work on watchee, clocks and jewelry. -J. L. Parsonls has moved into his new home; Dr. Hallum and bride will occupy the house recently vacated by him, -A. Claud Heath was in Pickens for a few day4s last week. It looked natural to see him over at the "Big Store." --There must be money in cigars. Charleston has a large factory and (rconville will soon have one in op. eraItionl. --Dr. Ben Webb, of Andrews, N. C., is visiting the family of his father, I . H. Webb, and his brother, Dr. E. I. Webb. --The -ealth efficer should look e!oso after the sanitary condition of t.'e town. Thiis is very important atL ihi season. - Mrs. WV. 0. Hester and little son), aire ing this week w'th her sis ier, G. N. (Cox tad cther rela tives friends below Easley. -- ripd. at the res lonce of flev. C. nwoody Jun~ 1903 Mr. Underwood. All of Pickens county. -It is said thaut ap)pendicitis finds its victims among the 'Nealthy and doesR not attack poor' folks. Then neOwspaperC1 ment ar1o immnune to the disease. -Misss Gertrude Batiks and Mamnie Leo Gilreath, two beautiful young lad its ft om1 Greenville, are visiting relativos and friends in town this wcek. --A member frm each board of the new~ly elected trustees in cachi dis trict is urged ,to call next wveek oin Superintendent Halium andl get their ommhtissionsa and~ supp~lies. --N. D. Taylor. phlotographber, will be in his studio, Care~y bu:lding, ont Tuesday and( Wednaesdlay, J1uly 14 tlh nad 15th. Rtemiembaer thie date, and caill on him for naice wvork. -Miss Lillio Jenkins, of Charlos toni, who has been visiting relatives in Greenville, spenut at portion of thi., week in Pickens, t~he guest, of hoa brother, J. D~ouglas Jen kinas. -P'ickens will be full of dentist nexi, week -only3 thr-ee--anti they can piractie on each ether if no cone else camos along wvith an aching molar that needs lugging or pulling. -W. R1 Bruce, stalesrr.ani for the Big Bee Hive, of Greenville, was ina Pickens Monday distributing ci rca har-s about the big mill cnd ske wich ibleginls today by that companly. -Pickenas county's share of the Stato d1~isenary funad is $1,860.29. Tilo fund from thec county is $354.87. This is a total of $5,917.23 wvhich is availablo for schtoot p)urposes this siuminer. -Rev. J. B1. Tramimell filled his app1ointmient tat Tiowni Creek schtool hioust last Stundaty eveunig, proaching from the text "A man will givo all that ho hath for his life." He had a good cingregation anad delivered a sp1lendid sermn. -Mr. Jack Howard, who is culti vating W. 1). Hendricks' land near Fortner~ postoflice, foutnd a cotton) bloom11 wide awake wvelcoiming procs peariay Juno 29t, ult. Tihis is cotn *idceed quite early at the mountains, aund so it is, but who belowv cian heat that. -Don't forget that on tomorrow, the' 10th, Coutnty Superintenden t ot Education, Hlalluam, will hold ettance - txtaminaations ini the court house8 foi scholarships in thte Soulth Carolina College, CIihalstn College ad WVin throp College. T1hore should he sev oral app)l1icantts for each schioltarship --The little daunghter of photogra pher N. D. Taylor, of Easley, got a laico of hone collar b)utton in her ear laust Saturday eveaaing and snfifred excrutiatingly unttil Monday ntighat when the dloctors succeededl in re mfoving it. We are glad to atek that she is all tight and that 110 ill effects wilt follow. -The Daughters of the Confed,~ er'acy will hold their regular mothly113 mneeting at the home of Aliss Francie Hlaggod,. Thursday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. This organizatioin Is eter~ily enns~ immba' -nd all aro enthuisiasld 9g a relativer in PeMoto. - OR 71ds e yo ia -b'IL ~J!roo yo2ut il O cows. Hi. loUU4y ~DB, 8, C -Cottin has gone beyond ,the 11 cents point. Btl the farmers ain in it. - A local weather piophet gay, that July will be a dry month in thil section. -Morris & Fieenan, stable mon lost a good mule last week fromn ai attack of colic. -0. T. Miller has been elected ti teach the summer term of the Colt Springs colored school. -it. C. Carter, Liberty, has rc ceived a complete line of buggies, het ness, saddles, whips, laprobes, etc. -The greatest bargain event o the season is going on at R. C. Cat ter's, Liberty. See his advertise mienlt. -The Sunday scho6l at Towi Creek school house is in a flourishinj condition. The public is invited t attend. -Do not fail