THK LUTHl-RAN VISITOR. COLUMBIA* S, C. f WLDMESDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1860 Tkeobtgiebl dMinarg of tke Norik West.—If the telegraphic wire* give i us the truth, the affairs of the Sent inary at Chicago hr* hot likely to give the General ASwinlOy much troiiide. The Committee apiMiintcd by the last .Assembly has been in session for some days, iuuI according to tlie desjutteh which we And in the secular newspapers, has suggested a : compromise to which all parties there ; have given their adhesion. It ia stated in the following terms : “ Dr. Lord remain* in his present chair, nnd Mr. McCormick is released from the payment of the #30,MM! claimed to lie due the school, and three directors, Judge Lincoln Clark and II. O. Spofferd, of tiiia city, nnd one otlier, who were elected during tlie quarrel, ait of Dr. laird's party, should make things harmonious, re sign, nnd three others, acceptable to fetch |mrty, should take their places. Tu this all consented, tlie contestants signed the jMtjiers, and the strife ended."— /VenAyterius. Departure of Miasionariea.—Tlie Kev. A. P. Ilnp|ier, M.D., D.D., wife and ehildreu, will leave this city for China, by way of Chicago and Han Francisco, on the 17th inst. Dr.| Hnppcr is well known throughout the Church, cud hat lem a success ful missionary in China for a quarter of a century. Mrs. !Inp|ier was I mm and reared iu tlie Church of Mon tours, Presbytery of Ohio, has a high ; reputation us a successful teaeber, ; and is most earnestly devoted to the Master’s work. The children of I hr. ; Hopper retnni to China to engage iu the same work in which their father lias so long served. They will he accompanied by Miss Hannah Shaw, a mcmlier of tlie church of SharpslHirg, who rendered most arduous and efficient nid i i camps and hospitals during tin* war. Ou the 1st inst., Rev. Alfred Mar ccllus, VVui. K. M’Chestncy and D. N. , Lyon, with tlieir wives, sailed for China, via Aspinwull and San Frau cisco. The two former are Jor the Canton Mission, anil Mr. Lyon for Hangchow. The lYntchman ami Hejtectvr, a Baptist pa[H'j, gives its opinion of tlie new version of tin' Bible reecutli published : " We think as a whole. King James’s version greatly siqs'rior to it, as a speylmeu of got si Knglish and <« giriny tke true maim mg of tkr nriijiiulbi." liex. Mr. Jewett hail Is' fore shown, ia a masterly criticism, that the new Bible was uot able to stand a critical test. He proved by quotations, chapter and verse, so plain that “ he wrho runs may read," that the pledge to translate every word, has not lieeu redeemed : that the sense of the original has not liccn conveyed as cleariy as in the mm mou version, aud tlia^ errors have Utii committed that ordinarily clever scholarship should have avoiiled. So Dr. Couant and the Society in vain offer a defence. The new translation falls dead at the start ns uusuited for com moa use. Boxton, Mam.—A correspondent of the American Vrabyterian, writing about the 1 reshy tcriau cliurclies iu Boston, states that tliere arc six churches of this kind in that city, and says: Tlie iirst of these different Presby terian i-hmcbes, and the one from which all the others, with the exerp- tioii of the Church of the Coverall tens may be said to have sprang, is tlie United Presbyterian Church of which l)r. Blaikic ia the liastor. Di. Bhiikit* is entitled to tlie honor of having been the pioneer iu this Pres byterian movement. Coining to the city in May, 13W, he found a number of Presbyterian families without a religious liouic.ffilc at