*Ihe ?aslet * essenger. LOCAL AND COUNTY MATTER. %- __ _ _ -1-_ -Read tke new advertisements, --The cotton Is being brought to ruarket. -Next Monday 1U Salesday in Pick ens. -October rolls around with the mer cury high. -Rev. James Aral is on a visit to 'his -father. -Dr. Smith paid a visit to his broth Aer,Mr. M. J. Smith this week. -Our run of job work is a big one. Come oi -with it. -Lookout for the new advertisement -of Hudgens 4- Hludgens next week. -Cotton is bringing about 81 at the best. -Gov. B. F. Perry will speak at 'Peidleton at the Stock shQw. -Tobacco and Cigars leip at Own bey Bros. Sept. 26 tif -One of our young men has quit -erosslig the roads so often. He must be '"solid."1 -Dr. J. W. Quillian, wvho has been 'quite sick. is able to take a trip to Georgiat, and left us on Wednesday. 4 -We are glad to be able to report t-he condition of Mrs. Hester as improv (d. May she soon be up again. -Mr. W. J. Pickle requests us to state I that he has tenl fine shoats for sale, i which are six monthshold. -It-is reported that oulr eflicieit County Clerk hats 'another young lad I boarder at his house.' -Miss Olivia Roberts has beeni em ployed by Prof. Moore, -as assistant in his increasingly prosperous sehool. t - A Job Lot of Crockery cheap at *OwnbeylBros. Sept. 26 t f -Miss Smith, a -sister of M r. Barnett Smith, who lives near Pickens, died on 13aturday the 20th instant., and was -buried at Zion. --Mr. JoscpI Wyatt.fne of our for c mer citizens, has removed to towvn and1( can be .found in the store of R~obinson & Wyatt. -Mr. George Merideth loves Eas.. j oyorsonething' therein. We are glad h to have you with us. -Mr. J. M. Philips has complleted1 that elegant p)1ow of his, and by call- ' ing at his shtop you will have an oppor- " tunity of examining it.t --Rev. -S. P. H. ElweHt and son are with us on a visit. Mr. Elwell made ad tsplendid talk in the Methodist Church on Wednesday night. --We hear it rumored that Maj. L~ouis 'R. Redmond is tomove to Easley andh open a shoe shop with Mr. WV. 11. White~ a head. I -Ownbey Bros., can sell you a plug a of Tobacco for 5 cents. Sep 26-tf'. -At isaot .long until the 4th of No- t< vemnber. Voter have you your regis. tration certificate.? If not, see our very _ clever Supervisor of Registration, Mr. y W. A. Clyde and get y'ourt certificate, a GIN NOTICE.-lliggins & Ownbey n Bros., will gin your cot ton for the 20th at the Higghin & Mauldiu Ol Stand. Satisfaction guar-anteed. Baggintg andii Ties cheap as the chennest. Gie as a a -Listen. No news-paper fib. Mr. 'homas Hinton planted one pea which i rew up antd produced 1000. Hadn't I in penple better turn their attention I o pea raising,. -Mr. Elisha Lanrence, who lives iear Central, told us; that his son had dillel seventeen rattlesnakes. That's snake story, but a true one. The nother with her oaapring met with a ad late. --Miss Eula Bron wu,of Atlanta,who or so long a time lent life to Easley, rrbcing its society, left us onl Saturday norning last. May her' presence with is be realized again, and not in the rery dim, distant future. Hlidden-name Cards and a Fine 12Card Case for 20 Cents. ep 26 tf T. K. & V. E. IIUD0ENS. -Mrs. Emma Knight paid a viist to ler parents and other relatives at Un on, last week, and returned home on Wednesday morning. -We are certain to have a new Drug store fin Easley soon, as the loca. :ion las been decided upoll. --Ice cold Soda Water at. Own. )ey Bros. Sepi. 2( tf -The South Cart'olinla Pre.