The Easley Messenger. VOrL1.EA, like t ford, /lAe RiOLrI it's Yook, ii EMBERt3 VOL. 1.] EASLEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1883. N.8 g5he ileg essenger. Entered at the Postoffice (it Easiey, S. C., as Secdnd (lass Matter. HUDGENS, HIAGOO) D& CO., Prop'rs. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, strictly in adlvaice ...... $1.00 Six miioniths " . 65 IRATES OF ADVERTISING. One square (1 inch) 1 insertion ...... 75c Ea1chsubsequent insertion...40e Liberal discoulit oil (!oiltnU1t.S Or by the coliini, half or (uarter Cohnn111. Marriagwe noti'es free anlld solicited. Obitaries over 12 lines el-arged for. Corresondets, to in'sire attention, must give their full laddress* We ai not. respolsible for the 0opin !ons of oir correspolndenits. All communiations. for the P'IPer miiuist he amlddressed to the 'Editors; ulinehss let tter, to the Pullblishri of the N ESSE~NGER., lasley, S. C. TIlE RING'S MTTl'lO. TI lover gavv the weddingr ring I nto t h golbslith's hnd ; "Irav me," , S h I sid," tenlder. tholuuglit W-tiin tnhe golden hnl." 'lhe gobkismith graved, vi Ie n-etia :1.1, " 1Till death Vs p'n.'' Th I'l"weddingo hell ranm. (I'hully (),t, Thet huIitsband ISa1id, " w ! wif, Togth.1 11-r we S Ii shn-e th e grie f, S.11whapiness of life. I give to t le 1 hii nul. v 1-art, Till death us. part.."' 'Twas she that lifted l now his hant, (0, love tht. Ihis shouhlbe !) TInII on1 it, 1)lae:eI t I gobIlei aImIl, A.I l w )kI e l'(.(1 tel derl y "T'Fill deatlh us join, I' . :11 - art il1ineV An mI non t hine. AnIId( whe w it reiinei1 u[s of our ag'e and i ntimit y. The oh! pilbu's tha, Suistainled lhe h1 m.e :1*-! de. Lying. and \\rakaingn wek ( the (hibew seeks at new 1 ilore vi'gWor,0l support. ()Ie by ole I hIvy g1 - 1 b vs an( lit( ;irls. :mld t b -oli 11 nv .1 way g:a1:in. We :re t.hI:kil alnI h11 ppy when fh -v 'ome. :nd ( know 1 ih r Jove 11:, still, but it is tuost aLIvar. :a sarilice-a sacrilion of timte and mo ney,: i ills ill peril thir bsil. :Il opior( m iit ies. N evert hieless. I Il-I Olgh. to con-ie, --fmr life is .-; hI wt :m1 1i liltim iQ i.-e 1i3g,'' :nil t he ohIl filk- wil .-oon be gmle. hi.-; (evotion to a!ed parents is m1 ighy \ll sweet to me. I k11w 1 1114mn1 of your towil---a lIwver of SL un lin :u, - d (ist inect ion-who, every 11nIDt h1 goes by m1y house i a hired huggy malot spe.1s a dayi on a nighlit w it I IIIs aIge 33d moi I h -- in lit( Iountains, :nd(1i fimtorts her, and she hooks for ward wit h delight t o his 313monliy vi-its. :and foilies him to her bosoumi , ma ble.-se him. ma wheIt(. lhe lavIes lr top return t1 is wife mal( cliire3, he knios (i It.ier prayers follow him, mal3 Il h v riis to I leaveu like incen'uise, miadl lhe feels better am3l( nobler for* his pil gr3imag1e"(. I res1.'ect tha 13:1 m heeauseC(13 3[ he re'srtst his good11( oblmothler, anld if I luul a case for eourt l wolI( Subit)fi it. to him with ai:ll contildeice, and3( if I hP1( 1a 1hu-ige (estat1e and1( wan 1ted a 3 fith fui eecutor, I wVoul (choose himt. .1 can't1 1h(lp erJiina(lng over things' sometimeuts, for a3 fee(ling" of so1(.. 