L —. — THE LUTHERAN VISITOR, COLUMBIA, S. C„ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER ,10,1861). pre- in inm nine of It'd the brother your «wi- Ive liis | s r j stnu k |I«l not aud IVester- pnterest Her. Illi-d as | Butler, pied |:li very Ltn was I sennoit |und no sought labors I of this HU was for the I of loosed A the wartitre [iion are er Bev. I charge | Sabbath of St. ht. The lurch are feefing treats sennits |ew, who 1 honest ninent it is broad ■tiou, as nism. (!!!) f ynod the i Evan- I He oceu- Sal chapel Iand has | morning of Iszxteenth Salem, at the appoint * Has Soother" Baptist Theological geatiaary, Greenville, 8. C., has now gftv Axtf students in attendance. ^ annual exhibit of Bev. I>r. Bedford* shows thnt the profits on hnsincss of the Southron Meth yl pifttlisliing House amount to oVff #44,000 for the post year. A roy al decree emanating from Btr g B) Prussia, Uses the 10th of this month-** » day of fasting amt prayer, with Jfftic'dai refeivnoo to the great rtJjgios* movements that now ugi ^ Europe. Bapti*t* <» .Vi*wart—The Central says: “>'»* more than two Jan* Baptist ministers in Missouri g/t wholly given to preaching. Not ppp, than two doxen out of <00 (jajKist churches in Missouri lmvc atrvioe every Sunday.’’ Biakup D»»u*»s of the Episcopal Chnreh* recently p*e*ehed a sermon before the Diocesan Convention, in which «<» declared that “no clergy- man’s salary might to be permitted to Iw fees than ilooo pev year.” ’ 4t is tlic custom no-v for many amoog the congregation of Trinity Church, New York, to bow to the chancel when, entering the I'hareh, ami to cross themselves when they rise from their knees in their (lews, just as the Papists do. It is expected that some two hun dred delegates from Eun>i>e, including Professors Horner and Tholuek. will Tisit this country a year from this foil, to attend the meeting of the General Alliance, in this city. Prof. SchsfF seems to be very successful in awakening interest on the subject in Germany. Death of a Mix* luxury—The. sad news has lieen received of the death of the Rev. Alexander Henry, one of the missionaries of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. He died of cholera, at JLahore, India, on the 16th of August, after a brief illness. He was wueti valued as a missionary, had been in India for several years, 1 He and a faithful servant of Christ leaves a widow and six eliildren. A Jfetr Theological Faculty.—The Declaration Synod of Kentucky, met recently at Elizabethtown, uppointe,! lieY. Messrs. W. F. Junkiu, 1- (1. Barbour, and J. V. Iaigun, to give iuatrnetioii iu theology to eandidatCS for the ministry, at Danville. Tlie ; jwper passed by Synod is in the following words: “Synod has heard with gratification that the want ot the< logical instruc tion for the young men of our Synod has been satisfactorily supplied by the effort of two of our brethren at DunviUe, viz: Rev. Mestrs. VY. F. j Jtuikin and L. G. Barbour, and in view of the providence of God iu piacingnnder their care several young men, wlto are seeking the g««is-l ministry, nud in order to meet more efficiently the exigencies of Synod in this regard, it is recommended that the Bev. J. V. Logan l»c associated with Brothers Juukin nud Barbour during the custiing year.” Mention it ex.—Avarieiou s ehnreh members would often command the Mennonitew, when called on to con tribute to the support of the Gosilel, and say : why can not our preachers do like theirs, they do not study, they preach for nothing, and work for their living. This argument will not be available much longer. The Meunouite Friedenx bote says: “Many * minister must unwillingly, sadly •nil sorrowfully neglect the duties of his office, iu order tlia' he and his fondly may not suffer \yaiif. He manages to preach on the Lord'a day, but he feel* feiry, exhausted, and is offen unprepared. He luis neither time nor opportunity for pastoral visits, the care of souls, and self-im provement, and it is evident, that the evil effects of this must fall upon his congregation. To obviate this, it is necessary that the minister is •upported by the church, so that he can unshackled discharge tlie duties of his office." The Menuonites have * Theological Seminary at Wads worth, Ohio. At a late meeting of the Board of -^Trustees of Oglethorpe