NATIONAL AND STATE TICKET. For President, GIoVER CLEVELAND, of N. Y. For Vice-President, ThHos. A. HENDRICKS, Of Indiana. For Governor, HUGH S. THoMPsON. For Lieutenant Governor, JOHN C. SHEPHEUD. For Secretary of State, J. N. LIrscomi. For Treasurer, J. P. RIOHADSOnN. For Adjt. and Insp.-General, A. M. MANIGAULT. For Comptroller-General, W. E. STONEY. For Attorney-General, C. R. MILES. For Superintendent Educaition ASBURY COWARD. For Solicitor 8th Circuit. COL. JAs. L. Ona. For Congress 3rd D3istrict. CoL. D. WYATT AmN. PICKENS COUNTY. For House Representatives, JoHN H. BoWEN, J. E. BoG0s. For Clerk of Court. J. J. LEWIs. For Sheriff. H. A. RicrEY. For Probate Judge. J. H1. NEWTON. For School Commissioner. LABAN MAULDIN. ForCountv Commissioners. AIf. TA LLLy, F;uAS DAY. J. J. HERD, For Coroner J. A. LESLEY. CausHED AGAIN.-On an ineom ing- Vandalia train was) at fatmily of five-a fat, good natured man, his wife, a pretty but nervous lady. :1nd gracious knows 'twas eiougha to make her nervous, the trouhle she had with their three children. 'he eldest, a boy of six, mashed his hand by pulling the window d1own on it. A little later, at a sudden jerk of the train, he turned a sommnersaulIt, brising and gash ing his head. Then the half year oJld baby upset the aichohol l'amp from the windowsill, which fright "ned the mother nearly into hys t erics, which was a signal for 'all A he children to set up in chorus. Blut (luring the next five iutes, wheni the half-destracted woman was trying to stop the music, that fatt man from the seat back of' her looked without an effort-he was really charming in his complacen cy. When quiet reigneil again the wife said with1J a sigh : 'I do know I have more trouble than any woman on earth.' 'O, no,my dlear; don't say that, anisweredl benediet, n4t moving his eyes from his paper. 'I do say it!' she re;>lied more could befall a woman that I have not suffered.' 'O, no, my dear; uiot so hadl as that. Fo-- instance: You are not at Widow,' he atnswerel isweetly. Nhe held her breath twvo seconds and then retorted: 'I saidl 'entlamity.'sir.' TWo PAIRs oF TWiNs IN AuKAN SAS.-Mr. William Bryant, says the Rome, (Ga.), Bulletin one of the solid farmers of North Georgia, and- with all one of the dlev6resti men you ever saw, was in a high glee, and one of the party asked him what made him so jolly. Ifo said: 'You know my girls got married near ten months ago and went to Arkansas. Well I have been so uneasy about them I d idn't know what to do. They didcn't write and I diden't know where they were, what they were (oing, r how they were getting along. I know now.' Saying this, he pulled from his pocket a postal Card and Iread about as follows: 'DEiAR FATHER--WC are all well Rnd getting along pretty nicely. Sister Sallie and me have a fime pair of twins-all four of them girls.' --He was a country young fel low, a little awkward and bashful, btut of sterling worth of character. She was a Cincinnati belle awl had sense enough to appreciate his worth, despite his awkwardness, bashfulness, and was his financee. Dn a gloomy Sunday evenin)g last winter they Ier standing inl front >f the window in the parlor of her iome, on East Walnut lill,watcli Lng the snowflakes rapidly falling )Utside. le was not lip in Society 41mall talk, and being hard up for something t,) say, remarked as he vatched the snow falling: "'This ivill be lml on the old ian's c tives md sheep.' 