The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, February 14, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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fWO . AMERICANS JOIN IN \ ARTiLLE^Y DUEL E-jg Guns Bysy. A'orrj Entire, "S?3tor?Jouton Airman R?ir!! : ! . : I d . I f UVfiLr ACTJViTY ALL , > : 5 wj? Vi M '' f l ! L>|' ALOfuG WESTERN LlwEC-j I:: A:\V11 of Op- ! .crf.tlons?B e she v Ene1S i rl/ i I in lO i. / i iV: AviW ip!yins-. I i Apr{\v .Amy- .{ .?. J France.?American uvtilUn*/ kcr?t ut| I ; oOii' . v r ;T':vc r Him C,)lhy 1 ; i ? t I *1 I i" J Villi . ,( J^u'lY (I tl\ til ' I " i ' i 'J h A t . , .. i V-- ' ; 1;. : v / I) (* ' ?? u v.4. J: t 1 I . r !_/;( ; ",\v ! Wi" -A 11' i W 1 I C'Uir At thv < T >.' "j > {" Ai?/ yyfx-1 ' 'V lV. 1 W !"* h't // v.. t i'r.Cj! a*, ftv'.vij' -.j oriny 'it !'fi r? t i < -s () A ic . ''r. -Tv G mv.m bare: * _ y \i * a. ; * . n;t "r !* ' i-'l . >' --'H'- j r. H:\hvf. A nu-tr.g^:' /.f.r te? n i it..;." y kv j t-ay Sfii o? mWfc FrcnS? i hi) j .. ir? :i *** V < v.; , i. in . nil' a *v. * ainwh ales ' v. n : th t , . . . " ' : nt wh ? is . .{ :<! \ :ry . > < < ? : by !v? ,i ? v ... [ c o.,;i ? i o; j V-". v T 1 turv-.! 11. rill rtN ; ; :%,v u'.?rKv? <t ivi* j -S. * .<*? re! nvVd t-V :b h? me"i.* I a ri arh"; ' ' 4 v ' >1 abh \itivity in "We *1; Hauling- oy>*r;it:i<>ns tint! -anth^ry* are nvA'tfaumfc or. the west rn ; "V< r,t as thtrvime- for the bxft' itr in;t J ./.i ; ^rinyfi tWPfjgatious anyjonehfs. i'iwo yeavrsCtfr a auccv asXir. at;it S.xeeliy^, the Cler.nany'in ? their on \'er lut) with b.ra.v;. I atlillervi fii.v en Pobiuary ^L, while . ? ?< i ( 4 i( , i. <>^. hast, , yvi^b.V'L^ ' c",;P.V-P'C'' ; ^Grun^leco^ul on thy. Seiv.?ne i':'6hl } * v?:a>u,>' 7^ and tlte Germueb tw<v.Htks later i\ tired fromythe Arere. .tye first st- p in Ui< ?el;?i':it 't'^ 't4. itbuW 1 i vh..J All plfe : r'^y Vo.Wt nt' ' r po ! I ariMVovy activity. The bi. j' have bet n busy aroi?T<1 Ypves ..'"el bc^'Olv^CWhlVMi? ?vn Li: iti.wi f:vint,'Oa'ti?b rb^ht'-baVric o;' the Mbusojl vr?'th{. I-'rvft/^h ff'V.b.. ; <>/! on"th,,v A'vi-1 V<>;ca?i * ^cvXYr: Th" 'lj.'i'f.Vh hi'Vv frrMido' a s'm e"\\\i'x ! :.?<'} hoftUort^l of Yjvrp.T inx'-p/oh midei'k 'bvvdi^h. bA4:k *prior,v i.v rhh A'tx?nne;!5 (ie-.?T^r.ti attcvbpt'- rri,',r OilPrbrai-and r>Kr < : b' r.y, iV'(**Himpajr!v?. Weiv lrvpii!!'t?; "by the rduls bVt?r'<^; ?vi- *?' ' c ' tiv ;ly. " ' '*.. . -. | < M?v,v ('?!?;) > ion <o PiohSh? vlUi I Nov.* irwiifiy uv.:'I-.! tb'" L?os3:?\viki, \.vs T.rirbta' in the TanaV ; fnvt Pole--*. K"yk'nko. cofnrsr,ndorr in chief of ?he l-kdshbviki ; ? it; yvjK vh-'i to have beer f: l'OHt- | Nt by t'?'> 'if-1'j nvopr \Vb.rt cnpC'Ju1 Mi nTe'/. Ta.rt; v f' ar> moving < x S; ha.-p thft? r.ii'.n*! be<o on th-. ! iiaick a.Per 1~rx<in<.?; capture *1 \ u la in ('Minna. In Kiev, fa ' l-~K.ihiiiric<:\V(v rcfvn\&'. to h'J.w i *pr:inod: the upper hand. \ Affct* c..