It. F. J. SULLIVAN A CO. I|^v(ifled Public Accountants (Ut.) I . Telephone So. 796 I ^Jflurcldeen Bank BMg. l^r^WjLMlNGTON, N. C. , jl T. B. LEWIS f Attorney and Counsellor at Law CONWAY, S.C. * D. A. SPIVEY * CO. /W. B. King, Secty. nonds and Insurance Office in copies National Bank Building. .I/ FORD A SUGGS i ;v V v Attorneys at Law f m Offices at I Away, S. C. Loris, S. C J,-13m i . R. B. SCARBOROUGH Attorney at Law J CONWAY, S. C. ) I WILLIAM EUGENE KING fihjsician and Surgeon ' \ AYNOR, S. C. i H. H. WOODWARD ~ attorney and Counsellor at Law 1 CONWAY, S. C. ENOCH S. C. BAKER attorney and Counsellor at Law C Offices in Taylor Building CONWAY, S. C. ))-3m y. Offices of M. C. HARUELSON and R. B. HARRELSON ' MIJLLINS, S. C. DRS. LEWIS & BUSBEE Dentists X-Ray Equipment . Office* Over Horry Drug Store " DR. J. D. THOMAS Physician and Surgeon LORIS. S. CL Jj MARION A\ WRIGHT Attorney at Law Offices Spivey Building CONWAY, s. c. , S, C. DUSENBURY Attorney at Law v..Spivey Building f CONWAY, S. C. DR. E. P. ALFORD Dentist Located in Mullins, S. C. Office over Champion Shoe Store. tf DR. J. T ^UTLEDGE ?|es Over C6nway Hardware Co., [/ Old McCord Stand CONWAY, S. C. Get th" next lot of invitations printat tne^ Torry Herald. ' ? wny 1 V L 1 These figur< / The old I the figures < J Come to s N \\. i l < ' ' - * . vc ' . > . V/\ > . '* ^ * ' * , THE 3 NOTICE OF SALE Under Execution / I Under and by virtue of an execution .] and the judgment dated the 5th day of, 1 April A. D. 1923 and issued and lodg- i ed, and to me directed, and based up- 1 on the judgment rendejred, in the case of Bank of Little River, a corporation, i plaintiff, vs. B. H. Justice and Ger- j ttude Justice, defendants. 1 I have seized, levied upon and tak-j; en, as the property of tne defendant ] or defendants above named; and will i sell at public auction, or vendue, for i cash, in front of the court house dror < of my county, within legal hours of ] sale, on salesday, in August next, it ] being the 6th day of said month, all j and singular all of the following p?-o- i perty, to wit: All that tract of land containing 29 j acres, more or less; known as tract Nq. , 9, bounded west by tract No. 8 aid , line marked S. 29 l-?* E., south by [ Little River, east by' tract No. 10, j North by Conway and Wilmington road; being the same tract conveyed ( to Gertrude Justice by F. C. Vereen October 6th, 1919. 1 Purchaser to pay for necessary pa- , pers and stamps. J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff Horry County. 1 H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. ' Dated at Conway, S. C. J,uly 16, 1923. waixacereTd in great film That there are thrills concealed in the prosaic motor truck, as well as the graceful lines of the racing automobile is proven by Wallace Reid's latest , picture, "What's Your Hurry?" which 1 will be on view at the Pastime theater next Monday. As "Dusty" Rhoades. auto racer, 4-u? u ..t, ...: ? i.. i... I? Hie uiecsy mui wins ct spccuy lussie on the track, but fails to impress Patrick MacMurran, whom "Dusty" hopes to have as a father-in-law. Pat is the manufacturer of Pakro trucks. "Dusty" tries to demonstrate his worth as publicity man for the Pakro, but only succeeds in fitting more deeply "in wrong." However, when a biff irrigation dam threatens to yield under the strain of a raffing storm and to bring disaster upon the valley below, "Dusty" not only shows his own mettle but also brings Pakro trucks to the fore. TAKES TRIP TO ALABAMA Governor Thomas G. McLeod, with members of his staff, including Col. M. R. Smith of Conway, left last Thursday morning, July 26th, from Vnii Chnu IUU UIIUU Relia Mi Cc Lo Ni ;s are taken from t Nichols Wareh< sibove what you ee us this time. ICHOL5 P i-4 y / . > i* # .1 v * BOMtY HMtALD, OOffWAY, 8. Columbia via the Southern Railway, for Camp McClellaxt, Anniston, Alabama. Enroute to Anniston, they stopped one hour at Spartanburg: and one tiour in Atlanta. The governor's staff appeared in service uniform on this trip. > ] The governor,. and his staff arrived , in Anniston, Alabama the same even ing at 8:11 o'clock. They were mat at , the train by the Adjutant General Robert E. Craig, and Colonel T. E. j Marchant, and other officers, where y they were immediately driven by au- < tomobile out to Camp McClellan, a \ distance of six miles from Anniston. j Here the governor and his staff mem- ] bers were immediately assigned to < ;ents and allowed to pick theif order- \ lies.' , . The next morning after a hearty, ^ ?ood breakfast, the governor and the adjutant general, accompanied by the , governor's staff, immediately got busy , an their inspection