rt&tily' everyone jWulges t heir a^JWs ?;i;? tho j?c,>'Uvt> organs* tlon'ot l'oiBouc?,wa.Kl< "' err hnd di?tt/ The ?uo'IU)n ^tiriK rem?u ;j tivo In uni. '/""J indigestion, ?A JLJES UNDAUNTED BY THE f ' LOSS OF BATTLE ? v-j SHIPS I j ~--~ iTIK'RS EXPRESS cqnfidenceI _ j No nvipoftant Operations Alone h t Vf jibttern and Western i-ii* Fronts I? t! Oeca proii the l)t v Yiv.vt 'h .?. L'inJi li of t'iic b?t?le (dips i: : . Irresistible, the Alii in ?rltli If attempt Mini'"! olivet. T PurR fjil. til l( in . crait t: , All hps' Tb-: JCrot I t; I HrjtiSb placable .? n-pktte tin liriil t i 'j: t* woj < uii lei' iyltjill tub' Elccj; ' nVor. while, siiuadrnnj Is coop?ra! Kx?opl in. ?l!iii"!i.' . rout . ho?vi;v< ttie fort: will bo hiptG I battl r. exprei i 1111(1 the abh tu k ep (in' w t!Oi djilli Of 'I Ulli 111*; 'In sttii: fer:-, tain ijtflh .1 stru t . ra voi a I the- l the ?l'ral \ t <* w e T ? : rp?g . uodi ?f t: but of Is I ..tc. rici talon ci hot'niuy of ?ici poit has kaapeni In North Fob: several afl .rs m .neither :ui / at "rinx any 1?? |c i ground rev. ilus ; sian mov^fti nt t ImportanJ : an-r to be. name. , u ( The ??i?it* ans*, rein.orc?il i ni port tliey.. ! ?'* i tue K s ifiere and /although /lu lue gencr.illy';u; le.-s: AuslJ iaTjs'a.' 1 (Je lug: pn the v .Vu,.-,'. Non ira l'n: at.:c t broadsides ' tloating explosives. ' s io the landing of a ,-uarili.d. but it Is 3 niij? oi* consid?rable . t? 'uttuck the Turkish , r> parilunclles when i > . e that the moment : u, ( -h* of mure or loss -,\ i in progress along vv esterii fronts, there [a . portant operation^ l< ;. ?1 Ibi hum small SUC" .British . near St. he French at Notre j lorth of Arras, and j severul Prench at-l'y te. t!ie.Argo.*ne for- C s. Itpl the French {ei sued today sayfllai it iiup?rtniite to r? I there have been the ou'posls, but irently is tif,tenipt-f rations while the ft', unless The Ituii" IIS out to be more i |ireicni^S3?pcars airy raid; Is said, have been -. inis, and they r< - ihilSe'l .Itusshwi at. U the Carpathians, ater region it has Od that. it. was tin :ans who were aet i:i European ?va gl ter.:- are:.b: t^ug .rnO.er M) uncom fortable tim ri> itrhish luve sei : cd iiiul are I ?h in. several Ineutding the' acas. ftt il i are su.spected of havMi^'eohtr t.-at. Tor Germany.. The GeriiiH?is ,;-be hl< i . Ixlne' two' Scan ao da .thi ti ii:*-.*; -n oil : .'eaii: -'in Baltii hav jtist tH'feoa 11 e l): cl steamer Kaan- | sltfe'ftrn? load; \ v,-i: i ogg| fur England.f "5 .tr.-y-ehru^ge.' '2K Ifollfuid. lm:; foi mlly proli\*,-ed to j'v ire.-ft Rritaip ai d 'ranc'C atculost 1:^1 rder t>rv>hHbUU:%- ; in> nio?-euiei;t (iff .. oods to end iron. Herman ports', '.