f " I'llK IIORItV HERALD, I 1)1 Rl'X'TOR Y. CHURCHES. i Methodist. CONWAY *T.\TION. REV. \VM. TIIOM P.vsroit. Service-* every Sunday at 11 ?'? lock a.m., ami . o'clock J), ill. I'raycr incetint: every Thursday ni^lit at 0 lock |?. 111. Siuulay Nfljool every Sunday at it o'clock a in. I!. Nouton. Superintendent. CONWAY CIIUTIT. REV. W. I.. PKil ES. Pahtoi;. Mount /.Ion, is! Sunday, Ida. in Pincali, li?t ,l I a. hi. 1 nioii, 'M " Id a. in. Durant, 'id " l p. in. ltrovvii Swamp,.Id " in a. in. Cool Sprint;, 8d ' - I p. in. loriianvtlle, Itl. " Id a. in. Aiitiocli. Itli " I p in. tsaptist. < OV.VAY. S\'C(mhI Sunday, 11 a. 111. mill H' . p. in. mid Sat nrlay lie fore at 1 |i. in. Sunday School ovcrv Sunday at ! a. hi M \V. Noi.i.ky, siioerin tendon' * MliVl. Utl'iVK 'I'llIr-.I Sa' ml.n aim Sunday in ouch month pi.i:a>*ant miss. Fourth Siimlav ami Saturday hoforo, in |?t?Mii*M?r. I II I.I\s' IT.I I.K I ir.-t Sunday n:i I Saturday hoforo, in onch month. MEETINGS OF LODGES. A.'.F.'.M. Itogtlinr < enmiinlrutinil of llorry l,odi:o, No. at Mnsmiii' II.ill First Mond o in oaoli mouth. .1 It Maor.', \V. M. K. of II. Iti'Hiilai inootiiiix of Sfaait l.od No. ys-.'U, w ill | ini'i't at t ii'ii II ill on tin- First and Third Wodnos nay I'Mniiii^s of onch in<>11111. K. \V. Noi.i.ky, Dictator. t It. 1' viikkii. Kopovtor. MAII. SCHEDULE. Mail Route. No. 14248. From Marion (' 11 t i Co iw iv houvo Marlon t I II I'll '. olnys and Satardavs \ a. in. and aiTi\o? a' \ i tonway hy ."> p. in l.ortvo Conway Mondays and I rr| ty-'? m and ' arrives at Marion r> p. in. Mail Route No. 14265. From Conway to Jor i> in. Mail Route No. 13433. From WliHi'v ille X. (Iim'miH iv S c Leave Wliiteville Tue-uluys and Fridays at i in. nrrixe n( Conway v p. in l.i'iivi> Coiiwhi WYdiieadux .< and sjitiifliiv n! "> . in. arrive i! WIIIvill<> A. in. Mail Route No. 14264. From Little Itiver to Conway. Leave Little Itiver Mondays and Fridays it ii a. in. arrive at ?'onwav t>. in. 1 Leave Conway Tuesdays and Saturdays at H n. in. arrive at Little Itiver I p. hi. Mail Route No. 14267. I-rnni I'ort llarrelson s. C.. to Fair liluff N. Leave Port 11 irrel on daily ewept Sundays at n. in. arrive at Fair IlliiiT 8 p. in. Leave Fair .'lutf N. < . daily except Sunday* at r> a. in. arrive at Port llarrelson s p. in. SCHEDULE OF STMR. JANIE. Leave (Jeoreetown mi Mondays, Wednesdays ' and Fridays at 8 o'clock a. in., arrive at llucksxilie at 3 o'clock o'clock same days. Leave Itiickaville on Tuesdays. 'Pun.-day* and Saturdays, at 8 o'clock a. in., arrive at (teoryetown j 1 o'clock same days, touching at all intermediate ! landlmrs. s. Mcsnkui.vn, Master. Stmr. Maeeie, II. 'I'. Wii.i.ianm Muster leaves Conway every Wednesday at r>a. 111., for (teorjjetown, toiicliinu at all intermediate lundinirs, re tiiriiine, leaves t loorjtdtown every Friday at tin m. LOCAL ITEMS. Sntiev to N e n Anwa\ proposes to oct up a boom for his section bv inducing everybody to subscribe for 1*111'. IIkuai.o and oettiuo the youno people to marry. Well, if that fails to oct up the boom, we reoard it as a rat law |u ipeless case. W e would respectfully siioocst to the llol-'.m I I K It A l n that it offer it dictionary as a premium to its subscribers. **l lebdomadal remembrancer" is rather llv for the averaoe read er of a country noyvspajier, without a dictionary. />\ r/.W? y (iarjtt. < >11r readers are intelligent