JOT TUESDAY AND FRIDAY nc IV? ft ly, EiUbltabcd I8C0; Daily, Jan. 13, 1914, ANDERSON, S. C,TUESDAY< MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1814. PRICE $1.50 THE YEAR, Farm FroducU. Best collection of individual agricultural display grown by the exhibitor, 1-2 tori of High Grade fertilizer by Anderson Fertilizer Co., Belton Mercantile Co., Agents ?J. C. Pinson. Second best collection of indivi dual agricultural display grown by exhibitor, 1 No. 1 Cole cotton planter,, by S?llivan Hardware Co. ?J. G. Harris. Third best collection of indivi dual agricultural display, grown -by exhibitor, pr. Beacon shoes, by Belton Merc. Co.?M. A. McGee. Best 25 ears of prolific corn-i H. Kelley. Best ears of white corn, pr. pants by C. M. Tollison?W. C. Burns. Best 25 ears of yellow corn?J. J. Armstrong. -, Best half bushel of oats, 1 bolt cloth, Belton Cotton Mills?O.F. Cannon. Best half bushel of wheat 1 round trip R. R/ ticket to State fair.?J. G. Fogg. Best half bushel of barley?b. ?. Jones. Best half bushel of rye.?D. C. Jones. Best 1-2 half doz. stalks of cot ton,- 1 Sanitary Iron Trundle crib, by F. M. Cox & Co.?E^IC. Car roll. Second best 1-2 doz. italks of cotton, cash.?Robert Vaughn. Best 12 stalks of * flbrrV any variety, man's hat, oyBeltn Bar gam Sfore,?J. G. Harris. Second best 42 stalks of corn, any variety, 1 boJi ?foth, Belton Cotton mills.?T. A. Cox. Best half bushel of-swCettpota toes, pr. overalls (Headlight) by Cobb and Parker.-?R. r-'. Cox. Best half bushel of Ivish pota toes, shirt, by C. M. ToJtisonj?^O. F. Cannon. ' . 1 '*{* Best exhibit* of peas, no\ less than 3 varieties.?M'^^^Gamp" Best peck of peanuts.?G. C. Saylors. Best bunch of peanuts.-?J. T. Harris. Best Vdozen turnips.??. W. Ashley. '-*. Best peck of popcorn exhibited^ fcy boy, ? ?ngerso?. wate|3,v by Hanks: Brothi?te^-^G. ' C/V Say?ors; ! Best purripkiri.--^. C. Smith. Best i-2 doz. heads of largest cabbage, ? case; of Goda-Gol? by Belton Cqc?-G?ia Bottling Works, ?S. V. McLean. - -! Best >S pou ids of home-raised fl??r, pr. C?ly shoes; by C. Ate . Tolh'son;?M.: B?iley;1 Best home-fal?ed'' meal, half . bushel.--j; A. Wak?field. :$ Best dozen beets.?Aaron Poore. y,. Best half dozen collards.?R.;T. Best stalk of okra, 1 Lyon sfctrt, i by J; HMcGueri.?R. N. Cox. Best large pepper;?Mrs. R. J. Best bush small , pepper (?hey? enne.)^W; C: Deekv '. S* Best head of ?ettu?e.'---T. ?. Poore.. Best half doze; toiriattfes.?L\ Mashaw. Mff? Best peck;corjnfield, beans.?B. - B. McDanie?.'-^ Best peck multfplylrrg^hron^ S?confrfcest l?rrip^Ome?m?a*! sofefcuni--rrL. Mash?y ; v ' ';i Besti ' grown Alt-fpr-WM spbjj^Mr* ^?st^o?spfey oj thin ?-varieilfe from teexhl? ?r PlaCKo?at ah*3SSPPS ' ' Best |nW colt runj!|r: three ^eMM?m^^m: ?m J. W. 'Ban* nisier; 3rd, Jj Best mule < 014, one five, oil can, by W^. v ist j, ^\-v^KiM^^ff^xi\X^^ . Hooncy. -" ; :; \X* . - Best:?^f 'under; bHe-year old, enbuW-fr*^*?'