> i lull ?-j n | j ? i| DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Motliodist. , cosxvay station. HKV. \VM. THOMAS, 1'ahtoii. Service* every Sunday nt U o'clock a. in., am! T'o'clock |?. in. I'rnyer meeting every Thursday night at V't o clock i>. nt. Sunday School every Sunday at 0 o'clock a. in. K. Nobton, Superintendent. conway outer it. ^ -? ? UKV. W. I'lOUtS, I'AHTOU. V"Mount Zlon, let Sunday, . - lit a. in. IMaifah, let " t a. in. j I,'n{<>11, Sd " - 10 a. in. | Durunt. ?d 41 ... I p. in. | Drown Swamp, Oil " - - 10 a. in. I thiol Spying, 3*1 14 I I' in ; Jordan ville, 4tl? 44 1" a. in. Antloch, Uh 44 I p. in. ; tiaptiot. \V. S. M< CASKIl.l,, 14 vHTOU. conway. Second Sundnv, II a. in. aii'l S'? p. m. ami Sat urdav liefore at dl < p. m. Sniiday School every Sumlav at U a. in K. W Nom.kv, Hunprlntpiiden*. t ^ li.\Iv i llUVK 'I'llIr l Saturday and Sunday in o ir!i monrti Pl.KAHANT ll??li: Stnidii\ and Saturday tiofnro, in -|iloin?MT. rot.1.IS*' CUKKft 1'irnt Sunday ami Saturday i?'jy>r<-, in?'iir'u month. 1 MBET/^GS OF LODGES. A.'.F.'.M. itodulnr communication of Hurry l.ndiro, No. us, nt Masonic Hull l*'irMonday in narli month. 1. It Moore, W. M. K. of H. Kogulnr mcetim; of Stnnrt 1 .cxliro. No. .n-jiI. will meet ut th'dr 11 :i 11 on tin* first and Third Wedtio*- | tiny eveninga of ouch niontli. \ " K. \V. Noi.i.uv, Dictator. *" J. 11. I'aiikxi:, Heportcr. MAIL SCHEDULE. Moil Route. ITo. 14248. from .Marlon (' II to Conway Leave Marion (' II Pu.'sdnyB and Saturdays V a.m. and arrive* at Conway t?y 5 j?. in. 1,1'iivp Conway Monday- and Fridays", m. and .arrives at Marion j?. in Mail Route No. 14265. From Conway to Jordniville Leave Conway Tuffltiys mill Saturday* at T a. in. arrive at .lordanvHle Pi 111. Leave Jorilnnvillc Tuesdays ami Saturdays at I l>. in. arrive at Conway '? |> in. . Mail Route No. 13433. From Wliitovllle N. to C mway s. i Leave W'liltevllle Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 n. in. arrive at Conway 8 p. in. Loave Conway Wednesdays and Saturdays at ."> . in. arrive a! Wliitevill ?8. p. 111. Mail Route No. 14264. From Little Kiver to Conway. Leave Little Itiver Mondays anil Fridays a' 'i a. in. airive at Conway 5 p. in. Leave Cnnw iy Tiles ! >v May - it i hi arrive at Little Kiver I p. in. Mail Route ?/. From Port 11 ir.-el-on cair ItliilT N. ? . Leave Port lliirrolson apt Sundays at a. in. arrive at Fair -litLeave Fair .'InfT N. .VIy except Sundays at -r. u. m. arrive at Port llarrelaon 8 p. in. SCHEDULE OF STMR. JANIE. Leave (Jeorpetown 011 Monday a, Wednesdays Jtinl Fiidays at S o'clock a. 111., arrive at Illlcksvllle at 3 o'clock o'clock same days. Leave llncksville mi Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaye, at 8 o'clock a. 111., arrive at (Jeoriretown 1 o'clock same days, touching at all intermediate landings. T. s. Mi'nnkiii.vx, Slmr. Maggie, II. T. Wii.i.ianh Master li'inm < 'onway every Wednesday at 5 a. in., fin1 Oenrjje town, touching at all intermediate landings, ret amine, leaves (teorgetown every Friday at i> a. in. Marion District Appointments. A. .1. Stokes. 1'. ft. :iiii> itor.M). Conway < !., Zioti, - - - Aug. <1, 7. lJnyboro ct., Zoan - - (Friday) Aug. IX?. (Jonway Station, - Aug. til, I t. IJucksvillo, Trinity, - (Friday) Aug. 10. Waocnm.iw, Centenary, - - Aug. 20, 21, LOCA.L ITEMS. lutlex lo ,\ew AtlvertiMeiiiciitK. S. (J. Coi.i.nt; k ?Soo A (J. eS. C. Military Acapkmv?Seo % A i\scription to build a Baptist uihurch at Conway. We wish thorn success. Noah W. (Jooper, of Mullins, Mar) ion (Jounty, secures one of the Scholarships to the Nashville Normal College. A young man going into politics j should give his character to the devil and his pocket-book to his wife, j When he repents he may be saved. A. .J. Hall, the photographer, asks ii8 to state that his material will be! hero this afternoon, and he will be, ready for work to-morrow (Friday) morning. Reports from Union Chtireh on the ('onway Circuit show that a very gracious revival of religion is feeing on there. At last account there, had been several conversions. Rev. W. U. Rogues, the pastor is working alone, but there seems to be no abate, inent of his zeal. V ' \ loves a youiij; man or notbv analyzing opinion ?