ghe fasizl Messenguer. A. W. HUDGENS, } Eitors. J. R. IIAGOOD, Editors. EASLEY, S. C., OCT. 26, 1883. OUR MARKET. How glad it should make Easley, and all those whe patronize her, feel when the thought of her being a first class market is realized. She not only can head the list as being the nst progressive, in bus iness, of any town of her size, in the State of South Carolina, and can also compete strongly with other towns, which are tenfold larger than herself. But without doubt she Can afford to pay the highest market prices for cotton, in the first place, because the cotton buyers are backed by firms so very -strong as to enable them to pay prices ; and in the second place, the buyers are men of such sound judgment and business-like turns, that the farmers take p'easure in permitting them to handle their cotton. The finest sample of this product, between Charlotte and At lanta is obtained at Easley. The farmers can get in return for this staple, either the cash, or the mer chandise, whichever might suit them. As will be seen in a letter from a Pickens correspondent, Eas ley keeps peace with the growing city of Greenville. Then isn't it altogether useless, for the farmers of this County to go there to sell their cotton and make their pur chases, when they can get as much here for it, and pnrchase their goods just as cheap. Time and money can be saved by patroni zing your own market. If Picken s could get up a progressive spirit in trade ; if she could make a mar ket of herself, and could offer some such advantages to the farmiug interest of the County, to this small p~ortion of the Piedmont section atll the eyes of business Carolina would be turned. But so long as she lies dormant and makes not a market of her own, and her pa-1 per so erroneously turns the atten tion of the citizens to a market o another county, without making a comparison of markets, she can not hope for better days ini this special line. The idea of publish ing what could be done in Green ville, making not the slightest mention of' three grand markets in her own County, apparently shows a want of the spirit of enterprise, whatever might have been the in tention of the "Sentinel." Look to it citizens tlhat you first note the advantages to be had at homo, be fore going to the trouble and ex jense oyf goingr out of your own County to sell your cotton and to do your trading. Keeljopignon ey in the odrnty, au he Cunty at large 4l1. be the, "bettlr-off for it. AN OPENING FOR LAWYERS Mr. Frank Ayer, a lawer at the bar of Barnwell, passed through our town last week. It is his de sire to locate somewhere in the op country, and practice the profes sion of law. le was. admitted to the bar six years ago, and in that period of time he has met with much success. He has no special preference for locating at a Court House, but would be willing to lo cate in a town near the county seat. No place in the up-conntry presents a better opening than Eas ley. A good lawyer can come here and doubtless in the course of time build up a fine practice. Our very efficient Trijal Justice, J. R. Gos sett, Esq, says that Mr Ayer can make a living here. If he can make that now, how bright would be his future prospects. Many young men are entering the pro fession and if they would but look around them, and consider the ad vantages of locating at such a place as Easley, they would not have to sit and hold their hands for a number of years in the crowd ed towns and cities, waiting in their turn to receive practice. SOMEBODY se'nt to the Laurens ville lerald a bogus notice of the marriage of Jas. M. Epps,a prom inent citizeu of that County. The editors are very indignant and of fer a reward of $100 "for proof to convict" the person who wrote the notice. FATAL AcCIDENr.