College, Ga., they resolved that the institution Aegfot to he reorganized and sustain ed- They were informed that if the Cefficgc would be removed to Atlanta, thxnt city ami con'inumity would con tribute #40.000 in property or money. After dUcmision, if was resolved that the question of removal to Atlanta he referred to the Synods at their uext meetings, and if the abo.e sum in money or property slionld be con tributed by tlie city and community of Atlanta by that time, and two or three Synods of Georgia, South (Carolina, and Alabama should so suffer, the institution should be re- tpered to that city. Dr. Cunuiug- $Wt>, of LaGrange, Georgia, was ■ffhetwl President by a unanimous vote. Professor Smith Is the ineuin- hent,*f the Alabama Professorship. t**«fesaor Lane having resigned the chhlr of Mathematics and Astron- * B, I# Bev. G. W. Petrie was elected ■t&tjie same. Mr. 8. Bates was to the Professorship of An *101?languages. Election of a Theological Pttofexeor. <—The trustees of Union Theological SeiniuUry, Va., met Inst Wednesday In R(chmonoae of fflHng the vacancy occasioned by the death of the venernhle Dr. Wilson, the Senior Profrsaor of that Institution. After a praycrftd consideration of the subject, their choice fell u|»on the Rev. Henry l!arrington Alexander, I)A)., who was elected I*rofessor of New Testament Literature. Though a young man, the Rev. Dr. Alexander is one of tlie most thorough mid accomplished Biblical scholars iu our Church. He is a son of the late Rev. J. W. Alexander, D.D., of New York—and a grandson of the Rev. Dr. Archibald Alexander, whose mem ory is precious to many of the older ministers, who learned to udmire and love him, while sitting at his feet a* students in Princeton Seminary. Dr. Alexander is now pastor of the vil lage church at Charlotte C. II., Yu., a field of hilior which ls>th his futlier and gramlftttbcr occupied iu curlier years, uml from which, if we mistake not, hi* grandfather was cabl'd to the Professorship iu Princeton Sciui nary.—Chr. Obnerrer. (fueer Axceticx.—The MetlnHlists, once U|Min a time, were known us the “straight-laced” js-oplc ; but that was long ago. True, hen* is the South, there may still lie found representa tives of the simplicity and onobetru- sive Christian nuslcsty of a Wesley, Asbnry, and a Wlmteout; but be yond tlie Potomac the war lias made strange ravages in thcchureh. There has lne i a tendency to prelatisui aud worldliness. Bishop Simpson it will bt' rememU're^l, iin mediately after the war, went to the South, urmol with an ouder froiu Stantoi* and took possession of our 8q0|hai u churches, fanning out the canjjprFg.itions that hail built thifsc churches, aud were worshipping in tliciu. Next we hear of the groat ronton niei fund, ami a million s|M-ut for the new Methodist liead<|iiartcrs in New York. A few weeks ago the piper* brought accounts of a great scandh- iu tlie Book Concern, all iu entire accordance with these |H»st IhIIiiiii developments. Now we read of a fathomable wed ding, of ffw daughter of llislli'p Simpson. A grand ailair it was, say the pa|»ers, bringing the President all the way from Washington, uml gatliering two score of newttpuper repa tei s to do it up in re-usu tton.il Style. A fashionable wedding of n j Metlnslist Bishop's daughter! Shades of Wliitetield! “Tlie bride," says j Jenkins, “wore a Iteaiitiful set of penis,” &c., &c. Wo have iki ulyeo tion to ]N-arL*, but we can renicmU-r the time when Metlnslist Bishop** daughters did not wear them. Times have cuungvd, und Northern Metho dists, we suppose, change w ith theui. [Charleston Courier. OLD WORLD. In the Ixle of Mathujaxcar.—Tlie religious progress made during the past year is not only the most rapid that has occurred within a similar period in any Held of the Society’s labors, but it finds no pinilh-l among auy people iu tuotforn' days. Tlie report of the missions s]ieaks of 20,- 000 hearers added to the congrega tions during last year, and returns tlie converts at 37,(NX) |icraoii*. in cluding 7,(NX) members. The Ritualists, clerical and lay, arc just now deeply excited over the contents of the letter or rescript of Pope Pius IX., in which his Holiness repudiates the idea uf non Catholics, or jiersons not iu full communion with the Catholic Church, attending at the tEcumenicnl Council in Rome, and taking part ill the proceedings. Pnseyism, or ritualism, will not do. The delegates must Ix-lnng to the Holy Mother by profession and bap tism. Tlie Itev. Dr. Cuinuiing will not, consequently, have an opportu nity of nn oral discussion with the assembled prelates. Concertina*.