_OHES JOURNAL. S VOL 11.-NO. 4. PICKENS. S. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER19 190' ONE DOLLAR A YEA THE PRESI] The Nation 1N A THIRD MARTYR President McKinley died at the 1 Saturday morning, Sept. 14, at 2 15 hands of an assassin on Friday afternc "God's will, not ours, be done," were the last words of President Mc Kinley, which were addressed to his wife a few hours before his death. le had previously murmured the words of the hymn, "Nearer, my God, to Thee," and soon after Mrs. McKinley entered the room, when there was an affecting farewell, after which he lapsed into unconsciousness from which he never recovered. Thursday for the first time there was an untoward break in the news from the bedside of President McKin. ley, and there was genuine apprehen sion as to his condition. The food he had taken in the morning did not agree with him, and his pulse increased to 128, when one of his physicians said it should be 96. For hours the President failed to respond to the treatment, but at midnight relief came and the physi cians were much encouraged. Between two and three o'clock Fri day morning President McKinley experienced a sinking spell, and the physicians at once administered restora tives, which did not have the desired effect. The Associated Press was then au lio rized to say that the President was criti cally ill, and at three o'clock all the physicians were at his bedside. It was stated that digitalis was being admini. tered at that time, which is given in extreme cases to revive the heart ac tion. Telegrams in the forenoon were indicative of an early and fatal termi nation, and at 12 o'clock it was said that the President could not live four hours. A report was sent out from Wash ington that the President died at 6.30 p. me., which was in accoid with the news that came during the afternoon, but he lingered until 2.16 o'clock Saturday morning, when his spirit took its flight from earth. The following sketch of the life and work of William McKinley is from the pen of F. H. Richardson, of the At lanta Journal: William McKinley, like Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield and Grover Cleveland, may be said to have won his way to the presidency, without the aid of acciden tal influences. He was born at Niles, Trumbull County, Ohio, February 26, 1844. His parents were in very moderate circum stances, but took a great pride in their boy, who at an early age displayed unusual gifts. Young McKinley had the benefit of training in the public schools in the neighborhood from his ninth year until the outbreak of the civil- war, when he was a little past sixteen. Soon after the beginnmng of hostili ties ho enlisted in the Twenty-third regiment of Ohio volunteers, with which command lhe served in various capacities until the close of the war, when ho was mustered out as captain andi brevet major, having won the latter title by gallantry on the field of battle. lHe was just a little past 21, and took up the studly of law. He wats ad mitted to the bar early in 1866, and very soon acquired a considerable practice by his devotion to bulsiness and his attractive personal character istic. In 1869 lhe became prosecuting at. torney for Stark County, in wvhich lie had opened his first law oflice, and~ held that position two years. His natural love of politics developed about this~ time, lie became one of thie most popular and effective of (lie Rtepubli.. can campaign speakers in his part of Ohio, and was elected to the Forty Fifth Congress, and held( his seat for six consecutive terms Hie was then defeated by (lie popuilar up~rising against (lie tariff act of which he was the chief author, and with which his name is permanently connected. He had not been in Congress long before ho developed remarkable powers as an orator and debater. H~e becam', a favorite of his party by reason of his readinese on all oc:.nsions, lisa st~rict party loyalty and his efleacy in party service. At the same time, his geni ality and courtesy won for him many friends amoiig his political antagonists. Bef'ore ho was 40 years old Willham McKinley was a recognizedi Republi can leader and a pronminenit national figure in politics. The .nobility of his nature was prov ed in the national conventioni of his party In 1888, where ho was chairman of the Ohio delegation. Ohio had pro. sented John Sherman as its candidate for President, but it became evident on the first ballot that he