\ Germain l?flat' pjissed over IVal j | od.iy but was ilri -n. oJT after'drop-; ? - iliifi i-oiul^s. \Vpnl (ell Into the ciea 1R Ifrlronslv closX* u> iho American bark ! Inngu fioi'a. . ' . ' Turkish Voie- Ih-luforreil. ' t:il . tin . kbu ATHENS., i?srcl? :o tvia . tphilon;^ larch SI;- U: t<\num'?ff: ?V.U|. n':U io(i#rted TO, io./ircj Third an el; tin , DEFICIT W!LL NOT EXCEED $2?,00C,00l> Chixifman Simmons of Finance: Committee Takes Issus With Prophets to Contrary aid (lure hud estimates Hi i . lr'-h as I tu us (!!, \ .. i.ilr.l I'm- O WASHINGTON. March 20. Chair man Simmon: . of the senate linaiiee .ouiiuiltrc, look It-sue today with prophets ?il a large treasury deficit lu a stateinchi paying Iiis invoi;tigu lions et the treasury have convinced him the deficit will not exeede ?20,-' |>t*0.000. Senator Simmons 'been so many con I! id in g the prohahh ileiii it. soiiu $1 ilO'OUO.OUO; that he il?yl certain Ii!'? Teal facta. V To?t I optimal ml receipts i>: Septem her, i!M". wen- i~.'.i>.non.000. Senator Simmuu:^ said, ami rsiimaleil expen diture.; $71#.000.00il showing $1S,000. 000 exevrfs id reci ip?s. ' 'Piiu receipts from tvery Knurce." lie added below the estimate, due business co .diiious on a war m Europe. Ailhough the reve nu* derived "from .internal i-iivenae l:r< probably ".ill he increased by the raergoucy revenue act nvo,r the esii mates by about $20,01)0.000 there wa.t . n Mardi 1". an exces-s of ordinary expenditure* over receipt;; of approx finitely S'y.000.000 against a deiicil of Ji"1.00,0.000 in ihe name dale last year. "Th? estimated receipts for (he re mainder of p.e liseal year total $220. a.m.One. while the ordinary disburso iiH nis will amount to 4207,000.000, an excess of receipts over expedituros ! " the remaindcr.'oi' the year of $59. Idfl OOP, showing a lie! dftlirit of $20. 100.000 at the cud iff the fiscal year. The increases art tine in part to Ii"? ibrniai g?vVwih of the government and part are due to conditions uriaiug out .1 ihe European war and the. ahnor nal conditions in Mexico." prael Ically "have lallen to depressed eouni of the Much Concerned About. Fate of Constantinople in (My A.-?ii-iutr(l e-,? > LONDON. March rJO 111.35 p. m.) Amsterdam dlaputeb to tho lyx hnngo Telegraph Company saya: "The ?moeror received Diavid li?y, '??rki-?h minister o? (leAncc, ut l?cr?ln e?t"'.viav wIwh' iite Dardantdius s? ation was discussed. In an intor iew which appeared in the Herlln aper 'Djavhl Bey Intimated tlie em crbr was much concerned about the t.ssil.h- fate <>!' Constantinople, not nly because uf .lie i.rmcndous polit >iil consequences-) which would result ut also on account of the prosperity hieb the forcing of (be Dardanelles ould brim; t" OdesVa. Tin1 emperor ; I]noted :;s saying: '\\V i-nnuot nl ?w Odessa to become another llniu irg.' " t-'rosi Warnings Issued. WASHIXOT OX. Marsh 20.->rosi amines, have been issued lor tin ulf States, including northern and titrai Florida, the weather bureau ino?nc?d tonight in its geneva I fo're ist. Temp?ratures in the south; it ;-s stated, were ffcpui it) to 20 de fees below the seasonal average. Snow fell last ulght and today at dnts as far south as Meridian, Miss., id Soltuu. Ala., -ba: it was believed op damage would be negligible. The low quickly melted. %arU Manga E LOXDOX, March 20. A German roplai.c dropped several tamilis to y off Deal, a-seaport on Ihe strnits C.ner. The bombs all landed in r? sea'. - - A patrol boat Opened lire o'A /the roplanc, which turned and dlsap; arcd. One of- the bombs dropped mg