J Tin: HOKUY II Kit A LI). DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist. CONWAY STATION. ^ ItKY. MM. THOMAS, PA-TOII. Service* every Sunday at It o'tlock a.m., and 7: j o'clock p. in. Prayoi uc-'tlng every Thursday nlvht at ~'t o clock p. in Sunday School every Sunday at o o'clock a. m K. NOIITON, superintendent COS** \Y l int CIT. ItKY. NY I. 1M .I KS, P.xstok. Mount Zlon, I d Sunday, 10 a. in. Pisuali, 1st " - - la. in. PiiUiii, sM " - * 10 a. in. Durant. id u - i p. | llrown Swamp, 8d " - - 10 h. in Pool Sprlnif, Shi " I I', in . tlordanvllle, HI. " - H> a. in , Antio. li, Ith " Baptist. W. S M (' AM\ I 1.1., I'ASTOU. CONWAY. Si'i'Dinl Siiii'I iv, II a. hi. u*nl H', j?. m. and Sninrdu> iM'tori- it Hi. p m. Sunday School ovory Sunday al '? a in W. ?ioi i.k\, Siiuorintciidi'ii'. ::I>AK ii in iv K Tlilr 1 S.iturda; ma Sunday in ou -!i in inrli I?I v \? \N r iiomk. Kmirii. Sun.lav .hi I S.ituida. Iii'fnri , 1.1 eplein*ier. rill.l.lNl' I'lU.KK i lr-d Snndav and Saturday before. in oai li ii'outli. MEETINGS OF LODGES. v A.'.F.'.M. i {o??i t.ir i iiii a ii !ii? .ri i hi of II iirry I ..nl-v. \n. I.?, lit M ??onie Call First Men lav In ea li month .1 It M . nv, W. M K. of H. '' Millar lili'otitiv; of Stun I l.u 1 N .'it, will meet at tlii'lr Hall mi tliu First ami Third MVdlies | day eveniiiira of each month K. W. Nm.i.r.v, lilrtutnr. .1. It. I'AttuKit, Iteporter. MAIL SCHEDULE. Mail Route. No. 14248. From Marion (' II t ? r nnv .n. I.nvr M nimi ( II Ttuitdiyu mid Biilurdiiyj 7 a.m. and nrrh '? at Cninviiy by a p m. I. nvr Cimivii;. Mnndu.v and Friday s i . in. and arrives at Marion r? p. in. Mail Route No. 14265. I'riiiii Ciiiim a> to .lord un ill . I.eave Convvav Tiii'r-dnvs and >itnrdiys at V 11 m in r?\ at .lor danvllle I ' in. f.,MVi'.Jnrd ui\llln Tne nlav k and Sa' irdav -' at I p. in. arrive at Conway ti p. in. Mail Route No. 13433. From \V lit,.villo \. C. to i one i> s. (' Leave | , M'hitev ille Tiie.?d iv and Fridays at 5 a. in. arrive at Conway s p. in. Leave Ciinvray Wednesdays and ha' irdayy at ft , . in. arrive it Will! 'ville t. p. in. f Mail Route No. 14201. From I.it'le Itiver to conwny. !. ve Little | Itiver Mondays and Fridays a! ii a. in. in rive i.t ('olivv I \ II III. I.'MV ( 'Olnvuy 'l'llefd tV r" Mill Saturday * at S U. II). I nrrlvt' ;i( I.lUlc llivor I p. in. Mail P.oute No. 14267. Kroin I'd.1! llurivMnn . I > l-'.iir llinfl \. !.i ivc Port llurrelion daily e\ccpt Sun.t.iv ut ' it. in. nrrivo at Fair I'.lnlT S p. in. , Leave Fair .'luff N". daily v? j>t Sun. iy h at 5 u. hi. arrive at Port llarrolsoii s p. in. SCHEDULE OF STMR. JANIE. ! i l,)>avo Uoorgelown * in Monday\V?> la 1.?> -? mid Fridaya at H o'clock a. 111., arrive at !'. i vd'e at "J o'clock o'clock hmiio days. j Leave Itiickcvllle on 'I*tit?fiIn> . Tliiirsdaye and Hat ill (lava, at S o'clock a. in., arriv :.t < icoi .'i town i 1 o'clock same day \ machine at all intermediate ' landing*. 'I'. s Mi-smaii-vs, M after. I Htinr. Maggie, II. T. W'ii.i.ians Master leaves j M0 | Zmr town, touching at ill intermediate Inndin . i t irniii.', leave* t ieor^etown e\erv Friday at tin in .Uiu-ion District Appointments. A. .1. Stokks. !\ I-'.- iluo uot ni>. Conway el., /ion, - - Aug. ti, 1. ' llaylinro ot., Zoan - - ( I'Vnlay) Aug. 12. Conway Station, - Aug. 16, 14. i llucltsvillc, Trinity, - ( r ri(i:iy) mm;. iu. W'aecam i\v, Onti'mry, - Ami?. 20, 21, loca-ij items. Index lo >c? 11 \ uim.son Ai.oi:i? Xotiee. Iost-:i'ii \\\ IIoi.uday Notice. ? ? Miss hippie I Inn I wick is visiting ill IVachtrce. Mrs. P. (J. I hiscnlnirv is spending j a few days at Socnstoo. Joseph A. Cox lias returned from the Asylum apparently completely restored. The IIkdai.d would he ?rlad to hear from its yohn<< friends at Ilendorsonville aoain. ( )ur youno readers would appreciate, your communications. Porter Swamp Haptist ( Inirch, of Columbus Countv, ?s. (tins repu**" dialed her action in orantiiifr \\ . 