.vi* ?>*i ?? PLANNING NOW FOR BIG EX? HIBIT LIST QF THE PRIZES ' y ? .-?A ?) . Chicken Fonci?re Met in Andersort . Yesterday? Organized and Elected All Officers (From Su lay Dillly.) The Anderson ounty Poultry Afi so?atloq was formally organized in tba. rooms of the Anderson 'chamber cf .. commerce . yesterday ' : morning. Num. I biara of fanciers from all parts or thc. county were in attendance' and ?r ls . -. now a certainty that a' big show will be held here. ' . Porter A. YThaley, secretary of the ? Anderson chamber of commerce, cal?l -. ed the meeting to order and J- D. . Jolly was elected president. Mr. , ' Jolly took ' the chair and tho associa lion ihun elected A. N. Campbell, as vice president and. Dr. H. H. Har ris aa secretary . and treasurer,; fol lowing which plans for. the holding of the show were 'taken up and wari? - j ed out- in detail. It waa determined vt that the association should be gbv I ?., er?ed. by an executive committee and [ " .L'. O. Robinson and D. A. Reed wes . I selected ? to. be members of this com : mlttee, to compos? the executive cora I ' inittee, together with the off leora' of g ' th? association. I The following members were enro?l f. ed in*'tho association: I J, W.- Rothrock,- A." OM, Campbell, fi. ft.v?.- .Campbell, J. L. Jolly, Dr. Herbert Harris, L,. O. Rbbiuson, 5J. . V. Campbell, I,. O. Vandlver,'.j.* ti, Farmer, D. A. Reed, C. W. Caucey. O, B: .VanWyck, E. K. Pr?vost, C. J. DeCamps, MalcOmb Burrlss, W. C. Drown, S. A. Burns, J. M. Broyles, P. D.. Skelton, G. c: Hall, "C. G. Stevenson, WV M. Webb, L. M. Ce cil ,W. L,. BrlBsey, J. H,:eial,W. G. , Hombree, Dr. C. N.' Tripp. It was then decided to bold the ar *pual ehlcken show . at the Popper, building lo -Anderson'on tho 17th of Novemjber 1 for the chamber . pf ?pm moreei . The prize.list was then.read: and no changos were made ,ln the prizes al ' 'ready, offered, hut two or. three addi-: ' tiona weira.made,. . . , 4 . : , The i arrangement -about the coops . ; for the sho^Ywasi left, w'th tlje execu^ .= jj tlve committee. . .. ' . ' ... Tho ; plans of .tho association call "-. for the chlokeh's to ba shown or ex-. ntblted, in trlos .on.. |n nlnglea.The ',. biri?? for enteriflir ?dwls ??-the''show. will bb 10 cents : per- fowl . to. outaid-, " , erB and" free to the membera bf the ' ' association.- . . ' ,' : j . , . Tho-members af the'asa?ci?tl?n are - ' to pay 60 cents uer year in -advance and bo. liable to call for another- 50 ' cents as-lt ls needed. '. . "Just noW'.th* pla?a for" the.suow, are. :>. not yet . completo but "the abla-cbrii \ -mutee a anointed thia .morning will *? hayo them "cut in . a short.time. , ; Tho. i\fl?ocia?ion holds tho member; ship ,c? tho .association open ana any ,;. one wishing [temoin .,wji|l;iced)iuryihe'aev - y ccpted.. The ?ame or tlie association. ^JTIie. Anderson -County. Poultry Assp jT" elation) : doejs -not mean ' that. persons Iout of "?He. opuoty vate barred-froirfbn-^ - IUK members'Anyone wlirim :admit .". ted: although the object of tho asso ciation, is at present to work . only Ander^h.?oiinty.-.-: ... ? . BOYS yQT^Q^ffc I ' A legtet V??s . re??ly^ t . ?he Anderson ct?iini?ier! "of commerce ' from Dr. TP.,'IX*P.igge;inrestdent pi Clemson thanh?d tho:local..aBs^?flon tdr>W i. kind invitation" exteift?ntMn?. 