usta sR COUNTY LIDy ..,. The Easley Messeng fruti, lihe a forch, the more it's shook, it shines. VOL. 1.] EASLEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1883 [NO.1 f[he gtuleg M essenger. HIUDOENS, IIAGOOD & CO., Prop'rs. A. W. HUDGENIS, Editors. J, R. IIAGOOD, E TEIRMS O ,F SURIPTI ON. One year, strictly in advance. $1.00 Six months " " . 651 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square (1 inch) 1 insertion......75c Each subsequent insertion............ 40c Liberal discount on contracts or by the column, half or quarter columnn. Marrlage notices free and Solicited. Obituaries over 12 lines charged for Correspondents, to insure attention, must give their full address. We are not responsible for the opin !ons of our correspondents. All communications for the paper must be addressed to the Editors businiess letters to the Publisher of the MESSENGEtR, Easley, S. C. The Sowing and Reaping. A wonderful thing is a seed; The one thing deathless forever Forever old and forever new, Utterly faithfiil and ut terly true Fickle and faithless lever. ilant lilies and liies will bloom ; Plant roses ald rose.s will grow ; Plant hate and hate to life willsprin', Plant, love al love to you will bring The fruit of the seed you sow. -Tennyson 's sulperb descriptions there are two-of the ride of Lauince lot ani Gui nevere vill be remembered by :111 readers who care for poetry : As fast she fled through smi and shade The Imppy vilnds uponi her played. Blowino the rinlu"et; firomi tile braid. She looked so lovely as she swiyed The rein with dainty linger ips A man had given all other blism. And all his wolhIy wealth for this, To w.aNste his whole heart in a kiss Upon her perfect lips. ill Arp's Letter In Atlanta Consti t ltion. Mr. Shaikespeare says that a man has seven ages, but to my opinion a boy has about ten of his own. lie begins with his first pail of breeches and a Stick horse and climbs n'p by leorees to toy guns and lire crackers an(d eling shot and breaking calves and billy goats and to sure enough guns and a p~ointer (log, and the looking glass age when he admires himself and greases 1h1s hair and feels of 1his downly beard andi thenI he joinIs a b)rass band a nd toots a hiorni and( then lie reads novels and falls ini love and( rides a pranicinig horse and writes p)erfumed( notes I o his girl]. When his first love .kicks him and begins to run with! another fellow he~ dr1ops into t he~ age of dlispalir amad wants to go to Texas or' some1 other re mote region and sadhly sings: "This worldi is all a fleeting show.'" Boys are mnigh ty smart n ow-a-d(ays. 'They know as miuch at ten years as Wve uisedl to know at twenty and it is righit hlaid for us to keep ahead of 'em. Parents used to rule their children but children rule their parents now. There is no whipping at hoine and'if a boy gets a little at school it raises a row and a presentationi to the grandl jury. When my teacher whiippedume I neCVCr mlcntino/n- it mm loii o Imar. of getting another. I got three whip pings in one day when I was a lad, I had a fiht with another boy and lie Whipped me and the school teacher whipped me for fighting and my fath er whipped me because the teacher did. That was awful, wasent it. But it was right and it did ine good. One of these modern philanthropisus was telling my kinsmun the other (lay how to rise his boy. "Never whip him" said he, "Raise him on love and kindness and rCas(u),'1 and then lie appealed to me for endorsement. "And when that boy is about twelve years old" said I, "do you go and talk to him and if pos sible persuade 1im not to whip his daddy. Tell him that it is wrong and unfilial and will injiure his reputation in the commuility.'" The modern boy is entirely too big ity. I was at church in Rome last Sti day ainl saw two boys there aged about ten and twelve years and after service they lit their Cigarettes and went off smokhig. An( old fashioned man look ed at 'em and relarke(l, I would give a quarter to paddle theim boys two mi - utes. "I'll bet their fathers is afraid of 'em right now."' Tihe old-fashioned iiai never vas afraid of his. ie worke(l 'cm h1.1rd, btt lie g-ave 'em all reIasonable iiulgelice. Ie kelt 'cim at home of nights and lie made good1 men of themn. They have prospered in btsiniess and aequired wealth and are raising their chil(reni the same way, al tlh( love and honor the old g'en tHenum for giving them habits of in dIustry :1-. 13an econom1y. iHe was a m1er chant antd didelt allow his boys to Sweep out a string or a scrap of paper as big as your hat. labits are tlie t cod habits, habits of induiistry and10 ec)Olom, whenl a11nil ed in yotub they stick all through life. A.tklIhe gir.'Is need] Some wvatchinlo too. TheyN. a-e ilost too fast nw days. To() fon1 of faslio.n, :nd tiey rTad Ioo m11uch1 trash. I , he old fash ion retiring ilodesty of charter is at a1 (liscpimnt. They (o't 'ait fori tle boys to comle niow, the, () after 'em, they nn-ry inl lmste al(d repent at ]vis ure, Ithi run rm(I in their new fash ioned uIignt gowns and call it a Mother Ilubbard party. Tle 'news pa peirs have got lip a senusation about thme .1rm1 clutch, well I dont see any (ifler ence between I hat clutch a111d an.y other clut ch. The waist elttich in thes'e toudill dances is just Us ba )I or worse. They are all iiulIodest aml there is inot a good timot-her inl the land that a) proves of them. A girl who goes to a lwomiscious ball atn valtzes a rondmid withi proiScuous fellows putls herself in~ a promiisClius fix to be talked ab~out. by the (hules and rakes and fast younug meni who have encircled her waist. A girl should never waltz with a. yomung niiun whomi shte woul not be willin"' to nutmrry. Shainderi is v'ery 'omoll~ no0w, slan tder of young ladhies a:tI there are not miany who escape it, the t roublie is t hat it is not all slamlder, some of it is truth. In the olen time whenm folks got marruiedl they. stayed married but niow, thme courts are full of dlivor' ces anmd the land is spotted with gr'ass widows and1 inl mnumy a househuoh) there is a hidden grief 'over a (aughter's shame. It is a good tihing forn the gitr[: to Work at somethuing t hat is useful. 