Horry IHLersadL-1 coitwa-tt, S- a. j PUBLISHED EVKHY THUllSDAY WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND HKLIA BLE IN MATTEHSOPNEWS AND | 1 OCAL INTELLIGENCE. TEEMS OP SUB8CHIPTION: ilnYRtiibl; In mlvsnce.t oxr yrah, $2.0(? | Six Months, LOo 1 Tiikf.k Months, 50 Single Copy, Five Cents Specimen Copy Free on Application. Short letters on current topics nre cor dlully Invited. Correspondent* limy vise nuy signature but true name of writer must accompany i nil communications. 1 -?!1 * 4 Anu'ics to secure ins.TiKtn must In- sent in by Monday, previous to day of publiea tlon. HATES OF ADVEHTISINO: Advertisements inserted for less 1 Htm one month will be charged for at one dollar per inch for lirst insertion and -r>0 cents for each'subsequent insertion. All legal advertisements at legal rates. For a longer period than one month a litH'ral discount. M>Nl>ON OOSSll?. Aii Interest lug: Letter from the World's Metropolis. The compilation of 11 London 1 otter at Christinas time is ver\ much like a Christmas pudding, and contains a little of everything. All fash iomildc London is flitting away to country houses for the holiday season and everybody is so full of preparations for the greatest day in the year in Knolund that they have no time even to ^jet into mischief. \ on know, of course, l>v cable, that the Colin Campbell divorce ease ended in a virdiet as farcical as the evidence was filthy. Therefore, everybody havino been pronounced not guilty by this whitewashing jury has packed up this novel certificate of character, and departed to Christmas dinner with all the ?nisto inspired by conscious virtuo of the kind that is certified by the Divorce ( Tl. 1.. 1 > i ' ......I. .in- Hill) (TI'IHI iircoill pUSIH'd has been to create a steong fooling of disgust in the minds O several professional actors, notably Mrs. Langtry and l.adv Monkton, these ladies have heretofore confined themselves to the legitimate. lamdon is now to have a new sensation iu this line, for it is announced that Mrs. Mackintosh and Miss Annette Steer are to appear in Robinson Crusoo at the Avenue Theatre at PllPluf i?t?c ! x ?................ > now liiiiirM arc sisKTS, and both professional beauties, their photographs adorning most of the shop windows, and 1 must Miy they are really beautiful women. They are connected in some fashion distantly by marriage, I think, with Lady Downshire, whose proteyea they wore. I can't say they are, for I don't know how the Dowager Duchess regard their latest exploit. As Robinson Crusoe is a burlesque, in which we are told to expect tin* very least amount of clothes on the young ladies which will escape the intervention of the Lord Chamberialn, it is safe to say that these ladies are not satisfied with of the nnhlic for their 1 faces alone but now propose to present their other charms for the public's approval. Preparations for that idiotic amusement, the Christmas pantonine, are going on in every provisional theatre in England, most of the surburban theatres, and a few of the West End houses. Gus Harris promises to out-do himself at Drury Lane, and his brother Charles is striving to out-do Gus with Monte Christo at the Gaiety. Hero is the latest good story told in the city: A saintly individual who tried to offer up a prayer at the meeting of his creditors in Queen Victoria street not so long ago, did r.ot get ho far as "Amen" on the occasion, Among his creditors was a