i i j NOTICE OF SALK Under and by virtue of tlie decree I and judgment of the court made by his honor S. W. G. Shipp, presiding judge, in the case of Mullins Motor Oar Company. < copornti >n, pli"V'ffs v> N M. Sheiiey, L. V. Todd And A. \\\ Hodges and J. C. Iiodges, copartners in trade under the firm name and style of A. W. Hodges & Son, defendants, and dated the 11th day of August A. D. 1923, I, the undersigned W. L. Bryan, Clerk of Court a? Special Master, of Horry County, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder before the Court House door, at Conway, in Horry County, and State of South Carolina, during legal hours of rale en salesday in September next, it be I ing the 3rd day of said month, all and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: All and singular that certain tract or parcel of land, containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less, the same being in SiVnpson Creek township, County and State aforesaid, bounded as follows: South by D. J. Butler, East and North by lands formerly known as the D. L. Gore land and West by W. B. Nealey. Terms of saie cash. Purchaser to pay for papers a*ui stamps. August 13th, 1923. W. L. BRYAN, Clerk of Court as Special Master Horry County. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. o NOTICE OF SALT Under and by virtue of tlie decree and judgment of the couit n*ade by [ his honor Thos. W. Buhvare. presiding f judge, in the case of H. H. Woodward, * trustee, plaintiff, vs J. M. Boyd and Mamie B. Boyd, defendant?, and dated the 8th day of June A. D. 1923, i, the undersigned J. A. Lewis, Sheriff of Horry County, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder before the Court House door, at Conway, in Hoi ry County, and State of South Carolina, during legal hours of -ale, on sales ^day in September next, it being- the 3rd day of said month, all and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: All and singular, ail that certain tract of land in Bucks Township. Horry County, State of South Carolina, beinc a Dart of what is known as the estate lands of Homer H. Burroughs, deceased, containing forty (40.14) and fourteen hundredths aCiC.s, as shown by a plat of the same made by H. G. C a n n o n of the same made by H. C. Cannon dated November 5th. 1913; and hounded by lands of Nina and Dorothy Burroughs, Leon Burroughs, Dunck Floyd. W. D. Edwards and by the Pauley Swamp road; and being the same tract of land which was conveyed to Mamie Burroughs by W. O. Burroughs, Trustee and a? Special Master, by his deed dated the 15th day of September A. D. 1915, and recorded in deed book K-4, page 284, records of Horry County. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. . August 9, 1923. J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff Horry County. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. o NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of t he decree ami nf the court made bv his j ? ? ? honor W. H. Townsend, presiding judge, in the ca^e of Rosa Caroline West and Eliza Dorinda Elizabeth G. Holmes, plaintiffs, vs. Bud Todd, Tompie Todd, John W. Watts, Ellen Faircloth, Willie J. Watts and P. F. Watts, defendants, and dated the 9th day of March A. D. 1923. I, the undersi^nned W. L. Bryan, C. C. C P., as Special Master of Horry County, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder befoie the court house door at Conway, in Horry County, and State of South Carolina, during legal hours of sale, on salesday in .September next, it being the 3rd day of said month, all and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Simpson Creek township in the County and State aforesaid, containing" ninety acres, more or less, and bounded on the North by lands of P. F. Watt"* and lands of W, F. Holmes, on the East by lands of J. D. Koyal, on the South by lands of C. L. Williamson and lands of Emma J. Holmes, B. V. Vereen and G. C. Cox, and West by lands of G. C. Cox; being lands which were purchased in two tracts by WT. W. Todd, late of Horry County, one tract containing fifty-seven acres, more or less, another of fifty acres, more or less; and from which said puichase he sold off seventeen acres in his life time leaving a tract of 90 acies, more or less, bounded as above set forth. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. Aufrust 10th, 1923. V/. L. "BftYAN, C. C. C. P., ns Special Master of Ilorrv Count v. H. H. WOODW'AftD, Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the decree and judgment of the court mad** hv bis 1 ior?.