THE GREAT PENSION FRAUDS. Determinatio n of the Government to Bring the Rascally Agents to Jus tice. WASHINGTON, November 8.-T'he following letter from the Attorney General explains itself. Under previ ous instructions from him, Col. Cork hill, United States District Attorney at this point, has uearly Completed a num ber of cases of frauds upon pension elaimnts for the action of the grand jiry. le has received a large num her of fraudulent circtlais and letters explsaining the use made of thein. Ife is desirous that soldiers or that their friends having copies of such cireulars or knowledge of such attempted frauds wvillat once send him full information, and be particular to send the number by Which the ciailm in each case is known at the pension office: - DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, WASH INGTON, November 7, 1883.-T-'I'o the Secretary of the Interior :"Referring to your letter of the 2nd inst. respect ing the appointment by the Commis sioner of pensions of a person to aid the Ujnited States district aIttorrev for this district in the investigation of all claims for pensions and bomties, in coint'e I ion with which charges are Imule against the attorney, and to examilne Such cases as said district attornev shall desire to represent to the grati jury. I agree with you that, such *iln app(int ient cannot be made to examine cases where the ol'enes clarged are, not of fences against the United States ; but the district attorney inl his letter to you of the 23d tilt. ichicdes cases where these pension agents make formal ap plientions to the pension ohflee well knowing that t lie clahims they represent are fralidulent. This is an oil'ence agaiinst the Ui ted States. So farl as I lie listait. attorley makes charges of erimes against the United States he Should be aided inl time examin Iationl of such Cases by ail officer of pension bui realu specially detailed for that purpose by the co)Imissioier. The evil set forth by the diktrict at tonlev is a gTow ing one, on1 all meinas that caI legally he employed to suippress it ought inl imy opinion., to-be put in motioni for that 411d. Pervilit Ine with this to s(enld volu -Udvance proof sheets of the auiditor's report which diseloses a fright ful coni lition of organization fraud against the poor' ando helpless who have either servedl their cout ty1 t hemiselvyes andh live mimedih~ id brokeni do0wn ini health or who have left destit ute widmv~s andut chiifreni, all f whomu are now v'i'tiims of t hese designing, had menci, who rob ihem of their little savings andt e'arn ingsY unlder the color of gains they are niever to haave, and overload a public departmnent withI work that hindl~ers thle niecessary progress of their propeir bus iness. If this can be putt ani (emi to by iterveintioni of otileers of thet Uni ite(d 'tates, if this cann be lpunishied. it ought to be. VerIy respctfuilly, I>ENJ. II. 131EWSTER. AXttorniey-General. The Audlito:-'s lanmguiage is as follows: "T'he great increase ini the nmbner of aJpplicationls for arrea'~rs of penisions andl bountty is .'omiethuing anlom alous, aii when it is stated~( thamt not one in ten of the applications now being filed possesses any m erit., the i nquiiry is nt mlrally sulggested1, why at this late pe( riodi, nearly twenty years afie r t hie wari, so niany clJaimis are iled andh the muut ber inceasng? A~s anx answer to the suggested iniquiry thet Aud1(itor states$ t hat not onie ini t wenty o.f 1(,578 chaims rece(ived ini hits oflice duintg then last tis ca) year was tiled upon suggestion or' by thIe voluntary act of the el timnant, ihe great mnajority of cases having been dro'nmedl by Claim Agents, whlo col Jectedl fees ini adlvanice, lihed claimus and abandoned thlemt to oilleial r'outinie, well knowing their Jack of merit and hopelessness. Although kniown to be worthless they' served to swell statis tics in the official reports. Tfo BE~ certain of getting a bite when you go fiabing, take it alng with yoan TIE I)ETECTIV'EI "R r---An exciting scete took place tho *A(>her day at lenry Jackson's shoe store, on Columbia avenue, which nearly i-esul ted ill tile arrest of an innocent mAin. 'The cause of the tronble was this : Jackson has anl educated parrot wi iclI lie loves dearly. Hentiry is generally coblinig in the back room, and the par rot has been taught to scream when cistomers enter. Mrs. Jackson had laid her pocketbook on the couiter and runl upstairs to hush the crying. of her bouncing boy.. Remembering where her pocketbook was she returnlued and grot it. Just theni a cuistomler caine inl. lie knocked and rapped fir somi time, bit no onie comhIlilg inl he turned to leave. when the parrot shricked gnery - eustomier - pocketbook Jacksn~he rin t hIlealy% broke Ik 'neck in hurri 3 ' linto the store. drop ping his l. aptine oI his foot. I Iv shol t ed ill tihit il st violellt ml:ntiier. "W hat do yolu 4ieat, aVIihiow. by try to ro ofl with im%- pocket,' boo k 1" The (list oller, t Iiek (11um11b with nlr' reinark, immnediately whiled ar'oind and asked what. he "I an j.Iust what. I sa. You took Iii pOcket-book, aid if yo n don't give it to ile I'll call , i oilher." "I haven't s'een a pocketbook for a mlonith,'' saidl the stagranld I won't staild aly suich1 instult." W he cre upon the parrot spoke lip : "Iad inan11-dulde.' Bsoth Inenl had wor-ked t heir nlerveS up to a high state of exeteini, an. I it looked very muittch a, th iougl there woul be a set-to. "Pauline. the parrot, wa-A o)verjo)yed, and shouted: "l'olice ! Police !" "Oh. blaln' you, -shu1t up !" cried ( Ie thoroughly11 infuriated enlstomeltr. D.ot h ilell st ood aud stared at each heiri' for a ionent, then blist (ou a heiarty laugh and shook hani Is. The (ist Oiner then purchased a pair o)f "ealf Eng.. lish lBals,'' onnber. tenl.