>f iiis actions. Ifslio thinks ho acts like a fool it is probable tlmt she doesn't love him. If she loves him she rather likes to have hi til act iike a fool. The (\?nwav Base Ball l.'lub has received two challenges lately, and hutli challenges request them to leave homo to plav.* The t'luh will plav any amateur Club, that will come to Conway, hut the condition of the t'luh is such at present as to render it impossible for it to leave home. The flitr.l I liinnln..!" ' ' - r - -- - ifuiim-in v UMiriTilCC for Wacrnniaw Circuit and Mission was hold at Centenary Church last Saturday and Suudav. A verv ?*ood attendance of tho officers of tho church was had and tho principal report was very fair. The Presiding Klder preached two very instrntivc and edifying sermons. Tho next meetinrr of tlio Conference will he n with the Socastoc church. The ceremonies of reception into full fellowship of the church of those recent. y sijnufyino- a desire to connect themselves with the M. K. Church, South, were performed last Sunda\ niornino'. One was hnpti/.ed, Miss ('arihelle Xorman. Five were re eoivod into Full fellowship, one of wiiom was If. I). Scarborough, the youngest, son of the late Uev. Louis Searborough, of the South Carolina ('onferenco. I'rof. A. Coke Smith, of Woffonl College has succeeded in raising thr money sufficient to purchase the Oliver property, known as flu? Kemale College in Spartn:ibur"\ whiel I J~> 7 will he fitted up to lie used as .1 training school for hoys. it will l>< under the control of tin* trustees an< faculty oT WofTord. Mr. A. ( J. Hem hert, late principal of the l)othai lligh School in Marior. County. hat been placed in charge. Students will he prepared for any eollegt whatever. The authorities of Wof ford College are to he congratulate! upon thishappv consummation of tliei plan, the result of which has licet due to the efforts of I'rof. Smith. S. M. I ' 111 011. The ('onwav Sunday School 1 1 ion convened at Uehohoth church las Saturday. The delegates from ('on .-iwiiii- 1111iiii|>> nr oilier, wa somewhat late in rettine* there, si we cannot jjive a full description o the meetinir* The 1 nion was 10 O fully represented,'Init 110* delegate in attendance stunned to he ze.ilou workers in the Sunday-school cause with a * determination to make tlr Sunday-school in the future what i has heen in the past a success. Mr. < \ ('. Holmes was re-eleetei ;(?sneral Superintendent. The nex I nion will he held in Conway, Sat urdav before the Second Sunday ii I hvemher next. I 'crs1111111, >tUte >feasnnt visit to Mr. 10. W. Nolley' family, returned home on Friday Some of our young men now "fee worse than they did." W. < *. Ar It. It. x rr i i.i * * vv o na The track is completed nearly through lbiyboro Township. The camps are located now in Conway T.... ..wt.;.. -- 01 i . w..nr.