4 THE LUTHERAN VISITOR, CHARLESTON, S. C., AUGUST 21,1874. R fSE LUTHERAN VISITOR. Charl«aton« H. O. Friday, August 21, 1974. KT) I T o K »: Rkv. T. W. DDBH Charkwttm. H. C. Kiev. J. HAWKINS. Sh#f>lir'rA«*tm«r», Vo. PHar.JLJ. DREllKK,..,. Walhalla. A C. (n rsoentia?*, unity ; «* *o* essentials, liberty; in mil thing*, charity* M^iamiyfciiiii i nn rninmiiinrm* i wimniiruiiwiw 11 kim l rncuL xotiouk * Bt inManc^ nintt lw nw«k* in I*wrt OUto Orders, is.uik C'lwdbL or rimttn, if possltihp. If tli***? run not he obtained, M'ini tint hmHm'v in * RnourtEinro Lot VHm. AU riMtmtMtrm are ohlijrcd to ivfdtlit when required. Paper* ore sen* ftt» Miterrihct* until s-r U» diiwunUiiiw nimk. | a ^J r y MaMkf ft of to paper by Rail, l* not tuf UUili United. relating to *ab- # Si«n4-» kk0«llkaku( I r ll HIM intinelly, *ml rare folly iadtrals whivh Me oW and which are new inWrilm. Sol only the name of the |hwI offlee, hut also that of the comity ami State *»f fwli enluwriber i« necessary, In order that the proper entrloft may be promptly and accurately made. e* Marring* «wl obituary notice*, and other matter Intended for publication, ■RMtllbWritten •wparalely, ami not in twin run letter*, to receive proper atten uw%’‘ ^OBEKCTfOlt.—In an article on Luther's Catechism I am made to say, that little book i« the instructor of firo million* of the banian race. It should bo tiro hundred million*. WL Dor Synodical Meetings. Synods constitute an iiuportau l*»wt of onr Church polity, witbou whieh wo do not see bow wo coob cooperate in doing our Appoint** work in evangelizing the people. Though they are voluntary associa tions in their specific organization, when so formed, in the name and for the glory of Oo«l, they have a high authority from Him, to bo exercise* ill'strict accordance with his revealed wool. In their corjiorate capacity they are to some extent advisory, but also legislative, as exercising the ecclesiastical and economic functions with which God has invested his Church, in the great commission to “preach the Gospel to every creature.'’ If this bo not so, their ordination of men to “do tho work of an evangel ist" is not only a nullity, but a bold assumption. Viewed in this light, therefore, their animal puhi-omIuumi ir.» or grave importance to tho of Christ's kingdom as committed to oar trust, and should be so regarded by all—both clergy and congrega turns connected with them. Every minister should feel it his duty, if (Missibl^ to attend tho meetings of his By nod, and every charge should send its regularly appointed delegate to be present also. When assembled iu convention, for mutual counsel and encouragement, every minister and lay delegate, as a constituent part of it, should feel an imperative obligation to be in bis proper place, at tbo right time, daring all iU sions. Farther, as they are delibe »llfejft0Cs, due time should be taken for deliberation on all matters brought before them; andMfeerefore ministers and laymen should come prepared to remain until all the basi ness deemed important by Bynod shall be transacted. No prior or rangements shall be made for asking leave of absence before adjournment, unless such necessity should be im l>oaed by Divine Providence. And all should take a prayerful and attentive interest in the proceed iugs of Synods with which they are thas assembled. The lay-delegates should not be listless nor silent. They liavo an equal voice with the ministry, and shoald exercise it. Their jadgment is, In many matters, more reliable, and their conclusions more jadicious and practical than those of their clerical brethren—es pecially in financial matters. Our most zealous, practical business men shoald 1)0 more frequently chosen to represent our congregations in Sy nodical meetings. Their clear views might SUVA us from mistakes in im portent enterprises. Not that all ministers are impractical, or devoid of business capacity ; but many are, whilst others are just as skillful and far seeing tn the temporalities of the Church as laymen. Bat both are needed; neither can be dispensed with. And the point which we desire