-WeC are in formed that Thomas iHuter, a son of Samuel Hunter, Bachelor's Re treat neighborhood, fell into a well about forty feet deep last Trhursday killing him instantly. llis neck was broken. Mr. Hunter was a youth about 17 or 18 years 01ld and was an exemplary young man and Ch istian. lie was, at the time, engaged in fixing a wall around the well on which to place the box and fioor,-Keowee Courier. IN the Epsiscopal .Convention on Tuesday the subject of work among the colored people was free ly dliscussed, Dr. Porter, of II rleston, making a speeh of some ength. The general expression of all the speakers was that the Church should know no color. No definite conclusion was reached. The action of the Board of Mis sions in reqjuesting the resignation of Bishop Rily, of Mexico, was approved. __ CoLORtED MET~II)sT MAKE THRIEATA. -The African Methodist Episcopal Conference, embracing several af the Westeorn States, in session at Denver, Colorado, Fri day, discussed the regent decision of t Unitld States Stitreme Congt on t ole11ileightsbilld rhe Judgs acti wisdenoudeed $1 the strodi est ring, 4AUd severl incendi4Y speefehes were made, one .of the Bishops declaring that if the ne gro's rights were thrus trampled upon a revolution would be the re sult.-Greenville News. -On Tuesday of last week a diffi culty accured in the tipper part of Anderson County, between Henry Martin, white, and Berry Holland, colored, in which the latter was killed. Martin surrended to the sheriff of the county, but was af terwards released on bail. We learn that from the testimony taken at the Coroners inquest, the killing was done-in self-defence. -Last Monday morning, in the city of Richmond, Va., Miss Em ily Pembroke Jones, a beautiful and accomplished young lady, aged abor seventeen years, fell down a stairway and broke her neck, while walking in her sleep. T. L. JONES, WEST ENI), GREENVILLE, S. C.. Is prepared to make and furnish all kids of Monumnents and leatistones, froni t he coinnnonest to the tinest pol ished Grante, &c., in the neatest style, anld as cheap as the cheapest. Oct 19 -t f REM7EMBER . One and All, ROBINSON. & WYATT EASLEY, S. C., Has just received their Fall and Winter stock of oods consisting of Notions, Clothing, Hardware, Groceries and Grocers Drugs. 4(sliGive us a call and we will he sure to sell to you if low prices are desired1. Oct x2-12m THE Dry Goods Emporium oF DR. J. W. QUJILLIAN, Easley, S. C., Still lives, anid he des~ires to thank he pub lic for their liberal pat ronage in the p~ast, andl~ say to themi that his Stock of ORT0000S, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ihard ware, heavy and Fancy Groceries, Paints, Oils, Glass andl Dye StuztTs, are comnplete at PANIC PRICES To the Ladies I dlesire to say that my Fall Stock of Millinery has just comne in, embracing all the Latest Novelties, and Late st Styles of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons and1( Neck wear, all at BOT1 TOM PRICES. $@Call and see mec and~ you will be pleased. Oct 1 2-12mn Q. P. RUNION, Easley, S. C., 'oday The "Leader of Low Prices." :o: 1j We 4re making a magnificent display f elegant new 3Pall gaind Goods. When yon are out shopping, (10 not fail tq etl and inspect our Imuens 1lhie We have the most complete desoftinient of W6fsted- frdtn '1OiW. per yartd'u to the llest Imported 04'1so A Large Stok 6f B44 n4 es. Our variety is unexcelled for beauty and durability. Ladies, Misses, and i children's Shoes, all made in the latest Style~s. We - have a large jpt et the genuine "Sitting Bull" Boot, unsur passed for beauty, and the most dura ble Boot ever sold in our toWn. Price unequaled. GROCERIES A SPEiCIALTY. Cotton Buyer for Exports to New England States. Oct 12-i2m GRAND EXCURSION ! To see the Circus will not create the excitement that our Bargains in Beds, Bureais, Chairs, Tables, and every thing pertaining TO THE elegant and tasteful furnishing of your house with Bedroom and Parlor Suit.s of all grades. Come one, come all and and be convinced that you camot get more goods for less money than we give at FURNITURE HOUSE, A general line of Undertaker's Sup plies always on hand. Coilus trimmed at all hours, and inl sty!e to suit purchasers. EASLEY, S. C. A. M. RUNION, Proprietor Furniture House. Oct 12-12 JU4T RECEIVED AT Jx. 1. RAqPAY y A new lot of Ladies Hats, Ribbons and Laces. ALSO, Just received, a new lot of Ready-made Clothing. Special bargains in Boots and Shoes. ALSO, Just r eceived, a Cheap lot of Groceries. Give me a call, and I guaran tee satisfaction. Oct 12---12m Lime! Lime! Lime ! CAN BE BOUGHT OF I-1.. 3r. GIG3Jr AL LIAT, Easley, S. C., Either in Car Load Lots or by the single barrell at very CHEAP RATES. Oct 12-tf Job work of all kinds done ait this office.