10. Darrow license to preach. Mr. Oarrow is no longer a licentiate preacher. There will be a <011110 of ball at 'the base ball ground this afternoon. All members are earnestly requested to attend as business of importance will come before the club at the close ?>f the frame. * J. M. Knight, last year, principal of the Durroiijfhs I Ii<_di School, was licensed by the Quarterly ('onfereneo i as a local preacher in the M. K. ('hurch, South. We wish him alum- 1 (hint success in his new Held of labor.i Kev. J. ('. l'oekwell preached sev- i oral excellent sermons at the Haptist ('hurch, commencino Saturday nii/ht and closing Monday nioht. Wo re- j <^ret that circumstances precluded our attendance at any of his discourses. Wo are informed that nej/otia- ! tions are in process to employ him os pastor, at least, for the balance of ^ this assoeiational year. It is hoped they will be successful. t '\ ') n< ,i.V. NeSunth and J. F. Itallun*, n t ..tho firm of v. llhoni A pawing through this county "pMohasint_ sheep ti> stock their K inch in 4.V ; lintnshno county. We wish th ?a success. A real difference 1> w -mi hum is energy. A strong wii , a sc'tlet purpose ami invimvblo ! ermina tion can accomplish aim st any thino; ami on this'it . distinct ion between the o .;lt ni.m ami lit tlo men. After reading al ??i: condY't of tho thieves at t o t hattsw.'.rth 1 *' miiroad disaster, it tl, a for sueli fiendish character outside id sue', toriiHMits. We learn from the W ilininepnii J/, vsv/e/./ that the Colunihn- /'tin < has changed hands and will hereafter l>o controlled, edited anil published Itythe '/ im-s I'nhli.diinjr Company It is said that the company lias rupital ami will inaUo the paper a sueeess. A competitive examination to till a vacancy from 1 lorry in the Citadel Academy, Charleston, will lie held in Conway Sept. 1 1th prox. Parties oesirtng to cuter the eonti -t can I)'1 su|?j>li< ?I with the jtroj.er blanks by ad< I re ssi :ig lien. Johnson I lagoon. I kirnwell, S. I t arjtenters are at work enlarging i!ie I iurroughs Academy ! > m i 1 < 1 i n?. When com pi e ted the building will hiive thy form of the letter T with the music hall in front ami main school building extending lack from the street. It will he eonvenient and e mitnodious. I' ranklin .1. Moses, "our native young governor," litis been through rati his and Sundry prison- in t!ie North and has uci\mI savmjj r.i'.lii and live united with the church I'ho work of oracc' seemed to hi mostly among the Sunday Sclioo children four of whom joined tic church and all those professing wen from that class. The I'. Ih arrivec Saturday and preached four excellen sermons. I'ho last one was deliv ered Sunday night prfticipally \< vounc people on "lie >ure your sii will lind you out.'' The argument was v cry eonclusi vt against the supposition that one cat sin with impun it y. . I < > 11 I'll: I I l">l 1 e. Some one has facet; mslv remarket that "Horry is only renieinberof about election tine W ?ir..i recent oc cnrrences in the journalistic fiol< lend color to the truth of the oxpros sion. Tiik IIokkv f 11:uai.i>, a shor time a go, reported the killino of ; hlack bear near (trahamville, the county, and some of our exchange transferred the killino- to Williams i*) burg county. In our last issue w< reported the issuance of warrants fo the arrest of two young white niei for disturbing a religions assembU and the i\'o/v Had (Joto'iri' debits tin