^ buggy and top, byl H; f. Hanks.? ist J. C Rush. Best mulfc^ott frorft onfc'f c^two . year: ?i?;^fm^^:mm i ?nd,.M. ;a: M?Gee, 3rd, Ji N. y?tos oid.^VV^& Mai^Vand, : ;.H,feo^f3Yd,.^vWr?^^ Best rnare colt uridef ont year iVi. Fant; 3rd, G. W. Gaines. . Best coach bred colt, under one year old, box of Franklin cigars, by Horton 's 'Pharmacy.? i Best coach bred colt from one to two years old, 4-!mperial shirts, by Cobb and Parker.? Best standard bred cott under two years old.?1st. J.* H. Cox; 2nd; r>. A. Owen. Best light draft colt under. one year; 1-10 pound bucket of Snow Drift Lard, oy Cobb & Parker.? ?stf F. M. Fant; 2nd, G. W.: Gaines; 3rd, C B. Hawkins. >Best light draft colt from one to two years'old, one rocking chair, by F. .VL Cox" & ?? ? 1st, B. T. Fish; 2nd, D. A. Owenir - Best staJUon from two to three .years old, pr. Bostonian shoes, by Kay-Mattison and Co.?1st, J C. Rush ; 2nd,* C. C. Johnson ; 3rd, E. E. Gruber. Best light draft mare,. 2 sacks Olympia flour, C. C. Wilson.? tsty B. F. McMurtry; 2nd, J. M. Smith; 3rd, A. B. Pickens. .'v . Best light dragt, gelding from two or three years old, fob pounds "Miss Dixie" self-raising flour, by Gambrell & FCay.?1st, R. V. Chandler. Best coach bred colt from two to thr?r ars old.?1st, J. C. Mbseley. v All pony hor??s and mares be tween 13 and 14 hands high.? 1st, J. W. Bannister; 2nd, H. W. Jordan. \ Best jack, with or without :oli?1st, J. C. Pinson. : Best, single . harness" Shetland pony^'l 10 potind bucket lard, by M. Cox & Co.?1st, Jb'fe King; ?nd, H. L. Hembree; 3rd, La-. Grande Xing. ! % Best display heavy draft rri?rcs ir gelding.?1st, L. A. Martin; 2nd, C. A. Kay. Best brood mare and colt uriy 1er one year old;?1st, J. Q 3u$h. v Best broda" mar'?,! with co?t; standard bred, pr. men's shoes by $i W..,Cox.?1st J..N. Cothram Bestf mule, halter lead (open ;>o all.)?1st, X. F. Martin; 2nd, ?l\ F. Martin; 3rd, F. L. Bannis ter-'''"-'f'V':'": ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Best pair mules, h?lter leid ^open to all.) 1 pr. mpln's shoes, Mven by RI Jt R. Shoe Co., fcay-Mattison and Co., agents.? .2nd, D. V. Chapman. [| Best mare or gelding from ;?hr?e t?f fqur" years. old, halter read, ,jl oo-pound" Capitata flour by Garribrell 4 Kav.-^lst, R. V. Chandler; 2nd. M. A. . McGee, 'Jr?c Miss Carrie Fretwell. tjfi Best gelding {open to all) hal ter lead.?1st; .-. J. McCIovg; ?nd, M. B. Dualey; 3rd, J. A. Cox. ; Best standard . bred mare and :olti any -?gt .? Mo entries. ; ; ' Best display if stallions ?h riniit-t--tst, j.; A. Cobb; 2nd, J. D. W?fets. ~ ' B?s* ^mb?njH?n th^r? or gelte ?ng,?1st? W: A. Hopkins;. 2nd, H. L. Cox; 3rdi L*. L. Martin. I* \| Hesr*: single harness hdrse, 'iriy A. B. Pllckens ; RTr\McMur??^ ^Best doubl? team mules. ; one M?twmfflmpants, (given by; Acme ^ai!brlng;erv;)v Cobb ; ? Parker, - agerife-~ist; TV j%. Mar ^i^; ;2pd^ J. A; Brock ;13rd,. J. M> j'.'Sesrstalli?Vm h?rness, start ?arQ^^is^^v J/v A. Cobb ; 2nd, J. B?st?dobb?e harrtess horses or mar?sif S;/Cf ; raised.?isti Smith th?/McMurtryV;: fWiens; 2nd, ,B? F. McM?rtry; m?