fcevs. Rude & Killer, Editors. Oil LORD, Oil FAITE, Oil lAPTISK.’— IPHESIfilS IV:5 COLUMBIA, 8. C., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1874 Communications, thitrmMtfl by which the tho gospeland minister at the ***** ^ wbieb church’s alt sir. There is no me* sur- tb* church bleated the world. iog of this item of usefulness. Can orm iioua Korea now midi toy one estimate the nine to the nntlTUJ. ('ongrrgational church and tbs cause In our own country, the church’s of (>hr, * t if » England and al! eftsrie through its stages have. “f the edacation of ita great without doubt. i«s among the moat * rm * o( ra,,,i * t< ‘ ni * # Who can tell soooasuful and froitlul of nil its work bow mocb of tb « wtrength, prosperi- lar (brim's kingdom. Tbs colleges l *» **** of the Presbyterian haws gieou power to the church < "batch In this country, is dae to the thoohurchhaswioldodpovmthrough *****& tdueatlou of its ministry! Us oqtisgaa Xo sou con msusure riaT * ■** thp colleges thst have Ike gala tbsrs bus bosn to ckrtsttaan ^ otlf l *»is work, dooe a great service ty la our country, or tbs ndrantagu to tbr rao *c of Christ Y It is begin to tba chureh, in "Mftrg the higher mn * 10 ** understood, that the de ad a ss lies of our lami aud a titer —mmatioo which educates the moat uofbty Christ tea tdosthos. Though tbf bust* will outrank others, them callages am ussurtansn. oh ns M< *» othor advantages being equal, tiaaity, la iu rsssutisl doctrines, is hooome the most successful and fully aud taught. Iu powerful. The college stands at the tmtha am mads to pervade aad b *‘ mrt «f all the church’s work, and mould all tbs tiaoiiihlig They am **• sgeocy is necesaary to furnish peered Into tbs miaffs of the sta ,b * minister* for its pulpits, and the doom tbmogk ah their daily studies, ^bomrs for both the home and whotbar uf language history, science, f «wu»f« mission service. And when phOoeephy or morula. The life of miKboaaries plant the standard of Christianity shapes the cottars that <** heathen shores, they find Is to shops the yoasg The church li ,b * , * Wkl ■»«! onlv way of perme has thus been training meo for all ,mit succees to eutablish church the mom prueaineot and mtoeotial • cboo * a > nnd to develop them at once calliaga to life—for the law, modi mto •*«i»eriM of higher order, to cine, the ministry, for the press, >»«tiwct the young aad educate na aaiksreblpi teach teg, far legislative l *re preachers and missionaries, sod judkfel positions—giving a okrts Oaa <* ‘be grandest items of mis Noe siuostim for nil thorn spheres of «<** done for may years, activity that most directly aad de- has been the establishment, by Ur. Hunly shape the character, and Roberta, of a Christian college on wield the pooer of the nothin. One Bosphorus in Turkey. From it •cod only took over the roll of a few ‘ b * «1H *h‘»* through all of the older colleges, aad follow the A *‘* Minor, and into thousand* of men whose thinking and activity souls. bare isle so cud most broadly, beard Froat ■■ tb>*t »» apparent that neatly and permanently the life of rhureh has uo more mijxirtaut the eaiioo, and be will am that the for the success of Christian chuvuh has itself, by aad in iU col UuUl than ito «ulleges. The interests toguu, trained the mind, shaped the depend**! on them are incalculable, sea unseats, sad drvAqwd the power ! TU< * “»«®ey that the church has Uf these men for gu£T Them is not N*»t it establishing these institu- aneakureoruoroffoe toed to which l, °°* *»“ **** amoug the most the ehusch has not given men thus *«* v toable, uud productive of good, Almost Permidsd. For the Lutheran Visitor. l£oda of Baptism. [Ceaefwdeif.j jj jit circumstances attending the ^ittraiion of baptism among the ^Christian* afford no proof that it iftispenxd by submersion. | 0 Mtsblish this proposition, we bow inquire into the mode prac- ^ by the firet heralds of chris- piity- L gbat mode of baptism thou, practiced by John the Baptist f I be premised, however, that jg goto of diapensiog thia rite ia # | natter of great importance iu tlii connection, since his baptism m DO t Christian baptism ; aud can timfore have no special force ia lyiip the gospel method of baptism Iggtiad by. Jesus Christ It may lowerer reflect light upon the practi- esl application of baptiso. (§j “John also was baptizing in Sbob near to Salim, because there mooch water there.” (Jno. iii: 23.) fly, it is asked, did John choose ipbce foe administering baptism vtoe there was much tenter—udata