|M|>. Jiuiliv: nvtilllip Will III' reached in a few days and after finishing the road across that, it is hoped more rapid progress * can lie made as the country in more level. The portion of country just passed over was undulating, requiring considernlile grading and tilling in, consequently onlv aliout 1miles of traet was laid in August to tin? 20th. The road lias been received bv the State liailroad Commissioner as far as the 27th mile post, and in a few duya now the road will be opened for travel to that point. A warehouse! and side track will be built at once just South of the curve at Hellhole | swamp. Last Saturday was pay-day when about ?2000 was paid out in now sil vor certificates just received from 1 Washington. Some of the laborer.were disposed to doubt the genuineness of the bills. So thorough is ti: ) pay system that it took onlv thirty minutes to pay about 200 inei . Arrangements have boon effected I with the W. I . I'elegraph company 1 to construct a telegraph ino from ' t 'hadbourn to ('onway. The e\peetat ion is to have it completed to ('oni way bv the time the railroad reaches i here, or prettv soon thereafter. Wo assure tin* townships suhseribi i'ig to the capital stock of the railroad - that their money is not being use i uiiiu'ci ssaiiiv sipiaudep'd, > hut is;F as economically :i liniiii-terod < as .'lie nature of the ease will admit. t. Sea Shore Sheila. i i)kai: Kdiidi:: < )n the morning. <>T Monday, I lie I 7til of August, just i at gray da .n, there night have heen ( seen departing thence, a buggy, eoii. taining as its occupants tin* genial s Presiding Fidel* of the Marion I >is- | ? trict, and a very sleepy youth, the' f aforesaid youth being the writer:] (, my sleepy-heailedness was caused s from having to rise so early, "A s word to the wise is sullicient."' (air route lay in the direction of Hucks;> yille. A halt was called at the parti sonage, the home of Kov. M. L. Hanks, preacher in charge of Huoks| villo station, where your corrcspont dent was left, the I \ 10. and pastor tfoinuf on to Port Harrcison to attend n n i the (Quarterly ('(inference of the station, which was held at Trinity church. The remainder of the day ( was spent very pleasantly. According to the custom of the itinerant Methodist preachers, viz: that of visiting around, the night was spent at the hospitable residence of ('apt. II. | L. I'eaty. Tuesday morning we hoarded the Str. .Janie for Waverlv d Mills. Pawley's Island hoing our objective point. Wo weroreinforced by the presence of Key. Mr. Hanks, o i making a trio of various sizes, ages e ' and looks, (of course all wero good - lookiiw.) Tho little boat jdided n / rt peacefully over tho waters and landed us without mishap or accident about t P* o'clock at Wavcrly. As the P. I K. was chaperoning the party everything was left in his hands; soon a s team was furnished and we wore on our way to the ocean resort. Arriving there, our chaperono carried us to the residence of ('apt. Prank \V. Laehieotte, where wo were at once made to fool at homo. Hero we stayed until Friday morning enjoying iin' soa-nreoze, 11m* various delicacies * of llio season in the way of fish, oyss tors, clams, shrimps, See, and 'last, ' but by 110 means least, the deli <> 1 so says the I*. 10.; we did not try it. ' The lishino is said to he excellent. ? We expected to try that, hut at the 1 last moment, our courage, which was only artificial, gave way, as the sea j - was very much, and we were oh! so j -j sleepy. Your correspondent went '. for shrimps however, in a costume ca\.el. My companion to oncourage me no doubt, said that I did very well "for a beginner." I met an old friend a hum 1 hud not seen r >r some time which made my stay doubly pleasant. \YV, that is the P. I'], ami myself, left on Friday morninjr, loavinjr tho oreaoher in 01 n i charge of llucksville station, to light the mosquitoes and sand llic> singloiianded. The Hishop of tlm Marion District and your correspondent boarded the Steamer stopping at Sbcasteo with Mr? S. s. Dusenbury, from whence we attended the d the uioruiii"' with a Snnday-sehool address, which ho followed l?v an address <. Clevolam