rTine Horry :E3:?rsilcL. OOISTTT^-A-^, S. C. PUBLISHED EVERY Till RSDAY will always uk fol'n l> rel1a rle in matters of news an l> local intelligence. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ,?* (tnvarial)lv In lehsn-f 1 on k Ykah, 1 .ftfl Six Months I.iki Tiihkk Months ..*??> Single Copy Five Cents Specimen Copy Free on Application. Sliort Icttors on current topics are cor dudly invited. Correspondents may use any -denature l?nt true name of writer must accompany all communications. Articles to secure insertion must l?e sent in by Monday, previous today of public a tion. -o ;%Z BATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements inserted for less than one month will he changed lor at one dollar per inch for lirst insertion and 5(1 cents Ifir I'lll'll !illlwrw.ll/>??f ! ..^...-f ... * 1,1 1,1" All leipil advertisement-* it lesxal rales. For a longer period titan one month a liberal discount. A Now Safe Look. A now eleetrir pernio ation safe look * lots been patented, wliieli differs nuiteriallv fr un nil others in the faet that there is no orilice to speak of in the door of the wife. The dial, which is such a eoitspieions ligure in ordinary safes, has no connection in this invention, except by electric wires, with the body of the safe, and may lie on the cashier's desk, or repose securely in his home, free from any possible violence of the burglar's hammer. There i1-, in faet, no limit to the distance that may intervene between the dial and the sab' lock, granted that the connection is satisfactory and the battery snHieiently shone-. A safe might perfectly well rest in a t'liicago olitco and only be opened by means of a dial in New York. Tito mechanism is very simple, the dial rests on a inagnetiee block, from which wires extend and communicate with magnets which set np the tumblers in the lock, and so permit of the throwing back of the. bolt bar. This releases a spring or a body of compressed air, as the ease may be, which in turn releases a heavy boltwork. The wires penetrate the top plate of the safe at the junib of the door and move in a zigzag course through the inner plates to the lock. The wires are so small and their courso so crooked that, it is claimed, thev cannot he traced hy explosives. A current of electricity is obtained from several small batteries by pressing down a key on the vulcanite block that hold the dial. The dial when not in use can be detached from the vulcanite block and carried in the pocket. The door of the safe whose lock is controlled bv this electric apparatus to the burglars none of the spindles which penetrate the walls of the ordinary safe and yield so conveniently to tho influences of the blow-pipe, but simpl\ a knob for opening the door, which onlv penetrates the first plate. Tim '<'ougliiiitf lli>t?it. Coughing is often under control of the will and the result of habit. There are many people who consume a small portion of a life-time in unnecessary coughing. At lirst a little irritation is felt, a cough is sot, and habit keeps it going until the irritation provoked produces a real and serious disease. Through force of sympathy coughing often becomes contagious. This can be well illustrated in a schoolroom on restless boys and girls, on a cold winter's day. Let one child set the ball rolling, when the teacher adresses the School- another child takes up the musical note, then ar.otli er, ami sun another, until the teacher's voice is as powerless as if lie were in a den of artillery. The teacher Wrings the ruler to the desk, ami commands the noise to stop. Then for an instant an eloquent silence prevails. In church we may sometimes observe the same thinewhen some old lady, who has had a pet couoli for years, sets up a couching strain, which is soon followed, as if in chorus, by many other memoers. The poor preacher then