VOL.1.] EASLEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1881. N Ende-ied (a tite J'osto f/ice at Rtuslc -1. ". a.feo)d 'ls Maier 'VI! 011u O SUBSCRIPTI11Om. onie y'ezr, strictly ini advance. .$1.0 six montlis 4 0 0.06 RATI'1S Ole Al)V'RT[S1N(4. one sylU8ct (I inch) I insertion .. ztwhl --beq1ietit isertion...... 40 Li beral1 discommit oil COnt ituacts or' 1) )1 itll-ies over 112 fiues cel rgeli fol *Orre~sponden'ltis. to i II5II P atten tiom ().I' ve O'1 il fu ftill -(1ddress. 'Wel ni~ ot responisilie for thei ()pii .011 0; 01114 ' )COIOVI(1(' nt s. hII1('~ I ttcrs to Oiw IulIii(' of. tit M I, (1U. j Al~1~,S C. -14 jJ, c* 9(, (xl. & C. I. fI.rm Ol te Pres :11111tit 114111lhei ;overliol' I I:12ood, (Coloniel j V. Boc1 en uzd ( oloiel ( '*uiu" ht- 1 of' this s;tntv, :111 (Thi (ii(L ,1!ndhz(' ( or111111 of tiiis vilhurie la1 . (4)~ no ot: kno1(w I Ile partlicuhlr the '.8~ WhichI'd thsjignleelsi, impkSiV n, tol( tac vile( htl~(i di l n lkwi beluvib ill 101~I th i1'scc-.) 10111( whomue theiriOi 1 ha 11'(dlef:1, ; e cnille\1~t 'I t : 11fao, the t"hieveL that.1 ou0i - nh !11il 0to11 I )O I'a NY (" 1') "t * I a 11c'.11 :111i('a10 pon~ whitich tihei' vw'll rei\ l 112-teir I hiIo:. For 1'tl 10pletiotion ,t he RmAd vauWhuV ie I;iVu dead liekovn el)c iI'OV to ,I. tuesi d ill w C.I be (wo ith1 ato. Vt' il tiM t , m , 0(1 I i tho if'i Iv I' 1110I IS4 NV e :)QI 1 o 1-c ctIil ()1- 1a1Mi I I oftI I o t ,11 1()) I i Ilr s A wc I. m'e t o I e(. I vc ) !le o n of " a w S : vae (1111 ' -t 1 Vii .V~I Il 1%,: thI roal froml "Fro v1to)i nIersm h for 1.11 approach to this village has been made. Beginning at the dli v verging point, the route through the village in rear of the Episco pal Church by Maj. Zeigler's lot, to Clpt. Bonham's and out by the 5 Misses Cater's would cost $28,000 the ridge route by the Morse house and1( near M r. J. F4. Livingswton's V dwelIing( Would 1.)e $6,000-includ Inlo riiit of Way in each estimate. All the heavy grading from Troy to A bhville has be-e1 finishied. It is in(lerstoo(1, ald ill ill fact G, (overnor lagoo'md salid so, that while the prospec t for aid was good, yet inl no evei t Could w(. get r the roa(d without fiu -ther hel Irom. 111 owni i citizens. Aiken will be allow1 d anot he)Ir chianice to v(fte a isullseri~tioll -1A a town.ship). The1 (chaer aHlows the com)patnv to *conImlet the-ir ro-tol ith4 that o)i th Soith (.'rolinn8 ltilh v ay ('m mnytuv at or nienr Aiken, :m11 if' Aiken re ues to give a libierl sub.crip tionl. it is certain1 that0 the ro-.14 wHotrnto(. that. town. in1 thet bi event of the re'usnl of ubrin tion it will coiect. with the South e ('a ro 1 )I .I ,I X lina kd t n m enp'ie, siomie five or. six mal' nea;II ,.:1re r a ( iarlest-ii, at a luueh lns y cos tmhan wouli be imwurnml t( tainket it -to 1h11e towli of A ikmn. A \ b: e tR-S uh(o l n ailr l . h I (lleers 1un t r os of th lIn ( t1I h 1any ir, t 1)1r% to . i , h() at :I ) 1 t\l n1 il vl fo- r to th) o at : vatt tmevso oe$9M) I tf AiI w hI p wIll v-Iot $ a1) tax A or $; ). " he i I.( wo)b, he s)oI I 11a to tha IIt, tow w he bu v I IIiIt. - ~u if the town which iS o I Ihv t tertainu1 of tIh rU I I se,; to - n 1u k t s b ri t i i . t h r 1 r!Il'v aIl I h ro w IN h i ft rce .I rai Sro:nl 4)11 tIeI i\ i ei te1sU., W~ presue Irin G I Ia go I o' he will have some efi c p ropo sitin t1 mak , our ( epos (leternin thej jJ ( (: whole ' ntatter."C aSi4(itionialI hel) vihe by pivt -subsen(*rl)1ions, taxat:i~ion, or' 1hondis. b . )btweell ii x.at ionm a iii honds(1 we are14 Unirel'y ill Otror of the( le'vy of a : t ax 1for any amon'wts whichh ouir towa rds ihe1( c'onstructioni of the rondl'. WX ithot bIei ng. f:miliair with the( nu~li'iplion)1 of the hol)s1-, we hav at8\C* pr~ejud(ice, if not a w(ell 1f oundl~ed reason,) against votIing a bonde deb225t. er a rIl* )11e ltmany be)(1 huirt f'ul 4 tiMu. T1hie amlounit 4) whic(h we w.oub11l)2\y iln inlteres(t Sivuhl 0er taily be a~l libera JCsub I if' for 