pip " * OKE LORD, Oil FAITH. Oil lAPTISM.”-EPHESIAIS 17:6 COLUMBIA. S C.. FRIDAY. Their joy is foil of glory, in profior. tion m it come* from heart* that are full of Clod. On the other hand, the miaery that exiata i* naught clae than the righteous cnrae which ex iau npou all spirit* who, in the ex- erciae of that freedom which belongs to them, aeek to eonnteraet God* purpose* in creation, and refuse to •hare that joy of God which ia eter ually annexed to the sharing of Ilia mind, in departing from God, in aeehing a life without bolitteaa, puri ty and love, they And, as they can not bat find, miaery; for “there ia no peace, aaith my God, to the wick ed.”—Xorman Macljcod. tyr some time past baa «*reir*& attention from this body, bat it has »«t » good example tmfore da slater Syuods in ordering, at da recent asm aion, that collection* be taken ia all the congregation* for thia impartaat worb^ Too long hare we aegfortad thi* duty. Whilst we have uo for eign mission under oar emdrut, me ought to cooperate with oar forte ron in the North in sa^smnm and helping on their foreign TimiilHur i work. [«*** Tim FKMAun vuhmil talkt-tl of foe several yearn peat, la to of plain nr tha hahr a gg *>aw wmumm ma ef gold, er of pettiog < hat let tt be of the I the heart • • ef • mm •ftoit, wbfob la the al| •f great pirn* Who the taiaaap* ef oraam m the seal t What A photographer of note once took a long jooroey, with a great supply of apparatus, to photograph an eclipse at a very advantageous point The preparation* were made with great care, and the moment of total eclipae came and passed. The ope rator went to hi* instrument, and to H 1 * great mortifloatMNi aod vexation, found be had forgotten to pat iu the slide. No picture wa* there, sod all hi* journey ami expense had been for nothing. The aoU(*e would not repeat itself for his sossimodatioo. Later a scientific man, expert in all matter* of the kind, was watch iag moat intently with a teleacope all the phaae* of tha eclipae, bot at the asoment when it waa total chanced to look off, a cause of mach regret to him afterwards. A little neglect, a moment’s care tossueaa, often make way lor lasting regret to some body. A sculptor had spent months over a model for a statae, which waa to be exhibited along with many other competitor*. Just as the drayman was bringing it to it* destination in Washington, he let the box foil on the i»avrn»eiit, and the figure was broken into fragment*. Ho. too, a piece of ancient sculpture, which had withstood the storms of three tboos and year*, and had safely made ita long journey over laud sod aea, waa broken to piece* ou the sidewalk in New York by the careless handling of a porter. Yet these are small grievances beside* those which effect the heart and soul. A moment’s thoughtless speech may crash the sweet hopes aippaFS**- VIWHNIA. . jKfcr: The printer make* Slimmer things sometime* jwrokes ns; bat then ,1i ° ,e * [S^Sifybody knows the 3^'l^fp(jlwition belong to ^■ |Wf «nd not to 0«.. f IpjoA returned Irom tho *s«»bon of the Synod of Virginia. How we Rumour traveling ootu- Vg, «ith whom we domiciled, ’Jmjyed, Ac*, although of in- |M , m shall not now take g in We may at some In g vbec in a good humor, ^ilittieef oar experience for nod moth of Ha power* Thought ia ito great work, ami rwayhvitj a fomotma er quality of Me aster*. Word* ami Mima agitate aad have subscribed liberally to thte •» terpriae, and wilt doubt to** do mere, aa they have the assutaocr that a flret-das* college to ta be tooted hi ADDITION. Add to j oar faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance pa tfooce; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindnes* ; and to brotherly kindness love. (2 ». Peter i: 5-8. Add in yonr heart this perfect number of seven graces together, and if these things be in you, and abound, they will make you neither barren nor nnfruitful in the knowl edge of our Lord Jean* Christ. 