LO0UAdNU$O'lY MATT!R8. EASLEY, S. C., OCTOBER 26. C UCstH imstRECTOYi. APTIST .CHUCii. Rev. J. W. Hutchins, Pastor. Every first Sabbath at 11. o'clock, A. M., and at 7:30, P. M. Sunday School every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, P. A. PRxsaYTrIANx CHuncm.-(Mt. Pleasant), Dr. J..R, iey, Pastor. Ev ery sen'd Sabbatl at 11 o'clock, A. M. $TiRorsT C~u c.---Rev. S. P. Hf. . 'well, Pestor. JE.very fourth jSabbath at II 6'elock, A. M.. and 7:30 o'cjock, P. M.. Every second Sabbath at 7:30, r. M., by Rev. D. R. 'Brown. Sunday School at' 9:30, P. M., every Satibath. *0' W. S. GREGORY, our Fore man, is authorized to receive and contract for Job work, &c,,for TriE MESSENGER Office. OWNBEY fRos'. Good as Gold 10c. Tobacco,' still in the lead. 1t WE have had good rains now. Sup pose thq Council has the streets worked. THE yield of sweet potatoes will be small in this section this season. Miss ELLA LAWRENCE, from Sen ecn City, passed through F. 'y, 'en .route for' Pickens, on Monday. 'MRs. J. E. HAGOOi> and two of her daughiters, passed through this place on Friday last, bound for their home 'on the sea-shore." WE, learn that the farmers are sow ing a large acreage of smamll grain this Fall. Such crops are a good supple ment to a short corn crop. M;assits. JETER. BUTLER and BRowN, three more Connercial Agts. from Atlanta, were i Easley the first part of the week. NEVER within the recollection of the oldest inhahitanits, has a grop been raised and gathered with as little rain up)on It as the crop of 1883. A CHiOTCE lot of fine Groceries of every dlescript ion, cheap at OWNB~EY BROS. it WVE have had a large Sign painted and placed1 over our door, so that the friends of the enterprise may know where to find THE[~ MESSENGERt oflee. It was paintedl by Mr. Wait. READ the advertlsenient df W. A. Mauldin with reference to his wheat. Wh Ile the opportunity is presenited go Sandl purchase some fine seed wvheat, and also some for goodl flour. WE wonder if our young friend at ~the depot ever grows wild with "Uto Spian Dreams.'' If not with them, he surely must over someI real cohticideni ces which find existence in his life. 'a Ouu Postmister returns thanks to 3the "Sentinel'' for the very neat man n.jer in which that journal is folded, Sand he respect fully asks other ne wspa prmen to do likewise. >'OFFi~ to Fl'oridla. Mrs. D~r. Rily and son, Mr. Samuel Rily, go to Florida this week on a visit to the mother of Mrs. Rily andl other relatives. Mr. Riuy will remain (luring the winter andl teach school. Major Child also goes to Florida this week to look after the Interest of a client. May they all have a pleasant time in the land of THE otijer day we found a six.page article, written by. a gentleman, that we hoped would lighten the editor's work this week, but alas.! it was intenia ded only for the eye of a single FAIR EXCHANGE. D. N. Moss, who was arrested in September last, and carried to Spar tanburg to await his trial on the charge of imurder, was acquitted last week by Messrs. Blobo & Carlisle. lie has. re turned to his home in this County. Is'NT it unfortunate that the rain, &c., prevented our friend Johnnie W. from, showig a fair daughter the swift ness with which his single-footed can travel. Never mind, -o.hnnie, a fairer (lay nmay shiie on thy Imnlly brow. MR. W. M. HAQOOD has succeeded in getting water in his well. Philip Green, from Central was the basterer, and is one that we gladly recommend to the public. le understands the business thoroughly, and if any body can get you water it is lie. WE are much pleased. to see in our town on Monday last, Mr. J. Mel). Bruce, of Pickens, one of her most. thrifty Citizens. le is usually very quiet, but this time lie approached without "haited breath.'' Bit why ? Echo answer's, vly I MESSRS. BRADSHAW and Skimer, two of Athlinta's Coiiercial agents, paid Easley a visit on Saturday. Sen eca isn't arge enough to hold the for imer on Sunday, but the winning smiles of Easley can iBrad him to just one spot. WE suppose it is too expensive for "our old bachelor" to hire a bugg3 every time- he wants to go to a wed dig and lie has accordingly purchased the finest buggy that W. M. Hagood & Co. had on hand. Perhaps George Washingto11 is going to. his owni Wed ding. Is the surmise a correct one? Wi[Y don't you call on Mr. A. M. Riunion and look at his nice lot of Fiur niture ? lie has just returned from market. whlere he bought a v-triety of fine furniture, and can1 stit you in style and( price. 