particularly to press upon all who may compose such meetings, is, that they shoald emphatically discourage the “indecent best©" and rushing through of business, which some times characterise oar Synodical pro ceedings, and cante things to be d >no “which shoald not be done, 1 * amt leave “undone things which should be done." Let as take time, brethren, to do oar work well, under the eye of the Master “ we are, and whom we servo,* A u\ rnttm»mri1i.m Inuliluv lit & union of all the Lutheran Synod* and ehnrebe* t« tho Sooth, and Co • more friend!.) affiliation with oor Lutheran brethren hi the North, meet* our hearty approbation, *od will receive at oar bond*, at all time*, that aaaslderatkw whloh its great importaore demand*. It always ireen a matter of deep gret, that there ahoald ho *u division la oar ranks and so maeh difference ia regard la mm e*«eaii*l prevent a geaoral anion and cordial fealty to a common oharrh •Ml These divlMonn among a the same faith fruitful •oarer of and ariaundoraundmgs, and are a constant obstacle ia Vtte way of oar ptogreen as a church and denomina tion of ekrbiiaoi. In aaiou there is strength, vitality, and power ; divia km prodaeee uathing but and mischief, aad often This doctrine holds true in regard to the civil government of a country or people, and it is sqaally true with respect to eoiteaiaaUeal album and church government. It there ever was there weregood aad m Actant g round* for the separate aad iodeiremlent ex tsteuoeof District Synods, occupying the same territory la the Southern Lutheran church, and of a number of eharchgi in tiou wit* our District 8yaod when they are property in the temtoriai jarisdiction of another District Sv nod. as is the caste with some churches in Lexington county, & O., that t> has certainly passed awgy. What ever petty jealousies or difference* may horslotote have given rise la this disjointed ami singular state of things, these divisions, with the causes that produced them, ought aow to be removed. They are a hinderauce to oar prosperity aad progress as a church, cripple and re tard all oar church enterprises, sad are a reproach to our denotata at iona name. We are ail brethren, all belong to the same ecclesiastical have one faith aad baptism, bold to the same confession, practice in the mam the same/orm of worship and church usages, have the mm —in a word, are all Lutherans, bers of the name old mother Chunk -»* «* *» .. . , __ « ... M J ttlVUlU we (bus stand apart ami be dis united t It is a wrong, nnwise, and anebrisliati thing. There ia, we re pear, no just ami valid ground tor it whatever. If errors have been committed, let them be corrected. If prejmticea keep ns apart, let cbmtian love and true msnHoess of eharaeter at o remove them. In the name of all that is good and noble, let os he united, amt patting together sit oar energies and resource* under wise ami common government and eociesiaaticai control, our power and policy as a church in this Southern land would soon be know lodged ami tott as they never have been before. B. J. IX Jubilre Ytar of 3. C. 370454. The Synod of Sooth Carolina, st its last sauna) Convention, resolved to observe the current year as its Jubilee, aa suggested in the refxwt of the retiring I’rcaideot, Aad as renommoadsd by the Regular Com mittee to whom said Report was referred, a “Cenlral Committee of Three” was appointed to mstare s| plan aad make arrangements for its proper celebration. The Committee therefore propose, I. That the special deeiga of this general celebration shall be the Ku dowment of a Professorship u New berry College, to be eaMRf -4 CHE BACHMA* CUAJB OP , as a grateful tribute to the memory i4 our veuarahla and distinguished “father in God,” Bor. John Bach mao, D.D., LLl>, through whom, HPl'ttttiiiwtlyf ttliH) ikm! hihJ C had their origin. II. That mat* meeting* shall be held in each Conferroce District in me central and otherwise suitable church,for thapurpose of awakening fitoeral fotereat on the subject. The Presidents, together with the! officers of the respective Con •ball arrange the time, place, order