trip, first inspect- , ing the long range one pound guns, ] then to the trench mortar (ordinally ] called a heavy short cannon). This ] trench mortar shoots a twelve pound ( bomb. It is very effective, and deadly 4 to the enemy. Then next to the machine gun company. After a careful inspection of these guns, the officers put them into : action, and the general opinion was U nf f nMIMC !1?AWA 4"li /V VV* /Nr.4- #1 1 ? I 1 vuwt vu^nv/ ^ u 11 r> * c i c l/iic IllUnt UC?UltY i of all. The'score of th? shots excellent. The rifle range was next. The j Springfield rifle was used, the targets being at a distance of^six hundred yards. Again some excellent shooting, the bull's eye often being hit. Our adjutant general tried his hand, hitting ; the bull's eye twice out of five shots. The general is a good shot. They next made an inspection of the kitchen and other departments, where they found everything in excellent and sanitary condition. The governnor and his staff review- . ed the National Guard at four o'clock on Friday afternoon. The South Carolina National Guard is composed of about twelve hundred men. one regiment, a fine specimen of manhood, they are rated and the records at Washington will show South Carolina to have the best regiment in the South. The adjutant general paid a beautiful tribute to these young officers and men, of which he said he was particularly proud. In turn after the review, General Craig, in his usual clever way, presented the Commander in Chief, Governor Thomas G. McLeod, who was well received by all. Governor McLeod made an able address and praised the officers and men f a f Ua i cvV* nof coiriniv fV. nf Ua \\t onf nrl I tu raving timv i ?T auv^u the people of Stuth Carolina to know that they had pood protection by having the best regiment in the South. South Carolina has no calvary, but at this time had a corps of Engineers and artillery in camp at Camp Bragg, Id Sell Yi ' " N ble Nicho ullins averaged nway averaged >ris averaged . chols averaged he State Commissio :>use averaged $ i lost last year b \ We guarantee y > BROT NICHOLS, SOU q, jult ae, i?as ANDERSON IS ; AGAIN LEADER S. S. Anderson has no doubt again led the county in the production of fine ,d watermelons, selling his entire frop on n the local markets, and not shipging o my of them to other markets. c He had one and a half acres planted d in melons this year. He has raised a v total of from one thousand five hun- a ired to two thousand watermelons on t this ground this year. He has not dis- v posed of the entire crop as yet, but he a has sold many wagon loads by wholesale to leading Conway merchants. Hfc o will continue to sell on this market as g rapidly as the melons are ripe and F ready. " o His melons this year are not quite S so large as in former years but many p >f them weigh fifty pounds or a little over, and they have been so fine that a merchants have been anxious to get * hold of them, and customers of those t merchants who have handled the Anierson watermelon this year have no complaints to make. o? A a n 1 A i i a story ot now to ma ice moior trucks famous and hosv to win your t sweetheart when her father objects.-? Wallace Reid in "What's Your Hur- 5 ty?" at Pastime, Monday. f and Fortress Monroe, in training. General Pershing left Camp Mc- 5 Clellan the day before the arrival of i the governor and his $taff. i There was in camp at Camp Mc- t Clellan ajt this time calvary from North Carolina, Tenneesee and Geor- \ gia, also the United States reserve f corps, in training. The Mississippi in- < fantry had only recently left. \ Besides the National Guard, South Carolina had at Camp McClellan, two i motor transport companies and one j ambulance company. . Camp McClellan was named after General McClellan, and is a beautiful , location for a camp. It is only six i miles from Anniston. The camp ccui- 1 tains nineteen thousand and five him- , dred acres of land. It is owned by the Federal Government, and was used extensively in the training of soldiers 1 during the World war. It is surround- , ed by the Chocoloco, Turkey, Blue and ( Sweet Water Mountains. At this time of the year the officers and soldiers .use double blankets for cover at night. It is rather warm in the day time. o No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an unhealthy color, which fadicates poor bkwd, and as rule, there la more or 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regnlurlv for two or thrift weeks will enrich the blood. improve the digestion, and act as a general Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. \ our Tobac ils Wareiii $22.95 . . . 19.4* . . . 