Friday, October 30,1914. PACE SEVEN A Regular Weekly Feature ipr the Farmers of Anderson and adjoining P^H^?'M??K^ ??r *"nis paire glaj?y received. Farmers' 10M t?e!ps By 6?-Operat?on . ? . ... -s; ? : i ' ;"? ,. Local Organizations Are the Nucleus to Larger Bodies-Many Benefits Are^ Derived by tile Agriculturists Through Their Associations in The Union?. ? ? ?.. The War and Ai W1U the European war, by caufclng on increased demand tor agricultural producta, benefit the farms of this country? It is by no means certain that it will. ' The 8a-ing>5 bf tho world in One year may amount to $500,000,000 or ?6, 090,000,000; the war Will dent roy that amount of wealth in titree or four months. Consider the resulting scarc ity ot capital throughout the world, tho consequent restriction of produc tion, the diminished supply of labor, the increase in the rate ot. interest Farmers .cannot escape the effects of auch economi? disturbances. Supposo that most farm products do advance: does it follow that there will be a real inoreaso in profit to the far mer? will farthers as a group lose more than they gain on account of the higher prices they must' pay tor every thing they:buy?. Farmers are consum ero as well sa producers:' they are buyers as well as sellers, even ot ag ricultural products. Suppose that wheat goes to $1.50 or $2-a bushel. How many tarma in ono hundred raise wheat? Only twenty three'. Consequently, seventy-seven farmers moat pay' exorbitant prices to twenty-three farmers A?B?? one of tho principal articles. of jfUfod. Most wheat f?rmere buy their flour from tb,o merchant; they will nave to sur render in that tray some of tho profit that they may. receive for ungroudd wheat. " : -,::; ' ' ' . . No farm,, produces everything, or nearly everything, that ; Its ' owner needs. .Peiutpes grow on only one-half of ?ll the' firms, and Bwect potatoes on only eighteen per cent of them. Cotton may go to fifteen Or twenty! cont? a pbund;. but we mu ct romembdrj J: /- : ? ? .:. ... 1" I ? -. " ~ ... 's- . . \?. .-' . - . Farmers' Bights. ! - . . Brother F?rmors. ?Md, you know*, you are the worst abused ot any Other Sass of people Oh earth? And why ft thus? Now listen,-and ? Will tell you. something, that I think must pe;, the cause; . ' . ' ' First, that you don't demand your rights That too^m?ny of you are ?elo?b or ignorant as at whit your, rights should b?'.: i think ali'farmers should, get together and fix a living price on bis product tho same as mer chants db*-;on m?lr.vmer?handlse.r 'lt would be 'equallyright for you to say to Mr. A that 1 ask sd and so for such things, , as vit would bo : for tba mer-; chant to^pric? iilta wares to you.* X do think ttta great ahamo ob you farm ers to tolerate such doings. 1 juat^get S^^^^^^V?tttr^to^ something. It bas been thia way ever Since I caa remember. : If you .farmers ?doh't make a ?tart to try td tf?tt?r"tnmgs, ? doutt know. What will 'become Of you. : You knbw you "frfrmerB-are the foundation tt evory other,Industry, abd why should) you sulk- about lt? ] . You should be. proud, that you are': farmers, and V know you' would be, if you would'only^ dsmabd and^get'-yoiir t rights. I lock oh farming aa one of th? : gr?aiesi- occ?paUone and - one :'th&t' more pleasure can be defived from: tbam any'omer todustry, ?If you farm- "> era' would only educate yourselves tb ? manage lthat"Ira?T?t 'business''' to "a greater" advantage .for ia?lf. tCeep out ? bf dobt and learn to ltv? In tho bounds I ??. ;.} A Fort Worth,"Texas, hardware firm paa ^p?ut?o?t 4 loiter in which 1t utge? S??thorn fartnera nbt to seek to bb wliat tho Indians aro--warda of thb - gi^S^eh^Aii ^ ^ tho I_*HOT?S??: ' havo to m?et losttee from timo to timo ?nd:the farmer?uld meet his tj"?