S. .1. Simpson, \V. I'!. liurnet, .losepl Walker and .1. II. Sloan have chart ered the Spartanburg Land it Im ...........i.....i i :< i ... i I.I > > <> \ < 111 < 111 \ ii,, ijijiiiiii Miirii <100. to buy, sill I and i iii pro. o land establish factories, build street rai! road, &e. Spartanburg. MolTet & Clarke, ol Watertnn, N. Y., previously report ed as (M)ulriiutiiiff to build water works, have pureliaed a site for stain pipe. i \\ sdterboro. ?An ncjidemy is to be built. (i. I lemlerson or A. Wieli main can give particulars. A Scientific experiment. ('oi.r m in a, August lb. Some I time ago, bv direction of the boa re of agriculture, (Jommisioner Ibitlei wrote to a number of experimental stations in dilTeront sections of the I Uion fortius purpose of obtaining information as to the mann<2,oOO, with a rosiuonce. The board have already decided that the salary of the superintendents of the South ('arolina stations shall be $800. II tho South Carolina stations are conducted upon the plans of those in other States, they will bo more expensive than was anticipated. Mr. Alvored states that competent men fitted for the position of superintendents of experimental stations are few and far between. Mr. Alvord was in Columbia for a few days some months ago, and devoted his tiino to an examination of tho workings of the South Carolina Cologe and the experiment work upon tho farm, and says that 110 "formed a very hi opinion of both." Ihu't li<|iinlle of the Atlantic slope such a severe shaking up. One who has given the subject much careful thought, and reached his conclusion from carefully compiled data running back two hundred years, or more, says that it is highly probable that t lie area affected last year will he exempt, as the electric disturbances, exterior to the earth, have been al most quadruple what they were last year. Wo hope so. - IVUmimjltm M r.88tn n r. love. Don't do it if you want to livo tss for your soul. It may bring temporary smiles to your face, Itut it will leave ore at shadows iu your heart. Don't think that 1 would advise vou to marrv a worthless fellow, just because vou imagine you love him. A rolined. grtod intelligent woman should never marrv a1 vulvar, illbred man. NO, no, never unite yourself to any one who is not a man iu the truest meaning of the word. Neither could I advise a wo- 1 111.iii ui until) u 111.hi w im) nuu nn visiblo moans of supporting her, liut for heaven's sake do not marry a millionaire or a kinjr if von don't love 11im. It will not do. IVopIo have tried it tiino and aoain, only to find it i* a miserable failure. It may do for a while. You may revel in o'ilded halls and bo lost in the oiddv rounds of pleasure but a time will ooino when these things will be a hollow mockery to you. There will he an uaehinT her choice may miss some of the luxuries of life, hut she will he happy. Don't ma rv a elude. I Jotter eel your monkey. It is cheaper and orent deal nicer. Don't fool with that class of animals. Thev eonerally wear a *10 hat on a 10 cent hrain, and the woman who tak-*..; one of these chaps will jret : | left. Pit/./.le For I toys. I Joys should never co through life satislied to he always horrowino ! other people's hraius. There are [some thines thev should find out for themselves. 'There is always someI thinp wantiuo to ho found out. l ivery h >\ should think some thought tint shall live after him. A farmer's hov should discover for himself what limner will hear the most weight, which is the more elastic, which will 1 last longest in water, what is the hest time to cut down for firewood. 