to attend the enter tainment in the court house Saturda. night and the lectures in the Moth (list church Sunday nigif -The special committee of lh grand jury have been looking into th< county offices this week. Their re port will be watched for with muel interest. -Now is a good time to keep you eyes on strange dogs. We see j number of cases reported in Lh papers of people being afflicted witl hydrophobia from dog bites. -Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bil Heads, Envelopes and anything it the line of printing at the Seniinel Journal office. Send us an order First class work at reasonable prices -Usually oh July 4th, cottor blooms are reported; but this tim< "Uncle Jerre" Looper has done th< best he could-he reports plenty o squares in his cotton on that day This does remarkably well for him. -If you want to shut off the vie% from any window, you can do it vor cheaply b3 dissolving in a little wate as -much epsom salts as the wate will absorb. Paint this over th< windows while hot, and when dry yoi will have a very fair imitation o ground glass. -Henry Sutherland, of the Oolen oy section, who broke two.ribs ant otherwise hurt himself while trying to load a log on a log cart, and whi has had a tough tine since, from ati abscess forming is now doing fia Drs. Bolt and Mauldin opened th< absoass the other day and he is on i fair road to recovery. -A few days ago a bashful younj woman went to Craig Bros., store car rying three chickens. She aske< what they were worth and p)ut then: on the counter. Jim Oraig didni knowv the chickens' feet were tied and asked if they would lay the-re She bit her handkerc.hief and said "No, sir, they are roosters." -The County Superintendent o Education wvill not be in his office oi Saturday, the 11th, as he expects t< attend the educational rally at Wal halla on that date. Hie wvill only b, in his office onl certain dlays after this notice of which appears elsewhere ir this paper. .See the notice and gos ern yourselves accordingly. -A pair of horses belonging to lhb Davis Sewing Machine Co , John B Vaughn, Manager, and driven by Mr Lomax, was killed by Lightning dur inig the rain Monday evening, up a the Stone place, above Pickens. On, flash killed both. The driver ha< taken refuge in the house from th, rainl and they were tied to a tree. --Dr. J. 0. Walker, dentist, o Easley, will he in Pickens next Mon day and Tuesday. HeI hats opene< an office up-stairs in the Freemla: building, over the Pickens Drug Co Hie is a good dentist and should yoi get him to do any work for youi will be wvell done. Watch for hi annonneements in this paper as hi will visit Pickens every week. -Alice, thle three year-old daugh Na r of Mr. an~d Mrs. Wyatt O'Dell 'died last Sunday after an illness o ihont a month, from a complicatio: of dliseases, andl corebro-spinal mlent tgetis, which deiveloped into pneu monia. Her remains were laid t< rest at the Clayton grave yard. Th< grieved parenits have the sympath; o)f many frienda in their afil ction. -J1 S. Parrott, who has been sici for some time with Bright 's diseaset died at lbia home last, T bursday morn ing, the 2d instant, aged 82 years lie was a member of Antioch church alt which place lhe was buried th~e da: following, Rev. John T. Lewid con diucting the funeral services. -H< leaves a widow, seven sons, besides host of relatives and ie, nds to mouri his death. Truly a good man hai gone to his reward. Entertainmnt Under the Auspices of thle W. 0. T U., onl the evening of the 11th of Jul: in the court house. There will be am elocutionary entertainment given b: the Elocutiotiists, Misses M. J. Adami and Bertha Able, for the benefit o the W. 0. T. U. All who attendl are p~romised a pleasant evening. Enter tainlment begins at 8:80. Admissior 15 cente, Children 10 cents. Every b)ody come; have a good time ani help the cause, 0. M. Abney. Executor's Sale. The property of the late J. S. Parrott near A iken's Store, consisting of house eId and kitchon property, corn, hogs aattle, etc., etc., will be sold at his reel, dence on 11th inst.. beginning at 10 a mn. Terms made known on day of sale. Millie Parrott, WV. I. Graveley, Ojnlwl.D. A. Paru'ott, __jul___ Executors. Temperanice Addresseg. Misses M. Jean Adams an-l Bertha A ble State Organizers of the Woman 'a Christian Temperance Union, wall do liver addreses in the Methodial church on thle evening of the 12th oi July (Sunday,) at 8:80. These ladli are native South Carolinians and well cinalifled to do the work. entrusted te themn. All who are fortunate enough t~o hoar them will be greatly beefit, led. They are both splendid elocu. loailsts and are 'devoted to the canet wil nbt hi ni y t6 after A6g lst, az&pt on .0aturdays aind ou firs Monday~s and-Tnesdays iexpect t< visit-the sohools of tli, county. Tbi k publio will please take due. notice 01 b the abovo and govern yourself a cordlingly. . T.