*1*? other ^cltlzons^do. It ^J5*8 jjfj0,^ O^tw^ae longheS bo'td^asr?V but.^if in debt, he ought either io borrow or sell that a'as than one-quarter ot tho ? arum rai so - cotton v Sugar, dry beans and rice ara raised- ou only a small proportion ot our farms; Moreover, If tho war continu?s, tho price of cloth-, tug, and of.almost all sorts of man ufactured goods, will rise. It IS not even certain that there will bc au increased Pffective European -de-1 mudd'tor our farm products, not ex cepting wheat Europe has suspended credit payments, and will take only gold; cbnseqU?htiy itv must pay gold. AB a rule, tho b?tions at war are not paying, and cannot pay in goods, and thp loan market of this country USS been closed to them. Cotton rnnnufde turfng'lB paralyzed In the warring ba il?os, which have taken yearly about two-thirds et Our crop. Fruits hare p^?? exported from tho United States to tho countrlea'at war to the valu? ot f20,000,ooo a year. That demand bas ceased absolutely, . *yW? bave bo moat that wo can af ford too ox port. If we db export lt, the prlco of m?at, and o?' meat animale, | will advance, and there will ho a wasteful elaughter of immaturo cattle. It would bb a misfortune bot&'to the farmora and tb the nation tb' increase or oven to continuo tue overslpughter of meat animals that'has occurred, in rofcont years. ~ i Tho European war .cannot really bon of it the farmers, of tho United States. Small groups of producers boro and there may profit by it; bbl; the actual results of tho great upheaval begin to moko themBclvco felt; tho farming population bs o wbolo must fa'co a diminished market | and lower prices.-The Youth's Copa pnnion. ?.. 'Tl ; ? ,,.?;,'- ' ' ? Of-^y.our income.'Ey so doing you can. ho indopondont Si far ns tho other fel lows are cobcet-bed. Try to educate your children, and you can if you.will quit letting." the i other fellow price your produc?: Now you, farmers have boon a .football' tor nil Allier. Industry ?ig enough, and if you ever expect cease being, kicked, you had better __ domg-Bomethtwg, ? ?358 to see the timo when y?u farmers.'can put a price ob your the mer chants are doing. And you can If you WM. only manage?tigbtii:l*t'mo re peat again. Don't gb1!* debt Be your bwb IWBS. Divers'lfy >6bf cropp. Work f ow,or acres; : abai. work^ lhem ' better. And ubOvt? au .tbjngs own these . row acres. Koop thc women folks out bf ?he ??ld ?M lh?m ??* ?n& raise chickens aj^ .tend^ tp Ure . bows and Pigs. They can mttko moro by so doing, tesn, raising ?ottbh;abdT/jtaklbg the ptlipr fellow's price all the lim?. Yon jratl&f?More'f? endless curtail tho cotton crop tiy'fcceplhg the Womep-apd*gl%but ofWTleld. Nb*" lr?tab]o^ ]m:so long'you may expect to tbe lashed at-by the slick hairedabd thumb in the arra- bole mettant for .rest?rig- cid v ciuiheB and ? '? run dpwn snios, > for you can't afford to wear any better so. long as you let the other feline price your producb all the 1Mb.' Now : for the cake of humanity flo wake up and do something. It is up to you, brother farmer. ' ,'.~v MWF?'O?i: .'.?: ; s. E. s. >?. ,< ,. -. . . ^biva?c. > .. 11? Wb^^s^gle irbe 'at 85c- that UBptt tb,CO8t\60^;i;"' .:^- "?? ' " . t?o boys/a ti*js?? ?t gc -that used* to cost JBe^ per .^und. ?. -vj ?? He:?buys a plier, at 76c that Used to cost??.-' ...'..-' .?' ..>.' \ He^bbysob^j?k?aV>*b> that used ter ?o?t.t?^r:poi?u?.: . .s. vM??fei^:^^ **o that used to Cost iQe per pound. '' "'? g?? tiny*fcwa**-at 6^ tb^-^ed tb ^fi|^ls:>bea't fflft that used; to ima swat co. n at 75c that used to mmMvi':: nay1 fat '114: ' (bat us?d "to i TOV7NV1LLE, Oct 29.