TUESDAY A^D FRIDAY ?5 1111 1 1J 1 " 1 - - ! r i II^ mm i ? i _ i ! i ? in,!.M ' _ Wce??i, Hsi?DUshed ?scoj Daily, Jcn.18, 191*. ANDERSON, S. C.,TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1914. PRICE fl.50 THE YEAR. WAR DECLARED BETWEEN TURKEY AND RUSSIA 30,000 MEN REPORTES KILLED OR WOUNDED Petrograd Reports That the Austrians Have Been Cut Off From Their Western Base and Being Backed Southward Toward the Carpathians And That Heavy Losses Were Inflicted on the Retiring Armies, But Vienna Declares the Movements of the Austrians Are in Accordance With Prearranged Plans. GREATER MENACE TO COUN TRY THAN UNDESIRABLE CITIZENSHIP NEED EDUCATION Mothers Should Rite in Rebellion Against Fashions That Decree Immodesty in Dress. ' (hy Aaaooatcd PTMS.) KANSAS CITY-. MO., Nov. 7.-"Un desirable fatherhood Is a greater] menace to this country than onde-? strahle 'cltlsenship," declared Dr. barnes Russell. P'dce. nf Chicago, be fore the International Purity Congress | hore today. The tendency of the age," he con tinued, "'ls to magnify motherhood and to minimize fatherhood. Yet lt ls well! understood - that offsprings take their characteristics from the male parent'. Education is the crying need of the j hour-in respect to the whole eex] question, according to Professorj Thomas W. Galloway, of James MilU Jen University, Decatur, III., whbj spoke, before tho International Purl- ' ty Congress, here today. He said that | ?ducation wy the only pr?ventive o? unchastity for . which law, reform, movements against prostitution, cani na! gos against social disease* abd ef-1 torts to obtain living wag?B were' merely palliatives. " Rey, Frank: Henry Caines, president] Pt:-4$?8S?-Scott- College, -Decatur, Ga., **^g0gau . r. 'in ?e"cause and effect Cf the aocidl evil, woman is the gioat, sufferer and she can do much to prer^ht.it'' he said. "She can do much ?s a toother in instructing her daughter in social hygiene and in con trolling the dress of her daughter. "It ls ? wonder to" me that mothers j do not HBO in rebellion against fash ions that decree immodesty tn dress. The theatre, the dance, all should como under the control of woman. Until-^femes' learn io'take, this re sponsibility we will not succeed in provet?tlng a Kill evils." Portion to Save Life. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OPIN ION IN REC.ATO TO COT TON LOAN PLAN VENTUR I ASSURED Financiers Reluctant to Enter Plan Until Definitely,'Assured It Was NotUi?swfui. (By AtuodaioU Press.) WASHINGTON. N?v.Xflo viola tkra of . federal : ant I-tr mat laws is threatened by the cotton loan fund plan recently, perfected by bankera and members of the federal reserv? board,- according to au opinion hand ed down late todays bjr Attorney Gen eral Gregory at . tito request of Presi dent Witon. Success of the ;$t3?,OOO,O0Q pool now ls bol io ved by; ^treasury officials to be asBured. ' Moro than $80,000,000 of the $100,000,000 ip- he irised among Northern bankera already has been subscribed and practically al] of tho remainder, it fe, understood, had been promised on condition of favorable opinion ' from ' the : V^t^pV. '", g?n?rai. New England IhVanCicrB, it was Bald, were reluctahtfw-'?Spr the 'plan , un til definitely, r^y.ircp^ihat the method of raising tho,fond-wt ld not be con strued as 'unlawful.' Attorney General. Gregory's .opinion wa? rendered latter o'1 conference with President Wilspn. ?The treasury de {lartment tonight made public the fol Owing corrc^^on??hc? ftVA^tn^^j^ral: " ,*!l?'-send;or the 'enclosed papors. submitted : to-pi? by tho secretary of the tr?aa?ryi >in order to; ascertain whether, in your opinion the proposed cotton . loan: -fund may? he lawfully formed. I know that lt is contrary to the practice, ot.the department to give opinions beforehand aa to contemplat ed transactions, and I think that such opinions ought jiovep-in ordinary cir cumstances io be given, but the cir cumstances with regard to tho hand ling 0? , the great cotton crop which have boen created -by the European war aro most extraordinary, and seem to :lnsyfy. extraordinary Action.' It ia for that? reason that .1 