■— THE LUTHERAN VISITOR. COtMBlA. *S.''C:/ WJHWESDAV. DECEMBER IS! ^69: : l i. h 1 > pldckl • Hi *W»»iKttap»iPiwi Tb* ftovwMaa *** aw tow mm ft J» tot 7\ ” m 'fthw afore*i Hcrii tonytoWy dWm. Tto *jr* look* upon Uiwd In frtgta; Th*jm**l Hop* with terror look* oa. WM. tor piottoa bright. Oorpw»torwM«t>>>MO*to«t—lw»— Oreafori* *r«fto«DT *a4 Hag— Tto ftlmoa of* jnof-iuickrn tout •‘WfetaVa by * wmiliag ioag <*»"*. * tor jowal by, » Hi tto «w^b of. J Sft* cotton ttotd which kl*4 I * W« gitor doc op with pl.Mwc, T4 bo Vrpc in Hfc'JjukM of joy, torth'i rictoat »mi holiret Inuutr. JkVj.iJ- * fia t*U» r to giro tton to Meat**," tot *!*«. how few bolMT* It; Krgotol fr»» by lle*vpn bestowed. :to .tiiUEOjSZM&iAoXHT W. atriTO to diatort lit** fioultkewa form, to Mooptag to struggle with ssrth ; Irtomsu h-.*s nl-< • CLAIR b| DtollkwyoMtli tto ntoofIto, • ff to toHM **f top H o*« It; 'ipu maifr jjTtatolWhl th* batter Hod. v.' |f tto uttuuleus heart would wake it; To tto auiioy soul that la full of hope, kj -Aot-wO*** toaatilal trust ae'er Hilath; Tjto g|to* la freon and the ftowren are bright, "^^^w^toHjpopreeaneth, (Iter to hope, though the cloud* Itaog low. I lo’Wap the eyea git! IKtsd; l* tweet bl«* sky sail still peep through, %toa the wwi doiic okahk are rited; „ TbHu mew waa a night without a day, *v«a ersaing without a morning;' >ghs. tod the darkest hour, ao the proverb says, teaungiiaA^o I WOti] a siate-pwefl, at Clirtetmfta. I about it, bDrt a till 11 age raizpence. idebt for treat wrong I Hho father atroka some it to re to fed J my cour- the eliop. amount; and ing before, the pencil over by tto kind dam* It did not please I felt as if I hud doue little ktow how wrin for it. How my hear of thi-i little I jftver knew, but bird or otlier wliisttol Mid lie was very raw down' upon me ia right earnest. God ld«e.i him for it; be wan a send ble man. ami none of yodr eh: apoilor, he dM Hot intend to ttj. his children to speculate, and play at wliat sbig rogut-e calt ttnuti cicring, and therefore be knocked my getting into debt on the head at once, fold do mistake. lie guve me a ver/powerfUl lecture upon getting into debt, and bow like it was to stealing, am) upon the way in which peoptfe wTYe ruined bv it; find how a boy. who would ode u farthing, might one day owe a hundred pounds, : rind get into prison, and bring Ida family iuto disgrace. I buns a lecture, Indeed; I think I can hear it now, and can fool my can tingling at the recollection of it. Then I was march ed off to the shop, like a deserter “N« i bunt a way, breathing npw it,* laughing, “to blow* have been known retool lu Wowing need not look ao thay ara not blow ta at all mtch fo> uccitbtofc r, they are bfowing aa,t*t it«Ol not till Come email them.