could not be noamlnatod. rho cnnavn in a was er DENT DEAL [ourns for Him. IN A GENERATION lilburn residence in Buffalo, N. Y., C o'clock, from a wound received at U: ion, Sept. Oth. much at sea. McKinley had more pei sonal friends than any man whose nam had been proposed to tie conveitio and the Ohio delegation was ready t go to him in a body. The suggestio: of his nomination, which came fror a delegate from another State, was re ceived with a whirlwind of cheers. I was a trying moment. Tlinre ie sat the c3 nosure of all eyes, barely 41 years of age and with the Presidentia nonanation of a great party seemicngl in his each. But lie was equal to the temptatiot and proved the quality of his manhood le arose in the convention and in , manner which left no doubt of his sin cerity forbade most positively the usi of his name by tihe multitudes that clamored for his nomination. le said: "I am here by a resolution of th Republican cr'nvention of Ohio, passedi without one dissenting vote, comninvid. ing me to cast my vote for John Sher man and to use every worthy endeavor for his nomination. I accepted this trust because my heart and judgment were in accord with the letter and spirit an( principle of that resolution. I, has pleased certain delegates to cast their votes for me. I cannot with hon orable fidelity to John Sherman who has trusted me in his cause and with his confidence ; I cannot consistently with my own views of personal integ rity, consent or seem to consent., to permit my name to be usedl as a cati (late before the convention. I do not re. quest, I demand, that no delegate who would not cast reflection upon me shall cast a ballot for me." This noble speech in its dignity and evident sincerity won the admiration of the convention and made a host of new friends for the rising man of his party. McKinley gave another signal proof of his devotion to John Sherman by making him secretary of State in his first cabinet against tLe advice of many Republican leaders who felt that Sher. man was too far past his prime to fill the ofice properly. When it became necessary to displace his old and lion ored friend, President McKinley faced and perforn-ed the most painful duty of his life. Benjamii Harrison was nominated for President and elected in 1888, and the Republicans secured a clear ma jority in both houses of Congress. William McKinley was put forward as chairman of the ways aid means com mittee to embody the then prevdlent, views of his party on tariff legislatior. But the McKinley bill was as extreme in one direction as President Cleve land's message of 1887, which cost him a re-election in 1888, was in the other. The country revolted at the higher du ties laid by the Republican 'party in the spring of 1890, and in the follow ing tall the Democrats swept the Con gressional elections. McKinley was defeated for the House, never to reappear as a mcem her of that bod~y. But the confidlence of his party ini William McKinley, both in Oio and the country at large, was not shaken by his defeat for Congress in 1890. Ho became the Republican nominee for Governor of Ohio in 18911 and was elected by a handsome ma jority. lie was re-elected in 1893 by a largely increased majority. IIn 1896 lie Wats nominated as the Republican canididate for Presidem en the first, ballot. II is nomninationi was at foregone conicl usiona for months before the conventioni met, and his elvcetion seemed certain for several weeks be fore the eveiit. lie defea'.ed W illiam J1. Bryan ini November, 1896, by anm overwhelning majority, both of the popular and electoral vote. In 1900 McKiniley was nominiated unanimously for a secondl term and in-. creased bo0th his popular andl electoral majorities over the same opponient whom lie had defeated fouri years he fore. Has popular majority was l23,. 