8UB8TR ACTION. lie that lacketh these thing* >* blind, and can not aee afar off, aiul hath forgotten that be waa purged from hia old sin* (2 Peter i: 9.) JfULTtPLICATfOlf. Grace and peso# be multiplied anto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jeans our Lord. (2 Peter i: 9. He that ministereth seed to the sower, both minister bread for your food and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your right eoosness. (2 Corinthians ix : 10.) DIVISION. Come oat from among them, and be ye separate, aaith the Lord, and KS, h afo n 96 l mtfww/t&i . and daughters, aaith the Lord Al mighty. {2 Cor. vi: 17-18.) the slightest cause a»*j disturb ita eqaUihrtaai. amt to jotato ita efo* thought will vibrate through all its advantageously located, and wall adapted to educational purpuras, to offered on accoui modeling Brans. Everything now appears propitious to the auceroaful inauguration mod ;jM mtoat of oar friends, bal itjMN* we pass by the bn- ito ihal! tell you about ^i^ruod convened in Hmythe ^ jx.lt Cedar Grove church, , dp «wt of Marion. There n foff attendance of both cleri- ufhy wambers. And in be- \i fo latter we think we are mklm laying that they repre- mI jmr intelligence, and were takmtod in tararch work, than Iqr representatives usually are. IS as encooraging feature iu fold at least, and we hope WauaeUtroeof other Synods. hi mat cordial meeting of the iffk In ah their intercourse, m transactions, discussions, is the moviug spirit in this importaut enterprise, and we trust he may b* eminently sucraasfa! io the work ha has so auspiciously begun. He ha* the confidence, we are assure*I, of the people of Marion, and will re- ceive the moral and pecuniary sap port of the Synod ofdW. Virginia. This enterprise ia not begun in aprasmoN. They cuntionsly hewed it away, the j severed (deans ringing significantly j aa they Ml into the tower depth# ou tha edge of which they were stand tog. After moving a layer of two or three tort thick, a hand appeared aa white aa tha snow about it, and making ita mute bet powerful ap peal. The head waa lain bare bat the lips ooukl only utter Inarticulate sounds. The knapsack was cut off; the rope passed under the arms and an effort made to pull him up; but ao firmly waa be imbedded, that uot an til the last foot was extricated ooukl they lift him out of hia narrow house. By pulling him from above, aad pushing him from below, ihe poor fellow waa lifted to the surface of the glacier ; and these men, ex hauated by an boar of severe labor, aad drenched with 'tripping ice, car ried him b* «»"*• •* — - Then, for » long time, every men* are was employed to restore aospen ded animation, till at length the groaning erased, and Benuen, in agonj exclaimed. w He ia dead!" But the more sagacious Professor, leaning over his patient, marked the gwetto breathing and fell the calm beuting of the pulse. He waa saved —this young, strong man—the only sou of hia mother, aad she a widow. Brought bock by wise, tender hands from tbs chill of death, to the warm pulsation of life and strength. Dear friends, listen with attentive ears, aad you will bear the faint moans of your staters, incased in the ice folds of cruel superstitions. You will not hesitate, when lift* depends on your action. If you can not go down in the darkness to the rescue, » ns no room to «J tofet is it It estates vanity and pndef ■to wd, er sends It <« a wiM ravel of aaad waaa; while a word ef sum furl or joy thrill* it with an rrateirj of ■hHII The Wind has, to ag ages, heoo mode a symbol or repryiaewlallva of tha mind. Tha sum* words, to dif explain. Ornaments of gold against POSe, U> Staunton Female Hami The two iustitulMMia wilt ho i two (290) hundred miles apart. 'ptotofoga passed off barmo- 4 mA we believe the bond of an dfeetton wm strengthened. II Hat “it was good to be i’ Wbibt the lines of true La muttegradatlly being more idy .JMNMt W «M «* |MH j . , , the p raj er-meeting one evening, but hever again did the Spirit strive with her, aad in a little while she waa geme, gone forever.