POPE *?Mn* it3an iuriltl ^ r: i 1 ?N w A I, ?>. C. "? ' ? j . %? %N I'ovt t >fti|?y Three Months 50 rUJJLlSHKKS ANNOUNCEMENT Tributes of Kespect, and Obituaries wih Oe charged for at the rate of one Mat per word for all words over 150. Beaolutions of Thanks, Cards of fflmnktf, and all other reading Notfoes. not NEWS, taking the run of %!mi paper, will he < hargea at the rate f fife cents per line; and all other aotices in the lo^al columns at the T?fcc of ten cents per line. All changes of Advertiments must fe* tn the oflice by Saturday noon to 1 ?B?ure their appearance in the fel- j ( wring issue. All communications must be signed the name of the writer, not for publication, but for the protection of this paper. Legal Notices at $1 per inch first teoertion, 50 cents each subsequent iBiertion. ) Hates on long term contracts for AisDlay advertising very reasonable ; and made known on application. Make all Checks or Drafts payable | H The Horry Herald, or H. H. Woodvrard. Conway, S. C. Notice in Special Column at the rata of one cent per word each inser- I Man, and none of these taken for less Hhao 25 cents, to be paid for in ad- j ' THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1917 ; Most men act as if they value time The certainty of punishment is tin best assurance against the commis sion of crime. o This county is just now in positi to go forward with greater st'iu than it ever has in its history. It i the equal of any in the enterprise o its people, once they understan what is in view. Even in the hardest times thi country ever saw since the civil v.a urn f inn nf I !m nnnnln h:ive bet"' wasteful. This war will teach a lc.- [ son to all such if they will but I ear it. o Germany's hope was that the I'ni ed States was unprepared for war ar therefore not to be feared. They fo got that we knew how to get rea? and in the quickest time known history. Uncle Sam is due to L there, ami when he gets there, it w; be on to Merlin. o When the United S'.ate- is p'u ed into the world conflict; it is t * time when men must c; st asi le spite and ill will oMgendered by pa-1 polities and fe in the com mo cause against the common f e. Th American people are practically uni ed now in this and they will rcma' so. o Now is the time when a man wi show whether he is really a go ' citizen or not. If he joins the mov ments put forward by the patri >t majority of the American p"o; 1( v help the (lovernir.ret win this \v \ he shows that he is a true Am.evicai and a good citizen of America. If h acts indifferently he prove - that la ; is not fit to live in this great f a country. ' The small element in this c> untr. j made some signs at the beginning i what they meant to do against th efforts of America to prosecute tie: war. It was only a slurt time befor their noise became noticeably small er, and now they hardly make ; noise at all. This proves that tie people of the United States are to gether almost as one man to stand behind our great government in this conflict of freedom against one man , Wile. Every day you hear the question talked as to how long the war will lttA. Realize the fact that we have j to contend with a countlry ruled by me man, an autocrat, and wherein I ?tiling was done for many years but 4 to prepare for world domination. ^ fke Germans were prepared and will hold out a long time, and it is useless to hope that the war will speedily com* to an end. It cannot end quickly In the nature of things. While It is fully believed, and while there is strong evidence for such belief, that Germany