occurrence to Newberry counts Now, wo are inclined to the opinio: that \ewborr\ lias sins enough of lie own to answer for without 1 >einl saddled with thoso committed b< parties in other suctions of the State Mr. Wattcrson is reported to liav said, in language inoro vigorous thai chaste, in his Now York spoeel that tliu "real journalist did not car a d n about anything except th truth." Now, if the converse b tru> , that truth cares nothing for th journalist who does not constantl and strictly adhere to its canons, iio\ would one classify these paste.p< editors. V M !.?' V IW. *?...! We have Keen permitted to cop the following items of interest from letter of Rev. I., l'owell to friend in this place. Mr. l'owell i a missionary to Algeria, North .A riea, has been thereabout six month: has been studying the condition an necessities of the people and prepai in<( himself for the active duties < the mission. This appeal oujrht t arouse an active missionary spirit i all sincere lovers of our Lord Jest Christ and who desire to see tli principles of His religion preva - I I'\vor all otliors. A iioii ?n;ir\ , Lristian . up rliutv!i . > -Mlialh r ,!, >( I tit least I'avri" > thf Ic! ultutl . in \ \ ' iuti. I ?r\v ! : is a laud wl.n'u tin* i^osj>e! j-i it A'ofully needed. Tlio Mohpi* J edj|'>S l)|* followers of tlto falsi* ; ni-rjihot, aro wiv imirh in tlio asi ci,f',MU'V. And wlioivver there are i _ i ? ? . ! mjiv 01 inom, there r- a w11Iit*r1 blfcht upon tlif whole laud. Tliey ral>et tlr Lord Jesus the only hope o?he inner* salv ati n. They bo* 1 ' i ii i' Christ wa a pr >uh it like ha II w i not tho son 'of^oUd, and did not die f>?r tin* salvation of '-miters. \V hen von I1 II thotii that .le^us ( 'hrist was the *-< >n of < ?od. tho\ wi.i often ask v??u if (Jod was 1 1 married. 1 have HOOn many of tllOSO peojM'i lately on board ship fo>inm to ; Meei'.i, to visit the birth plaeo of the i j fa Is/" prophet. and they believe that , by *o doino they will merit salvation. ; While inanV wore on hoard one 1 ? hip, there were many men, women i an 1 ehildren cnmvjn ^,1 heaven. Tiieso | >?*o|?I believe 'that thev are amono* the m*aod ones of the earth. lint alas! thousands of them are in the \ er\ depths? of de/radation, and are the very .mas:., of harden for the I'reneli, to a la .-ire extent. Man\ of them are as poet as La/.arus eonld possibly have boon, and n.any are exeeedinjrly wiek^ l. j No lone'er than yesterday I saw r.\. ; marched aloim\ handenll"d and chain- | ed, with l-'reneli soldiers ouunlin? j 11ioi11 to prison for stealing. Very /'ften they kill men, cspeeia!i\ in (Ite I interior. There is a (at fordo "f . i i . ' . ; I rench soldiers seourino the; eonntr\ | ail the time to keep them subjection. These people have i(b mortal souls j to lie saved or lost. And it is my i prayer that our l>r 'Aetr solems rt'sponsi , | hi lit v, ami 1111 tfospcl to litem. I The i' ench an* alsa in sail imi'il of i v.si?ol of < Inil's ilnur Sun. Many ',*> l tlii'in are ('atholics, ami in tin*. I (rramI majority of rase*, 1 fear, they are totalh ionorant of experimental I religion. They don't seem to know unvthiim-about the inoanin^ of the word Then many of them aro oali iolit infidels, arid have ' j lioeome so disgusted with t'athhioism that tlioy arc driven into infidelity, i There are some I Yotestanls also, lmt f tliey am almost total strangers to the ' new birth." In many cases such is I the case. ! am here to do these people e'ood, and I ask the brethren to remember I nio in prayer, and to aid us in this , I work of prctichino tho everlasting j i i'-ospel to those deluded souls. They are. (ioiVs by creation, and may many * of them become