—Another priest, from the assumed dioccHe of Westminster, has left the Church of Koine, anti lias lieen taken under the care ami protection of tlie Reformed l’riests* Protection Society. Tlie priest, in his farewell to Rome, has written on “Infallibility,” and thus says: “I lift up my voice and protest against the most appalling, and most presumptu ous, anti most blasphemous assump tion of infallibility on the part of the Church of Rome. Is infnllibility promissed to any system at all» I have searched, anti Indeed most patiently—most anxiously searched, too, with a real desire to find this doctrine of infallibility in the Scrip ture.’, but l liavc failed utterly. I have weighed .and examined all the passages quoted from the Fathers and great theologians. I have been obliged to make a study of ninny of these imssages us produced by the writers of smaller hand-books of Divinity called Compendia, and still I have failed utterly. I remember well bow, wlien studying these so- called proofs in college, we i. e., myself and some of my fellow- students, used to smile at their very weakness.” Count Bnrgnov, a French Catholic and heir to an immense estate has become a Protestant, nud la studying for the ministry. lie endeavored to etiligliteu them; but public opinion was too strong, and war followed. Ills efforts to! enlighten Ids countrymen had been ! blessed; for last May one English i man whom he had indoctrinated , ...... . . . . , was received into tlie Church, and hundred sisters, lielonging to forty . , ,, in „ one different nr.le.„ .....1 havia. Hf'TI.1 others^ are waiting to lleclafv themselvestielievers when the temple is ready. He invites the Russians i to aid him with their contributions, ! In the English Church there arc now probably somewhat over six become orthodox, will liecome friends of Russia, so that Its tore will surely lie repaid. one different orders, aud having under their charge no less titan thirty five charitable institutions of various kinds. In addition to these they have the direction of certain ? .. *. ' , h “" golem incut hospitals and work houses, und in times of great emer gency undertake work of a *)ieciiil sort; as, for instance, during the cholera season of lUtMl, w hen mem- liers of no less than seven different sisterhood* were working in the East of Ism.lou in ho<«|*itHl* an.I |Miroclii»l distriets. Church and State The Soman Council.— The probability that the coming tKeiimenieal Council may declare the Pope a true aut.K-r.it of satis—a ruler whose command of any ilest-rijition It would la* eternal |H'rit to disobey—has attracted some attention from German Govemmeiita. These Goverutiienta are ihi their guard against danger to their sover eignty, and eager to prevent the very .inception of disturbance.— Current News. The ceremonies attending the open ing of the Hue* Canal will begin at Pott Buhl on the Hlth of November, slid will end ai Huex oil tile 20tli of that mouth. The will of the late Franklin Pierce dis|Mme« of IXOjWII, of wkiell sum nUait #40,(XXI goes to Krunk Hawthorne Pireee. reaklimry legatee, now a Ktiuleut at Priareton College. Tbt* City of ( tHieonl, N. II., nxx-ives fl.IXMl for the puiehaae of books for the library; various relies of the \ Mexican war are giveu to friends of the testator, and his family are j lienee one of them enquiring of the suitably pno hied for. theologians in ita limits what would tturniagafau Ohio Luaatie Auburn be the effect iqmii the relation* of _7Va IWtoue Burned to death.— Chun-li and Strfe if the Council Gram die. October30.