of exercise* as they may deem mat.. ;;ii' ’ M, III. That nevinl ter mo u* suited to the time aud object shall be p* cached by each pastor, in all the coogrega lions of his charge, accompanied with services adapted to the area •Ion, as far as practicable * due aoftlre having been previously given of irTnmt Wlmk* 1 tow tlxM (%fkma w*** wesr*'' * Im and as Bead ef Hot Disraeli ^ Enplsml, iiambetta in Wtm Caspar ia Himn, MufWer ia Geruisiiy—here are four Jew* who have made themselves the most f iu the four moat powerfat d Kuropc. people, aa the medium through which the names of contributors ami I It- • amounts given towards said sudow- meat may he rctunud to the pastors or appointed re FT T%«# ima ord, tor tho JubHc. of each con tn bubo- sod !.,** . van shalt he registered, sod saw! shall ha preserved iu the archives of the By nod to fa tare VL Hiitoll 09 39VltoMi OOBO OMMrpPg Of wi. In "which a like r«<»n| of Myuod, wishing should apply promptly I wdP v.dlwlf ml wJmPOPOHtoOOOt T. W. J. fl. Howova, W. A. iklWMAW Wa rw* publish tbo shove report of IMlltt4N^ III UTMingt ill |«)ul*)4lo9 of eor ttyuod, as w# hava ham to formed that the t'hitrah snsuftrsllv It Is very simple, aad of tug, proati- aal spplicauoa la tha aad la soeoe partkmlara It meetings, too There la amt stir and the artiste of Dr. l'ltiidwit of Board of of Nawmaarp Oaitoge, as MS hail t m hi —■ -S ft ■— ~ M a. a. |MlDllitolN! IOM wFtl« WIH f Ml kMMOtoi tfc# \ **■ as*** d *^'^fcS'i dftitt rmnmil t aasMaaeto 1 BF ft lPWfriTlMMM| tol tOC«ft 9|V|injiBH' iug tucetings, sheoUl take the matter OBltototfififitoal 1 y t and ovary pastor and miaistor assist In • 1 renting the plwe r by saaing that roerp mrmtov of their respective charges shall roeeivs rfi>eUijw*. ijimI li*\r tbe unity ot contributing to this maadaMo onjoahi Wa are sorry is ha informed that bat tow of the brethren have yet for the Broth to ia this of the Vlrglaia (*jrgN*» territory. We have two eharehos Hi Cage ty •, oa^Hc Deal’s, about twelve ahovv, sad the other, Bethto or the “Paos Ron Church* about four miles below La ray, the ftomfllf teiiit Tkipmi* jam lUhltlllUAl. w *• «■ O* * • 1MW:S*PS( Wi»r brick edifices, whieh, with bat littls expense, cogM he rendered not only very com toresbks hat vary attrae- tive |4aeas af worship ; hat the 00a' gregailoos former li worshiping in them have for ecuae time past, for want of regular attention, somewhat disorganised sod tend. * Especial I y tiers this seem to ho the oaas'at 8ft. l*aalX where, wa reo, wake up, By nod with Inane e aad do not I Orkney Spring! w« had the rhrarwrr not ktur si are, of spending a tow days at this celebrated a ate* iug pine*, as a “dead heatl” of ouurM*. for who ever heard of an editor of a church paper befog shfte to pay kit way at tl springs! Through the kindness of friends, including Mean. Moore to IVrry, the gaatlemaaly proftrieiora, we had tha privilege af a tow days of real at this delightful plane. Coder the title Orkney la included noted sprlaga—the Chaly Bear Wallow, the Freo- the Bulphar, ia Hheaaa dash eoaaty, Va^ 13 miles west of Ml Jackson. The waters are toaie aad altera- live, aad are found guod for alseoat nil tha diseases man is hair la The all disease* of the shin, dyspeimfo, sad chronic lufiamanUfoa. The pike from Ml Jackson ia good, Mm ueteet a very beaattfai country among (be bills and valleys, aawl over the Battealich moautsin, giviog tha travciar a moat aregnifi neat view of North mountain, at the base of which the «pHags are alia a ted. \ The proprietors have recently erect ed a efdendid hotel. IOM ton front, SOU toot depth, aad four stories high Thfo, with the other baUdlaga aroaml iC wilt esopmmodule five or six bun drvd gaeafk The table la all that bs desired, sad all the ar are on a very lihrral There ia ama feature, not often found at public samaret resort*, whfoh greatly reanaimiailft Orkaoy, aad that is the home tike appeoouaco of everyth lag. The stranger is made to feel at once that he la among ao firtemls, sod free to do oe he and be perfectly at his ease. There have been, daring the mouth af July, about