rough Scotchman who, as soon as he had got over the amazement at the coolness of the proceedings, shouted out, ,"Sit doon, ye dommed infernal heepocreet ! If ye say anitliur vrurd to the Almichty in my presence, doin me if I dinna kick yo, Ac., Ac." The eteditow roared, the {M'titioner sat down, aiid the business M' ' ' j x V''* < i?f tin* mooting proceeded in the manner usual on such occasions. Ami while on tin* topic of the citv, 1 must tell that there is a oood .leal I curiosity manifested as to the real reason of tlje visit to London at this' time of Washington K.Conner, the late partner of Jay (iould. Mr. Con ner is at the Hotel Metropole, and keeping very ooeiiiber to |hiss his"Christ-I iiuiH in London "just for fun."' lint \vh t the real reason is, is a puzzler.; Mr. Connor says he is lookino for a J yateh to replace the i town:.a In* sold last year; l?ut tin n (iouldV! agents don't usually toll tlioir husinoss to outsidors. The ii nn mini . .\i irs says that he has eoine to in duce the committee of the Stock Kxclianoo to list Western I niou, and is' prepared to secure that end hy any amount of soliucen will not open the next session of Parliament in person, and all who looked forward with joy to that oc- I casion, and they r.ro principally shop- j keepers, are correspondingly disappointed. The " liattenhero liany" has boon christened, and the u en, itayino superint< uded that important ceremony in person, will shortly leave Windsor and aoain oo into re. tirement hist en i ny to Crockett. \n quieter or nunc oentleinanly person did I ever meet tlmn David ('rocket t. lie ciiine slowly lounoino into the venerable ollice of the XiitivHul IntcUifjencn' one severe winter afternoon, when and where I was industriously wnrinino my little boy body al' around the small, square stove. There was a vacant chair near me. lie took it with solemn deliberation. Then over the Mat stove-ton he extended his bio rouoh hands. "Cold," he said. Nothing more for a long while. I looked at him?looked intently; | for this was an uneomou comer. "A ' largo strange head, down either side of which, from a middle parting, fell ' lotto black hair. Soiuet hitto savage 1 | about him, yet a most gentle savage, as if he could fondle a baby, pet a puss, and even cry very heartily, bomo moved by proper circumstances. 1 My father, present, of course, for > he "belonged to the olliee," nhscrvino . my aina/eiiient, found opportuni(\ to \\ hisper in my ear, "I htvid ( Yoekctt." j I knew a few things about the fa- I 1 II* 11 mous man knew that his life had | been a romance surpassing the initio- , I initios of any poet or novelists knew ; and what so surprising its this? that he was now a mouther of Congress, j Indeed, I had heard read tit the breakfast-table some of the "b'ar stories" with which In frequently amused, convulsed and convinced the < the "IIouso." I saw I )avid < Yockott. Presently, I felt David t'rockott.!' His bio rioht littrid. olidino away o ?> ' ~ j j front the hot stove-plate, chose forest ! itself lovingly among the curls of my In) I r "You never mot a b'ar?" remarked Davy; "in courso you novor." 