- T. & K?lley,, .. v '.v^'-? 1 tiesf ' shtgie harness stallion ^n?h-stancl?rd), Blu?^ RfiJgf overalls, by W; S. 'Shirley and Be?t single: ^ ^Y-T-^ ??. A? & PJckcns; l^cO^y/atson, 3rti, Mrs. [ > B?s^^?rigte.harness mare rir ^eldmgA^^3i) one lan "^? ??f'?-IrRij^;-.. Ge?rlk-*-i 1st, A. ff. 3fd,V: B.'Keney. : . ? Best single harness mule (op?n ot ^tl).-^1st, J. A. Brock ; 2nd; v B?it single^ch?m?ss ; gelding 2nd,W> A. Watson, 3rd, J. FJ McCyove. Best lady rider, pr. Queen Quality shoes; by Belton Mer. Co.?1st, Miss Carrie* Fretwell; 2nd, Miss AUie Todd; 3rd, Jno. Cox; Best farm horse, So 5c cigars, by D. L. Donald Drug Store.? 1st, S. O, Martin; 2nd,. S. O. Martin; 3rd, J- T. Shirley. Best mare colt under one year old.?1st, J. N. ?othran. Best single b?ggy horse or mare (open to all), 5 bags of. 8-3-3 High Grade Fertilizer, by Union Guano Co., / W?rtston Salem, N. C, Belton Mercantile Co., agents.?ist, A.. B. PicKens; 2nd, J. B. Martin; 3rd, J. A. Cobt. Mrs. A. B. Pickens, best dou ble team mare or horses driven by lady, priz? $2. J. W< "Wharton, extra prize $2. Cattle. J. M. Cox, Jr., Superintendent. Best bull over two years old, two- sacks of meal by Broadway Cotton Oil Co.?1st, W. A. Wharton. Best bull under two years old, one sack of meal, by Broadwav Cotton Oil Co.?ist; W. L. Chapman; 2nd, D. S. Strickland, p Best cow, 1-4 ton cottbi? seed hull*:, by Broadway , Cotton Oil Co.?1st, Carroll Brown; 2nd, Kenneth Stringer. Best heifer under two years, old, oheS'sack of meal, by Broadway Oil Co>*-1st, A. V. Woodson; 2nd, John Campbell. "; Holsteins. , j :: ? $MBest bull under two' years old one sack of meal, hy Broadway Cotton Oil Co.?1st, C C. HJne man. Best cow.?1st, J. L. Boycc. Best bull' b ver* two* years old, one sack of meal, try Broadway Cotton Oil Co.?1st, J. Mack KirigT v \ ' Best bull under Xw years old. -H>.t, j; Mack King. Best cow],?1st, J. E, Hol conibe. f:?Best bull under two years old. ?\t sty C.u M. Campbell. v ; -Swfafc^ < - Ji Mack Kirt^j? SupefintenJenf.. ni. E?iJ?.r'- . Beit b??r.?1st: Jh?. Erskirie. Best- sow,?J. R. Elgin; 2nd, J. A. Elgin; 3rd,'i. A. Elgin. Berkshire. Best boar.?ist; R. E. Camp bell; 2nd, N. B, Dunlap. Best scty.?1 st, R. E. Camp bell;. 2nd, J. A. Elgin; 3rd, S, TV Cothran. . Best Barr.r^f stj M. B. Diinlap. Poland China. Best boar.?1st, J. M. Pruitt. Best sow,r-^J. V/. ox, Jr. Dnro^ JfiJiSey. Best boar.-rrJ, M. Cox,1 Jr. Best sow.?E. E. Crorrier. Best barr^Ju Mi' C?x, Jr. . B??t boar, two. sacks of xneai, by Broadway' Cotton Oil Co.? R.. E. C^mpbetK Best' sow ?nd p?gs^-tst, J* M. 'Cox; Jr.; 2nd, T. J; Cox. ' Best* b?rr^M. B. Dunlap; 2nd>:WriA.'Huhtert. . \ Sheep and Goats. .J. Mack King, Superintendent.. B??t b?ck.-r-Olln Sl?vend: . ; . Best ewe.-^tst S. Harris. j J. Ai" Singletony* S?perintetfderit." : Best pen ?acred Plymouth Rock^^ti Dr. X M- r?olcbmbc. . ' Bw pen Buff Plymouth Rocks. W. Hv MHforU ' . m S^^'s&yvariety, ftymo?flfc \RbW?? 1 Shirt/ ?y VVvJ? ; M?ojr* ?V West. ^t^it: any variety., Wyan ^ist: g. R.;phmips. pen any, variety Rhode Is*l is, 4? pounds Copyright , j Belton' Mercantile Co,? Campbell; 2nd, Ri M. |?priPtoell. ^ifiest- #n Brown Leghorns,?