Arteunis Ward - Hils Courtship. 'T was a calm, still night in joon. All nattir was hushst, and nary zeffer disturbed the sereen silens. I sot with Betsy Jane on the fence of her father's pastur. We'd been romping threw the woods, kullin flours and driving the woodehuck from his Native Lair (so to speak) with long sticks. Wall, we sot (har on the fence, a-swingingour floet to and fro, blushing as red as the Baldwinville skool-house when it was first painted, and looking vCry simple, I make no dout. My left arm was ockepied in balansin myse iron the fense, while my rite was wounded lavisily round her waste. I cleared my throat, and tremblingly said. "Betsev you're a Gazelle." I thought that air was putty fiune. I wanted to see what effeet it would have upon her. It evidently didn't fetch her, for she up and sed,, "You're a Sheep!" Sez I, ''Betsie. I think very muchly of you.'' "I don't b'leeve a word you say-so there now tun !" With which observa shum she hitched away from um. "1 wish thar wus winders to my' sole," sed I, " so that you could see some of my feelings. There's fire ennff in here," 6el 1, striking my bUzzaim with my fist, "to bile all dhe corned beef and turnips iu the n borhood. Versoovius and the Critter ain't a circuustance!" She bowed her lied down and commenst chawing the strings of her sun bonnet. "Ah, could you know the sleeplis nites I worry threw on your accouat, how vittals has seiz ed to be attractive to ine, and how my limbs has sh runken up, you wouldn't (lout me. Gaze on this wastin' form and these 'ere sunken cleeks-'' I shoubd have contin nered on this strane - prob!y for some tim, but I unfortnitly lost nv balinse and fell over into the pastur ker smash, tearing my close, and severely damagin' myself gin.. R. COPA RTNERS 1841P. The undcrsignedi have eiA Iered into partnershiip for the pus.:pose of conducting the Mlercantlile businless at Ea1S Cey under name dald Iyle of V. M. Hagood & CO., and respectfully ask the pa tron - W. M. IIAGOOD, W. W. ROBINSON. aug 4 t. Esa bished .1864. No Patenit No Pay. PAT ENTS rbtainedi( for Mechanjieal D~evices, ('oa. All pr'elimi nary e~xaminations) as to patenitability (of invention, Free. Our "Onide for Obtaining Patents," is secnt free everywhere. A ddiress, LOUIS BAGGER & CO. Solleitors of Patents. Ma4y 30 tf Was'hington, D.'C Joseph Weston, Boot & Nhoe .Maker, Over WYash. Ilowell's Beief Market Main St., GREENVI'LLE, $. (. Iyuwatt aemoney en)l on . OS WETONand havi~e vonr Btoots amnd Shoes made to Order.'anid guaranteed perfect fits. Rlepalring both neatlyeepl n rromptly don~e, for Cashenl' n Dec 21 12m BUY FINE CLT IINg SHOES GRE EN VILTA, S. C. Dec 21-1y TH1E CHEAP CASH Store of OWNBEY BROS., Is the place to buy your Stapie a'n.l Fauc~y Groceries, T1obacco, Se'gars, Fur - IP rs' Ia rdware, Oarden 4Ced, . , OUR SPECIALTIES. We keep Stoves, Crockery and Tin ware. at hard Limes price.t. 'I'h-inking the public gereally for their )lberal patronage l1 the past, wc IIop by close attenion to busines to Smerit a conti tmuace of the saime. C7oimtry produice bongh.t at highest mrket picie, for ens$h. Remeberourmotto is Ojdick sah:si Res'pectfully, U WNBE Y BIRoM.. Jan 25--8,nEaly .. Furniture House EASLEY, S, C. COME ONE, COME ALL. Ni) fuirnishi your Houses in elegant A etyle for the Smnier with a ic Lin ofBedsteads, Mat tresses, ni &c ,&c.A general assortmnti of Landscape chromos in 22x30 inchz frames, chord, &c., all readl for hang.. mug on the walls. A iso, on had, a liin of cabinet, promenade, panel and caird size photograph frames, all In artistie style. Always on hand a full line of UNDERTrAKER'S SUPPLIES. Caskets and cofllnsa, allsizes and styles Burial Robes for each sex, all qnalitis' and priece. Rea4dy at all hours to wait Upon customers. ColBus trimmed in any st yle, and when so desired, will b~e triumed and PhlIppedl to any polut on Iailr'oad free of extra charge. Thanking yon for past favors, anrd soiitamg your furt her patronage I am/ .Respectfilly yonr, feb 8..m