1 acknowledged my total nunc- ' quaintance. "Would liko to? "Certainly." "Don't know. Better hour about' eui first." i "I'd 1 >o triad to hoar, then." you shall, my hoy. I'll t<>i 1 , you a story of one 1 seed oneo't." I was charmed with the anticipation. lie would have begun it im- 1 mcdiutely, hut several "members," j Senators, and others that moment entered the office. Their business soon over, they still lingered, foi a whisper had stolen aiuaiijr ihein, nun iiioi'j" . !; were; ^ ( brought up to the lire, and an ex pee- j j tant eirelo unexpectedly resulted. "I was going to toll this lad a b'ar story," resumed Davy, when every' voice interrupted him with: t "Tell it! toll it! We a 11 wish to i hear it!" Ho complied. Listening, that af- ' ternoon, proved my chief enjoyment of life, to date. Listening seemed to prove a similar sensation to every person of the group. It was it grand excitement just to listen. Whatever was related we saw. Wo lived along the remarkable incidents from word to word. Who, of mortals, save David fiockctt, could display such vivid nower- -could so wield thunder and lightening? Yet it was not altogether terror. Comical situations ( | wore introduced. \> o wore eager, ! wo were alarmed, we were suddenly , in most violent paroxysms of laughter. < Butter scotch is made out of one cup of molasses, two cups of sugar I one and one- half teaspoons soda one j teaspoon of vanilla piece of butter, size of an egg. Boil without stirring! until it hardens on spoon. I 'our out on buttered plates to cool. Always ( add flavoring last. * -. J*i \*. .. - I*i ???jv. :..:i .-nt.'" tried in the ('unto? !?* Van! ill Switzerland. Tin re In meh'ni;;- t.uw in tlie theory of pro?rre-si\ taxation it has constant!v i>ecn nj?|>!i*"! ie it has ln*eii attempted on a laroe s< ah , and applied to all ohject of taxation. The now law which is to l>e mile mi led to liie people of \ ami for their acceptance or rejection, divides tiixnldc objects iut" three classes: (1 (le' il estat? ; ('-) peisoiial property; ('?? earnings. Kaeh of these classes is si11 x 1 ivi valuation, and the rate of tavahoii increases a... ; r .i--? 'is... in 11 ii i '?i \?inu*. i ituv> ;? Mian with real estate worth will nay ?1 a your tax: ho who own $10,(MM) of real estate will pav tun *\! hut ? {,; ho who owns s'Jt).(HH) will pav not *o ??r .stj, hut 10. The more property a eiti/.en owns tho higher will his rate of taxation ho The aamo rule is to ho applied to personal property; tho r.ato of taxation will inorouso with oaoh nililition al A."( 11) valuation, so that ho who has $101),(MM* ^t hank or in hotels will pay not ten timos as muoli as ho who litis sit),()t)t), hut ahout thirty time-, as much. So with earnings, I'lio rate of taxittion will iiioroaso with oaoh additional iJtotM) of iuoonio, with this jiroviso, that an exemption of so ii.uoh (in tho Canton of Vaml $S0) shtill ho nuulo for otirh mouth to ho foil. I'lio design of tho plan is to throw tho harden of taxation on those who aro host ahlo to boar it. I'lio farm lahoror who owns nothinn to the Lloiuo for Ai(od Moo in liostou, and the Society for Acol Kemales in N ewbnryport. Voyot uhlcs Hotter than Drills. Spinach has a direct efTecl upon complaints of the kidneys. I'll eoiiimou dandelion, used as, : . . 11 p _ .i greens, is excellent 101 ilie same j trouble. Asparagus purges the Idootl. (VI-! cry acts ndmirahly upon tin- nervous system, and is a cure for rheumatism and neuralgia. Tomatoes act upon the liver. Reels and turnips arc excellent ap i pet i/.ers. Lettuce and cucumbers are cool-' iug in their eiTeois upon the system. (hiioiis, garlic, leeks, olives audi diallots, all of which are similar, pos sess medicinal virtues of a marked' diameter, stimulating the circulatory; system, and the consequent increase, >f the saliva and the gastric juice promoting digestion. lio I onions are an excellent diuretic, and the white ones are recommended to he eaten raw as a remely for insomnia. They are a tonic imi nutritious. A soup made from onions is regarded i>\ i iit* r'renrh .1-. < * ,\i . 