once begun to act us their pastor, visiting them in their houses and preaching to them on tin- Sabbath. .Viter lutioriug among them until December of the same year, a United Presbyterian church was organized. Tilts church, owing to tlie poverty of its members, has always labored nnder the disad vantage of not having a house of worship. This disadvantage is now iu a fair way of being remedied. A clinrch edifice isiu process of erection, the lecture room of which, it is hoped, will be completed this fall, and which will be sufficiently large to meet the wants of their present congregation. Presbyterian Union—“Ailing for More."—Ou Wednesday of last week the Old and New School Presbyterian Assemblies met at Pittsburg to re ceive the official reports from the Presbyteries on the re onion over ture. As tlie result of the vote is already known, tlie two bodies will have Httk* -more to do than to reeog- niie the ooiisutmsation of the union. Tlie Princeton ttetUr ami the New York Obxtrter ore now ‘halting for the fusion of the other ‘branches of the same family into “one Church." The Southern Presbyterians, the United Presbyterians, and the Cove- all invited to “come CHnrcH of the Presbyterian* to make such tkHrerancex ns shall put them all at esse on the subject." The large progrefis made In the direction of unhid thus fHr is rehabcd So well that ottr Oiil School Preshrteriah friend* arf ‘‘asking far more." A mrAram Bible Society.—Tlie Mated mating Of the Bhartl of Managers was held at the BlblV Ilotane, A*tor Place, on Thurnday, the 4th Inst. The decease of lion. Heman Uneoln, Vice 1‘resident, find of Dr. James I* Pheljis, Manager, was announeeil. Itev. Cyrn* D. Fosa read the thirty- ninth Ihudm and offered pray er. Twelve new auxiliaries were recog niied, of which ffve were in Arkansas, three in Georgia, ami in Minnesota, Kansas, North Carolina, and Ala Iniiuh, one eaeli. Grants of hook* were made to the I*resbyterian Committee of Home Missions; to the Presbyterian Ihuird of Publication j to the Bmithwestern Bible Society for supply ing destitute regions iu their field; and otlier grants, amounting in all to 3,131 volumes in various languages, includ big twelve volumes iu mined letter* fur the Idiml. Besides these, others were granted to the value of #1,044.23. In fluids, #2,300 were granted to the Amerienn ami Foreign Christian Union fur Biide work in Mexico. Mr. Andrew J. Taylor was unaid motisly electrd Assistant Treasurer of this Society, in plain of Mr. Ilrtiry Fisher, deceased. Liberal KmMmcmmtt—Mrs. Kdwin A. Htephens, of Hoboken, has given to Princeton College, #30,000, to en dow a professorship In memory of her late honored (hther. Prof. Albert B. Dud. Home other person, ss yet nameless, has given another #30,000. Within a few days, #60,000 addition sl have been given or pledged, by still other parties, tor new buildings, Ac., Ac. A citizen of Knoxville, Twin., lias Invented a steam wagon. It is de scribed as very Ingenious. Mr. Havage, the inventor, proceeds ou entirely new ami original principlea from the very beginning—boiler, en fines, frame work, ami a'l appurteu unci'* Isdng of hi* own design ami IicriMly unique. The principle of |inq>ulskm is not by wheels, but by driving rods. Mr. Savage eatimates that the hx-omntive, when complete, of three horse power, will eust about the same as a good team and wagon, will mu ten miles an hour on common roads, aud hr servireahte for all kinds nf work, ne ex|irets to nmi|ilete the working model during tlie present toll. PIANOS! PIANOS SvtKsl- He®**’ all