MO visitors present at the hotel, beohtea many occupy me cabin*. Tre property of Mcsara Moore to IVrry Is valnml at ninety thou mod dollars, aad tern rreeatly been leased by a company to he still farther im If any af aar restore wtah to grow fat aad W good, atl they have to do to to go to Orkney and stay Ws had tha pleasure of preaching from aa Ezra’s pulpit la the parlor, to a large sml mjr attentive *u i H- . Tit given book r I hava a harried vtmt to l*age county, made ia scooedaaoe with am MTTilkiiMhMlt toj#rttgml ijfteto aft (oaf “”’■»» wgs swgm^ww mpgr asrem’ meeting of tha f'otomae Co a tore aw. will attempt, la falfilmaat af a to Jot jfown soaMrthing of what I saw, heard, and did there. Arriving at the pleasant HtU* [item if XdftNgr tot* «*> Friday night, Jaly 34th, after a rough stage rite of shoot Sixteen mllaa Iras ftlew- Market Ms Don, I was enrdftalty wsl by oar exaeflsot moods, Mr. War G, Alther and Mr. W. Y. Ctias. Tha format Is as •uecessfal msrehant, and member of our obi ties of whoso horn# I greatly mjoyrd whilst ia Lgrs), sad itos latter is, nary vssatioa. preflfo hers, but now now Id •csreely ouafit twoaty flva. My vhdt was to Brtbleheui churoh | a a appoiaUaeot having been made by tiro. Ctioo for pre|mratory servioe on ttatardag afeirni m. aad the holy -oa Bondsy morning. U faapectable altendaoce of Batorday; whilst ou Bondsy Mtoraiug, despite threat sniog weathar, the clrareb was fall; thirty four teaten of tho ooagre gatioa prosept partaking of the sac re me lit of tha Lord’s Hopper. We ware assured that If the weather had been more fevor*W<- the number, both of the aoagregsUod sad com maafoants, would bare been much larger. I had written thus far when the VWtoe of thp 3!st alt. came to hand, containing the communication of Bro. Cline ao “Our Churches ia !*age Couaftp* I will only add, therefore, to the information I here given, that we have several families of I ai therm os reatdiag in Laray, at whose request I bad the pleasure of pfetMrhing on 8ut»da> night in town, to the MiShiuilist church. These Bfalen of oar rhunah ia the town are anxious to have regular services, and a if agitating the question of area ring a Wit and building s church ; aa eeterprtas ia which it is hoped they may restive substantial eocoar- agemeut from the brethren of onr Hyaod. Avoiding rather than prompt ly occupy ing central |M>iuts, like this, ia oar efforts to build np the inter eats af oar Church, i« a poite« the folly of which i* now generally ad milted aad need* no demonstration. The first Lutheran ehnreb bailt in Page coant j should have been bailt In uurey, on the must central and eligible mte that coni*I have Iren Had that been femlc the of operation* year* ago. instead of bring merely a missiim field of the Virginia tftynod. I betievc that we would have ia Page ooanly to day at leant attr self sastofoittg stnl Moorish tog sfiarge. ; I need hardly tell you that I was pleased with my few d*y* sojourn on this border ground of oar Byaad. You ere not nnfamtltsr with the at of fthe I’agc Valley, aim! well understand bow I, 1 idling It for the first Clare, feasted my eyes upon its towering mountains, ami winding stream*, aad ufom the brand of its baaaiifal sad finrtiie It prraenU to oar Church, 1 think, a pmtalstng field for misMod eflurl, if we csti bat meurr a suitalto young man, nut sfrabi of Word work, who can be nastotned then* for a few year* to part by the By nml. so that to can tlevofe his whole time to pal 1 pit and ptstond Is bur. It k, it J Is true, a hard field in many resfioct*, with some iBaanuragcmctits ofa|m- cultor natim-; tol the intent, per sfotoat efimrts of k Jadicfoas pastor would, 1 doubt not, within a short time, present vf*y gratify ing reaults* Let are repeat tore that car young brother, l b or, has done a gumi work daring his sarvarer vacation, for which to merits favorable notice at the bands of tite Synod. Nor can f refrain from md«liag, ia view of the refinris reemred this sammer from our Hemtoatfona, that our inatfta- tfoua, and the Chorcb at Urge, have reason tn look spun «U the young brethren