DREAMS AND USUALLY THEY S WRONG WITH TI K,sKiU gypsies, after all, are right I)realils tire true. A nev ' dream book is out-not by i , gypsy, blut by a scrupuloul 1lue stoekhng professo'. 'o be sur the gray graltlales have always heb their ireais to be true, and have al ways interpreted their eerie visions 0: the night into future events of colossa moment. So, too, the romantle lassie: in search of sigr.s of lovers, and here and there some masculine rhapsodist who warm(e to the world of the un real and fanciful. But Mot to the selen tifle wise men. They have alway: known better-untii now. Now there are certain seers at th van of the enlightened who say tha1 physiology tells them that ireamls re veal the fate of the dreanier, tnmd thiu if the dreatier's lphysieiun is ia clevei fortune teller he will learn much t< his ediatlation concerning ile tlretnm er's bodily state throut;h their interpre tit ttu,. MM. N. Vaschllde auitd II. Pieron, 01 the P.aris lustItute. ne ltwo leading ex poncnts of the valur of drenlns iii diag nosuig phyciet isorei'rs, a1nd h;iV coilected firou here, there and every whertc, oif all tilues. 11(11. ouittluig the atll-contvin iing I)es- 0t day iIlust r:i thons and dlata whieia go to esta,lisli the anceUrncy of their im:d;tion in a wa not knoVi to the igno:nminaous gypsy. This is their ide: In sleep the inil forsakes the outer world and yields it s(lf to inltospcction. I)uring our wak ing nonilts the :' :t(rnal sensatIin prcvatii. 'lThe brain isi prcoccupiedl vitlh what occlirs outside the body, andie, untless ther"e hie limporttuate ('n li from internal sources, pa1ys nio attcn tion to what is hItappelg within. W'hen sleep overtakes us it is vte versa. 'T'he internal orga nile sensatlons predominate and occupy the exclusive attention of the mIn hd unless externaI dei Vads for its notice become em pha ic. '1'lis is why reasoning begun turing the course or the (lily or a prob lem) too intrleate for the )reocuplied brain of w:king hours tan he ('arriel on to suecessful issues in sleep. 'The brain is not disturbed with interrup tion. For precisely the same reason physi cal disorders in mike IItem selvcs known first while we sleep. Ve dream of them becnuse they exist, albeit in too rudimentary and unobtrusive a state to thrust themselves upon the notice of the brain while It is occupied- with external Interests. Sometimes there is a warning )ain before the iream oc curs. '1'The dream follows along the di rection ildieated by the pain. If the pain is in the head the dream will be about the head; if the pain is in the foot the dream will be also. Dreams are chiefly of three kinds those which reveal the temperament of the dreamer, those whlch prognosticate disease, and( those which are symipto muatle of a.dlisease. People with sanguine temuperamnents drea m nhonut songs, dIanees, feasts, 4M1Tymaking. fights, galmmes. Those of a melancholy teinperamment tdream of ghosts, stutdious solitude, death. Those of' phlegmatic tenmeramlent dIreami of white phantoms, water-. hmumniid plhaces. Thet hlillOuls drentamn of dairk hodies. as sassinaztions, incemdiaries and the like. In ordler to) arrive a? pnrognostications by mieans of drmeamus 11. 