>r T. J. Mauldin, presiding judge ;.1so decree dated Sept. 26, 1919, in the case of George J. Holiiday, plaintiff, vs J. M. Kirton, defendants, and dated the 25th day of October A. P 1919, I, the undersigned J A. Lewin. sheriff of Horrv County will seil nt public auction, to the high est bidder before the court house dooi at Conway, in Horry County, anc Stat# of South Carolina, during lega hours of salt, on salesday in Septem * ber next, it being: the 3rd day of sai4 month, all and singular that certai* real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: All and singular that certain tract 01 parcel of land containing three hunuifil and twenty-four acres, more or less, being a portion of the estate lands of J. P. Kirton, deceased, conveyed by A. S. Legette to Ebenezer L. Swi-et by deed du*ed the 2nd day of November 1864, and executed in fch* presence of 10. M. Wayne and T. A. Legette, lying and being in the County of Horry, in Galivants Feiry township, the portion subject to partition being now 01 formerly bounded as folio v. . On the North by the run of Jenkins Branch and lands ol C. M. Fry* cm die East by the Fry lands and the estate lands of Cato Gore, now owned by George J. Holliday; on the South by other lands of J. M. Kirton, being, originally a part of the said eleven hundred acre tract, and by lands of B. C. Jenkins; on the West by lands of B. C. Jenkins, A. P. Johnson and Henr\ Grantham, it being the tract of three hundred and twenty-four acres, laid out to Mary Susan Kirton as shown by a plat thereof made by Levi I.eGette, D. S-, and recorded in Deed Book ooo, page 41, Office of Clerk of Court of Horry County, said J. M. Kirton s interest therein having been acquired inheritance from his mother. Mary Susan Kirton, and George J. Holiday's interest therein having been acn.viied by virtue of the conveyances from i\lis ouii E. Harrelson and S. A. Edwaids, tiie only other children of the s-iid Mary Susan Kirton, surviving her at her death, and intermediate conveyances whereby the said George J. Hoiiiday acquired the said two inte\r\str therein. Terms of saie ?aoh. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps 1 Augu-t 13th. j '23. J. v. LEV^ iS, Slieiil'r of Ho ?* County. r: n. woodw fd, Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the decree and judgment of the court made by his honor W. H. Townsend, presiding jud^e, in the case of Morris Fertilizer Company, a corporation, plaintiff, v3. wr n t>..i 7 ta o 1 d rr >\ . i . LyiKi, Lj. u. oug^.') ctiiu jr. n. Holmes, defendants, and dated the eth day of April, A. D. 1923, I, the undersigned J. A. Lewis, sheriff of Horry County, will sell at public auc-' tion, to the highest bidder before the Court House Door at Conway, in Hor* ' ry County, and State of South Carolina, during1 legal hours of sale, on salesday in September next, it being the 3rd day of said month, ail and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: / All and singular that certain parcel 01 tract of land lying and. being in Green Sea township on the north side of Pleasant Meadow Swamp, bounded as follows: beginning on a lightwood stake corner on A. R. Holmes' line at an old tramroad bed. thence running the old tramroad bed north an agreed line to a lijrhtwood stake corner, on or side 01 oia roaa oea near a little pona, thence west to J. O. Blanton and Doc D. Harrelson corner on lightwood stake, thence straight on west or nortlr.vest to a lightwood stake corner in or near center of a small branch, thence down said branch an agreed straight line west to a lightwood stake corner on line that runs between W. M. Harrelson and Doc D. Harrelson lands. Thence said line south to a stake corner near a field and road, thence west to a stake corner near A II. Holmes' fence, thence south the -aid wire fence an agreed line to a corner on a lightwood stump or tree, thence the said- Holmes' line east to beginning corner near old tram road bed. said land described in deed as being two tracts both together containing thirty six (30) ;.cres, more or less. ;md known as the J. G. Holmes land nnd a part of the Doc D. HarreUon land. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pav foi papers and stamps. August 8th, 1923. J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff of Horry County. H. H WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. o NOTCIE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the decree md judgment of the court made by his honor W. H. Townsend, presiding iudge in the case of F. P. Widmer, olaintiff vs. W. E. Porter, Simon Bovd. O B. Hard wick and Armour Fertilizer Work*?, a corporation, defendants and dated the 6th day of April D 1923, I, the undersigned. 