S.] EASLY s - jy- \ VO.1]EASLEY, GOUTH CAROLINA, FRIIDAY, MAY 30, 1884 - NO. 4 PBite.'ed (it the Postoffie i at le S. C.,, ws xeeoizd Class' Ma-1tter. TERRM8 0P SUI4QRIPVION. One. year. Strictly II iiiitLalie .... $100 1 Six 11on1ths ~ ( Mwe sq.;ar( (I. filh) I itiseldoti .... 75 e Ubm-l dictlit ils loillrc- o. byi Lic-hmild (1iultil o (14-1 corml I )i t lU Iiv.- ()v(vr 1,2 liil's iec ht-a oil for. bp mlst givi. thiii fill] adtl(ess. .011S; Of om.P voPI('spolillits. 1111.4 lv adl-llesed1 to IlII( Elit ors ; 1 .isli 5~ letes t tliel'lllislhei of Ihle, 1; i I. N l'T''I'E N 4) 1 C~OQ U jI'I'IS. (Illov tiZa II( US.ttos i,,ar " 1iiit ht-y l)Ue.1h I Iw' Ir-arlts I imt hImve I hell). IW da i'll )fh m.I''o''n t1,11114. A14 nil lie eoII.-s with :t. flil warn T[)' Iteort-. 111 it 11c b:Ielk (f evv'. I Imt ;~ ofIM io-,4H t. 1..1 I.or i I OII S th( ~- IIle fic'e willd Thalnt as~s tio)f OSit p)tM-('S. ifi.I-lel le h il~ d fO Or vhoivti Atlana il II~tI- lll. Nor It if-m It I [L I ' I E' 1 )( 1 I III - A D~ark ('i. Ad Ca uses HmI-ridy vnu ny3sy to Gel. Si(rel. do iW to 1istea plank and slide in. FInrridy Teinysy gits in ever Cih 'she sees a veloud a risin' MA w 'she beli. es in rnakin' use ofl everthing, so 4he turned in and. sot i' last bar'l ofsaft'soap down thar. That was Flurridv was at Ainit Nancy's, and when she come home here tother nigh t, time'th at big, w~ind riz jiSt aboult dark, she', was skeered so ) ad she riz the plink and slidI right dow.nVI spanlk ker(lab in that har'l of 1ye soap, a1id fetlled a Vell vou'd a though.1t the jedgemelt