-The literary school ls progressing under the su pervision ot Prof. W. C. Witt as prln :lpal. Mlasca Kinnerly, Stewart and Kellet, assistants. They como to hs alghly recommended and havo already shown much interest toward tho school. Lets one and all help to make !his one of the best schools we've iver bad here at Town vii le. Parents eo' that your tihlrdreh prepare their lesrbps at 'home. Teach' them to be on timo every morning with' a pleas ant ?mile, and ? good morning tb all. Teach thehV te love and respect their t?afcher wherever they may bo and al ways speak'a kind word about them. ; mm W. 8. Wfeyers fllld hts regul?r npnofntmcnt at tho Methodlet church l&ii S?hflsy evening. ^ ??:% itpd Mrs. J. B. Wgon visited1 Dr. and. Mrs. WV K. Sharp one day| la?t week. : . ? ' Mrs< Thad iQaines recently visited h?r sister. Mrs. Luther Dean, at Starr.; Robert Fair, the infant of Mr.;and MTF. waiter ' Dickson, who bsa been [puttering with a rising on his face,-we uro glad to report the little fellow la inmrovlnr. . ' 1 ]\ 9.''M. Pfl?e. one of our townambn is ;.honi* ?fibm a few days' suv In* Pl?jns. Ga. . Mr. and Mrs. Galnen and child ren, yiviaq, Oz el! and Minnie Loe: Mrt?ttt S?nday tolth Mr. and Mri. ?J.'bi1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Lon Boleman and Mri abd ?M>s. f|0i King attended the fair at Belton last week, having mad o the' trip In Mr. Boloman's touring car. ?. '.' . .-, .?E. C. Ashli) baa added very much tq the. appearance of his handsome res idence on King Etroot with tho nddN .tlon^bf a nice new coat of paint ^lp:p;;C. Hawkins has opened hlB school at Double Springs. Mfr. Haw-, saes is d>?rsdUftto of Mercer univer sity. Macon, Ga. We hope for him much BUCCOE bently visited relate es here. ' They wajno tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. j.-'n,' Spears., . .?'?.-y . ii\ j T. 'B. ; Jonefr entertained the teach ers of the literary aahoOl to ? G o'clock dinner at Mountain View hotel; \ Mn. i.fclahdeyfJhtrieyj and Ohlldren bt e: visiting relatives '?. In Anderson; NMiss fcwn?ri* visited . -the" Mtshes ! Poy/Holler. who 1B employed with weekroijd wt^ ;.?'{'/ ;>v ? Mr. arid. Mrs.;^':C.: i Asbl ll, Mr. and Mrs. W. N.'.W?)ijWghtand Mrs. J. N. Boleman ?faest yesterday, in Andeir eon. . .. . .. - , > L ;JX CVft. Berry Gaines Isr quito' sick. We lopo ho wilt soon be restored to his wahl good1 health. ' : v- 1. . -Mles Pal Ho .Barton $f Oreen wood 6p?ht ?th?r weoki?iid with bor father J.;*^BaTfa^ahd T?mtly.T-', '--', ' V Misses Addle -Sh?Use> of Winston S?&a; ??. v., and vjoride Dunlap or Atlanta, ^Ga;,. are teaching successful music'classes' here. - v>-- > - -Mrs; J.- W. Droksbu and: children, Wolter, ;^r./ BM?'? ftbh?rt; Fattf ?pbht last Tuesday with J. P. Ledbetter and .??jRV^:pr?o?'t?ado''r; business trip to yf^imm>wmi. : * ^ UE&?V*&&* Boleman spent lakt g^*y.^?^|or; ; bother, Mrs. &. R. s^PSi?i?W^? BO?? to Florian to. spond tho winter. We hope Mo. Compta h will bo much improved in hcslUu { r;-A[St* , Miss Sarah' Wooteb hM move.accord ing^ to figuren furnished hy the stato department' of industri?b, a ?um" j?Bt about equal to tho Value ot tho agri cultural products of 1912, but, about? $18,000.000 loss than the total value of the agricultural products ot 1913. . An actual increase o? $10,573,242 In value ot manufactured, products was shown in 1918 as compared With, the manufactured records of the previous year. Total capital: Invented In 1918 in ru an uf ac turing plant? in this stato was $167,039,609, na Compared with $142,770,805 for tho previous year, an increase of $14,268,89G. The relative value of tho ouptut OB compared with tho increase pf capital invested shows a healthy growth. . Working Population. Manufacturing industries of ' ' this 'ftato in 1913 employed a totui ot 76, 32?. peraono, an increase'of 424 over th* total tor tho previous year. Of ?eBo, 68,542 ar? men,- ari increase of 114,865 are women, ad incteab? ?f 583;' 4,612 aro boya under 16 years, Of ago. a decrease ot 166; and 3,307. are giris under 1? years of :ag?, a, decrease vt."88. , , i -To tllcBo employes $24.406,226 Was paid In wages, au increase* of $i(3?'