venture to ask you to depart in this case, from the usual practico of your. department "It occurs to me that the fun con templated atands 4n a class by itself. It ia hardly conceivable that sncb ar rangements should becoraa settled practices or furnish precedents which would be followed in the : regular course of business or under ordinary conditions. "They are as exceptional I in their nature as the circumstances they, are meant tb deal with and can hardly be looked upon as, hy possi bility; even, dangerous precedents, lt is fer this reason that I feel tho more Justified in asking for your opinion ia [ tho premises. . "Cordially: and sincerely yours, (Signed) . ^WOODROW WILSON.'' "November 7, 1014. "Dear Mr..President: nave the 'honor to reply to your reqn sst for toy ?pinion as to wt ether the federal ahU-truBt laws (the so -\. (Continued' on Page 8.) - - Payment of Fir?t ' InatftUmenir Cop?ete .. (By A?oci?,ted Pre?.) . . ; W?taat^aTO?. Kov. 7;-Parent of the first Installment of the capita', stock of federal reserve banks, cai'. ?d for. November 2, practically P/i tKwn completed. The paid In tartd. the!'fed?^ reserve bosrd annonm>M today, pas reached $17,947,100, as fol lows: I Beaten 41*17,0?: Ne* Tork\$3. 320,3*0. Philadelphia . $2,0?8^r,f>; dsii^?(;?W,0I?JB58; Richmond'. $1, 0?3;458l; >;Atlanta* $777,248; Chicago (By AModi?tfd Pw?) WASHINGTON, Not. 7,^-OUe. of. ??" BafK torest Ore'sltuation in noW?Lt ern i Atlantic coast States .extremely { Mons, .according to, reporta to the j ' forestry service, Every dsy. brings \ Massachusetts has suffered severe ly; .: tv ? . j s In New hersey hundreds of -thou* U *nds~/4f tfouara worth ol property has f NO EFFECT ON T DESPITE WIDE AREA AFFECT ED BY FEDERAL QUAR ANTINE ! A GOOD SUPPLY Infected Herd? * Being Destroyed to Prevent Spread of Hoof and . Mouth Disease. (fcv An-ocrataJ Prest.) . WASHING TON. Nov. 7.--Official a of tho bureau ot animal Industry today enlisted the coiporatlon of State of ficials in the fi-.-.ht ! to stamp out the epidemic of fool a*.d mouth disease which has remited in a cattle quar antine covering ten States. With strict maintenance of the-quarantine, immediate destruction cf all infected herds an^' f.lo co In shelton of all sus pected centers, . the bureau says it now has toe situation under control. Practically every -shipment of cat tle which pissed through the Chicago stock yards 'during ' the past 60 days ls; being tracc?.;by Inspectors and in fected herds are being destroyed State officials In the States affected by the federal quarantine, have Joined the federal agents in their fight to eradicate'the disease.-. Under the plans of the department, State offi cials . will establish local quarantine in States now .cut off from interstate shipment In order to localise the In fected territory. as narrowly; as pos sible, i. vv; Despite * the wtdo area the federalqusraMU ir.-.* of dressed meat andora: Side of tho. quarantined' States ls ex pected to prevent any considerable rise. JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 7.-A quaran tine against cattle coming Into MfflslS slppi within tho next ten days, as a protection.against root and mouth, dis ease, was established today by Dr. Edward M. Ranck, State veterinarian. Dr. 1,-inck today Inspected cattle nt Como. Miss., which it was bdlteved (Continued on Page 8.) Discharged Delegater DOUGLAS, ARIZ., Nov. 7.-G?n?ral Benjamin HUI, Carranza's military ?uau?r ?? Sonora, summarily; duchara* ed Julio Madero, his delegate to, the Aguas Callentes convention, it was learned today, became Madero pledg ed HUI'S support to General Gutier rez aa provisional president of Mex< ico. GERMAN CRUISER, .--rr'. -J): , Taken by Japanese Squadron < Cruising Along the Coast of ^ . 1 Peru. . ^ \ ? ' '. . , . .(By Ataocliitod Vnm.) . 'LIMA, Peru, Nov. 7.