-Hallum, tJulotf. (6; Supt. Education. 11-9it Jury. The following is a list of the juror who will serve at the ensuing term' o court, which will be holden Monday I July 18th, 1908, with Judge Aldrich pre siding: J Warren Hopkins, V D Whitmire, J Frank Hawkins, W D SutherlanA. I L R Henderson, S R Kelley, W D Garrison, Jas A Lewis, 0 T Hutchins, IW Cornelius Keltli - Earle Hunnicutt, Jas I Holliday, W A Ellenburg, G L McWhorter, E. L Youngblood, Robt T Ariall, Thos G Oliver, W C Garrett, t .W T Dorr, Marcus 0 Looper,' W N Hendricks, Roe D Durham, A 0 Smith, N R Kennemore, Harvey Stophens, William N Gantt, R M Lusk, W F Evatt, E'.M Bolding, SL Boggs, Chastain Stewart, M W Newton, It D Harbin, W L, Jenkins, Joseph Thomas. Irvin Miller. Luster Leo Parrott. Lstor Leo Parrott, the bright J year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I Parrott, died on the 7th of June. H< .%-n- o bright, child and a-great favoi ite with all who kiii hifm. "Sad death has come into our home And snatched our little one away; His spirit with the ransomed ones roami In yonder realm of endless day That mortal form I'll see no more; BIy loving hands was borne away. His sweet voice beyond that shore, Is pleading, Papa come this way. I'm sure my darling is at rest, In that supernal land of love At home iv~tli Jesus and the blest He joins with the Saints in the reAlmi above. But how we miss him, none can tell, 'Ere long I'll go and with him dwell lie's pleading and still whispering All come this way. Camp areetang. 3 The annual camp meeting of thi , Wesleyan Methodist church will con r vene at Piedmont, S. 0., on Wednes day night before the first Sunday it August and continue until 10th o y August. Everybody cordially invited Ministers of all denominations ar r urgently requested io attend; (you boi and board free.) Come and hot us in our efforts to spread "script ural holiness over those lands." - restaurant will be near by for the ne commodation of the public. Let the saints everywhere make unceasing prayer that the "Lord o Hosts" way be with us, and tha scores of precious souls may be con verted, and believers sanctified, an< all of God's childron built ip an< strongthened in their most holy faith L. 0. Olaytoni, C. B. Smith, L W. Johnson, July 9, td. Committee. Preston P. McTanuiei Hurt. Preston McDaniel was painfull' t and seriously injure~d wvhile airres ,ting some gamblers on the out .skirts of Liberty last Wednesda2 .night. A big granite rock in a thiel Swood just *within tle town limiti has been a favorite resort for gain Sbling. The town marshal, accom .panied by Mr. McDaniel and Lw< a other officers started for this roe! on Wednesday night to arrest the lawbreakers who might be fount there. A game was going on a. the officers came up, cards an astonishing bargains. . You must see them to f cod on all goods. Many things will be sold re oie and se.) that the half has never been told. gures, that means that the article is offered for One lot of Ino footwear worth $2 .00 to be sold during this spec!al bargain salo for *1.25. Largo lot of pants, overalls; going at prices unheard of. Alarm Clocks 65c. Eight day, half-hour strike clock for $1.95. Food chol)pr8, crockery q enamelwore, tinware. * I would like to tell' about my special prices. Roniomber special prices will be made on every articles during this sale. Best Spern sewing machine oil warranted not to gum, good for bicycles, large bottles only 5-. "Force", Grape Nuts, the new food for tired nerved, needs no cooking only 16c. It would take twice as much space as I have and then I couldn't tell all. Call and see me if you want bargains. 