677, by far the largest ever received by aiiy presidential candidate. The prmlcipal events of Presideni Mc.Kinley's first adnministration which ended the fourth of last March ar< fresh in the p)ublic mi. Since hi became President oui country has ha< its war with Spain which was amon~ the quickest and most decisive con flcts in history. To time United State have ben added tihe Philippine islanda by purchase and Porto Rico by cessiom under the terms of thme pcelC treat) with Spain. Our government hat also established a virtual pirotectorat< over Cuba, for whose liberationi w< went to war with Spmain. President McKinley's latest p~ubli< utterance was at the Pau-Amnerican Ex position on t.he clay before lie wits shot In that address he took strong gr'oum in favor of freer trade with othme nations, the repeal of non-reveniu< duties, extensioni of conimercial aecip rocity and the cult ivationi of mnori cordial foregn trade relations. It Is probable that no President o the United States has ever enjoyed more universal personal popularit: than William McKinley. rThe mos extreme oppionent of the policy of Mc Kiley, the President, Is the friei amnd admirer of McKinley, the mnan Hie has also been blesed it..a ,ml er degree of personal animosity is his I own party thau any former President. j Senator Ioar, who has been one of I the most conspicuous aid relentless a opponents of the presi(lcit's foreign I policy, declared, when that conflict was at its height, that the United I States has never had a President of purer life, or one who was so general- i ly beloved by the people. I The president's wife, to whom he is 11 most chivalrcusly and beautifully de- L n voted, has been an invalid for most of % e the time since they were married. She t has only recently recovered from a i severe illness incurred on her visit to ii the Pacific coast with the President. C THE; MARTYR PRFUSIDEQNTS. 0 3- t Three in a Generation Have Been Shot Down-How 4incoln and Garfield Fell, g Three Presidents of the United States have sufl'ered at the h1an(s of c assassins within the last thirty-six years, and in two of the cases the iur (lerous attempts were successful. Pre- at si(ent Lincoln was shot, at 1. o'clock on the night of April 14, 1865, and died at 7:22 on the morning of April 15, 1805. President Garfield was siot oin the morning of Jily 2,1881, and after a linigering illness died on September 20 i 1881. The shooting of Presileit Me Kinley has occurre(l just six months and two days after his second acces sion to the presideiicy. Fr( In the moment Presidenit Lincoln a received the bullet of Wilky o tli there was no prospect of' li, i U* I y. liis de oted wife and membii o his ti cabinet remainedf with hni through t that memorable night, when all Was.i- u Ington Was in a fever of excitement over the attempts oil the life of Lin. to 'ln an of Seward. As daylight .:t dlrew near the pulse of the sulturer be canic more fet ble. A bulletin at 0:30 ' said "1 Sinking slowly.'' Another of hlletin at 7 Said that, the eud was near. Death came at 7:22, with the stricken widow and Secretaries Stan tol, Wells and Usher and PIrivate tl Secretary Joii lIay-now a memlberA ot the Mc Kinley cabinet-sta n d ing at the bedside. There was a prayer, and thenl the solemn voice of Stanton broke st tho silence with " Now he belongs to the ages." W At iI o'clock on the morning of the P" 15th Chief Justice Chase (lministered thle oath of ollice to Andrew John son. k Tho latter remainied at the modeat tav ern on Pennsylvania avente where he had been quattered, until the catatal- of que containing the remains of the la martyred President was borne froi tile tr White House to its final re8ting place n at Springflield Ill. President GarfliOld wis shot at the B3 Pennsylvania railroad depot in Wash ington as he and Secretary lilaine were about to depart for Long iranch. As the two distinguished men were pass- Ai ing through tIe iadies' waiting room, two pistol shots rang out upon the air. Mr. Blaine saw a mat ruilming and started toward him, but, imniue(iatelh turnied and saw the President lurch m forward and fall. A moment, after ward the assaissin, Charles .l. (Guiteau was discovered, and was rescued with (itliculty from the infuriated mob. A ti pistol a very heavy calibre was wrench ed out of his hand, and it became clear hI that a large ball had enter'ed the Presi- ,e dent's body. The bullet had entered |tht the right side of the President's back, -d< near tile spinal col umn~ andi immediate- id ly over the hipbone. The sufferer to moanedl at intervals; he was 3onlscious pl1 at, all time, except when under the inl- ai Iluen1ce of opliates. Whlen, in answer in to his eager questions, his~ physicians informed him that he hiad "on1e chlance of in a hlundred"' of living, lie said calmly am and bravely; " Then, dloctor, we will mt take that, chance." The wounded President, wats borne tI to tile White House, and the'n followed di those (lays andh weeks of prayerful ai anxiety amnong tile watchers at tile al bedside and tihe pleople of the whfole cotutry. General