1sinecessary that the dreamer do niot normally dreamil tduring dlee!) shcep. Thle direami it self then amai:s a phlysical Ideman ge ment. Iln conivalescence dreams about eatiung and drinukiung and enjldyments of the pleasures of the table augur well. At -the beginining of-the dilsease, plartlec tlarly if It he0 a fever, eating and drink Dreams of gayety .slgnify healthy coinn ditlons-; dlreamsii of Iruanin(lIty aire fa vorable. D)reamis of baths or or cold wvater foretell c'rIflea:l pierspiruations. Fiery serpenits in dream liindien(1hte hemorrhtages. Dreams of combats or Ilgitationls (If virious deseripltions,when occurring at -the .inceptlon .of a fever, predict prolonged~ Iilness, Violent paIns, If not dueW tol exterior e~nses, are signs of lesion, ihlananalitioln or gan grenme in some f'ormin. Mouintalusn In aih ruipt proeCillee or Inextricable forests ini dreaimis iniete disordered livers. Fire is the Ill omen o' aniaemiia. Anxiety in direams is a sign of' hear-t aiffectionis. J)reamis of Over-exertion and e'xihustion prVognostleat 0 hysteria. Nightmares In thle beginmning of the night ladle-nte cerebralI affections; in the middle of the nilght they mien had digestion. Dreams of gusta tory (enjoymnents inidlente dIigestive~ affections. Fatiguing. suffocnting direaims inidente (dropsy of' the chest. Tr-rfylng (dreamns and hideous p)ite tures showv gaistrie niffections. Floods, Itwamips anld ponds( miean cerebral1 1dis1 ordIers. F"ear antd angumishi denote fauil ty cireulat ion. Nlghtmiares ithm re pulsive animals, like rats, se'rpents andi reptiles, inientel suifferIing from aieo holism. Nightmares also prced(e ast h ma. Short, figtful dreams of thme inilghtmar-e genus foretell ceritainm heart dlisturbances. Veriable rnomainices, somet-ts conitimned from one night to the nlext, arc forerunnmers of hysteria aind characteristic of people suffer~Iin from hysteria. Tie chmildr-emn oi' nlco hiolicta always see ainimauls iin theit .dreamsi-, Ouch as cats, (dogs, hoises, lionis or other frighitful beasts of prey, although generally tihe sort of animahd with whimleh they are most fanmiliar Obstructions of all kinds are omencis 01 certaini varietIes of dropsy. When dreams aire repeated severn nights inm succession they are certair signs of physical dilsorders, amid shioui( he related to time phlysileani, who, if i< -understamnds diagnosis through the In terpretation of dreams, can be mnate rially assIsted thereby in arriving a time correct conclusion regardimng thu nmolady affecting thme dreamer. Some times dreams am-e helpful wvhere nothi lng else will avail in reaching time sea of the trouble. One old woman repeat edhy dreamed that she had to swallov 'nails and asphalt, wihichm were givel ber for the purpose. A month hater i 'developed an aggravated case of 'dyt pepsia. A man apparentiy sound o health dreams night after night of as maults upon himself by burglars, whi slashm him across the-chest with kinives fHe gos to his phwatin-n nd narrate [H EIR MEANING IGNIFY SOMETHING IE BODY. .'