his l?v adoption into 11;< r.,,.,;Kr " .1 > * ' Mu. I-Iimtoh: Tin* thought i-> pressing ! upon my mind tlii morning concerning t!i Chrhtian Sabbath. Arc w i (".iri 1 iMil people? ( '.Ill the I U;1".l State be | considered a Christian nation? Is our | country entitled to tin* hlcs-ej distiuelion I of a < liristian 1 >dy of |? >ople? These iin ' porfani epil ations came to tie* the front, , while reading a late number of the llr.u 1 Ai.D. < >ur .Missionaries distinctly teach I heathen nations that people in Cliri ti.m L < countries keep one day In seven as the ( Lord's day and that wlnn they embrace i the ( liristian religion they .should follow ' ; Cliristiarl cu toms a taught in the Itible. s| N ?w should a copy of tho ilKitAM) roach those benighted nation- and they should i: road something like this: John Doo and L I family started last Sunday morning for a .week of recreation, on the ea Coast. James Patterson and children seem mil !i ' roiav h< 1 by their sojourn for a few week on the Alia itic beach, we welcomed them . horn la-t Sunday. Again, our e-f :m-d ( friend an neighbor Jonathan Dluwi i lii and wife left on Sunday hi i fortlcir -n 1 1 iner re sort in the higher regions wj No,lit ( Carolina. f Now, sir, what impres ion a oi.ld a i. heathen reeeive from the foregoing para-' graphs? Vea, what reply could i n mis1 slon try of tho cross make to interr Rations '' | that would naturally he put to him? J'he-*-? '' i things so frequently occurring among ti. o ; and appearing in our journals rul Us out ,? of the catalogue of < liristian communities n in the mini of all intelligent heathen rdid | ers. Nothing hut n change in our re?/,rd, can save u from this quii npi n ouifoth y crwise f ir ahu. tin v a a Ciiristian >-om v muiiity. The other i-ie i, rc'Ycshlif:, exit | trenmly so; not all of our pople jre in vow 1 in the auo\ ? ui reror i. M(i ?*oiiu* | of our Judges and Lawyer- do jyt profane (! xl's holy day, c\ 11 t n-ucl court oil Monday; yet, tr n : it ntfy seem * some do. Our m>Tchnn lire /strongly tempted to include the 1/ ^ diJ in a trip a to New York; yet sonic uilly wait till 19 Monday before stnilin.' I nom of them f. ! huye been compelled t< lake/an a- igu ^ ( meat by obeyinc (led aw oturned from ^ us. I notice with l/enuire, that in advertising tlie h J"> 'ybaueh on Sulli 10 j \ an's Island they i cot/pel led to prom 11 1 ise that no base ' nr racred concert j (saw th ? 11:11110) shall be in the pro mm 111". This is simply to CAtell people who mi*** ;>;? ? i *<) 1 ; situ co 1 donee, but theyau U ijOiuowhnl giuty. Whllo we thank a inoreifiil provi don n? for these si^n of caution on the part if worldly men in their business relation!; still we are not blind t > the itnmim lit dan. t threat mint? us; a single i -p in a h a 1 e may pin00 U&Oll a |nr wit 1 N" v OtW 1 and many of th > "Kuropeau cities, an I Charleston paper may before long a Iver the a f 1U train for Sunday morning wjth tin iji rates for the "Hull 1'ight" or soni spirited and closely oolites'nl municipal election. May heaven prevent, for saki of the heathen world. Wm. Thomas. A Tri i > to t lie I ieacli. II ivlllg n little leisure time 1 i-t week, my friend, Mr. M. :tu;l ! r<>ric|u 1<- 1 that we wohld take a few* of our "trundle In d trash" down to the bench tin I Live ilicnt a salt w iter bathe s<> we pricked our lunch biwltet-- ami satchels and embarked on the ciod steamer Woyyit Wednesday morn in.;? lOtli inst., bound for I/iurel Mill. < in our way down we stopped .u how-r .Mill mid s'iw some. vers tin - crop- of eotton, corn and turnips In the li Ids of M?j. II. L. Iba k. I'll-- Major i > one of 1 lorry's p'rogiv- dve fanners ami can -how as line crops of (I'lr.