A NEW METilOD OF TRANS= P4ANTING LARGIE TREES. OlIN A. WIliKINS, Of liulinaip olis, incl.. Is the iiventmr of' at systl n for takitg up and trais plliitnti n gt l rees that Is beving extetsively tised. It litilizing it the irees are tratislerred fro I ed to eit il Inidsuiuer il p reference to thle .spring or fall, the usual seistons pre ferredl. MIr. Wilk ins helleves the iree is in Its lost ilourislihing conitllion (lur lug tIle suiiiner, in this is the b est thnte for transpla nting, its there is less (4nger of rhec ukin its growth or in juirintig It in other way,. 1y th1e Wilkins inventiot the ret which Is ieing transplanted is never handlled inl aniy other way than f'rotn Its hiase. In short, to expinit the Illethod in jt nutshell, it Ily\ be slatedl that the earthl and roots are IlU.tsed inl :t steel husket of iny% reuiiredi sizo, w"hh'h enrresponids to tihe flower pot of the iloist. 'l'he first operation ini trats plauting a tree by lhis inethodl is to Ihoroughl.. wVel the eatrthl iihout the tree, sottetting the grourl. Next in or .,I Is th plaenIg it posit i":n of tilie steel Imsiskc t, which is itde of turveitl steel shovels. A rue" cask. ''he pressure of t le oxygen welps the water frotn entering the tee letWeen the screenr anriI\y the (1:11(tto'eletl to l'in to s ps::. ve i t ribe of 1114'n. wvolnen. bt-yS :ntl girls was lIa1 of kicking Itl gently :lS ol' ('asiotl a ll(S) . Ally tr:Ilt5Zgt'5' ioll of thie llalu'hlulse ruile le:8t :1 kick. Th'Itts meca of tmbassdor .114 theirassistaiits have horn1'us fixed to the tot. tohls, as in l' i u r . \. S(ea Anle(ton(t 'Wipp('tt a 'rah. The SI' s ae lon l' Is t ill. it. 8i1ali otlnS So o land that On( wouel pick as at fighter; u It r('rtain b11u1 'rI itn the N V York Aquariui knows ttt he is. A latitle between the figthtinig nit1'-none anit thieving ('rah was descrihed by . ILt ie1lert', 'who hIlls clmn-ge of tile .\tIlnta r'lni nlhornatory. "I was feed'ling ellt ai leluu llne. 1 t fai' sized brown Sp et'hnen." S:Ih( MIr. eSineer, "with ilts of ('hoped'(t (11(tln fromin long sti lek Ie erah, not on tented1 wIthl his own share, darted1 at the unelone and a itelulpitedI to Steal the AF T111 1ill .1)110 t. "The a2t funnyIhl thn 111nieed 1fuil. syirty small11 thredltike' so ils si >t ouIo'le' ita the$ o neoppt' mouth ftromii ng he irnh onill .'ides. hese t(heads art Iihi to utv stinging' pow-tt41si parentCi pin' frnd started roundt that gs an flikey al possiessed'il'. A"iter lyneo t urns3'5)1)1 he roachled aain,ill antisI time tnhe anemoni stung 'him hard,'1(12 for' aftra turo or1 1 toi hg ure over l'Qln his back1 an) td wnggetd his)2 ''It was some t ime before he reo(Nv t'redt. I tell you tila)t Crnh has nlot bleen withIn haliiling dIstance 01' t' brown 1)nllIonle sinc.-New York MNI 211nd1( Express. '1hoe SIoux Medoticine. Tsewho go t) tIh' Museumttl oi the Uvrity of Pennyl)5'vanial wvIl now# find tIn e'xhIiition1 a single hIrop. fouri st lek s nIti n1 hng of' 1(ohneCO. 'IT'se sillmple ob1 ject 5nn li ttle~ l. 1 to1 us)11, yet, e The'y are' Ih on'1jurr's" 1hoo)1, *and( It awIll he ob)serv'ed t hat chII (11ar ter Is .. painted1 ai diff'eren't color and1( so Is echIi J1. jurr 18 setl). for', the hIoops nIil stIek t. are so arran) ged uplon) the t('h)' floor' 88a to orientate withI the points5 of the e comUpass. A simple1 SOnIg, "lhe and1( e, lhe-c; 8she and1 ee," are' reCpentedl over 1 and1( Over aiginl, finlally the 1hoop and( d sticks are remnoved4 and tkto some11 0)1 ni far-oft 1011ely emilnence0. The further 1f and( 101ne11cr the greater' the eflelency. Few hills In the SIoux Counitry are ce withlout rem1)aius of the con Jurer's hoonn yc \rtr Ylrk t;ity. -I.oing shublllt'red t'f 1'1c"tN ;re* :Inlnt; thl' clixttti xly an11l no t:lbl' fenlaures 1 1 thel SvIaso nl 1 re.n 1 li u 111 in 111any of tht' new shirt w.1tsS ,,1 ? ;II AN E.LAnORATEn MO1)1C1,. v.s well :as inlIlhe unurc' h'IIlmr.1t,, u11ul 1.Is. '1ht' v'ry" snuIrt .