. -. . his drearns and( wanta a eure for inso' nit. Anrtri:iat of the iHora Is (liscOV. I ('red1. A wolnan dlrc:ims r, l):tt(edly that 3 sli IS surru111(tded y' iantes. ThIe phlysiiu, wtithot itc heItatIon, thing. I noses her ense as a :iInc trouble. - At tilues a sulbject dre:ns of lits and( Swaikes to ii blinhself alu ('ileptle. A I young girl dreamed that she was sur rollnI(ld Iy Linenaciig Ien on ia public tloro!tt;l' r e. Several nights In sue. cesslon ile dIrenm IS repe t((i. A num - her of (ays liter she ascenis the strir cas a11(1 lins( hcrself taken with an s attnck of paraphlegla. Other (r'eamnS l'Ndi't progressive softening of the h r)lln, etc. (:onrad ( (essner', a Germaln scholar, (lreamledll t1hat lie 'is bit Ien by n sr :pent. In live hours lie hlnrl poisonotis -blood affc"tions In the plate tlie ser Ipnt hit hi iii. An1other scholar' dreamled that lie Was liltten by a mad cldog in the left foot. Soon :fter lie iiis(ove'ecd that iii his left foot there waUs an ulcer 'lcl caduner. A mian drem:i,iiec lie was playli'g il w:teir, aund was fotmid to -h:ivr' it dlrol;sy he:ul. Oni' n:tn the:imedc Ih:tl it' h:ttl a l' of st n'. I 0 S 01 a+'er hadl lmrtl.vsis of 1h:tl tut'nthicr. A Ia dlit'd of alli'xy three d:iys after dre'ainig tihat hit hado it. A in (!irr d:'l that he h:il trnhl:irLet1 (nit a shtip) Wi' i t': ) ihn w,ho cniterctd upton :1 violt':t d :li,e .i sion w ith hi;ii. 'I-ii y lutlt'd on a (!t t'rt isl:tci :incl ihcrc foui;ht a tltel. Ilc' was stru-k on the i''in e pliate L ntiniiuher of tilnes. A few (ays l;ter he had lui(l:ini:t at the spot where he hil receiv(dl thue bltows. A ptysiliI Wntlt to Egypt tto sitidy (1Isc:aSes of the eye, rcturnel homne. an11d teii years i tcr Ilite secies of his Egyp tinn resenrehtes ret urnedi to him Persist - cntly In dlrcnms. It was found that his ("yeS Veie affe(t('(d by sontie disorder. Such faith in drenits hts one of the expon'ets of darean IiitIons as (ata. for diagilosls that lie says: "''Tell ie what you drenm and I will tell you what you are."-Chiengo 'T ribunu. CURIOUS FACTS. Damascus is unldoul)tedly the oldest existing city in the world. Heniatres anl(d (2onstantilnople, exclusive of (;hi Iese tovis, come next ill point of age. ILawali's populatlon I one of the most milxedi on earth. Of its 1(O,00O p('o)le, 60,000 are JOpanese, :.0,000 CIh I. nose and1 nnother 15,001)0 foreigners fromti EuLope ald Ameriea. 'flie atmospherie pressure upon the surface of at ordinary man is 32,400 pounds. The ordtnary rise and fall of the barometer In(ereascs or decreases this pressure by about a ton and a (luarter. An Australian juror refused to serve on the gron.d that he had just got work after thlree miont hs' Idleness, and( wouldl hose it again If Ih" failed to pt In an appeatranice. The judge f'rowned, fined the offending jurynmn a peunny anld paid the coin hinself. Originally the com~mon or dlomestic g':lt was a native of the hIghlands of' Asia. Notuoral Ists generally regard It as having diescenled( from an alnimnia found inl tihe Cauensus Mountains anud the hill countr;y oIf I'er'si. cnlled in the l'rsian lanmguage the pesantg. The prctposed Amierienn stantute for thet i uhlttit of kIssing, and( n tine of $5 for (each'i inlgltence in un hygienic oseula t ion1 is not ne0w. Thle 01(d l'urlinn Blue ILows of Matssnechuisetts