* They moored an to a place where there was a man sitting dawn — Another wou brought »«im a long iron tube with some glass on H Jnst out oT the fhroaec, be took k nod Mew the gtaas to a considerable sine, then resting the tube on a kind of table he took Maaething that looked like a pair of Mtupasaea, and made tatjle in the bfittotli of the globe about as large as the top of a laatp chimney, then be put a measure against it ami all at once the fewer ptri of H swelled oat Rtul became a vary handsome aiiaped lamp globe. “How strange," thought Nannie, "I do not understand why putting that little thing against it should utnke it grow ao large." The man now laid the globe on a little stand, and They brought him the glass for another. . , , Nannie w atafet b iin make tovrral; every time they^ brought hint glass,' ns sin* looked up, she saw, standing ■ftaaous. i tt)oiul rMiet of thtflliirrvattee of the * ail JiL. iab4s4^totoAJH ‘ 1_ ,- ms,, — - — ivmtn Ui)) IUJwctct| IB TPry JJrOPr' ay devoting the «t«y the nefoW totUifetmit«t selling their gold, mult trig prtrrbaaea. Mil too often in carottotl. ‘Tveti the ChiTtrae tn the mtnktg regiorm haW UETi Uj^jt. mdn yuB'voAbiij^',’ 1 the *aaae Msaroto of ItM.fltb assal lumotiftll U'uu ft la., ass. peinlrng tidier On fUSS tto Jf.w T'-rtl C « in in ib>. * tbs World. •t j *»i» *1 *mi ■ * ***3ii» ,„ a .,*Lm ri,| bright iug the was e of wlti iug the jount hp the sty, , beautifttl was the morj^ rre to take •, roiled over the brow “*c tWvfp . lit "I Bit uu V40. monntaiy iy»d bung; wl fe, the umi. •N. .Bti H jtijMpMh«7 fretly clour tjift by nigh^ absence of tjm mvou, the 1 ed inulli]>ied tell fold and n Splendor intlesvi ilstlile. too, waa ^TCftiy brigh place into the bright itsovens dc-p valley, wlfos,- «oils •ides were inihrv than half a mile la-rpcndtcular Wight, was like look’ * iug u;t<> by the lurmuv, a lull, thin young anti thrre w* g sffknft‘'t!tsfinatiou , ^**** ^ man, ap|utrt>ntly doing uothing. * hi the gate. TsUg "She ^^riitng—tlx 1 fonder what be is here for. If evening hcf<*r fte left-!—T watched ’ Iblsshlg through Oamde, wo making to do," thoaght thmu hIoos iroin fhe’baiilt* of the ‘ stopped b*r hulf an l««mr at Keith’s I Jlertetl for sib re tban si^Bdur • f P* turn * ^ Bcriu with eflret, jPim 1 &om w pt-tnHlftt babsr we ftanday, wNbougk'' «• tbeW hnee do thoaght of doing ab to-' "" rnuseUMthet'liristiSMKsldwrli. Rot|' « is a gain, and perhaps a ptopuratfen for bettor tHaags, when even NVORKMANHIIIP fVr m '.neawetod, csiDf Wto tot tto vmj •«, n«K>. nd mnUYini |to Hiyn m|.ul .-ui- , |..i*4 hi nor Vatowi atutoss at to krpppijj Unajib to mmaw auto of hustor Ma, to t/T tM sar fousn Planus toe* no, K.» t^gaeaa OrMtovn* tab .to tto Am«3. Wa SmM4 to aprvinl otontios tn nor im- penwamn «. Uwto I’oomW ton or.ton. gau-ninl Auguw It, Incu nioei. bring 11am tosarf pieMttins Until ha* f*t m at- isn. a; “I wc - Kieiy rum fully warauted tr 9*r nan! SdVvtoVMle AswirV hr Cbrt art‘t gr* . to*.', n-Miratto PartneOr*.n* wd/Vnrli llto via tuc.iwc a no t marched into bemteks, crying bit- n»s terly all down the street, and (wl , Nannie, ing tlreodfuliy aitnuncd, because 1 Jus* then In thought everybody knew I was in knelt down at tlie end of tin y|ebt. The farthing was paid