1iBERTY, South Carolina. jSuitL FOR young mnen and all nobly-sdressers--made on entirely differeilies from the ordinary ready-to-weait. gits because it is distinctive in ct and appearance. To wear one means to be properly clothed; 'tis said "The clothes make the man," but we sell the "clothes that make mian.'' GREEN VILLE, ~hter Sale LINERY .. . TH E M'% -Morrow Co's. nd Ending Saturday July 4. NTS and SILKS.I can't afford to miss this opportunity. This Sini these lines will be included. We don't -tments, so be on hand and get your share. SILKS 4 SILKS. They Must Be SOld.... 1 Lot plaid silk to go at . .. . ...25o All 50 and 60 cent Silk to go at . . . .73 1 Lot 85o Silk to go at....... . .. . 8c 1 Lot $1.00 and $1 25 Silk to go at . . . 80c W1Don't Fail to see... These Bargains. 1. departments. T1he IBIG ins. Every purchase is ruaranteo or' Your M~oney IBack." =Morrow Co. uth Carolina. 1d In One Day atenameuw.box.2~5e 'ON3 oeSUMMER 20% on our entire line of L ingand Low (ut & Women and We have a few pair of patent ]oat] go cheap. . From Now Till We will offer our enitire line of 0 discount.. We hope by that time we want to move as few goods as Don't Miss This Gok FOR BARGAINS as it don't con time. Our prices are always righ them down cheaper than the chea for country produce. Your patro Fol ger T Clothing, Hats, Shoes and A Special A Complete Se F R E We take pleasure in announc and customers the fact that w contract with one of the large to furnish us with decorated v giving away ...ABSOLUTELY FF We wi e to sell all cheaper than ever n with cash or produce we wi ing the amount of your purch; ons reach specified amounts y, ent dishes such as dinner pla somely decorated cups andi signs in covered dishes, bakei dishes, wvater jugs, tea pots a that goes to constitute a comp~ cordially invite you to call at these goods and we will be d< offer to you in detail.: Craig Br --5iONE-P1? T A carry. If eith uion't suit you don't have I want your produce, eggs. ci the highest market prices for trade-Give me a trial and yt Yours for tr John F. SPECIAL: The best p~arch~ed an For Tlie Past Our store rooms have had so of this: 1 . A A& Everything topsy, turvy, upside tear down, change abdlut, remodel. ter room. WROON FOR NOli and while at this we found a lot of particularly nteod and wvhich you cei We have now about completed all1 glad to havo all our friends call in como att onlco. You and Your Folks Com4 Your Neighbor and h Bargains on all the shelves. Toll t ANYTHING t E~VERYTHTING what You want. Now crop of turnip seed just in* patch. You W. T. Mc 118aI Estbte I BUY YOURI HIO STOP PAYING One 5 room house, Lot 70x21.0 feet. Tiwo 4I room houses, Lot 70x210 feet, Two nmcely shaded lots, 100x200, foot, One Farm-comprising seven ty-onle a cultivation and only 14 miltes from P1 $14.00) por acro.--147 acres on Sontl two cotton mills. 75 acres in cultivat: T1he wvood alone on this place wort th< one will be0 ahead of you. 130 acre farm' near Six Mhle church, heart timber; 60 acres in cultisation; I For further information o11 on '0 % - GOOI)S off ress Goods, OJlothd ioes for . Men, Ghildren. ver oxrords for Men loft to Sept. 1st. 3neral Merchandise at a big to be in new quarters and possible. len Opportunity. ko but about once in a lift. L but this reduction brings pest. Highest prices paid ange solcited. hornley, Gents Furnishing ty. t of Dishe. E! ng to our many friends 2 have just closed a st potteries in the U. S. vare, which we intend EE OF COST... goods as cheap' if not I with each > r e ~SUe COUR1- c ssecoPns repres'eet! - 'Wien your coup au arc entitled to differ :es, pic plates, hand aucers, exquisite deC s, orange bowls, sauce nd in fact everything lete set of dishes. We our store and inspect lighted to explain the others, blic to call and see the er the goods or the pri to buy ! ! ! ! I ickens, etc., and will pay same, either in cash or >u will never regret it. ade, Harris. :1 green coffees I can buy~ Fewv Week mecwhat the appearance down, mnixed up, a re'gular Making morn room-.bet iseful articles that We don't n~ havo powerful cheap. his dusty work and wvill be aind see us-but don't all TO-DAY Ia Folks TOM0ERROW. hemn about it. 1No trouble now to find Don't neglect the turnip s truly, FALL. IgI Bale. LE andi RENT. Price, . 600.0 P~rico each, 400.00. on corner, 500." cres-one-half in kens, price, 854.(n. orn Railway tWo miles' (s on1, 12 acres good bottom L. money. Como quick or Jiii 2-story dwelling, 00 acres n loisty of running streamns E I;~