orada Jzmar Clairvoyant Palmist Trainee Medium Special Readings 50c* My Work Speaks For Itself. '.. i? Wliitu I/fliave endorsements of hun dreds of tile most noted men and wo men of America, 1 deem them of lit tie value, since I stand alone upon th' merits of my .work. Any person who eau believe their own eyes and ears ennnot help hut know that my work is of the highest order of gen u'tne clairvoyance. Why are you so unsuccessful In business? Why are you so melancholy anil ,dis< ouraged? Why are you drawn, through life so Shihappy? Why'is some one sharing the love that is rightfully yours? These and Vindred questions ean b? answered, advised. upon, and the .ranse explained; I will impart to yon a force ?&rfft?ng, so subtle that life becomes Bright . Happy and Prosper ous. If yon care to know what business you shall follow to be successful, where you shall go, and whe to avoid, if you intend to make any changes, or to start a business, buy or sell property, or, in fact, take any import ant steps, you should call on me at omc. Those who arc> in sorrow, doubt ami dhtrebs should. 1 have helped thous ands, why not you? No matter how had your conditions or of how long jstanding; I can bring the succcbs and nmppinHs that la rightfully yours. ii t?-.il habits and influencer. tlu?.t| bear >ou down, causing bad luck and making you despondent und unnb?e| to gala your desires. I can, 'through my fully developed psychic forces, ! remove. My hmg aud successful practice in adjusting business affairs makes it impossible to fail in being of benefit In affairs of love, marriage, divorce, change?, wills deeds, mortgages, pat-| eats, sickness and, in fact, every thing. If you have trouble or dillicnltles of I any kind come to mo and have a quiet chat, confidentially. I will tell | you what can be done. I can assist | yr>u in all walks of life. Don't be dec- | pondent, worry or feel bad' when you oniy have to call. >t Now, ns a business adviser, I stand preeminent . 1 will jeli you more about your own business than you know yottrBclf.' If you are not doing well, and want to do trotter, call on t ' o.i - !" .ve yoUxdomcstic ditncultles?' Is wifc'^huMband or sweetheart m? Hav v?ttr I true7 Do others share the love'ihat rightfully ?eiohgs to you? If so, don't nbaiuitc. Call quick before too late. I nnr'bcBlcg^tl^vlsry flay -with the very best people* of Anderson and surrounding country, rocking advice ami information on all matters of in terest such as business transactions, lawsuits, contested will, 1 life insur ance, damage suits,'deeds, mortgages, collections, speculations, Rtocks' and financial affairs, love,.courtship, mar riogo and divorces. , reunite the . separated,.' settle lover's quarre?^ locates'lost relatives ??r friends.. Yon will also be told how to have -your every want and wish satisfied, ltow to Kvo liapplly and con tented the remainder of your life. " Does cveiythlng^sceirf tt? go wrong? Htfb fortune never smiled o? you? Has ".your life been full of ups, and iowtiB?. If so, why not call and lc.!. ,Jma advls? you how to overcome tho 'is.tumbling blocks that seem tri stand |?u your. way; I-teach palmistry, and personal Imagnctism, -Dovolop* weak mediums, ?nd wllf';lsstruct y?tt in the oc????, imparting to yqpv the wonderful secret !?' Success." . My practice and professional repu ation is built upon hpnor, reacon tblo charges, faithful- servico nud m'redy success. Call today for to uorrow. may, be ton late; c Special Readings 50c. 2X>R?D? IZMAR ; McDnffie St..' one block cast of rtniiice. near the stand-pipe. \t it?: villO n. in. until S i>. m. STATE OF SOL Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF E. J. WATSON Weekly Bulletin "Tlis notice you put in tue bureau or marketing bulletin last Tuesday for my ,'!0 Orpington chickens sold nil of them, and checks are still coming in for more. All of the orders came from your city but one. I wiBh