1 lent restorative in debility of the iigestive organs. s?- -< It you sufTej' pricking pains 011 moving he eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and hid your sight weak and failing, you -litm 11?I promptly use I >f I. 11, McLean's strength. niiigT.yc Salve. Viae, a box. RATES OF ('(HIMISSION CHARGED FOR MONEY ORDERS. The following rates of Commission >n Money orders have been lixed by Post Olllee Department on and after .July 20 1 SHU. Da sums not exceeding >;5 5 cents. Over #5 and not exceeding #10....H cents. (>\ er #10 and not c\< ceding # 15 10 cents. Over #15 " " " # 80 15 cents. Over #80 # -10 20 cents. Over #40 " " " # 50 25 cents. Over #50 " ,l " x (JO 80 cents. Over #00 " " ' # 10 85 cents. Over #70 x HO. ?o cents. Over !|H0 ' " " xKH) 45 t ents. A tingle Money Order may include nn\ amount from one cent to one hundred dollars inclusive, but must not contain a fractional part of a cent. f .... * 4{g Ukkik ^ !Uv, GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY. KX WT'Tl V i: l'r? (liovi'i" Cleveland, March 4(li ISNll. I IK A Its of |t|:i'\ ItTM KNIT. Set r?tur\ ?! State Thomas 1\ IJayard. of I lelnware. Secretary or the Tr< a 'try Daniel Man uintr, < ! New York. Secretary ol War W illiam ( . Kndieott : >t Ma ssju'lil I set t s. Secretary <>t the Nn\y William C W liitney, <>| New York. Se? rctarv of the Interior Lucia. (}. < !. ttnar. t ?t XI is?issi|ipi. \tioniey < Jeneral Aut?o>tns 11, (larlaml iii /MKunsns. , I'o Monster (< ' (? rill W illi.tin 1". Vilas 01 Wiseonsin. I.K< i (HI.ATI V K: President ol tin* Senate JohnSherman, of < )liio. Speaker ot tin' HotiHi'of ltepresentatives J. <1. <'nrlisle, of Kentucky. .iriuriAUv: Ciiii'f .ln^ti( ?' I Ion. >1. 15. W'uite, of ! Ohio. t s*rri:i? si \ i t:-. i ot i: r ok so. pa. Circuit Judge Hugh I.. Itond. ( i rci.it ( '!< rk .1. K. 11ngood. District.) inIge < II. Siniontoii. ('h'l'l; I**, M. 1 sc?:it>r??< >k. Marshal I j. M. Ihtykin. I'/istrict Allom y i.. I'. Votiinniis. I nited Slates Senators from South, j <'nrolina: Wade I lampion, M, ('. Mutlcr Iteprc enlalivc Sixth District (lea. \Y. Dargan. cat i;i:nmi:\t ok soi i ii < mkii.ina. j (iovcrnoi John I'. Uichard^on, of Clar-j cixioil. Lieut. Governor Win I Mauhlin, of j (> rcem i He. Secret an of State W. Z. I.eitner, of j j Kershaw. Comptroller Oeneral W. 10. Stonev, ol | Itcrk Icy. Attorney < Jen nil Joseph II. Klirlo, of I ! Sumter. Treasurer DancS. Ma in berg, of Mam ! Well. Superintendent of education James I 11. Mice, of Abbeville. Adjutant and Inspector \Vi t lii - re ix ? >n. Seventh W II. Wallace. I.I. 'ith .1, s. I'otltran. nil NTV IU?V Ki:\ M liN I . Senator .lereiniali Sin itli. Uepresentutives Samuel 11 ill: iiitin, |[. I., litiek. ('lerU of < 'oiirl .1. M. < )liver. Shel l 11 lb < i. Sessions. I'rolvite .luil:;e \\ . 10. Martlwiek. Selmol ('ommi--ioner John 15. Der-j ham. County Commissioner.- David Itahon, It. | < b < oilin . John li. Snjiirs. M County 'i're.isurer M. K. Sarvis. County Auditor 10. Norton, t 'oront r \. 