&, 3*0.over; 1912. The malo,laborers."re ceived $945,609 moro than ' during 1918; the female lahore ra $2118.518; the: toys were paid In wages a total Of $991,915, an increase * of $22,064 Wet'the total for 1912; though ^186 jess wera employed,.and th?'glrJS re* rel?r?d S?OK.27?.' an incronKO af S43 though 86 less girls"were .employed In 1018 than during tn? friot year, Lc?dEag luddatrleft'. ' The teitilbnnduitjy cbbti? fir' and away the leading in^ ing iuduBtrypEho^irig ?u ab??kt p?o ?cr^a? shown lb*tbbieil^V.'^^? \ Socond industry in ^lu^of ilirwot t?^im'Jumber ; ,^ff?rjU&p 'in^ulftryj with an'butput of mnt?ri?ls'valued ?i $18,447,67?. ' ;.t '?-' mr nans haw? 8?ppl*b?a - tbs ferr ed are as follows: j? City, Capital, Products.' Aiken .. .. ..$ 3.517,871 $ 4,037,854 Anderson..... 11,808,550 ? 2,244,074 Charleston .. .'. 18,845,G38 17,037,036 Greenville .. .. 17,140,610 15,690,660 Richland .. ... 12,253.684 11,098,743 Spartanburg .. 10,079.116 10.488,182 The textile plants lb, money value turned out products in 1918 almost equaling in vallie of the cotton crop of the .state, and almost. equal - to the capital Involved. ! Thb year 1918 showed an Increase ot $5,000,000 in tho total capital Invested lb the tex tile5 industry, over 1012. The Increase in value ot tho annual product ' lu mid-year, 1913. was $6,239,513 and at the close of tho year ; wua |11,888,0?2; Tho value of the product pt 1913 ??vao $84,785,152, and tho capital Invested was iirj.767,738; Textile OperntkCB of State. Th? averago numbor ot persons employed in the cotton millo of South Carolina in 1918 was 49,454, an to> crease, of 1,696 during tho year;' An Increase lb amounts paid operatives bf $1,266.48?, 1? 1918 as compared with the previous year was noted/ '. ',' m & The ?plndleago waa inc teased by 168,516 "spindles durifc;: The year, th? totbl number of spindle* lu operation in tho state at tho', ot?se ^W^safe bewg^.587.480; and , ab increase jbj 8,082 loomi/mabibg tbs total 109.702. Th? State's mills 'consumed 800,298 bales bf cotton dbrtng 1918; -Kr vAtde bf nrodbcta bs .?em?ha>i?? with 1918. . .. ". ' 3 The fertilizer industry ii'; a;eio|o fourth)It?woverv With a^ptodtt?tMfc.ef $12,958,5)93 on an invested capital ot StK380^89. .'. ?i:^Yr: ";" ^ ?^r~ ' fll?ctn*?ity shows tho immense1 sum Of $88,986,169; With tho value bf tho Product ?blb&at otily fW?O^WW:- 'M I ft^f'?a?t^'a?iaCTmltte bf ;prddbcts lb which the pricipal cities; are; loeat ; .?ollo^ltig:^: same:M!m,]M: \(t\SF rectint?y- published :Wvthe-jt* ??rtbi?bt?TRese tbay -be obtained freo olia?^lcatiob :tb?the^JMItbrhbd^?f tMvtslob of PubiteationB,' as'iong a* [ th? department's supw 'lasts.\Tbart' after they may Se obtaln?tt by aend I lng coth or money order to the amount .tuted to me rup?ratraaeni oroben monts, Government Printing O?fico: > ppm ;0rabbisr Vim?ral^isease - abd Aborts lb Cattle. 67 pages, % ltius tf?t?t?s, ty c?hts: ''h ^.a?ta Structures tor rrrigation Ca nals. 6t pages. 30 illustrations (Pro fesslbnal Paper). 20 cents'. ?^jmuioo III 1110 u rlgatCU. SeCliOUB QI MWOrientais Species o^^r?? ^^^uen^ norn tho Attacks of1 Wesvr?,-tftt?? ftJepar?bebt follet?n, 131), 5 te?]$~~; Aij?lfcmerclal Tu rkestaa, Alf al ta Seed. ? pag?a. ? illustration Department BuUotin.138). 