ghe gusley eener. J. R. HAGOOD, EnIOi. THE CAMPAIGN OPENS. Tuesday, the 23rd inst., was a gala day for the citizens of Pick ens County. By appointment of the State Executive Committee, Pickens was made the place for the opening of the State Campaign. All the speakers assigned to Pick. ens were present with tWo except ions. Senator Wade Ihtimpton, who has been spending 6ometime at Dagger's Point, Va.. received I he information of his appoin tment too late to be with us. Unavoida ble circuinstances prevented Hon. J no. C. Shepherd,the present Lieu tenant Governor of the State, from a participation in the events ol Tuesday. Our people would have been )leased to welcome in Pickene again, the man that so materially aided in the redemption of the State from the hands of plundereri and self-aggrandizing office hold ers. Notwithstanding the very busy season, the solid democracy of Pickens County was well repre. sentod on the 2rd. The rare and rich eloquence of the speakers wh( graced tge already adorned stand said much to interest our peopl upon the subjects of National ani State politics. The meeting wai held on the campus of the Pied mont Institute, the spetakers occu pying the front piazza of the build ing as a stand. The rostrum wai Artistically decorated with ever greens and flowers, and presnte( an appearance indicative of the work of the gentle hands of thi good ladies of Pickens. Not only did they add to the attractions ir this p)articular, but then they wen present at the exercises, and theji inspiring presence was not with. out its influence. WELCOME was (learly delineated upon theii countenances,and ostensibly showr: by their presence. Maj. D. F. Bradley, the County Chairman, introduced as the first speaker the Hon. J. P. Richardson, of Sumter, the present State Treas urier, and a candidate for the same office. He remarked that it was the first time that he had ever been with us, but that he had sympa thized with us, and that he tell himself a redeemed Carolinian, in~ part made so through the efforts o1 the citizens of Pickens Coun ty. He is a gifted speaker, and in fact, is nothing less than a natural born orator. Of course it was his prov ince to speak on the subject of tax ation. Those who failed to be present misaed hearn oevr radica e a d he great public de )t. Proi Augus1st 1868 to December 1872 the debt contracted by -the radicals amount ed to $28,900,000, without reasons he said, and our State became bankrupt. When the democrats came into power the assessed val uation of property was about one sixth 9f.this amount. In 1875 the appropriations made by the radi cals exceeded the receipts by $864, 000. But in 1879 after the demo crats were placed in Power there was a surplus in the Treasury of $268,000 after all expenses - were paid. He spofke:of the taxes col lected in 1882-83, as amounting to $750,965, and that all the ex penses of the government along with the interest on the public debt was $688,000. The State is evidently upon the road of pros perity. The next speaker was I [on. Isa ac M. Bryan. of Greenville, one of the Presidential Electors from the State at large. le delivere(l a well prepared speech and for one hour gave veut to his power of' el oquence. le was followed by the lon. W. C. Benet, of Abboville, an elector [rom the Third Congres sional iist rict, andl who in tir was followed by the Hon. Geo:ge Johnstone, of Newberry. These men are among the inost able mind ed of' our State, and thei r presence and power aie well calculated to lend interest to all such occasions. Following these gentlemen was the lon. ) Wyatt Aiken of Cokes bury, our present member and nominee for Congress from the Third District. Col. Aiken has much of the orator in him, and would necessari ly entertain any audience before whom he was call ed to speak. T1he last speaker wa ur present, very efficient So licitor', the lHon. James L. Orr, of Greenville. Our people are well acquairnted witn this man of ster ling worth and ability, lie has served us faithfully in the past, and this, with his great efficiency is a fine GUARANTEE for the future. The lHon. W. H. Perry, of Green ville, the nominee for Congress from the fourth dlistrict was pres ent, and he has our best wishes. THlE STOCE SHOW AT PENDLE TON.. On Trhursday, October the 9th, the Pendleton Farmers' Club will hold their 69th Anniversary. It will be a day of great interest to many of our people, and all those owning fino stock of any kind should place them on exhibition. 'ie gleaj interest that is being Liken In stock raising in-upper ouh Carolina is truly encourag ing. It bespeaks p')osperity and the raplid rise of a p1rogresaive peo ple. The exhibition will be worth attending, for fine horse flosh and extra cattle will be there in abund ance. We are glad to state that it is the intention of Messrs. Ha good & Alexander, of our County, to place on exhibition their fine horses, purchased from the Wiz ard Oil Company, and the Perche ron Horse Company will also be represented. [For the Messenger.] M it. E>rroi: During your absence from your paper headquarters, I hand ed your 1Foremani a comiuinl) icattionl which appears inl your issue of Sept. 121h. Ii the local columns reference is laud to tle article in hinguage and style fully as impolite, aid nlibecomi ing for a. newspaper Iblisherand ge. teiianl, as an1ytl4g I have said, not withstanldiig lie Chooses to style it "growl a(1 grmble." ] at goes on to .4ay that 1, "he would have those who do not know any better to believe that the crop prospects for this Couity are stamped with starvation.'' I ebritai that I have not "growled, grumhI1bled," or tried to make anuvone believe a falseiood inl my ohimm'ica tion, and ai more thati willing to sib mit it to those who kntiow Engliih mar, as 1 11 do int clain to kniowA anythiig a boit it, having never stidied it one mintiLe. 