1lIe can and will du plicate the G reenville prices and~ styles. (iURu etlcient Postmlaster. A, iM. Folgrer, informs US that the increase of letters passing through his office since the 1st of October has beeni more than 30 per cent. If the increase has beent as great at all other oflices. Uncle Sam has lost nothing by giving us~ cheaper post age. MR. W. A. UIL r1oN, oneC of thue most enterp)risin~g and progressive far mers of this section was inl town last. Monday with a Sulky Cultivatos of his own invention. We wish him success and 1h0p) that his exampjle may 1be an incentive to others to keep pace wvith the progressive modes of farming. THlE trampils along the Air Line R. R. arc becoming a great nuisance. They seem to take advantage of eve ry op)portunity of doing some mischief. Not long since one entered into the private dwelling of Mr. W. M. Ilagood, pushed himself upon tihe hospitality of Mrs. Hagood, arranged his toilet, and then walked oft' very unconcerned. Later, one entered the residence of Mr. W. A. Mauldin, d uring his al' sence, stole comnething to eat and ab scondedl. Let all of our citizens be on the look-out for these a grants. They will stoop to do the.grossest meanness. JACK WILSON, cOlored, has caught duri'ng the past tuouth, fifty-two opos sums, all fine and fat. From oie.alf of one he extracted one pint (f oil. The people of Easley need not fear the need of fresh meats when 'possums are so plentiful. THE following J)rors for the U. S. District Court have been drawn from Pickens County, for 1884: GRAND JURY-SpeCal Term, Feb ruary. W. L. Smith and Win. L. We! born. PETIT JUnOn-Special Term, JIoht M. Heondrixt E. F. -Looper. isa-ae Dal vis; B. W; Hughes and A. PR. N. Fol-i ger. GRAND JURY-Angut rerm, L. Ross Eatoti. PETIT JURY-August Term. J. B. Newberry, T. C. Robinson, J. J. Chandler and John D. Wilson. ROBEwr B. ULLIoTTON TFHE CIVIL RIGHTS DECISioN.-Robert. It. Elliott the black man who was once Attorney General of South Carolina and a la.st ditch radical. is now living in New Or leans. He -hans written a letter to a friend in Columbia regarding the eivil rights decision of the Supreme Court, in which the following passagos occurs: "Time has. indeed. brotaght its re venge. Mr. Jefterson Davis. the great apostle of the absoluite States' Rights idea of Mr. Calhoun. lives to see his prophecy that the doctrine for which he so vigorottsly anmc1 cosiistenl v Conl tended would sooner or later. be rec ogized as a fundamental prineiplie of the government completely veritil. * * * * * * "If the new, progressive. prowperous South there wiPl not be a single. step backward. The two races lwre al ready know eaelh other, and will. In time, learn fully to sympathize with. and to respect each other. If the po litical or civil rights of the negro shall ever be assailed, of one thing we may be assured,-the assault will not conme from~the South.'' He utges that the Republican party his desel ted the negro, and that Fred Douglass's idea of "independence within tue Reni blican party" shoull he abandone(1 for "ind(ependence nuit side of it." and says the ne.gro's safety is to divide himiself-emphasizing the words. CAna,. theI one-armed ebx-Con ifeder ate soldie:- who robbed tie store of Bailey, Barksdale 8r Co.. at Green wood, has been sent tb the I'eniten tiarv for five years. Mott, his broth er-in-law and accomlic~e, was sent for thre'e year's. -A negro tramp beat Mrs. Wmn. f.0gan, an old lady, to death uear Whlittaker's, S. C., on Friday, choked her husband into insensibil ity and robbed their house. Hie concealed Mrs. Logan's body uin der a [pile of cotton and set it afire. He had not been captured at'; last accounts. THEE MIARKETS. Our Cotton Market has been quiet this week. Sales for the week 187 bales. We quote: Baco.......................8 @8 ji Shirting..........................5@ i "............................6 (@)64 4-4 ".................................7 a@ Pr~its.................................5 @8 Yarns.................................8@ COUNTRY PRODUCE. (Cotton...........................830 Eggs........................... ,.. 1 Butt er~e ................... .................15 2 PIMILIC SALE. I will sell at public outetIy, at myw house. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBEit 6th, the followving manchier'y, &c. : Otne 4-HORSE POWElR ECIPSE ENGINE. One ECIJPSE THRESIER and SE PA R A TOR, Belting and Fixtures. One, PRATT forty-saw GIN atit FEEDERS. One KING COTON PRESS and Fixturesi.. The above will be sold for one-third Cash. Balance on 12 months time. Oct 19-3t* S[ AEON 1ASW E 1 . LATEST SCHEDULE Onl the Piedmont Air-Line Rail Road, of trains arriving at Easley,. SOUTIH BOUNI). No. 50, (Passenger) arrive...1:24 A. 5. No. 52, " " ...6:08 1'. M. No. 18, Local Freight " ....6:16 1. M. NORTH BOUND. No. 51, (Passenger) arrive....9:t4 i. m. No. 53, "1" ..10:39 A. M No. 17. Lionill Freight " ...5:55 A. M All of tho above trahis carry passeir ger's. HUDGENS & HUDGENS, COTTON B UYERS -A ND DEA ERS IN General Merchandi e, Easley, S. (. Invites the attention of their patrons and the gene ral public, to the large and attractive Stock of Goods just opened, which embraces Dry Goods, Notions Clothing, Eiats, B~oots, Shoes, Grocer' ies, Drugs, Glassware, Orockery & Woodenware, TOCACOKN4ITTING COTTON, &c., and in fact everything usual ly kept ini a stock of General Mer'chandize. We call especial attention to otte large STOCK of READY-MADE CLOT1'IING, JE ANS and SHOES. You wvill finid it to your interest to e'xamine3) themi before purc'hasinog. WhTlen~ you want Flour call for the ''FROS'l ;" for a " Choice Family" t has no superIor. Oct 12-12mn WHEAT FOR SALE. 1 have on hand 300 bush els of Graded, Blue Straw Wheat, which I will sell for Cash to those who may wish to buy. There are. two grades of it, each being fine, and it will pa~y you to pur chase. W. A. MA ULDIN, Oct 12-tf Easley, S. C. ME'' Subseribe for the MiEssBNaEn.