11r ownI (hihi(renl whohai~ve le'ft 31s, aId hare 1ow dlomilledt ini live dli!Yrenlt S3ttes--from3 New'~ Yor'k to Floridla. When'i sh3111 we all m3eet agi. AmlI th ere'( arie m1ore to leave ius, an d by am31( by they wvill all be gonle, and3 our h1opes :uti .ioys will Iluitter :u11( tall like th a h('aves u1 pon1 a wit hered t ree. Tht1 is the way I feel at timles, but it is 11ot the w:ay we ought to feel. 1t. is not1 the wa;y I talk to) other plel. "bra p.ohlgenla,'" I say,3 bra':ce up,) W hy, t by w~ill keep) coninlg and going, and1( y'ouri graml(leiilreni wilille to see you.3 and1( von mu!st m~ake th1in)gs lively. Frolic with 'en, play horse anld bear. anto go hlinting with 'em, and tell 'em Stories, alot hold you' head up like a patriarch. Grow old gracefully. and he always ready to brighten llup the family leartl wit.h a venerable smile. Ve' don't vant iy ong faces in this suln)111ar16 world. Cheer 11p), and inake folks glad to see yoii. Never say die until yoor time coies, and when it does eoite (1raw t he drapery of yoIir e)ih abo.ult. vo, as the )o(t says, aUl( lite. down to pleas anIt dreillis. * * * * * * * LL~j ARup. IEl.:'rLisa oil 1)1 Riarsei)s *y (7. & L. At DirectImorxs of the Greenville and 1-atuPeIls li:ailroad'Ilhl a i neeting at minni's s .or. last, Welilnesdayv. lPrezsilnt .11:11ili :nd, all the Directors were preset, ISave two, T. Q. Donaldson, Greeniville, anlI Al. S. 1aily, Laumrens. (apt. Kirk, Chieivf Eng1-inleer, made a report of t he preliinh'iary Sinr-ve ys he had lnelde. 'Ih l poiit. of entevin. the city of Greesiiille was determilned. which is ()n1 the rIght,* or ulpper )por tion or samne, no \.ir-Line D epot. About. live iilesof Ihe line all'iv beeni 4takevl, aill i rna v:aly for ih - con trator. It1wa dkeerinlined toant as! sool at" live Iiles iniorware 1h1.z -akd Mnn reI-ady for. wxork, the Eng-inever will oin t) this eii if the hlin :nni k oif teII Iniles, VI .1 the gradillg will begrinlt vachl (.nd, :nid t he workpuh ed vigoroslyl V t e t u)1Iet iol 'II' prospects are en1Cou1*11rging.v GIptI. A. I IByrd, of rIein1ville, wa elected Secreta -y iulTreasirer, rand XIM. S. itily, resignred .aurens.vil~e -Two I recent .t'IIinpts h tre been 111111( to wreck tl, pa-ssengevr 1t1rain on i b - ( 'odlmbia :ndiGenieRira ol the high eibankment at the InI vert ini iiant~ 0( ~iIt I tIb lain Icr oS t-i In th I trv II-k.I tIh iis In a n-dayv O ih ll irst occa ISion1tI tm obhsi -t rei(on WAs -eHn ill time to St op, but, on .\on ohay nIiglh the t raini was lbouit.six hours Ite. With the air-brakes out of lix, amld wheni the cross-tie on t he rails Nwas seen it waS imposible to stop, but wit'h re Imarkale god fortlunie the whole train passted over it wil.iout derailing a Sill Ogle wheel. The fiimld who perpetrated these ldeeds shotuld be caught at any cost anld himseIlf tied to the rails be fore al approachillg traini. llanMin( is too good for him .-Aerson Juir A 1.ISII 01" i 1* Wyn A'piw nmi s.. IIere it is, thle 231 (hay of Novemi)be r, ad ou11 esteemd friend W. T. Little johnd, 1iiing near JoniVlle, has handit ('( 11s a neat lit tle b)ox full of his see ond( (rop of strawb;er, iCe. Thev were n ot all- ripe(., lt t they were' of good size, somie ripe andl some hailf ripe. If last week 's frost hadi held otra few iyas, Mr. Lit thejohnt could have boas tedh of h rivin --a dIish of ripe strawber' rui.