wacos an unequal contest and may as well stoji preaching. These facts should be ample evidence, that coughing is an act under control of the will in very many cases. In such cases a little application of "mind cure" can be made effective. The family physician can often cuic chronic coughs not by a prescription but a simple command to stop them. Health and Horn?. ('ail' You Solve This? IIA ItTKN'OKIl. () 4 * * * k k ? # w" \ |, I the experience of any one who has j, kept a diary ami observed elosel\. ^ It is quite true that corn, nor cotton, nor other seed will terminate and come np if the toinperatnre of tiie soil continues, after planjii o, below the proper detrree of warmth for tiie 11 | termination and growth of t ie particular seed. lint ordinary oh- v 1 servatiou shows that in our chanson- 1 ' hie sprino climate the temperature of the air and soil on one dav is no guarantee of what it will he three or |f<>iir days Ihern-after. Tin1 eondi- . tions of 1 > 1 :i111in r limy 1 > nil riiflit at I , * ii ( tin* time of plantino and he ail wroiijr at the time of irermimdsno, In tin* I sprino corn usually requires ahoul i' j twelve to fourteen da>s to conic u|>, ' laud cotton seed from live to ten days. ; 11ciice, the weather may la* all that | could l?e desired for sev eral days af | ter |di|ntino the seed and then turn ,, cold or rain. It is more iiupoitaut *), that the latter half of the period of ! termination should he favorable than ^ the lirst half. The correct rule is to ] > I a u t according to time the day of the mouth haviuo rcmird otherwise 1 only to proper decree of dryness in the soil, which should he in oood t condition for working. The time i should he determined hy e.\|ieriene | of past years. The writer has sever- | I a I times planted corn when the} i 'round was frozen early in the morn- . r> r : me, and secured a perfect stand of | vigorous plants. In I )akola and other extreme norther sections, wheat, corn and vej'etuoles are planted in v I May, a-- soon as tin* oronml has thaw- ' ed to a depth suilieient to permit of, v plowino are harrowing, the -oil hav- h ino heen deeply broken the preeed ino fall; and it often occurs that the ,, i seeds so planted are up and tjTowino (i : while the deep suh-suils is still hard ,, I fr d/imi to the depth of many inches. |{ C The l*tl/./.le?l Horse Healer. I ei I have heen very nntcli hothered 1 ! lately, said a horse dealer to a St ' Louis (t lulu fU'morut reporter, with a question arisino aut of a dea! which has heen to me a source of d crrnslt OP imiua'tinoii I l>n I. I ' ** 1 * I*-- J 1 1 Isold u harsc to 15. f??r In a few pf days ho eauie hack with the horse, o and I purchased the animal for *7(1. I then iinmediately resold him for (i j On. The question is: u|low much |( did I eain or lose on the trui.suction?" . When I lionoht the horse hack for ? . T V $7<> I certainly made >s 1 (t, and when I sold a^ain for $(>0 I iibsurdedly lost *0. Now, if I train $10 and lose * "> --ti my net f^ani is, it serins to me, *.>. 1 lint on the other hand, after my first ,,x sale I had no horse and $iS0, while Nv after my second sale I had no horse " and only $7n, consequently I mud 11 ha\e lost $f>. At one time, when I think over the matter, I congratulate p ! myself on having pocketed a "\ |, | through shaap dealing, while at a.i |, ! other I feel like iutiup; around he- k;( hind the ham and kickinp- myself for j, havine- heen such a hlank faol. A hrrturr oil llcoiioiav. v tl A tramp knocked at one of the (in- ' est residences in Austin, and was re- ' eeived hy the lady of the house. "What do you wan'h" " 1 Mease'iu. pive mo a dinnMo huy I o a olass of bread: 'sense me I mean a o loaf of liner." j I "I haven't cut any money." I v "Haven't pot no money? Then, k* madam, modest as this cottage is, I would suppost your moving into a ' j cheaper