^ ^?us Blake. ' %B?:j^'V White Leghorns.? :^C;cBrownv; ", / V ^ : horhs-iist, ?; V.??mp? Best pen^anjr varifetyt' : Minor casuist;M% Canipbell; i Best/pcn ?^ eiLv^^W^v^aho^arsy floor r?al^/b^'-FN?Mric^-- P??fa Glass Best pen all other varieties Or pln^tl S|^:kt?ed. i <:'- Best pen;fti^?tftHesV^'r -. Best decorated cake?*! dozen Turkish bath towels, Blair' MiUs.^ 1st, IVirs.' F, M. Cox: 2n$ Mrs. R. A. Lewis; 3rd, .-Mrs. R. G. Thomasens ' ' ? *#'! ':>v; Bg?f: angel ca*s^3q^ auvrar, Hand/ ,$ : VViHingham.? ist,- Mrs. Apce Rcbbson; 2nd. Mrs. Pearl Lee; 3rd, Mrs. J. F.> Holcombe. r|est devil cake,?1st,. Mrs. Leta Cobb; 2nd, Mrs. T. C PooreV 3rd; Mrs. Dr. Parker. [:0;Best dozen tea cakejs:-r-lst. Mrst-R. ?. Lewis; 2nd?Mrs. Pearl Lee; 3rd, MrsMJarie Oft. Bread. . ; f~\ I iB^st dosen plain, biscuits.? Eug?ne Parket; 3rd, ls? Mrs. Leta C?bbj 2ntl Mrs: F. Q>x; 3rd, Mrs. H. F. NorrJs. .' B^est dozen beaten biscuit.? lisVMrs; M. A. McGee; 2nd, Mrs. Eugene Parker; s 3rd, Mis. H. F. Fagg.''"i ' Ai: Best loaf bread, milk yeast.? 2nd, Mrs. W. ^ Stringer; 3rd, Mrs. I. Thomp son. * Best loaf bread, yeast cake.? -istv Mrs. ,R. A.. Lewis. ' - Best dozen rolls^.yeast cake.? ?st,'.'.-Mr.. R. A. Lev/is. Faacy Cooldmar. . '$W&. potato ' chip>i-r-l st/ Mrs. W???'rd Horton; '2nd,: ; Mrs,, Jno. Av -Hortph; 3rd, Mrs. Leta Cobb". Best cheese straws;-?Mrs. Leta :cfeSb: BeM ' t?r>ettes.r?Miss Margaret airtk&ales, ' . BeBt crocheted- bahy so^?let, Mrs. H. M. Gecr; 2nd, .Mrs. A. A. Brlstow; , Best crocheted collan?1st, Mrs. H. H; Watktns.-Bnd. Mrs; O. W. Gambroll; 3rd, Mrs. J. I. Glenn. . Best crocheted, table runner?1st, Mfa. R. W.. Shelor; 2nd, Mrs. W. R. Dsudy; 3rd, Mrs. J. J. Glenn.; . jj Best knitted or crocheted baby cap [?1st, Mrs.. R. C. Burrlss; 2nd, . Mrs. [JE D. Poore^ 3rd. Mrs. Ii. M. WH son. Boat specimen crocheted lace, not less thSU 1 yard?1st, Mn. Jim Bal leatiae. Boit braided center piece?1st, Mrs J. J Glenn. ' BcBt collection crocheted artj,cl 1st.:-Mrs. W. C. Williams; 2nd, Mrs M?i<' Jenkins; 3rd, Mrs. H. L. ?.ati mer Bitst; Specimen tatting?1st, Miss WctA; 2nd Mrs. XL N. Burrlss; Srd, Mia* Webb. I Bust, specimen' tatting medallions? 1st. Misa Elisabeth Harris; Miss Lucia Cari'slo; 3rd, Mrs. H. N. Burrlss. r Best collar made of . tatting?1st, Mrs. j J. K. H^tIs; 8rd, ' Mrs, J. H. W^kafleld; 3ro, Mrs. G. W. Gambrell. ... Beet specimen of embroidery, box candy, ?riersou's Pharmacy? 1st. An isic Mny. siurdock; 2nd, Marion Hal yor; 3rd, Mildred Fant. I Bast fancy bag?1st. Janle Maynte; 2nii. Helen Gassoway; 3rd, Elizabeth, Donald. Bast collection fancy articles?1st. Daisy Holcombe; 2nd, Margaret Cllnkf scales. ' Best center .piece, 1 soda ticket, Fdorson's pharmacy? 