-rt'nt varieties of hay, grain, fruit.-, A.C., as can ho found anywhere. lie has a lino llohl of corn which lie showed us, and in e'linmetiOn with which told us a storv, ho ; ml no ii <1 made an iniportant disoovory as to tho host method of oulti vating corn, by his expei-icm witli that particular Held this year, lie had it well prepared and manured and wh n 1l?e corn v i about four limbes high, hi lot ate w i- h it open one nltrlit and lifty head of got into till) Hold, and stayed all ni lit, tho next morning there was one stalk of corn loft standing, lie thought it | was ruined and would have to he replan tod, hut hoi 11 a pushed up ju t tin n with other work, lie decided to lej it stand for a tew days till he had more leisure time. I v.;is surpt': >si to find his corn all up and . a hill inissin , o that hi coin-In ion i tli you hav e it understood with your cow - licit they are only to bite otf I'm hills, n< t pull tliom up, it will lie a good hhsi to turn them in on your young corn. <>f course your reader can use their own judgement -11 > lilt followr.1- tlli KllggOS thai, we nmrety throw it out as a hint. Altera plea nit liour at Maj. Iluck's, we steamed on to l. iui'el llill, arriving there about Iti o'clock. Not finding th/ eon- >\ nn-.. wiiieli we espeete I, we pro/s oil into si.wvIco ? . which our friend "I Sing" had at the whair r,?.l in the interview, while the boat was .slutting passengers and freight, I went tip on the hill to eek a cool place "nnii -r tlm cade of the tree.." While sitting tlmre tplietly tliitilciu.tr ahont "nothing" i Imard a scream on tlm wjiarf, followed by shcliiing o! feet, and a general hubltib and cm if" inn. My first thought was that som ?>m had I ale n ov r hoird, -n I j unp? I U' > -A tarted for the river, for tic- purpose M rendering iinv aid in in ' pow r. i jfli not got to Die wharf before I J crowd, old and youna, white and J| riniiiing lex the hill, lappin tii 11 o\ er tlie lie td and diouldi I w /. At , para ols, brooms ..i 1 anything f vi. y could get hold of and screaming# very i: 11 u: . I ' I' 1 11 o' i 11 i i : <. J . i lip It II J ''I tins \\are hot I ti Jm,'' \. in oot " | HII'i11.:* Dill, *!i?* 11 I l(f/ ' ?'d "hor not as hard as 1 could a. ^1 ^onibcvlng j that I had loft my 1 ;.-ko hill, and lor I'oir <>111 one mi ! />/'!, I started buck to look a I'll r i!. ' '< aippothat , 1 did thi hocaiiso I \\ ?' \\ ,,f tin* hor iu t , not a hit of it, u /f /-1"'hi of a h >r not? 1 found ni> M all right and M hail | coining up tho II i W',. ^" maiiv around him as thorn \v< r ru^i'u'd Uio bald hoait ni Sut l.ivinyood's dad, tho time ho played "ho,." you 11 iiom i< r and ha I to jump in tho orook to ! ijt a way from thorn. I i in down to in t u. breaking a handful of dog fonnols {t I ran and rushing In the thiols oi thy i ?lit i soon caught ono of tho things on i .y tiiroat and imothnr in my luiir, and c < Iad i' lively fur a few minutes. .Mile hail ?is l et in his hand and lie was moving < about from one part of hi? per noil to anot/ier, giving it a fresh, eh-an place > hi/ hi in eacdi time. \V u"ov up on the hill under the oaks, aie1' alii'ig t'n" roll, found all pre cut, u<> oi> >e/iiMl.dy hurt, and alter applying ? .tie /xtract of tobacco upon our wounds, re /ruck out for the beach. It w.c a Ion f, hot road, some of our party having t ? w.i/k too, made it worse, hut we got tie re nl/ r aw hile, and after resting and cooling c/, w" proceeded to c-njoy oursehe f?>r t ie.