5 cents. AT IDEAL PRICES P?tlcake flour, two p?ck?K??. for.. .. .. . . .. . . .25c B?i?^?e?t^^^i^; pack ( ages for.., .. ., 2Sc M?laga? ?^ajpes ?t,';,|^v Fla. Oranges, at 20c and 25c ; Kalamazoo celery, at toe, . .3.fqr"25c.' ,-: >. .' S^eet potatoes ; at, 'a peck . '^ Vi-i:. 'i-f P\,i'.-'^ySpt;\ Kingans Reliable bams and; ?0t?M^\)^0^^ in. Okr? and tomatoes . at, a can... rs , i ?Cc New lines of .cereals just, in. Blat^rjles, ?t i Oe* and i 5c a c?h. . -^^H Red Raspberries> w^?l,4 tnsy l?st^-regular : 3Sc. c?.n at.... .. .. .. . .20c White 4,]R0??l Antte? Cher .. .rj?s^fig??ar 3 $c value at ? t. . ? .. . '. .. ',.. 30c Don't, fail: to inclux?o iou, ort*, ft?. WM II? (Dy J. whltner Reid, So?retary.); Tho farmer often IOBCB'sight of tho advantages add hen?ate.^ organisa tion while he ta looking; around foi; something t? bettet his condition. Ho fall? to gra4p the idea that organized activityabd J well-directed off orte along educational andJ cooperative lines' will noccBs?rl?y accomplish mord and hfatter reBults than Individual et-, forts' eim possibly dp"'1 'In union there UH Ftrength. JConcohtratlon bf'effort; when well "pl?rined ?'d? dlr?ct?d, furl n?ihca pawer and gives good results. . Tho Farmers* Educational and Cp oro?allto' Wnlou. of ^Lmerica'iB on or gmlpotiori that, bogan lb' Texas In 1903 Wd entered this State' itt the fall oC 190fi and tho spring of 1907. The following preamble ' to the constitu tion will give thc objects, alms ami . purposes ot tb^'bfgaplsation: ' ,' rrcamhlc. . ?. .Tn tho course of ntbderh Industrial development we find 1t necessary that tho farmer nbt only apply the prin ciples of sclontinc - .agriculture, ; but that he systematize ' his business by coopera? ion and! apply tho principles of- Vni?ninfc commerce. ; "Expensive and V^astcfnl msthod,H of exchange havo been a "constant drain, bb; tho Arming ?lass, and spec? ulntlnn has boen" allowed to demora lize ma rh ot s and prevent the normal operation of the daw of supply and demand. "V: ' >-: $?'.''??$*??'? ?-?-l?'l "To, enable- farmers to meet these renditions dud brotjo^' their interests tho farmers' Educational and Cooper nf ive Union of America has been or ganized, tor tb^'fbllrjwjng ? V':?UlM8es.. - ' j ' "To W?c?rb ; odttltyi; establish Jus tim hud apply the Golden Ruts. : "To discourage the credit and; mort gape System. "To.asBist our'members in huyirij andjSpUing. - "To educate the agricultural classei in Brl?nUnc~f?rml?g.=' . "T? teach farmers the classifies tiona r.r cr?p8? domestic economy ant the prob?is of 'm?rk^Un "Tb systematise methods Of' pro ductl?n one. d^strib^^tt. >.T? a?minst?' j^bling *n fsrr -..>-. products-by Boards of Trade,. tjcjttbi Efcehangea and other speculatoraV ?> -"To' bri?i?farming tip . tb tho stan dard of other industries and huslne's enterprises; mg ^^o^e^ftro^-^^mliintal'n profltaol ead uniform1.prices for. cotton, grail live stock and other products ot -th ; / farm'' ".: ' -*.v :-:'lr~ '? ."' t "To, strive . for harmony and gob will arming all mankind, and brothel 'ly loye among ouraolves.': : "To garner the tepra; ?f tte dlstjesi cd, the^^bd^?f'mbrtyrai' the lana* < Innocent childhood, the. sweat bf hot est labor, and the .virtue' Of: ?'napp . home as the brightest JeWelsknowa ": These mimosas uro .nil ???wt;-. nt? i%sih^ich^??^'ii^dlal^nib^ .: .are enrolled, five being the rnlnlmu ;. fbr a ebarter and fifteen, or mor . W?lng preferred. vWhen five, or? mbr ? !to??#onr^ ty, delegates from same' meet, and al organized Into ?. county tinton, : Tl ^?