11. J. (Jalbraith. I.Kll 1SI.ATI V H. President ProTein of the Senate .lames F. I/liir of (iran^elmrir. ' S|tetikoi ot I louse Itepresi nlative James Simmons of ('liarleston. STACKHOUSE ! TO THE FRONT AGAIN. (I ? ? I Wish to inform the People of I lorry that I have! opened a SALK, LIVKItY,| AM) VVA'A) STABLR opposite .IO If DA N A- EVAN'S store, one door South of the lAD, whore I keep on hand, ut nil times, H(),{SKC 9 MlI,C QLmi AL 1) 11 1 (J K ()- If TLJ III. I) II I (' K O I? f WAGONS, I ? < > ( tt)Ll MlilS AND IIAVDOCV Vy'Ol.l MilVS AND IIAY DOC IV ; BUGGIES, and n full line of IIAHNKSS, and sell tliein at the LOW 1ST I'OSSl 111.K prises. All sales guaranteed as represented or your money refunded, ( nine and see me. .1. STACK IIOI'SK, .Marion S. ('. November 1, 18S0. I y iMfflM! :: S!'K( I AL DRIVEI " ? 11 \\TV. HAVE KTII.I, OK HAN' . v t I'Vw uf the Light I Linn in ' . ' tic Sowing machine* which ^'ove with cheaper than you caiL-' v/irf man Allen-, in the UNITED /fossession of his son, i than you can I >n ?? . , , FACTURERS' - ,m> sn* ' Respectful/1 of <-orpu?. |? BUr/H> vounff A) lender and i I < >it l't 3iorrro ! gi;]CK SALKS AND SMALL PltOKlTS Wo liavo LjoiM' into this business with this MOTTO mul propose to stick to it. Wo intend to koop up a full stock woll selected from the Markets of NKW YORK, IJALT1MORK, and 1*111 LA I )KL1'111 A. of all (?( M )J )S required l>v t la* trade. Wo have an elegant lino of I )ross (ioods Suitintrs, n ' licit, white ami plaid Flannels, TMtl.K I?A MASK TOW KI.K, IIOSI KltV, II A SDK I: IC< 111 Ill's, < i I .o V KS, ii ask i: is, CIKH K KltV, I I N W A It K, .1 I:A NS, OA SSI M KltKS, Men's Youth's and I Joy's ( LOT II I N (J , II eaelied ami I nbleaehed Sheeelinos ?and Sin I IT I N (i s. A Larec Assortment of M kn's and I . . . . 15( ivs'.... hats caps. ; i ()nr Slock in the (irocery line,! 1m.Ui STAPLE and FANCY, embraces every111i11tf you need, A call will convince you thai we i have the {roods to Sell and we are ooino to se II tlx Mil CHEAP R!!! CASH W e are Ajrents for the celebrated j L'"r Douglass Slices riie best shoe in the World for THE 1M1KE. Soliciting : sliarn of your patronII fro. REMEMBER! W c buy low for (JAS1I and fiiruro 1 * i roni th's low l?asis when we sell? So come with your money and country V HOI) UC E ! ! RESPECTFULLY, \\ . L. BUCK & CORUCKSVILLE, S."0. W.L.DOUGLASiJr==ir SSDOJ^'V SHOEjP ; w.uo SHOE f? m"*\ WARRANTED/ ^ /v^j 1 k&aiJ W.L.DOUGLAS'Rr?f i3X)(W/l SH0L#it4 WARRANTE^^^^TtTtTt^ ^ /I ?OTTOtA ^ ' IB-a 11 Xjin.e of Gents, X-ia-dies, HS/Eisse? and1 Oliildrein/s Pine Silaoeo, IBor Sale IB 3^ | "\7\7~_ Xj. IBuicls: cSz: Co. HOC K LIME!! ! 100 liAI i * 1 i is im blisiiki > I . Every TE'li.'u.rscLaor -AT? CONWAY, s. a, AND is ID:E"voth"O TO UNTT^X-iX^IOElNTO^ TO THE INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL ADVANCEMENT OF THK MASSES. HAVING A LARGE Circulation it AFFORDS AN J ADVNTAGEOUS MKDH'M FOR TMK!I ADVERTISERS ji o Communicate with tho people. .1 i \ ADVERTISING DONE ( i I I ? REASONABLE RATES i t Subscription only $2 per Annum > i 4 niXKESS ! Far better than the u" ~~ J medicines which horribh 1 and destroy tho coating l)r. J. II. McLeans Ghi\blishing Co. Sold at 60 cents a bottlf ? Subscribe to Tiirc\ w _ *J 'ay 8. 0 i. I 1.'. SrlMMluh* ol' Wilmington, Chadbourn and Conway R R 111 effect fro i ate, Cluulbourti. N Dee. Otli. l*s?. ZvHa.il Train.. souTHiiorxi): I.eave ('hti(tlH>uru 7.80 A. M. . 