amitl' ht> of the man who was tin many solcmu warnings, and the globes, and put his mouth to the end me most with admiration, tjie perfect poor debtor was set fteo, like a liirrl '*f the tube uuil I4cw. The other jm^iticr puiity of the - J — ,_ for aftre rb.ui att r Sdur | gnd 1 gardens, an extrmiTe plantation of left the furnace and in riv alling the !aipri-i*»hiiu* w hi, h ’ ft nit. «*n the edge of a mountain nod imu |J H - long vtiM math' npiHi nty mind, ' h* foe Vr rj‘ mMst of a region wblA, tike a bird of the tub,, uud I dew. j oat of ft cage. How «wn>t it felt to wiv just putting the measure ! be *ta of debt! How did nr little •P‘bw* the glolw. lic.irt vow »nd declare that nothing “Ah, now 1 s« what makes the should ever tempt me into ,Wit *•"*»• awell out w>," aaid Nannie to again! It was a flue lesson, and I herself, and she watched the two have never forgotten it. If all hoys men for a long time working together were inoculated with the same doe. i" harmony, one helping the other trine when they were young, it would , jn«t at the right Una- w ithoftgg word w»TSB. h oar .4V ptoeom. '- i Ate as goad us a fortune to them, and That ia richer far than the jeweled crown* save thttl wagon kinds of troillile MMftftu)trU£flWf&a*Wn4«A >d|ii, agb-rnTe. Gotl bh-ss my fallier, ^fi^'RriPfsiinto child 1 any ft id scud a linvil of such fothnrs fiito Old Engiand to save her fronH-cigg eaten ftp with villainy; for wlid( wiflt companies, and schemes, and (lapur mouey, the nation is get ting to he ua rotten us tonch-wawl _ [John Ploufkmam'i Talk. Of aur einieoa hvaa atusdar. I CHILI>KEN kad Mo Maw Heaven tor tto HUgM rads Arid ait aad grirre and wonder. Or a Bother'a poj« laJHsras, . Or only a bmar'a gntaful thanka MtoLAiifo&^AftfAMBiJaMlZ odT J-tidtw to wcara in the web of Bfc, A bright sod golden filling; i... aaUMiwfOw.tottwsh vtoU/bbre f *■ i- itUr And hands that are prompt and willing, as toaoap tto to tot*, tosota li iicing said. When sit- lijft wftfehed gtssl while, her socle h another t'nm.i.e. Lying tm table uf Sfom- 1 Mol .-ugid UMteriul wan Isiv, a small rottmi hole at the pip about three Inches uerusn. towards tto, tuble u itb n Itiug tu!s\ st the end of whlbb bung Some but I cun scaiwly t»n whkb truMdxetl 1 bciug * ! feustsd tot Mr. Kebif* mn hearts’ like of wkieb tod shaft usvftg fod^ttomteirt. mmI when we aoked for the again. We map Hitt for the |a»r»>, were mt.irm.sl Uaot were w siting for tj'mt the bowk fast j we had M» taken Miough tu make M table, and, four dfeputrlmd, oar ! °f ■«> amsMrt. It may not bar* irain of puMitdiig atreds (tfltmnntirc hnsu ta him, bat H wan eertatuly ol must .mg* and A diket-a} were liMughf 1 « 8TATIOXERY STEil ENGINES ft BOILERS, utFiuLs PATVjrr Americas i»ocbi.k Tt’RBISE aaw* lint e 1 Ws-ml at btoM. ntuoMaa !‘TStt'5aBftas!« _ ■ vac <• 1 ..-oft-HI j ip IT Ifeed ixa.. AiobtoiuO British rnuumcitts. t. The ijmiaa jjMriftft'ii«|i4. *** Ike Id.nburtcb Review, ! bf Westaksier k»rtHr’ u Tie Xortl'lirlll'S Vrtw, uf B!irkwnd*> TtIK rnirutu^ tfirMt« ^M» i .