-bytery bvill be held at Libeitv, conunecing )1 Saturday next. The retirinfI g Mod. ,emator., Rev. C. IH. Fennell will prea:h it 10 o'clock oi Sat ti dasy morninug. -Remember that when you stand n need of having work done in the Alacksi ith line, that Mr. J, M. Phil ps, the first chiss wurkuman at this >iace, will (10 It for you promptly aidl pon eb3ap termrs. le is facilitIted to be work in a mainner that will kejpj laee with his high taleit. -Mr. J. T Aithony 'alled in 1) seeP is on Monldab. Ile had taken a tripi br-oumgh Anderson :nd Abbeville cann ies. Ile visited the home of ('o1. 1). Vyatt Aiken while lie w:is gone id Old hi 1oo line Ande. Mr. Authotiv tells uiz that lie 1h ;1 !( xer1aget! cro. So b.. 1, all rirht for an ther year. lie will inake aboti or near.. V SO. a bale of- cot ton to tihe aere :11( ni some of his bottomn 1huul, he willI aake 50 bushels o'f :orni to thec aere. 'hat's t he way to farmu. --Wanted, u10.000) Teun Thlousand1 .ishels of ('otton Seed. Will p'ay the ighest ma~irket price in cash. sept 20(-t f. Ownbey Br'os. -Let evcry'body sendl us their job 'ork.-' Wheni we enlarige our' paper, hich ill be soon, we do n)ot proposet abandon our' job (departmuent. Don't >r'get this, but comIe on withI yourtl or'. ers, Letter heads, envelopes, circa. its, official papers &c., we will pr'int i yr' you. 't -Mr'. Chapman, the Section Madter ni the Air Line Ro:mI at Ensley, with is corps of wor'kmecn, have beenu doingf sp'lendid job on the road this week i the construiction of a wide crossing t the depot. Ourii town contiimes to 3 npr'ove and Mr'. Chapman is the man ) hlip its out. WANTED I WANTED ! ! WANTED) I ! !f s -Everybody who is indebted to A. M. t tuinion to come forward and set tie their ecounts. fInving indulged you all, ow I hope you will reteu'n the favor by t aying up as soon as 1)0osile. c Soliciting yo~i. ur'inc t' put r'on.ige,. i Ct :321. A. N! 'H o ,NON --Ir.- J. M. tampey, the well know nerchaut of our towu, with his exce Cnt wife, returned last week to thel 1omae, after uaking plewant jouruic o Abbeville and Ciiarleston. Mi [ampey looks well by li trip, whic te was right in taking. because lie cor ines himself so strictly to his businesl -While in Greenville the other da ve visited the now Store of Mr. Mini augh, Main street, nearly opposite th Tational Bank, and there beheld on >f the finest and prettiest stocks < ,oods that we ever saw brought t xreenville. Behind the counter w !oitmd ouir yotung friend, Beanregar Iowelllwh1o is jst at homle wlenx dea ng in (Iry goods. Look out foi the ew advertiselient next week. -Owuibey Bros., will pay you sp< ash for your seed cotton. Sep 26-tf -We saw a young man on the tral ast week that was making his wa jack to -Greenville,' from the home < iis . Whei inquiring wN loutid that this was not the young ma ;hat met with such a sad accident i 3eneca a few week; ago. when th 'rain was about to Carry him be!yonXy :lespot 'he loved so well,' and ou riend asks us to make t ie correct io Wvith regard to the 'poor unfortutxate ve will add that if he shiild go upol vhat we would call the wrong misio ve hope he will tear both the knees o xis trousers. -Mr. Win. C. MoFall. a brother o lr. W, T. MeFall, of Pickens, died a he home of the latter ol Sunday last or SOIle years Mr. McFall had beet lving in Texas. Ills health failed hiri here and not long sinee he returned t larolina, w-herehe hw d.ied with consutim ion. Hfi.s remain-,; were carried to An lers'otn on Monday, whvere a delegatio; of his war comrades met tihem an 11d e:u led thet to the home of his sister Irs. Jane IIlubbard. 'I'hey were sul: eqtiently interred in the Baptist Cen tery. the funeral services being Coll ncted by Rev. J. S. Murray. -la rmer, carry your Cotton t ligginIs & Owh Ibe I Bros., and t1hey wiI i it for h' 20th. They also will bu 01ur Seed C'ot ton ando pay you spot cas iclivered at theC (inf, or store of Own ey3 Bro a. Sept 20-tfi Pleasant M~oqmd P. O.. Laurens Ct ,. C.