'caVh* . : corps -to spend a week In Anderson thia fall, but^bo. d onRnedth? J?*lta Hon. In hi? loiter ?rv Riggs Wa that tho order. Issued |n regard to the corps going tb Ctolumhla>fj?r;tb6 s lato - fait was.:due..tb..two.;th?ujs\:. ' in thr first pldcarlt- fa ah additional ?J?pense ahd: in tho Recond,place\the tTlp ?se % riohrfy^rt^n^rw . Institution2 Dr?^S^^^jm^m^' wifrhehMi^ . :. of ;CJ|eniii^n;:^coll^ ' - tego Offers Special Inducemeats :^ - Th? special departitpent? at Ant%rson college ^iU4enroll a fbw^ morb; pupJlf Anderson to lak? advuntago ^ er this opaorthn^ty^ ; j^^,^. fc '" -it? ' ; Sn^th:?tu yioltb.'^ g:.'.5P^t.'^ H ?;. weit prepa^Mb:?ive excellebt; conree B In all deT^rtnteata bf art> . H ; ;:' M?kB^PelterMufrr^^i^^^^ Battractive -bonrsbii ^dbmoetic^ae?on'c? ?:faft,''ft^4'--Woul#^ tb eblt t.hb a^eda et p?y b* ip* \sdleb m of Anderson who c?m to study ?bia S tnostc ?npb?ta'nt subject. '? ? - B Miss W?kd?old would a?ib ba^ri|tf; K-^i^^^^^"^'-^^^ K the lap'ea. . ..s'* ? .-^.?.y. ~.v.'r SB . ? ^o shonld bo delighted to bava tho Bi at?les of th?'etty vlslfc thb Co>lege and KjMeV tho Worte that l? ^bg^mib .? In B|. tl\o?e - de^rtroenia. - T?e^MMwfip? Bivtt&qnR- with tho teacber? And find wrt R'i^t y*M% ia being dons la tho various ?^p?r^eeiy^-,"f -,V,.V.'^'';^ B?M?B BAYE PULIS, ?0 COMPLETE LINES WILL CONNECT UP MISSING LINK AX AN EARLY DATE Contract Will Soon Be Let Fox Bu? idvng Road Between Spar tanbrug and Gactonia, N. C. A very .persistent rumor .is Lcfnc heard around Anderson to the effect that the Piedmont & Wurthern line railway, instead ot dropping all ex tension work as has been stated, will1 build their lines on between Spar, tanburg, S. C., and Gastonin, H. C., j and lia VF. Ute work finished and the| line in- operation within tho next year. The report, while not from an of Ii-? elsi source, is nevertheless to-be re lied upon and those who have heard lt! believe tbat it Ia true. - It is nauru on the fact that Ono of the. chief officials' of . i'u-s'road .was Just, about to let a supply for; a large number of supplier a ,few ; days AR? whee-be received ri telegram rthd ?f t?r. perusing! his ruesBiSe In-, informed bia. hearers that he wo ii M not place the order for the additional supplies because they. Would be worthless, io ICSH than olx months ' aa the c?hnceb. lng Unit was.,to bo ijf^nsf(ructeu^.{f?--r. 5t is approximately (IO 'milos from Spartanburg-te Guatoi'.a and . when this link Is built it will be possible to i travel from .Charlotte tc Anderson by the electric line. It is -understood that the new line wlir ho built :'rom Gastonla to Spartanburg either by way qt Gaffney or ,by way of Shelby, but tho*1 question'of route has never been definitely settled sc ?ar us thu public knows. Anderson people all trust that the report ls not^roundless and that the additional work may econ ba under way. ? FALL OAKDEN ?S FINE INVESTMENT i > :f . . :..'? ,--.T ..?.?-?TI: T Anderson Formers Given Valuable Advice? By Clemson As i To'rw ?th ^ ?y (Prom Sunday Daily.) { from; ^ C lemsonr . CoHpge d?ailn: g, w Uh tho planting ot a -fall -g?rt?eh- and :all tho "farmers are enthuAhuolc: Tho' pian?says: , .?? -. M / A emBir%Blouht$f TOm?and'l?b?i1 valuable returns; asido , lVoin the p?o?q?re of having vgresb vegetables for the table during the "dry" winter months, tho llnanclal .'saving Is wor thy bf .consideration; Following if a list of vegetables that may be includ ed in the fall garden: 'V ?Reeta.