^tt^&s^ ; of its' ofi cere shd tho delegates fr?m th^cou ty unions,. .Thc national union la cor ?posed ot its' ?rfl?crs^h? tb^? delegat Vtfteafo?fr^ The i vhnmges ; and ben?nts may bo brief jta^tcd^ t^reo ^ to make the^m?etlh^s attractive a helpful. W*,cau come in contact wi It?lit ^yj^^^0^^^618" Jj tl?ned ^tha Becki au^?fr?terna? he! f^vfro?t me?Tth>?t from tim? to time with the inter change of ideas and the development ot a "community spirit Wbtl? lt iii true that tho union ie primarily an educational and cooperative organiza tion, yet at the same time it ls a fra ternal order/ and has advantages and benefits along this lino also, which aro simply indicated without giving details. V 1 , 'The third" line ie cooperation In buying and selling. ':' Those things that can best/ be handled , in largo quantities, boxes, barrels, cases, or even car load lots, such'as fertilizers, fertiliser materials, farm supplies, etc., are in most" cases bought through the union; om a - cooperhtivtf pla.n.- 'at each meotin'g-pf the iOcat "union th?f? Should bo a roll call, ot the members present.for cooperative buting to as certain tho: Vpeds of each and make up an order for same and arrange fdr the phrchajse. Mtfch"-eau'be'saved by the members'In this kind of co op?rative work when properly man aged ,. County' unions do tho same kind of work on a little larger seil? than 'tho. local unions, through theil county" bu'sl'nc-ss agents. Many of om local unions .nnd ' most .oj^ our; count) unionslu'thls' State rhavc: accompl 1 sh od a greht deal In the line of coop erative buying. As a concrete exam ple of this ; : work it ; may 'bo, ' rftntoi tbilt; Jackson's Cre?& lc^ca.* uni?nr lt F?cMsnd county purchased fertlllzoj ni ?te rials for home mixing ori the. co opor?yive pish last season and Vit th? current prices that wore'quoted foi tho mixed goods tho union saved be tween I3&Q ana f 400. /Many example; could' bo given- in different parts b the Slated Some of bur county union ai-? doing good ": wbrki- ' Dorcheste county ubloh'' has *d county busbies agent.that ?is Vah; actlVe Worker an? a large volume pf business has pass ed t?ijo?gh ?hrs bfflce during"the. pa? season and his work has been of mud bc n e il t lo - tho. members dt the farm Ora'lunion fnrtb^^ Saluda, Sumter and^ Union , may b mentioned os ' count leia that' aro doth s o oa, wo rfc Ihrbugh the union It 1 m^^m^1 ?ihj? arflcTft to ;glv w??jfc$?U^ as", thi 3^aliC:iffi|al'>.il| $b^JOng. ; We jWsfci tx.i?t .??c ?nw fc&vauta&ea and boncni Of thia kind .'?pcobpeWtioh and Iud: cate/ife p?sslbtlltfes. ' ' ?Roopor?tlvo neilin g ia aleo very hr I?r??t ?n fact it may be; said I Intyre". Important, if i anything, ihk ?ot^rallv? .buying, :for. tho fannel ehouid bb aoilers more: mah buyer fct??sAh meeting of the rl?cal Iunf? there ?-should be % roll. call of Q Sembers br?Seht for cooperative sel g to find out what the union' has 1 S?ll? it Should then bo the effort i tjfevjfj^bh' to assist the memore: i nhd a market forwbJltithey h?ve i dispose ot abd they should sell t< gether in a cooperative way. While, it ia truoithat not as mm accomplished in the line of cooper f&ffflMjt;&- in cod??raUvo buyli la the farmers', union in thia Sute, y s?tiw eales Havo been made to the ? vantagd abd benefit cf tho farmers t?^'o?'^ is a fie that has not been developed as yet ^m^m??I^";?o?i^^:^ shon turn, d?r attention to marketing a dovclc-p this Important Side ot 0 Wmr^ot?^: C?lleWo 5marke?t pahuft^^ Tho .fanners' dillon furnishes tho r ??sssry p?mhft?ry. ; to mart the 4 yblopment>? n? this work and carry f??? PtTEEBUKD CATTLE. Anmrlc?n ^r^Iord^ Journal. ^ ^ iie manuiactUrtnir : concern ' 1, mal sold, might appeal to some of Southern farmers who want'cattle befo?^ you the bett?fit ?f ii :" ' price af ?Timi?? mm^m ?.^.^-^w?^^m^?-MT* "....Jt^?> j