1st, Ruth Par ker; 2nd, Elizabeth Welborn. V ?. i Best embroidered towolBr-rlst Daisy Holcombe. ' ' Bost plain dress?1st,. Gladys Wor Uhd?SR 2nd, Anna Dean West; Srd, Lll inn Deck. B$t' specimen sewing by hand?1st Mildred Fant , ff Best speefnaen crochet?1st, Helen |Gas30way; 2nd, Margaret Clihkscalesi 3rd; Anna Dean West M Boat speclmon tatting? 1st, Allco Harris; S?d, .Helen Gassaway; 3rd. (Rqth Goer,. J Best /specimen hemstitching?1st, Rnth Gecrr 2nd Helen Gsasaway ; Srd, Gladys Bnnnister. . ' v h$A$r& ?onwstle Exhibits. Best layer cake?1st, Lucille Green i 2nd,-Florida Oruber. S'-Jr?st plain cake?Ist Janie Haynie; . Best dozen plnln biscuits?1st, Ed ith Xe?ly ; 2nd, Luellle ; Green; Srd. JanleHaynie. sa Best tea cakes?1st, Janle Haynie; 2nd, Ruth Cox; Srd, Annie May Thom as. ' - Best collection. preserves, % kodak, Fricrsoira ?*armacy?1st, Janie Hay nie; find, Martha Cox; 3rd, Annie May Thomas. ' "'i'l ''S??vJar'-sresorTwi tany sand)?ist, J?lBey Hoicombe; 2nd, Marie Key; Srd, Helen? Oaasaway. Best iar pickles (any kind) ?1st WUlatti?eak?-?nd; Helen Oassawajr; ^fMarmMWillin^ham. went Beinum ot car.dy (any kind) ii-ist ??AfCatley; Svnt Nancy Blake ?ld.. Cowan RoWna/>n. ; Cv BB*4>eoleetfen < of pot . plants. 1 rag* IF. M* & ?i-,4_ Kay; 3rd. Mrs. J. P. Dugan. Beat vase dahlias, several varictios ?1st, Mrs. J. A. Robinson;.2nd, Mrs. AL F. Kelly. Best vase dahlias, one variety?1st, Mrs. J. A. Robinson; 2nd, Mrs. F. Bur gess. Best vase nasturtiums?1st, Mrs. W. K. Stringer. Boat collection roses, 1 assortment flower bulbs, Frlerson's Pharmacy? 1st, Mrs. R. J. Gambrell; 2nd, Mrs. W. K. Stringer; 3rd. Mrs. J. D. Ross. Best single rose?lst{ Mrs. W. K. Strlqgcr. i?'k\\ Art DeparimenU Best oil painting? 1st. Mrs. J. D. j RnBt; 2nd, Mrs. H. J. (Jambre 1.; 3rd, Mrs. J. p. Rast. Best water color?1st, Miss Fannlo Harper; -2nd, Mrs. Jennio Emerson. Bost specimen stenciling?1st, Mrs. J. D: RaBt. Heat specimen hand painted china ?1st, Mrs. J. D. Rast; 2nd, Mrs. Au ble Stokes; 3rd, Miss Miriam Lee. BeBt 1-2 dos. place cards?1st, Mrs. J. D. RaBt Cheese Drops?1st, Edith Kolly. Fancy Work?1st, Essie Hembrco. Drawing?1st?Florido Smith; 2nd, Borgin Smith; 3rd, Charlie Smith. Sofa pillow?1st, Annie Bristow; 2nd, Elizabeth Welborn; 3rd, Inez Campbell. Dried fruit?1st, Sadie Bell Wilson. Butter?1st, Inez Campbell. Collection of pickles?1st, Annie May Thomas. Canned fruit?1st, Lucllo Oreen. Collection of Jelly?1st Annie May Thomas. Collection Canned fruit?1st, Martha Cox. Artificial flowers?1st, Mrs. G. C. Da vis;' 2nd, Mrs. M. L. McCullough. Palm?1st, Mrs. A C. Latimor;' 3rd, Mr. I* A. Worts. Lemon?1st, Mr. L. A. Wertz. Princess Feather-?1st, Miss Tholma Burgess; 2nd, Miss Jane Opt. Candles* Best collection of home mado candy ?1st, Mrs. J. C. Qarrett; 2nd, Mrs. R. A.. Lewis. Vinegar. Best quart home mado vinegar?1st, Mrs. A. C. La timer; 2nd, Miss Carrie Pinson. Wines, Best collection of wines, 1 can Whito Robs coffee, -Hand & Wlllingham?1 st, Mrs. A. C. Latimer; 2nd, Mrs. Wesley Welborn; 3rd, Mrs Oscar Kay.' Best quart grape juice?lBt, Miss Kell Bean; 