Corbmi, thenl ala- di sistant, adjutant genleral, imnmedliately z< provided a special traimn to bring Mrs. a] Garfield to Washington whlere shle ft joine~d those at, the Preaidenlt's bedside. h Messages of~ condolence camne fromn Ii Queen Victoria iandu from the crownled a heads tlhroughout the wvorld. Th'le publicn watched tile fluctuations of the suif-n ferer's cond(itionl withl feverish anxiety. b From day to (lay the bulletins, ulsuallly hi hlopeftul in toine, encouralged thli belief at that, a recovery would occur. Arramnge- ai menlts were even made for a sea voy- a age on the governmenuilt shipj Taia- r< poosa- ti While President Garfield thlus linger- ci edl between life andl death ian impi >rt.. ti ant qjuestion arose as to the ctonstitnL- ati tional provision relating to the "' diR ability'' of the Presidlent. On thle palrt Iie of tile Vice P'resident, General Arthur, i thlere were no move towardf assuming it the -responsllbilitles of the executive tl1 ofice. To tile vice presidlent the situa- at tlon was exceedingly trying, but lhe so t. demeaned himself as to win universal at respect. Ihis whlole bearing from tile p (lay of the crisis to the close tI of Etlle .scene was such as to indic- b, ate the profoundest sorrow and anxiety. But inl other quarters the 12 P.residlent,'s ''disability'' was carger- ft ly dliscusased. T1he juiestion arose, d was President Garfield dlisabledl e: in tile sonse contemplat td by the fra- T1 mors of the constittutionl? D)oes that a kind of proatrationl of the bodily po0w- h ers in which thei e is st-ill it prospect, of (b frecovery, whlich leaves the will free to a t act,, and the mental powers unimpaired Ii Sreally involve disability? White these e t, questions were mach dliscuissed it Wits c -the universal putblic Judgment that r I President Garfield was not in fact "dis- u .abled'" in the sense5( of tile constitu- hi - tion. IHe conitmiued to be the chief ex- .. 'cutive of the nation in fact as well n name; his cabinet met, from time lie; 1nd not until the fatal turn iffairs on September 20, when t resident breathed his last at Elberc Vas there an actual change in the f niimstratioli. General Arthur was at New Yc vhon the news reached him late light that the President had pass way. Among those who joined Ge ral Arthur at that solemn mone cre Elihu lRoot, now a member lie McKinley cabinet. Mr. Blaiti i([ his associates of the Garfield cal et had telegraphed General Arthur ike the oath of oflice. Long aft udnight-at 2 o'clock on the mornii f eptember 21-General Arthur toi te oath of oflice, which was adml tered by a local official of the city rew York. The course pursiied during the li rmg illness of President Garfield a ars to be a precedent, directly app ible to the present condition of a irs. President Garfieli without doul as utterly incapacitated to perfor ly executive duty, although he wi inself in a certain sense. There wI acting 'resident at this period, au fact the people did not desire on it ing such a critical emergency. Som iding papers advocated the assuml )it of certain of the duties of til 'csident by iembers of the cabinel it this untried and nn11coistitutiom: Basure was not attempted, andt a ecutive function remained in abe) cc. The acts usually performed b e President were simply omitte til lie should recoveir and Presideni irtiicid continued to be the constitr nal P'residlent of the United State to the moment of his death. The lessons of Garfield's deatl Ic the enact nent of a law on Januar , 1886, providing a Iuode of succe in to the IPresidency. This establis: that in case of death or dieabilit, both the I'resident, and Vice P'resi nt the succession should devolve 01 mbers of the cabinet in the followA Older: Secretai y of State, Secrc y of Treasury, Secretary of Wal torney Gencial, P'ostmaster General cretary of Navy, Secretary of th teior. The new law madc no coil uction of " disability ." An ini rimat, provision of this la~w is thi tenever the powers and duties of th esidency shall devolve upon any C C persons inamed, that 1s, the VIC 'esident or members of the cabine (Congress shall not, meet withi 'enty days, then it shall be the dut the new President to issue a proI nation convening Congress in e tordinary session, giving twenty dayi Lice of the time of meeting. IYAN'S TRIBUTIE TO McKINLFIJ -e Our Public Servants to Liv in Constant Fear of Assassina tion ? The tollowing editorial in TJhe Com m'er