forhiade the ex(change of k isse's in publie Ia s a hrc'ih of' good behavior. Milan ha:s ia similar or'dinan1ce agonInst kisses or other amal:tory demtontstrat in 1n puliel intces. It (dates from the tIme' of the The latest bit of nnithIquit y brought to light by5 tile (exenvntions1a t (Chehhn, in 'iTun l, is a siuperb mnosni e sIx feet hiIghi by six feet. eight iniches brPo:d, 0 nd( represets Sii(14 ilenso is donkey,110 ''Te beast Is restilye untder t he weight, and( rears on hIs h!nd legs, refusing to pr'oceed,1 whVlile n cloven1-hoofed satyr la pllinig at its ears. A faunu is twistling thle ass's tat! and( belhaboring its sides -to no purmpose. Aniong thle many cuioutts presentsa malde from time to time surely thot of' O hianWitO het, given l iterally, and nlot ns lovers atre woint to hesto;w. Is most extralordinlary, hmt several such1 instances may be mentiboned. l'anil Whlitehead1, a poet of tile elighteenithi centuhry, felt so grat eful to Lord lA' D)espencer for having beent thle means oif gettilag him atnaioe of ?800 a year that lhe bequenthled his heatt to him as a mark of his gratlitude. TIhat nolemian iniced tis singular' i(egney In oneO of th lrecesse55s of it mauol~eumi at his sent at WeCst Wy'ombtle, and( the urn1 conttanlig it bore0 the followIng epltiaph: Unhlalilow'd hands. thli urn forhenit; No gems n10r'Orr:nt spoll LAoeihere ('1conceal, hut, whit'ts more ra re, A heart that knows no guile. ? 11ret JIiarte's Grave. To imark thel( restinag lIbtee (of the late Bret IlIre, In F'ritmley Chuorchiyard, Surrey, t here has .iust beenl (rectedl a lImssive and1( !ostly mlonumtlent. Tlhe nuthor01 of tile "HI ea then Chulie'" :nd( "Luc(k of Rtontring Camipl" had resliled at Frimlley for some1 tIme prior to his dea1th, whIch took p)1n00 early in May of lost year1. is grave is in the( nor1thI Ieasternt pairt of thle little churchyard, and1( rounid It have 1been planitedi a num11 -her of young fIr trees. Thle monlumntt consists of a maltssive slabl (If white granite, wveighiing two and a hailf toins, onl which Isa phiced al block of Aberdeeni -granite, sloping uipward Into tile form - of nt cross. SimplIcity itself Is tile In t eriiption: "Bret Inre, August 25, 1837 - -May 5, 1902. 'D)eath shall reap the r braver harvest.'" At thte head of tihe 1 mlonumfent are the words: "In falithlful 3 remembrance. M. S. Van (de Void." -Several beautiful wreaths were plnced l' On the tomb) aut ChrIstmas, together -With at small1 branch of laurel, to which ) WIt8 attafched a card bearing the words: "FPor.the glory.born of goodness ntever * dies. Bret liarte."-40ndon Jhronicle. L1_and Queries. WiilI you please tell me wrhat the tIhr ee lu1u:iu: of tue aitIh art''! 1lll 5(Ii())L01. irsl. on its axis; s('cOill, aroUnid tli sun, :iad third, with the sun anti its 1luhies, It moves ini at great orbitt throtigh so:nee. iii th' iltection of the oi'St('lhatlon iie'rules. 1. Waw there a Vice-Pre'ident ip;oint. Cd when 1tolt'Ve t eltinme P'r"+i-'I t 'f 2. \'hot would bC('OImC 'r(itent in the event'e of President Roovc\elt's death? I. M. T. No. 