is weakening day by day as the war goes on; yet her armies are not defeated and it will take large .sums of money, hard work, and human lives to accomplsh that result. i ' ' j AT HOTEL GRACE. Aru>::j: Ike recent arrivals at Hotel irace :ro the fo'lowing: 8, J. lilac kwell, Marion, S. C. C \V. B'oomc, North Carolina. C'uis. D. Prince, Loris, S. C. J. L. Roborts, Tabor, N. C. H. C. Moore, Wilmington, N C. C. It. Morris, Charleston, S C. Phillip Pollock, Richmond, Va. Mr?. West, Charleston, 8. C. Mrs. Davis. Florida. \ W. Kenneth Sugg's, Loris, S. C. John Dala Smith, Myrtle Beach, S. C. Benj, Grier Collins, Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mike B. Billock, Loris, S. C. George Suggs, Nichols, S. C. Carl Phillips, Tabor, N. C. Dock Long, Cool Spring, S. C. Joseph Harmon Capps, Justice, S. C. John Harvey Holmes, Allsbrook, S. C. James Walter Todd, Allsbrook, S. C. James Ford Chestnut, Fair Trade, S C. Leroy Yeoman Hodges, Conway. S. C. Marshall Mace Horn, Nichols, S. C. Bert Ray, Tabor, N. C. Robert Mint/, Little River, S. C. Walter Hucks, Horry, S. C. Bruce Graingx?r, Tabor, N. C. Thad Port, Bucksport, S. C. Dillon Cox, Conway, S. C, Hancc Elliott, Nichols, S. C. Daniel Edgar Carter, Loris, C. W. M. Jones, Conway, S. C. Jess Williamson, Conwav. S. C. Malcolm McDowell, Conway, S. C. Rollin Johnson, Conway, S. C. J. F. Kirton, Galivants Ferry, S. C. A. C. Smith. Mullins, S. C, J. M. Kirton, Galivants Ferry, S C. C. H. Denny, Norfolk, Va. Ed. M. Burroughs, Ohio. W. E. Holt, Loris, S. C. L. C. Elvington, Lake View, S. C. P. Wilcoeks, Asheville, N. C. ! E. M. Phillips, Charlotte, N. C. E. B. Martin, South Carolina. A. L. Alexander, Charlotte, N. C. B. 1). Kent, Louisville, Ky. S. A. Gayle, Atlanta, Ga. W. B. Clardy, Myrtle Beach, S C. John F. Joyce, Grand Rapids, Mich. Mi ss N. Trazevant, Fort Motto, S C. R. O. Hanson, Conway, S. C. F. 0.#Slught, Hartsville, S. C. Miss Helen Slaght, Hartsville, S 2. H. F. Engelking, Tex. F. E. Webb, Murphy Shows. Zeke Shunvway, Dallas Tex. W. S. Allen. Murphy Shows. Wm. H. Davis, Boston, Mass. W. F. Norton, South Carolina. B. Harris, South Carolina. I.. I.. Braswell, Florence, S. C. Geo. Met'/., Charleston, S. C. Mrs H. S. Hegy, Orangeburg, S O. Mrs. W. W. Davend, l.atta, S. C. Fiuega Ellebe, l.atta, S. C. Kstelle, I'll lobe, l.atta, S. C. W. H. Thomas, Georgetown, S. C. E. P. Martin. Sumter, S. C. 1,. Jovdan, Mullins, S. C. R. P. Cheer, Charleston, S. C. A. J. Elliott. Raleigh, N. C. John Hart, South Carolina F. 0. Smith, South Carolina. Dr. W. E, McCord, (ireenwood. S. C. F. W. Willis, Florence, S. C. F. M. Tharin, Charleston, S. C. A. M, Lee, Green Sea, S. C. Miss Josephine Kerr, Georgetown. S C. W. A. Freeman, Cor.way, S. C. F, Stern, Wilmington. X. <'. R. P. Evans. Cha"le ton, S. C. J. !>. Avant. Wilmington, N. C. W. L. MP'er, Wilmnigton, X C. R. C. lv irmagy, Lumberton, N. C. Win. G. Hell, Baltimore, Md. J. W. Love.ioy, Florence, S. C. T. H. Campbell, Columbia, S. C. Mrs. S, J. Flaum, Georgetown S. C. J. M. Dalton, Winston Salem, X. C. G. W. Martin, < mvny, S. C. Perry Brown, Ml. Tabor, X. C. i* Cle.unions,-Mt. Tabor, N C. Miss Elliott, Aynor, S. C. G. B. Clark, Aynor, S. C. J. M. Parker, North Carolina. Ben Campfen, Georgetown, S C. J. M. Wiggins, South Carolina. .J. M. Wilson, rayettvillc, N. W. D. Hunter, Goldsboro, N. C. Jack Edmund, Lumberton, N. CJ. C. C. White, Marion, S. C. J. M. Royals, Columbia, S. C. ENTIRE TURKISH ARMY IN RETREAT London.?The entire Turkish army in Palestine is retreating towards the north. British airplanes are following up the retiring Turks and bombing them. Forty Turkish guns were captured, says the British official statement announcing the Ottoman retreat. British and French naval forces are cooperating against the Turkish communications along the Mediterranean coast. ??p uoKKY HER ARMY "V" BIG I B^OSflsSflSS^i JVi' ! . < x- , .v ; >. >; .'" ' K'l} ''T"-':'' ; . /!: ' - ". " . "v-> ' ' '-.