-.yfAS?::.!Cn vit?7 the ficr- j r'".aT; K: *p rhr iV.? OoVtYtho Ans- < t^.a'u foH'.cin minister''' n o reported i tS bo i"',l.rv'nt.VvT to Tkv^-Ait Vv.;k. Airman netrhph'pcov vn<}?"hfce thftt if pi aco is 'Tarhrd with t!e 'Ukraine, 'u'o attV'atlt^n ' v'ifl Vjh paid On the lip! kcvi'.ci. Tito cnnfbrehep's in Herat: continued 1 ^hrbutjho'ut ' an <nti?v v'r' y, the ; o:- a n (he TUilpinnn rr^Ttiie'e, and the Turkish ' grhn'l v':.'or, a'b- ? taking nnVt. MUSTANG II For Sprains, Lameness, j| 1. 5v*res_ Cuts. Rheumatism I! Penetrates and Heais. Stops Pain At Once ! For Man and Beast ,, 25c. 50c. $1. At All Dealers. || LINIMENT .. r,' . i .i. ,.i o Kt?p Hands Off Wound6. ' A w<Hind should never be touehe villi the bare hands. It. Is better t cover it up Just as it is rather I ha to run the risk of Introducing anottu colony of perhaps even more flange ous germs. If possible, however, tl wound should be utraflhed out with n rintiwjNtlc , aolution. If water Is < be npegfc U should have, been boiled i least ten minute*, as simply bringir it to the boiling point win not kill tl germs. ST^tkjteuksI, iii .1 ' jiii> i Tiryy OF INTJKJKK8I to ALL SiHJTll , , ('ol&PbTjr' nroxfomfii&hjr tfctfi r rend dou~h according to the rojpuiaiom; of the food atimkistvnUon and ITe Sverago woIgTit o? a fen cent af is 1<J ounces. The lower floor of one W-b^v at <thn .'ohnabia, hospital has bee$ le$*>evd fjy the Kiehkiad AMFTuhcrculosis AssoohrHoti to o tubli-.h a climr for >i-o g?mora I. iu: % of the com nuu>i t v u:ul Camp Jack.-on as well. The 'nouse of representatives by a oto ot'b$S to o!l, Refused to pass to itij-.l r.iulinjg: anil :<tnJ to .the seh'ate he M:' boll-}lull Statewide compul\<.'j education bilh ' i \ L< 5 / ; :~.~L ^ ? Am< rienn prisoners in Geraian amps are facing hardship with unrplren spirits, hut are worried about 'heir fuilime fcb receive mail from reifivos m .tin's country, according to t6iv in ;.)*>. srs .irn (>f the prisoners '-^ar aid. i|<p^n of the Ycung . Ion's C hi isl;ar. Association. 1 he farmers of Florence County eve shown nu.v.h interest in tinsuitor o-" PoYornnicrP nitrates. S D. S;vith of South C?tr~ linn ha - introduced a bill providing a.: all the Mcr.' y coming from tii^ of nifcat- a chad immediately be averted i U > a fund for the pu?"a c of adhltknal di. rates. Present in licatke.-- are that there I! bo a record i reap-in;;- acreage >f ' ash potatoes planted in this section ; -:s year. Joan Picani". an officer of the. . i'rench army, rellM'ed from active <: >Vvtcn on account of physical dis-hilitysuffered in the' whir, if; at present at (dump JacksOn. -Mr. Ptcard iv frhv&ing in the interest'r>f til ? hvmy 'Y; .VI: CP'A. " . i;Ln e,*s-,o T f-'i ax cfv/oh f h -/? ?> 1 The report. ,(pf> the. >Sjtato highway crruui'psion , m id" at the regular *.. / ' i f ii *, i. l* : .meeting . ot the commission shows tl\-.t up to LVhrua1':- 1', 42.'5 .h>9i nev. 11)IS ;aiLo'mobPo lit- uses had boon ifsiicfcl to automobile owners through( '.-.I' 'dife State lirinkmg ;n recoipt " :?niou:aing--to,'.^7^K00." o.)(ir.