? ..-.?> .TV I LA'l I, .< ? Ariirwct?c .Coniwaw^jlV??BM? Street Miss Jessie Herron, MibuAnr.i:: !?? Fias, and AfiaB^Ma^^|r^p|rtoii. Mr. W. E..Chapman,;Mia* Ethel Wil lis,'and Miss Mary Teague. I??n0 to 16 a? O'Clock. Map" Drawing contestr-Kennedyl Street school. ^ .. /: Jadges. J Miss May Pant, Misa Lillian CILik scales and. Mia Sallie Thompson. , lita mia O'clock* J Spoiling ?Matches-Kennedy street' a?hpol . Judges-3rd Grade Match. Miss . Jessie Thompson and: Mrs John Ragsdale. ,.. .min. iiiii\i$iw&*to^m*m??m*3*Kam?> A WORD TO TEAT^BBS The-, long talk, of tFiebt Day or non county,-has over, had,; and lt. urged Jhat eyer* teacher;#ill, arouse more " cntbusUkBni ? than b,e "Has- in thc - past few-, at.eena^ ^jtttjp^na^?jtta fr ?rn all parts ot Otp county , great, prei Promptly et ten o'clock tho Arith metic ;. contact* '?Iii. .be held at the Kennedy, street sch??fc , Any/ pf. tlc Anderen people will,Kc't^ftSttM out thls-'bullding ?$?t^e.^t?|^|it%. Teachers, altea* iiaorsas noon . the children. e^ patrons that the; morn ing, contestant viii be strictly. private, only 'he Judges, and epntee^auta la* *>fese?e The children aro sskea to .bring p$ncl}s~-th? pane? will ba furnished by. the county. - At. 10:30 oVJock th*; may drawln* contest will be;h*id ai Kennedy; street school.., Tlm Ja^eajWiil:;a#ectp4e.of the three maps tt>, ?ei>djf?w*,<- Thia children, will draw tho requited map (frpm memorri ,a?jB?'the one drawing ?ron rt*e^ . Aud^.i Aoral-^"a^ 4t i 2 o'clock tho Oriad Parado will march around the conn, house. Tba children . of :th?. c^u^tty ..'will not Market ?UM: aci??p?. , ?tior' -tie .nef rada the large picnic dinner wll? b* he?..atDueaa flata *a*k, ..T^acfcetji please remind y ?br p?plU ami patron* to Iwipg well filien. bMkisK. a? rtrJ -hp- '. Over 200,000 Fanner 1 At on^trip the Cole ! a lid covert in the mos , ?. ; iii I . .?.if* " -, SHI ?Vi.' - \>r? . J. " ? ::-yP. ii h Uik Un .. . . . ? . 1 - I : i1 " The -first eight plantd 'chines a thorough tr?a . * pie?s?d c?*t?mers we s Of the more than 54,0 meri^ 'Np Imipement who fi'?ve used, arid an . so perrett in design, c< A?t quickly, it means 1 * .'. m?*f fi : . ": ? .'V : f V Mi?^Val?ria, *?$ft$?jr a?i? Miss ? i?fcfc^??A Wei*' ?rade Xe&h . l?r.. W:..rf. Petr!* ced "M?-r-s. Rfgdfi Waif?. J- j p Picnic Dinner aFBeena ViAa Park. iUr?luen?' VMtelTP&k-Coiinty Ath letic Meet - Preien?t?tion of Pateas by Pro? W. ;K. ^Tale. ?supervisor1Sf. fturai school?. ^$*dtf??r*-Hoy'?; Wood Work. . Mri 1^i(H. ^bkselL^Wr.. i? Barton ?nd. J. M 'Paget., g . . Mge?-Olrty Handwork. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^'^^"^ ^ant' Grandma? Beotpeef Sage Tea and t .?:'. ?el??r ';?****?* Sa. Nataraily j i- Treat Nobody C*B Tefl. . \ i >-.'?:?-?? . > - fig"* . K Almost. c7oryon?l*nowa that Sage (?Tea. abd. S?l??ur properly compound 1 ed. brims beek the natural color an? V*?turi?n 1 which : is tto^s ,*ud troublesome Nowsday^-by; asking, at any dr ?fl : ?tore Jar - 'WjM?i'd- liage and Sulphur ?j \mmjfc*fl**y/' you will ?et a larg? liottle of this famous old recipe foi Do-i't stay era*! i Try it! Ne otu ?sit poeslbly 'tthVthat yon .darjtetoeil soft *?3$\ with* it* "a'ni *dra<*, tlS i. thr?a.ah- ybsT hair, taking one. small wi s lise Cole Planters in pre smoothes the bed, opens t t'accurate and scientific m WorlcFs Recor Total number of Machii Total number of Machii Total number of Machii Total number of Machii Total number of Machii Total number of Machii Total number jof Machii Total number of Machii Total number of Machii Tot al number of Machii j Total number Of Machi: Total number of Machi ;? ?."Jut . ? ? ;?. ->:?'