side.the Ani:rlcan bark Manga vh and deluged her with n great lr.nie of water. , V . ? ' '-' lias Und Aihcntiirsuinc Career. [ Ull.ADKIii'HfA, March 20..Die urican l>;irk Manga Uevn, which rrowly on-apod lf:lng struck by a inh -dropped by. a Oerman aviator Deal, England,* lias had an ntlven csoihe -career. She was formerly l'riti-h iwrk I'yrennes and wns lit on the t;iydt> in. -1MU. lu 1900 lie bound from Rangoon to Xow ttie, Xew Son?ii Walen, she struck ; Islandf'of isi pa 11, Mi a 1?! mi tli th th w? an vu Arne GENERAL SCOTT RETURNS SAFELY Arrives in Bluff ?tali After Ten Days' Search in Indian Country (My Axutr?itfil !'i.?>.) WfiNVRlt C?1.? Mar.-l, Stf. General Scott, chief of staff of the army, hc OUtpHllicii hv Ts. -.'\(' ;| I'llltC IH .Iran wanted by Ute f?deral authorities fur murder; "Old Polk." his father. Chief Posoy and the hitter's son, ar rived In Bluff. Utah, hue today, ac cording to a Special disputed to the Uoi ley Mountain N'eus from MlulT. General Scott entered the Indian rrountry two weeks nap to seek to tmclfy recalcitrant finies who were tiding Tse-Ne-Gnt Iii resisting arrest. a posse of federal deputh h under Marshal Xelteker, n't Rait l.nko pity. enipj :? ?le.'m I lie Indian; if' in a. Kittle between the posse and th? flute's i! member <>i' the posse and wo India:'.:; wer?' Killed and several cere Wounded. Six Indian: were raptured and one of tire number was liter thot dead while attempting to rseapc. General Scott, aeeoiuptiliicil only by lis aide, a: orderly and Xnvajo rnides. l"fi Bluff ten davs ago in nil rfforl to.induce the Indians to sur* eild?r, Details of bo be irot the lenil rs of the band to return with him ikve not been receive*! here. Florida Men Arrested. ?HRLSKA. Mas.'.. March lit). -Two j iieii thought to he Kr?nk Weil', for-| 1er postmaster of Wade. Flu., and j "laude DlRosa, of Xewbury. Flo.> j ,ere arrested here tonight us f?gt* iV?1? from justice. The police say Hltosu has nilinilleil that they are j lie men wanted by postollicc Inspect* rs. for the alleged larceny of $7,500, I was charged, the police say. that j avions sinus of money wore obtained i -aitdulcntly through postollicc money j rders which Well sent to DlRosa, ho cashed them. leva Has (some Career ' I, ck'cd the crew with spears. When, ley had exhausted their weapons the dlors, catrying rifles, went ashore id captured several of the. natives iSpouMbio for the attack. For months the 33 sailors lived, on 10 island without being further mqt itcd. subsisting.mainly on Cjocaimts id birds cgc.s. All hands . ilnally ere rescued by a passing" vessel and ken to San Francisco.. The wreck/v.as sold ;<* auction hi in r"rnncisco for (S.