to thank you for the greai work you are doing for the farmers. I think the bureau of markets you have establish ed |h tile greatest medium through which to advertise that I ever saw," The above notice reached* the bu reau on March l? from a farmer j near Cheraw, ? fanner from Lexing- j ton writes; "I am greatly interested in your j work, and think it a great tiling Tor our people if they will only make use | of it." , These are but samples of let tern thai now reach the State bureau of | marketing in amost every mail. The bureau is called upon to conduct, transactions from such as three J thousand bushels of corn or one hun dred tons of hay on down to flower bulbs, and almost every other thing | that enters into the economy of the farm or mercantile business. During j the.present season the efforts of the. bureau several distributing houses in | the State have been enabled to gel good, pure home raised corn and up I to the present time have not bough; for distribution one pound of Wes- ' tern corn, something that has never happened before since they have been in business. Again the bureau would admonish ali citizens of the State making use of its services that it is a strict re quirement in making offerings or in expressing wants that Qiey shall state clearly tho exact amount offered for ! talc or wanted, and if for sale the | price at which the offer Is made, and whether that price be F. O. B. or do ll* ered. The bureau would also again ! impress upon all such tho absolute ( necessity of filling in and mailing the > return ptfst card when goods have been sold or purchases have been j made, In order that the calls may be eliminated from the record. It is to be hoped that these requirements will I be strictly complied with in the fu- I ture. If they are not, sometimes the ' listing of articles offered for sale. is unnecessarily delayed for a whole week. . During tho week just closed the ac-1 I tlvitles of the bureau hayo Been va- . ried and numerous and the offerings have been plentiful. Among 'the of-1 ferlngs and wants not yet disposed of for th?* week may ?e mentioned the following: oooooooooooooooooooo o FIBST CUEEK SOCIALS ? O O O O O.O O O O.O O O O 0 o. O 0 0. 0 o The farmers aire finishing picking cotton this week. ' There have been a lots' to-pick since Christmas.. Mr. Harmon FlBher a delegate of Bethel W. O. W. camp left Monday for Charleston to attend ihc W. O. W. convention which is held at that place and he will return home Friday, Miss Co eh ran of Shoals Junction IS spending a few days with her sister, Miss Maggie Lee'Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Murdock attend ed preaching at Mt. Bethel Sunday and dined with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lowe. Mr. apd Mrs. J. W. Fisher and fam ily visited MJrh Ri E. Brock Sunday. Master Capers Lathen spent Satur day night with Master Henry Tyler. Mr. and Mrs, Asa Hall, Jr.,. were shoppers In the Electric City Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Colo visited, relatives of this community Sunday, j Mr. Garnet Tench Is expected home today from :Toccoa, G?. . Mr. Tench has been There to see his brother- who Is critically ill. . . Mr. Anderson Brock worshiped at T'ethney Sunday alternoon. . Mr. M.* A. McClellan and alster. Miss Allie of. the Vernnes section visited relatives of this .community last wc^k.< . Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hall and - Mr. . Oaorgo Carson wero out-automobiling Sunday afternoon. Rev. O, L. Martin filled his regular appointment at this place Sunday. A largo congregation was present. Mr. Preston Ashley spent- Sunday with Mr. W. J. Murdock. Mr. Sam Fisher is now clevking for his.Bon, Mr. H. G. Fisher while he has gone to Charlestom . Miss Claudia Brock called' on her grandmother, Mrs. : 11. E. Brook re cently. Mrs. Rosa McCurry spent a . few hours -Sunday with'tier daughter.