2nd, Miss Carrie Pinson; 3rd, Mrs. C. H. Qassaway. Dried Fruit. Best 1-2 gallon dried apples?1st, J. B. Watkins; 2nd, EL E. Gruber; 3rd, Mrs. S. 3. Parnell. Best pound butter?1st, W. Ander son; 2nd, R. W. Shirley; .3rd Mario Kay. Ham, Lard and Bacon. B?st home cured ham, 48' pound Cream Loaf flour, H.. F. Hank*?1st, M. A. McGco: 2nd, Mrs. I. P. Clink scales; 3rd, Mrs. R. A. Lewis. BSsi homo cured bacon, 1 umbrel la. W. J. Moor .ahead?1st, J. W. Wll Uogham; 2nd, J. M. Mitchell; 3rd, Mrs. H. A. Lewis. Best Jar lard In glass, not less than five pounds, 1 can .coffee. Bol ton Mer cantile Co?1st, W. O. Fogg; 2nd, Mrs. Wesley Welborn; 3rd, E. R. Parker. Best canned tomato?1st, Mrs. W. G.. Fogg. Best brandled .peaches1?1st, Mrs. Clyde- Green. Best comb honey, ' Best kitchen apron?1st, Mrs. K. Pooro ; 2nd, Mrs. W. L. Button ; 3d; Mr?. A. W. Ooggs. ; Best suit underwear?1st, Miss An nie Gassaway. Embroidery Exhibit. Best pair towels?1st Miss Guyton, Bost center piece?1st, Miss Claire Kay; . 2nd, Miss Lou Latimer; ' 3rd, Miss Fannie Guy ton. < Best handkerchief?1st, Mrs. Jno. Horton; 2nd, Miss Nan netto Camp bell; 3rd. Miss Maggie Smith. ' Best Iaidos' apron?1st, Mrs. Jno, Horton ; 2nd, Miss Kannette Campbell . 3rd, Mrs. W. C. Bull. Best shirt waist (made); 1 pair gold enfj. links. Hanks Bros.? iatMlss KSthrino' Stewart; 2nd. Mrs. F. hi Cox; 3rd, Miss O. Bean. Best underskirt?1st, Mrs. Jno. Hor ton; '2nd, Mrs.; Ray Whitrock; 3rd, Mrs. L. M. >Hsard. /. Beit baby skirt?1st, Mrs W. B. Leo ; ; 2nd. Mrs. Jno. Horton ; 3rd,. Mrs; Jno. Horton. Best baby cap?1st, Mrs. Jno. Hor ton; 2nd, Mrs. Jno, Horton; 3rd, Mrs. JE^0corset cover?1st, Mrs. W. C. Black?; 2ted, MioS Jeanette- Dalton;. 3rd Mrs. C. M; TolllB'oh. Best scarf?1st, Mrs Austin Camp bell; 2nd, Mrs. John H?rtob; 3rd, Mrs Nanctto Campbell. Best pair ?blots?1st, Miss Lsda P^to; 2nd, Miss N'.detto Campboll. BSsft infant's ou'. .51, 1-2 d6ien, cob in e. sise photos, Taylor's Studio?1st, S^ss Kathleen Stewart ; 2nd, Mrs. H. .Watkins. '. 1 Be?:* nuit underwear, 1 box candy, Horton 's. pharmacy?1st, Mrs. Jno. Ctjiap? ?n?, rar?, u m. Heard. B??l and largest collection In this department by one e*ldbltor, German silver inesh bag, Hanks 1 Bros:?1 st, Miqa^Fannlo Harper; 2nd Mrs. W. O. Best piece novelty embroidery?1st, agi?.!., rh*rI*? Brown; Snd, Mrs, R. A Bomb Explosion Kills Two Men ; i.:=;- . MONTREAL, Oct. 20.?Two man wero killed, a doien injured and a Uj??ment .blocjv*wrecked hero tonight to.^?)?ftfcrvto^ 'bar?. been caused by a borab. The block was occupied/mainly by No Taxes Through Senator Sullivan, Hail Sufferers Here Will Bo Re lieved of Payment. Some days ago Guy Norrls, a woll known Anderson* county farmer and otlior farmer* of the county took up with the inctuoors of tho House from Anderson county the question of re lieving the tax payers in tho portion of tho county damaged by the severe hail storms of this year from tho payment of taxes. Mr. Norris wioto to Repre sentative Hall and asked his