-Messrs. Westmuoreland( Bros. enitl(Ieen ou gave Rite a b)ottle c our Calisaya T1onie, which I admin 11 ered to my son who was sufferinug a hat time with chills and fever, atnd nust say for the benefit of the puli< hat it gave himi entire satisfaction an elievedI the case, atad that thxe chxil] ms not returnedI to him. I have e~s emnined your formula for making th l'onie, and believe it to be a superic weparation , ando if used as directe bink it an in valuble remedy in ou ',outherni mahirina. districts. Very respeCtifthhy, -W1e dhireCt the aittenxtiont of ott c'aders to the new and chaiige~f adiver isemenits which appear in this isst Ir. Buirbage, that very a ftable gentle in of Greenville, who wvithi his spii f enxterprise has dlone so much for tha ity. Comles to the front this week ait4 hxows to our pc eple whaut lie can do(1 fo bemi. Read1 too thle advertisemmt 0 tohinsoni 8' Wyatt, and when yoi Omet to towni call onl these~5 gent l(feen 'hey are menx of enterprise and with i bey are veryr aiccuntodatinug. T1he t*oS thle ilew crossitig arId ( see Mi. C '. l~tiOio. lie gra.:ces oiur (cohulum is week with a diferent 'adl..' hu ill nort treat you indiff'erenxtly, and wil L'eeIve Votiui asconlialVeVw. C. P. RUNION, Easley, S. C. Still "T1he Leader of Low Prices. _:O: e S eceivinga ragniilleent Hie of new FALL and WINTER G300 S, which he offers at very LOW prices,&e 25 yards of Prints for - - * 00 20 yards of Shirting for - - 1 00 e 10 yards of Worsted for - - - 1 00 D 10 yards Cotton Jeans for - - 1 00 ,f 3 yards all-wool Jeans for - - 1 0M o No excuse for not keeping warin. A GOOD Brogan Shoe For 01 00. r 15 lbs brown Sugar for - - - $1 0) 14 lbs Golden Sugar for - - 1 00 t All goo 0(1Sold at bottomli prices, &'. Very respect fully. C. P. RUNION. Oct3 tf ROBINSON & WYArL1 e E ASIE Y, S. C., H A V E NOT I IE N U mindJful of the requirements of t i . Mercanltile btiness. Our Fall and Winter Is being replenished all along, al we guarantee as cheap prices asany irm in the country. t needed in the household and kitcehi departments; Oil the farm' and in tle G: I'T "EEO:T.7S-E, call on us anid be stpplied. You shal get "valhtie receiven." - oct3 tf TO It I",' GIVEN AWAY F01? A SMA L U NJU, 1 '5 P'i'ces Drj'es- Goods for 5c per yard. 30 " half wvool, for 1o(. 25 12-' a 20 pieces Bro(adedl Dre ):r Good. for 15 1 anda 1n e. v 10 pieces dlouble width Cashmneres for 33c, never sold for less thain 50c. - 8 pices~ doulet width (Cashimeres for 50c. 20 p)ieces of the best Kirser ti the State for 15c 18 pieces of Kentucky .Jeans, the heav ever offered ini this, for 333e; al ways sold1 for 50e; all wool, and we tare r'esp~onsible for what we say. 10 pieces of Kentucky Jeans, Ilo'me mlade, for 40c. I10 pieces of Kentucky, all wool, .feaun sfor 45 and 50( c. -20 yds the best Shirtinigfor 1.00 e 16 yds as good as cani be had for 1.00. r13 ydIs full one yard wide for 1.00, and lbs the bolt, 5, 6 and 7c. S1,500 yds the best Bleaching, to be giv en away for 10c; w~ell worth 12)c. 1'2 yds Bleaching, full one yard ide, and clear of starcb, for 1.00. Black Qashmeros, We can only say our stock is im - mense this Fall, and prIices very low. t All wool shawls for $l.75c. t 12 yds good Drilling for 1.00. 1 32 yds Calico for 1.00.. r 20) yds Calico, better, for 1.00. t 14 yds Calico -T1he best, for 1.00. INow, the way is open for you to see -if the abovo is true by calling to see as when you comeI to G reeniville, and then you will soon sec who will save voor money. Your friends. Stradley & Barr, GRlEENVILLKR S. C.