1 Lewi-, sheriff of Horry County, will ?p';l at public auction, to the highe"I bidder before the court house door, at Conway, in Horry County, and state of South Carolina, during- legal hours ,of sale, on salesday in September next, it being the 3rd day of said month, all and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: All those two certain tracts of land \r> the Courty of Horry ard State of r.nvolinji df?scviVvpd ns follows. to wit: Tract No. 1. All of a certain portion, plantation or tract of land containing fortv-eiprht acre?, more or less, it 1 oir.p* in Simpson Creek Township ami bounded as follows: Beginning1 at a comer on J. J. Cox'^. line, runs near South with Zack and George Russ' , line to a (rum comer on B. G. Gilmcre, line to corner, tl\ence near West to S. W T?p?aves' line, thence near North with S. W. Reaves' line to J. H. Cox's line thence with J. J. Cox's line to , .thr hepinninjjr corner. Tract No. 2. All and singular that r certain piece, parcel or tract of land, 1 lying and being- in the County and 1 Stnte aforesaid, and in Simpson Creek - township, and containing seventeen THE HORRY HERALD, OONTW acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: By lands of J. 11. Reaves, B. J. Milligan Estate and J. W. Porter, and known as land I purchased from J. W. Porter. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. August 9th, 1923. J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff Horry County. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE i Under and by virtue of the decree and judgment of the court made by his honor W. H. Townsend, presiding judge, in the case of Bank of Columbus, a corporation, plaintiff, vs J. M. Strickland, defendant, and dated the 7th day of March A. D. 1923, I, the undersigned W. L. Bryan, C. C. C. P., as Special Master, of Horry County, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder before the court house door, at Conway, in Horry County, and State of South Carolina, during legal hours of sale, on salesday in September next, it being the 3rd day of said month, all and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County and described as follows, to wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being in Green Sea township, Horry County, state aforesaid, containing fifty-three (53) acres. Beginning at a stake on the Conway and Fair Bluff road, C. B. Graham's corner, and runs South 82 East with Graham's lin* 22.21 chain* a stake 3x0, thence South 3b TTest 29.50 chains to a stake 3xO, thence South 71 Vz East 15 chains to a stake, thence South 88 East 3.65 chains to a stake to the said Fair Bluff and Conway road, thence northward with said road to the beginning. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. August 10th, 1923. W. L BRYAN, C. C. C. P., Harry County. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. o NOTICE OF SALE TT 1 _1 1 * . _ . /? i l. J * onaer ana uy virtue 01 me ueciee and judgment of the court inade by his honor S. W. G. Shipp, presiding judge, in the case of The First National Bank of Rocky Mount, a corporation, plaintiff, vs Geo. M. Gore, Z. A. Nealey, Effiie Gore, Bank of Loris, a corporation, and Farmers Bank ,a corporation, defendants, and dated the 7th day of August A. D. 1923, I, the undersigned W. L. Bryan, Clerk of Court of Common Pieas as Special piaster of Horry County, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder before the court house door, at Conway, in Horry County, and State of South Carolina, during legal hours of sale, on salesday in September next, it being the 3rd day of said month, all and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: All and singular that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Simpson Creek township. County and State aforesaid, containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of G. W. Gcwe and W. D. Cause, west by land of I. I). Hardee, south by the canal, east by G. W. Gore and J. R. Core; it being the identical land deeded to Cora A. Allsbrook by the heirs of the late Wm. M. Cox and Charity A. Cox. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. August 8th, 1923. W.L.BRYAN, C. C. C. P. as .Special Master. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. o NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the decree and judgment of the court made by his honor S. W. G. Shipp, presiding judge, in the case of The First National Bank of Rt>cky Mount, plaintiff vs. J. A. Heniford, Swift" & Company, a corporation, F. S. Royster Guano Company, a corporation, and Farmers Bank, a corporation, defendants and ddated the 7th day of July A. D. 1923. I, the undersigned W. L. Bryan, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas as Special Muster, of Horry County, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder before the Court House door, at Conway, in Horry County, and State of South Carolina, during legal hours of sale on sale^day in September next, it being the 3rd day of said month, all and singular that certain real estate situate In Horry County, and descrin ed as follows, to wit: All and singular that certain piece parcel or tract of land lying and being in Simpson Creek Township, Horry County, South Carolina ,and lies ot the west side of Lorig and Daisy pub lie road and contains four hundred twenty-six (426) acres, more or less, and hai3 such shapes and bounds as follows, to Wit: Beginning- at a corner on west side of Loris and Daisy public road about fifty (50) yard? south of Big Branch and runs thence a westerly course to stake comer, thence a southwesterly course to a stake corner cn south side of Cushion Swamp; thence - - - - - .aA. . I a sourneasieriy course up souin eape of Cushion Swamp and also beyond said swarrp to a corner near south edjre of Mill Bav; thence a southeasterly course along: with south edj?e of Mill Bay to E. L. Sanderson's line; thence an easterly course to L?ris and Daisy public road; thence a northerly course with Loris and Daisy public road to R. Herbert Jones' line; thence a westerly course with R. Herbert Jones' line to stake coiner; thence a northerly course with P.. Herbert Jones' line to stake correr; thence an easterly course with R. Herbert Jones' line to corner in west edffe of Loris and Daisy public road thence a northerly course with Loris and Daisy pub rAY\ S. 0, AUGUST 16, 1923 "UJ . .. "Jlie t oad to the beginning corner, and is bounded on the north by lands of estate lands of Allsbrook and James A? Heniford. on the west by lands of Dr? Hensley, on the south by estate lands of Allsbrook and E. L. Sanderson, and on the east by Loris and Daisy public road and lands of R. Herbert Jones and is better known as the identical tract or parcel of land conveyed to G. C. Butler and D. J. Butler by Lucy A. Todd, under her deed dated May 11th, A. D. 1903, and recorded January 4th, A. D. 1904, in Book TT, page 35, rec-, ords of Horry county, S. C., excepting .the following parcels sold off to Sami i T. Creech, K Herbert Jones, E. L. Sart-i . derson and Joe L. Suggs- aggregating < about one hundred seventy-five (175) acres, more or Less, and is also known ] as the identical land conveyed to me.i James A. Heniford, by D. James But ler and George C. Butler, under their deed dated September 6th, A. D. 1918. i Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. August 14th, 1923. W. L. BRYAN, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, as Special Master, Horry County. J H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. o ! NOTICE OF SALE i Under and by virtue of jaji execu- i tion dated the 15th day of August A. 1 D. 1923 and issued and lodged, and to me diieeted, and based upon the judgment lendered in jthe case of: Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, Plaintiff, vs C. H. Tucker Defendant. I have seized, levied upon and taken is the property or the defendant above named; and will sell at public auction, or vendue, for cash, in front of the court house door of my county, within leeal hours of sale, on salesday, in September next, it being the 3rd day of said month, all and singular aril of the following property, to wit: All that tract of land containing 100 acres, more or less, located in Suaipson Creek Township, Horry County, South Caiolina, and bounded on the MfiVfll Q lirl Poet Ktr ii'ltr Alt't ill WllU * >c* :> u y 1UI1UO IUI lllvl ?,> owned by T. M. Hughes, on the South f by lands formerly owned by D. M. Reaves and land of R. D. Best, and on the West by N. E. Hardwick; being land conveyed to C. H. Tucker by J. B. Huphes by his deed dated Decern- t ber 2nd, 1916. Purchaser to pay for uecessary papers and stamps. J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff of Horry County. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. - 1 Dated at Conway, S. C.,- Ajigust 15 1923. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the decree and judgment of the court made by his honor Thos. W. Bulware Presiding Judge, in the case of Navassa Guano Company, A corporation, Plaintiff vs. C. F. Spivey and C. H. Spivey Defen- , dants, and dateti the 8th day of June , A. D. 1923. I, the undersigned J. A , Lewis, Sheriff of Horry County, vail cell at public auction, to the highest , bidder before the Court House door, ! at Conway, in Horry County, and t State of South Carolina, during legal hours of saio, on salesday in September next, it being the 3rd day of said n.onth, all and singular that certain real estate situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: i All and singular all that certain re*l estate in township, in the County and State aforesaid, containing in the aggregate one hundred atd twenty-five and six-tenths (125.6) acres, more or less, and more particularly described as follows: Tract No. 1: All that certain tract of land in Dog Bluff Township containing fifty-two (52) acres, more or less, and bounded on the northward by landr; of S. H. Sellers; on the eastward by lands of H. G. Turner; on the southward by land of J. M. Lewis and on the westward by lands of Mrs. J. E. Roberts; being a portion of that certain tract of land conveyed to C. F. Spivey by Wm. W. Thompkins by his deed dated the 16th day of November A. D. 1888, and recorded in Deed Book Y at pages 486-87 in office of the Clerk of the Court in and for Horry County. Tract No. 2. All those two certain lots or parcels of land in Conway township, described as follows, that is. to say: (a) containing thirty-eight and nine-tenths (38.9) acres, bounded and described as follows, to wit: "Beginning at a stake, the southeast corner of lot No. 72, and runs north 7' E with the east line of lot No. 72, 21 chains to a stake, thence N. 61 degrees 30" E. 10 chains to a stake, thence south 28 degress 30 minutes east 2312-100 chain- to a stake; thence south 61 decrees 30 minutes west 6-58-100 chains to a stake; thence south 24 de inees 30 minutes east 1 chain to a ?take; thence south 72 degrees west 10 chains to a stake, thence north *2 degrees 30 minutes west 95-100 chains to a stake; thence north C>9 degrees 45 minutes west 2 chains to a st* ke: thence north 55 dejrrres 10 minutes west to the beginning. being lot No. 77 of the Homewood colonv tract a^d being" part of what i" known as the C!*ini1afnn lor^ls orid tlin Pnntt' I-hkIO iwnvin U'IM v IIV ? <(liiv?n< nnd said lot being1 definitely located and described on man of Hornewood ^olonv Land* made bv F. B. Gault, dated June 17th. 1898. (b) Containing thirtv-four and seven-tenths (34.7) acres, bounded and described as follows, thai is to say: "Beginning- at a ^take, the southeast corner of lot No. 77, and runs north f>l degrees 30 minutes east 1". chains to a stake thence north 28 degrees 30 minutes VV. 2312-100 chains to a siake, thence South 01 degrees 30 minutes west 15 chains to a stake; thence south 28 degrees 30 minutes east 23 12-100 chains to the beginning, being lot No. 78 of the TTomewood colony tract, and being a part of what is known as the Beaty lands, and said lot being- definitely located and described on map of Homewood Colony lands made by F. B. Gault, dated June 17th, 1898; being the same two tracts of land which were conveyed to C. F. Spivey by W. A. Glass and Nora E. Glass by their deed dated February 5, 1920, recorded in Book V-4, of deeds at page 176, in the office of the Clerk of Court in and, for Horry County : With, however, the following exception, to-wit: Seventenths (7-10) one acre of lot No. 77 which was sold and conveyed to Bur-, loughs & Collins Company Sept. 4. 1905, for railroad right of way by ieed duly recorded in said office. Terms? of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. v August 8, 1923. J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff Horry County. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF (Complaint Not Served.) State of South Carolina, County of Horry, Court of Common Pleas. Burroughs Bank & Trust Company, a corporation, as receiver of Bank of Loris, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Olympas Lee, Tulah E. Lee, Mamie E Strickland, Nancy Sarvis. Sallie Jane Cannon, Robt. A. Lee, G. A. Lee, L. H. I >ee, J. M. 1 ee; S. M. Allen, as as-1 signee of Harrelson-Bell Co., a corporation; Baugh & Sons Company, a corporation, defendants. To the defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber or subscribers at his or their office at Conway. South Carolina within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such seivice; and if you fail to answer the complaint, wit) in the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court foi the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated August 7th, A. D. 1923. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. io tfaugh e same time ?s the boll from the farm of S. W. Martin was open and picked; but the Herald hap no way of telling- which was open first but can only record the first bolls in the same order in which they are received at the Herald p'ant. PAY AT LORIS Pay your subscription at Farmers Bank, Loris, S. C., and save coming to Conway to do it. Deposit the money to our credit at the bank and the work is done.