'riTe President pro to ir' of the S'nit' preslides in the abine( of the Ylee-Presidlent. IIe pt'rformas il the dutties or the Vfee-'re:tiell('t ii. eale the V -PI'reshlent Is retiuir'ci to exercise the (iultit's of tho 'rer:ident. J. The Se'retaenry of State, John 11 ay. Ta nmtn life inerea'inG in the I'nit ed StatesI). M1. (Naples, N. Y.) Y"es. A table hansi beent1 prep irel in the (ensus 01ce to show the inerets lig an:o of the population from lealde to Il('ea(d'. lit the v'olune of the (nSus utly pb hi sliid thiI incrvase wa.s showin from the pilod froii iSS to 1!)(I( byv t>o1nmu:ini (he :yer'a'Ce ::' (if tht' 1iiliiation in the i':it'l St:tt('s. In iS::u the t eraie age w s '-.l ye'ar's, hit 15i9-) It was 2: .tt y('15,.u md in l.1n1 2a;.: y!:nts. Thea( medi :i 1a t-. >io th )!' ', or 'l lu l ation frt 1:l to lI'.n iu ( reatS'd, hl0\wever", onuly :taout hah' as ta::t as that tfthu' whIiltes. W hor t i us itat( i tere iS n1( r'o'';1 1r":1 to l :V ii ' . \. l'telidl, tha( f:amo(us ulin aim:th- n, wvh:en :tsite'i if geomltry (oihtl no h iiatl(itii eaier. t1 t anred, "Theret is Ino 1oya:1 road to learning."' 'hy ie irilver cl(led ''st'olit ?"l il ;. Aml onlg the ('arty inluter's (h' (1 in Ii NorteIli Euro:> w \':er(l the dw\\ieller:< of Eastern I,matny. Tiey Wt'rso silled ik( tl'ir (fllings that a nubiner of t'':m were linvit('d to Englan'l to manufae (urt the tutal imny of the kingdoml. To hee strangers were k.n'n as "East terlings."Aft er a IInie thel wordh ht' inle '"Sterling,"andl in this :tbbre Vtat((e formi it haS (oml(' to iiU'oy wiit is geltine in itney', pite' or ilt o a net,i'. sqiUetched . 11"rTh(re is one tr"ait h'ich I admire I011'mmnsely il wOen." s:t'.d a mianil wh \o likes rt sound of his own v-oicei, "n iiti ha iais the faculty of knowing when to e' silent.'' "I Just hetrdi of a woman who might possibly come' up to your Ideal, re marked his (omplattnion. "Ordn1rily, it deau1St he admiitted1, hiow\"ev"er, she is quite tailkatlvt' Ilo ever, I think you will agree that she not only realizes that allence is golden, htmt also that dliscretion is the bet hr part of valor. HIer home is here in Detroit, but she was visiting in New York. Early one ev"ening she was watl:lg uae conpanied through one of thie much 'if"reunted ptai . i'ror to ing far.." 'I'lhe realized ev itnt 1113 the crowd, thatII111 aIl man .V'' was fllwing'1 he At friunt itervals ofte w ol mak rearks, at o which1 sh aido alo hed.l! Finally1 he1 sai' i' tslIghly fieloud. ton, 'Wel4lit seems'1 toe re ou are more)in1ft'etduin you h own 'thogtsl' ''l ta inl wat other "11. ust( as he wsol tiihing the ii en- 1 though1 reali'zhon forte benirtlt(i ta sh11 was bhee i t tpoen ft sigve (lam ai uisteni Ieil e, hopokd or a I4irs.' tAny tone foubl haSe inerprSelld helooklCli and ttfoudf tol mann, '011m tuy oynot t rher what fyou are 'dtfand tum':Vlty'As ft m(looked Theihey aboutet se of anyonehad P'intissed tle nliteene ohf words whne it mutteed imdeonrolls bryathe hsm rue of thenrubetre fnor it tuppyo thtt ern, ind< o goodcon y uetpen-ie thort tiee ag6out oa fAsneion.-od the LhuDotinneow DAN GROSY "Pc-ru-na is an Exc Remedy.