.<:*. J ? ???'.?. ':. '. : .' , (T^e a^ove inc ludes-sale fs'bbiielit by us during 19j ?|Q??. -, .C. L??tHAl APPROPRIATIONS. WEf^C SCHOOL AID All Money Is to Be Paid To the j Rural Graded Schools l> 4 I4C Without Fail f .. That tho school of Anderson county and every other county In the state win faro welt, this year la now as sured, according to a letter just re ceived in Anderson hy J. B. Felton, Superintendent of education. Mr. Fel ton say? that'he ls much pleased with tho' appropriations and that he be i liesa*, the School, will bc ; able to db J. much effective work ?s tho result of th? -appropri?tlops :-frbm the .general nssembiy. . . L?T-he ge??rnl assembly mada' liber the. lotter sept- but.from Columbia to UIQ uaElous superlnteadents of educar lion:': . : "Tho. genernliassctnbly made llbe?r al provision for the. . free . public schools- Thb si* appropriations In clude: : High schools. $60.000; '.rural graded; schools, $80,000; weak, schools fer, teran ?Stcnsion, $60.000 ; libraries, $5,000; public school buildings under the act >Of- -XjftO; to be disbursed in or der of aplic?tlons filed, $20.000; con tingent lurid to be expended, by the county .boards of education upder the regulations provided by the state su nertntcnSent of education'for espec Illy n?edy rural schocl districts,. !$4fvMH ?J '.'Thc&? funds guarantee, the contin uance Sod extcnalpn of education ac , tivities that have^ brought, inore effl , I:eleni jfohools ' to. 'scores of communi zes, Oering- repent year?, State aid ?f*ase4u:on the local taxation should 'provide in ewni district t?. school, tarni i of .-JUL^a?st lgeven months, an up-to .1 daly building and a body of c'orhpq >'tent, teachers, if. the people of any !. com unity will co-operate with.. pup 1 lie' scbeoV'ahtberitiea they may easily ' ?jp: ' . . .? . ...j . . t .. les sold during 4903 . . ?es sold during 1904 . . , ?es sod during 1905 . . .. ?es sold during 1906 . . . . ?es sold during 1907 ... ?es sold during 1908 . . . . ?es sold during 1909 ... ?es sold during 1910 . . . ties sold during 1971 . . . ri es sold during 1912 . . . ties sold during1913 ... nes sold dining 1914 up tc . . 1 < is of 1914 only pu to Marci 03 were puf in the harids of d; with them, settlement e< dyertiisers we ever had. t by us^we can say th^t wi xk?t ?bears such ? w?i kly state that it would be orkmanship and great pra' d money saved to you. & : j. ;??i::.:t::ih{:. , .%?^. ,1 r?QMfrp* >' ' . ... -? . . ,inufti;r i-itf iff.'? . " . >? .. . . -j; ?no?> j'.j" ?'ti!... ? ?. . . ..>: fit >>;;.. i-m Iii ?li .'J" 'I|U . f, 1. . cn ih?lr . tv^?? n?ip^ttOMnEb^ a?'l heretofore. ?.... 1 ' -i /I "Rural ?radod school applications ahull be paid without fail: Udder no ; condition would* ?ny distract 'maia* *' talning a two- er three-t?aohefc? school ?nd ?'*lting-for sehnW'&'id'bfl'p^rmHt^ri' to close for leek-?f-f?nds, " ^ire in crease from |6d,yj00.' for these schools guarantees'tile purpose ;'. of th? lewrasker? '!<>?'? W?li>#?.??? ?his ; policy In every district, meeting the requirements of the rurale graded f school act. No rural community en rolling fifty children cab! now afford to do wjthout. a two-teacher school -1 and no such community enrolling 7?. children should be content with less i than a throe-teacher school. Under this constructive and stimulating. 