house; you are evidently liv- j( inp heyond your means. Keoiiomi/.c j ( in the way of clothes and house rent. t Cut your expenses, ami then, perhaps, some day you will have a dime to spare? a dime, madam, that may he the means of preventing a liun- " prv and thirsty fellow-mortal from r coimniltinp suicide; or it may he a o quarter a coin of the value of twen- 11 tv-fivo cents-- that will uplioster the 1 dark clouds of the horizon of his despairinp soul with silver plated lininp, and till his stomach with hock beer. || Good dav, fair lady." / ,r ] /? Tin* l,,aiiiil> IMiclor. tl v Never wear cotton in the oars if they ur*- (liseliarjrinir pus, ' .7 I " Never attempt to appl v a poultice | ? to tlio inside of tin* canal of the car. a Never drop anything into the car ^ unless it luis been previously warm- ' e. il!S IIICM! UHllOS (I l?*nn ??f husbandry The nateiuiiakor. In summer the toliojfi^an in not vc>rth ascent. A sailor is a liohtnin^ change nan. In a twinklino lie can turn nto a hit in iu'X'Iv . Some vocalists take pride in exlilutino a line falsetto voice; others n displn vini I I Mural. Teacher Why? 'i11>iI Deeause it takes two to make me. " I tear. dear, liow Fashions do alter o be Mir remarked Mrs. Peaeelidoss >m. I see tliat steeraeo rates re ( Ht 1< over. ' 1 )nes everything happen for the >esl?" "|)on't know. If I oel a nance to trv those thino that do not inppcn 1 11 liud out." The man who outran a rumor has >eoii pitted aoainst the man who ivcd down a slander. In our opin on it wi 11 lie a dra w. * (J ray hairs are honorahlo, hut hat is no reason why they should nsist on oeeupyino so prominent a >o-.ition as the hutter dish. There are two tides in this country tic Klectoral t'onrt and.Sir Plus. Several h'tiropeau nioiuirchies would ike t< i have t lie latter. There is a merchant in this city kho has an admirable sense of the ternal litness of things. lie proides his collector with a dun-colored < >rse. \ ouiie- hostess I must show you iv baby, Mr. Drown; are yon fond f them? Drown (absent minded) li yes ! but I haven't eaten any j 11 e IV. A man will not submit to beintr ailed either a puppy, a hound or a ur, I if 11 if lie is pronounced a sad oo, iie accepts the stioina as if it ere a compliment. W hat! you say that llerr Scmile, the merchant, lias j/one blind?! lord's a^vpretlv how d'ye ?l<>; l'\e ot 11 hill on (lie man which is made nt 'payable at sioht.'" "(Jot anv invisible ink V*'* lie asked I the stationer. "Don't think I live." replied the man, as he scaned the sli dves. "You don't think oil'd see it if votl had. do votl?". sked the l?ov. "Have yon the time?" asked a lui'liiioton woman of a man who as rather unsteadily pursuing his nv up Church street. "N no, , iiulain," was the reply. Hut I had last nioht." The panther that was shot near 'eoria one day last week turn out > have been a doe. Tho darinjr miter who shot lent has oono into elusion and pulled the seclusion i after hint. 1 > "Johnny, I have discovered that; on have taken more maple suoar inii I eave vou." "Yes ^randAta; vi1 heen making believe there was notlier little hoy spending the dav .'ith me." I,ula Must the (Jeort;ift magnetic irl. has married Paul I.. Atkinson, f ('hattanoooa. When Lulu says: 'aul, i wish you would split up some rood and Imihl a lire," Paul willsav, Yes'ni." ('mining soup is a oreat Aineriean ulustry. Persons who have heen inoeentlv into the lieudidi to . t ireof atiiio over-hot soup wiil at once see he advantage of oettino it canned j old. There are no less than a score of lind readers oallopino around tin' ountrv just now, ami vet not one of Item can tell what a fat man thinks s he sits down on an ley corner, 'tiev simply try on soiiioJun^ eav. Clara?Oh, John! what lovely owers! 