-Philadelphia T iines. P1' WAS ALL RI(Ir.-A mani who was looking tilroulih a secotid hand sto're in 11rBooklyi, with a view Of tim1. ingi a-eIta to ,11it hin1, finially ex atilltied oie atnd asked; reAV () y1u siii't there at'e nio bluis it) this ?" 'i;.gs ! XlVy,1dot l)(dsteadI was ont of my own fatnnily I We got it theni he. o" hagonie awayi3 I s('ll it fuho if-. "'Say, I belie've it luts had1( bu:gsin it." vhsso tteat (dot if shie ktnew ofe such' "Aui(I I'll be hiang!,E'l if hier,' isnt prioof !"' exchiimied1 the culstotiier, as hie hiearitbirokeni look oin is face, wh~eni t lhe oIther'! dttainied himi :niul said: do, Iest ead. yu ik now you have bug' froin a respect ible f'atiily ! Moses vh os head clerk itn Roheb"eter, und1( you know I 'tan hiere twen'ty-- 3S(even yeatrs la j)C.iesess."'--- Wall St reet News. I-A i I rish law~'yer having adhIressed the Court as1 "'gent lemie't," itnstead~ of "'yetr htoors," a'~fter t he had concluded a brFotheir of thle bari reindeditil(( him of apologized ih us: "May it please the Court, in the hate of debate I cal led yetr honiors 'entlemnen. I unulde a mis-. ta ke, yer' hionors."' Thie speaiker' thent sat down. WV'HEN Seinator VeCst was solicited1 by3 the siTeiage-begginig women~t to help their ca use, says a WVashiingtoni letter', lie l istenied patiently while they non tendedct, in usual style, t hat the woman was tihe equal of thec man and ought to) hold oflice--any ofiee, Seniator', Gov erntor', P~ostmiaster, Justice of the peace r Cionsta ble-a-;ny'thinag, inideed. "Great hieavetis,"' saLid Vest, ''do you meanth that ? Now, just think of it. Tutoik of a ltlU goinflionie and kis.%ing a justice of thepeach, or tellin a friend that lie was inl love with a Constable It is dreadfl !'' -In the town of Cameron, Stenben County, there residIe tei f riers Whose farmns joinl each other. They have tenl babies ald there is only three weeks' ditfer'ence inl their ages. DRY GOODS -AND1 lleadquIarters for Dress C)oods, Black and C'olored Silks, Ilack CaslTeres, ltien rietta Cloths, Albat ross Cloths, Bergalin e Cloths, and in fact every thing ill BL ACK rYRESS GOOOS. An exIisite line of WNalking Jack ets,, Cloaks, D~olnumsll,, Paletots amid (III LDRE N'S CLOAKS. The only% place you wNill 1ind Evitt & Bros'. Fiie Sho.s for Iadies, Misses an(1d Childrell. Thev have nume1lt'rols frHi mI. It t akesz but one t rial to Iiake for theim a ustoer. For Slyle, Fit alnd Contfort theyare 1utnexcelled, Table Lainen1:, Towels, Mllnets, Napkins and Doyles in abundance. a m e (:mile l see uwh. 11s. Prices anl induleenict. lagains to he hial at. 0J. H. MOH)RGAN & BRO., WhIoilesal and Uoail Merhants, G FJNVILLI, S. (C 'Nov 2-3mn One and All, RO 1I"NSON & WYAT rrri "E ASiLEY, S. C. Hfas just. rcccived their Fall and Winter stock of goods, )consistingIP of Notions, C.lothing, IlIardiware, Groceries~ and Gr iocers Driugs. Gay- is a (all :mid we will be sure to sell to von if low prices are de~sired(. _Oct i2--12m SUTBSCRIBiE Now THE COTTO.N rPL A.NT An\ 8-page 41Ocol i umn Agrietuhuri mal Journal, ithe 01113y papeIr in SoulthI Car olina pl)i41hed exrclusirely in lle initer est of thle F'artmr and Maniufactur'er. Thle best mal( cheapest Agricultural paper1 ini t.hie South. ONE Y 60 OCEN'i'S A YEGAR. 'The otlicialI organi of I hie State Gr'ange. EndI(orsed by th le&adIing citt'ies ol the State, and by the b~est farmters in thie State anid thme South. Sem1i postal forP speimen copies for yourself and your neiglhors. Ad(dress, W.TJ. cK EnAL, Maion, S. C. NOW IS YOUR TIME CLASS, CROCKERY AND TIN WARE at FIRST COST, as I havf deeided to go ouit of that part of my Business, and hereafter engage only ini CON FECT10ONE RIES, TO BACCO and CI&GARS of various brands, &c. Parties wishing Bargains had bet ter call early to secure them. WV. H. SMIT H, Main St., Next Door to Dr. Quillian, EASLEY, S. C. Nov 8-4t C. P. RUNION, Easley, S. C., To-day I'ie '"Leader of Low Prices. -:0: We are uakinga ina1igniiticIt (lis)hl3 of elegant. new 3Pall anad. "W~inter Good.. When yon are out mishoppinug, (10 not fail to call :uil inspect. 01 r nilielse line We have lie tost coiplete asortinent of Worsteds fron 10c,. per yaIrd u) to the filnest fniportetd fabrics. A Large Stock ol Boots and Shoes. Our variety is iltiexcelled for beauty a nd "lura bilit y. L cisM isses, a n'