tree Lutherans reioice in this result, and look for wid in hope of the dawn of a siill letter dav on our Lutheran ®on, in this part of the grant field. God Weis ^ union <—Lutheran Observer. ifjje gyuod of Iowa numbers 72 ministers, distributed as follows: 25 in Iowa, U in Illinois, 10 in’Oliio; 0 in Mk*iR» n ’ 6 iu WfawfitflB, 4 »“ Missouri, 3 in Nebraska, 2 in Minne ‘ j j n Maryland-. Will 1 in Ala Ten ministers were ordained (inrinf the past Synodical year. Cknrck Miration at Lorcttrcil/c Tjatkeran Obmrrer says: iitt'e Save just returned from Luv- j^uille, Vu., which, with several (rtbiw places, we had visited twenty vesrs ago- Then, we preached in the 27gtone church, and, accompanied C brother Starttuian, rode from farm house to fann yawl, soliciting saUscriptitms Wittenberg College _4,„w we pMtofccd the Hra^aeruion in a new brick church, and aided broths Richardson in its dedication. The building is seventy-four by 43 feet, with an end galnrv, and base ment above ground, plain in its style of arvnitecture, neatly finislicil and Gold Medal mi Awarded *t llw laic Pair in btUiaof* to ©HAS* m 8VB3TOa br Um beat PWx. over Baltimore. Philadelphia and Sew York Plano*. Oticn and Waieroom, So. »7, S. Liberty 8L, «bor* Baltimore Strref, Baltinshv. ltd. STIKFFd PIANOS bare all the late* iro- nrovetnoau. Invading ibe Agrafe Treble Ivory Fronta and tfaa improved French Actios, fUly warranted far five yon, with die privilege of exdtoogv within twelve monthe it not aattafcc- tory to (bo porabaaer. Second band Fiaaoa and Parlor Organ altray* en band at from fiSO to $StM. KcVrmcta who ha>t our I’ianca I* oar: Uen Bobt. K. Lee. Lexington, Va.; Oca. Rott. Fanaom, Wiimiogtno. fi.O4Oaa.D H. Hill, Cbarlotle. X. C4 Bfabop WUawr. Sew Orteana, La , Uov. John Letcbcr, Lrxhwtoo, Va.; Henan. K. Burweil t Rona, Female Semi nary. ( harioUe, K. C.; Caleb Bmrimigbt, Co lumbia, 8. C.; and hr* hundred other* la the Sooth who hare powhaaed iho STK1VVH IMAfiOti Slice tlie war rioaetL A call ia auUciird. Term*—Liberal; April • 34—tf The “CAItOLINA KKUTtl.l/.KK"is insde from the riiosplmtes of South ('sroliiut. ami in prunuuiiinwl by various Cheiniatn one .of the heat Manures kitown. ouly inferior to 1‘eMviau Guaito in its Feriiliziug ProfiertieM. TUese Pliosplmtea are tlie remaius of extinct laud suid seu uiiiinsls, him! {msmcss qnalltiea of the greatest value tu tlw ugrit-tilturiat. We annex the analyms of I’rofeigair Shepanl. LAfiORATOfir or TQK HKDICAL IXlLUNK OF SOLTII CABOUXA. ‘Amdy^a of a amauiv id CAROMKA FKKTII.IZKR. prrwmatly arh-rad Mufatuempriiod m m- y ; ,....t«.tfi Organic Malt- r. with auam aauv a( aombtaaitun rxpvlM at hiw rad Iwwt .16.40 Marriages. tagtefttlly furuisbetl. It coat aliout filU,500, upwards of #3,000 of which remained iwprovUtd fur. Au effort to liquidate this debt was entirely gueeessfttl, leaving several hundred dollars over Marrieil, on Tuesday evening, Oe tol»T 3th, at the residenee uf the tirhle’s |mreuts, J. David Si iki, of 1‘omaria, ami Mina Hi t:, eldest daughter of Wm. D. Meogau, Baq., of Nea hmy, H. C. | towards the payment of some athlitional tuiprovemeuts. At the opening of the exercises a letter was received from Joseph Vi oilman, Esq., a member of the Burketsville fougregatioof' ‘"id who batl given #300 before, containing a eontribii- tiou of #400, and at tlieir ciose a mother approaclieil the pastor lead ing two little girls, who gave him 51> cents each, the proceeds of their sav ings, for the house of t he Lord. “The dedicatory service was iier- formed by Kev. X. J. Khdiardson, the