-es 10 lmotered ini creamI," in the miothI of N ovleer- Uniioni Tiumes. SiEViERA 1 instances are quoted ini a re'cenlt issue( of 1 hi. Salt Lake Ti ibun ie of tuhe futile ('110rts of Genitiles to eni gage inl busineCss inl Utall withI success. Thie Morilou s even if theyW wanit to trada~ else where, are compelledI to pat ronmize t he " Lord1's Store,' 'run by the chumreb,and e~very ellort is maitde inl un derhand ways to break upj nion-Mor 11011 Store!'S [From the Greenville News.J A Rogue Trapped at Simsonville. Plain. S. C.. Nov. 22, 1883.-S. J. Wilson who runs a store at. SimsoVille, foud about a week ago thatSomeC One had1 prized it back wind(ow opel. while he was at stipper, and had goie in an robbed his money drawer of What little (hn:1ge he left in it-. Of course he set his wite to work to catch the rogue, and at first tried it by waiting in a con eealed position for hin, hut failing in that, he set a gun with a wire attached so th it the weapol wouIIl fire whleig tlhe vWindow was entered. Last 11ight (Wedinesdav.) just before good (hirk the dischla rge of a gun was heard im the direct io of t he store and Mir. Wilson 1 1 11 his clerk ran over to the store ald fouil)I the vindO open. Afler lookilg aro11(I thev foumd a lt an(d pair of hoOt8 ntul exanininr closer fouiid (blood iln several plaes oI the gro) Afl. After further search a negro byW the11 nam nie of .M ilSA Mcahim was dhikcovered aboult-, liftyA, yards frioi t-he Store, who had crawle1d there and hil himself. Examinuatioi reveajed the fact t hat a whole land of shot had entered an11d lo(dged in his right leg about four inch.Sabove t he knet, 1ad haul shivered the Ione. Miles wvas raised inl this nigiihborWh(ood and~ wais a stoult, able boied unnt1'i )abou t twventy-Iive years ol. lie h is borne a very had laime for some time and has been gambling :nd loafingt around from one phlae) to nothI for the I.-st yetar or two. lie confessed to having brokenI into the sItw, twice before, and said Ie took I hree dollars inl mlolley one time ani six the ot her. 1 don't think lie was after :1 miv.hing bt mIL ioniey, as nothing else was found to he missing. All ti neighbors. botlhl black aml white, seei to thinlk it the best thing for the neigh horihood that has lhappened in a long thie. I guess it. will learn othiers a less onII. Dr. D). C. Blennet camle dIonN and dressed the woiil. ie thinks that it- will be necessary for his leg U) bw taken'' ofl, but. Miles is not willinli to have it done. W. S. -West ern grain growers,says an ex (clialge, persist in plnting corn after corn. The(! result is that they have bred #I wvormn which-'eat's the roots and which lives in thme ground from year to y1ea'. As it is not mirgratory its exist enee depmds on having corn' p1lanted on Ill. s:Ln1e field ill SuICesSion1. G00d liusbaoidry, which demands rotation of ropws, will therefore rid farmers of this peSt. -Thel governmiuent has nowV a color ('( St orekc(eepe ini this delpartmIent. HeI hias charge of Mr*. .M. 11. Br'yce's (distil lery. Ilis niamue is JohnI P. Wrag. TPhis is the first colored man in thi p)art of the State who has been honor.. edl with such an1 imp~ortanlt positionI. Thme pay of governtunent sto0rekeeper1s, we believe, ranges from $3 to $5 per day.-Kxeowee (Courier. Lit tle (drops of Priniter's ink, A little typ~e "'dislayedl," Make our mierchanits bosses Anid all their ibig parade ; Little bits of stimigmless D iscarding Printer's ink Rumst t he imn of business Andl sees his credhit sink. mani elect from the 5th S. C. District, wvas mfarriedl to Miss Adelaide .M. Avery, of Morganton. N. CL, reently.