and do not re(|iiire a dictionary for every ' weekly" word used l>y a country editor. I >id you llv" Mr. (ittz 'A f then von an* wiser than before. As the ('oinjih'ii fully entered the water Monday afternoon the yvine bottle was broken over the Port boyv. One of the' colored yvork man yvas underneath, and yvas looking* upyvard yvatehinjr the graceful motion of the boat, the yv lie spattered in his face and eyes, la* seemed dazed and amazed, and somewhat chagrined, that it had missed the mark. The (ieoreetoyyn /.//ywhu r say s: ' We are informed by the chairman of the board of county commission ers that a cursory examination t is closes the ania/.ino fact licit tic past iml "htedness ??f (ieortown county CXCeed $5,000. I'll IIH'Cl this. they arc a it t hori/.ed to borrow a sum not cxeeodino- tic income from a tax lev \ of one mill about *1.500. At this rale it will lake four years to retire the outstanding claims." l ie Methodist church was approj>i iat<'1 \ decorated last Sunday. The pastor preaehed a sermon suited to the oeeasi m fr in Acts I : >. I Icse 11 oral decorations on Master occasions are well adapted to recall to our children's minds the fact of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and it miv .Mr. .1. ll.Jollio, am! uattlebuuin, Ksu., who is an officer of tlio (iraiul Lodge, will also attend tlio mooting. Mr. Jollio will probably go on to (iroonvillo to son Ins daughter, Mrs. John I.. Leaves, and Mr. (,>uattlebauni will visit his old homo in Lexington, before returning. I lis family aooompany him and they will be away about a week. Harmony Presbytery holds its semi-annual sessions, at Sumter, next Wednesday. This Presbytery is composed of all the Presbyterian churches in the counties of ('hosierfield, Marlborough, Darlingtop, Marion, 1 lorry, Georgetown, Williamsburg, ('larondon, Sumter, and Kershaw, comprising twenty-four ministers ami fifty churches. Its spring sessions are usually the most interesting but there is nothing of special interest to come up at this time, other than the election of commissioners to the General Assembly which meets at St. Louis, Mo., on the 18 of May. t'hrrnir ll(>, /< r. The Southern ('nltivn(or for April calls for three thousand agents toeanvass for that excellent agricultural iiioidiilv. Cash premiums ranging from live to fifty dollars are offered to those who are willing to exert themsolves to increase the circulation of the Cuttirutor. The largest number o'f new subscribers in trie next sixty days will secure the prize of fifty dollars. This is u rare opportunity to engage in remunerative employment for yourself and advance the interests of the farmer by indueing him to xubscribo for this sterling agricultural monthly. The t1nftira tor and Ih it vi.nTaken together only $'3.50. ]''or sample cony and special premium list address, l'hr Cultivator Publixhiii'/ f'o.% Drawer H, Atlanta, (ia. / * unvoilino rrremonirs <>f tli?* ('alliouu monument romo otT in Charleston Tuesday, Ap il W>t h. T< iiri'iHiuiKi 'ntc parties in llorrv, dr. sirin?r to attend these eorruionirs, arrangements have boon made whereby tho\ ran j/o and return for four dollars. The Sicaiucr .)/?