^'0 <. < " .. tlPi'flee 1.. Tilghmnhy' lucmber ot the StAfh Council of Defensb, has r: to ColiYrribia, at the request Of the'National Shipping Hoard-arid has 1 ''keq^m^iVO clVaygv of tiro'Campaign lovcnt1?tf 4,W>0 men from Kouth Carowork'UKirr Uh\e Khi}*buif ling pkjjMtw of the country. w - ' <vni' 1 ? v > ' I*' *'' 1 -- ; ?".] Cent- ressman Lever upon i*eqqest o{ \iie supennUndqjit. oJ,yth*< Columbia waterworks, stating tjaut without :.J.tun for clarifying >puypo.,es Calum? Lin. water users as well as, ihos$ who ' 'rink tpe city, < Caipp Jaektri ,\vouV: .bo soipou/ily .,pnd.a,rvassesa ;in tpu/h with, the auhtpnties and a;so in .Philadelphia, from, which pity, vp.r (Jo'umliiu .^jajr] supply is sent, an t i..T.i on ng-eer.unt , from the ,n 1:04 Queers that thev would at once com , ? i\.unicnu' yy'-th Superintendent Wys* ie. Co/und)i.i and endeavor to straight en out the matter. i-< >? j f - ^ j The Constipation Evil Thet-0 19 no ailment to which the bo# ts aubieefc that id bo far reaching I in its injurious enecrs an constipation. It means a congestion of the bowels j and usually causes sick headache, pains in the back, sour stomach, sal: low complexion, offensive breath or loss of appetite. When you Buffer | from any of these Ills, take a few | j doses of Granger Liver Regulator, i You will be surprised how quickly it restores your normal health. Granger Liver Regulator contains no calomel and produces none of it.3 distressing effects. It has, however, nil the cor] rectivo value of calomel, and may be < freely given to children a9 well as to adults. Granger Liver Regulator is j also free from alcohol. A box of it , Lasts long, and a few doses relieve ordinary cases of biliousness. Granger Liver Rogulacor is eold by druggists everywhere at 25e a bos. Refuse all substitutes as there is no other medicine just like Granger Liver Regulator. j FRANCE WILL FURNISH nurini if nr inni 1 rnw dlHTLT Ul" Afi I ILLttt I I j New York.?Announcement tha1 i Franco will be able before July 1 I ( manufacture, enough artillery to sup ply 20 Americans divisions or ap proximately 500,000 troops, if th United States meanwhile adheres I an understanding by which Franc (j would receive the necessary raw ma <> terial from America was made Inn r, tonight by Andre Tardieu, Krone r high commissioner to this countr; r- Mr. Tardieu declared also that thei lo are in France today Yrthr* America n troops thsm comprised the America to army at lhe? time the United Suu< nterhd the war,~ At that time, \ ie said, the American ?arnry conttiim about 212,000 officer* and men. THE HORRY HERi You Can't Rub It i J Rheumat ,Ij4ipe?ts Will Never* Cu?re. vaf a afflicted with Rhjnjmu.tfcm, time with Hmiftents, lotions unci othej local apdUCations that never did euro Rhoumafisifij'lind never will? Do not .try to rub ths pain.,away, for you will never succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding thenrause of the pain, and go after that. Remove the cau*e, and then eutube no paim 5fgu will never <e rU. of. lftcnuma| SHIPS CONTINUE t SAYS DANIELS f, ?? ?. ?'? f, ?<?..?? ; ; . , . llaltiniohe.?Submarines or no sun-1 marble* the U nited ^taty* % ,will* continue to se*id i .trbous t>) France, docluVed Secretary of Navy' Daniels t.oni;cht in referring to ths i torpedoing of the Tuscania in an a'1- ! .Iivss at the Daltimoro Press Club. "Just as fast as-cur. ships van rj; -1 ry men to Europe th %y will s'o" con. tinned .Mr. Daniels,' "and j'ust a.