-8m beat seed thc lattrfr patt of September. Tho plants, will stand tho .winter and produce beets for early spring use. Cahl>age.-^r. ^.d'plAnt8 of tho Wake, field varieties* lt Bet. now will form heads before trie cold weather. With slight protection l oth cabbage mid collard? will, carry through our sei V?rest'vinters. *.>-.... Kale.-Sco>3 EQwn during Septem ber ~i?l produuo UL abunuanco of greensduring ploter and ehrlir spring, Siberian curled ia a good.fall Varie?y. .,-.\ ", ,-.:,.,??",,... , . Lettuce.-Sow Big Boston- variety fdr a suppiy^pf dolightfnUtsalad dur? lng ^t;??nd;wfnfer.-.rWl?.h allght-prOn potion -firm/heads .cai fctsw produeed; $ M?8^ar^;^li*usUuPd?v-wlU ^atand i any amount of cold -md: sow! pown :l?B4n|l September.-',.i will refurnish, M.&atkm throughout tho fall/-winter, and early ? t ?nt factor m keeping, Wt?'? th?? rionptv i\ti ^getnbiea 1 . during ? the - wittier monthav*.M . : ?:- *'f***("' .-. . ':' ??- ' --T-.--?- ? ? coarse tn ento^olr^'an? so lotjjjiji^^ nvlri?'??^^^ heittg so ta if Atti ei^(>h&"Ultin?4?(i: toddle tho r^ineh las?? t^kto at^oc^tf qr^a^S* jnffdee. aajl. ' .?:>^-: r".i **4-4-**f+***4r**+*4-4-^*4^4--^ ?f* ??* 4* ???I' 4* 'f?'.-i- 4* 'I1.414* 'I1 4*4*4^ 'I* 4" 4*4* 4mJI4* 4*4* 4*4" (Prom Sunday Daily.) day afternoon ut 4 o'clock with Misses - Annie and Ruth Anderson* at thuir CORE N-? EISBERG- country homo Justcftat ot the city. - ? The following invitation o liave hon. All mombcrs are urged to' Attend, issued and are being received-in An- \.\ .. , j dcrsou with the greatest interest: . Mr. and Mrs.'I la ri es ton Harton and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen Mr. Ooorge Halles am spending today .request ibo pleasure, of your . In Elberton, Ga.,, with Mrs. Barton's company at tho marriage of their parents, Mr.'and Mrs. L. A. Harper. daughter, They went through tho country In Sadie, Mr. Ballas' car. , - to .a?:. ?. .m -;-. Mr. ":mry GciBberk Mr- and Mrs. Jamen Baldwin and nn Wednesday evening, October the Mrs. T. ?B. 'Hdwatd have- returned fourteenth at 8 o'clock from a short stay, in Edgefleld. They Three hundred'forty throe 1'aRt Heard* mado the trip in Mr. Baldwin's tour Strcct,- Elberton, Ga. I log car. Miss Cohen ia a charming, 'girl and -- will be given n royal welcome here, Mrs. T. A. Ratliff and .two sons, wbcro nbc is BO pleasantly known. Wilson and Dean Ratliff, left yeatcr haylng frequently been a popular vis- day. to Join Mr. Ratliff in. Atlanta, itor. where they will make their homo for . Mr. Gelaebrg la a member of the the winter- 'WHaon Ratliff - entering f-a> of Geiaberg'Bros. Shoe Store,. top medical college and Dean attend ant la poular both in buainosa and Ju lng the public schools, social ways- -- A! number of Anderson people ore- . Friday. waa-ladies' day at. thc Elks planning to go to Elberton on the Club and a number of ladies visited 14th. , tim homo. Everything ia delightfully ?- informal and lt. la hoped that next Woman's Mlssienary Society-First Friday a larger number will accept Presbyterian Church, tho Invitation and spend the after The members of tho Woman's Mis- upon-lu tap club rooina. ?\, atonary Society of the First Preaby- y MK*T1 Si * ~r t .?