assist ance in tho matter, but received no promise of encouragement. Yesterday Mr. Norrls rocolvod tho following let ter from Senator Q. \V. Sullivan: October 18, 1914. Mr. Guy Norrls, t i.?.!!flH Anderson, ti. C. Dear Sir: A bill came to tho Senate from tho House, relieving tho tax payers of Laurens county from the payment of taxes this year in tho section whore the crops were destroyed by hail. I though as soon as I read the bill, ot you and a few other Anderson County citizens having your crops ruined this year, so I added Anderson county peo ple I remember reading in an Ander son paper that you, Mr. Parker and Mr. McLean and othora were victims of the storm. It soems that our dele gation in tho House did not think of you when tho bill was being discussed ovor thero hut my action takes care of you as to 8tate and County tuxes, all excopt tho Constitutional tax and any special school tax. You can lot treasurer know and Inform all who were Injured by the hall. Yours truly, G. W. SULLIVAN. A. majority 'of those s?fferlng tho most considerable loss from tho hall storms lived In tho Long Brunch-sec tion and in Martin, Hall and Varcnna townships. They will all appreciate tho action of tho Anderson county Sen ator. ' ! I Change In Location I am now located over Wi A. Power's grocery store at 212 1-2 S. Main Street. I thank my friends for their past patronage and ask con tinuance of-same. I make plates at $6.50 I make gold crowns at$4.00 Silver fillings, SOc and up. Gold ffllingo $1.00 and up Painless Extracting 4C^. 1 make ? specialty of treating Pyorrhca, Alveor laris of the - gums and. all. Crown and' bridge work -and regulating mal rbimeH teeth. All work x guarantee J first class. '' S. G. B R U C E DENTIST ing By BuyingF?our At a V?rjr Low Fig ure* . rlaving bought quite a quanti-. ty of "Rising SUrt" flour # (which by the way is an excellent fancy patent flour) before the advance, we are ,yet prepared to sell you this excellent flour at ONLY $5.25 In barrel lots as. long as' our present supply lasts. We h?ve the celebrated "White Rose" line of coffees, teas, spices and Scanned .-'goodfv", etc., besides many other good things and our prices are right, \ too. ; J M/WcCOWN Brown-W?ts?n Building. m Ph?rtevN?. 22. GreenoMe $\ Show Case* are trade bulIdersV Thoyaro de shrdedv built g and ?nlehed to display your goods invitinttly, to . increase tho attractiveness of your Mora by dis?rimra^tJAgbuyers^ . Lorn Freight Rate* from Grcen villo give you a big advantage in buying direct from us. Complete manufacturing facilities?any reg- . alar or special skc~ ease or other. ! fixture at low prices. Tell us your problems. Let us help you with GREENVILLE* SriO-W CASES' Awarded gold medal at National Conservation Exposition. Built from .carefully-- selected1 wood and the finftst-quAlity glasa, by ^v0t^e^^-"sJaR-:i^a long ca ? iemce. Write for illustrated des?riptive literature, and prices Greem/Ule Ma le? * ili^ faciotiag Cempany QreeavUl?. 9. C.