- f> as t.h(?v are equipped they will 1? <nt and ships will, carry ~Jvonv and no man livin.ty will ever again rev Cn?' day when our goods will be currio aero, s the Atlantic ex -ept ir snip ' flying the flag of the I'nit; I States." J Hohlon A. Evans. ore-id nt of th' Baltimore Dry Deck C.-iipnny in as. e?idres;- preceding that of S^rotovy; Daniels, insi ted that :he governnt rt must mnk?- drastic laws to ivgulr.1 the wiyg"S of lab' r and hours of work , he a No sti'd that the dvir.huil'lin . | plans of ho g< ovsld n?*\v . . .... i - ., , i..t .. I Uo cai'i'l-vi du: unn e.\, n uiu ? j conditions. "It lias been given out," said M Evans, "that 0,000,000 tons o~ ' Mens ship-; will be constructed'*'ir 191S. '1 regret these''every r?s\ i stories hUVe ht?en sent o'Cit rj'rom W-asu ington. Therv are a lot te "Sfs.,T-" ' "There aw hurttlmW of houses m Locust Point now occupied by? persons not engaged in the .shipbui'din These houses must be commaudprro, and transportation must, be improve.!v "The government has failed in iu duty. The arm of the go\ ip-nmrr* hoxi.ltI bo brought , down to fix , stated wage and .fyours uf v/ork fe labor. "1 do not agree with those who sa>, that labor will npt help >vin the wfir.'* said Secretary DapieYs in replying t * _ m an iniiwqyw^iii _EJL '! ; : Yf-l'- - I8HX 1 I hb, jMjMt in 1 A CAP Pi <cOn'^ni 1 <;-(! v ;i ," ?( < A ? 7 J L0A3 OF y . .<r >.. 1 Ml- '!r.V We have just received fr Horses and Mutes and hi . in our barn. If in need < < and see these. Your . "?<; ,i i \ i! /' JENKINi TABOR. NOR I ' " M. in I Us t < s t 4 ' , Times of war when ,near der changed conditions; when use are higher than ever; wh f ' '!. :.m.1 ]/ es the things which we forme time of all times when we nee Our experience lasting c with the markets where the I tributed, and knowing how tc ' i < .1 ft | goods that will ao tne most i ' ter position than ever to help trades with us during the ye; Thanking' each and ever; have had during the past, we ?% ance of 'good will during U J : j 1 v ? # t t 41 % V/ i v t \ i f I DOSENBU t/\ ' ' >; < f, . >' , ::! Toddville, .*<ij j/iifjj i . I I LP. COKWAY. 8 0 Vway; ism is in the Slood, ttsrn tintjj you cleans*! your' blood of |He germs iha^,; cause dUcazc. S. S. S^has rvevor haft an equal a3 a blood piirifi^r juia sc^s?<f?# sufferer: 'say that it has Cleansed their blodd o." Rheumatism, and removed all tr*u: of the disease from their 3ystcm. Get a bottle ?f'Si 4S>, JS. at y drug store, ana get on the rlgl.i treatment to-day. If you want special medical advice, you can obtain n free by addressing Medical Director 23 "Swift Laboratory, Atlants, Ch\.. y-iL'J?J-i-1? Li .1. -JL- . ?1e 'in. ji the . statement,.of Mr. Rvans. "When i) ou sco in the- newspapers that there are J 0.000 men on a. strike you can bv. .-iiKe there< aru aUo 10,000,000 others it worl^ building ships and milking munition#. Mo'i-e than 60,000 men in I he navy yards have work 011 111 free/, niy \ygather on ships \o send men U ' Waned vrhilb those who criticised the . ; > '.tit i n ' J r ' boring nvdi lhaVe remained in their ,varm homes." ? *? NOTHK. Vo ad-am! sivtjiilar the kindred and < editors a.' Amanda K. Watson, deceased: T.VKK NOTKIK, That the (inderdt*;ve;! Administratrix will apply 10 :?om. .J. S. Yaught, Probate Judge for !' v i\v t'o'iiuy on Monday. Fobruar,* >- 1 r.i ..i. 11 .