1 I low n>? kinds of oak or row in your ropion, and what is each specially oood for? I low does a hird 1 ll\ without movinpa whip or feather? r"> I low does a snalce elimh a tree or a hrick wall? I * there any difference hetwecn a deer's track and a lino's 'track? What is it? Now often I does a deer shed its .'40ms, and what hccomcs of them? In huildino 5 | # a chimney, which should ho the hupp r 1 1 111? t 11 i*i t!i f <\i' t 1 ?i? fiiiinr*!^ Silw\?il*l ho \viul#aria at last has a kin# on her throne. I'rinco Ferdinand took the , oath and issued his proclamation an| nounoin# that ho had assumed the , control of the government. lie o showed his business tact by insurin# his life for a lnr#e amount. Fnjdand, Austjia and Italy consider his election le#al, while Russia protests. A re you deficient in taste? Read the host Fn#lish poets, such as Thompson, (iray, Cioldsmith, Rope, ('owner, (.'olerid#e, Scott and Woodsworth. :? 'remit n: or itrsprrt. Win-peas it. lias pleased Almighty (led in his wiso administration of providence to ! remove hy death from our Quarterly Con feronce brother I.T. Skipper, who filled i with , President. .1 vs. A. I.kwis, Secretary. # l\ til. Mil? IKIIIt lllxllif flttfl tinyhtnd, came to tliin country when a boy mul located in Horry county near Kittle Klver. lie lived so into command the respect of tin* community. He died Auk IHtli 1HM7. He wiih illk>ut seventy yearn! old and leaves a widow and five clilldren. 1 Are you deficient in imagination? Head Milton, Akonsido, Hurke and SlutkoHpnro. Market Report. ( () N W A Y H. ( C'lU'DK TUM'KNTl N K New Virgin, '{,* 1>I?1., 1120 pounds ? '2 .10 Yollow Dip, $ - *> Hcrtipo, I 10 ?; i{( >< Kin ks 15: con I b S. Sides \ ' II> 10 fit 12' . cents Butter, 2^(fi5B5 cents. I,aid fr/;l2'? cts. l'ork/jjj l>bl 20 00 Molasses V irallon 101 >1 $51.50 (n 7.75 lOggs por do/ 10 cent#. Sugar 0 10 eta I Wl I..M INtlTO.V, X. C. Aug. 25. Cotton, 7;,h (<(. 10 if cents.! ClU |>I0 Tl UIMONTI N 10 Virgin, W 1 ?1 ?1., '280 pounds $ I 75 Vellow flip, I 75 llurd, I 10 Spirits Turpentine, per gal. 2034 Tar, $ t 10, 280 pound bid. Ilosin Strained 75 V KUTISKMI0NTS. SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Sixteen Instructors; 5 Seientitle, 5t I,it I erarv and d< 'fee Courses, 5 Shorter Courses, I\>vt (irnduate and I.aw Courses. Tuition sit) M it ri.-ii I .? i< >1. <: I o It.I Free, Tiible Board $11 and $12.50 perl month. Kxpeiiscs about $100. Tuition freo by Law to applicant* film ' with College treasurer a certificate of inabili'.y to pay, signed by himself'and guard Ian or parent, with opinion of County' j< ononis doners, or .ludgo of Probate, or I Clerk of the Court, that the -tatenient is i true. For further particulars apply to I'm - ID! NT .1. M. MrliuYDK, < 'oluinbia, S. < aug 25 5 :?t /\(>rKKi: CIIAIUMAN HOAItl) ??! ' n. / Visitors South Carolina Military Aeadeinv, Barnwell, August I, |NH7. 'The ! folh wing V acant Meiiellclary Appoint men s < ,i-t i i the Sou h Caidina Military Academy: Abbeville ('utility, one. Berkeley County, one. ('olleton ('ounty, one. < larendon < 'ounty, one. l algelield County, one. t Jreenville ' 'ounty, one. rangeburg ('ounty, one. IMckens ('ounty, one. Kichland < 'ounty, one, Williamsburg County, one. Applications for permission to appear in the competitive examinatio i are invil ed, and will be made upon the new form adopteil by the Hoard, which will be furnished by < haijinan ;.t request of those interested. The Competitive examinations will be held at the respective County Seats on Wednesday, 1 Ith September next. Newspapers in the counties where vu eancies exist will please give this notice ; two insertions and forward their accounts : for payment to the Quartermaster at the ('itadel in < 'ha h -ton. Ioilnson IIaoood, Chairman Hoard Visitors. aug 25 5 2t i <)<) ? working for-lis. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and irivc their whole time to tin* business. Spare moments may lie profitably employed also. A few vacancies in town and cities. II. I'\ Johnson, iV: Co., 101:1 Main street, Kichmond, Va. iiuj* 5 dm NOTICE. N" OTK'i: is hereby ^iven that the undersigned Administrator of the Instate of Isaac T. Skipper deceased, by permission of the I'robate .ludtre of 1 lorry County, will offer lor sale at the late resident. i NOTICE. N' OTK K is hereby *_riv??n that tin* un dcrsigned Adinini-Irat or of tin* Km tato of .lames Martin, (1 cea.sod, by per mission of tin* I'rebate ) ndge of I lorry > County, will offer for sab* at the Into re?i donee of James Martin, within tin- usual I hour-of sal**, on Friday, August2tltli, 1HS1, | One cow and calf, and a small lot of hogs, one hand mill and all other personal property belonging to the K*tnte. Terms of sale, cash. 11A UII isoN A MO)IU), Administrator, aug 1H 4 2t LUCY HINTON! ! CHEW Tli'os. <\ Williiims & Co.'s ( ELEIUtATEJ) TOHACCO. LUCY-IIINTON! Tin* Lni 4 'on it 1^ . inch :t 'Vi dm, 1 The tlOXt will C August 20th, 1HS7. i.' ; rKitM , r.vvAiii.K mori ' xum Primary f>? pnrtnumt $1.50 per m?V* v A Intermediate " ... 2.50 " 44 ? Higher - - - 53.50 4 4 44 ^ I'ourd, exclusive of washing $0.00 to n.00 per month. ,)0 For further Information address the Principal at Mullins, S. ('. July 21 52 1st sept. 'It. For ?3cxi? Olaeao?Steam Saw-Mill ('oniploto, with Cut < ill' Saw. (i It I ST M I LL And COTTON GIN Attached. A l > Knur hundred and fifty acres of valuable land. ^ Apply to JOHNSON iVt tJl'ATTI.KItAUM .111ti U It lt()U(i II S & COLLINS , \\r K have ju>t opened a Inruo awl T t choice <-t?>? lv of Dry floods, Notions Clothing, llnt>, to moot tho Sprlm.1: ami Summer trade, and would respectfully ask you to call and soe how wo are offering thotn to *vt#A cuHtoinart, Wo hnvo tho host assortment id' lawns, pique, /ino liain and nanso.ik ever brought to this place. Flowered lawns hundred* of yards from "? cents tip; lawn in olid colors. Also, a beautiful selcetii i lilce lawns. He sure you call for tl ese. White and tigured pique without limit. Dress 'dmrham in variott i olors. m Hibbotl, lace, velvet, -ill*. -alt-, i tiffs, col ' lars, suspenders, should* r braces, ' hand bajn, Dans, Parasols, timbrel " ' \ las and anvthin^c you w ant in tho dry goods line, _ -a-'-- , ^"T"7 : - ? 4 *. ? 4 HATS. ' (.Jents', youths' ami hoys' straw, wool, cotton ana felt hats. Do not fall to call ami examine our Ladles' Hats. We have a carefully Re . uiimiii-u uiiti iimriiurued hats of th?> leading styles and shapes, ami you need not order one from elsewhere. We buy thein hy tin? hundreil and can sell you ono cheaper than you can get it from any other source. CLOTHING. It is needless to comment upon tho stock of < lothing we haue just opened up. we are selling cheap for cash. Come quick or you lose a bargain. Remember we are constantly adding to all the above goods, therefore we ar prepared to give you some thing new and fresh all the time. SHOES. We are ->till carrying the famous James ; Means $51 shoe and hoys .<1 shoe, uid try I to keep an assortment of them always on 1 hand. The "Zeigler" shoe Is the I est shoe I on the market for ladies ami chit t1 Wo have a full lino of them. Try them if you want the best. -V Our line of Hardware, Farming Implements and Orocories is always complete and fresh, and we feel that we can supply your wants In that direction. SRNYINIi M Aril IN KS. There is no Sewing Machine Agent that can stdl you a Machine cheaper than we can. We can convince you of this fact if you will price our Machines*. We are , , sole agents for the Domestic and the New Home in this County. We mean all we have said, and will he money saved to buy of us. Ill UKOITOHS & < o|.|,INS. July 1-y fPr jv