\7> to a Captain Wyler wjio fitted vmt a wrecking ex (litlon, floated the ship In. March, 02, brought her to California, re irer'i her. placed the vessel under e * lu'orican flag and named her the inyu. H?yn> In, October, 1913, while she was on vo'ycgo nroi'ind Cape Horn, from llTadtlphin to s^n F-ranclf.ro. the ijorlty of her crew /mutinied, found c.'capt.olu and first mate, locked ein In Vielr cabins and navigated n vessel back t o Delaware Break itcr. There Hie crew ?:n>, n-rr?stoil d Some of .them were tried and eon* of mutiny n?id- given 'prison ricas Greatest Bat i CHOP EVER PRODUCED GROWN IN THE UNITED STATES LAST 16,102,143 BALES OF 500 LBS. EACH Alabama, Louisiana and Oklaho-, rua Only States Makinr? New Records I a |e *1( d f< vvASllLXGTOX, March 20.?The j *xoi I st un>Ion crop ever produced In '; ' the ( niled states was grown Iii Ml I. , Census bureau stallst h i i.-r.uod to ; day ghiug final ginning figures, of |ficiall.\ phice the l'.H t crop as a rec? ! ard with 1(1.102,14!! bales .of pounds end*. That i- 409,442 i-tiuiva- ! [ Ion I r>00-pcui?T bale.':, or 2:H.72I uan.' {pounds, more than produced in the S "rivai 'crop of l!Ml: la addition to th> j production of lint cotton, a ro(-ord i 1 S quantity of Inter cotton, which is e'jf- ' ; I tensivoly used in manufacture <>f !1 military explosives, v. .Is obtained', i This amounted to 395*732,01 0 pounds a'ui brougl't. the total LOI-t crop to 10,8!)3,(i04 etiuivaleui 500-pound bales or S.44G,f>0?l'?i"?O? pounds < While the crop was a record ..one the only States to make new record iu productions were Alabama, Louis iiiiH and Oklahoma. Tue other cotton States all came close to their rec ords'. I'nofltcial estimates phice the value at" the crop at $570,000,000 for lint. That is based ou un average price of i 7.- cetity a pound to producers, arid ; an estimate of 70 per c-nt as the uuantUy already sold with the re ' 'inain?Vi selling a| un average of T.n'1" cents a pound. On the same bat-lb the IS value oi the sev.ii is estimated at , ~ >i;:'..?tOO.OtiU. Theso together make.the 7 istlmntcd value 'of the 1?! i-'r, crop ; I to pot ton ramiers $704,000,000. com- [J pared with $911,000,000, the. value of! tl?o l!il3-'tl crop estimated -, hi the lan.'e manlier. Included in the flgcr.s are 121.341 j l;al?s estimated to bti uvncd ov> after' the March canvass. Hound bales included 57.CIS. Sen j island hales-81,598. Aveiv.ge gross; weight of bah'm 507.? pounds-. Gin neries "operated 24.5211. Linie cot ton,, not Included hi total. .'72,270 running bales, or" 795,4t'4 equivalent 500-pound bales. Production by .StnteH.in 500 pound' hales: . AlnbamR 1,750.281; Arkansas 1.01,".. H74. Florida 8P.9G3; '."-eorgla "2.713.470; Louisiana 447.SSI; Misslfcslppi 1.244. 703; Missouri S1.CS7; North Carolina )2023( Oklahoma '1,201.350; South I'nrolihri 1.6*24.595; Tehnesaee 382.43t; Texas 4,584.933: Virginia 25,1X2. All ?ber .States ?3.880. ' At The Exposition. Its '.SAX" FRANCISCO,.-March I.O.--Vice | resident Thomas R.. Marshall arriv til h?re today with his party ?o take xarr in the formal dedication -if the ^nnama-PaVhie exposition as the rep- j h:i e.-;( ntstiy? .of President "Wilson, and } ah ater to participate In Fir.iilar . core-1 po (ent?s ai the l'aunma-Coli hin; ia ex- | ai" l?eskip and Her 2 VOTED 22 T?MES ALL ?N ONE DAY Statement By Witness in Election. Fraud Case Causes Laugh in Court (II;; A(?o?iaj?|l l'rp^vj.