*< terian church hold an .unusually tor ?HULIAJHSTON BANCfc- , terestlng meeting on Monday ofter- Friday evening under th$ manage ?oo?, when they met at tho homo o?' 1001,1 ot tho Piedmont and; Northern Mrs, G. M. Tolly on West Whitner railway a beautiful danc?, was glvon street. .' ,n the,WUliamston pavlllipu, . Mr. and Thin waa a rally u reline, 'so"a- Mrs'-: Pox of the Caatlp School gave special program had peen prepared. a number pf exhibition, dances, which Mya. E- W . Brown; 'the preal- wore greatly enjoyed and appreciated, dont, presided. The fllfat paper was Wtcr In .the evening tho .floor was aprintoreating paper onPr?ver for turned over to tho spectators and a war" written by -Y??kesB..a clTri?Uah' dob ditful informal dance, followed, mlnlstor'arid read'by Mrs: Overman- ulJ" the park a splendid .display ot. Mrs. Fred Burnett next sang a beau- Arr works was to. be seen. Anderson tlful rolo, "Sc?tt?rtng th? Seeds a? "?*B wo11 represented-on.. this occa the Kingdom", read hy Miss Anna *{?n* '"*' . Brown. The program waa echei?ue? ^.n~nc,wn" with a vocal duet delightfully rendered ?OODSIDE-FHIERSOft- . by Mr8. Bennett Townsend and Mrs1. A few ot tho most Intimate fr,Iendn Wallam Muldrow. of Mles. Helen Woodside of-,Greenville, To add to the pleasures of the after- o*"1 Dr- Edward>Frlerson of Belton, noon each member of the society have re?olved notez, inviting them to brought-nn interesting looking pack- witness their marriage on\Thursday, age containing-a pound of something October the 8th. ...i ?, good to oat. and when tho program Tne ceremony will ha performed at [waa completed the guests wore invited *na homo of. the bride's parents in tho into tho dining room where Mrs. Wil- presence of tho family and. a few liam Mnldrow, -Mrs. ' George .Town- close friends?; i Bepd and Mrs. Andrew Speer served _, . _?? tltT?~ iCit wrW -_.< the. delightful refreshments. SentherniWOrapnJn Washington In the BIRTHDAY DINNER- M,*a Genevieve; Gmtk.'tho speaker's Miss Sara Evans, tho attractive Ht- daughter, har launched a hpom ,?to tie daughter pf Mri abd Mr?, B; O- nuho cotton-fabricsiti?o.d>esa..goods Evana Was hostess to a half dozen ?t tho women op the congressional set, congonlal playmates,Monday In honor??a* thereby to contributer'^ offorts of her eleventh birthday. to relleve-the stagnation In the cotton ?The guests accompanied little Miss -market caused by the European, war. Evans frohv Behool to her hoirie on ?VRh Miss) 'Callie Hoko.i, Smith, North McDufllo street where -a -de- daughtor''of. tho^senalor ^?miAreoifc, ?llghiful birthday dJ?n?r 'hw?lted' then*.' ?fr and:MIsB;lAicy;BMlOBfli^aURhtet fawoomplete a perfect day tho hostess' ?-dbe postJpaAter-generalS-thB speaks and ber.g?efiw spent! th?'afternoon-at ?B? daughter hop?a to seo'tho rtnove tho movies. - mont. spread hmong/-American women . ... .-: '.- r- J.-wife will -ae'iaekedV tsf.-has!*~>ivalisa Woman's missionary Society-St nuihsatlna for th& fabrics of American Mt^-John's Methodist Church\ ?Ula now running on reduced time. - ? ; r-ITio'Wonmn's Missionary.iiocletv of . .. j' ,J -, 1 ? '. ''..'.?" ' St. John's Methodist church held a Tho cbmri?tte? from the jail and th? moat deljght?rt'and bonoflr?al meeting county hotiio majletheir1f?port.and toV on Monday afternoon when thev met grnjt v/ry much that thc work thorn with Mrs. A. M. Sharpe on South Mc- hart-not been whatlit .8hontdJ.',''-;RelIg Dnflle street. * N" lous.services that1.should;b'e' h??d .'ey ' Thl3 was a business and literary ery Sunday; have riot, been conducted meeting combtnod. Min.