///,//> will leave her wharf in. Con\va\ on Monda\ mornino, April \'nth, at b oYlork A. M. riir Stoaw.ei I*luntcr &i (Joorjretown will ivrcivo the party from ?he Maijyi' and oi\e them berths without extra eharjre, and leave (ieoroetown early Tuesday inornino so as to reaeh ( luuleston bv I I o'clock A. M. This h an rxrollout opportunity for those desir ino to vi-.it Charleston at low ratrs to avail themselves. They will find it a pleasant trip. Hip issue of mi I road bonds is no easy work. The compromise ? tT??< t0(1 ln'lni'cn {lie < 'on way plain?itTs and tin1 railroad authorities, necessitates the endorsement on the hack of eaeh .coupon (In* reduetion of interest, something like litis: uThe holder hereof accepts thirty dollars in full ol same." Thirty dollaas is the semiannual interest on a thousand dollai I bond. There are forty coupons on each Itoud. (two are. however, dotaehed, leaving tiiirty-eioht.) \liout liftv bonds will lie retptircd to make the amount t'onway nuist issue. The above endorsement on the coupons will have to be written nineteen hundred times, ami the t'hairman ol tin* I loan! of t'ountv Commissioners, and the Clerk, eaeh sjons his name the same number of times, besides, the Clerk writes t'onway on eaeh bond and coupon. The ( 'onwax bond | will be siened by the proper ollieers ami delivered to the bank of I .Marion in escrow, subjeet to the order of the President of the railroad ! company on the ?*loti<>ti of 11 n road :mmI its reeeption l>v Jim Slat" railroad commissioner. I lu'ln i incd I c sent to (lie i )ead I miter < Xliee at Wasineton I > < unI less called for within thirty da\ from date hereof. A John Anderson. (' \\\ I*'. Cansey. II. I). <'ausey I) W . (i. M. I )< >rinan. (i l''h>rrie < i ii 1 si-41 on. The article,".!// .B//< 11{ ?'< in last week's 111 i:\t.n was repro dueed from the ('olninbia llaiixttr and we reoret our ue?r|iironee ii oinittinir tin' proper credit. I'lie drifl of the discourse and coin men ts wa> ii: the line of our own thoughts upoi t he sub ject, and. although, the dis course itself may be discounted t< some extent by certain peojde, be cause my naper,' wordof dreAd to hegimicr.4 in busines, lost their terror after a paper has beet established a few years. So Ion"" a> * n a paper pursues a just, honorable am judicious course, meeting the wnnb of its customers in all respects, tin tics of friendship between the sub scribers and the papers are as hard t< break by an outside third party the link which binds old friends ii busines or s( cial life. (>eeaisional defects and errors in a newspaper arc overlooked by those who have h come attached to it through its pern snl for years. They sometimes bed (lonio dissatisfied with it on account of something which iias slipped intt its columns, and may stop taking it: hut the absence of the familiar sheet at t'leir homes ami offices for a few weeks becomes an insupportable privation, ami they hasten to take it again, ami possibly apologize fot having stooped it. No friendshiu on earth is more constant than that contraeted by the reader for a journal which makes tfn honest and earnest effort to merit its continued sftpport Hence, a consoiflfMiously conducted paper becomes a favorite in the family." J I ,ii ii ix'lirtl. Preparations worn not completed in tiin** to launch the new Steamer I loister on Saturday, as heretofore announced. Kvervthinj* was in oilier Monday afternoon and the Con. j trt i was launched amid the plaudits of appreciative spectators. The declination of the ways was not sullieient for the lirst motion to produce the necessary momentum to slide it intnthc water. The ('aplain in ehar?re of the construction did not care to oive the ways more slant, fearino the !