pfe—if he merely sprinkled the peo ple! forgetting that there might tie i Mcessity for a copious supply of nier, at a place iu a warm climate tore vest concourses of people immersion. Header, are you to this srittoal •oudition of the u almost panuadad*! Than take with you thaaa fora thoughts: You may aawar bssaaaar salvation again: You araaa thorny thresh bold of decision, but if yau fa away back into your sins, you may never again be brought so soar the gate. Felix never found the ooa- rentont season for which ha profeaasd to wait. Do not, therefore, stifle conviction. Do not choke down the cry that ia pressing for utterance to your heart Let it some eat saw ualtty of fthi Christ hue writing of r represent fT uws W *r ^ Sold. The hina worthy that the mtiee where tbe more water to one **fli»y waters rather disprove the ef pluuging t This pns- then, is found to have no con- ^ion with the point at issue ; or if * k*> it furnishes an argument *tiinst submersion. J*) But the udvocates of iuioier- ®° D insist that they “were baptized kim ( en j i n j ort i* u j>* (Matt, iii: G.) «* appears iu other connections, if the advocates of the trausla- * a insist upon that, and no other, what will they do with lleb. x : where we are told that Christ "todowu ou the right hand of God” ! 7®^ the same word occurs. There- I 01 *,if we mast necessarily translate * Jordon, we, must also necessarily » u *late in the right band of God— f ^ word is the same iu both ***** But as we, of course, traua- in one place, u at or by the right 'i of God,” so too we may iu the * r place read, “at • or by the Warn* of lifert. literary of tin ebureb nod tbe spread of tbs goapel, edacwiioct vii oosd MS emery- lag oa tbe work. Du nag tbe refer his»d' Payton were planted msI titiso. Witboat these brais shops, where woe Id be the world’s boasted progressV Where would be tbs practical activities that now crowd the world, aad ovary home, with It woe ooe of the first aisse of tho Ihfaram, to bare seatrol of tho revival of toaralag tbeo takiog pleat, and to brtog tho schools tala frool rank la tbe conflict with Rome, la (icraudt. Betteerlaad. Eailsad aad Scotland, tills seat W'as aoaosapllsbed. laad wtoh wealth aad laxary Y How meeh to paid back ta the struggling ly lend t>r,1 ‘ lerasd^P, mglily teoted he wife ssy*- n its V*** n - wood* 1 " :Jro« r '“ , comioft 00 * ItJ * of^ e trolled by tbe church, determines, aad sweeps down through all tho root. From lbs soivsratty and col lege, tho power flows down and oot through the lower and common schools. Tbe teacher, the text-hook, tbe setaa tiffs principles, are all, re motely sometimes, bet yet certainly, Croat the colleges. There to a steady stream of power and influence flow- Will You be Missed!—Ait yoa cedars planted in the house of tho Lord, casting a cool and gratafol shadow ou those around yott! Art yoa palm trees, fat and flovtohing, yielding bounteous fruit, and ma king all who know yoa bleat yoa! Are yoa so useful that, wore you once away, it would not ha easy to fill your plaoe again, hat peopfe, as they pointed to the void in tho plan tation, the pit in the ground, would say, “It is here that the old palm tree diffused his familiar shadow, and showered his mellow dilators!” Or are yoa a peg, a pin, a rootlet, branchless, fruitless thing that may be palled up any day, and no oae ever care to ask what has beoome ef it! What are yoa doing! What are yon contributing to tho world's happiness, or the charch’s glory! What is your business Y—Bee. Jot. Hamilton. tine failed to get posotfeoa of the ■ MiiMUMklllAa M«ktk-u*kj*a mPwo* se mum* 4*a untYt>r*i!it'«, ffiMi uuiiffppj r riiMw »• Hill ttfitUr lb# bffl of lb# iumiufei aad Ragtoad." la flaglaad for a loog Uam aooriy all the leaden of the Reformation were teachers in the eelveseitiaa. **Tbs lot rays of the oua from oa Mgh,” saga IFAstigm, work for ('hrtst sad bio ki tents of the boMffta. Gao any over oollmito the Importance of Bflerr*- \V»»b cT *! Instead of wonders ceasing when we enter heaven, they will but in crease for the more we know, the more wonderful does everything be come. Wonder belongs to knowl edge not to ignorance. The learned man wonders at a flower, or insect, while tbe ignorant man or the child, oses nothing to attract his attention. A primrose, 1 doubt not, is more an tbs direct wort of the church. In them to given the iutelloctual, and, to eo small degree, the spiritual object of admiration and wonder to an angel than to us.—Forman Mac- food. » f