■u. warn, WATER Ths bM W hs | w.a featato tto pa MORRRI.LW P1RR KNOINg [HI AKIi PtMtCK PUMP. WI-XL The Family. •df TAltKNTS. *nT * Prttyw tto Wrifidr*. Slftil true.* 'V- -' >•*"»'» -•■ i Almighty Qod and Father, I eome before Thge itow 4o,ftpe^ unto Jbae abopt the children whom Thou boa givan to pas. They very dear onto me, and I [ earnestly desire that they may walk in the narrow way that Jeadeth to : i :rx 1* But J feel my own gloss, oirnut Ike cnosinlrwy mi soft a* I dough, he held it over the little hide Kur Us LuUirran Vtoor. ! UI1 ,| J,.( the glaas gn {tartly iuto it, I Little Nannie's Viritto the Olsaa House then another man standing by toA “Mother," ftaidHttle Nannie to her ! “ '* iUr rf ^ »•«« «*» mother, who was lighting the parlor. off th *' K Lw * li,,le ihe »"!• lamp, “how are lump t .J, imil ,. VH of the htdc, jl.s* as NonnH- ll.il sfto. I made T * ,rr u0,,, ' r 0,1 d'mgh to nuikr a pie. It sank iuto tto litis- hot* ami si'iangfRg and mtmngtng the ami nl 1 dies, an mmm-itarry pri-tudr to the IJuMfer, over, wft dtontnl, sod jnv ! sniHy «*rr gnttopfog ringte file down the VsHey. In foe morning uudHghi wi pusaed the ffttkedral Rorks and hi Captain, streteMng Mir eye* oaev iiMsre T»i rfoift theft fop, amt com pirbend the dizzy la iouv again it-dizzy heigh 1. 1 1 IWfWIRIi *rfw in Ogata with sack a least, ift r (Htstod | tto* night a* Ckinni \> were inlimutsl that two or ihttr ilnyrs U-ftnc onr arrival, 1 a Mesiaun, who was .mual at bar i ^tl. Wc lattm! mg stolcu sms- < aftb-. was taken | JlaT Veil to ' fow tkr knud* of Ik* Slwnlt and ! TfIM Pawp h >ct»toil|«l •*> ftll m 4 00 “ Par W-t.ro.4 «*4 .« Wo* it* 1 '* « •« 1 T‘* MtomH sto »*t*Mftft» i ,tonus «lurf * !• *• ' “ Pur Btotwo-d mnt ***** st etoU. »V •» V Ms&jsnitx v “ ■ trWi. 14 oft ".'ft " CLUBS, l iIubos', ml luestr js-r rent will kreftRftNfti to i lula ■* Saw mr *>., |*.w I 4 1C» Csuod. or ..f ,.l •• on. s4d*no fur *tt SS. !• MtfSSsODasiB. Utub's RadkultRM Tiass. r Esteys r bOTTACE O-ICANO f>T the thouantKi-« trlto Vtitvc “Why uv dear child," ctclaiiacd i:.mfe lien, who was sitting by tl.e ,h * l mt ov - r “ * M * i,h * !• ' •’•fo'vfoS "" bm! w 1,1 d info way dot** tie pteditieu* (i j*is it possible yon have never ! * to a gloss house!" replied Naonie, “what is a Vh+f imv Mm. »«dW. •f «b»f 1 F rW />.-»!•. -xim ihvml mrmnim! ty Op -JbryHs* htoto’ “tot- it tjJVr—Sm. *, -Itoe. Jlmt.mm, tU. |. Xpn ;t*it to o«E Bnk-topwrifo,. V 7Tf-l I *■ TUK Hjto *ud HSItoto.. Tfinss stows lor th, rer, sWK IbnlkW *w» What tlo yon snppoac it i»T" asked her uncle. “8omcthtng you mnst not throw . stones at," said little Nannie, for she ^ had been learning to play at pns wisdom tTOOfoJhhttAagB£3DBiou, ve ^- , , . , u „ , ,, 0 (W, imt aaid, “Aak, and ye shall ’ ‘ \ receive;" I do ask Tliee for the gift f° w1th me to a *'**" hou *-> of Tby Holy Spirit for royaelf anti M> ’ OVER HtTV DUTERgn ftTTpH, mii6m ^ fans tlw,so* Hftnilias, too.) is still and pressed u;i tb* gb«»! Mowly ws womnd Mtt Wfty «p again. ueoato.