- . O. M. In three months.1. That: ls mot. caused Heard, the president, proslded. The from tbe lack:df those who are willing most-important business discussed iovdo tho woi-k. 'but on account of was io reference to boxes to be sent having no way io ride" to the homo', to the children-at Epworth Orphanage Tho committee hopea that with.the co in Columbia. They voted to aend A operation of ; the churches "to-baye thia box ot fruits tho drst. of October and work carried ba regularly from now to^fill tho Thanksgiving box with on? :?} ^X'K?' Al'i.. ' clothing. The committees from the health do - Mts. W. E. Carson read an inter- partaient and tho ;v-.county hospital pating pap?r on *-Tho ( Conquest of tho made splendid .reports. , Cross over- thc , Emlgrant'V an^ Thia being the tir?t meeting since "Gleanings from the - Emigrant,", by thq deaths of ;Mra- ?Blcokloy, who was Sh?ver.V- ; A splsndluly .prcpaftn? ya- ono or tho most earnest workers, a per on the '?Mutual R?l?UonshlP, of beautiful trIbut?'|>?epaVi?trylii^e'. *Oor [tue1 American to the Em'grant" was rlo McC Patrick. was read by Mr?, read" .'hy Miss. NwcHUhhardw ,,-.';, ?Ro-a .McCully. The fsecrefaiy read [ ACtor a'few. musical number, thp, &..^^iromtJis^f^^iUmm. stat? pi'??tldg which, was mw aual J y -well atsi ^ that > bo; ytfim.\ peMt fHan1|E|a?; 'tended adjourned. ,{r>? . ? X.M r?pot ?n.^YeT' ah^WAnKM0^.?-?^ ^ '.!..- : ? ? .' :.: '-,-........ to,tho assoolaUon^-4;TO?^ 1HXIE CHAPTKR V. D. C.~ nd and a, c^mni^epjappoln^^ Wl^'t?TtrW Burris-aha^Mrs: Annie S^p?*r'<^ui Hickson cutcriained tho mnraborfl of K? , u?anV'^ Ut0'fll???."^?h? cannon n^^ ?^iffiS^Sffi^ tte- bbmmttteo wished ,they kluA ???n?WJ^? ISbVWri? t?|bt place tho.r^non,, .which Ia Ot ^^^^^J^ ^?^^SSS: ?Xi*****. U^/i^i?a^ovem;afipyt an?ionnced later. Anptner important 4*&,tm? *nm?T* t?iyX^ik? ?UU ??*%?? I f^reV^^ ^?fifllJS^^^ ff9?^hU liu ?? that wer*; tborpughiy enjoyen- Tills htlt, u? nnlr.J S^r^ p?P et?neluded tho program and thc moet fefe^i? R&? -^.was adjourn^..,. . , ^; toPdvwlll be present parthia ceca- ( /^- -^^??ipeapa/?fe "S??f?i *fi?^?.iH^i^ Wt?^iinn* opondlng.: ?h> ,;vwa?k pp;a: In< th?^ir. ?4^thl fS SS ber wotber. J?rs. . .Watkins on ^sp^e^ Daniel Culher^n?~Misk Sara'XstI-' ,b^:.w?thWvocaJ-soIo^ " wera aslifcd: to.tolX ot Bomo of the in- s Wuml??>'# ij^^^y^^^^ ^^pr^-f^m feh|?S ?rafis Ha?ohd. who has ?a?da ?IS^i&i^^tS?- ?S??SU?? noWJl?virtg-Ih Bottiherr. CJJUOVX ^^?lT?^^W^'??l^l?*^2 nfa h?*^-w^ * bpftutifui mto?V?l 1 ento^dnlns and sorvtnst ?io meaiper? accompahtmeni. to tho poem- "gonih-1 ^nd abe espoclAlly lnv?led guestsha.^ to?CaHiorn!a" and ha? ?ont ?copies to HW^>*jMad CQ?dao. - of h?r' frifced? here?^ *Irs,l :"; r---:-'- -'-;1^-:'.^^"'" -'? " . . : .. ???tn*?***i*'a.'e*^?r.-^r iwjgs'wjt^iA-1 |9P?Q>#fmpr^W -.rite'?v?hs and Mr. B. O. Evanei: of IWfte Junto? tRhilathea dash of tho this c?ty. and ha? nwnsiou?.-?j(r^WT'.'? ||nr?^: p^sbyt?r)aaVb.hurch^-.-?I|?-huid i^i^a^owttal^tmi&i&toW* lits Mgalar-mo?ithl?'moating O? Maar aroylr,. ''".?'^J^:^!-!..:;';^;-'g^^t MHS. D. V. SLOAN . Tho many friends of Mrs. D. P. Sloan will be glad lo know that she ls recovering so rapidly from the ef fects ot her operation that she waa moved to her home on East Hampton street yesterday. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Fleming of Piedmont, announce tho engagement of their daughter, Etta, to Mr. Wayman P. Major. Tho ceremony is to take piaco lu October. , Mica Lucile Uray of .Richmond,-is the attractive guest of lier Bister, Mrs. Clyde Ross. Miss Pray spent ?cveral weoks hero last winter and is being cordially welcomed thy a number (Of friends. , . . . -.' ' i-':..'- ? Wm Ufi?-i ROSE HILL DANCE-r .. , ,'' , Tho raanaglng'board o? ROBO ll lil club have announced that the first ball of the fall season will bo danced In the Club mouin on Thursday evening, Oc tober tho first. No formal In vi tat lon ii will bo Iseuod but all the member* j are urged to attend. CARI) AFTERNOON Tuesduy is card afternoon at. the Rooo Hill club all who ore planning to go out on this occasion aro naked to phono M ra. Ernest Cochran. Mru. William Parn well of Savannah, I ls visiting ber brother and sister, I Dr. mid Mm. William Chisholm Miss pia McGregor who was recent ly, operated on for appendicitis at tho j Anderson county hospital ia recupera ting nt: tho home of her aunt Mrs. Ola Cooley'on West Whither street and j will .bo glad to have her friends cull there to see ber. . MRS. TAYLOR TO LEAVE . Tue numerous frienda of Mrs. Bes sie Ruckor-Taylor rcgrot that sim willi leave Monday tor Elbert County, Ga., j whom i Bbc , goes to muk o her homo | with hor son, Frank Taylor. Mr. Taylor arriyed in tho "city yesterday! and his mother will return to bis plantation with him. Mrs. Taylor j will frequently return to -Anderson to j visit hop .daughters, Mrs. Gus Hudg enn, Mrs. Marlon Ligon and Miss Ew bank Taylor and will always bo given' a cordial wclcomo ' D A. It. ANNOUNCEMENT /Tho' Cateeche chapter D. A. R.,| will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'clpck . with Miss May Russoll on j South Main street. II. E. LEE CHAPTER Mrs. Will Webb will bo, hostoss to the members of tho II. IO. Leo Chap ter Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at hcr.; homo on -West Market stroetv" THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION .Tile members ' of tho. civic associ ation hold.their regular monthly rne.ei ing Friday afternoon?ht Mr*/ W> 8.1 Di yvor'o' residence on .So uth ' Mc?Uffi?i .streets '" ?*. f . m ss ?'.This was' an unusually'woll attended* and IptoroatJng' meeting. 'Tue' most ingtisr&ai'mattier tb c?h?? tip waa in rogard to tho'cotton clot?; movement' in the south. . Mrs.?' All?e Sloan, un' enthusiastic worker in the association' |md prepared tho ' following resolu tions but was ill nt tho hospital and could not bo present to present thom. They were rend by Mrs. Carrie McC. Patrick:. Whereas, tho present awful con? diet on tho continent of Europe . has has plunged tho christian nations into an. unprecedented' and unparalleled carnage ot. blood, -has sorlously ; de stroyed the European market for Ute. Southern cotton, co reducing tho ox port demand for tho same as to make tho cala of nouthorn cotton an un known quantity, -thus seriously and dangerously hampering tho prosperi ty of tho south and through tho South of tho wholo country, since it tho crop ot cotton, for the -present fiscal year has to bo sacrificed ana sold for less Uian tho. cost o? production,, which is variously estimated ot froBV.8 l-& to IO i-2 cent j^?r?pountlroPd iSW?MW?? act on:Ute weH,being and count cr bpi ane? tba wonderful wpvo >o" -^itorlal prosperity, iWjhM$:,|orv .the ?