of last week gives Mr. Wil. J -yan's estimate of the sorrow aln, iiliation of the American people i e present emergency The nation bows in sorrow and i imiliation-in sorrow because its chit :ecutive, its olicial head, is passin rough the valley of the shadow< athi-in humiliat~ion because the Prci cnt of our republic has falleni a victii the cruel andi cowardly methods en oyed im monat chies where helple d( hopeless subjects sometimes mci bitrary power with violence. Ini morals and irn the conitemplatic law all lhves are of equal value--a e priceless-but whien seventy-th illions of p~eople select one of the imber and invest him with the a: ority which attaches to the pres micy he becomes their rep~resenitatis id a b)low aimed at him is resented attack uploni all. Bieneathi thle parit~sisship of tbe it vidlual lies the patriiotismi of the cit mn, sometinmes dlormanit., it is tine, bi ways active in hours of p~eril or mit dune. WVhiile the P'residlent's lif tags i the balance thi~ro are no par ies. Thle grief of p~ersonal friend id close political associates may b ore poigniant, btt t.heir symipat~hy >)t miore sincere thiau that extendte p'loht~ical opponents. Although nor it, his family and his physicians at hnitted to his r'oomi, all bis counitrytme e at his beCdidei mi thought and1( sent onti and1 their pralyers ascend for hi covery. 1I, was characteristic of h: oughtfulness that, even amid the ca temeint following the assault, lie cem mediu bia compjaions5 not, to exagge e his ce nditioni to his invalhd wife. Anid the humiliation I Are our pl)l servants-those who are choseni 1 e people and who exercise for a lin ad time the authority bestowed I; te peope-arc these to live in cot aint fear' of aissassina~tioni ? Is theci be no0 dhlference between our cot ittional government, and thiose de 'tic goverlnmetts which rest, not uipc e consent of the govened, but uipe 'iate force ? There is nio pilace for anarchy in tI. nited States ; there is no0 room hez ir those who commit, counsel or col )ncO iiurder, no miatter what p)olitic ds of government or tI :mduict of ani oilleial , he has a perte ght to d >si, b)ut his~ appeal must 1 > the ini'elligencee and patriotism is fellow citiZetis, not1 to force. L o ne imagine that he can Impr as social or political conditions by the to sbedding of blood. of Free governmen' m1ay) be over lie thrown, but they cannot be reformed, n, by those who violate the command. d- ment, " Thou shalt not kill." Under a government like ours every rk wrong can be remedied by law and the at laws are in the hands of the people Dd themselves. Anarchy can neither be n- excused nor tolerated here. The man nt who proposes to right a public wrong of by taking the life of a human being e, makes himself an outlaw and cannot "- Consistently appeal to the protection of to the government which he repudiates. ur Hie invites a return to a state of bar ig barism im wlich each one luist, at his )k own risk, defend his own rights and i- avenge his owin wrongs. Af The tiunishment adminislered to the would-be assassin and to his co-coin 1- spirator s, if lie has any, should be such p- as to warn all inclined to anarchy that i- while this is an asylum for those who f- love liberty, it is ani inhospitable place )t for those who iaise their hands against n all forms of government. L BlIL14 ARP IS KEPT AT WORK. (I e His Wife Reminds Him When C . Necessary--He Always Obeys e Orders. Al lanta constitiion. My wife said she had a premonition that, e would have an early fall and I had better prepare for it right away. She reminded mie that there were some broken glass onl the roof of the flower pit and the sitsh needed repainting 1111d the shelVes Ienewing and I might whitewash the brick wall and so Forth and so fifth, and so on. W(eli, I have Y done all that and was humbly waiting for the next order when she told me - that Sam, the darky, waaent coming to run the lawn mower over the grass in the front yard and maybe I could do it and save 75 cents. Well, I have done that, but nobody paid me the 75 cents and next thing I knew she sent one of the grandchildren to me for 75 cents to pay her debt, to the aid society. These women have got nearly as many clubs and societies Its the men, but they stay tat, home of nights and that is better t than the men do. There are the e asons and Odd Fellows and Nights of Pythias and Nights of Damon and the Royal Arcanum and the Elks and the Nights of