19.12 23JM ner of Agriculture 2.97 more than y selling with 01 ou a good mark HERS i ITH CAROLIM - yfWPA ?ry ? ; BILL MEET AT HICKORY GROVE The Sunday School workers of all ? ienominations in Horry Cotin^y yitfU j leet at Hickory Grove Baptist church ^ n Friday, August 10, in the annual onvention of the Horry County Sunay School Association. The session ?< fill begin promptly at 10:00 A. M. * nd close at 4:00 P. M. A large at- ^ endance is anticipated and the local w workers extend a cordial invitation to 11. h. In addition to Sunday school leaders ? f our own county who will be on pro- c' ;ram, State Superientendent Leon C. L *almer of Spartanburg, and possibly 11 ther officials of the South Carolina S( lunday School Association will take rt art. y Among the subjects to be discussed ire the following: ' Building up the membership and at- s endance. v How to be a soul-winning teacher. v The new day in religious education. v How to teach the Bible. t Winning thehome through the baby <1 How to interest our young people in F he Sunday school. f Interesting men and women in Bible -s itudyv s How to make Superintendent's procram interesting and attractive. A banner will be awarded to the ^ Sunday . school having the largest number, over sixteen years of age, >resent, in proportion to the distance t .raveled. A picnic dinner will be. served on :he grounds. Come and bring a well , illed basket Every one interested in'Sunday school work is invited to at- :end. 1 The officials of the Horry County iVssocation are W. M. Goldfinch, president, Mrs. Jess Anderson, secretary, rmfl Mr. Paul Ouattlebaum. treasurer.! Amonj? the officials of the State Association are Dr. D. B. Johnson of Winthrop College, Dr. W. J. McGlothlin of Furman University, Rev. Watson B. Duncan, D. D., pastor of Cheraw Methodist church, who is president of the State Association; Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton, of the Episcopal church, Rev. H. J. Black of Columbia, :>f the Lutheran church, and Dr. Robt. P. Pell, president of Converse college. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run down" condition will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh la a local disease, It Is greatly inlluenced by constitutional conditions. iIAL,L.'S CATARRH MEDICINE consists of an Ointment which Quickly Itelieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists n improving the General Health. Sold by druggi3ts for over 40 Years. T7> t r?v.,*,rtv <*- . Toledo, Ohio. co at the Duse < i ) \ I d ) report, 1922. the State. Yoi tr neighbor mar et and the best < / fc riiNU * UWHWfc J*' 1 'i ;howers for mr. and mrs. C. d. gasqur At the conclusion of the program of he Epworth League on Tuesday evenlg the Leaguers surprised their pre?tent, Mr. C. D. Gasque, and his bride rith a miscellaneous shower. Miss Bessie Dusenbury, the leader >r the evening called on Dr. J. C. Atinson for a short talk and in a very tting manner he commented on the rork of the League and commended le president for the splendid service e is rendering and congratulated him n having gone after and having seared for a permanent member of the eague, one o. the former faithful lembers who has been on leave of abence since April, With appropriate emarks he led up to the fact that here would be a "gentle shower" durlg the evening. Misses Bessie Dusenury Elise and Irma Lewis, who had lipped out during the talk, entered nth their arms laden with bundles, trhich the Leaguers had left in the 'estibule of the church, and piled hese in the laps of Mr. and Mrs. Gasiue, who, when they regained the tower of speech, thanked the Leaguers or their kindness and pledged themelves to render even better service to how their gratitude. Pimples BLOOD impurities are pumped by the heart into the face. That is what causes that grainy appearance* that muddiness, sallowness, pimples,, blackheads, acne, red spots, and that impossible f "something** ( which no face f flL 1 cream, massage, I I or *acc powder / can cover up or IT / beautify! The foundation for a ? v y UCclUlUUI S M u simply is not there, and no face treatment can give it to you. But increase your red* blood-cells,?and quickly the ruby tint of purity begins to glow in tho (cheeks, the complexion becomes venus-like and immaculate! Try it. It will do it every time. S. S. Sbuilds the red-blood-cells you need for a beautiful complexion. Begin using S. S. S. at once, and give yourself what you have been working for, for years. fl| S. S. S. is sold at all good drnf. stoles in two sizes. Tho larger siss it more economical. C C Worlds Best ffilood Mgdicina ! Old II u can see by J kets. D r . . n >r treatment. I H