. r The Peoples' Journal. UIai>^ J)DYBR TNUKSDAY MORNING. T. 3. MAUDIN, - - - Editor. W. LJHrIN MATfENY, - Bus. Mgr. Subsoription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Rtes Reasonable. *ntered at the Post Osloe at Picken as seoond.oiana matter. I'ICKENS, S. 0.,: 1 Thursday, AprIl, 9, 1903. If the fruit crop is spared us, we will still be in a fair way for the enjoymEit of the long summer I months. The State Board has done well 1 for Pickens county in appoint. i ing Messrs. Hallum, O'Dell and t Dendy to the county Board u Education. Next Friday is good Friday and next Sunday is Easter. These are I eignifloant days to the heart of ev ory believer in Jesus Christ and His mission on earth. The church going people of thip commuity appreciate the faithftl services of Rev. J. E. Foster, pa'. tor at Secona, and he is always heard attentinely by large congre gations made up of all denomina tions. The Mississippi river has done untold damage to property, and many lives have been lost in the flood. People have suffered many hardships, ano farmers, in some places have lost all hope of making cropp this year. PLENTY OP TIME IN WHICH TO PLANT. 'arming operations have been delayed far beyond the expecta tidus of the people. Rains have followed close upon rains leaving little time for preparation. But everybody seems to be in a state of readiness, and while the weather permits, every day will be made to count. There is yet no caus9 to be alarmed, for a few days of fair weather will bring the needed ap plication of labor and the fields that hive not yet been touched will be transformed and made ready for the seed. Of course this delay makes disadvantages, but these will be overcome in due season and orops will yet be planted in time to yield bounteous harvest., if worked inl season. The experiences, of this sprinlg only tend to emphas j izoIthe importance of making all possible preparations for crops dur a ing the fall and winter preceding their planting. THlE ROADS. Th County Commissioners are dilig excellent work ini sections where the demand for such atten. tion had beconie almost imperna tive. Whero they go with the ohain gaflg the woth is being dons thoroughly and they iliove as Nipidly as the forcje will allow. If svery road in the county could be ,worked by' the gafig, ats those being .otidhed are worked, there would 19g little to be done on them here ifter more.than to keep Watch and epair minor breaks and washes. This road problem 's one of the aost important and altogether the cost insistent that presses for ome kind of solution. The com-. )aissionera are hampered through osik of tunds, but they deserve redit for their efforts to give the aeople the beat travel ways the raeans at haud will allow. PAUGHTERS OP THE CONPEDERACY. AND THE CROSSES OF HONOR. The Daughters of the Confedera 97,.through an organization just er.. ttetd sit Piokens, will beautifully v .cemplify the marked devotion of their mothers throughout the war, 'iad the days of hardship following die war, when they succeed in pro. maring and delivering to each wor. tig Confederate Veteren of this iit1ton a- nCross of Honor" whioh ig justly esteemed a medal beyond di price, and recognised as such byp the legIslators of South Carol! ,a. None butt the true soldier can "wpg this badge of distinction, and thdro's none too poor ot humble to receive it. Merit Id the only thing tha$ *1zs it, and all soldiels who g4 e their serylioe when it was need. 4teeligible to hold and West this ei4Iem of honor, F'itting services wbearanged-for the time of ~l~~t$~these o and it as THE COUNTY DEBT. The question of county finances is a source of serious concern to the people of our neighboring county, Oconee, as well as with us on this side of the Keowee. The responsibility and latitude represented in the trust reposed in he County Commissionois of any ,ounty make those officers among ne most important, if