-iuUy miuunistersd to for round the edges of tto fell*. They oft.-n pamftngh.i tafll-r our fatfhfnl «w*utato nrgamn. *“■ tapi inmirir s hwim let it stand for a f*w mouMWits, thto and pattern auimafe to gwriier breath, ' On th* way hark to torn Pram iat-o' t-*i"w ~u*.w*a u< Ux- _ j t»i» aswwsto,«.^ ^ Httle gkiaa tumbler just like one taking vair *pMd together u;sjii Efts had the plrasnnr of visiting the' Also. B--.*, «.u- »-uuw»^*t*. *to Nannie drank out of at home. It' hald summit milch Junta tain aad tor ach.ial undiv the rirre of Rev. T. C. ’ »z *• h»‘ *»»ci u»i nrvdeil a few xkillfnl togehi-s to ntoke up the Yalta?, the peril* and tbft' ’ Miltauud Mra. MfHs. tormerir of tto It smooth nt the rdge *ud Iwittrm, jthisf faugwe to t to * vuurwtam 11 So*.* rxrifitog s great tottoimw Bsc goad. * WT «at twm. to. i» twcut, »c cum. r a| d ft'"4 Join** Tlicre she saw a man with a lamp The sound to our vote** died away ** la bsautifoUy tonued on smpie 1 I-b-^,s the-nnL- t4a»WI »'»-*Ai-tc .r^TaeUB^to^J^sasrini?«r^SuLrito globe in bis band; he told h against * fttotovri tom todtk<-dMg* Valfey, grounds in tto midst of the city of | ' fi M!CTH-:nft * Of ' < inj ,* . . re* P. : a little griiidstunc that kept turning «I acre wbtoljwe torre staAdtov. dm Ib-Mstu, and t* tow to Uto atari «» W. r^totetococ N ba»»Bcui round. The globe was what Nsuuto tfoMif(h no .ftfe-r sound Utaitimn wild i ebazztoug spot* ikto 1 hkvcv htten tot *T^ n *V~1Wyg»ifo-»'i.fVW.to|lto lg ftoz fritoH was sccn*ton»ed to call grnusd glass, j birds mat to. tfew tot too tatootd '••****— «- Cfeifocto. 1 tori tb* ,_«•«-«*^• * «• —* ¥$?■ but whorever it touched the stone It, .tmeA ito ak» bwl it w*-u ns, w«, l*^ 1 **" » **® ni, K rrtB " '»>< Aid R ’*' 40_tf ' j»bh. -J, ... became clear; the man Rtovedfto; tm*. totofoo^faf *,m wfe,sb.,wd «to nriU* s of lb* of fori , Mi ,y 1.V — ' R'ii^ it’.t J^'ritoi m to ' “ * ' W llAril fo ull *]s. ntriv ontnc UG—re.Z’to-wC ihs WeeiHuto —-« globe about, ns be moved It leaf'd ,tbis w i and flow era were cut on th* i “How do yon know where to make the Icaveat" askml Vanftte 'ftf- Jhe fc.ru—pt YOUTH. ths great brick furnaces all over tto building; it seemed to her, with such hot foes in them all, that she could not go near them, then she saw man - Wn going up clone to them and not “They arc drawn with pencil ou seeming fo mind the heat at all; globe," replied he, and to hcW there were a great many men and thr K'obc toward* her and she saw boys coming and going in every dt thf ‘ I’*’"” 1 mark '* tfcat guefed him. rection, and all moving very quickly. “Hut how does tto But it seemed nil confused; Nan- groundt nto could make nothing <»f it till her : tumblert" uncle said, “Ix>ok this way, niy child, here is a man making lamp chimuej’s." Nannie looked round, and just lie- kind her stood a man whh a thing that looked like a long stick, with something red on the end of it. ’wf Him who shaped Vatl*\ ami set them-1 **Wft s*d to the Inror mftirri it e* , wold to His K«.MI Mftu toots pmMMl dtoerem-t |iowef, . " ,i| r4l of th ’ '*•***■ dt toriruotoon | ♦to owr way-twthe Valiev we had ^ 1 tutorial, bn* bcvwnoc tto. ^) Protest ranch—a lwi«w» ««»rl> i«, HfoWiM Ah B1NTISTRT. d DR. D. ie BOOZER. rmtiss ,Bfis*r tow. ft ft WREftrt. V *ftto«lBS.ow VTs-vBioto ,e*tt. t*rsr»«l Mile H „ k : tin'll ftori -t M mouwUuRt, dftiriunlbiionly (a ft i»«ft or, pafo 1EV nlghk \i< <«ua|?»’ . . ^ w ooes tne giofs< neeotn* ol> t, w itk esuRtot, grtforttov o*i «mt f'ca. tk^n,ptokoemg not to HMr Vfhy ia it not clear like ftt*wg-„find so ft.- engaged! hi a&fabcb fwf Trilkdl^riftiBfoto RSfotoaoU at ‘ saeli halgiiigs aa we c«aM fo*A I ’• “>fAr | nipt ha aTto* toftft ft forge ut “Oh, that Is not grottndbnt scratch- Umpiirrel -oft Staft kari «nd hastes* stifotitMtot lfenicin. fBJtacb ta now ed," said the man, “Come this way sbetiier tfeio wrirmy otbrrfehato i w,, > tort tail.v filled, wfeta iris csoel- and I will show you tow M *aer^o«ft at tto noch,' **ft» taftuoqotappftiihto tofey , . r Iv T Arl bv ilinmadinR nnmlmrB p. d. &mm & mL f ! opTTCfx^k x^r> : . aitm soj Ift** f| TV—Ui rtWH-Vll SuO, . j tot DS1B hj UifcApriiretioa <4 *kw*l •iNMrilietie . /tfrinOWI "(inf In evrfT impfiTTPu stt it (Rwir nfttoOy HT>4l4nfo^a>y. fWiinflBr ■UaMm li 1 - ■ B —„i ...ii The man waved the stick about aa | gi'>he gn a lary^wooden ^^^whieh loroching, aft aay feair that ttoy seen her elder sister do i exactly fitted th.- fed** *(*ftic tn;i might rfemael ti ^ /.KI-^^O irruoa When ( waa » vttyfmtA^ boy, ?.(i pinafore^ a woman’s school, it ao hap pend that I wanted ft slate-jxaicil, and had no money to buy it «ith. I waa afraid of beihg scolded for ioalng my pencils so often, for l ™ a. rwri careless little fellow, atxl s> .dlfcriaft. dare# to si* at tome; Wftet, , , . - » . tUi -in: n p John in the htabJWta wwi ; aftld by old Mrs. Dear son, end sometimes I had seftp boys and girls get trusted by the old Isdy. I argued with my self that Christmas was coming,-and that somebody or otlier would be sc.w to give me » penny thsp, and Nannie liad seen her elder sister do in plaj'ing the trick called Egyptian ( * nd bottOB > of ,Uf> •» ‘ h ’* t writing, bnly he sometimes put the wa * Or™- Then be took fed end of it in his month, and the red lar 8« leathern strap, which hnng. stuff at the end of it grow and be- from tha •'“! "Hppetl it over came efepr like glam, and in a very * w,,ec *> attached to the peg on which ihort flat* of Time todt the fliape ,b * 8 lwbfl w “ tMd i and «,m*diatriy on our service travellers morning way back, | r* 2M?n' lanri'sl Accordingly, had at ifdt Some Sunday throagb tto Myf unaurpaased, in thy $tat*- He Howie few eofoft i» 1tv*n the ing guld iligginga, amoug th a *«va of tto I I fourl fitoKtol trees S*4 vfofo, wfoch woe* m e had f 1 ^ “I do not understand how he does! tnrn ™l , ' ,u y ro * nd - Tto man then a riingregatiSgt of some twenty-nine, ftuits—yicars and, Sfttplea, peaches it at ail," said