-Mrs.. John Ashley.. * Mr. J. P. Owen was a< recent vl?ltor to Anderson. .Wonder where'those-3. Y. Z. Boya - went . Sunday, we can't-Imagine. oooooooooooooooooooo ! o o P SEAL'S CREEK -SEWS o 6 . o p o o'o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o n o o There is much more oickGess tc re port from this community than, usual. , Th->re Is still hope for/ the recovery of. Mr. and..Mrs. Moffett Prultt's lit tle ?irl who was seriously burned re^ cently. It ia incerely hoped he will recover. Rev. J. T. Mann underwent an r.p oration at his home last Tuesday, per formed .by Bra. Haynto and Todd of Belton. Ho is doing as well as could he expected, and it is, belleyc-d'tills oporotion will greatly atrenghten him I s in: his'work far the ?Master. r.J Mr. Frank Elgin tell from a . Wagon t loaiK'd with wood one day/this week,! striking his anV?e against the wagon ; i?re. li is 'caused' him considerable pain, althiyutn Ii i? tuonghl he' will soon be oat again. ,. Mrs. Clftud Shirley 'scnfiVrod an rit ? ? tack oi appendicitis this week. .'.Op j HTH CAROLINA Commerce and Industries MARKETING, t Commissioner i of Information Wauls. White Holland turkey eggs for hatching. One bushel of velvet boon si ed. Pure bred silver laced Wyondottc eggs for hatching... One. bushel of Chufa seed. Upland ricn seed. Anyone having a supply of tills seed please couunucl cate with us at. once. Oiferlngs. : Sever mammoth sage plants. ? . Several hundred large Russian in let plants, very reasonably priced. Gray and blue violet plants at 25e per dozen. ('anna bulbs. $3.00 per hutidvcd, j cents each in less quantities. One thoroughbred Jersey heifer, nine montlis old, $25.00 F. O. B., Co lumbia. O'ip cock and Hire : hens. Mottled Anconas, hens now laying, $5.00 for the lot. , For sale or oxchange one Maxwell runabout for borne or Poll cattle of equal value. Btids or sprouts from very fine peacli tree. 390 hoard 'eet of seasoned walnut lumber. 50 tons of hay, 20'tons of oat straw, and 20 tons of prime baled fodder. 3,000 bushels of corn in the shuck. Two registered Jersey bull calves, 10 months old. Will exchange tor milch cows. Two hens and two pullets S. ('? brown leghorns, $2.00 each. Eggs frt hatching from prize win ning pens o? S. C brown leghorns. $3.00 for 15, $5.00 for 30. Eggs for hatching from puro bn 1 S. C. brown .'eghorr? and S. C. !?hod:< Island reds. $1,00 for 15. 100 bushels of tripple selected mon ey maker cotton seed, $1.00 per bush el. Viole, plants at 12 l-2c per dozmi. Canna bulbs at 50c per dozen. Chrysanthemum plants at 20c per dozen or $1.25 per hundred. One Duroc Jersey gilt, six months old. price $20.00. Fifteen Duroc Jer sey pigs, eight weeks old, $10.00 each. AH entitled to registration. One car of oat. straw at $3.00 per ton F. O. B. Batesburg, 50 cords of eight foot wood. One car of stovfe wood sawed to order. One extra fancy registered Berk shire gilt, six months old, $40.00. 50 bushels of peas for quick sale Canna bulbs, assorted varieties, 25c per dozen. Three Guerney bull calves entitled to registration^ Friday afternoon she was somewhat improved. . Tho many friends of Miss Russie Kay will regret to learn that she has something like paralysis, but it Is not serious, according to her physician, who holds out hope for her final re covery. This will be the wish of many. Mrs. R. C. ?hirloy has been unable, to attend to her domestic duties for several "days. . j Mr. Editor ? regret to make this such a sad letter, but the above par agraphs are facts in which friends and relatives in other sections will be interested. Mr. Henry Smith and family have moved into our community, occupying a house on Mr. J. L. Kay's place near Mr. ,TonC-ph Erskine's. Mr. Smith will? work a small farm. We are glad bio health has improved and hope he will grow stronger. Mrs. Lettie Shirley, who has spent, seven months with her daughter, Mrs. George Jacks of Bowersvllle, Ga? la expected to return to tho homo of her son, Mr. R. C. Shirley this week. Miss Cecilia Ahercrombe of , >Jow Prospect vlBltcd relatives here recent ly. : ' WON'T LEAVE .SPARTANBt'ltd Dr: -Pcndlcton Has Beel in ed Coil Ex tended by Macon. SPARTANBURG, March 21.?The Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton, rector of the Episcopal- church.of tho Advent, 'an nounced to his congregation at tho morning service today that he had de cided to.