not the most mportant, public servants, locc'lly peaking, in the public Service. ['hey are, of all men, the guardians and disbursers of public funds. ''ho ower to contract and to pay debts mgalnst the county rests with them mnd to them must be credited pub. ic improvements and against them uust be charged the failure to keep he mangement of a county's fi :ncial afl'iirs above reproach. rho conditions obtaining in Pick. as county are such that, at pres mt, the bulk of the work done fir he county is done on credit, and :ertificates of this indebtedness are ssued to satisfy, in a n+easure, thel lemand for payment. This sys. em of payment is the continued esult of an expedient resorted to or the purpose of procuring work or the county at a time when even i high levy was insulicient to mc' murrent expenses and pay off a ieavy bonde'. debt and interest cnd the accummtuIin lat(1 debts of a e4r in which no taxes were col lected. ''he County Commission rs, for years, have struggled al' ng, )orrowing and paying intere 4t ainld t appears that the increase in val 1ations has not kept pace with the nereased demands for work neces wary through the very prosperity >f the county. The result of this is now evident in the present out standing debt of the county, and this is growing with every year. Debt in this form, is a most se rious hampering. It places the :ounty at a disadvantage in every time contract made, and all this must come as tax money sooner or later. It would be far better to stop im provement for a year and appro. priate the full levy for county pur poses towards discharging the past indebtedness and let the people manage roads by voluntary labor than to run further in debt if the funds now raised, properly ex pended, are not sufficient to carry on the improvements without in. ourring additional debts. A debt ridden county never shows up as on inviting field for the investor anid the home-seeker, SMISCELLANEOUS. * Confederate Veterans Reunion. SCheap Rates to New) Orleans, L4a., via SOUTHkERN RY. On account of the Confederate Veterans' Reunion, to be held at New Orleans, La., May 19th to 22nd, 1908, the SOUJTHEiRN RAILWAY will sell round-trip tickets from all points to New Or. leans, La. and return, at rate of one cent per' mile distance traveled. Tickets.will be on sale May 19t,h to 21st, inclusive, with final date to leave New Orleans without valida tion May 24th, 19)03. Original purchasers of su.3h tickets may secure an extension of the limit to June 15, 190O1, by depositing tickets with the Special Agent at Newv Orleans not, earlier than May 19)th or later than May 24th, upon pay ment of a fee of fifty cents . Tfhe Southern Railay offers convenient schedules and most ex cellent service, and every effort will be made to assure Veterans and their friends attending the Reunion a most pleasant and com-. fortable trip. Unsurpassed Pull. man accommodations will be af forded, and the service in every respect will be all that could be desired. Full in formation and particulars as to schedules, otc., will be cheerfully furnished on ap plication by any Agent of the Southern Railway, or, II. W. HUNT, Division Pass. Agent. Obarleston, 8. 0. W. U. TLOE, Asut. Gen. Pass. Agt. Atlanta, Ga, Plet to Rtebuild. The loards of County Commilssioners of Ooonee and Piekens Gounties will let, to te lwes usblebidder de bid. des nT A PI ,19013, at 11n . the contract to rebuild a pier una Seiron bridge,.5a Old wiokeos, over rqo iver. Tbe muooessful bid. dr$lb riie to give bond double bam Sotk.Boarde reserve the ri q ayand all bids. Spee. Ama~ i~ d, nown on day of Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor e-r_., and cheerfulness soon :' disappear when the kid neys are out of order .- or diseased. .0 Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born - afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin th. ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as man are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp.Root is soon rcali::ed. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail , ' "' free, also pamphlet tell- Hnomo or P,..wPRooi, ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr, Khmer & Co., 3inghanton, N, Y,, be sure and mention thia paper, Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. THE SIGN OF GOOD TAILORING Here is the great Oak. Easel now on display at our store. It contains the line of beautiful new spring tailoring samples sent us by STRAUSS BROS., Chlcago Good Tailors for 26 Years The Oak-Fasel is the connecting link between the tailor and the faultlessly fin ishPd garments which give you so much pleasure to wear. It's really a lesson in good clothes buying to see this great collection of tailoring novelties, Prioos low and sa,tisfao-, tion absolutelv guar antoodi, Ceail uooti, CRAIG BROTHERS, Pickenis, S. C. 1L ROSS EATONF, Centrnl, S. C. Non Resident Suimmons, STATE OF SOUJTH CARXOLINA County of Pickens, In Common P1eno Court, SOMMONS F"OR RELIEF, Complainit niot Served, M, F'. Hetr, Plaintify, againist TV. Clingman Powell, Catherine Poel Mary A, Alexander, Jo sephi Powell. Williaim Powell, Hampton Aiken, Mary Aiken, Lenthie Aiken, Conh-y Aiken, Mar'ithma Aijken,Eph)in.tul Powell, (Calvin Powell, Piek All iwmn Poewell, (Omte P'otvil and Li. cony Powell, Defendant,, TO THII J)lFENLDANTSE, above named: YOU ARIE H ERE BY SUiMMONED and retiired to anweri the comnplaint in thinactiont,:wich( is filed ins thme ollc of Clerk of (Court of i ckenn e .unmty and to sorve a copy of your ansiwer to na:d comn plaint on t hothle suibnm ibers at their oflion at P'ocns, C, 11., 5. C, within t wenty an after tIm srvieo hereof, ex.lusivei of the day of such, service; anud if you fail to alnwer' th tomphrflint wit hin the time aforennidl, the plaintifi' ini this "ction will apply to t ho Court t f or the r'elief do. mm.nded in the complaint. D)ated Apr. 1, A. 1). 1903. SEA L ~. C. C. P. M~organ, M~auldin & M~auldin. To Omie Powell anmd M~aritha Aiken minora over the uiges of fourteen (14) years detfendlents: Take notico that uless you procnre for yourslven the appoint ment of a gulardIian ad litemt to represent you in this action within twenty (20) days after service of this sunmmons upon you, the plaintiff will apply to the court t ave such guardian adlitom iippolnt .d, Morgan, Mauldln & MartIdin, Plaintiffs Attorney., Aprl, 1 A, D, 1908. To Joseph Powell and Williami Pow. el1, absent defendants:.-. Take notice that the complaint and the summons of which the foregoing is a copy were filed in the oMloe of the Clerk of CowlnrPick. ens county an the 1 day of April 1A. D, 1908, Morgan, Manildin & Mauldin, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Apr. 1. A. D. 1008. MORGAN, MAULDIN &MAIfN AttorneysestmLaw, ,QooQV # ~~oDn That Tired Feeling. I RE\' Li E,l.l Ibet, priing I Vtit" -1, a t 11R THE SOUTH1 The Great Highway THROUGi,TrIE Excellent Service Quick Any Trip is a Plea Travel via T ti E SO The Finest Dining-Cc For detailed information as to Ti votions address the nceresl Aip W. A. TR . S. II. iSA WASiNGTON. D. C. WASHifl W'~ hzrt' tho'liver is t the bilo entrsi the bio comes constipation, bil ' and malarin.# The only a tho rlgbt!touchjand,ot: t 0m \ The4piulouce ho . 25 doea~for' p' \ Zess tour cse will. bo .vti I Sariple - Real Esta STOP PA One 5 i'oun house, Lot 70x21 Two -I roomi housc,ti Lot 70x21( 'Two incely shanded tots, 100x20( TIhree " " " l00x200 One, Onn-"acr3 Iot- facin)g two a One Fan:n--compr':isin us even ts t.utltAIatt.n auid only~ 13 lullee ft 1?or irther information call J. D. H-OLDE Ofioe a.t Deopot. 