___..._ I INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.', Marth 20.?;| A rycord tor voting <.f 22 Unies Intone j day was claimed by Fred Planer, who testified today lu the trial of the Ter re Haute election case. F is n er told of his work on November I9H. with a smite; and enured a laugh, which wan Joined in by Judge Anderson, nf ler he had had ihe witness repca? the number.- Eisner said he confined his. ipcr?tiiiuu to three precincts and with r.ne exception, received a dollar for each time he voted, tie sail! he j cheated out of the Other dollar "as the puymaster said 1 had made L'iio?gh money' already." Eisner ?:n I'hnllc-iiged only once during the day. le *aid. v Firmer and others, who today ??4 cribed alleged fraudulent, voting in which'- they participated last Xovem bi r in Terre Haute, have pleaded, juilty. Kvitb life? bearing on the alleged 'training school for witnesses." which nit cd States District Attorney '"rank G. Dulley^described In hi:; penlng ?internent, also wuj Intro- ' luecd today. Moted Woman Writer Jumps From 5th Story (Hy'Aftftiriatrd I'lvM.) %: .'' _"''/ NEW V?RK, March 20.?Mrs, Elten Ieney, editor of the Women's Mag sine, published in Detroit, and writ r of short stories, plunged live, stor es to her death at her home here to ny. She was delirious from typhoid .Mrs. 1 Ieney was a Bister of-"VVT^VV. "arley, State excise commlssionur. he was .',2.years qld. Passengers Ah Steamer Wiii ?:?? (?y Aisodat?d .P?o?>.> NEW YORK,* March 20.-- Passen srs aboard the British steamer Lap ind, which reached, here today froni ivcrpool, witnessed a battle in the, ifh channel betweeu a British tor- ! ?do boat, which escorted the Lap: nd, aud a German utihtv?.rine. The upland, crowding on all stenni, tied a zigzag line tiow the'eombatants. The Lapland joined her ce'cOrt just it.slde Livbrpoi.l harbor. They wore >t far from Liverpool when the tor do boat opined lire. The roidev bred a torpedo.'ai au : her vessel. Pat?sen'gbra. aboard ?the -tpland watched the progress of the spile through the water', ami say went wide, of Its' * target K X? tar do wan discharged nl the Lvj.U'iiti far as could [bo leai a-, d. MLnntime . the ' torpedo lu, '.; ,-;im:i,y *o port to irhoard. The Pulled -States, If not iii lie world, pped, d->'.vii tlx- ways a- Newport ws tii^j other day. as Mi-- Eliza - th Kolh, dec-lured by Ihe ??vernor Pennsylvania to he tb<- "sweetest 1 in the, State," smashed a bottle of iimpiigrie, on her bow. There Is a question it the new bat-,, ship, and the five nuire like bei de.- way, are greater than the <:en 'Elizabeth, now*bombarding the rdan'e.tles., and the flv,. supcrdrcad u^hts just b?lng'completed for the. Itlshjnavy. The Pennsylvania will rry l-J-intJU guns. The Britisher has im It.'gnus. The latter - 111 shoot tirer.'tbut the total tonnage of steel it .may be fired from '.l:*' Queen iz?betl? is' less than thin of the nnsylvnula,. At close quarters the pen Kjizahcih would not do as eh damage as the American ship, t at S? di^anee. the British ship ild strike vwhile the American uld be j^ifefe out of rauec._ Eight British Vessels A&'Lwit During Week ^ A fifcf lit- - .' 'i.r t L_ > -V (?RAwftdntod IV*0 LONDON. March 20. -German jsuli marin? 