>oat niioht oo olT with such rush and velocit \ that it iniolit strike the short4 on the opposite side of the river. A slioht increase of the declination would have ensured the hoat to slide otf with a graceful and swan-like mo ti that it was one of the most sntisfaetorv launeluno-s lie had ever efTeetod. There will lie a meeting of the I lorry Hussars at the Muster Shed on 'JOtli inst., for the purpose of electing tiehl others. I >v order. ll.l. lie. k, ('aptain. jmaua'wsmi* mm mm i11 n n aw ?rwi wn i iwwiiHMiww < 'ofrespniitleiiee. Thanks. t 'on w w, April Id, I SSI. We oratefidlv 'aeknowledee the kindness of our Conway friends for the e'ood thiuos hams, eunned ooods, \e., hesfowed on the evening of the tltli inst. it was the best poundiiio we ever received. W. I.. Punt i:s. \\ omens' Missionary Society of < onwii \ . I laving arrived at t.lit* eighth anni| versary i?f tin? \\*. M. Society, n, we boLf leave to present tin* following "cnort, with thaiiksoivino to tied that lit* has < permitted I lis hand-maidens mid > ('hildren to lie eo-workers with our I .ord .1 (-Mia ( hrist, in the salvation of perisliino- souls in heathen lands. The Auxilliary to the \V. .M. Soeietv, of the S. ('. ('onI'erenee, M. I']. church, South, Conway Station was oroani/.ed April 11th, I Sid, with Ismemliers, Mrs. 1'. K. Carrie, President: .Mrs. K. I'. Norton. \ ieo-l'residen; Mrs. .!. If. Moore, Treasury; . Mi'-s Klin liurrouLrhs, Keeordinj'Secretary; Miss S. Sessions, Correspondino" Secretary. These ollieers --till retain their places -except Treasurer and Keeordino Secretary, have Keen ehanoed. 'The society aoreed at the lirst ineetino to make lemittanees semi annually. The amount collected since the formation to the close of * the missionary year I SS'i. as dues, i eontiuoent funds, Ac., *Nt'?.dO. I W e know that our contributions > have been small, but when our Lord i sat over against the Trensut v and beheld bow the multitude east money > into it, we tire tauy arithmetical nde of addition but proportion. Hence his estirfuito of the poor widows olVerino. ()ur society meets but once a month I yet how few attend; would it not ' promote the relifious and social en joyin >nt of the lnemhor of tin; church I to meet with us talk over our work I for Christ, !>\ our prayers nu;l words 1 of encouragement we would oladden 'the hearts of those who have left home, and friends, to carry the ' I dare no more fr?*t th;ni I dare ' curse and swear.M such expressions 1 streiK't 1 ;* :i o r weak oraee, even in r> cj ' regard to the weather hut (lie tini ~ . derstnr.ding is (hat s\e are to furnish Fair IJhdT items and not personal experiences. . S. A. and N. \V. U/ Tf"A election > I , for bonds will he held on (he I lit 11 inst., and of course there are pros and eons, hut the unijority are for the ' "ailread, which will add materially in many particular, to the importance of on r town. It is a fixed fact that the "Hie I Swamp1' Land and Lumber ('ompany composed of northern capitalists, will j ' erect, in the near future, a luree mill . at this place. They are buying? land in and near the Hluff. 1 Together, with Ili?