Jericho and Nights nf Labor and they are all mights, or mid ynights, and thle women have to stay t home and nurse the children. If I wts t marrying woman I would strike out the word obey and put in a promise for the uan that lie wouldent join any thing that " took him away from home at night." It's bad enough for young folks to tramp around at, night hunting for the moon. They are crazy about the moon, and that's why crazy folks are called lunatics-for luna means the imoon and the ticks are not far off on a - moonlight walk in the woods. Last Tuesday night there were six couples of our lunatics who went up the river - road in search of the moon. rhey wanted to see it rise from out tihe water and they had to get out to the big, flat rock in the river to see it, and they had to elide down the batik to reach the rock, and the young men co->nied it iI down first to clear the way and the f yaller jackets were waiting for them andl by the time the girls were on the~ if slide the little devils begman the attack - and they took 'em on the slide im the n flank and in the rear, in the face and -shirt waist and~ arms and legs, and took s the young men, too, and such scream ,1, mng and scramblinig was never heard or seeii in that., part of the country. 'lThe ni young men did not desert their part 11 ners, but shoved them up the slide atgam . 'e with great. alacrity. The whole p~art~y ir' were bunged upl amazing. Eyes and i- ears and noses and hands andl legs b)0 m- gan to swell, and they never got to see e the moon at all. The girls cried with *s anguish and the boys moaned andl groaiied and there was no ammonia, I- no sOda, no dloctor and( no house with t- in a mile. Trhey could just see enough t to find the horses and by the time they -got b~ack home some were blind in one eye anid somne in bo0th, and you coutldent y tell a hand f rom a foot, nor a nose froni s a turnip beet noer the ankle from a calf e -calf of the ieg, I mean. Well, they s got home about midntighit, and that, 5 d mile ride was the longest and most e miserable of their lives. The younug e men have not, yet reportedl for duty n nor have the girls dlared to look into a i- mirror, for fear of breaking it. It is a a wonder that those girls with such thin 5 apparel were not stuing to dleathi, but I - upp~ose that the stuilhing and padding I- ablouit the breastworks saved them. r- WVe 01(d school boys kiiow something about yellow jackets. It is bad1( enough - to tackle a nest. in the daytime inl open y ground whiere yoti cani run andio fight.,, - lut to slide down into one near the y water ont a da~ri( night must, be awful - in the extreme. The last time I camne e in conflict with theo spiteful things I -. located the nest, andl went to the house tand got the wire fly catcher and set. it n over the holes. It worked beautifully n and~ was fast filling uip when ant out sider took me, "ker-bim," on the back o of the neck, and I dhepairted those coasts e with alacrity. By andtu by the boys - came and built a little tire niot far away ii and set the fly catchier over the smoke s. anti killed the whole concern. But nyou must, look out, for the outsiders eO the scouts andI sharp shooters. Bees n'can't. sting but one time, but a jacket, y can keep up as long as the ptoison lasts. ir The sting of a bee Is bad, that of a ,i- jacket Is badder and a wasp is the bad to deat of all, except a hiorunet or, p~erh~aps, et the. devil's paicksaddle on a fodder >c blade. They do say in Texas thait a of tarantula is woree than all the rest Put et together andi fregnently proves fatal. VWl They Ba too, that any sting Is a cure LIa d RUn. There isn't a nian who would be see: running through the street imunehing piece of pie. Why not? liecause i would mean dyspepsia and stolia1 trouble? Not at all; but because i wouldn't look well. As a inatter of fie many a business man snatches a luie in such a hurry that lie might as wel take it onl the run. That is onie reasoi for the prevailing " stomach troulble among men of business. There is a certain renedy for disease of the stomach and other organs u digestion and nutrition. It is Docto Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Th worst cases of dyspepaia and catarrh o the stoumach have been cured by thi inedicine. It cures where all othe means have failed to cure. "I took two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Goldei Medical Discovery for stouiachi trouble," write Clarenoe