ghe $nnleg~ Messep~ger. LOCALAND COUNTY MATTER8. EASLEY, S. C., OCTOBER 12. CI1111AR DhinECTrOnv. BAPTIST CHURcH. Rev. J. W. lutchilus, Pastor. Every fir-t Sabbath at 11 o'clock, A. M.,and at 7:30,.P. M. Sinday School every Sabbath at 3:.30 o'clock, P. M. PRESHYTERIAN CIURC-IL-(Mt. Pleasant), Dr. J. It. Riley, Pastor. Ev ery second Sabbath at 11 o'clock, A. M. METHODIST CH URCu.-Rev. S. P. 1I. Elwell, Pastor. Every fourth Sabbath at It o'clock, A. M.. and 7:30 o'clock, P. M. 'Rvery second Sabbath at 7:30, P. M., by11 ev. D. R. Brown. Suniiday School at 9:30, P. M., every Sabbath. sa- W. S. GiEGoty, our Fore man, is autherized to receive and contract. for Job work &c., for TiE MESSENGER Ofice. JIMIE, a little son of John McCombs, fell from a fence last Saturday and broke his arm. ONE, of our Editors went to the Camp Meeting last Sunday and has been very absent minded since. CAPT. J. W. KIRK paid our office a visit this week. He commences soon the work of grading the Greenville and Laurens Rail Road. Mns. ErwErt, who has been visiting friends in the lower part of the State returned home yester day. Ouii oflicient Rail Road Agent, Mr. Gignilliat, made a flying trip to Atlanta last week. It is needless to say that his benign countenance was missed. EASLEY is certaiily "spreading her ample folds.'' Look at the new houses that have been erected, and others are r'apidly going uip. What a mark of' improvement! IF yOU. want to see somekthuing extra in the shape of a Monument, be sure to call at the Shop of T.i L. Jones, in the fork between Pen dleton and Augusta Streets, G r-eeni ville, S. C. lie is certain ly a "boss5 workman". MRs. RI. McMAIIAN, died at the residence of Rev. J. D. Tialley, on the morning of the 9th. She was about 83 years old, and had been a great sufferer for some time. -Mn. GEORGE GOSSETT, a young man of much promise, died at the home of his father, Pinckney Gos. sett, on the 9th inst, aged 22 years. He was a quiet and moral young man, possessing the esteem and respect of all acquainted1 with bim. His remains were interred at Anti och Methodist Church on Wednes day, Rev.'S. P. H. Elwell officia ting in the funeral obsequies. To the families of othe above we extend our deepest sympathy.' ONE of our town darkies was on a spree last Sunday. We had hoped the experience that some of them had a few Sundays ago from letting whiskey dethrone their reason-would have put an end to Sunday sprees which have been too common in the past. MR. G. W. BowEN has moved his quarters from Greenville back to Easley. ie says there is no place in the world he likes so much as the latter. His health is improved, and strange to say, he looks young yet. He will be glad to have his friends call on him at the store of Hudgens & Hudgens. New Advertisements. We desire to call the attention of 0111 readers to the adveitisenents which appear in this issue. WheI YOU read them you will certainly conclude that Easley is a live-place, and her mer chants are thrifty and energetic. They are men, who for their enterprise, merit no small amount of prise. You need no nitroduction to them. W. N. Iiagood & Co. hsve been here a long time. They are men of expe rience and tact, and they deal too in Cotton. liudgens & Hiudgens are old ien at the wheel, and they turn it vell. They are Qotton buyers, too. Robinlsoni & Wyatt have tied tip too many btndles to be new hands at the buisiness. Dr. J. W. Quilliatn has pounded too frequently with his poniiel. not to know how to use it. ONviibey Bros. have handled too muany line groceries, &c., not to know their taste and how to sell them. A. M. Rtunion has handled too great a 1)lUural ii y of bedsteadls, tables, chairs, &c., to fail to realize thecir comfort in households and offices. ~J. Xl. Rlampey has dealt too exten sively ini dress goods as to miss ini suit mug you. (. I?. Runion has had1 too much deal ing wi thI the public as not to knowv it's want, aind he is a Cotton buyer too. 11. J. Giguil int, besides knowing how to hand(Ie guano successfully, uin (derstanid the art of selling lime. If you are in any way interested ab)out something to eat, call oni W. A. Magidin and purchase some of his fin~e wheat. James Rosemnand, whose repultation as a Blacksmith, is a fmne one, is well qualified to give all satisfaction. Oio has gone Democratic by a majority of twelve thousand. Gov. Hloadly has been made the choice of the p~eople. [For the Messenger. ' amp Meeting Notes. MR. EDITon : ' The Camp meeinug at T welve Mile, in this County, 'began on jFriday night last.