^declihe tho call recently re-, celved by him from Christ . Church, Macon, Ga.. and would remain ' hi* Spartanburg; Tho announcement'was received with general rejpiclng on the part of hte members of hl3 church ttndt will: he gratifying to the people of the city. Mr. Pendloton said there wero many evidences that hla work in Spartanburg and In St nth Carolina: was' still. effective and ' tfrat many ot tho thing* he had on his mind.and heart in this field were unaccomplish ed.' Ha spoke of hie work in connec tion with the 'State Sunday School association, of -.which he is president, and said he did not fee' that ho coiild abandon - that aKtM?/tlm:??V He ex Drosaod appreciation -of the call to Macon, but said idid- luuV .'concluded that h Ig work lu Spartanburg. and in South Carolina^ war, not finished, and so rlong. at> ha was making pi^ogresa and had the .support of qo many loyal co,-laborers lie foR-n?, sipuld,-'remain', wlt"h them. . . ItAYAOES ?f?WAB Thousands of T?wns Destroyed by -Oermnns. . LONDON. Marth' 22.?StatlEtlcs published in Petrograd concerning losses to propcrtv. in Russian Poland as p..-result of the German Ihv: give the total number of towns and larger villi. aid !,:'.(.t> :.!,i.;i! -, iihif-.r- ; ?, tated, LOGO of thorn having been MARKET REPORT .Monday. March 22.? Local cotiurr.S 1-2 cento. , NEW YORK MARKET. Open; High. Low. (Tose. March.8.7(5 8. SO 8.7? 8.70 May.0.0? U.?0 9.U? 11.08 July.9.32 a. 10 9.32 9.40 Octoher .. .. 9.04 ??.7*J ?J.?l 9.74 hpi.tS ?.li'j. LIVERPOOL. Open. Close. May June.fi. 22 H. 24 July-August.5.34 6;80 Oct-Nov ,.5.49 5.51 Spots 5.33. Sales 8,000. Receipts 17.000. Cotton Shows Strength. N'KW YORK, Mardi 22.?Cotton showed renewed strength early to day. Soon after opening active months sold about 9 to 10 points net higher) making a ncv high record for the sea son on July and later deliveries. Prices continued to hold firm early afternoon on continued investment buying and scattered covering. O O 0 O O O 0 O O O O O (I o o o o o o o 0 O ? SNOW r1i.L items. o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O It o o o o o The weather has been excellent for the past week. The furnier? have been making use of it plowing and getting their land in fix to plant their crops. Mr. Jesse T. Drake has planted iiftccn?ucres of corn. The roads hove been in good fix for the farmers to get their fertilizer jiauied home. It Ic-jk.-? like we were going to have Ernie more rain and had weather which will delay the farmers from their work. Mr. anil '6J?V ?. D. Pruitt spent last Sunday with Mrs. joe Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Robinson of Augusta, On., spent part of !: .;! week with Mr. Eugene Robinson. Mr. and Mrs*. .1. P. Ashley' and their little son. Marvin, soi-nt last Sunday with their parcets. Mr. ?fcd? Mrs. J. M. Fisher. Mr. John Th'cvnas Drake cpeii'l last Sunday with his friend Mr. Henry Fisher Mr. V.'M UpbIn3oii nnd s*on of An dersoc r-.-.v.i Sunday with Mr. Oscar Robin r -. Mr. ? -. O. Robin soin'went to Ander son. Wednesday on business. Mr. Harmon G. Fisher has returned from his nice trip lo Charleston last Tuesday which lie enjoyed very much. His friends were all glad that be could go. Little Miss Eugenia and Ruth Drake are'staying with their grand mother, Mrs- James Drake who will be ninety three years old on her birth day which is March 22. Mr. John R. -Drake has ginned seven hundred and fifteen ,pales of cotton this season. ~ . 