-,( past, ?Ive ve?r?i h aa .been sweeping the BO uth, and^. .\ti- ,-<: -;i.-<.-, ? .? - ..-.y Whereof, the prosont gigantic ro-. sources.- ot?thh. SoutbjiJn the way- of n? VIn gs ? ? li a n kn . deposits,,. : : reservo* on Ufo insurance- policies investments In prlv?io corporations and Vpubl.lC OUd, private mortgogo bonds; above all the vast.raw materai?, enmalle pud health,* ful resources, aro such aa to moko tho South ono ot tho riebest endowed sec tions of the earth; peopled by plucky an^ intelligent and thrifty, people Only now o?yvely enlarging theb^Induatrfal opportunities, arid ?. thus the handling, of excess or distressed cotton to the extent xif several millions of bales ls uot to? large an undertaking for tho South and is 'n Us final alaysjs far mort of such undertaking as should t orlously tax tho ability of the people t ? the South, but in order to show tho pooplo qt.thc South, tho ?prit and/de t?nutnatonottho women to do.ihe> bait'in hetpfog tho *al? ot ?otfoh.and By5too?0i3^ S^J^KL^^'^^^?Sff&K? wom?^t^eMn/;6outb Carolina and tho South io henceforth wea* - egtm t?-^WCiitrf^life: push tho m?vomc?t and plod?? our selye-i Indi vid ?adly an? collectively 'o \do cd- \ '?-' (Vr> ?Bone this day and y^ar first above wrpen ot Anderson. South Carolina, l'&i? . ' . Mn?. BAfus Fant, ; ?President;. Mrs. O L. Martin. . Seorot^ry. Slaglair iCoorentloa, The .Abbeville- County -fi|f aging Ooo ?OOt?OB wUt moot at Calfco?h Pal In Or? th?.\second: Saturday ?Od Sunday:to October .Tb* publio ls : Invited. rr, WV B??Bi?Si 8*0*8t?r7. ' J . ' ? rfifr-" i Does Your Mew Frock I hfeed a Petticoat ? I The colors in greatest demand for Fall I ?wear are here;-and a special offering for ihi$ week is our- ' 11 \ ir" Fitted All Jersey Top Petticoats, a value that connot be matched anywhere1-^ iv j | qii?lity, style and workmanship consider pi, for $3.00. Comes in Kings BJue^Qj ,1 ;Navy, Wistaria, Rose, Green, Black, etc., j.t j ? %ith beatitiful Messaline flounce. -?IN?!"!' I Special for This Week, $2.00 Each I NEW SKIRTS One look at our tremendous skirfc v? stock will convince you of our superiority! Skirts for large and small women, of serge, crepe, repp, etc., in all the latest snappy creations. Through our ability to dispose pf large quantities,our prices are If igured accordingly, at $2 50 to$7?00 ; ?< |? . I Ladks* N?w FalfS?i? | I f [i p At this store have niet with the ap-? K pro val of hundreds ofsattsf ied^ustomers^ I |$ The reasons are easily explained, quality 1 . '. of materials, styles, expert fittings, " de- B pendability, together with Lhe ?ver courte- | pus service extended, has made Bailes' 1 ? r.lj?ee Hive Suit Department the most popu- I , ; ;;; jar in the city. , 1 fl Anything in Men's, Women's and Chil-V I f A dren'* Ready-to-Wear and Always ' 1 \*}iM :' for Less Money 1 . ?ttl/.. "I,.'J1,? . |,';j . ?!l';;:.;s...i..i? : '. ?'? \\ - . \: :J: ; :-fw" ' jfcX????^^ .. : havo found reason fop ?ic wondorful. VV 5 V, % . pr?cision of tho Qormah fire ina any. 'H? Hayo soon Colonol A., C. Has- fha'troops app?ar to havo bocoino fcc?-' in r times when lt triad meus thoroughly hardmed un?V,pctUHlomed souls, ;,andl I. never know him -.to .to{.conditions..' 