--I am a HON DA. . .,OVEO. /F IIn Ca . . Grroo. D4; u i .z A ION. l)AN. A. Gxows vl-N, 1 :" ~~a t' from Washi gtu n, 1). C., xay " AlLoaw me to ex"presr miy , ratittld OnEI bottle oJ' I*'er tat.. (hute vcel h.t i nov as well as ever. Ilr nidles wni Itg u a an excel lent c' tarrl t*'n.ed y. tI N. In a recent letter he says: ' I con-.tler 1'ernin. rcatl y o naf' i yot last. I receiec nateaus'ots lt/te" , coutl a.s1Il l.J Ut i/ in.I Ca.*rtil,ceae yel". '--Han1:. A4. (;rosr eu-s,or. A County t'' t si's s.'r .ott?r. 1I 111. .J11n \\' ti!liasw . ('otlity ('onuns .ionler, of :,17 \ tst S tttn u.(l re'et , I )u.ut h, tinv.. stat tt,:it,wint in regard to Pc a remey.Iv for eatarrh I can ceter f-dly r."comlend'I I'ertunt. I I now w"h:-t it i: to Su+ i 'ratn thatt te rrible l i: ease and I feel that it is v dluty to lspeak a good word for the tonie that brought ste ilmme' apudine Cures Nervousness AND NERVOUS HEADACHE. 1Oc., 2tit", anld t'O. at I)rugstores. $6.. 60.Dnttt Genuino stamped C C C. Never sold in bsuLk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sclU "something just as good."D WEAThERWRSE I5 THE MAN WHO WE1ARS \A reputation extenidin~ over * sixty-six yeors aKd our guarrntoe are bock of every eeprnent bearing the SINOaTH&~ PI.SH. \There are many imitations. " e sure of the name. TOWER onthe buttons. ONS L ERYWH1ERE. A. J. TOWEIt CO.. BOSTON. MtA5..U. 6. A.' TOwE R CANADIAN CO.. Lienited. TORONTO. CAN. The.man w.ho ss evecrybody's. friend is ITS. permamnently cu read.No lits or nervous nes.' aftetr irst das se o(f D)r. Klin's (Irnt Norvoltestorer. -'t trial bottieand trontiso free inr. lB.1. INEs, Ltd.. 1J1 Arch St., Philat., Pa. A marr'mied man always resents advice fromn a buachenlor. Mrs.W~inslow's SoothingSyrup for hIslds.ren toothuing,softens theo gums, reduces inflammia tion,sallays_lpaian,euros wind colie. 25i'. a bottle Sosue petole aireso. oMli te that, it seemns as tiaouagh they want to borraow mnoney. ] do not boliove Pilso's (Oure for Consaump tionhailsano.'quaL for coughs anad colds-Joaz4 k.vovan, Triity Sp.rin;g, 1Ind., Feb. 15, 1900. sme.. peopl~e runaa into debt and then comn pininm thsat t hey wtere pushed ni'. PUTAM;.~ FAn a.:s D)YES color more goods, peri pa;a;:e, thans aothers. Thie Ctial Strike, gr'eatest of modern labor cises, seems to have produtced no fletion so far, but in Lippincott's Magaztne for April there is a stunning little story cal led "'An involumntary Benefactor," by Edith lRobinson, wvell known for her ''Mock Caliph and his Wife,'' which goes (1eep init, the hut mUan motives of the Millionaire and br-Ings him out of such suffering an he is atccusstomnedl to infilet a changed and sylaplathetic bein1g. No mfore convinc lng comment couldi be offered, and the tale wvill be read eagerly b)y Inen and women (if every shade of opInion. The Great R.h< SPINc BLO( ,JPastzviey csnres. all di'eses arisin g fromn imp Stion, Chbr'nie Cosipat15on, Kidnecy tan< I,iver 'Jr powserfui b!a puricr every Sprinag. Youi nieed it. RHEUM. BEWARE OF DANGER Ri H RU M AC I DE benis insaead f iniusrisng fis RhIIEUMACI) is a powerfui ake.rsaive, bust old p, Price $s.oo at D)rugglsas, orF expr< USE TAYLOR'S ENOR SAYS: IIeit Spring Catarrh s Well as Ever." h Tfil- F"A.UO(SN 01110 FA.MIL." for Ith. Wa'r )e;,nrutment, in n ktterr tten r to 11(41 lOP' the i'-neit d1er1'tctI:II /P'OUt 44s(<1futf41.1(411( i u 1 ( Vert IIt'le 1+ U t-tul(ta. 1 invun1lub'tt/ utsUl" y !n g h:at( r(:i< f. 1Perutna red me of a lu1 . ia c (1 (at:Irrh!. :c4;l I knowtt it w'ill 1-1re ofli tni c,th.