just ehtwring or pit-paring to matet lire fwnk* of «mr ministry, with much of prhte oral hcfie. May lteonohe and Nrwrlierrr IVdlegin, sod •at Hersinary at Hslrtn, cwmtiupe, under tire btrasing of tire great (lead of the I’horcli, o give as, train year to year, many snrb I had snare thought, when I sal down to write, of telling you some thing of my hurasback etpcrietirwn tn tha couatfy ; of how t went fish | lag aad rnnght—only a cold | etc., < bat ttnw and apace f *t Wd f will only add, that In aracit of my jogging about, I Uml the ptessure of I to compnay ml got nmtanl friimd and bndhet, Dr. "Y. fl Fliun, (who is cowtrmpUtiag a reaftuvsl fram Win cheater tn M* .fid home In l/umyr, thia Fail) and that 1 1*11 ua4 mhHi boors speut In the hsiifdlnbfe homes of Mr. W, (]. Alther, Cat Wa Ctim. Mr Chat. Kryunr, ttept, tjUworf JoR Mr. J. fl. Kemp, In burner parishiawier of vow is and mMavtato with hto tdrna ant tenshutl fio* rewftoved to tin* Uni nrigfitorV vwl) Ik. riio* (sw ! of Bar J. F. Cline af prwioaft memo ry) sod Mr. Hamptou. May these homew aver bs the alredcsof Chris tian fora and peace, ami their Inmates enjoy to all felnesa that Messing of the Lord which maksth rich, aud to which no sorrow is added. V, D. M. Gilbk«t P. ML—1 made a sort of conditional promise to oar friends tbs K.ty to the effoet. that at about the time when the hill-aide vineyard at “White Clifli* will be purpling in the son- say, immediately after the adjourn meut of tbe approach iug convention of the Virginia By nod—1 would, if possible, repeat the visit to Page, accompanied by one of the dieliti gutsbod editors of s certain weli and favorably known religious journal. May 1 not hope you will do what yon can to help forward the fulflJiuunt of that orooitsc f (Glad to ooaimut it is tbe Lutheran Vinitor to whieh Bro. G. refers as a “well and favorably known religious journal,” and can almost guess which of the “distinguished editors” he mean*. Bat vs know fall well, from a long aud most pleasant intimacy, that our friends, Mr. aud Mrs. J. II. Kemp and family would give either of us a cordial Virginia welcome to their hospitable boms at “White Cliffs.” Hojie the hill side vineyard there will equal those of Falanios which purpled ia the days wf Komau glory as described by Horace and ottora, long, long ago. We can as sore the kind brother that we shall be very happy to help him redeem his “conditional promise” should we to able in the orderings of Provi dence to reach Virginia by tbe time designated—of which, however, we are in doubt at present—Kb.) Km the Lutheran Visitor. Oermaa Ssttlamant, W. 7a. Aug. Gtli, 1874. Dear Visitor : A few events |*er taming to the welfare of our Church have lately transpired here which may be ot interest to some of your readers. Borne facts concerning the planting aad growth of lire Lutheran Chareb iu this neclion we reserve for a future corantaujeatiou, us it i* ne cessary for o« first to become au iu terv fewer of our “oUlei»i in habit ant*” and an examiner of tlteir old files of aew*pa|*ra. The request for such an article w as made bv your former editor. Dr. Rode, and we moke this note of w hat is tortlic*noiug, in order to pre parr the patieuce of yoor remlers for tbe infliction. **To be foeawaraad,” you know, “is to be forearmed." In April, 1M73, Bra. Cupp, who had long lerrnl us vrry acceptably as iMstor, signified to the Council his intmilion ol leaving, allegiug us bis reason theref01 the fact that n change might to* beneficial to both iniuhftter ami people, lie acoordtug ly a«wpte«l a call from the Brandon ville charge in the northern |uut of this couuty, where hi* labors, we un derstand, are greatly blessed to the good of that |>eop!e. Bince the de|»arture of Bro. Cupp, till quits recently, oar charge ( Pits ton) was without a pastor and under went tbe asoal lrials (for we suppose a priori from the iieoessities of the case that all vacant charge* have the some trials) of eorres|M>ue« radjj like a torrent to bui! tbe pnmmdm The long cavalcade panged in ]„■■*" with im[KM»iug effect a| MN} uninitiated, but those who to