1 policy upwards of two hundred com- 1 munlties have voted the required four t mTtl tax, and have secured recogni tions* as state-aided schools. Your co- i operation in extending this policy i throughout your county ls thoroughly appreciated, for without your cordial assistance nothing could he accom plished by state aid to these schools.) !"Ncarly 600 term extension? appll-K cations have already heen paid. Hut if any weak district levying b two-v mir tag desires l<\ participate In this., appropriation its anim ation J should bb forwarded without . delayY The , terni extension net applies to even tho smallest school in the most sparsely settled section. This incas-! ure has already brought about a . 'marl;ed increase in the school term of half ot the counties in thc state. Hy utilising it?, benefits "(he trustees and patron? of any district should be able tb lengthen, their school term. Where a sufficient local tag is Toted to oectirc the maximum of flOO state : . aid .every public, school may now run .at least 140 days , "Thc library appropriation has nev-'1 er been fully used. SCIIOOIB without t u library should purchase bbc-Imme-1 j d lately; school haying libraries may. enlarge them.each year. "Thc re?ewal of th? state building fund means at Tenet, four score new :buildings du-lug 1014. Tko one-room ' school house is, add must'.always re main, ? hec?Bs|ty. It would mark a1, great step forward, however. If tho.) number of one-room school houses*/ erected; ibis year .could be reduced to ' ?tve-^lp?niiov and ? the. construction ct iwri-mdm. three-room orxfobr i*room buildings could become the ?tah." A Card el Tabaks. v y\ Mr. abd Mrs. It.'O. How ill of Green ville thank their friendo.of Anderdon for the many words, of sympathy ?nd . JglMg kindnea* that, were shown, them lin their sad affliction. ' j. . May Goers richest blessings reward j;each and o^ery .ope. 1 ' EBgHsa ?fcoTf?eai*. - . Inverlfttlh.: Scotland. March 21 The ISnglish fifteen toduy won the In ternatl?nal Rugby championship, 4e . feat log tyie Scottish, team by. i? points -?4: ia"'- 1 : ' . '/ i i>" 33 ?y save 50 per cent, of lab th the soil, covers it, opei Corn/ Peas, Beans, r'eni Planters, I?tc* :: ,y. 780 .1,926 .3 ,069 ? .5,260 .5,128 ......... .5,467 . . . . ... r. . .,,-5,340 . . *. .7,614 .... . . 8.875 . . -i ...... .5*485 . ) March 23rd . . . 5,703 ; rt >and Total . . 54,670 i 23 rd. ' good farmers, with reqi >uld then be made with ii ; have never received a coi iderful record! 'In impossible in any #ay to :tical usefulness. ? xW- ? ..... Lu:,*! -|.Vrt.-. - jfi ' pj'ri . ?..... k< . ??/ ;c ? %fk\ . .1 ? . .*!.?:; -.. mil? ..'...,j,?.,.v.->v<ccartonlly mys a well known, authority. .. ht?at tortas ' uric. acid which, excite* '.'tho,]., i-.ldniys, tlioy become' overworked^ rrom .tho strain, get sluggish, und iall f to flUer, the waste and po/sops, from j.< tho blood, then we get ?lek . N?grArr all. rheumatism, .headaches, liver. ' trou hi e. nervousness, dlejslne:ss sl.cnpV i1 lessne'ss und urinary disorders como1 from sluggish kindheysj.. . ;J Tlie moment you: feeM dull: actifs lri1 tho kidneys or your, back hurta or if < thc urino I? cloudy, or^en8?^ ;full of. 1 s?diment., irr?gubu: posogn^..ot-2 at-4 tended. ^ a? ..sensation, 'bri'a$?H!ihs.|< atop. er. ng meat . and. get about. four j < milice* of ;ad Salts. firora any 'pm?