-It ls reported 1 here that a Japanese squadron cruls- ? lng along the coast ot Pera ha?? cap- j lured the German, cruisers Scharn- ? horst and Gnelsenau. * ? Vague rumors of the capture ot the 1 cruisers Scharnhorst and Gnelsenau jj have been persistent since October 31, I when a dispatch to London from Syd- ~-\ pey, N. S. W., said they had been taken i after failure of their coal supply. j A Tokio rumor Friday fixed th*: { date of the alleged capture as Oct* :. ober 31 but failed to designate tho place. ; ;.: ! "vy ?. : This obviously was wrong as the en- . gagoment in which .the BrWsh squad ron waa defeated and In . which tho Onelsenau and Scharnhorst took patt * was fought th? -i ?aHl ???ngB. Of ihn Orui?D, HU? tu?t c. sfter, coaling; at Valparaiso they jut tb bea-'WatWednesday; * ' ,... f The present report In circulation I In Lima may bo a result of numerous c inquiries sent to Sooth Pocilio ports I aeking information as to the report?d c capture of tho vessels. A Callao s aispltch delved shortly before the c me fwm; rima mada no; mention of {. t?ejwpori?? lasing oi mo uermen ? cruisers, by Sthe Japanese.. Callao. 1?. ?: the : principal seaport of Porn arid co movements off the coast tuan usu, * ?ftbt?a I* inland > FellcitsiifiiMjbhanged by the i britton and Japaoeee adml?aUt?e? otor i ?hs fall of Taing-Tau made no ?u?ntlpn ]< 5f the capture bf the Gnelsenau and * 3charnhor* r AUSTRIAN ARMY GUI OFF M GERMANS Petrograd Dispatch Says Austrians9 Condition is Desperate as Their Only Line of Retreat Lies Across the Carpathians, Which is Almost Im passable to a Million and a Half of Men With Provision and Munition Trains-Fighting Con tinues in the West and Things Moving Slowly in the Near East. . (By Associated Pron.) Tbe AUB tr Ian s have been cut off from their western baso and aro be ing backed southward toward the Carpathians. Thun reports Petrograd on the' operations, of. the 'Russians against the Austrians In Galacia. Hea vy losses, it is averred, were inflicted on . the retiring armies, thirty thous and men haying, been kl led or would ed and two hundred cannan captur ed. . . - :': ' ; ;; .'.! Vienna, however, . declares that there is no fighting in either Galicia or Poland and says the movements of the Austrians that are -taking place .aro in accordance- with prearranged plans. The temporary ceeeion of ter-: rltory; the officl?l report- says, ls jus tified in the interests of fha general situation.. . The Russians say they1 ar o success ful developing offetfsJye j movements against the East Prusulan front and already are attacking - Ql?radz- on the Warthe Vin Russian Fojabd.- This en gagement; they .say, ^nja*k*. ?%? a* vance> against - ? batik t? th? y . i DWI;. ?.Th?r? na?^heen n? encounter else where," . the r?pott ? ?dds. " ' In the west, southwest of Ypres more than ToD2^^^ ?f Increasing Production '/?l'a O'" -^?!?4*^4''f?fW,-,7 .? WASHINGTON, NOV. 7.-Leaders ot. agricultural research and education - cl work will assemble here-next week to discuss possibilities of Increasing American production ?'? ot the soil to meet conditions'.brought, on hy the Europeau war, "yep, national associa tions will hold their annual gatherings during the ; WOek -*nd approximately 1.000 delegates will attend the. various meetings. ?je^retery Houston will open the; sessiow?, -' WANTS corro? ? i":-.. , j :-:. 5 ' FOB 'i-BBLttF; P?NJri yr - ;t?y;A?5*l^Prt?.> . : ???g . . - ST. LOUIS, Ndy7.-^Mis8 Anne Mor iran: dauiht^-ttf the. late J. Pierpont Morga^^^.t^tter-received by husl nejjginen h^^t??j^t-?'??i? all St if l?o'?isans who have purchased cotton in the ree^ / tu contftept?^tf^ S for the relief \ ot soldiers ; and deati tute ot ^mm?!^^^\9^^ ? '? Her letter tfeoleree. sh* has organis ed a fcw dt^i&ay,^ vert the cotton into bandages and wearing ^^^^^?-K '. ' . - lice tnvGSUgatiOtt???ins begur? knight y v /?^^?^^^^^l ~h Siced ?to '^^^:y^ftt^Vi? . ../(BywA???^;iP^.);.. 1,001 Frenchmen and four guns have been captured according td the Ger mans vho declare also that attacha by ;tb'j French west ot Voyon, Vallly and .he Chavonne have been repulsed with severe losses. " ::?f??&^?