pastor, and the Uev. W. C. Wire, Principal of the Burketsville Female Seminary, assisted iu the devotioual exercLscs. The house was literally paekeil with, hearers, aud we heard it said, that Jhere were as many peo- |ile outside as inside. Rev. C. Start/ man, a former pfaator, pmu lusl on 'Sabbath evening, the 24tli ult., in another jmrt of the charge, and Kev. Dr. Diehl was expected to pieacb the communion discourse on Monday moniing, when a nnmbew of persona were ailuiitteii to chun-h frllowship, of such, we trust, as shall lie saved. Thecougregiition was organized more than a century ago, and this is the fiiurth house of worship it luis i-rvs-t ml ou, or near, the same site. It nnmliers .TOO members nnd is ideawnl with the menus of extensive useful ness." OT1IEB CHURCHES. A jwmupoodeut of the ChurcknutH tells of a clergyman whose salary was made up by snlwcription. As it did uot prove sufficient to support Dim, his wife gave mu.ic lessons. When the salary wp collected, a miser, who bad subecritied #10, refused to i»y over #5, because he paid tin.* minis ter's wife #3 for a quarter’s instruc tion for his daughter. Another cut down his subscription from #40 to #20, because his wife received #20 for teaching his daughter music. Unmnctijied Ckoir*.—AVe owe heard a minister of the Gospel de clare that loeuiliers of fashionable Chureh Choirs would have a hard time in the world to come. Tlie New \ork 8w, though not a bit of a saint, holds the same opinion.— Speaking of the introduction of operatic mnsic into the holy service, it»y«: “The mauia for arranging qwratic pieces for religious use is at its height, and so Is the desire of choirs to show off themselves aud their ac complishments, to sing long anthems, in which each of the four shall have a solo for self-display, at the success ful dose of which they smilingly re ceive the congratulations of the °thery. There is as much worship in this style of thing as then- is in the howling of half-a-dozen night wandering eats, and about as much music; and no one knows it better than the uusauctificd choirs them selves." Notwithstanding tlie effort marie a few yefivg since to consolidate the honeptkcfifrt'fl Methodist Churches of this country into one organization, and the apparent success of the movement, resulting in the dissolu tion of the Wesley an connection and the Protestant Methodist Chureh, and the organization of tlie “Method ists” Church, it appears that the dis solution was not complete. The con solidation increased the divisions. Tlie several lion-episcopal bodies re 'tfiia their existence, with the “Meth- 22 Church added to the list. effort* have been made to wife the Metluxlist and the Protes- Methodist Churches, but as yet without success. The latest tiling rtLw t* attempt to unite Methodist Protestant Church and ^.’Methedist Episcopal Church w of success is ■wtbriniant, though the Episcopal the xettodM Protes _ Ealtanore, are diaotuweg the m*rter *rnh wnparent-eerr.estneRs. Business Department. Current News. tWpkonr Art j Suishfa. . Fquirsh-nt hi II.II HuiaMr llsqilnw sfUmr. IhMA Alt i. ... K»|inv»feia lo 1V4X I iMuluhl*-(huni). ISIS JO J FhoophMe of lime. Sotshorh- Arid . II.OI K^uilrsVwt to £3 64 Ss!f4ialr of Isme. MfSisto uf IVsmJi | *0 Mpiurt* «f s.o- 8mmi 1 11.06 Os IU- ■m4‘resi ikhI, was k*«l ia the n-rstooe. : a copy i copy of contract kith the riltntors ; UKV. 8. GTITRAiX, Ssu r. So. J3 W. F*retu> Sliw. PATSST »P05«*! A Sfibstilale far Hair ud Petlhnw. The Elastic 8pong« Mattress u the ItealttHafL dean«BL. mom elastic, dura hi tod be* \n the *oAb. Tlie Elastic Sponge Pillows «i* ISdA toil. wnfi fra* iron an .whraSO.] or ; t ml m clific.' of brick, be one of spirit of has been ntioti - try lias man- ii of this Ln.I whiieli The Elastic Sponge Cnahions far Clinch. Cwhp or Chair, m far superior to e*wi Ibe best curled hair, (which is never found ia *Mb article*. I alwaj* .cuiaing the tuUnear, D>tj‘i Washing-Machine, The Elastic Bponge iu Furniture is modi briar thaa hair, as h ia alsraj* fata from woO* tsd *U tract Ufa; and to perra- nratlr daaic a* to krep .be covers «oa*to*Uj Ailt lltu* adding greatly to the beauty at the Faraitara. The Hlaatic Sponge Goods ar* seCiag rapidly, and everybody like* them Send for pamphlet*, giving fuil panieulara, * ith ROANOKE COLLEGE. 0N1VERSA1CL0THE8 WRINGER, urUOVKD vab Kmu'a fimt Das* IW-V.UIA ead Iba I’.tovt See »r» nop Unri.rd ihnegh Hev. K. A. Bollea, Agent at Awi rirn Whir Kmirty tor raarrh < ’tiroHus, to aid ia rehuiklisg the lailberaii rburvh, < 'oiusilas. H.(\ from the Newberry t 'aufirrencr of the Kvimgeliral loitbersn Hyooduf Month t 'arutira—rnHertHiu, It bar pieakar far.*.Ms ei acram, being oa the Vtfgiaia A Tmuemee Kadruad. on the liM of inert brunvo Suuatin and WytlK-vlllr, and hriweat the Sanhera eoootie* and swootoia in.—This 1/ Mission- >ig at Mt. Ii County, [fill Trail e. Wetzel, L.delegn ions, pro of vaeant negations [the inem- Godan.1 k pray", Lse. Kev. and |d preach lion wor- Madison I-oosl agents Wutedv An Agent tranud in every town in the State, to whom will be given tlie exetaeive asleof Utcne good*. S. SOYKS, Uen I Agent, 1 JO W. Fayrite Street. Baltimore, fid. Hay 11 40—ly i, #16213; from J. H. t '.mills, K*q.. Bethlehem lot t hr raw etawrefa, Serb, iry . ‘oaatv, H. <% fi -. im. Total, #21215. artb a triegepb oCee. gt.e L every advantage to to drsiRsl ia a laoMioa. IV C ,h. e- »... dont-nd m I*43. Its or- rs.nnlion it omiphte. and the court* of matfw- lowi Ibonragb a tel cwrirptetiemsw. Its srs iona waamcnc* s.nmal!. oa t - SKOOSD W’KDKKS- DAY uf SKITFUBKR. slidcoutinneten month* Kstlmsisd Fiptuti. $308. ttr For (briber partfauUn apply to A C WKUdS, Hieretoty af ibe Farnky, or to D. F. IUTTLF, D P , ItoaMent, at Salem, Va. J. F. C.AHFJKI.L r,mmuM A)ml. Straabotp, Ya. tVe Jl IS6* JJ—(f O’KEEFE’S Bask* at Vankip Skippcel kg !hr jit 4k Chapman, for H er* ending Xoermktr IA One |mm kugr by Express tu John M. Cooper & Co-, Msxauuab, Gu-| oik* |M. ksgr by Kx|Kt«n to I*. Hein* larger, Wilmiugtoii, X. C.; one |MM'kuge by Kxjwesa to Jtrv. J. I*. Sui. ltz.-r, AValhalis, fi. C.| oue park- age by Mail to Mra. Sully Baker, Blouiitaviile, Teun. Large Winter Head Lettuce. I | KS8RS. H. O'KKKF. SOS A CO, the well ▼ JL knoArti and reliable Bo#d I cnporters t be a. a FINK AND VALUABLE ac*«tetkm for both Ibe market aud print* garden, nth m-ly for use fatly THREE WEEKS EARLIER than any other variety of Lettuce, except that gro-n under fba. h trtM stand tike tt'inj-r mlhoal prvtertnm w tin . akM sf cm Mrthrw chmntrm It tunas very large, solid, aud exceed ingly lender, gteenidi yellow head* the outride learar being af a brownak ting*. Order* far Seed will be received now, to ha tilled by Ska-1, ia hM parkapa it 50 MTU Nth, rid efiu only be had OttNI'IKat AN® 1WH.WS »t VheW eatoWialimeot. Order immediately of H. O'KKKF, SOX A CO., Rocbemer, X. Y. Sept l S—ljy WTTHE7ILLE FEMALE CO I .LEG E- ■ Tour Wa-biua Mariuac bas bee* in dakl, am i* oat laasfiry, and iha baamkfrtwr rxjmma brnidf m bifhljr plnward witb H. It cvnmuir mcvamijiikUf m grm\rt mukmuI woHi. mhIi Icm L*Uur, and dur* net »wr tlw tkdli« wraf mo wueit mm th+ old fimlakWMNJ «r:u4f haWkrd. Hy u* Hg if .me hnisdna* » dhimrat •ith.’'