<> ?_ \ >1 4'^.. .. jai%. av :i u vmrK .-v. m. iwi <i settlement of the estate ' Amanda Fl. Watson, deceased, and or her final discharge ??> Adminis- ' f-j: iv of the said estate. ? Rl'TH WATSON', (Qualified Ad mi n is t ra t ri x. O^riA, S. t\. ?'iidv Januarv *24. HH\ ? l-Sl-lS? 4t ' is?e ^at^n ' $- eat what would sipttUi' > >*,* ja.a 1 ' or-'T ! o o ! y. t.bnaJf t*i! ,^7' ' 8 Hnf 8 MULES ? . . i. > . ' .V- ,; * IIH ?' : - ' i om the West a nice car of .? ' ? .' e ' i * '1' ave about thirty-five head nf n Hnrse or Mule come . . *i .. . f? : s truly. S BROS. TH CAROLINA ? 'j'." r . ' 1 V " '' lelp You. ly everything has to work unpriccs of things the people i > r . ' , , {f .. en we all have to deny ourselvrly used in plenty: , Such is the d to help each other,. v iver many years in keeping up things the people need are dis) buy carefully and obtain the /\Afl ufA faAl fhot ufA om in hoi. JUUUt WV 1 l/l/l IV 114 V 1VV C4I U VIV r i , t 1 ,# ; , . #. each and every customer who ar 1918. , ?, i aa y customer for the patronage wc ; rdsp^ctft^lf &fek for a continug Uu F I U 0 ?J n & CO. ftiiaoip.yrt'] ??7!I c ru?q !./iJ lt> -j; d, o) ? w get - - *?'. } V, M't'ri % tiifll|uW CONQENfSEl) I Carina! '<? (iiiiSon*. ssaed :ij I statement :n which ho declare! hi j opposition to the movement for mi. tirnaT prr/ .ion by leaerul am?m!-1 ment. ! Insufficient lativi) of th-? vail ron !$ "fesulting . in . traffic congestion f with it- g.-av" attendant, >vil.* fc} charged bv iff! ion labdr leaders.. ' ' " ?" ' 'President by- pvbVlaiSnP ion lias included under t!\e. term "enemy r in the trading with the enemy net I all enemy aliens wiio have,been jieimanoiitty i-itiemed by Wife vrctr <! . partment. / ' \ V' ' < Maj, Cl?>n. Peyton C\ March, n.w ihi'of Of Wt^-oV With* Pershing. wi'l return to the United States to I) >! c./ine acting chief ol* staff. /ri ohrM jv fiWol nriibiodo\ Dailt* inspection of all div!vtrn-? and army pes'; fyoftiita's\h\ stftfif of, iicoVs of the commanding general^ lias ho n or.lorjHj rfISecroturx Baker. Pr sident Wilson juis ann uyccd he appointment of Harvey I). Gib-1 on. general manager of thj, Amori-j an Ucd Cms. . as a men her <>!* Ih * I . 1 \.i r con ;cil ? i organ 7. \tion. f , . ' The Cunr vl !':v r TV chain, ere ! 'ng '2.17:) Am rican holdlehs. he... been to;";>od?vai arid m.iVfk off :.'v Irish const, hif official rejs.i'ts s.ih. ' 912 of the officers find iv.ev. h ki ' icon sav .1. ; v.. "Make a brills of shitx* to H une. '* was the message from lionc-JfltV Pe filing nnd avory man of h;s com-', man.., delivered tp .the ^pericariii people by -M;tj. ..Frederick- ^alrpar ;J chief censor of ..(dpneval. ^pershing' staff. to a relative 11\? name ol tn? s.-.ip onfl Whi-$e;ifif tbe, Vfwtx?-'Of* stof?ur?, 5sn$nrteM&fTwt; pen Iiqg an investigy.UpiX.of whether he. superiors proper jyr instructed hi o concerning the requirements of .? ere'ey.7 ':U'' 1,9 )d ' v,:': ??,*'? | C-'\f. V s. - ! ", I'"* ? "- - O Hi:ilv tH\r Kittst\s V'.