'They look as if they had list heen oatherered. \Vh\, t here's , little dew upon them! John . omewhat embarrassed) Duo upon hem! Not a rent, (Mara, I assure; on, not a cent! Never put milk, fat, or any oily! uhstance into 11io car for the relief' f pain, for they soon boeoine rancid ml tend to incite inflauiaiion. SimIn warm water will answer the purose hotter than anything else. Sick-headache, wind on (lie stomach,' illioUMicss, nausea, are promptly and greealdy banished hy Dr. .1. it. McLean's; .ittle Liver and Kidney Pellets. 25 ots. a 1 lal, IATES OF COM MW OH ! CHARGED FOR ItTO^r.v ORDERS. The follow lug rates of (. iVst-Vo OV ilomy orders have lieen iT^W" )rtlee Department on*am!^p^*?i5iy w.i. " < n sums not exceeding $5 j ^Vcrv.i*".ver $5 and not exceeding \ < } ' ver $10 and not exceeding MB 10 centsver $15 " " " if> 80 15 centsver $20 " " " 0$ 40 20 centsver $40 " " " 50 25 centsi\ er *:.o .. i an vor JUIO " " " UK!*) centsver 71 > " " HO 40 cents ver JjiHO ? " " W*m 45 cents. A single Money Order may Include any. mount from one cent tonne hundred dolars inclusive, Out must not contain a fruc-1 ionsl part of n rent. i aavasHMasr Diasaroa?. KXKCI'I i v Provident 0rover Cleveland, of New V?>rk, t?? March 4th IH8W. ni:.\l?h or OKI'A ICTM KN'TT. I Secretary <>f State Thomas F. Hnvard, of Delaware. Secretary of tTreasury C. F. Fair- j child, of New York. Secretary of War William Kndicotl of Mnvsachusetts. Secretary of the Navy William (' Whitney, of New York. Secretary of the Interior I.ileitis (J. < Lamar, of .M isslsslppl. Attorney General Aili?Ustiia II. Garland of Arkansas. I'o-tin aster General William F. Vilas of \\ iseons'tn. I.KtilSI.A I I v k: President of the Senate John J. In 'alls, of Kansas. Speaker of tin* House* of Representatives J. C. ('arlislc, ??f Kentucky. .iri?i(i.\ it v: Chief Justice Hon. M. R. Waitc, of Ohio. rxri'Bii status roricr ok so. < a. Circuit Jud)je llu^h I.. Bond. Circuit Clerk .1. K. Ha^ood. I tistrict Ju l .re <' M. Simoutcu. ('lcrk F. M Sc dn'ook. Marshal !'. M Bovkin. District Attorney I.. K. Ynuinans. I'nitcd States Senators from South < 'nrolina: W ade I lampton, M. C. Butler Representative Sixth District Ceo. \V. I tartan < (> V Kit X MKN I' oK Sol Til I A Itol.l \ A . v Coventor .lohn I'. Richardson, of Clar endon. I.icut. LENJ)II> iV SSORTMENT OF MENS AND HOYS CLOTHING J (1ST OPENED. Vtr ALL SIZES AND PRICEi, ^1 STYLES AND QUANTITIES. Amazingly low. Call and oxamino thorn. BURROUGHS & COLLINS. ( * LOOK ! LOOK!! \Vm. L. HI'( K \ CO *r?* closing out nil WI NT10If < JOOI )S at liirjr?'!v RK I) I* C 10 I) Q KICKS P K l)U('KI) r IM (' 10S 3 < > ir iihw SnriiiLf stock now on louto from HST c r t h e rn Cities Xcecssiluti s us to I out all wintor Hlock for wa n t of r< Mllll. Aiiionarrel, $8.TitI to Best Toliaeeo in mail Uet, OUR LEADER, S to II) (a dO cents per it) J "nk R II ? E; s ...... C WW t.?+ I'earl (irist which we aire 1 il * iu ( MYering at tlie I .< > \Y KHiCKK y| ) )K f7 i L $8. It> per i HAUUKL. |J j i I A L S () I-'!in1 lot lialtimoio WillT K CORN No. 1 at % 1.10 jut sack BARGAINS { 111 ( o'llts fllt'llisllillir iroiid.s a11< 1 CLOTHING Moils' suits from sp5.r>() to *10. Hoys 4i ' $2.?)0 to $5. RESIMCCTKl' LLV, W. I,. BUCK & CO. BUCKSVILLK, S. C. W.L.D0UGU%?f mojyyA vm^" r WLKLAS'-Wif 13.00 Mm A SHOE# flr, W.L.D0UGUS^ / $3.00^^4 SHOE^g^l ?0TT0W ^ ZEFuill XjIxi? of Gents, IjSkSIIos, Misses and Ol^ildLreia.'? Fin? ?ixoes, J^or sale By TTC". XJ. BvlcIs: Sz Co. ? . HOCK LIME!! 100J,AKKBL? UOC K UMK On hand which ypp offor at $1.50 j?r. i Imrrel, W\r. L. Buck & Co., i Bucks vi I In, S. 0 4 / I THIS 1 I | i I j |OR RV [ JkRAM) | | I IS IM HLISIIKh t Every mi\irs\ U. I l I r i - A NI?? I I i' I I 13 DEVCT^T i ! I ; I I TO C^IESSTIEIRu^JLJ i ' \\ IITTELLICtEInTC^ * TO THE I ^ INTELLECTUAL n -A XI) ji I A INDUSTRIAL ADVANCEMENT 1 % OF Til K MASSES. IIA VI N(* A LA H(?Kj Oirc-uilsition it "fj AFFORDS AN 11 ADVANTAGEOUS MEDIUM KOI? TI1E;1 < ADVEETISEES I to Communicate with the people ADVERTISING DOME . 