taken oeveml degrees lookrei with cold indifference, aiM | IBke not, hut, like the Psalmist, “kept Lis mouth with a bridle.’' It is due to truth, however, to say that he thought much, profoundly and warmly, of church luauMgcmeut geu eraliy, and of sextotta to p-«i tirular. i strategist,) we moved our potman and barn door ojwning In hfe acb, that commands my respere, ^ P admiration, and my study Tt* elephant at one time in tact *im tfc* ne plus ultra of my mundane supto lions, aud I thought iu my euapiiaty that if 1 could only see Uie elephsirt there would be nothing more worth living for, and I shoald be ready ?« depart. In din* co'nrae of time i saw him ; and, true to human natorr, I w as n old, open attack, and to other by a plausible rircumrretto. At the suggestion of my worthy friend, the jmstor, (who is qaiie a Bextous, aw u class, 1 have found to be queer and erotehety, and yet almost imiis|H HWiiblc, with si reuuirk- sble apliludt* to stir up the fire, and make m fuss generally, at the very moment «>f nil others the mowt un suitable. Having dtsfMiwtwi of tferee preliuii narsew, we {kdowI sit wire writji out narrative, taking it for granted that wlintcrer may have np|tenred crooked has t*et*u imtjle straight, and that me now stand “fidia in cnrmJ* and advanceil to the front t Urotigb dense masses of humanity, winch seemed to bt‘ reveling u|s»u die tup most waves of a wiki ot excite moat. Arrived on tin* pound, and w it hiii striking distance of the “great moral exhibition,” ue were forttitsiei in securing a good lookout on ao elevated foot way. We took ow {M ich on it* staunch guardian rails, aud lmviug made secure out watrim and gold and silver (of the latter articles, however, like i>oor Peter, The congregation on Friday eve-4 we had none,) against tlie iusiuoatioc : iiiiig was not large, hut attentive; and under all the ciretiinstances, favorable as well as unfavorable, we wailed through the introduction, argument and conclusion a* U-st we ctttald. Batunlas evening there was a deeidml improvement in all re M|mct*. Sabliath morning broke clear, bright and beautifnl. We went to (be house ot God, aud iouml the 11 u it: ber ill atteudauci’ mimic w ha I in* crcam-d. Alter pre*aciting, a highly estecmeil and |m*iniaueiit itiMiIeutof li. was adiltsi t*» the little baud w ho bate *0 faithfully represented our church through long years of alter uatiiig hoj*c and de*|n>mlency. The cuierameiit of the Lord's Supper was dis|k*nsed. and we were gratified to notice tite d<-ep sideinuity that marked the occasion. S**i \ ici's were* s>so held on Sablmth ami Momiay evenings, mid we believe with gisal resiiits; Imt on areouut of the iu- tense heat and the sltortues* ot the nights, it was thought advisable to closr the meeting. Thus termiuatrwl, for tin* time I wing, our ministerial duties at I!., aud we trust that onr Is l Mira in the I Mini's vineyard are not in vain. During out sojourn the “Great Morel Shoe* made its giiiud etifrce, to the infinite satisfaction of ait who were lying hsise around and ready to see the sight*. This moral exhi bition was a rare combination of ft *|M»fted Iowm**, paintisl and stnmkeii rideis. male and female, a furious band ol mtisfe iu scarlet, with big horns, nml a prolusion of cheap and tawdry tinsel—worn out horses, lean ns Pharaoh's kine, and decorated with waving plumes, rugged harness, and any amount of splash mounting —Ojuinsttl* from luml and sea, enor mous snakes, the happy family, and the “big fat woman.” There* was t.