se The Ensly Messenger 9,rutt Iike n, torrhb fhe more i lIOOIh, it sh~ines* UT CAROLINA88 . 9. E'ered a the Pox1offire (it s. C., (1a- A'CCon ('lars u ller. 111' IGENS, 1AG001) & CO., Prop% rs. TEl1MS OF SI BSUCiRPTION. Olle year' sI rictly ill :alva ce....... 1,00 -1iN 111011 IS Gs 5'-- ... j RAT!*:S O A)VI-H 'TISING. One squJlare (I ill-h) I iniser1tion.......75 V Eaeb subse lent inse i lon............. 10 Liberal liscotut mn cout rl:ts or hr 01h. c(1t1nn1, 1911f or qularter eohlIIIinn. Ma riage llotices in-e :ro anl Slii I. Obitu ariries over 12 lines esiaugel for. ( 'rre olulent S, to ilsun-. at tentioi, uli gIut gIv I heir flull a lIress. We : rv not respolnslible for ih11 opil. !on<- Of milorepo.ens Onl t'lllinini: lit sfor the pape mut . ath1re ss t S ) It Eliors I 1.-;i I wss lett I t o . I he I :1. 'hlkier of t hc 1 he ea~' i (j~lUr 1111 E~l11ae .\ ' tI i-: m V E0a le . ol. .1 hr en o lleI l ilI t I * nn lilt )f (or lil linlyl \Vll tyo luit) l e Ii Is a IfIiv1\ 1 Io l o tcI Ih Iu. T < a lIm I b i 1 u11 I IAl rth y of ytu- ( II II llie aiuiie liil ('diT~t fe, ol ulu Nt I It fi v I I v(I1 , -\v V Ili I leo I1 ,(' I ,Y v v It Aselt 1we niy el s uppeeoie;ii1)11 it r~ f'.it \fvl I it \ i e On~~ telngwa s knws Il~c. I Io Id o ueetdwt Th ere's intli-w l , he '(1 WoI obdIe-\ a'Te hnil todied hrut;. hn l1 s-'or shc o iuaftn vetysr h'sillure to hav( her w:ay; t Inv IilIn14g. cow raryv j :1l' O).i - -ts to) all you -a.. Thwre'"S alte1r- KaIIe-. : kpe (-rf t pIt, I I e-nII oti hv I I)I i-uI) t . There's r)2 h 1 \v 1,.. \\ l141h i rl e [i st.)1, 2618