— If > M r. W-aeri Zfc, y Aybat /*-»«-*- aval af At fidUar’. .Vuwiy A" 1’. tVp. PRICES -A Fair Offer. (tend Ike Mail price, wariwr fi!i Kxlia ariagtr $1. and we wdl forward ruber or l-oik mactharv. free uf belgtH, to placto wbera n* oa* W selling . and to sure are we they will be liked. Iha> wr agree to refand Iba owner H **y en* wiabe* to return Ibe ( awnnw* Me of briglil, alter a mutilii a trial, aceurdiag to duectnair. Xo buaband. falbrr or brotlwr ahnnM jarmil thedrudgrry o< waritiag with the bands. fi«y- two days ia tlie jam. win* It can b* doo* belief, more axpedilwnriy. will, leas labor, and no injury to tUa ganurnts. by a Doty CVKbea Wtohar, aad a Uaiaeraal Wnng.r Caavaaai* wHb exclurive right of tale make '■pill* ladi.ulH*. *111 b* ra-rpened oa the Jl ttrvl Tlmradu)’ ia Seplctobw. under Uw «6|rrnil' ik\iky uf Kir. K. II. HlIKiXiLO, mpfiiiiMfiFrt by n ourpw af Cumpetr-ut Tx'ficberu. Ute oxmntc tif itiA-tructioii will embrace all tlie tiramiM* of a liHATtwi^i •dMC^tiuM. Ti.i* InriitntioM lutvinjr hcou chartered wWi ndirguto |iu*'iia and |imihgm. lKplumai will be awarded lo all tlnac wl»o aliatl Iwrc cotn- {xitWcd tlie rpfrwW cx*urw naU^fucf only. r«ipila in*int ruler putKluallj on tlie first day vf life Smwhmi. m uo dcductkai will be made for abacficc IMU Literary ind Boanliitg Departments will lie under ibe imtHtdiaU care of K*v. R II XcIVix \LD and Mrs. II. McDon ald, wbo will reside in (he Insutatkm TERMS FEU SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS: Tuition in Preparatory Department.... .$15 00 ** *' Collegiate Llepaitment 20 00 •* Musical DeparUneut 20 00 ** “ Mftdom Lfiopiaiiw, 10 00 “ 14 Needlework. KtnbroiderT, 4c. 10 00 - - Drawing and P.iinimg 10 00 rtme of Piano*..... * an... 2 50 (*raduMiinK Fee..... 2 50 Board |sr 8e*akwi «•! five mou ilia, includ ing waaiiiiif., Ac 15 00 Oar/f • mum be paid in advance. No pupil will be retained longer than fs«a are prepaid. Kadi boarder ia required lo furnish one palr'df ahec ta, on* puir of pillow cases and two*lt»weK Kadi pupil must have her dotiiea dtahictly and irnk-Hib’y marked with her name. Gunmimiciitious addressed to Rev. K. If. McDoeau> wilt receive imiiMxiiate attentiou. WVAeriWr, I’Vyima. 1008. Srp *« 3t Melanc- (-.lnesday kx'illiams- Icnt. Bcv. Uynoilicitl l 22. Th« Church Noticea. SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechan ical Magmxine. tOficial Organ of tke SoalX Carolina State Afri- cntfmrni ead Mechanical -Shorty.) A T an early dale tlie aubaeeibel* Will publnh lh* Brat number f! a HoritHly Hagazinv, devoted to tlw devetopment of theVtoterial it- leresta of Uu* S ate, aud the whole South; and will diatribnte BVcYuoOto'nd edpin gratuitously, to tint every Oue may tea what it 1* before rod- x-ribing. Tiny intend to make it Ibe beat aab l.intaMneft Indurtriai Hagmainc ever publiabed at i lie Souiii. nnd tlier aak tbe cordial corapeva lion of every good dti*en in tki* entttprieo ifler hav- evotional y session uoisterial delegates KENT FREE! M. O’Keefe, Son k Co.'fi SEED CATALOGUE And Cntde fa to Flower aad FigilaHt Garden, hr ISIS. P I? BUSH KD to JanaaeT. Every lover at fewer* wiabiag Him now aad vahmbl* work, free of charge, rimuU addma immediately H. O'KKKFK. SOX A OO. ICa-a.