'Never mind, dear." said sle, slipping hei arm aioun(l Jim. "I will take care of one of hem . - DEArH OF Two A;ED LADIES. last Friday two of the oldest ladies n our county died un:ler remaika >le circumstainces. Miss Lucy Whatley and her sist-er,M iss Ashee Whatley, died in the same room and n the same hour. One was 90 (ears of age, the other 92; and hey had both lived.l to)gether all ~heir lives at their home neair Re )mblican church, neither of them wer having married. Both were levout chr'istian s and they were uighly respected and loved by their 1eighbors and all whv knew them. -E~dgefieldl Advertiser. ERRONEoUs . dUDGEMNT.--A s in gular instance of what an error in udgement will now and then lose i farmer wvas (levelo0ped yesterday. Ni. Dick, of Dial's Township, Lau rens, brought an ol I bale of c5otton uere and put it on the market. The very best he could do was to sell his cotton at 8) cents. He has held this bale and( two others for 3 years andl last summer he was of. fered 11.} cent~s for them all. He held themn for 12 cents, but the buyer would go no higher, anfd now he will have to hold to the two others or' suffer a still further loss. --aif News, Oct. let. -Mr. A. A. Wilson, of Wash ington, who has heeln authorized by the nlati)-nal democratic com mittee to recieve contribution of money in ai 1 of the democratlic campaign election, said ota Satur day tbat the response to his pnb. lished -ard asking for money were Surprising. He says that menwo men and childrenhave voluntarily come forward and given money. -The (lay for holding the cat tle show for Spartanburg County has been changed from the 9th to the 14th of October. -A Tremendous meeting of Geman democrats was held in New York on Monday night. --One of the merchants in Ma rion collected $1,300 one day last week. THE EMINGTON SeWilg Machinle, LIKE THE EIINGTON RIFLHS UNEXCELLED BY ANY. Sure to Give Satisfaction. General Office, Ilion, N. Y. New York Office, 28; Broadway. Buying Agents Wanted,, (l G f: News and Courier, CIIARLESTON, S. ('. Daily $10 a year ; Weekly $2 a year. The Leading Paper of the South-East I Largest Circulation hn the Cotton f States.( S- "b. SNt~D EBEE, Greenville, S. C., DEALER IN Watces, C. ocks, Jewetry, 4tc., &c. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. D~ec 21-iy WV. S. GREGORYl, our Foremian and i Puiblisher, Is authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions, Job work and advertisements for Trne MEaSENGnR. ( THOMAS SMOOTHING EA R R O W FOR ialrowing in four Vmall Grain Crops. HUDGENS & HUDGEN8 Easley,, S. C. July 11-5 )RuGs! DRUGS!! F. A. WALTER, PROPRIETOR., Cor. Main ani Washlington Sts., GR E N VIL L r. S. C. ~FFERS to the publie, one of the betselected. putrest anld freshiest >ye Stufi's, Toilet articles, Patent 1eicines, the best brands (of Segar-~ 11( Tobacco, Notions, etc., ete , to be mund in thei State. Also, full line of aLrden, Flower and field ntar'anteedl fresh and genuiine. and1( in ect everything usually kept in a first lass Druz Store. is SODA FOUNT in full blast, and well supplied with very conceiv Lble kind of flavoring y'rups, Cream, etc., and served in the est style in the City. Politec and attentive clerks, with a all and select stoek of Goodls is our aeadin g Inducements for patrons. When you come to Greenville don't all to call on mue, and I gnarantee sat. 3faction. My stock is too large to un iertake to enumerate all the eirticles. F. A. WALTER. May 23 t~f Towni L.ot For Sale, t~wl ell my house 4nld lot, in 3Cs w e~nihich B..D). Orgei~ nowflives, on tabling one acre, ad~foiagi: loAo V. H. Green and land. of W.M :.Ma.. ~ood & Co., near the site of the de f ehe C. C.G. & C. R. Rt. Twill '.3l he whole Or diVkle the- lot %wd tell ither paortion. Por partet4tr ~Ya erms, address Maes. N. A. OREE1q, eit ireenville. S. C. se r5 4