* S. A. and \. W. K'ailr<>a. it. -? ?? s?ii:i? < )n April Oth, near Jordanvilie, S. ( .. M. \N hlteford Johnson, son Mr. L. M.Jolin son. ape thirteen ycaars. _ w Market Report. CONWAY s. c. CUl DKTl Wl'KXTI NK New Virpin, Y-J bbl., IlviO pounds * ltd Yellow Dip, 2 2"> Semite. 1 "o BHOCKHIKS Uncoil I). S. Side- j ' lb lo (a 12" > cents Butter, 280/85 cents. Lord (o i cu. Fork,^ bbl # 20 00 Moliisscs '(J pillion lOfr/Oo cents. CofTee. ^ pound id-. /" 20cUii Corn, ('J bushels H.*?#5r/>>)! 1 00 Crist per bushel H.Vo # 1 00 Flour, per bbl #0.r>0 ('<> i ents. HICK Uouj/h upland i' bus fine 0/05 Tidewater . ..." 00 (u 1.10 pefllmtH, ' Ian, 550/80 CBFDF. Tl HFK NT I N F. Virgin, '(' bbl., 280 pounds A | oo Yellow Dip, 1 5)0 I lard, I 0o Spirits Turnentinc. tier cnl. !.5 Tnr, & 11*', JMO pnnwl I>1.1. Ilotin Ktrninrtd ?.V<7 > rents. THOS. F. GILLESPIE. A < t orney 111 1 ai ? ii ml 'Ci'lul iliiMlU'e, Conway, S. C NKNV ADVKiniSKMKNTS. COUKT NOTICE. ('m.i m iti S. (April I'll, IHs^ Supreme < ourt Itooiii. An extra term of tin' Circuit Court f<> 11??rr> County, im Iodine < Joiierrd Session ind Common I'leas, is m-reliv ordered to l> held at Conway, to coiiitiieticn on the Hi ' Monday in Muy next, and to continue fo ten dayit so much time is needed, in th discretion of the Presiding Judge and th Hon..I. II. Hudson, .lodge of the Itli Cir cuit i-- lierel'v assigned to hold said ('o' rl It is further ordered tiiat legal notice l> given by the Clerk of the Court for I loi r County of I extra term, and that sai< Clerk and other County olllriula take al necessary steps for the holding of sail Court. W. I>. >1 MI'SoN. Chief .1 ustiee Supreme Coin C 1 i t it I i on \ <>( i Y WILLIAM K. 11A111 >AN UK. I> I ^ I*r??1 ?!?!? .1 tidge. \Y herca* Tin nuns A. Skipper made -uit r nil1 t<> grant liiin Letters of A?11iii11i->11 11i<> of tlio Kstate of mul effects o( LsiiiicT. stkii por.deeeasei |. The *c are t here f< >re to rite an admonish all and singular tin- Kindred an creditors of tin- said I. T. Skipper, decotu i'd, that they be and appear, before ine, i the Court ol Ih'ohate, to he held at t'onwa on the 'J'JiI da\ of April inst., alter ptlblirii tloil hereof, at II oYIim k in the forenooi to shew eanse, if an\ they have, why th said Administration should not be irrautei1 (liven under m\ hand this 7th day n April, Anno Motmni, |SS7. Published o the I (th day ol April, 1*kT. in the lluitit II Kit m.i?. and posted on the Court Molls Moor. W M. K. IIAIIDW U K, I'robale .1 mlge, II. i inch I llli .'Is 'it The State of South Carolina ('< H'NTV ( >K l!< >1? If My Win. K llanlwiek, Ksip, I'robale .I udgi W hereas, John M, Oliver, clerk o Court of Common I'leas, made suit t me, to grant him Letters ol Administratioi of the lOstale and elleels of I lard Noble, deceased, these are therefore t cite and admonish all and -Jugular th kindred and creditors of the said Alex under |{. Noble, deceased, that they be am appear before me, in the Court ol Mrobat to lie held at ('onway S. (' wn the ill da April, n -\t after publieation hen of, at I I o'clock in tic forenoon, to s|io\ cause, 11' any '.hey have, why the said Ail ministration should not lie granted. (liven under my hand this Nth day c March A. I). |ss7. WM. K. 11 Mlliw ICK. I 'la ibate .1 udge. II. ('. March It). |ss7. tit. NOT ICK. Whereas Mrs. Man It. Ileaty, Itaas a| plied to the Undersigned to have a Holm .Men'i ni mo r< ;ii and personal properly <1 hor Into husband, Tlioiiins \\ . Hontv, di oonsoil, sol nil' mill assigned In liof, n