r4 ~e . _ _ _ _ . f E.dmL* R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N.SL ItL' SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, 819PTMJDjR 26, *$ N~*~ 'TV RKS O iU8C.TtG IRK'IJ 07F ADVERaIM"~.6 Oneqvr1 th1 ierki .5 I.,Ibmval discount on -owtrats for by te colurim, hal!I or-qnartrcoluminn. Mar-Iiage 1,iotices frec i an131cited. Obf alftrics over* 12 lin"8 'oharged for. ~a1 ut gie the to~ nhtlre ttent0. We *re 'ik~ mt c-portsile fsw One 401i All commtbIimcations for The -paper 1flljt -he FA(lkessed1 to tle Editor; .1.tftheu lettersto the 74iftler al the MEBS,'.NIra. Easley, S. C. WMAT LOVE I&. i eau-ts that throb like Mluttozingmwizigs. xlen ailbices 01l bight ey&cs, Yieldingia to Ck~e lAct (k idgbi 41Wilspera w-ot; anId totich of ltaiiCN, i'rjiyf INN-hem -tficeaWkl TidS MNay imeawu U~e-4r atight bt*,Rkle,~ 't'lleso may 'coi-md themny ga, r1~1OIg o'love yoti mv~erk-iaomnw1 Loveha tt1testw, i'rhatcan meer fimirer miake 31ife Nit got- the utlieiff skc I'lihat !C#41 w(41COme -delah -114 Sweet Whez ltk ife cast at 4o v6',s Vet. L., e iteii, 118 when die stm Mdets-mwOCIO1141t Into o11(.; ~WIb~ est'Onet ceniter tend; I Iorte) -Rn1 lears afid fttci"es Ucd A.,A two imelofies dcoiwlitinel .Ai t.W(' rt'erig, 5(4tVI wlkit f01r JrnIIw to nziktlilOP perIfet' wnwie,. ARP PULING FOI)DEUt. A Riwr&i Task for a Moder~n Phiiowo 'e a~e y i U9 fodderi voew. V ve biired two mnom to putll1y the day :and two -to -pull ITy the laidjied bund!Ies. I --wanrt to see Wich ia the &~eaq)pest. Baut V-hey got me ~~a-nf ht. ndI~ a l hlp . Ii Sid echemeto cheat you. The *te just eloshaing along and you can settle with a 4arkey eaier hatn ny treature upaot the eld A mean ri.n cau pay thietia iatba con at fifteen cents a - p6und and loaur at fekir when the cash would buy one at ten and the other at three, and he can cheat then twen ty-five per cent. in the weights and they will never know any better and never care. The Lord never made such an easy, unsuspecting creature as a free nigger. There are white men who take advntacge 10f them and cheat them and gnt their labor for their vittles and clothes, but the darkey is sure of a living anyhow, for if he cant earn it he can steal it, so it is al -right anyhow and the races keep :about even. Some f armers are tricky, too, when they take chick tens to town the eickly o0nes are sure to go, and the host potatoes are put eu top of the basket. The riThest pine is on the outside of the load, and some rotten corn will -get in the sheller when the meal is for market. The merchant has his tricks too. ie will bait you with something for .less than oost and make it up on something else, at fifty per cent. To keep UJ) with hard compoetition he will sell you shoes with pasteboard soles and nails that break in two under the hammer and shoddy goods of all soi-ts, for his customlers wants Cv erythiag at the lowest price wheth er it is good .or bad,add iU isbuck le and tongvue whether the mer ;ch-ant eCaI get ahead ()I his custom ers or they get aheiad of him. )tie thing is;certa.*in, when the nierchnt forgets to charge anything it is lost, forever lost. If he makes a ink take in change or weight or mtas ure he hears of it if its in his favor, and if it is the other way maybe he dont. I dout kiaw for certain. The miller maixes corn meal with Ihis Dour nowadays. They all do! it up north and our millers siy they have to de it too to keep up, a-id they comfort thernselves with the idea that it is healthier. and4 better, even though it is a fraumd ~upon the consumer. .The haker' gives six loaves for a quarter in stead of five, nad thast saisfies his customers, t'hough the .flye weighed just as muAch as the six .do now.. . A'nythiing to satisfy andJ keep the people 'caitm and serenme There is a p)ower of comfort i~n go mg~ home a4ad showiting up. your b~argains~. I t proQves thmat you1 are smart km a Wra de,, or popular with the memichant-.and that shows--kow smart a goodl merchaant Is :for he tcan make ninety ont;6f .ene hun dred. .ast m's..behievei 'he l ik's them be~tter -tha*~anylgdyr Ciril. ity and allitite ileasan.6-fh itery ;is SIplendial caliital for' a merc'haat. 1M my ,W i.t'e w as to hmea coiett that she had the prettiest andbest Mnannered daughter in tkie com inuoity she woild go right there to tea an u 'ld'apje ~~ h dowa 6?t anything. Wheu I was a young man I was a merchant for several years, and Mrs. Arp, that now is, used to come and trade with me and I fell in love with ter across the counter, and I waA sorry the counter was as wide as it was, and she was sor ry too I reckon, and I showed my devotiofpo tenderly and said such sweet tia gs that site used to come most every day and she done all the famrily'trading and some for the nabors and never priced any thing but just said ,o many yards or eo many pai-s and I had liked to have got rich off of her before I married her, which was all right I reckott for it kept the money in the family and no loss on our side. A store is a good thing to marry on, that is a dry goods store, but the young man had better own it if he wants to make a sure thing of Ais girl. After he marries the next best thing he can do is to sell out his store and quit that sort of business, for a merchant's own family account breaks hi n oftener than anything else, for it is so ea sy to send to the store and it does look so much like that things out of one's own store don't cost any thing. I never kept store but six ionths after I got married, but ime and my wife have kept other people3 stores a going for the last thirty yearA, and they have done pretty well considering. But the biggest fraud or all is 'n the narrying business,, and the man is guilty of it heap oftener than the woman. I'm not talking about the regular society woman in town or a city for I don't think that anybody can cheat her, she is generally an ieeburg in a passel of fine clothes., ani she dont know how to do anything but read nov els and visit, but the average girls who imarries for love is ofteier fool ed than the average man. The time &asedl to ls when a man dident begin to forget his wife until he had been married tent or fifteen years, but now he forgets her in a few mnuths and wort stay home of nights if he can help) it. 'Some nice sweet-temnpered young married womn may be seen now a days walking te thgend of the piazza abount ten tixtes in fifiteeni minutes iookinag up the street tor her hius band, hast he dont come har'dly *v-.