NATIONAL AND STA1 E TICKET. For President, I GUovER CLEVELAND. of N. Y. 6 For V ice-Presid(ent, . Tiuos. A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. 1 F~r Goverfnor, * luon S.: Tro'ieso. For Lieutenant Governor, C JOHN C. SiPiij:RDa. For Secretary of State, Jo-1-N. Lirgeois. J. P. RICnAuDsoN. For Adjt. and Insp.-General. A. M. Mi AcurL. * Forv Com1ptrVoller-G oner1l, F'or Attorney-Geneira I,t C. IZ. M) 1,s. 1 'or Superintendent Edtieattion I ASBULaRY CoVARiD. . For Solicitor 8th Circujt. Ciou. .1AS. L. OIuu. C~t.1 For Congress. 81rd Di-strict. Co LI. 1). W VY-rl AHKEm. PICh EN'; COUNT Y, For I. ouse Reprectenltatives,3 J.H E . mONE. For01 Clerk (if Court. J1. d. Ln'.wis. i For Sheli IF. .1. I. themv. J. H. NIMw-ro.D.. Lf For School 'omil] )n io ne: C IA\lu \Ix IM - I, . A. . ThA LI-:EY ;yhjc J. J. ra Ibum VeL(~. 1 .11 Fo r C0r*1er J. A. L [I.. A BId M' RFASe;IN I'~ S,' Wi 1 it Cmli~ ()f those EVn(lish sparrosU that ,W are learning to dete-st !:o muchli iueror abt feit the~M othe day,~it hie b t e ttin mIi e o!rIti. lieV ckd i u~i i I, S1-vk hi 0:l had found in the ra a long.1g o heAtion cloth, theic.h his te idnesemd tis te hm was ex tzillCntl adaedicl thpurpoesfoe nst hribing toonf hidetoyathdn hie seene uted oi iin i gk. eeratedinlb the. '~ mlongei styn.. merc appaoutyisdwings, ad. rosh i hni tumblinga intlio th dt ; il (picke himsveltup sook h)1isl. an seizoped bheskly by t the olth enfdt m a a cnd attoedmpt. wh.i rste as disrnatrousl asthen fiet h mdde, bhis kitoie hwas en- I had onse 0to twie height of ayard. Hef then sqtem d~ dCIown, pann, n rieg a ding teaig hialevol ntly bo ye appet tly eerm ined. Prasies- 1 tl hissrw appearande hlage; ano deab hat teiey ldtrck~ ahUi. andwith clawound bill rolledit up Too SMIART-A young married ian of rhis city dfscogred a fresh r -opefled box of Wfa6d powdets on is wife's toilet table. "To this omplexion have we come at last,' e said, and. flung it out of the open indow. It alighted safely on the head of gentleman Iho was going to hurch in his Sunday best, and en eloped him from head to foot like spring snow storm. "Come down and be murdered," c yelled )up to the man in the win. [ow, shaking his fist an(l describ n~g a war dance. "Come Ill) and I'll fight von,'' hrieked the powider rmagazinef hove. The wife appeared a a pacifica-! or; armed with a whisk-broom he descended to the sidewalk and e r husband I)a the satistactiol f seeing.her carefully dust off the trange iani,while she made sooth-I nig aljologics in invisible tones. And the husbanId has conchuded ot to inierfcre with) hiwif,') toi t relations inl the f'ture. ..v.u. Cooil .- o't be Ver1 ~ve aw'aken passion andj inerene~. S Stradley .& Barr, GR fENVILLI. S. C. OFFER 20 yards IBleaching for - $1 00 20 yards ShIrtiig for - - 1 00 13 yards Sheeting for - .- I 00 10. yards Cottolundes for - 1 00 16 yards Jeais for - 1 00 12 yards best Drilling for - 1 00 20 yards ,goo.d( Calico for - 1 01) 20 yards Phi d Dress Goods for 1.00 9 yards Worsted dress goods for 1 00 7 yards black Casimere for- 1 00 7 yards Brocaded Wonrifed for 1 00 12 yards White Lawn for - 1 00 16 yards White PiquIe for - 1 00 20 yards Checked Nainsook for 1 0) 10 Linen II lltkerchief s for - 1 00 21 Cit tcn fir - 1 00 12 pair lalf Hose for - - 1 00 12 pair l.:alies$ llos for - - 100 4 y:nda Ilome-inale Jeans for 1 00 8 yards i-hes Linnel for - 1 00 12 y:u dk best Checks for - 1 00 T II E I I-:ST ~ G ca.:.'S ",I A DE. A G( AD IE IN1FORCED W (" mae a )cilly (if Black Cashmes, and can show the iwe.t value frml I (ents to 8!.2. to be f111 in ()0;'n V'ille.~ P'rompt Infl pt- li. at teti ion to all. I I 'A 1E 7 & I1 .1 May N 23 6Gm1. J. A. 0COK, P.\LER~ ~1) GO0ELS, &Ce &I2, (GREE1NVILLrE, S. C. Caill on me m7fid e'xamline~ the bdfOV( you Irny efsewhel.. 77nny'are ((nd J/OMse' F'r Wosa~c, 'henper iha the Nov 3;0-1 v RA00T'S IVER~ PILLSA. ] 1 ito e(rii Ify that~ I havegie Jjt h LIVE10 PJiL J, (.lniufne. Gireeuiville, S. L..) a faIir I rial . and em n .lor to any\ pil I have (ver ulsed(. Ea;ley, S. ('.. July 22, 1ISSI. 'i'he above pills are sohl by all Drug can also b'e found at the Plio.tofice at Easle y, H. ('.. wvhere yout c'an be sup 1lied byV A. \1 . Folger, 1'. \1. ~iIle 23 :hn TiHE EMINGTON sewinglMacliie, 11LIKE THE~t BhYINQTON RIFLE, UNEXCEL.ED BY ANY. Sure to Give Sat isfaction, General Ofice, Ilion, N. Y. Now York Office, 283 Broadway Buying Agents Wanted, S-iept 12 tf DRUGS! DRUGS F. A. WALTER, PROPRIETOR.' 17E VJ L,. S. (. C \FlS to the publie. one of Ihe /hes4 selected. piu rest and fresho ock of iha-.7, M[dicine Paits,Oil. !Dye St us, Toilet aricles, Prata mledliineS, t Lhie et branLld-r of Segaxr.: fountd in thte State. Also, full ltieo I arden. Flow'er andl tieldl Gunrnted feshandg'enuine'' andl in faict t'eve ry thing usually kept in a Iir- t (lass Drumg Store. II is SO.DA FO UNT is in full blast, antd well suipplied w ith everyV conci('v IIibe 11( kinof Ilavorin g Sy iujs, Cl-ca iil, t'le. , and seryed in thle bes.t style inl thle Cityv. Polite :mni attentive (lerks, with a full 1and ( selet st ock of: Goods i ouri Ieain I'lg [Indueen~ts for pa 011ns. Wheni you coine to) Greenivill~e dIont faiil 1o call On mel, anid I guatrantee salt isfctin.My stock is too lirge to en (Iertake to( (elnmernte alI the articles. F. A . W AUL''EJR. Maxy 23 tf (one M11OL ain and( Broad Streets. GREEANVLLE~, S. C. [ ENULIN E Wm. Ro~ger's ('utlery, t..7 et of Knives and Forks $.0. Genieral us.'sortmeci: t of good Jewel ry enrefully selected. Best family' a specialty, and at close ilgures. Repair'ing wVatces nd :1U1jetwelry1 InromntlA v tu . fe ->4.