provided by Slatulo in relation in llnnu sloilil Kxcuiptinn, In llio ovlont of nil tliniisuiiil dollars nl realty ami nl live bill droit dnllars lat of (ho said deceased. Nnlioo is liori'b irivon, dial al I llo o \ pi rilI in)I nl four Week Iroin I bis dale, lliroo disintoroslod porsnn will In; iippniutoil In appraise and si apart llio sanio, unless jjonil and 1111 i i i i can'O bo show n In llio oniilrarv. i 'lorks (Xlliris M arch 511, 1887 IOIIN M. iil.lVHH, (I mob Ml 5 W 5 ll We Bey to Inform the Puoli THAT W'K IIAVK ON HANI) A ITI.I, STOCK < >1 i.KN Kit \ I. M Klti II V N IUsK, 11 Si i ii \s I)IJ \* (5()()l >S, Cl,< >TI 11 N(i, I I V'l'M, c \ r? ItOO'l'S \ N l> SIIOIIS. FAMILY GROCERIES UA( ON, C( >I{X, KLOCIt. Ifl< I' SI (JAIL ('( HTKK, &c. Which we arc ??!Torini/1 "bottom prices to CASH purchasers. (il\ K us a call, we are satislie we can make it to your interest. WIS* WILL l\\V the hi 200 Pairs W omens' Pegged Pel A .1 (>1$ IA >T ()K (i KN TS' 11 AT> ] AT $2.00 M A<. 'II. Til HA O. ^T^II-iI jan Id ? ) j? OSTotice! ISTotlco!! Notice i? hereby iriv?*??. tlup the midersigned administrator ?>t tl?4? Kstate of Jo- W neph Bridge r*, decease I. by permission of *4 ^ the Probate Judge of Ilorry County, will offer for sale it Little Kivor. S. within r tlie usual hours of - il?>, on Wednesday H April vioth, 1^87, tin- following property of ' said -lo-ii pit Bridgers: One valuable horse, buggy and harness, < lie hor-e cart, several r plows and other articles, and also the inter e est of the -aid Itrhlgers inn certain Schoon e er, called //?? . Iof which he, the -aid Uridger-, in his life time, and one James ! Burns were each half owners. rj IS *. ' Terms of sale cash. 'JKjrfK v THOMAS BKI.L, Administriitor. I i Apr'l 7th d7 2t I \ ol ioo. I Ili: next regular communication of * Trinity Lodge. No. 17a. A. K. M. \\ ill |.e 1, held on Tucs?li\ Mat '.rd lss;. Brethren uill take due notice uid overn themselves according!v. IK order W. M. J. K. Bi: \TV, Se; ty. PI Jan tit I 20 tl II } STOP HERE! II : ) I o r * " IMv\ I) 111 is NOW r I II < I Y ! I liavo a lar.uo anil vari< <1 -?f m ki?f Mi-ii>, ^ mitli"! iiii*I !>ys Clnlliiiiif. I > I' \ C<)()|)S, ; M >TI< ) N S IIA'I'S, 11 TIM'NKS, 11 \ M) I M Itlt I !l ,1 / V -h, y " tm u?>< * i:it11 :.?-i l? ; [l I 11 v \ . < ??i: n . ?v ? . v ' | o x \\ liirli I will 11 low down I'nr ( AMI ISi-wiiivr Macliiiw Nia-dlrs of all Kind*a .?-? if i I speciiilily. J. A. MA V(> ;i U-.r-r?- I -V .1 ?1iiih<>11 A .liilitmnn, i .V (jiultlcliailll , Million, s. ( , \ < nnuiiy, V i I.loll11s<>11s iV Qnat t Iridium. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLORS ' , CONWAY, S. C. I'KIIMI'T \ I'll: N'l III \ lilVKV I'll III ?>y INKS.. , < nlli'cllny 11 S|MTi;i 11 j . >'! OO TO ,v* dr. ic. xoirmx < i c /// : /r/vA/'.s I'oxsr.wr/.v ox //. I A' h a re/. /. .vr/?n. v o/' PU^E DlRUCS AND KR RSI 1 M KDK'IX KS PHARMACUETICAL :GQODS At.WAVS is STOIMi. , Combs, . -o ? Brushes, V. i O % i1 Fine oi!et Soaps, ?o -1 ,t Shaving Soaps and Brushes, (> MEDICINAL SOAPS, | ... _ o Tooth-Picks ? Tooth-Brushes ?- ci- - OUIUgllBS, . O Extracts, 3.' Vesta! Oil &c. i GOODS. I*? , Kinbntciii&r Kvery l.ino of (iooiis. s?spi'xi a i :ri i;s. kt |?;? i r - - - 7 5<\ \ Kip liincd Brooms, per pair NKOO Polkas, per pair - - SI.00 IfKCKlVKl), AM)r OKKKK 'I'llKM AUK WOIITII $2.60 KACIl. -iCOX, 3vIa.ricrL, S. O. ) ^ ^ ^ ' III. ^ 'y. 'v' Jv' * \