« corporeal elephant to be seen iu the procession, nor the monster piano worked by steam. The Hint, sad to toil, died somewhere ou the hack truck, amt the music did not come to time; ami so the show on the hills, aud the show that the whistle was paid for, did m»t exactly cories(H>ud, and there was any umount of grum bling ami — —by the roughs when they brake up, to tbe lae.t fhaf sotne- binly had Ims-iii s««td. I took a giMnl a berry t to be tret: aa the Slubl r jttd enf*l . is brou^l tbe is cotJ show mu I Beinoi -1 ffixqirfety or •! as tbe advice ol I juritheold war I as of Old, u Give|L. at death.” Hoi to chronic fkrminakcr him V\ •rhored roost horn for many j * jpftiisiug hours of reWeuly bronglJj noli toe ly victim *ad his lifeless the an feel ing pin between a hung® tongry stomaejj rUrion note* will I mrly dawru. n<»r | •vs* the toil w I mr» bis owuei. with years, and he deploreil, and vocation » sigh into tear trickle to one is arre- ■ harifily brushed ff adatory and c< arises: lift I “Well, h I tell through fttet |mm4ihui i*u one 01 the great linn wo an* tumble to gratify, the * 1 address ot nimble tiugeis, we wra (ircpared to take a eornpndu'twive survey of the great picture of mate and inanimate objects. If »* was not truly grand, it certainly tol its |K>int* of attraction, ami an rndlcMS variety *»f matin <"*■ retfectlon. There* Mood tbe t« o great pavilions looking down *ijs«i eari‘ other like Khali and Gcriztm—tbetvp resentativi** ol gissl and evil. n« tfe one the devout Christian might tied great delight to his soul ^itlsta* I** sat under its genial shadow, ronsi.%: u|mmi the i u flue not,* of ex«*«|dr. d** hlesiM*d»eciK of the pure in heart. »* * ! the eternal benediction of the ft;n* judgment, “Well done, tom and faithful servant; enter ibusM" joys of thy Lorel." in tlie other to lover of pleasure more than the lover of God, with a keen relish the grotesque, the vulgar, and to sensual, even the very verge «»f link* eeupy, might find the highest grab fhsition iu the study of ohseine tilde and the ethics of coatseo* tee. These monster tent* were ^ flanked «ud supiKirttal hy othr' inferior dimensions, appropriated fe “side shows,” where the ssiafikifW were favorenl with special sights s«'l privileges. Beside* this goodly ar ! *\ of large and small pavilion* tele*^ ing to tite “great moral nxhibitskk- there* were also qxtemisirizeil "I 11 '®' tines, od in finitum, of i>i»e |*»»!«* a#** ration clot it, where all ataawr » delicacies, either solhl or fluid, o*™ Im* had for tbe money. H* 1 ^ surging crowd, of which the sight seeing and pleasure seeking eonstitntwl a large ehtttenh shall l say of it.! Who m* de** 1 *^ it ! To la* apjitvoiatetl, such * must Ik* hkiked ; for ** I** 1 can aileqnately delinrate ife and shade, its infinite variety* Itaitnonio* and imrongruities, withal the living play of high wrought ex{Ks*tatioii lK*ami»U every eye. Satistieil to satiety ft*?! what we saw of tire outside tiou, and by no means certain****: what section ot morals would . taken up for our edification, we to K<>t patramxe 1 be instilttiiun, andf^ gave neither “aid not eondort t« 1 enemy” within fire hues. As ‘ t ...*• In* ela^siil among to* ***** lor an ignoble pn -B 1 to ‘great monti 1 price of his head. I wttuesscil the lo« I rioirn, and have the fes are:nvertu- awl the teats of pM dressed men aixlB mrru th<* 4 fat worn loth'* ark, the happy family, an L» weighing the •reives at the edii ere may say what : it, Imt I guess that my old roosterjii rally close* his re*I (M-uttment, tic tran Having acconqi II., seen the siglti .-. and shared large’ \ «*f ftiends, we set with the pastor hx his home, some six lire retired village cosily situated on Liaville Creek. T dug hills through * •Iream thread* ire lire Shenandoah, is fertile and beau lift fitoit Valley of ^reut pleasantly p: l, *c families of 0111 ••id l>r. Z. Dm: :«au g i, r a few ri. s |k*K»ks for t*els, aiu di8|>osed “to bit tfesftaful ip seentii grown chicken on H,u l a snapping t wiKm another, aud I !t is not neeess; | Doctor is not o?il\ I fwofession i( s i **»“*r, but. lays da “•ventive genius; ** “ll Ire surprising |ftkat, flying mnj he l *)**lh be should ill bon aiu ( despair s, l^direllera 011 terra »« this, and i ig-ved physiciar dearly 1 K *1 IN a diaeraet and P” 1 l >; »stor in KOod enter Itousele will tell ; | ^h.*tv else. Wo T* 111 connection with totiouK. nn uttu and fin Mt*teh, complete ai1 ^ a iq*oint* I ** a glattoc evi | judgment of i: U^lunntely, it >« jP»>“wtt aR “Union *»to»omer in ail j K1 ! N to be in all tin C topple, with ^T r ° r< ' them on 1 ibun- to ii,y Wt in Bf” 1 raneoivi 1V,> « tew do'lars ridiMMiN rate o ll..- (:.|K