-i su,lfetrr fr:utn th:tt cli:t.ase(. -- cc. lolan \\'ilihcunr. A c nt;re4Yenu(u'II l.etter, f:l 1t II on. 11. \V. Ogdlea. ('(tt;gr-e.aliani from ; t l2cm.imtm. mn a letter wVritten at \\-ashin;t- to t.nt. I). ('.. saIy- the f''llcwing of 1>eruna,4 the mtt:ionua &atarrh remtedy: 11 The ulQnmeta usner. ---- In one of the bOxes at a social af fair at the Waldorf the other evening ware two or three young women rath er thinly clad. Their chaperon called to one of the ushers. "/I wish you would have that win dow behind us closed," she said. "Certainly, madame," ho responded "I wil se to t atonce" hesaid Afterten mnute moesecle hi -g.n "I shlaetoeoeta window i'myslf unless1, it MiI atene wIth1(11/0' / the utmo It defrec ie "U'nles th eva m a'oes ver sonIwll do11 I!' i1( ait was only a mi me'mbr of h great soieyoffinIes aiwt that.--Ntew i Ahiad Eyvmre. ho wriLtes the comete jnove citin rethed Api1,pn crtishe hookedTC for.sstie bon o a thtingand citsal. af pratcahe unanious thvotehe evniwly wlares twrue toeeeyopt the prath-. ertinlymad. byThei cialesrookng tole ta oselm of tuherieacs.f h To eird O ut, esad "Iertanly poory" and rcode twho t eay."te os. a Te out aaited ae Ther triedn Ayer's Sarsaparilta, andpitonlyad anootw cottlles to make merfee perfectlyeweto."- ats on." li. Sid bed,r tie wn:itsm hen ou iged hum aired "Iall hve timloe.ta Wvinl yslfYoun loodi is attede pure, th0mat's nte .' lresa. Yanoul amre ling on' the get oety i of nervee, a ht-ex Srs aarillaxandsbe Aruickly cure./ who,write'th Asktyour dono Ewhat novthis o Ayhr' (Titrsava e hooowd aor abu tistandea fldt faIlys mdnoelo ''hs advie' and wracticlly nanim ot h nwy. TiedmtcCr O t rtied outl the ie CTrrh Indied. ywater Sarsap-ha and Tht onl too sto bottlas manyk-cle meeeo p eorfcil ell."-ak Mrs N.t aS.lt Sa s Tprpireceipn youice.t up t-redalltetimer,d,U . orer lied of nere e Sarsapntriian.t an b e "IcZon CoHnotnet1oietfelyCOommeRI1 v4r Peruten n< c eene etly.Pl'er" nnE, toitnl ya ne Po i$ I/u'!elil with coaU eih, ani Ito Is int rectI o/ t1 ietrlnltleat usnet ecli l+ ca re. "-iI. ltent ri. Mr. I-'redt. I). St"itt. l.arur, Ohit,. I:i-ght iatd of Iirarn Fiootblall 1 .u, n te. \ ttt': "As a .pecilic for uang iIl i I I:O 'rutr at the he.tl. I havi u.t it linv If fir cohlli antl uti-I ohi thet h w ;c, id it i1 i. tj t'ntlid Icinedy. It leltortt 4 tilhty, inrcoses: hotli:y itren thi .un.l s Is. t a "it"k piersilo wt l in .i .l rt lin . giv ) '.l'ia ly h ar'ty iii !: do rllllt." (; -n. Ina l' AhbotI, 9ht M stret, N. \\'., l ashilntrno. I). ('.. wtritr-: "nf" vinwed :l: \.ir rerntthl :41 l.'1t' tl to l ' t 111441 tt'I lt 1- lol' I l !t' (4 1 ) i t.i .tt !'l: a n e.ei.ii i : li.liyn i l Ib . ira ('. Abbotit t.tc l' I ."1-:: e I.' :':.:::-, 1:it 'r of lrt\'o l I t 1 di \ . .it. . h-,.l t eri', 1..-it ,: til-, oft l Itlne:.|,,:1t. . 111in.. w I t ' "". : !. t 'k e t I'\Itlh i i l'..: h I SIl l. 