^ * (Above) Boys write letters and tent during rest period on practice (Below) Standard War Work bui "It's always on the job." That's what the soldiers and sailors of I Tide Sam say about the War Work of the V. M. C. A. Athletics are organized, recreational games are fostered, educational classes are maintained, social times are arranged with entertainers and moving pictures, Bible Classes are conducted and a strong program of religious work developed. Bu lding 10S at Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C., was crowded the night Dr. G. R Si air gave his famous sermon on "The Potter's Clay." The invitation had been given and men were signing the War Roll and were being presented with the customary soldiers' Pocket Test anient. One young man approached by Physical Director Arthur E. Bngley upon the question of making a decision, responded affirmative lv at once. When the Testament was handed to him he said: "I am dong something for you that I refused to 'o for my mother. When I left home n 1 laho a month ago. she asked me to take a pocket Testament with me, hut i thou ht 11 was no part of a soldier's kit. 'This old V. M. C. A. has surely ade re* ( h; 11 ;e my mind. I'm going o ': : . -.v*': s>;i' ' : ^v >^K?H^r^r- r ' ?4^ ' . ..." .31 ., .. - v -r ' -V' .' v: . > -"V v".- . .. .v. enjoy refreshments from Y. M. C. A. hike. Iding; 450 constructed or authorized. A different kind of work is shown in the experience of Captain Stanley Borleska of the Port land. Oregon troops at the same camp. Borleska was a member of the University o; Michigan football and track teams in 1011 and was chosen for the mythical all-star western intercollegiate foot ball and track teams that year. U< told Bagley what the "Y" had moan' to him. lie said: "When 1 came into this camp 1 wondered how 1 was going to keep in physical condition. 1 saw no opportunity or place to do any train ing. You Y. M. C. A. follows have sort of made opportunities for me t; recreate and exercise, for since 1 have been here, I've averaged three evenings each week out with my company football team." To keep up this work in America, to follow the soldiers and sailors across the seas and to extend the same serv ices to our allies, the Y. M. C. A. is 'conducting a great nation-wide campa'gn for $35,000,000 from November 11 to 10. The states of Alabama, Georgia. Florida. Mississippi, North and South Carolina and Teiviessee have boon askeri to contribute $1,500,000 of th!s. rivcks may be *ent to the local committee or to C K. Calhoun, De partmont Campaign Director, at At' lanta. Ca BIDS WANTED FOR REBUILDING BRIDGES. The County Commissioners of Horry County, S. C., lequest bids for the rebuilding of hte follow nig bridges: McQueen's Bridge in Galivaius Ferry Township. Strickland Bridge in Bayboro Town ship. The bidder to furnish all rn.atoikl Mr. H. P. Little will be at McQueen's Bridge Nov. 24th, to receive 1 bids for thp rebuilding of said bridge. Mr. D. W. Hardwi-" 1 ris w 1 i receive bids for the rebuilding ol Strickland Bridge. H. P. LITTLE, Chairman, County Board of ComminniYnei s 1 i -15-2t. *9 F. L. Edge was in Conway recent'y on business. mmmm BACK