0 o o o.o .oooooooooooo 0 O 0 j 0 NEWS FROM SENECA c [ooooooooooooooooooooj A very charming affair was the r? ception recently tendered by" the* Misses GignllHat to-Miss. Winges of SL Matthews, who has been their at tractive guc3t for several weeks.. The guest were received the door j by A?iss Lula Gignilliat,. and shown] to the parlor where iney were enter-' mined until a }ate hour by a progres sive conversational contest. Mr. R. D. N'elll was. thewiuner in this inter esting feature, Mr. Tom NjmmonB coming feccopd., The guests were then shown to the dining room where an elegant salad luncheon was served.' The* house wus attractively .iccoraicd in huge yel low flowers. Those present wero the Misses May and Luclle Hamilton, Louise Farmer, Oussle Cunningham, Alisa Gdlhpin, Miss Reid, Miss; Mor rison, Miss Jennings, and Mis Winges, 1 Messrs. R. D. Neill, Tom , and R. K, Ninimons,. Chas. Vorner,- Carl Moore, Prof. H. Ci Smith. Whit Holomar., Oliver Doyle. Another interesting event was the meeting of the Gossipers Club, with Mra. J. S. Stribling.on lost Tucsduy ntte'rnopn. It is generally understood that when "this lively bunch is called, together that there Is something* un usually interesting in the air. It did not nppear, however, until near tho close of the meeting, when what pro v. od'to be the)Interesting piece of news ih.at was to reward their present as sembling, as, when the last course in the elaborate refreshments were'pae sed, there was', a note on each plate announcing the engagement ot" Miss May Hamilton to Mr. R, D. Nellie the marriage to tako placo April 21, ,1915. The guest wero. entertained by - a Floral. Wedding. Study Story Contest. Those present' w?re Misses GighiUlats, and their guest. Miss .Winges, of St. Matthews, Misses May and Lucflc Hamilton, Mis Cunningham. ' Miss Hopkins; ' Miss Harper, Misses Reid, Morrison,. Fincannon, Sleigh, Jen ningfl/Mpore,'Rl?hburg, Arnold, Mrs. W. K. Livingston, Mrs. G. VA Balb?n ger, Mrs. G. W. Shelor, Mrs. T. D. 'J?hC3,' Mrs. Dr. E. C. Doyle Mrs. 11. A. Lovcry and Mrs. T. L. Stribling. ;';AA'' .' > " . 0 o WEST CHEDDAR NEWS ' o <, ; v ,'. o OOOOOOOOO o/'o OOOOOO o o o Mr. Jce Smith and Mr. Allen Mahaffey attended the W. t). W. meeting held at Charlest?-.n have re turned and vc-ported a nice trip. Our people in West Cheddar p.hould be proud of our mail --.carrier Mr. SilaB Horton as he is prompt and ac ccmm?Uating to all r.n the route, and don't think ho ovj?f has the biucs :t3 ho Is always smiling. If all the mall carriers in the country were as prompt' as ours, the mall would not be delayed. Thoir is one old bachelor-loft, in West, Cheddar and we believe, he has decided to Jdin the matrimonial band and anyone wishing to takq him -up," as he Is a fine looking gentleman. So comn all you young ladies fu their 1 '.a avchance fir some one. It seem? ill you can hoar is of thai road question, and I have v.orae toi] the.conclusion if the people vote tho bond issue they will be no more than tho old negro in slavery time. It seems at this day .and t ime 'the big map Avant i the ?lit'.le fellow to Walk .up and ask h!ni what he will have him to do. Well, of course, the.farm ers will lose a week from,'(heir fafms before they will vote for the bond issue. ' I wish you well, As heart can Wish, Or tongue can toll, I wish you well. Clod bless you all. THE 1IT?LE8T (?IKL - V that- comes into-, this market fwlth an'order from her mother gets just an good meat as the mother wortl? WE DON'T jiYORK OFl-' THE FOO???B; CliTS on anybody, >u> matter .how little square, deal market, with fiquhrtf l*i: .'. :;. .- '-'. "! :: 1 itcrally tins should be "the ft?jui -not the 'Voidest, policyliohler." ' }f our leaflet, "A Serene and Care .M..MATTIS? General Agent G W. Webb, District Agent J/J^Trowbridge, Dit net .' v.'-;...-,. ' ' : .;>';. . ' Bleckloy HUIg.j Anderson, S. C ?hisholm Tirowbridge & Suggs New Tia^atrc Budding. . W. WM^ic