- The writer left Easley, at a late hobur Satmrdty morn lng, anid after a. di'lve of two and a half hours .through. thie mud, drew up1 -at the Camp-ground .iust in time to gol dinner with a god brother. At 2 oi. clock the Presiding Elder called the Quarterly Conference together to look after the business and finances of the Pickens Circuit. The preacher in charge reported some sixty odd addi tions to the Church during the last Quarter and seven Sunday Schools in operation on the Circult. There was paid for the support of the preacher for last quarter $159.50. Some of the churches are behind with their assess mients for their preacher's support, but promised to pay out. before' the close of the year, and doubtless will, as Rev. Ellwell is popular with his people and this closes his 4th year among us. Many are sorry to give him up, knowing his place will be hard to be supplied among us. The preaching was goo(. On Saturday night many came to the al ter for prayer and the Church seemed much revived. At an early hour Sun day morning the people begani to pour in horse-back, foot-back, in their wag ons, buggies and carriages. Our little towii was well represented, aid till seemed to enjoy themselves. At elev en o'clock Rev. Herbert preached ia Missionary sermon to a large and at ten tive congregation, after which there was a collection taken up for Missions, amounting to something over fifty dol lars. In the afternoon there was short talks made to the children and young people by Revs. Wood, Guess and Elwell, after which the large con gregation began leavingfor their homes The crowd was estimated to be the largest ever assembled at 12 Mile. The order was perfect, nothing to mar the pleasantness of the occasion, which speaks well for our people. we left the ground feeling that it was pleasant to go up 111and worship with the people of Twelve Mijle, and hoping that we might live long enongh to enjoy nIumy such seasons. Mr. Editors I wish you much success in your new tield and hope that our peole will patronlize youtr paper lih erally. .W. Inasmuch as certain foreig'n go0ve'rn maents have charged that the hog pro dulct S of the Uniited Stat es are af fect ed with disease, anid not p~roper for ex pornt pulrposes, the prlesident hats ap1 lpointed a conmmiittee to invest igate the .ciarinig of pork in this count ry. Married, on the morning of thme 7ith inst., by Rev. S. A. Gary, Mr. .J. TV. WILSON and Miss BETTI~vE SMirHr, all of Anderson County. On the 9th Inst., by Rev. S. P. II. Elwell, Mr. ROSw~ELL HILL and Miss MARGARET POWERS. On the 10th inst., by Rev. S. A. Gary, Mr. FREDERICK WILfLI AMS and Miss NANNIE O'DELL, all of Pickens County. TElE MARKETS. Our Cotton Marke't has been active, and p~rices have advanced halt a cent the past week. Bacon has advanced one cent. We quote: Baco~...............................8 @~i8) *{ Shirting. .....................5)@~6 -k " .........................6 oc 4-4 " ....................7 (5@ Yarns..........................85 COUNTRY PRODUCE. C3otton...................................1 I ltEgs.............................. .... a 5 C. P. RUNION, Easley, S. C., To-day The "Leader of Low Prices." We are making a magnificent display of elegant new "EPali erneS.d 'NXT"L.t4.Tr '-ooc.. When yon are out shopplg, do not fall to call and inspect our immense line We have the most complete assortment of Worsteds from 10c. per yard up to the finest Imported fabrics. A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Our variety is unexcelled for beauty and durability. Ladies, Misses, an'd children's Shoes, all made in the latest Styles. We have a large lot of the genuine "Sitting Bull" Boot, unsurm passed for beauty, and the most dura ble Boot- ever sold in our town. Price unequaled. GROCERIES A SPECIALTY. Cotton Buyer for Exports to New England States. Oct 12--12n GRAND EXCURSION. :o: TO SEE THE CIRCUS Will not create the excitement that our Bargains in Beds, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, and everything pertaining TO THE elegant and tasteful furnishing of your house with Bedroom and Parlor Suits of all grades. Come one, come all TO THE FURNITURE HOUSE and be convinced that you cannot get more goods for less money than we give. A general line of Uiidertaker's Supplies always on hand, at EASLEYI. C. Coflins trimmed at all hours, and in sty!e to suit purchasers. A. M. RUNION, Proprietor Furniture Honse. Oct 12-12 JUST RECEIVED AT Je M. RAMPES A new lot of Ladies Hats, Ribb~ons and Laces. ALSO, Just received, a new lot of Readly-mnade Clothing. Special bargains in Boots and Shoes. ALSO, Just 1 eceived, a Cheap lot of Groceries. G ive me ., call, and I guarantee satisfaction. Oct 12-12mn Lime ! Lime! Lime ! CAN BE BOUGIIT 0OF Easley, S. C., Either in Car Load Lots or by the single barrell at very CHEAP RATES. Oct 12-tf IJob work of all kinds cdone at this office. . .