\i t'.vo ii ly , each al'ler hi own fa h f son. We returned on Friday, without further dvotilure or mishap, all agreeing, that notwithstanding our battle with the horn'> !s, (which, by the way, turned out to be humble hees,t we bad a good time and on | joyed ourselves hugely, U, ?? hnrgc hand I'tircliasc. I'i i-r u.o, X. Y., Au?r. lib A aynI dionto of Buffalo capitalist* has just purchasod a Intel of timber land of 1 about four hundred souare miles in Xortli Carolina, c.cmpri ;n^ the oreaten* part of Dare county audit portion j of Tyrrell. The price paid was over *750,000. They have obtained permission to name lite principal settlement of the tract Buffalo City. The syndicate hits been incorporated under the name of the Kastern Carolina Land, Lumber and Manufaeturin<* ('onipany. The land is heavily limbered, and the principal business of now company will be tlio cutting and transport.ation of lumber to eastern markers. i There sro many act i?t- its and diseases wtdch affect Stock and .uise serious inconvenience and loss to the rai nier and in his work, which may Is quickly retuidied j by the use oi Dr. ,J. it. McLean' - Volcanic 1 < iil Liniment. ? ?Itcadiii^* It i* through the agency of lunj lju?lj*o, in some of ' \aried f puis, Ithat all inttructloo convoyed. I Tim intelligent teaching of arithmn fif, 11??* clear Statement of tlm demotistratioii, tlm perspieiious mode of solution, all are based upon tlio disIcriminal in _f u?o of siioocii, It i - l.m ^ua^o-faculty which is to Im assiduouly cultivated, and without its development it i- not to. much to ulVirin that ration it instruction is almost unatttiiimblo. failure-. in teach* ino, if traced to their origin, will he found to jiro.'t >d lar<*el\ from tlm neglect of this requirement. Seloo Hons from tho KnoTi>h . Ia--ies, from tllO purest tvpesof our versatile lit era turn, liouul 1> plae i in the hand-; ol every pupil. I' atniliar converse with the purest iiiitioii of its accredited usages. It is (in* ore at masters of thou?r|it and O # n o\pressiou who have created the literary form of lauouaoe, it is tlm product of i uiscious and deliberate art. I'he attainment of idiomatic orace propriety is accomplished by habitual intimacy with their purest I ill.... ?i! i.. .1 i...I I I I I 11^1 I it I |l M ir? 1 ill llv'I ill.Ill I l\ III'- >1 | |l I | illstie in vest i?? ;?t?*: 111 (if l;in in . ' ? 7 , licet ?i (lance with tin* reeo^uie/.i I pre fcodonces of the It i there nil df a jup^ need and off"" prinful disI ciplii*^ ' : I? 14' 11# t sense an i ileinai! : i for its acquirement i/ire pei'si e, capable direction, j and the ompbte abdication of idioj svuerasy. I lit 11 its special impor-; I t.'lllCO as a- a: . !?e reco'Tni/ed bi ourj scliemc > 'f education, it is vain to hope fo mi\ marked advance licvond (inr ?cc cut cinpirictd stamlard. \\' h? chairs of lilocnlion, properly cot dtutcd and equipped, are regard ; el as indispensable features in all our Anerieaii colleges, universities, tho: ai seminaries, and iiorinal M a . we shall have reached ;it J .i ' 'is' lie n1111111o of icfori11 \\ '? /nay then look for the introduction of llm scientific method, without which, in literature, as in phv ical investigation, no rational aduanccincnl is p issi I j |e. it is to be regretted thai we have permitted our brethren of the natural science school t?,> appropriate the exclusive oT the term scientific. It is onlv uy the cultivation of the "scientific habit/' tlia* the most brilliant \ * 111? 