1 \rrive Yolaiule 7.55 " / ( lit endon H. 10 ? " .Mt. Tabor 8.515 * " Loria 0.00 " XnitTllliOCXI) : Leave I,oris, 55.15 A. .M. Arrive Chmlbourn 11.55 " I'asscnirors from Wiliu'iigton wi.l i .k-* tr.?:n 48 on W. <'. & A. lb lb Train 17 oil W. ('. A A. K. lb, will make connecti ns with above train. ("lost* eon eetion will be mad with Local train No. 7 for points North. v .IAS. ||. < MADHOl'KN, .hi.. > Snpt. ^ Wllminciton, Columbia & Augusta KaiiroaU. ( } KNi :|{ a i. I '.\ss*KNO Kit DkI'AKT.MKNT, / April 20, 1 SMi. \ rpilK KO I.I.O W 1 N O sciir.DI LK will bo operatc'i .n and a lei :i ? No. 48, Daii,y. Leave Wilmington 8.15 p in Leave Lake Wueeaniaw It. 1(1 p m Leave Marion 11.51(5 p in Arrive at Florence 1:2.25 p in Arrive at Sumter 1.21 a m Arrive at Columbia 0.40 a \K (H)IN(J Sol 'I'll No. It), Daily. Leave Wilmington 10.10 p in Leave Lake Waccamaw 11.15 p m Arrive at Florence 1.20 a in No. 451, I) \ii.v. Leave Florence 4.110 p in I .eave M arion 5.11 p in Leave Lake Waccamaw 7.051 p m Arrive at Wilmington s.:!o p m (.1(11 N(l NoU I II No. 17. Daii.v. Leave Columbia 0.55 p in V rrtvo .it .... . ...mi. i I I. M it 111 I,t>iivc Florence 4 .0 it 111 Leave Mill ion fi.otl n in Leave Lake Wneeaniaw i.OOn in Arrive. :it Wilmington S. >() a in Nn>. IS anil 47 stops at :ilI station- ox ro|>t Uegi tor, Kbenezer, and Savatr. i i Wateree anil Siintns'. I'as-a.Hirers lor Columbia and all points on A (i. It. It., and. A. A It. It. stations, * Aiken .Junction, and all points beyond should take No. In. Pullman Sleeper to Augusta on this train. .1. F. IMV1NK, Geu'l Supl. .1. It. Kkni.y, Supt. Trans. 'I'. M. Km k ii si in, (1 oii'I Pass. Ag >nt. Septendier !M), 1SM0 11 Burroiiyiis High School, CONWAY, S. C. l^XKIU'lSKS IN AliOYK SCHOOL I J for Sixth Scholastic year will begin on Monday, October 4, 188G, and continue for forty weeks. The Musical Department will he under control of Mjss Mary Ii. Fearcc. TKIt.MS: Primary, per month, $2 00. Intermediate, 44 'J 75. Higher, ' :$ 50. Music, 44 ;t no. Useof Instrument, 44 1 00. .1. M. KNIGHT, Principal. September 510, |smij. tf Nono gcniilno unless etam|>C(t as follows, JAMES MEANS" S3 SHOE. These Shoes for gentlemen ^rrf-n aro made of Finest Tannery i'nlf'&biin. stitched with large W FiL. ?Sllk Mneluno Twist, mid are H |r^ Tftuneuualled in iHtrabilitj/, It \\ Comfort, tmd Appcorjro Vx wN ""ce. Thev are made 'n tf \\*f various wiutlifl. to I. ai M Xj O'er broad or narIs li\n1 il t.' ./ S^rowtocs. Themerits of these caused such an enor- ' niotiB Increase in tho Ik demand for them that J# C/IL wo rni> now furnish #;ur\/l^^O g Hty altocs of this A ., *97-v^K Kra\ pair. It costs nothing ' '. to try theni on. | Unrroiiulis &('ollins. los. 'I'. Walsh, ) ttnhcit It. NcnrhorOligh, Marlon s. r. ? I'onwm s. r. iAf A 5 CU Q. CPADnaonntJLti > iriuon vx. vjumiiuuiiuI. ? Attorneys at Law. > f Conway, S, 0.' % 1887. A GRAND COMBINATION. i687.* < >' * THE HORRY HERALD \ N I? Till. .OUISVILL- WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. noTIl l'AI'l-.ltS ON K YKAlt Foil ONLY ^ . I For the amount mimed ahoye you will 't ecelve for one year your holne paper with ho Courier-Journal, ,, i HKI'KKSHNT' TIVK M.WHPAPk'a 'K TI1K SOUTH, r f )ejuoeratic and for a Reduction of the * rVnr Taxes aa now levied by the present . ; ariff, and the Iwst, brightest and ablest, t hmily weekly in the United States. Tl* 'i iVookly o urier-.Iou rnal has the largest* ireulatlon of any Democratic Newspaper n America. sep^.Mf H TH03. F. GILLESPIE.^I I #6^^H