'There is plenty of htome work to do ini most4 every household, If there is not then they enn try dlrawing and sketch ing andl( painting 0or miusie, somnethii' that will entertain them. There are as many female dudies as males, and they oug"hit to mnarry I reckon and go to raising fools for ma,-et. [For the Messenger. Letter From Pickens. DE AlR MESSENGER : I address you, though I have iiot yet seen your smi hig face. I call you dear because I know your editor will make you a sweet little jowuina*l. I know Jdw so well that I shall certailly expect to see some of his susceptibility shining In your sweet little face. May wrinkles ne)ver settle down ulpon your brow, but sinshine always be there. May you ever sail pleasantly over seas of milk and honey, with your youlthful pen driveni faithfully at the helm. We wish you this, we cannot wish you imiore. Pickens greets Easley kindly. We cougratulate her for 1er enterprise and thrift. Now she has a newspaper; success to her and it ; "Booby" will nake giant strides to make it a suc eess. We pu1ll our hat, and say, three cheers for our siter town. IWe kn no wo1*d but piogress upl) here. New w houses are going up and new folks are coming in all the time. Every where a fellow looks he sees plretty girls, )tlt something seems to whisper all the timle, "'raise your hat and nothing more.'' We have, an fb'dn up here, but the I rouble is, too many of the trees bear forbiddei fruit. I suppose it, will fall ofY whien it gets good ripe. though. NealyIV a hunmdred pupils ansiwer to the roll call of H he l iekenls Inst itlute. Col. Black hs organiized a muilitary comupanuy ; just the boy*s are in it ; tIe girls look oil aid the boys stand! awfiul t Ia i'g h t. NXow, "Bobh," (on''t get your ailatory mail Mixed vith your MEs SENGEi mail. E Xpect you are crowled thi. week for space. and vill say1) no more, but mus-t add this: May 'I H EMESSENGE hear with a haunmidreold ears, See with a hilmlred e'yes, lld S1'ak with a mijl lion tonguies. C. -On account of lack of clerical force n0 arran gemnen is hav e yet been mnade by the third assistant Postmaster-G eneral to redeem or exchange the old stock of three cent stamps remainiing in the hands of p.ostmhasters. It is exp)ected1, however', that a large n ume of the stamps *will be used in eoninee tion with the one-cent stamp)1 for dloulble-rat~e post age ando on thlird1 andit fouirth class mantter'. -- A tlan ta Conistitution. E~urn~i;m's NOMINEEu B EicjICE. Boston, October 5.-InI the ex'cut tiv~e coun icil tiis afternoon, the no~nmntion of FE. C. Walker (col ), to be Judge of the TMnicipal Court of Charleston (list rict was r'ejectedl by a vote of 41 to 4I. Wal ker was immnediately reniominated by Governor Butler. [For the Mesenger. The Saluda Musical Association. This Assoclation met at Cross Roads Church, Pickens County, S. C., on Sat urday and Sunday, September 29th and 30th ult., H. J. Anthony, President; :ov. M. LJones, Vice-President ; V. T. Hughes, Secfetary. A hirge number of Sabbath Schools and Singing classes, were represented by certificates and delegates. Lessons in Music were furnished dii ring the sessions of the body by J. T. Childres, W. . Iorrice, L. T. Wim pey, James F. Singleton, P. D. Dacis, M. L. Jones, G. W. Singleton J. T. Looper, S. P. Freeman, W. P. -Mas sengale and Prof. J. D. O'Bryant. The aisses Lizzie Hunt, Rebecca Hunt, Ester Crenshaw and Mattie Robinson, 'performed on the Organ during each day. J. Thomas Childres was Chosell con ductor of the meeting, and he did his work well. The next meeting is to be held at Oolenoy Chare1icb, connneneing on Fri (lay before the 5th Sunday in Decem ber next. After the usual resolution of thanks were tendered the citizens for their h ospitality while amoug them; and likewise thaiks to the Organists, and to Messrs Childres and Freeman for the use of their Organs, a resolution was passed req testing tie Secretary to prepar'e a ynopsi for rTjjj MESSEN GEa am!i /Whcens Sentine1 for publica Se'eretary -Aiong the first payments of taxes in New York on Monday was $6,542 53 on the property of Pres ident Arthur and Robert Graham 1)un1, the assessed value being $285,700. W. 11. Vanderbilt paid $170,000 on real estate, while John Jacob Astor sent in checks oi 109 different tax bills for $406,000 on real estate. Wm. H. Xanderbilt al so paid $22,900 on personal estate assessed1 at $1I,000,000. Corneliuis Vandlerbilt paid 2 ,29() on $ I00,00() worth of lproperty, andl the amount lpaidl by Trinity Church was $GO, 000. Up to 4 o'clock th~e total au dlited receipt s were $2,727,000. Trhis amount was probably increas ed t~o about $3,000,000) before the day's work enided. - Atlanta Coni st itution. -T-hie longest bridge in the wvorldl is in China, its road-way is 70 feet wideC anid 70 feet high. There are 300 arches, and each of the pillars, which are 75 feet ap~art, bears a pedestal on which is the figure of a lion 2 1 fleet long and1 made out of one block of marble. Subscri b~e for Tfl H ME~SSEGER.