->< macy ; take' a^ab.lcsjjp?nY?< f??SSSS, . of ; water before breakout- aM.;i?[;? few day? ypurkidneys will "act. fine, j ThJ[n famous salts bi piado f^om thc acid of grapes and Ien\op jiUc*e, .conj bined .with Htbia^anA hasThrill tjjjeo* for goncratioos.to flush apd sraaelij^e tho ifidnev?. bw> t?j ' noutw?W?.f)t? acids.iS tito ?iiu? s? it Ha, lo4?wr caunefc'Irritation, .'thus ?ndltig bladder ] weakness.... Jv'i ??d 8ait9 ls inexpensive rind .can- [ not Injure; makes n delightful effer- . vesceht. litha-wntor drink wbAc?i every one should, take now arid, then tp heep thc. kldhcys ?l??a and active abd tW ' MO'Sd pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney ConipHca.tlfcris. grans' Pb?faMt-' cy. Atenta; # * * * -A * * *. * # * * ? : * SOUTH WUX?AMStON *? i*:V*^.^*'?^Vi^?,; .Sopfli W?Hamst?n. March 2?.^-W V?. Cobb of Union and his brbtner. few? ealaj>e? to ,t?kjs 'e?ect 'on APrfl ...lsjT i^h^^s Mralnf IIIIIIIII^IIWIIPM ?r aiidMf> 9lttef work* is it lip again, plants nits, or .other seells. * ?vi . <"* t*,M .. . . I.."?; *!<.vi . . . Viii r(M .?.loi. 'J , ?PH Jk- ?, % ,' .I . i I ?*<, . ? , . 1- f.'? . ..' ?J 1 .;<.. II -ff- 41 ..* ..J >tf> ? /.!*. ... .OK. . . , "i .. I ?' kit . . .' ' . . >.w.' ; > . nest to give these maj ia These eight ^ Well mplaint from' a: cufcto tJ? 11 gent farmers improved!* ?miiUiH?nt I, ..'?OtT'i.? V H'?-- J.-??- . - ; . ' '{. V*. P ^)''.?.*!? .''?' /?. . *. ': .* f . .:...?'? ?*?.l-ti J.' i>-4 l?L Belton, tie; rout?fi*'^ 'fifi o^oVdg^^^^^ Tli?^farnj???^f^'iui? 'j^mub'tiy ar?y? . Jd*: Otis Hall dined .#4ib MK a**,* KraY ll V. McKinney SttiiW. . , ',. f. Born io Mif and ' W'^fc-'l??*?^!? ?afch.lt*?, boy, '' r & ;.j ? M?i?aea ??ilo and Tln^.tiUt M?Sm I wi? Elva PrulU' Sunday. .: . ...V : ..?'J.i ?tra. Jog, Lyon ta. vadtm?i ?nr^Vt'iro? .1 :!?er- 'Str." Jonn ^t ik?;; t? ; .?i'-,f.??.? Prof eaisor. W?0^?? aad^iBbb .Sf??^o . i of tonn ?irSol>%d?f aorv?eo?t - jif U Bben??c Sundiy. ' .J . UttJ? Janie ^MeKldn'-y ls iaS?fi? Fl tier, sister, Mfa: R...?8. t)ra)io, v , f Mr, aad Mra^ Pr/sst?n, Asbief ?Wlti, ad :Mr. and Mrs. Jini jjislier mm&y? aff?t. V - ' .'. . T" / ??? ? -, ;,: "" y-? r? H?Mpwwtt??^lt;ft.>''TO6i^ -^???-ft;;);.:?^ .wolf, ipr; e?ttpr tfto.-'lit?tiOi ?f-?tUJ:;. ! comm un ?k thb? {t?&fitmatrrt ;?iash>fe.r' ^har? planted aomtf corn. Th? school.;thia. Wufce'ls.la ?.?pur-" maning cot :^;?n?:h> helnk iaught T. it, Dp"ri;j4a?aiaii^'sir a;few day* Nvlt^jjf dahfl?t?r? .Mr?. E. r. MeDa0t?C3*3^> T . , ' Mr?. StJg?ne t^?nifHad -??? - misfor* j tun? of tettleg btJr lpg iprainsd by r] faiimg from: a high^pla^toi but she ls ! now settfnf a?oa?r. airifhti - ? '. . ' . Wonder If WI I* t*B!*y5 hos got/any fVd*t I?root wb^?iBlph aeed,^fr so, would l*e to fet eome.f?? J. ^Q. Taefeirj ba%-b^^^t %itb a ; our^Wia?^T^?Krt^j^ n" ! atjtlb?.otlratO^^^.^f*'? ?V b O O O OJ) ? n_0 O ATIO oOOOfi ? :.. f^Jp^wf^;>u? .:. O O .O O O 6,0, O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ko^owin^ f?rtbe,^ ''? ?tr.-'n- rnaPH t?fcg/ Iteutricc Lan H'Nii, fjya^4fflCT?^vigSwt& Mean*. ^?tow?t^ fcfrrtni,p {Ma?on, Marie I^a ^Wjwte^jfwi^;' ll 1 ?oarden, ^*S*/^B^t?*^1 f i'ettrr^f'olemaa . Unit ml: r.>?dtatt?a, .. Moa?? jnto?t ?* Recitation, Hunter .WtlltanjR, Jatea?.RHOdtt. -.Yr t Joke*, Irfsray ?timi ?ttltitton. Marla ^rrisln. ^ Ninth Ot?dti Multiplication Ciar*. t'oeuo, hi ; concert; Seres ? h ? Keelton! Safa %ffiini?!^ ?eadia?i W&le Ot^?}-nf. Reading.- Uaile tiraham.