IN NEW YORK New York.?Tammany Hall return ed to powv r as the result of y< sterdj y's mayoralily rccioction. No' r.idy was dudpc John E. Hylan swept nto office by line larbcst pluraiit. eve- given to a mavoraiily eanditl it< i:i Neva York c'y, but thoe w elected with him the et ti -e Demo ratic tick-t, giving lire u >w admindilation ail of the 1 ('* voles in th >c,ard of estimate which controls al >ty exprditures. Those elected wit l-.a^ge Hylan w*Jrc Charles L. Craig, ontroller; Alfred E. Smith, president of the board of aldermen, and the presidents of the five borough of the city. John Hylan's plurality, based on virtually complete returns early today was 147,975. Mayor Mitchell':?\1 ii vo 1 i f tf fni i ?* i?/\n #* tt?r?o 1 O 1 OA.A IUMI ,> CUI >1 W MS* 1 U I ,w\'.7 No. 666 Thit It 4 prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. Fire or six dotes will breek any caee, end If token then at a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and done not pipe or sicken. 2Se o TRESPASS NOTXE. All persons are forbidden under penalty of law to hunt, trap, or In any way trespass upon lands of Julia D. Grant in Socastee township. S. R. SINGLETON, Agent, a 31?pd. , . . , NT* ' " '? [delco I Electricity Fc ^ At List a complete electric able and economical, thi if are now available anywl Now you may have the comior ; H in your home and out-build it | i Deloo-Light will do most of ; t ;' power for the smaller madhin bet us show you how it will .j ; || saved. . i let, home is "AHE YOU I'l l' TO DO YOl'K HIT" If you are fit To do your bit? You must do it! Don't sit Waiting- for the war to quit ? Dut get your kit And do your bit. If you are incapacitated Or otherwise emaciated? If you really are unlit, You still have chance to do your li.'t i \T nl'/r tli J\ U ? inline uiu uue (VUUI J^UIl, Hoe the roe as you can run, And to every mother's son You will prove you're not a Muiu I; you find you can not arm. And you find you can not farm ? Don't idle 'round the town, He a wheel and roll around? Try your hand at knitting; socks. Or get a mule and haul rocks? Any thing, if it's a bit Will prove you not a misfit. If a Liberty Bond you could not bry (Worry not?neither could I.' But if you're worth a tinker's damn You'll heed the call of Uncle Sam? Ycu'll shoulder a gun and run the Hi In his hole beyond Belgium? You'll free the seas of German fleas And sustain Old Glory in Liberty' breeze. "Mil." NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a decretal ' | Ol der made by his Honor, John S, j Wilson, Presiding Judge, of 12th Ju jdicic! Circuit, at Chambers, dated the 12th dry of November, 11)1 7. in th case of W. A. rrcc.nan as Receivei ' f Farmers & .Merchants Ba: k. i C< rnoration. P'ai tiff vs V.' S \'< Cashill, d fendant, the undersign I A'ill offer for > ale before the C u.' Ik use door at Conway. S. C., \v hi' ega! sa'e hour- on the M? nd i her .'robe-, '017. being th< .'Jrd ai.o! or taa"t < !' b nd si'. ate, lying and bring in ComI Township 01 tbo Whi'.ovi io Reed, I aiilcs from the town of Corv | bnov. n s the l ib/ Cox place end coa'.ainx Thirteen and one-fifth M"! l-f>? t cres, more or less, and boundc ! | North K. by I.a* ds of VV. S. AicCa.-ki 11 and Hurroughs & Collins Co . South K. by the Whitevillc Road South W. by hinds of (loo. Johnso.., to., North W. by lands of burroughs V . \ McCaskill by her deed of date Ja\ "A, 1 fM Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser \f nay for papers. W. L. BKYAK, Clerk and Spcvial MasUr. 'OBDIE PAGE, Plaintiff ; Attorney. )c! ober 11, 1017.?