1 I * REASONABLE KATES 1 .7 1 Subscription only $2 per'?Xnnum i ADD^S^ 5 A I THE HERALD Publishing Co. f t Oonway S. 0 Si ! - \ Mis \ ? * ^ Schedule ol* Wilmington, Oliadbourn and Conway R It111 effect fr:? l 'ate, ('liadbonru, N. Doe. litli. IrtXtJ. Train. SOI TIIMOI XI): Leave L'had)>ourii ?.!)ll A. M. Vrrive Yolumle 7 >" < la endoii H.|<) " 7 Nit. Tain a* " I.oris O.t HI ' N< HfTIIIK UNI): Leave I.oris, 0.1 a A. M. V l?l*t V#? f ' Ik * 11 ........ . t I ? t ...... . IliK >11 || || . > ) f Passengers from Wilm'nirton will tak ? rani IH on \\ . t'. A A. I{. R. Train 17 on \V. (A: A. I'. Ik. will make omiceti lis w ith above tiaiii. Close coil na tion will lie mini with !,o al train No. 7 lor points ?\orili. .I AS. II. ('II Al)H<)I"Ills', Jit.. Slip!. If ^ Wilmington, Columbia &. Augusta Railroad. t < I. N I'. 11 \ I. PvssKN'll it l>KI'AUTMKNT. / April 2(1, IHsii. \ rniiK toi.i.owim; sciiKorM*; 1 w ill lie opcl'ilt ai . ii aiut ilitci tl >s Into: No. i \ Daii.y. .cave Wilmington v!."i pin ioavc l.akc \\ aecamaw P. to p in >uvo Marion 11..".it |? in \rri\o at Florence. . . 12.2.7 p in \i rive at Sumter 1.21 a in \. ri\ e at Columbia it. to a in , COINU SOI I'll No. to, llaii.y. .cave Wilmington 10.10 p in . ' .cave Lake W aecamaw ILL") p in Vrrivo at Fioroncc 1.20 a in No. |:t, I) \11 v. .ca\e Floronco LdO p in .cave Marion 5.1 t p in .cave Lake Waccnuiaw 7.00 p in Arrive at 55 iliniueton K.:to {> r. NORTH No. 17, Daii.y. ,eavc ('olumhia O.nn p in irrive at Snintcr 11.55 a in .cave Florence 1.20 a in .eave Marion o.Otl a in .cave l...!'c Wuccainaw 7.00 a in (rrivc r.t iI:n:n?:toii H. 20 a in Nos. i -.nd 1. stops at all stations .*\ opt Rcglst i. Khonc/.er, an I Si.anna i Vatcrcc anil Sim ns\ Passengers tor ('olumhia and all points ii A train. .1. F. 1)1 VI N K. <.en'! Snpt. .1. it. K km.y, Supt. Trans. T. M I'mi hsov cei.'i i'-.w- v September :!(i. 1 HSii. 11 Burroughs High School. CONWAY, S. C. 1^ XKHClSl-> IN AU<>\ L SCHOOL 5 J lor S|\(|| Scholastic y.-iir will h> /in on Monday, October 4, J.86G, ml eonl'mno for forty weeks. The Mn.-ii'.'il Department will he mirier ontrol of Miss Mnrv L. IVan T10ILMS; Timarv, |?er month, x-'l 0;?. liternieriinte, " V? *.*>. I iteller, f?o. Illsie, 00. seof Instrument. " I (Ml. .1. M. K N I OUT, i I'rineip.il. September :H1, LSXf,. ti Ogk ? None genuine unless stamped A? follows, JAMES MEANS' 9 S3 SHOE. " Those Shoes for gentlemen Itro tlMldu of Fittest Tannery (Utlf-H/ *(??.stitched wlthlnrgc K l\ muneqtialled in #>? rabllity, R Vi . Tk Comfort, ami Appear\\^ rr. They arc nmd? ^ tfc v\ various widths, to I. -? ff ??.?, AN of* < li?i" broad or nar f ^'Iheiner v^L?caused such an "nor. ^ mous increase in ttic CY /jgdemnnd for them that H C/IL wo ran now furnish |1 jl j?roof Hint our celcII I A AiA- duces n larger quan4/?rAlV7?l? ? p'lot>s of this fe ^ rvf*? grade than any r ^SiSw. other factory in /l/?, vb< \v? wou,d larly request those who lmvo boon paying for their v WTTTTIIM n'iisi iry on n fv A of t!. est-1.of ore luiylng n new i vi It costs m>tMoi \\ mMk to try tliom on. ^ jty \V MKANM A CO., ij 'Vv/l^V;i MANtlACTlfUKHt, f ^\^gTMAS9 por e;SD :& Burroughs fcCollins. \LARGE STOCK OK K1NU silo Is 1ST UE( 'Ki VKI), AND FOR SALE MY K. T. LEWIS - m JW'A A 887, A GRAND WMBINATION, I&37. THE HORRY HERALD \NI> 'I'll K % OUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. HOT II PAPKIIS (INK VI'.All KOIt IINI.V Kor tlu> amount named nlmvo yon will I'l't'ivr for one year your homo paper with lie Courier-Journal, ^ i UKlMtl-.MINT.VriVK NKWKlWt'KH OK VIIK ^^k lomoc^tlc ami for a Reduction of tin* H Var Taxes now levied hy tin- pteaonl ^k I irilT, and the liest, brightest and ah) out auiUy weekly in the United States. ^ * l> tin- larH irculation of 'any Democratic. Newspap ii 2-S