$ I Tho admission ls made, however, that the French have.retaken the vil lage ot Soupir and part, ot Sapigneul. Frv nee sayB that while th? Germans u?ve been active along the whole front In the west all their attacks were < repulsed. The Allies have taken trenches near Thlepval and the village ot St Remi. on the heights of the Meuse, at the point of the bayonet, ? The Turkish troops are in touch with the enemy along the entire front saya Constantinople, but no . details are given .ot any fighting. On the Black: Sea, however, Constantinople: says, the Russians, bars bombarded Zunguldlak and Kuslnu, destroying the French church and French 'consu late in the former and. sinking a Greek ?^^r^are placing b?avy^igu?a, on ^5e 1 sen front at Ostend. A Tokio report says a battle in the I Pacido between tho Japanese and Ger-1 mian, fleet ls imminent - Ninety Ships Bound For United States Port At least half of. the steamships ara} < British. , Woman Killed ta War. DRESDEN, VIA ROME, Nov. ;'g^' 42:10 a. m.\-?The first' w^omaa re ported killed while serving : in. , the present war was ^Baroness Marga yon Fa?ktu?iaunun. csno waa slain by bomb, dropped, from an . aeroplane (while ..acting aa a nurse in a hcapi UJ.^tfShiao?'?,-'.France.' :.? All .Amendments Defeated. i RALEIGH, K. C.; Nov. 7.-Offlnot"ali:Wdn' :paldi;;lt:;l*-aa s-.thaiw^^^^e?rta^^ji^ ?^S"SvS?rt?^^ha?^^5? rh?y^Gerrta?" ot&fce^frfc ._. arma and . anununltlon;. iorifeaU tt^bb^. wtt >?Wso said fcve'iaabt^Sb^ .. - i%immh^ t^: Savors; GtrrnaA ,_?er ot'the ?toma?' lola ot tba moment, aar? th? cl , States officials await with more than , rfdinary interest the. ruling, ot the IrltlSh prtser court at,. Oibratb?- .on j opper and rubber; shipments cwwlr^- , 4 to italian firms aboard Hie Atoerl an steamer Kroonland. but unloaded '.? ?Wed today to contint^. A statement given out in London ' ssterday and again here today by the 1 irttish embassy; decla%i.X. sl?pmanta actually were ? atsuded tc* German gun and jimmu*. < li?on factortes, lt wee aeded, how- ] - Russian cavalry crossed the Warthe but were driven back. To this the Rus sian report adds that -the towt* ot Warta on the Warthe River lu Po land has been occupied and that the German column has proceeded west ward nearer the SU?slapT frontier. The Russians; too. ; are .responsible for the report that they have defeat ed the Germans near Mlnwa, in Po land, Just across the East Prussian boundary and at Ly?kv ^'^Bfe?^ P^s-" Military ?bs?rv?rs' hore:sayYthatlihb'' Ku sslft ns have fol lo wed- the- retirlas Germans at, a much ; faster '? pace, than waa anticipated; and that lit fMif?iii?* in ?orce moy may pro vent tho Gor mans from taking up their new posi tions on- tho Warthe and compel them to : fall hick to the Bltoslan border. . DoBpito all thje reports persist that the, Germans are Bending westward? large numbers ?t;th?lrAtjr?s?4^fc'r Esst^rus^ In the west the ding doug: fighting continues. Tho BelglartB, ^rho hold the lines along the const, ara b^jng given a comparative rest ' after their three I months of almost continuous fighting, ' The Germans still ore Concentrating around Ypres, where tb** ara. trying (Continued on Ph?? ai"' Order far SO,O0D ; ' Bsrre??;of Sisgar; (By AwoeUUd PS*)'!''' .'/?'. NEW ORLEANS, Nbr^l^With the anncuncemc-ui ioday tba? the.big plant of tho American 8o?nr-Refining Com pany at Chalmette wo?ld.-rs?ame ope rations next ;Mbnaay.-tt^pa1^.?r order had been placed with the com-? pany by the French government for 50,000 barrels ot sugar for immediate delivery. Thia is : said to be the. larg est Bingle order for sugar ever hand led here. Tho plant was closed sev eral weeks ago,, : : . ; \'? r half the vote of the State reported, it was evident tonight.;th?^^t:^es-b days election : resulted??ftr> ii ^toteed victory. The Demo^ratslMya' elected1 governor? treasurer, ?mtyiMf? : and the Republicans railway commis sioaer and land co^hBBWM The, voto on llentenant governor,; secretary of stst? and State audlt?k#Mcl^?; that neither Bide can pp^ilveiy claim them. . . ' ' V vSpi^: /' . " Sell -Cotton: :?t $ ^ti. ; NEW YORK, Nov. ?:^F?derat Judge Mayer signed an order today permit ting tho .salo at 9 cents a bbund of 80,000 hales . of, cotton owned by the suspended firm of S:-H.>?;;;P?U.ana' Co J to acotton corporation; syndicate. This d?cision left the Mif?V?f??ifcr. ton exchange fre? to:Yd^ft$tt?fct|>:?v; early i date of reopenifag. : ; v~