^V?;. a ' "? ..d? Conway Readers Are; Learning' -The . . , !fV;,oWay. . r!, v..y r '" , ! > It's the IltflcLkidney iWs? The tame, weak or'aching bdek The unnoticed urinary disorders?* 'That may lead to dropsy and Bright'* disease. t < ' <.< WJien the kidneys art, weak. , r , Hr?lr? th#?m with "Donh s tv idnev Pills. I A remedy especially for We'dk kidneys. ' '. 1 Doan's have been used in kidney trouble for 50 years. . Endorsed by 40,000 people?evadors ed at home. ' , Proof of metit id a Conway citizen's statement.' ?;?. .? n>> > E, L. >Ioorcr wood worker, NweMair St., Conway, says: '\My kidneys..were lout of order. 1 had soryne .->s in m v back and waVfafne and stiff in the morning. 1 also had other si?ns of kidney trouble, I used Doan's lladney P lis, procured at the Conway Drug Cov as direet^d. and . thin- re jlieved inc." , Price 4>0c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ?g-' Doan's Kidney Pills?the sa'me "fh'-At Mr. Moore had. Koster->l ilbm n Co. " BQ3n,t the farmers & Merchants Bank )f Conway, S. C., (in liquidation), including" the depositors 'of the said Fktnk, are hereby required to forthwith make proof hf their claims! against the said 'Bartk to the undersigned Receiver. Application has 'been made t<V the Court for an Ordei authorizing me to pay out the fund: 'in my hands to the depositors am I rni??'in) ^ ?n I'noir nvn rnf<i almvnc ?\V. A. FKEKMAN, Recruiter. ('onwiiy, S. C. ?arb January 21. 1018 ?1-^1-18?2 .. . I ( ; , lit- : .or TYPEW .' i,i. . t^- I ' f ' . I have the following Secon 1 L. O Smith (used very littl 1 No. 5 Oliver I 1 NO. 10 Remington Visible 1 No. D Koyai 1 Blind Fox 1 Blind Smith Premier All of these machines ha> and are guaranteed to be in> Will sell on monthly payment ; tor ossh. morr < /. .>+%+ . . . SUMTER". 3 *i-V i- r: . v? 1 tfy ? >. L C. Smith & Sros Ail ALicii EhliwicS I REQUIRED TO RESISTEM General Rules and Regulations: I General Rules and Regulation*, I I proscribed by the Attorney General ^^| af-thtrUitltrfi "Sayic;;wrrtcrt thority ot' the President c$- (h*^ 'States; datwb' tftmrrebor^fllli, W1!1?, for registration of Gorman Alien I Jv.umios, have"been issued to the fo!. tov. iChief Kogistrtfrk iU '.the !vm ''I [orb District of TSouth vA'ai'olina, u? Th." Po-t'VKl^'.or, Chfirb'ston, S. ! The Ciiicf ot* Police, Charleston, I The Chief -of Police, (^oUunbia, JS 0. The Chief o? Polfch; Ph?rem'e, S. .'c. Ine Chief of* PolL?, Geerge(o\v.n, II Th?{ 'Chief :of Pojit-i. i<3r;?hirebiife$, s* c. ' | The Cifief of Police. Suritor, S. C. Tine of Registration. j^H Registration of Cje'T.uifi A!i;n Ivto |^| lie-.i is fixed with.i'n aid P- trirl to outnuw. at'-six A. M. on februa y 1th, I9f>, and to continue on ea h lay >uccessiy^j tjlvO" *:i i"r brtwc n the hours of six A. M. and eight P. | M. up to and inMttdhig the 9th, day f I bruary, 191.\ at ei^ht.o'qly^. PegiAtration o4 \lion Ktioriiibs, ^| H>U'4^olio.;s and I n >t'actions to liv?L P -,on ; i\'jiii:. (t vo register sho^d ^| ^y:vi thai in no doing they /ivir'a p'oof v\f their peaceful di>jy)- ^| itions inn! of thei'* intention to "rm? rr.i to the tfABV?B ?.