—JVrahyie- advantage or a tmm po- f r ‘ . . V\r Sv .M1.1 b« i»o«i*r ,h. u|*«* *»<>• seeking it iu the schools of other of it* aw*tans i Bydrii, whoa bar dressing is plain more dtaSMMtly i aad aaoetratattou* for her. There Ml so era of the may hr, ia point of fact, ranch differ that nrriTri it oaae bot wean the dram of the two, I yet relatively and cvNWpwraUvrly, in tbm IHaatratioa i whtoh both recognise, there to not P 1 to Church. Provision was fob Beet its portion of the theo- fN professors salary, and au p*f*totioa made to meet the in- Itodeipenses of the approaching And whilst some of the rfora maj refuse in the future [Bittoir proportion of the sala Ntoy have failed to do in the Knttill feel assured that it will r|to Row can we think other- P f toa we heard one brother Rietotod raise half of it himself n* ^ that it should not be P brethren of the other mutiditig courage aud discretion. Women bound hand and foot In the ice chains of idolatry are to be hewn out. Stroke upon stroke most foil, even before the appealing hand is scan. Aid must be afforded even after the head is freed, and sigbl to given to the eyea. Thfow poor help* leas one* must be lifted with strong, tender hands into the pure tar of Christianity and civilisation. They must be watched over and tenderly cared for, until the gentle breathing and the tranquil beating of the pulse give evidence of their new life. He is at present engaged to he would be aa much under the con teaching and preaching at Mt. Airy, umi aad ut the mercy of the power* the highest point ou the Virginia! aad mfinenee* which act ou him aa and Tenucssee division of the Air I that field. Hat fortauattay for hia lautic, Miaaisaippi A Ohio Railroad, wtal-btaug he pmirasaa, to aa anal- THE ORDINATION uegrwe, we powm ei rTW ™ n ~ I anil uuif jtoiurwainafmn Bgt ikhi tkh of Rev. E. E. Hi bole, the pataar ot ‘ ‘ ^ tbe College charch, Halem, Va^ waa (>n ordered to be attended to before hia , f rritoafnif and own congregation; and Bev. I>. V. dtatramlnaliim rests bto l*apoo«i Bittle, D.H., Rev. Prof. Ik A. ^ «.d the reasouabtooraTtattm pass, and Rev. Prot Ytame, wmo JJ q^L oonstitated a committee ta attend to | n , A «aHd -hich bus this duty. Rev. Mr Hiboto to arp^ f good graduate el Hoauoke Callage aad of 1 J ^ hi t ^ the Seminary at Philadelphia, w#**** ^ trust he may be instrumental in do ing much good in hia present field of labor. At this time there are NO TACANCIEO iu tbe H. W. Virginia Synod. All the |>astorates are snpplied with preaching. This is encouraging.—I ia ruui. And if With increased liberality, this Synod I the power of hi may soon go into tbe miastoaarj j the iafiueoce* m field and enlarge her borders. Bat 1 him oaward toi to do this work efficiently slie most display a »*>** educate ber missionaries, and then I proneh tu grau scud them out. The field is already tbe manitestate* O that the How slight ftovtour. She replied that she did not A tow days after she told me she thought she did tore the Saviour, * UI8SIONS AND EDUCATION ^attention of this body, j however, doing but little iu Miasiou field, from a want •to operate in this direction, whole of its funds are Wed for the support of the now under its care. It £7% to be regretted that this 4 others, lias not the men ^#*>y to establish missions ”toi now prestuting themselves it could ouly 1; ^ P®tots at which missions C W0os- a harbor. There are storms after me, and I can not stand the sea. Give me anchorage. 9 Let such men in. Give them shelter and protec tion. What is a church good for that to not good for helping sinners! Men say, “Take care of the church.” A church to not good for anything exoept what it can do for men. to a hospital built to look prettyand to be kept dean and pure! what to a hospital good for bat to reotave pw- sons who have diseases, and to coxa them! A church to good in the pro portion in which R hdpe men who ram not get help elsewhere; and the to the ohnxoh. Well, what about its own reputatioo ! Let that go. He taut would save his own life, shall R into violent activity, aad took to into ftory, storm* aad tempests, tor Christ also. If I had yielded to the common excuse, *1 am afttod I shall not nay exactly tbe right thing,* what Bight have become of those tax precious souls ! I never can be white unto harvest. Lord would rand forth more laborer* into the barveta field ! k In conelntaoti, we think the broth ran of the Synod of South Wetaorn Virginia have great reaaon to flumfi Then go and do likewise " # A godlike man to the only goodly maa; a Christilke nature brought toto tbe Ml doth only iteoomin*t« a spirits, have uttered a hearty Amen to OtaT* holy and loving pnrpora,