11o otheri we shiallI opp.ose a tbondedi debt, but w.e favor t an ists there the merits of our schene tlhis of itself has been no matter of quick accomplishment. Persons who are lucky enough. to be the owner of millios (10 not, genera1l. ly, eXtpt upon thle fuillestnsr anee of safety and profit, plut them 6far from their imillediate Control. Th ( y have demuanlded and we have given to them0111 the fullest. an m)s miinute inlfornutlation as to the :nlI vantages andi enpImeitIis of this pr-oposei(Il thr-ough roulteacross thet 1imiitalins; an11d of everv pm-tic'eI lar e1iretustan11ce connieetedl with the en telprise. Ilese repe'seli t n tiionis 1have beeni verified 11) t heil in tlemort c ( .Otltisive 111:1hmler pos sible, awll I :Iml assuredl b1Y Mr. S. that his neg&o-()tiations have passed hrifrgh the pleliinary sagE' no have rene(htnl 1w l oilit at whiei hlk contidenltlyN antlicipates nul .l Iv sul(ces.;. Repor'ter-D you fel at libertv to , ive m iut line f the chiaII iir refene e1 to 1e Ieatn i ) that mil. tmva rids t he tme. Gen. I ngood- --(u people wvillI certain v Il e t: ( )IlI tij n1k thir own h.lIs if thev ex Iec bri pi to be vt 'ste( iiI th1;Jis o nit I. I l e sh pe t:1t 0r !n 1 i It i 1n :1 h ve o w k e' it~~~ in prbbe ut tho cotrll with1, freig Ie n pt aIst wN.il he hI th ly urish:-I t he nI e In th I(, :1 mate. rinl st iphud When1 our' pW p . 1 vhav c'it h1 r c(op) )Iet.ed n cert -I in mu )n t. (of worNk or h ave (xh 1i I )ctiI ibY thei r con!ri'ni1ions the ii e(el s 1br~~~~~ don to Thsi u us ona (l : l) " ,"u ance r jlii 111i tU Ib i I)1 (n 1 a1'4-itli iI tI h 1 esu1lts (of onr own (1nt lrprise and of, t he necessi ty f'elt eII(. r f, r tIhec (),II. I hIe ex :et -I nlN'lt ) I o ur c oIrI Ii I ut ion is still a mii1 er of n aliniion, but I do f ele at liber(lc to. s1ay that1 i: is prohlnh!o - t hait. when oir pe)l)e are agai Iled 11)pon to put t heir sholulder ' I () a he nW( ttI aIJ h ( IJ( t< d he 50 (,1(1 1i I les they have a Ire. I 1\ g1aded- it Nie with ssri ' e madle for. sull~eienit ca pi t. al fr'oin Repor01ter'-D ou th(n 'x yee t to ple at t his tim und' Hler t hl( r'(ecen Ae(t~ of the IA'gisbitur au'( :thorizing thet I :taton by\ townsh ips, & e. (Genl. UnIgSod--AS at pre'(sent 1.d( vised I dlo not untI iil. ' Iuregotini tions15 abr'oad ar nn( r f) 1( ull y (level opled: or' unitil some10 new cond)itionl haps bieen inlt r'odued into4 the( pr'ob 1(em be(fore( us5. Thiose inl(I ihare oft the Road ol nIot ' expe(t or in tend1( to ask for1 U1Ia iolla of ' obi I ionatl ylil)ser'iplt tin uitiiI we ate v'anceent of. ani acc0omli I-hed Ron(L. tioti for tha2t 1)Llpo~sQ. T1h en wyhat - everl we give,. goe direcotly to the rurthermnce of the enterj-pri.-ic for Which it wils inttended. 11, we. Notv a tax on1 ou rse ve~i vie khO e xact ly what we nre' doingr. We know the lhurdell 'whic-h We wNill undetr bike to cal'rv, fua 11we, kiiow the d-Ite Ut WhichI We Will he, 1reieVel1. baw it Ill a 1 l )ed deblv .111 a ii e - 1 n .ia g i ittereSt over oiir 1 eads) wetiv are CCt,-il of, nothingu. We beQ lIc-Ne n, ronso)nhle talx Colr ra.il road purpoI)ses would( he~ a 1rolitnl1)lo n v'estment. We' p)rk~-ulje thl %L t -IXesI which pai Iyr. p'64 for thek Au! i1'i taI & KnloxNville, i'aiIIohl(I h-1 Z1110:11lN heenli lwkwe 0111I1 1-oturnel. '],Ihe pi oplk-~ :11ou'r, the S miuial ))()I d oll1t H inat the :. iate 0 o v , I olla '1e 'oli-dil di'tl. iSI) o) i K l)('d. be I i.' 1H ion 1~t 1 41"10,41100 a I 111 lit i'w'; . 1 1 ) 1 (4Ij~r i h l I Ill " 1T ':e I, nr we liii1 ill111155 W~ '(t l it' toi :1,1il ti.*I l w gho'ill)'z _Yi: 1)1ol it'iSofl ;w"O~. I l aret iso S ill 1('l , 1t.a e Iit () I he(I l nv IIr. Sh W(1011l1111,2 iiir te i1 lwii i' ll IM)li 1) kwil' teo 1111,'.SI dl l iroet 0Ile Il':ln . i f'u( Iti'eru I Ii isI Olle'*) it 1118221 itOerai IL ) 010w' ( 'A , d t inn iif alw1)s c V onw nit I'a ill whichr t he Iiv; i l iI - 11Q( ,'t, is till 15 01 llaij.2 a t 01C Iie r I~,O~)( po(llo oi