'l'aid? during the week end Ing March 17 resulted in loss of eight British".Vessels, with a total tonnage of 22,825 out of. 1,539 arrivals and saillngH, according to a summary is sued today by the admiralty. Three other vessels which were torpedoed were .Jfble, to reach port. The-itotai losses to I'.rltish coin merco frquv the beginning of the war lo March v-17 were 90 merchant ve. scls and 4?: fishing vessels. ^fig-rr II1MTIMH f^Hl'SKItS IIOVKHINT. i A^Ol'Nl) VIRGINIA C.U'tS .. j-.j ? _ . (^>f'.A?-mh-iiit.-.l 'V.1 XOnjc?L?sl ;Vn.. March 20.?Appsr er.tly dd.i legating that the Germ-in j auxiliary c^ser-Eitpl Friedrich, now I at Xew^fJrtV-News,*' would attempt to : niako ?.vda?h?\ft)r the' sea under cover I of a fpg,/two' British cruisers which have been'hovering around the Vir j ginia ctjji??jl^r a weelc. came/in ^iV i to sijp1r^ ,tedn^'atrti-l?en? ?lwinrf'Ylsi<>4< ble from C?p^THenry Thrown I'Wtdren Out of Winilon. . PH1LA D Efvpi ! IA : March 2.?Sam uel Idolnhan of Xow; York charged by police of that city with throwing his two small',\cki!dron out of a lifth story windc\w^_:rCsnlt!ng in the death of on? and-.the* serious injury of tie other...was arrested here tonight, i rJTcbmtui Si:; ;.'.. ?! '.-. "."J - Iv-.defectives, 'said be throw J the 'children' oijji of the widow because-j he Was tired ofa supporting them. ' . . ??' >&.. 1?: ('arg^d^f ^inpeluiriaii Corn. SEATTLE. Wa^h., March 20. The Japanese'; RteainVry Hakiishika Slam is due. htfro?'fJtom;.' tvbbe in a few days vyitii.-we.-ntat-.fjilj. cargo of Mnurhur lan corn eVer borne across the Pacifie, amonntiu;; . to .5,000 tons. It will be used, ii...the manufacture of stock food. ;HJgV gralnV'prlces in the Unit ed Slates bus coated-.a briak market for. Mancli'drJ?jt1^brn afld further heavy innmrtabous ;ate expect rfl.* Cavranzn '.Ft>Vce? Cut On.; , I)OBG^AB;/'.^?^. March p.? i'ol.onel Saninniego'i; Canaaza force of 700 men Is'.rcpo'rVM'^b liaV?-;be?p"cut. :>l'C from its ba!M;>aV:4Cfiua Prieta, bp i:o:;Ite Douglas.t?Hu^P have- started louth'wnrd hi nnVwi&mpt to jolii Gen rnl 1 turbide and Colonel Oonnj:, the. .%-irrankli. 'l?a'd?r.v.who are' trying lo nvade- Sonora irom/the south,.;' ilen TYn?t .'Slopped. LONDON, March',1{? La;dthe "RelcKsjU ater called him to order. .H?rr 'Statl' bagen. a Socialist l?emper, --rl?ei?v? he censorship which , he claimed, :eed?d purely militari -r???irArti?."i2l'J ! o::;o ?? i>n >g?, WhlpN^th?neiilo nu; iced a censorship.-'Sr.-^edom Of the iress lie said, must to restored.; prec isely "for the reasph.'.tlnU dermnny is mining a victory .and; th'e-presK muv / allowed to discuss a bi^[~.oi vi-: onabie peace. I F50 PQIIIID '5 DOZENS FEW OF THE WILL BE FUi CALLYFO >OES I L?'- ' ' . '1'jf-..FA Y : 11 Rations for , campment ..? Local M<Rnts'' Any. person who '.uny have doubt*.; to ! whether th- .niictit hi is/week' Q? a?eV-C4?f?fbn collcg%-; .. ts will be of beu.-iif.V.! theccrmmtir ?!' interest's' of ,! ; " -1" l'y alter bin > !< nt already cpntr with at h-.e t ge :quaiiHtics ; pc/srjes. Mr. w. a; th u ' ^ diflM sterd?iY K*?t? ictcd with C. ;m?o' . th ab#?K3 ilv '.hiritoJ \ hln{?; 7fr dt