^ee A Barry'* iry, and jinual re I to com inal terms d, Byno.1 .led with until, on chardson, nded, aud tdanotkoH Maryland, at Fred .tailed HP jasis wss land made Ln Bjrnod, Maryland Sold by dealer* generally, lo whom liberal aouaela ore made. 0. U BBOWXIXO, Cat. Ageaf, *1 turtlamlt St- New Yeri Sept I »—»» Ivllidh Inuat rvdoand to Iho public *Tlfarc. Deraoo. wialiing copies of Ibe that number will pleaae send tlieir address to Walker Kvans A Cogawell. CBAilLMTO*. & C WM. BE1DGB8 & SOU, T ffK VnUBo Mining and Hanufariuring Company have always on band a lull Wt'pK At the ahove dererredly popular manure, nainufaelnred from ‘'tlw Bone Pltmplurtee of Aridry Eivee." under tbo topervirioo of a com petent Che mkd. We pefmraton for mfbrmalme a. to it* value upon rariona rrnpn to III# Her. T. S. Bomtar. of i omru. 8- tt,*fk# I* our authorised Agent for the above ' Stamford Fnrtiliave- WH. C Df’kK-S A CO. Ova. Ag’ta, Fuels' r and CnmmMrion Hcrdi..itu, Xo. ! South Atlantic Wh.rl, WANTED. A GENTS to rail a new boak-nf great tnrinelo Farmer*, Hedonic*, and Workingmen of all trades and otx-upaliotu. 13th Kditioa now ready. 1*» FA USERS- AST) VI CIIA.VTCS- MAECAL. -Edited by«EO. E. WARING, Ja. Antov “ffifomeari of Agrindfare," “Demin- ing for Profit and for M-a**, 11 **g)4u»- erly Agriadhu itl Engineer »f Cen tral Pur, Note Tbrl. 40* Octavo Tugto and .ver '200 Illustrations. ne Sea Orfruw Ulmee toys: "It is a book whk.1i should be in the hands of every Farmer mod Mechanic.” Tke Sen Orleans Pirnfun. mys: “So valu able a bouk should be found iu tlie hooae af every Farro-r nnd mechanic; iu eleganteSnrira- tiota will make it welcome everywhere. Active men and women con awhwraere nraaey and give better sntiafactiou iu telling tint bosk than any work in the field. Send for 16 page dreuiar, telling all about ft' K. i Tit SAT A (A3- FublWwrr, P • ! Ne. t?l Tir'.'lwrrv. " T. Fipt 1 . im Foreign FraUx, i'afidles, Nkb, 4xi, THE BOOK OF WORSHIP, Fruit* Candle*. Nut* Ac., which are warranted to to of nach q.mlHv aa repetaraaed to th* pur- it of tbe nod took L 13th, »» from that indepen- T IIIS KOOK, at 674 page*. 44 mo., i. new ready. Wo giv* tha Church right irat* «•» exety ct»py wolfl, «ik1 in il«i« way part of'tbe prufiti accrue to llw betwfil of tlie Chard.. Price in SK-vp 00 „ - p,. k A „(**,,k, | »s * “ Arubcoque GUI... r... 1 75 - " Morocco Tuctr. gtlt edge 1 00 * * Morocco, extra gilt ...140 “ “ Turkey Morocco, plain 3 80 “ ■* Tuikey Morocco, npar extra gilt. 4 00 Turkey Antique 6 00 With gih eluspr, 30 cento extra. Ministen and 0 ngregatiom are requested to send oe tlieir order* «t once, to whom a discount of lea per efut. ia made. DUFF IK ± CHAPMAN. Reokeetlrrr, -fUumfou, S. /*. lag 5 i—if THE LUTHERAN BOOK STORE, >*. 007, Fiai Sires, Pkhtdnlgkm, JVaa- (s now preperad to fill all order* for any of our 1 Church I'ubttonlloua aad ullotiwr Tlwologi- eal and Miaoelluiwoua wocfcu. Sauday fadwola will find It to th* r advamag* DIE M0DENWELT, T ilK haul and ebmpenl. ,11,1*1 ruled Fuubhu, Journal In lb# worhl br (amiiiva and Indira generally ft give* rad fly over I.WO Uluatrutionw 300 fall ailed Datum*. J00 Dm grneon for Braid and Biubiwdery, and II latip Itigidy colored Steel Rngnmog*. It mu.l be meu to to aptavdatvd. Spiciarin enpo*, *» oa.o». Yearly, fid. - Er#rjr uumbtf flontii'i (hxn t*n lo twenty* five fall alaod patlema o( olmoit rrerj dose ip- Uon *f Irid «• and CttUdren'a fngmento. Send for .periston. P. T. TAYLOK. ISporier, 091 Ou-al Sued, New 7 mk. April« »* *3* limiters are home." The Rcvictc urgrues tiiat ex’eu the theories of thetJovenanters, with regard to Psalmody -and -civil government, need not be a b«mier to uaiuU) wliiki the Observer suggests that “it is .possible for the -Great oa band. Add real order*'to T L 8CHR4CK. Supl. T O. Box 10*0. 41—tf