't'i ! I ' 0 40 1 1 0ii 0i 0 4c 0 4a 0 ri06 .Itnl l I ll l.v".,, i l.wiit h c.ri"t of t*toi. r""t nlo.mth:. autl ,_ t n"1 1W tink I ain I - d ",. I , tl- ' 1 t i:i t " e h i a ;i fi lr t ui tarlr 'l lit ' ( Y 1 or i eranae a cai' iit r:lh r In.-. r-t . Ilntr 1'in in , .:... I.;!n:!u ' \l I -lc at po.i . .\linn. F tiiu.. as s C yrenl (c'utrrhI l l.pibt:. C Ihe" spring its the tintt to trealt et11lrrh. 1 -tt. wett w\inll\r wea',thi 'ott'u retaUu'-t., a ri of1 latatrt'h. II a t ourtl' of )'''l Cina is 11:1 Ilulil.r thl' 1" i': "'l l'ul}tii tti ontilli the' e rt' wCi bI.- pti.iin t ar:cl permn! nlt. 't'he're hei no , .II'irl, :t 1'er1111..1 .- t t en inltrlli. a: t hlu ."1. th.e lat'rabh- w:rt:ther ot \. a S% (ltni: -lt:tlh rrrnwdyl 1'erilm tilt"''te ct,t:trr- l' ol ill th1' .y\' ntl w !u. i' t' lt na b I a l. It ; i atairh ( Ith Itnal Ii 'ir htow'1ls w\ithi th li anwim rttin'ty :i- ca.ttarrhk of theii hea-I. ( lI youl do noi' "I rivc plrulmplt andt sa;tis ttory rei'tS' fr'om ( 'te u-, o) I''erun ite -l onte toi I)i. 1Ihurtna:l. ttivinlg a fnl'I statt lnl of your tcaa'. andl he wiil b' p1lease ID ive\t yu:t his taluabhle' adsicP urati+. Ai 'f t' n ? G.:w ,*- .: W.-i. r :rf. I * . . 1- W . I .t. 1ht I1 I1'ti l I8r)'"t" v i , 'I.:.: . I ; t :gl . 1. -.r t th a sl .ra-- m n .tu"t .. i n - 1.1 I Ir w. I rv . L 1 t.1 "' U : l {iu s atii);tu am n. int f.tr :n se l i rr}:,. ...: % 5*< ''' W. L. DOUCLim M.no cILtT EDCE LIN E, 1orth $6.00 Com t; i, red with Other Ji'ako. tny I.v i. ' ;>".t ed t an t A m+ric.an tv ;r.- H :t 't 't" ill'. E . n.1r el ii.1 Galf, utaif. V! t . 8 t 1. Coronu 'll. nt't h t rottt A uth.ti' uht. 'ast C1 li" I,.tsi1t1. wu '.n L. T; gtni s o hivo W. It?:tLt, Iy't a Qtl" 1i "o t"':a r2 it ): OL. ::2 tlo Ul i tn. 1:rl prio Yta ,u ' 0 I h....tfn .t K: tt.'n of + . . r.c r, . liu. t ao i 1' ..t W. L,. DOUCLA, +n.OOKTON,GMAL.N, .tave md. Dropsyn arnd wts O M oO. -hr bwc ."'ort ed most wonda or 'e I u ce r s, t avIe ure dan ty thou. anld eases. 2o . 14 . R. GE '31W. " > 10O $I, A I F. I r'AY SP'OT ('A%I FOtt "-ILdYTA LAND WA f H ANTS IlTe )nsd Drp adis on .-rn to atldi ttrof er y wnr. At .ot h - frtee Addi iona litn 'es ar a x e w rit t. amon.- ys lori ' ttNk'J K l.1 O t , i P . io. 1 i' F1- . t k '1 o hic corId b, oI. Ikux it an s uson done by expe'rt bette,r than isi po ile nt When: just rigtht we pu it ini tans to) keep at luntil youbI wanlt it. Ippe'r, for :anndwichets.-for any time wthent unpiy tuIrna a Ik Ly anid theL canl is open'f. An Ca'go \vrite ot ourffree bookket, "How Does'nt that word ex ess y our condition ? -en't you de pressed, ed artd all fagged out? Ever stop to figure out iy you feel that way, d how you can get over Well, we have done o thinking for you and n give you relief. For ) years ~CHER'S t as you are. It''s the greatest ,building new blood and muscles. licie, and it's your advantage as ce. Commence taking it today. her's Liver Medicine (dry), 26c. sure it's Dr. Thatcher's, though. mont, explaining symptoms, and ,Chattanooga, Tenn. cartridges and shot shells are made in the largest ard best equipped ammunition factory in the world. AM MUNITION of U. M. C. make is now accepted by shooters as "the worlds standard ' for it shoots well in any gun. rour dealer sells it. Th. Union Metallic - Cagtridge Co. 3 Bridgeport, - - Conn.