-St Citation Not'rr. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Horry. P?y J. S. VAUGH'l\ ESQUIRE. I ROB ATE JUDGE. WHEREAS Mrs. Sallie Parker made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of arid effects of Isaac J. Parker. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and (jreditors of the said Isaac J. Parker, deceased, that they he and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Conway, S, C., on 27th day of November 1917 next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cau9e, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 12th ?lay of Nov. Anno Domini, 1917. Published on the 15th and 22nd days of November 1917, in the Horry Herald. J. S. VAUGHT, S>t Probate Judge, Horry County. -LIGHT | 1 >r Every Farax m ' plant that is so simple;,reli- M S at electric light and power B H lere and for any purpose: ^ ? i ana convenience of electric light ?? H ig3?brilliant, cool, safe. Hi H your chores because it provides H ^9 ay for itself in Tune and. tihor |?sj H 3HT& POWER 1 | mm i a OTTE. PI. C B 1 TKACHKiiS' INST1TITK. fl The Institute for the H< . ry Tearii- H I ers will be held in the Auditorium H , the Burroughs Iligh School bui'ding H . , \ i v .it ijk i ? ii i w'i . Kivci'y tocicnor H 1 iv the County is f si >1. Edwin d a M. House. Prerdicnf VViison's pets rt M fr?on phdup- jl j of sileir o as to tin pel sonnei Of 'Jim I j mission and :ts inovfmc, ts. Flu* de- g part?u*< ' I this jrr m ' the moat fl distinguished me. "r. to % gove: n- U I niont/s wat councils was a oarofuily I . ".lauded 4nn r# 1 unli'l tlicv v.me srf'ely 1 i - i' . uk i if . unin.i. . < / (?. K.?*n 4 I io;ri\ army and navy 'C'ficials were ' r.ol aware- that t\!r < i.f [s had, sail-- jU Or,!; War ( drlcrcn'o, J Is a statcmr { .'^romj;: n.v iiu; Ids || announce nent S crctary Lai si' op 1 rr.phasiz d that this gathering is !*? j re ;> war eonfc:* nan and ?t??t ing I 1 charged v 'it \ map pilg out a j I f>!nn ,,f" ea? pri'rn against Germany 1 , 4,hri'v.? i o c( ' r t :> a mxc 'y ? and satisfactory o, d." ft NOTICKOF S\I,C. 1 Coder and by virtue of the decree J and judgment of the c-mn?.?? ' . . j ml Con puny, P'-fcnba Is, and djftTd ! *,l'c hOth lay o ' October A D. 101V, I, ! ;!.(> under agnod \V. L. Bryan, Clerk 1 of the Court of Common Pleas for ! said County and Special Master of llC riy County, will sell at public auc- J . j'.ion to the highest bidder before the * Court House door at Conway, In hlorj ry County, and State of South Carolina, during legal hours of sa'e, on i j sale (1 y in December next, it being I Vh( did day of said nu nth, all and 1 .inpular those te fa.'.i lands situate i': Horry County, and (Inscribed as fol1 . 1 >vs, to wit: "All and singular that certain pie(jhpA j pare 1 or tract of land, and bring sit- ^ i.-ted in the town of Doris, County j and State aforesaid, with boundaries rs follows, to-wit: on the North by the A. K. Cannon land and lands of M. D. Stevens; East by the A. C. D. ^ Railroad Right of Way; South by V. P. McQueen land, and West by lands* J of J. I). Singletary; contm'nin rr a* e?U A _ . e, cikiii (8) acres, and being the same conveyed to N. Mosely by P. P. Stevens, and is known as the Mosely place of * i resident." ? TERMS of Sale Cash. Purchaser y to pay for papers. Conway, S. C., November 5th, 1917. \ W. L. BRYAN, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for said County and ^ Special Master. HARRELSON & HARRELSON, Plaintiffs Attorneys. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally and externally. Price 25c