\:y .\l:Ilt1 Watisl illus"tra1l1e has a114r ' n Ve l roke or shouler S11-:111 l1fec'1, 11ha is llt :11 I11' with t tu ltl l fr int111s n141 can eiltll'1 he i1 n il I o eXt1iIll ov1r'I' h111 sh ltls1" o' h i I u tl 1If at 1he1' sI':1tis :ts shwn in the back vit'w. :1 'Xet" 11ld1It s ii4 h til' clrlli Ipina shoulders n1141' one f lt' n u 11 t 1 1'4)11 11,, Is I tell' biSho p $l(tk. T Ii' r1i1inal is 11 of1111'4II41'' Ir'n 'lh hitnnl in ('renn ll while slitceh' ll With P)l.e l1111 c'1rticelli silk, bit al11 the 50S0so'S wtaist mnnterials are appro priate. T1ht' fcunllhttil n 11ning is snuusly lled and I s Illn (V1r1'y" way tll'"irabll' I\V1htill' 'Wool or silh is u1S('d, but11 enn he onii-d w"len'r r it iS not desi red. r'I'h ' ion ts of thI was operile s p' tuckedl for th e1ihr ont ill' Ilngth and are extenllt to formn the yoke or shoubller straps and1t are Joineti to shlt plrtms th4at are tucked for a1 few illuchs only belo1w their ulppl'r ce1 r h frlont Thig e slevs r1isir. cltosigt til'he25 outsh'e thatIiWI Ir the favoritis of2lIi the season.'4 At 4'th neck laI Ii s it'k elongated at th1I.le ro t to give The Iiuantl1IityZ) If uni rd tquiredfo th10 iedlin s~'izeis fou W nd 111tliv'e-l'ighth yards1 twly-oneI inche' s wide, fIt-~ ou ii Wide, he i. n-egt ad hy WAnan'. (4oua Jackerot. u Jet ne 15111' leIIg thefavorgit e allth laQtes3't linest for ItslI cak01 solte cohg,:at Th vle stlsh .\tlay dra1 n sho 1wsI 1)he1 newf80 St I'(llar nii triig, wuilen tie fleft.10 WhIInC a piull sket11h wh'en zrfred. Th o ig.t andk andrtrfaiyd tue piin of chr TEST )RK - rF/, ) MON5 htavy eIli' 1abrit' int4ll . be Iof the rich s I i It tiln g uof ;ist'1f. II' It he plI:Iin itoo ti'Ir .1 part. .\ ery Ir11t I It 'e, hotw\ ttver is entlIirt'ly o' 11a ck nt't. I nt"h w\itlt' 1'Iws ofI hb1: 'k ,I"Is IrainI 1ibbot 1 '4111 h I sh' f I he p'I t I, Irttn. oi I>inIn w114 'II w:11.4 :II I4 l 114 f l4 1111n 1hir t 1-' 44ro1w4 I're :al I44 I t' o lt tl l' i \Il v I 1'y 1ll i ti l t', I;it vw o ' riblllt :rtr IIn I t' 1'ull btl11s.' 1114: he sleve ntiles lht" Itltisi bl44eIb in 1' l ' ll ' " t' l lI i'tt' iI 43 11,111 i4 1 tl 4 l t ,,t'I y 'lhum"w la t-e . T hllis is :n II tilr;It tivet Itu ll l , 1,t 1, forll :1 shIirrelt t1tr'e ". Atinrnt1 1)y llnntlwt{rIc. 1in 1tu work is :1 Ivwys :1 I"":Iliat'. .1ngt ItOw" it is ultnr' than t'ter ,t). \\'11le lht choicest tInblr ui,lt'rit fairly "11Iver :n4t4' robt 's, Ih "t' t 1h r ' 1 11e 11Ir.. tlIih11 fllI Ilt' rat'tivt' .' \ w1 ic h Irt' nlive w ithIt I''rt'nt"h kI: l. :1utl I'1::tta tiiig thr Ilwo 1'ri tn ls 11 1 a11 a st ill wi bI l 1, di it' it' it"unu-"lasts who h:i v' delt' art'tl tht'n1 I4tt11' Ifor since sco ll' it. l b . I'r n l kicu ls :irt' t t I n 111 ly i:lI-nl t tlivt', av t' t ht I li t. ~' 'l l ha'.ii' 411t4 4114.1 l ' :n. wie('r e lor S i.l i'. ih r lse nr' .1re stret' 1 113" tht' hlunltt l ill In1ss it I . t:tlp Is . ftt 'a_o;4 ling, it lutl :i ' ort u l n , ur .tjtt1ilI is Ver' Itl n't I'i l~itlh the'4 ith i t tt'ig.4. 1111 i. OC Ilt a t:'y' .lhut . ('hIrmiin:, ' hing i s It n t' in luul ali ,Iuk t r la t r l'- t n 1 i'n( t' lui 1 (1 lilt' wh a1OI ro- tsh e Ir It' ovter 111 htul ItrnIr are rIie Il4w tht fr13nt in t w 411-; lon I4t'i, fttrllinl ;a: sienrtlter Iloinl 411 l1t'- w 1t' gw I t liu'. In eoin't tll' thet ' 14:I: s Il1.o-r' i s :I lilly t llar rising at te ht k. Ay~'' PrtyI'tasefon h In,t this silk ltulg o\ I\ lit w t'' in itunst - 11144 Si 11144 slit ' is 11;1. ill wilt' 11tsI, 11"t' ~Iine th' 1 so . 'i is tlitt ltalo . haIirn n f'ro t nlI1 I bac 1i 1 f p int det' h \"'lnis' l:I4"t; the' t"Irs:It,t was1 tul I'n hll, rtIY, antl Ite only' t'1 t tn h f I"otlr wa:S Innt