'tho'-'ima?mfesari??- und waver, bo did not say, "go boys, hq.. ^ ammunition supply departmentn rcorno on boys, and with all calmness nre worKjDg pprfecUy. Wh?e, tho i . - soldiery -n'rev occupying tho advance " Jf? hfc,ro*Unont, Seventh South Car- f?r?af? "nea thpy "aro Bcarc?ly.. ever ^S&f WVr?' tboro waaJ?? mcp p.nd wiihout ono hot meal a day; which is O?'the ,f00 there wero BOO boya under arought io them In camp1 kattie* from 21 y?ars; ho waB to all of ns like on tJjQ flold bitohens.. older brother looking after our com- ; , , .. . . , forts With all tho power ho had I was f ho British artillery offlcla?s prai^o carried off tho Cold Harbor battle- highly tba gnnoiy. of their popohehta. field with others with, him .and ho Tbpy d'eniar? ?haV tfe?-v9?^an'vah?lls,:'.:-v made it pleasant far us, notwithutond- nirp?st '' always.;' burst ." at accurate lng he was suffering, as wo. were, range,'but often too high to do dom-, j * great pain. A * age.\ Tho soldiers, root: rOccaslnnaUy, ??Mox. Haskell wan ft hero morally Whcn in peen tronche?,''?mqWttgfpUf^w-''r.-? and physically, mk all: remember how and cigarettes,7forjratlojrot tobah-; b'O; bowed dowp oh his knepa and of: cp ^ 'gorved' regularly.'.:i?>,M?ariwttfle.? f?red up ono of tho most foy?ront Ba0n9 tear by overhead with a souuit ;.; ,v. nr?yors for poor. Sam Whiteside of ifj^o the rippipg'of Marchmont-- j york county, who^ was mortally ?{ -\' * ;.'] - '? .< >> . \ w?uf?ded rad sont by Col Haskell a. British ?lhceVs relaie^: .?? tn^?^^^.v dying mcsHti?o to his dear mother. which jLhey kay occurred ,a?rth?;^B^^^'| .; A'better, moro clean and moral roan Hghtv laat.ovooing.....A Saree at..--.^ hey?r lived thnn Aloj? Haskell. South man In/antry.n^When.?^ Carolina, ought to bo proud o him. ?rjtls., bataillon, held up their ha|?/, nnd^any ono who speaks of him with jn token'^ot surrender. Tho ,B,rMj^ calumny ntjd derision should stop a??d approached to tako them prisoitffiroV think what ho. did for the State of when, lt ia auld, tho Germana re^pojo^v South Carolina in tho 'CoVatid iinvlng ed.flre." ,Tlio British officers ordered tho State fromr negro rulo" lu ,1R7<5. thslr men to lla.down which they did,. ??;/ A CANNON. Then thre?,big machino gima were, ;?3?orse Shoe, N. C. ' brought into action and killed^ every ?j ..-'--rn-rr- German in trial portion of tho.flfiliV/.. ; j v f nV AT THE BRATTLE FRONT, i - wt . ' ?^tlM : .:'"..._PRIZE FOB BOHO ON BBlTAtN^ At the Battle Front. Sept. 25.-(V!a . ' Paris 6:21 p. m.)- french and Brit- ; < *toKto*?#^?m ish?troops lntermlnk/ed with Turcos' (Berlin W?P?m$-- f and Moros, not only hold ihe r own. tuA-l,W' ^A^^Wit?^ '' but- caused tb? etVoogly rclhforccd tho aviator wtu> .flrn, drops jf?hX Gorman westera wing of reel , back ?warda near St. onenttn yesterday nod ??mroercS2L^^ t?fl?y, and irr?per?ted 0?e Gorman Une ^J^%^^^^^^Wfml r?'4wmonlcaUon,toVa f0ia,^vSR^ft?l?S^^ IposItlont?-meetHhethro^ '?^V'W^SSf-SSl '?S^-iSi^t Mam the Allies and ! two'. M??* M?; .A,;/^^^?,^^^gv? ?rcee^wiW^?'M-'*?^ onagra Anderson, ^P^'^???'?' . feWl4^??n:.si,;0pen0o'.'ftnd-.Ta* ' ; aiiier^'-" ? ro^ Wnir^ .flfhumr coiUfnued TortTy;in a$a!HrA?A^ Wripff?d'< fashlon. Tho ' hilled frowns remaiuB the same. -^^^Tj?nL-BWr fol owed^ho ox?mnl?: P'it by th" G^l t??.v Tot.. ;;*am ?^??Mlmmf^. Tho artillen of i?^K''i??nVi