'Did Not Close For E Week. Heart Trouble Baf. fled Doctors, Dr. Mies'Heart Cure .anc Nervine Cured Me. There.is tiothing more necessary' to healt! thanm sleep and rest. If these are dh. ied vou if you ris~ in the morning more ti.ed tha; when you we'nt to bed, there is an n-ke:lion o( the nerves plainly present. I f y< uar heairt i weak, or e re is an inheritel tnency ir that dire ction, your weakenedl nerves wII soon so :,ffect your heart's action n: to brina on seriosas, chronic troublde. Dr. .\liles' Ner vineC Is e. nerve tonic, which quiet s the nerves s0 that' sleep may come, and it 4 uickly re stores t:he wen kened nerves to halth and stren tk. Dr. hiiles' Heart Cut, is a grean blood and heart tonic which regi lates the ac. tiont of the heart enriches the bhvod and im provta the circuiation. "Soto, time ago I was suffeaina severel) with heart trouble. At times my heuart would seemIiy stop beating and at oters it woul hl' ha' aP bb- pk en. Co. K IRN RAILWAY of (RAD. and TRAVE'L IOU 'THERN STATF.S. Ti me Convencnt Schedules sur i Trip to those who UT 1E.RN RAILWAY. ir Service in th" World. cht ts.. Rates and Sieepirt;-C,m rew:cr mnt of TII SOUTIILC'."N A'.'. 'A .TC . 2 C. . " yrc n a r 'fL .: j. .r. :zf_c. I.Lc. ,nues oc n vas"i: l :a. r."i c rpid, an '. faih t: r r , :m s i : i.I L i odl as a vir.jlet. iom... . eatmen- bat gwcs the livcr Kut trts Na r&e'onc;k in tn right uanner ti 4 )SIUVER PILLS )NIC!PELL.iS' liver, andjthpU eto jxilt hocus. ny COSt 2&conta,'and) tm is excoodingly bad, .;O) >eforo you finihthm iree. For sale at il deaors. te For Sale. YENG RENT. .0feet, Pric e,T 1(i301 ), feet, .P io C)m e ch t~ )I treets, price, 200 -Onlo acres-one-half i 010 .00 om iackens, prcV: , -K5100, T FIDELE. bWljO 1 10 1~T0~ U A l.1 I s l.; .D POuhonV)ogpht 1131 lp;es .4 regtul at id on r. N~iir~Oi ilA Pio in IWOI: ixsV linoH-2 Aays IOrinea.d. SP iatnn, o len t-el e tran mentsm mzi non it tohor nti e.~ l Sewing c nehl T. Nai o l a .chiers aajfin, t1wng. No oaese atted t sho t Wotir.;32~ t~lS.o Bleycls--Par and F iok McAIister_ THE OLDEST, LARGESI DRY GOODS HOUSE IN MONT SECTION OF S. ) Our Friends and Patro \Ve can ruplly your wants in anyt.ii hi urm the tinu&st to the cheapest qualities Our buyers have juet roturuod front l Cunlttrrs and hLt l ves y are Ioad1d dwi w 1)re (u..ds and Novelt.ies. Lii Ge nts I the i..st cuiplete stock in the State at you. Whnin G1tenv'itb. c")ll1und c>::nnimt h)furl. iuahing you,r I tchat5r. YouUr i muOrt Iib I saasbd In C-arpets, A\1at tings,RuZ,ii5cren, 11 and ,b=its wVe have' a (:cmlCe Hto("k. I'hankig our friends and custonirs in t he past and h.ping to merit a cont Very Respectti McALISTER & GictiCNvI.LIt.C, So'TIt ( IMES Y0 ''\'E IE1EN Tii TRY-A ALL t l" 'E.M 5\1.\'i SHOE VALU $2.00, $2.50, Pride & I UIP---ODATE SHo. GREEN VILLTE, AT TH Park wishes you health, wishes you of year, and1 ten smniles for every tear. ith the right stuff at the right price. Mens and Womens V 20 Per Cent Di A Few pairs of Wool Blankets--25 tFOR THE NEXT 3( Great Values in Mehs anid Womens stuck deep) in the price of alt Heavy U o room for them here, It will pay yc u lying 1) y Goods and Shioes, A. K. P Vest EnaG-1 P. S. Messrs Tom Ligon and THer ...A Barogain in Thirty Black and Blue I Cutaway Coats and Ve each, T hese goods cost mioreo than tv sizes are broken, but if y'ourI' sizr is ta got groat value if you Nine Prince A Coats and Vests Iame materials worth fromn $10.00 to $18 ...nDon't Miss a Bargair Main Ste... ri....mm Deatt ? AND REST THE PIED C. : : ns: ig in thu )ry Goods lino, iorthern malirkets a 1 our jit all the latest Sp rin i g "ura,ishing Goodsa we havo pricea that uill aStonishl ur goodst1 and t;rt. prictts u .u'y baIck if you are 1nt. iudow Shad, s, Art Sq uiares for t.heir l ihoral pat rona go ituallee of tlo saillu " nra lily . BEATTIE, :AtRo1,INA. UpI iN l"ING UY i:; GooN 0 JES, S. C. wveal th, thrc.ughu!w 1ho pr e A lot of Odds 1i' JoI Under'wear SCOUnt, per cent off, I DAYS.:"b to Comle to PARIKS befIore ark, rMcKinno1y will be glad to 3Iay Wors[ed sts at $4.50. ice this mnoner. Thec mong themx you will buy one. bert .00; your choice for $6.0,. Like This...