Nannie. j took “P » »« l,> of iron gathered, as t» learned on sstoe and piurna, Jigs and pompgrsnstafo “That loug stick," esid her uncle, I lD " u ‘* d ' ,traw ' « nd iwr«wd it ,, Iwn t imptiiy, Ttom twelve difbrent Ac^-rauch * tu. otiug qUiqb dm “ie iron, and is hollow. The man j fepdnst the globe as It tamed rv.ahd,; , Stat ,., countries, the Empire *wl. U waa the tov»i cifehitvon blows through it and his breath j w '*h his left buixl, while hi* ytate fumlsRing the largest number of (Iralt th*t 1 f toipft. tyr ed by increasing numbers. I v to tto tto aatoriiv* fruit ranaft , of Hr. atresUei. st MhHhim, dfe * rertly opposite Benicia, which is oa% t «%red one of the lineet, and, ife little shop make* the gloss spread out." ’ riftht he scooped np wet sand from n ^ . j, - WM ,he first rebgfous H- has exhibited in ita M* . . S. .... I DAto of BB*I L.OS..S ..bssbIb^ ftHtf . ‘ - t w _ . s . I .»• L.'ij-*:-- -i'i A... “I do not know,” said Nannie, I k *TJ t servleeft thA had ever how "told} discrimination an4 taste which was to “what makes that red staff turn tod tbps, glass," 4 “That red stuff it glass, very mnch heated^ fie It becomes cooler it looks more Hite glam as you are aftcustom ed to aee it" “And does It get thiri and shaped like ft chimney by breathing upon itf 1 tto man just k G 1C. IU (.found that there *M t®° • JMbfe tn the place. It day* of the was graUfjl^g, however, to leant bat the mi^rra here, aa elaewkoret eousaamed to pay aa mmJ» to th® Sshljafh a* to Mupt-ud on Saturday in titfift to make . Has..'4 in Bq on the globe Just where be WftK.JfHd ing the whisk, and tto gloks —an I, liecame opaque like tboee Nllinie |, hod seen in the other room. -j ,; •-*!_ But now the steam whistle blew for twelve o’ctaRr and tto oian all. w™t tk r<^ ,n ^' I Motion is the silken string (her unde, «ik! told her Mother *11 themselves Mltati’lhr tto Hftbhftth, running through tto peart-rbaui of ! the interesting thing* she bad keen, and not to work on that. d»y. Ths all virtue*— Tkm. FwHer. ‘L; ■gid'riit’ < iU vation a h wi tto of^ji^jj^udionaof' E?skiur«. «a ta ft tad Ut ^ecMDCWk OOOM sTP* TSt^^*^***** di 15 Sft*l, „ , n luCojvi. Jjiii_ii i_.- . vn--fi»rik- iri ***** f,r April „lt B. •ft —.ct A* I font WATklNg ta GO., CAKRIA(jE 1 r '' ' . -IlhlKlT tKHS a AM ritrfofo or EXPRESS WAGONS, ■HP CsiriDfct* *n4 n*«M «T *U BftltiWOtfi «■*•» Htl ■ * wlw f — s,uass lanntriMu w izsl d bstftfosrirr. **4 WWTSI1H4. qp..i| n V I’ ,Will ‘uiwcouba.; n«iAii«*Biiia a wto,H i HIWBY OOBIA R tyO.,’**' HliOCERS isaw ji n"'(M 'tr-i-V! TWHiitT -r SPKct.VCtltsi, ‘si , . __ vrs —-, Mav 1.1 * n-w '■ssemosaar um «*ry ewjO., iii«»b/s soefc-atorriU 1 u< pa.vfrw pno|»ei toft hPMtlfgv much atontto of jWtoftMtM thfiitriftfA eft i yeftiririry ,,JhUi lH«rt. aktsa divitoft Among i'eRMytaftWa. »*^a*k,4)\ gatft,!**r;..i« "«hitw*;,afe wuxmm ^ 1-isl I -l.lii- ■mIT INILPW KAITION .triditl- rift “••z'- ~*di MtlU book or risn^Tkife ^■aare ^ Hefi* Oo,.fcirere-«fto bo, fo tobton* )tri efigr. fta- i* M