14ti from the howing I am able to make from the highest aUl t hority n tihe subject; oif esi itnimatino (1rops correctlv, wh ich esti Imate I more. t huin fullyisst as me in all I have Saild ill my colmiuiienationl, I would ask tei ait hlor of I hat ou t of t ime, out. of place, micalled for conmment, who t he reader of (his part of) the M ..ssEN(a will ac caMse of tryinig to deceive the people, (who do notk any%, better.) and make them belleve a falsehood. I res peoltfully sibmit the names of 'O) far. Imer citizens of this (oun ity. some from every towiship and ne lighmborhooid n hose average est imate of t he grow ing Irl' of. c rnI .cott on, peas and pota. t oes, is 53 peLr cet., not per annum but pei h'udied. / Ini reply to what, is said in t h. issut( of Sept. 109th regarding the matter, 1 hav~e to say I hat I respH~ect fully concede( to the author of the groundioless charg es in reference to my coninmunication, his opinion about estim dting cropa or anytin lg else, if hie will leave me out. or waiit until lie can j ustly bring mc Inl. With kimnd regard(s and~ best wishes for' yourself andio paper, Mr. Editor,] close still able to LETr IER llOLL. Reply to "Let Hier Roll." 1 regret the necessity of a reply tc 'Let 11er Rioll,' after the apology of last week, which I re-publish below, and leave the reader's to judge and see whc is right, as no doubt they ar'e tired o: such nonsense : Ini our last issue a charge was made that our corespondent, "Let 11er Roll,' was "growlinag and grumblin r" aboui the crops. Nothhag insultong was mneanit by the authbor of the local, and we heleve that our corespondent was sinlcere la his opinio~n regardhmig t hc crops. TIhere was a dlifference of opin ion and the writer of the local claimi to be equally sincere in that of his own, But he does not seem to want o1 appreciate an apology;but isaanxious t( keep up a disturbance about a mattei AA of which net4ferof uisjnqv but little, except .thi'ongl reporis ..twnished us by others, 1hteks~mn fort i this, instance, coupled with the good and full wheat and oat crops which every one knows to have been made this year, apd i feel' conflident that my informants are as truthful as he, "Let Her Roll," and that my convictions i the coUlnents made inl regard to his coimunication of the 12th were as sincere as h-my aim being to try to upiold the credit of our deserving far mers an6 business men-while'his led' directly in the oppositq. direction whether intentional or not, we leave to the readers of the MESSCNGER. I did not assail his character or veracity In the least, which can be seen by 'a reasonable man at a second reading of my comments in the local columns of the same date, but I merely thought that because he had a short crop, he was inclined to place every one on the same footing--or rather imagined them to be. lie spoke as though he had in spected every farm in the county, and was deputized to speak for them. It ap pears tiat his main object ion to tihe art i ele was to th 1n2 orda 'tgrowl and gruih le.' We all growl antid grumble more or le:.s, and still it does not make us dogs, imless we 1ace ourselves in that categorv. I had always before thiA "'lIucl-a-(o about nothi,'' 1ed him ill high esteell as a gentlemman d1111 good citizen, but he has gone off half c(cmlkel. al says, not only inl the MES 8EN , lbut away from home, in the "Greenville Daily News," that I have used . lnguag, &c., "unbecoming a nie wspa pell Man. publisher and a gen tiuman." Well, I will compare wit h him on th-tt score, and it really Isouds fumny to 111, wlien I coisi(ler that suich abu-ive hlnguage comes from a mai ihat is not reasonable enoigli to see and accept an apology, such as the one printed above, which appeared in our last issue-an apology w bich I now regret having made, for I have none other to offer. I Ie refers to my (the foreman's) pat of the readers o the MESSENGER, (we did not know the pa per was divided be fore) to know who was trying to de e(ive the people "'whodo n(ot know any better," and make t hem believe a false 100(1, he or. I- Well, I will infoim him that I was aware before I coln mien ted, thuit I be larger port ion of the far mers of tihe County were subscribers to tile paper, and that if .1 was wrong in miy statemnents, that t hey, as a body, were more comlpetenit to inform me of imy error than one0 mant, especially him. N ot~ one hlas made a comnplaint to the office so far, but some h uve upheld me in my calculations wvhere, as they say, farms hiav'e been prIoperly worked, andl cared for. A ud, no doubt, after the piublicat ion of hlis "'distressing"' comnmumication, some of our farmiersi were refulsed needed supplies by which to carry ihem thlrough unutil gathermng time. Further, iln regaird to the apo~logy men~ition~ed he does not concede it to me unless I leave my par't ut, and con fess thereby that he is correct and that [ am wrong. .I am nlot the man to do that, "Let Heri Roll," to the contrary notwithstanding, as my conviction's about the crops were as sincere as his. He was the first to use insilting lan guage, and such language as does not become a gentleman to use over such ai trivial misunderstnlding. I leave the public to judIge as to the whole matter, especially the "gentleman" part, as the editor dictated the apology, think ig it satisfactory over so simple a dif. ference of opinion . Imyself have "no ax to grind, ' and1 shall dIrop the sub jet hre it now stands. But must r'equest of him to explain to the read era of the paper what he means by "153 per cent., not per annum but per hundred," as I have never studied En glish Grammar either, an~d have never accused him of it. W. S. GREGORY, Foremnan Easley Messeugn-.