>f the DNITED I liver; registrant should read car:"* ^| 'n'iv ha ''oi-ni of registration affi davit nu.i'l d I "i him and ask thft rei?-. i 'rat' 'n ?'Y ' r'' i'"r an explanation o.i a!: po:Mt;s not eVvir to him befoti ::tt.'mptiv.r to fill Miitv the blanks R>,'{:.stration officers are instincted to ?.\ve. registrants aU. possible aid in H .ic vu,y of explanation ^ind .advice. , H F.-VCf'^i.,registrantj io.^fetjVUfocl to H .' t'ppr luunonn fed.,,ph^;Logcapita H p< himself not larger thiin -I by, d H , ir^-hes ijti. size, qp tjiiip,; tpa^?r witty H I UffKt back around-./Ml, four. phoU^ I a;ra p h s sho u id ty,. ,by the reg i v H twmt across the face of the photo H craplis, so as not to obscure tne tea- H Uifes, ft' the applicant is abh- fr>' I Thr^e bfank'foVra s of re&tettkvti^ I affidavits mu^t be 'cdfnploVMy 'fWb'tl* H Aft by tftO re^istTartt 6r hi.d dvpre-' H "hthtive (with the exceptibrt 1>f "Wife- 9 blarrkb ftuticiltM to be filled out tyrT t9 the reifL.tT ution ' officer arulffgtTt^ do- 'I -;cript:On ?6f the 'registrant ;ih'd ' ftHW- 9 plueino: of finder pidnts* on1 the Waftk)1 fl and Must be "produced by the rdgttrf I nnnl p^?'sonaily 't^ the Vi^fcistfatiOtV I officer and bo ekd?rned arid sworti 9 JiV t hf? nMrl .'l i'itnt in (l,n ??v?. r.j*tr. ~ ^ - - - . Mil v KI Miv |ii ro^ntr r/r' M and befortf vflhb> registration'* officer, I vvho will fiU in the <k?hcriptiQn of the I registrant and ^up^rviso .the fixing, I of the 'finger prints ami tho abtachingr I of 'photographs. < ,IiV the a registj'antt I cannot write h-' Jinist wake-hit* mark. in tiie signature ..*pay<t and affix hipj I lefts tlpimb print in the (Space provicU I led opposite the sigpuUpje, space. The filler printing is u method f I identification and .follows the pi'uc- I <ticc observed in Lh? jjiiliLaaty and Na I ; v.vl Sew in,} <?f thjp*. U ? ted. ? - r I Til* WW wW I that he must again ojcKeat himself f <j ,f~C * y r. J-, ( I "r" I 5 I J JL ^ lievm fb6 i^Maxi|ici*r reg'ficer \\4k> iWth'avteir hut befon? , 13 days from the luut day fixed for . IrogirtiiraUoTi in* hi & .'registration dlstvict to obtain' a- registration rcnr?f upon which he must sign his namn, or nvak<* his mark/ and*'place his left . thumb print in tire pro-scncr.' of the rogist ration officerei r, J. Mv POUhNOT, Postmaster and Chief Registrar. ^ J . I .1 i. . I - . i , | Subscribe to thh'Hcmld1?if 1.0#. | ) ' ' t - M ; f' i i ' ' ' ' " i ' RUB-MY-TISMt ' tVili cure yout, Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps j Colic, Sprains, bruises, Cuts and ; Burps, Old vSore^, Stipes of Insects ' .Etc, Ant'scptic Awodyne, used in \ temally and ^xtr-roaUv. Price 25c T?JAlli. J 1.1.,! 1.. 1 )i ...111.' !' '.*! il.'l"!1!.1 II - ? It I TEH'S. id hand Typewriters for sale: ' e>) 96ft.00 gQf'i-C'O -' 11:;? V -i v r ,.l .*<?im/no7 v"",'v1r 35,Qu i u 10.00 12 tb w /e been thoroughly overhauled first class working condition. :s, or, give five per cent discount tiu ft noriotpej )?fn tio/w i; g/i&dnoimA S^r ,^.J/./nil*) r!-n\ . j'l riJiw 1BOROUGH, OUTH CAROLINA. . c tiler in . and Royal Typewriters 0$(