111r> ?ix i? iiusniiiiu HI mi> pro v inee of knowledge. This truth is h:1111>i 1 v illustrated by Mark I'attison iu his Smjifi shO/is ir/m/i ,///<' lijni'in. I ,et US I (Ml I'll a leSSOIl from our colleao-ues, assured that by the application of their inethnils < shall obtain results not. liencli cent and not less elided*! nw. \ 11 I in nj^i't .ui ( I iceIsioii. T\ro\, 11 \M Au^, d. lion. Kino | ry Sjteer, presiding in tho luiitet . Slates Circuit ('ourt for the Soulheri I )istriet of (leortna, who has keen ii this city for some weeks, to-day ron derod a decision in the ease of Shorwood s\ IJoiindtree, involvino tin validity of contracts of money loam on land made by loai companies Mi- ii'-iii that tlx' practice of litest companies of withholding from lit'\ t< "Mi to twenty per <: lit. of the amount loaned under the device h r ir ,'otialme the loan was usuriousand illegal; that when money lenderswho dealt through loan companies, were shown to have carried on a settled business where tlmse exorbitant and extravagant rates J in addition to regular interest, were e'nare'ed, he was presumed to understand the nature of the contracts the loan companies were making and that an absence of satisfactory prool to reluit this po-sumption, he could recover otilv the amount reueived hy the borrower and h-oal interest, and not commissions, which are included in the amount stated iirfho nolo 01 morl ipu/e. A verdict had boon ron derod in < ieorgia upot this basis. The loan company had moved for a new trial. The discision to-day ovori .'led tiiat motion. J he decision ij, disliic uislied from the loading'ease of ('.ill vs. rainier, lib I*. S., where there was but a single loan and where the tu-oof wns i-li.ni- tlml ?!.. I " ' ~ < V....V I..VI lender knew notliinrr of usurious coinmissions charged and did not authori/.o thorn. wvtrsjrt.SIR a. in., Auum.-t ath, ilft* r a -!i pounds $ 2 "?0 V.-llow Dip, 2 ft'* Si r ?|,i- ,'s, f W (iH. S. si i.-h tl> i?? 12' i emit* llulti-r 28((i :? "> cent*. I.ard Ct* I'nrk,^) bbl *0 00 M la- > Y' tll??ii 404Y,WU cent*. OoflVe, pound BOctg, < '?> *?. f IhisIM'I.H lotff? I < '< ri-I | i f I -11> 11<> 1 I I'll ur, 11.*i* I M #8.ft0 H 7.i.*i Kiri's per doz ?2 cent ?. Su C?'4fr$IO ctn \\ I DM!NdTON. N. ('. Au .;; 10. I (u lOVi (rut. < 1U iH. ri UIM:N i'i nB N'ir in,'(> M80 pounds $ I 75 ,i i'ilo\v I )ip, 1 II ml, 1 IU Spirit - Tilrp''litiin', per ur?il. '-" 'i T.ir, $ I III, 'J*0 pound bbi. Ito9iu st rained 75@80 cents. i lir "r?/& VTTgcm r~r~a i rn n ! pm i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NotlC E. N< >TI('K is hereby jd v"u tli.it tli<* un dor slynod Administrator of the K tut" of I - i ic T. Skipper I'liesdny, Anx'i-t DOth, 1i. \ i/.: t >in- bjftck horse, nuu ull other pi i onal propi'f> tlr t tli.iy rniiH' into his hiiiuls. / Terms i >1 sale, r;yn. .]' !' >' Ivi 11 tli ' tlw on i ^ (li'iV n> 1 Admin*. Tutor nl' t)?" ' tllto of -J 1 Mtotill, 1 .v I' 1 lnissio i f tin' I'i it '* C'outUM'T ill ott? ill" tit Hi lati ri *i llouQr '1 ' altU'liu, within the usual hoK^'i'f i Ii\ "ii I'ri'li v, A ii : n t Vtltli, OST, I 'D a 11'I e ill", .Dill a sill II 1. 1 .| In ) i I'm Iiiiii41 mill nml nil other |>i*i *i !in 1 prop I 'iVrius ot I.-, rash. I I \ II It I si in A l.l'Oltll, Ad minis) nitor. nug IS I \M B. R. KING, i \ litilcsnIc itll > ft.#' 5 (; kockim i:s, ^'orno>s, j~ COUNTRY PRODUCE A N I > Proprietor ol' Kini?'s Hrrol IPiruain House, LGKIS, - - S.^. " ? V wot I.I) KKS|?|:( rKl'MA AN 1 i. 111\ lr!i'i\(l< :iinl ilid miMic lliat 1 :1111 mow t-.irryiVi4 a. lirst < hss sfock | of I >r\ (J noils Ni 1 \-m>, I u(Jics* I)rcss (loods, llals. ? aps.(.v(mcrios, llanhvani ^ ;m\ in lad, a i <>i11]11 (f^^' ' k ol ?-\ory >niiin-r mindly kept in a nV'?s country I store. . i I'rii cN Suit lie '|Joe*<. I U ill >ol l:?> i iiiIi i-miV^ Highest i-ash price paid lor !? $?> i liicStciis. Ileel anil I'm* Hide* U mil iiimI Iteesw a \ . I I had just as soon pay cash for tin i alioso, as ^oods. Coine to see nw and e\ amine my stock la-fore purchasing else : w here. * II. |{. KIN<}, l.oris, S. ( July 28 1 ;im. :| NOT I CIO. N'otk i; is ui;m;iiv <;ivi:n t< all whom it in. v concern, tha ITolun Ifnrdoc, widow of W. W. liurdcc i (h-i-ea.