Carfes, tisq., of Taylorstown, Loitzout Co., Va. "It did fise so much good thaat I did,' take any matore. I can eA auoVt anythilig flow. I sim si well plettaed wit it I hardli know how to thank you lob your kind inforttatiosa. I trico a whole lot of thing! befbre I wrote t you. There was t gentleian told il about your inedi cite, atid h ow i had cured its wife I thou lit I woul< try a bottle of it An nowv glutd I did for I dou't knov wiat I woiuld havi dole if it had 110 lienl for Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Dig covety." Doctor Pierce'. Pleasant Pellet. cure biliousness. T h1 e y stimulate the aIluggial liver, aid cleanse the sys. ten of imipurities. They should always be used with "Golden Medical Discov ery " when there is need oi a laxative. or the rheumatism, but I never fount L iin that had tried it, Some poisolu Lifect 0ne person more than another %, good citizen of this county died Ii 14 hours from a bee sting, but iI 'aithful servant, Tip, can take tlicii 15) in his hands and let them (lite" ol iis neck and face and sting him furi >usly, andl he brushes them ofl am aughs and says they tickle him. ive picked the stings otT his flesh b ,he dozen1, and hue has never had rheu natism. A colony of honley bees nuiu bers 5,000,yellow jackets 1500 and ho nets 200. But this is enough about such pesk thmngs, though the sting of' a mnosquit seems to be attracting much attenLtio from the men of science. But I was ruminating about thing hiat have to be done before long. M ife says it is about time to make j ettucc bed for tihe winter's supply aln< t is about timOe to transplant two 01 hree rows of strawberry plants fron mr own runners, f'r it is a good plai o have some iew ones coming oin evel 'ear. I receive so many letters fron rood wonien asking about how to girov bemu and so forth, that I will say brief y: Prepare the ground about like yoi vould for any garden herb or vegeta >le, fork dee) and manure liberally )pen a furrow and scatter ashes in it-. my kind of ashes, wood, coal or Inixed If you can't sift the ashes, be sure an throw out the cinders and lumps. P'lac the plants about a foot pair, sIrell ti thi roots, draw the earth aroun lightly. If ground is di'y, use water I each plant, thien pull some dry eatrt oyt r the wet. TIhat's all, Have th rows two feet, atpart. If you hiave ni lanuits of your own, then order sonmt andh get, lIrandywi ne, Lady Thomipsot Gaudy anid Excelsior. There ax several other good kinds, but I knm what these are. If ashes are scare use at good hanidful to each plant Stable mnu re makes thet plant gros andI ashes makes the fr'uit. Let mi matke anotheri suggestloln to these goo< wolmen. If 30ou have no0 aisparaigu; bedh, maiike one this tall, It is Lihi cheapest thinilg grown , and about, the best. We hadl~ it, ill abunidanlce all Lhe sprinmg andic are now having ia seconm :rop.' lluy 0one 01' two hiundrxed crowit tt 75 cents a hundxtred, pilant abhout liki you would plaint strawberies. D~on' :g any dlitch as they used to (do. Givi t good coxtt of manure every fall o winter and the same bed will last yoi 20 years. F~ork tup the gr'ound once o twvice a year, but do not fork too clos .0 tuhe crowns. One other thing and I am doni Plahnt the trmall butter bean, Iti 'metimes called the see-wee bean.1 is sure and proliflc and keepa 0on bcal ing until frost,. It will take an arbe r very stout po0les to hold up Li1 TLhx't's ial. Iii.m. Ani-1. The Niagara Falls Power' Conmpan Is about commencing tihe develop~mei of the power of the Hosemshoc lFalh According to tihe presenit plans 35J,00( horse po0wer is to lbe developedi, whic is to be dividied into threie ijual ii'ti one for ani inudutial estab h shmlen outside Victoia Pa',rk, on the Canadial idOne to Smlie trasmihtted to TVoront amt' o to be held in reserlve fox' th use of the compa:ay. Arirange your planis early to attem the 33~rd A mnnual State Fai r at, C olm bia, Oct. :8th to Nov. lat. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Dough Bears the Bianattre of IN A HUMOROUS VIN. She-What did papa say? le-lie said he'd be delighted to have me for a son-in-law, only he it couldn't afford it. A young clerk in a wholesale house t ha i been spending a large portion of tIis salary for the last few days buying cigars for friends who are " on " tW a joke that was perpetratel on him. His i employer engaged a new boy, and soon as the boy came to the establishment he was instructed in bis duties by our friend, who had been promoted to the position of assistant book-keeper and e given a small llice by himself. About f an hour IfLeI LlIe boy ktarted in the s bo.I; "1 camie around, and, seeing him r workimg, aisked: " Ilas the assistant book-keeper told you wllat to do ?" " Yes, sir,' was tle prompt reply, h "ie told m)e to wake up when I saw you cmanig around. "-Albany Even ing Journal. A white minister was conducting re lbgious services in a colored church in North Carolina recently. After ex horling a hit he asked an old colored deacon to lnd iln prayer, and, accord ing to the llIt(noke News, this is the appeal which the brother in black offered for his brother in white: ' 0 L 1,od, gib hini di eye ob de eagle dat lie spy out sin afar off. Glue his hands to de gospel plow. Tie his tongue to Ide line ob truth. Nail his ear to de gospel pole. lhow his head way down between his knees and his knees way down IIm soio lonesome, dark and narrer valley where prayer is much waniedl toi be iadle. 'Noint him wid de kerosene ile of salvashum and set him onl fire." Tlhe newspapers are telling a story about, l'resid(I Tucker, of Darlmouth (ollege, ani hisi summer boarding iiisler. Ile has been in the habit of speidling his summers on a farm in one Stl the most beautiful sections of New Ilamnpshiro, but the family becoming d issat isiled with certain details-the proximity of the pigpen to the house and1 the mianners of the servant girl the president wrote to the farmer that he would come no more, anD 1en tioned these objections. In a few days VI he l eceived the following conciliatory reply: " lear Sir: There ain't been io hogs since you left, and Hannah has weilt."-Bangor Commercial. Y IT WAS LEi MCKINLEY'S WOUNI. 0 -])1. J. J. Laforty, editor of the ltichinond Ch ristian Advocate, relates the following story of the wounds re ceived by Col. W. E. Peters during Ihe Civil War, which is of special in teresi t this time, in view of the re cenit shooting of the President of the United States: " The perforation of the walls of Mr. McKinley's stomach recalls a like %Voind mIIi aILe uponi an eminent citizen, Prof. Peters, of the University of Virginia, who in a hand-to-hand fight between cavalry, near Moorefield, W. Va., during the Civil War, while in commanid of his regiment, was shot through Ihe body. The bullet pene tratedil the abdomen, entering on one sindo It1( Coming out Oil the opposite wall, making a. clean straight path through the stomach. The listol was in a few inches ot the body, when lfired. T1hie dlisaled~ olllcer managed Sto get in the residhence of Mr. Sysken hi dall, in whose corn field the conflict e occuirredl. No surgical operation was a performedh. The two orifices were coveredi with pieces of cotton cloth of the size of a silver dollar. Colonel Peter mad a promplIt and good re Scovery. It may be addedl that General e A verill, a chi valrous manlu, sen t a courier ,forty miles into the Confederate lines to wire Colonel iA n'rs' condition to his a family.'" s T1imnl Ass*i4zriI ON JACKSON.-The unsuccessful assault on President Jackson, January 30, 1835, is one of the attempted assassinatioins of history I that few remember. He was attend a ing the funieral of the Hon. Warren IIR. i)avis from South Carolina. While t steppinlg out on the portico of the a Capital on the arm of Secretary of the r Navy Woodbury, lie was confronted , by a stranger, who, at the distance of r. eight fact, deliberately aimed a pistol a at, hin andl pulled the trigger. The weapon missedl lire. T1he would-be ,assassin dropped it and dlrew another. s It also missed fire. The President t then startedl to strike the manu with his r- c:ane, when Lieutenant, Gedney of the ir navy jtumpjedi on the assassin andl dis e armeal lhim. le waIs arrested and taken to 1jail. lie proved( to lbe an insane EIngilihmn named Lawrence, a house painter, crazed by being long out of work. The World's Greatest Cure for Malaria. X For all forms of Malarial poson Ing take Johnson's Chill 5n FOver Tonic. A taint of Malarial poison Ing in your blood moansmisery and fai ure. Blood medicines can'toeure MalarIal poisonIng. The antidote for it is lON iSON'S TONIC. Get abottle to-day. Costs 5s iSes If It Cures. IMONI'Y TIO LOAN On farmlr g lands. Icasy' payments. No commirsionis charged Burrower pay soa. tuah cost of p.erfecting loana. in'evest ? nti cent up, areording to en 'any JNO Hi PALM'CKt & A'AN (Uninm ia, 0.n