-i -el, iiave applied to t he umlcl-igm tl ; l>\ petition, to ha a hone tend of tin real and per. onal property of ln-r late ' hu hand appraise el and -i t e>|f tee ln r am > her minor e hi hire n as provided ley law, am I that .i? the expiratieiii of loiir we>eks Iron , tin- date of this notice-, I will appoint three disinterested persons to appraise- and se ' off said heimcstcad, unless erU(,,i an,| -mlli I < ie-nt cause he- sliown te> the- contrary. .loiiN M. <>M\ i:i{, c. ('.*(?. i'. , july 28 l It II U (Y) IliN'TON! i ci I WWTlios. C. \\ illiams & Co.'s CKLKIIU \'IT I) TOlJAim U CY II IN TON! I III' liCnilillii' I oh.icro in tin Still 111. - +> ? DIKHV l<> IX II (I TO |,||, lb V VI II II, 1-1 >?. il ' '? I.II. N WAV, S. l\ Vuciils |'?r llorry 4 'on ii iy . inch :i 8!i 'Ini, MULLINS ACADEMY, ~~ ' '! Mtlllins S, ('. ^r:v. JOS, I'. I'ltJTCHAIID, A. M? Principal. MISS SAIjJJK ('. KWAItTS Assistant. ii will ! 'in Monday, ' Aoirii >f Vi'.Mli, 1^*7. I 'I It %' . l'AY\lll,K MONTH f.Y. J Primary I' 1 n?nt sl..V) |icr mo 1 1 lit" i modi, ... o m ?? .? 1 [ Hlghor * ?.->0 ?? I'?< nil, i'\? i1. i\> per month. i'< t r'l. r information addroa# tin* I'rin |i ll it M ullin-, S. ('. ju 1 \ JI lot wopt. Per ; 33.10 01i.oa.p1 Sti'jiin Niw-Mill ('oiiiplclt1, with 1 ? 11M )\Y Saw, (. 151ST M ILL And COTTON GIN Attached. \ 1 .- *?> Four 1'ii " t'ftv a< rr^ of \ 11 1 ;i(>1 <* liuij)' /Apply ?" / JOHN M?i t H s< ariioroii^h, >: irimi s ?" 1 1 n.hv iv s > WALSH & SCARBOROUGH, Attoniflvs nt I au< "J - " CoDW.1V, s. < LUUIiOUU US & COLLI NS \\r I". Ii.i ?it , I 1:?rlt'* ami t ? ?'li' . i' tn? k "I 111 \ (i r)it to tti"- . plai'i'. I'Mow iri'il lawns -l|itudrco, a i'linit>fnl selection of laco lawn-. IJo -ur< ;.oii rail for these. W liito ami Jibuti il l-i.pie Without limit. Die - i11 11a111 in \ ara'is colors. Million, lnco, \> Ivet. sil', ,shirts, cv.tT.s col . lurs, a-pi'ii'lor i, Hlioul.h r l>r ices, liatul liav . Fans I'arnsiD, u{nl>rel las ami nnytliiiiil you want in \ tlie dry iron.Is lit,,.. *" HATS. f / * iru\v, woo], I onltnil :> 11?1 frit lulls, 1 >?/ not full to rail and oxiiiniiu* our liU'U, s' Mat . We huvr a cnrftfiltly sole, tr I stork of both trimmed and Hutiiiniiird hats of tho leading styles and .shapes, and \ on nrrd not order one from rise win rr. W'r hoy thrrn l?y tlir liuudrrd and ran sell you ono cheaper than yon ran urt it from any other sourer. :f cffim.- s ? ^ It is needless to comment upon tho stock of < '!'?t 1?i11we hnuo ju>t opened up. 1 I we are -elling cheap for cash. Come \ )| tpiick or you lo-e a bargain. \ t Itemember we are constantly adding to \ J all tho attovo goods, therefore we ore pre- V , pared to givo you something now and fresh V all tile time. \ I i ' SHOES. ' A V * t A "IT We are-till carrying the lamous .lames > Mean- s.: -hoe and boys sjc,J shoe, and try ' to keep an as ortment of them always op, hand. I lie "Zeigler" shoe is the t>< st ?hofr "* ' on the market for ladies and children. W e have a full line of them. Try Utetn yif you want the best.. ? - ?* < . V. 1 * * " / ^ ' w. Ourlir.eof Hardware,'Farming Implement and (ire lie- i- always eonijplrto " s and fresh, ami we feci that wo can supply your wants hi that direction. ' " / SKW INI J MACIIINKS. % -i / T / Tlwro i - no Si*\sing Mac him A;,e/ihaf cm) srll yt.u i Machine cheaper tl?n w?' can. \N ? ran con\hue you of thn if you will price our Machines. We aro -ol?* nis for tin* Dome-tic an' Mi? V a I I lot ' !Ntliirt County, \\ - "oall w. have srf? hiul will ho Ma to buy of i\iOlXilf & (01 /.INS. # ..