—Vttwoo’eloek should declare the infalihility of the yeateirlav a fire mvurretl at the lack Pope as a dogma of the faith, lias ingCmm’ty (Ohio) Inflrmarj, situated received for answer that in such two miles south of this place. lh» case allegiance to the (kivtffomeut | „f the baihliaga waa Occupied hy the RUPTBite eiMOo Marsh’s Radical Care Trass. Arat Premium. “SJttt Medal.' enrarM by IU ‘'Maryland ImxMxU," 1H1. Ofire—Xo. i. Holiday fOrtS, htUunort, Md. fyrimf Kill md rad. Pnd* impenum*. The “CAROLINA FERTILIZER” is made from the Phosphate* of South Carolina, and is pronounced by various Chemist* otic of tlie I test Manures know ii, only inferior t.» Pemviaii tiuami in it* Fertilizing Properties. These Phosphates are the remains of extinct land anil sea animal*, and possess qualities uf the greatest value to the ugrieulturiat. We uniu-x the analy sis of Professor Klietmnl. liboratohy or tiik vkuicxi. cotuwr. ok aoeni cabousa Til K bed and most Hfcctiro TRUSS kno*« tor the cure atid rt-ll-T at Hernia or Bop- lure. Title True* I.M receircl U» mocOos ot ike moec eminent HiySeisou • tel Surgwmuof il.u oountrr, n l.o de nut hesi tate lo recommend il to Utose sBideU »ilk llcr ui* •• being wipannr to *H oilier*. It to (he only Trios Hast will mien Ike Buwrl* Willi *ny oeruiaty, and the * rarer con 1 for) •wired llist be to o*nig • remedy that will j be *1 all time* of and effectual iu il* opera- j tiona. (X tkia wo (uuranUw entire autotiK-tisn to all wko may oome under our treauaenl. i Iodic* Silk Ktoatic Abdominal llolta for Cor- j |«lle«ey, Kallli* at the IVcrnl,. atel aa a nippoct j to tbe fiw-lc and Abdoofluat MuaeUa. Ankteto. 1 Kara Capa aid Stocking! tar Vanaan Vein* j I'kvra and Weak Jointk SI.ouU.-r It race* lor LaJiea, Gent* and CkH- j dren. for tka curt of Pooping of the Skouldeta i aud aa a CbcW Kxpander. file IuMrumcuU. the moat iraperior article in 1 uae—light, eaaily adjoMcd aad cffcclual. la- Mramenu f n all IdiyWcal Delbrminra. Comturc of the Spine, Bow Leg*, dub Keel, te.. rMNWfiva otiU Ontdtcw ol tht- /nost approved mmko. No. 3 Ilulidar Street, Dniumorr, )fd. May 11 40—ly -Vnalyai* ot • aa.pt* el CARoUSA KKttTIUZKR personalty aAvt-*l. l«re eapeStal at II*-* r t.i rat r of (oiaMiouast «iia4«d at low ml Is-ai.... hi •itKWrv eNjrilt 0r*»n** with FiunI I**jerwiww»t*. PbtMplinrip .%eW ■* SototSir.. fawkiHihlr. iiisune isiltetil*. aud when the Are WHS diseovererl it was too late to res cue them, on account of their having been LsYed up iu their nsimx, nud they all perislnHl in the tlauie*. • Obituaries. Died, in Columbia, H. C„ Mr*, rinum Hw AKPtr.l.n, agml 4-t years. She was l«m» in Vegeaaeh, Germany, came to Charbrnton with her uncle, t'a|»t. Wbieting, ami waa first married to Mr. II. Franck, who died nut long after the war. Two children of the first marriage, a son cud a daughter, mourn the death uf both father anti mother. Business Deportment. ■oitffjrt Brreirfft C C llcnkcl. Rev l*M Biekh', :.«i N Bowman. 2-jO II Howman, 2A0 ltei XV K Bow man, 2An M \\ l small. 2AO Mrs U Ehrlich, 2AO J L t iroaccloac, 3JW kLkl fsaya lo 1 It* ■» 114 • IU 4 104 PIA NOS ! PI A 0 »i when in collision with the P.qie : miglit not lie reganh*! as a plain duty by lielicvera. Now, there are several Goventnieiit* in F.un>|ic that are strong enough not to permit their authority to lie questioned, even in the interest of the Po|w, and some ot hers that can not uffoid to have this (Maint agitated. It is pretty clear, therefore, that’if tlii* is made a dogma its practical effect willts- to ride tlie v ( ery Chureli il*#'lf out of all tlaww' countries. The Govern ments ol Prussia, Austria, Italy and Bpaiii will not in this age admit their subjects to the Pontiff.— .Yrir Yerrl ] H< mid. A Continental Flirtf* ttpinii.n of Enejlttxtl.—The tiimjirl Maya tin* say *: Mr. XVeld, in l.is .l.-liglitfill Travels ill the Py reiMs-s, snys: “I sat l..r nn Imur in ids study with the f 'art of Mont lands, sipping chocolate » Idle we rhatted on various subject*, lie was very desirous to know how many converts to tiLs religion bad Im-wii j gained iu England, aad was much surprised alien I declared my iiialul- ity to give him the required informa tion. He lieUevetl, in eominon with many roller French priests, that Eng land Would soon Ik- a Roman < 'atho lie country, and that tin- majority of Englishmen had embraced |M>|M-ry. His great hojie was that tlie revenues of the Protestant Chureli would lie applied to the endowment of Roman Catholic establishments, of rinse revenues be hail magnificent ideas’, anil no wonder, wln'ii he rontraste,) the living of an Ktiglisli rector with Ids own modest sti|H-mi—less than jE2tl a year. The error of this |Hsir priest was only one of quantity a ml of time; if impish errors s|s**i their way over the miuds of the |s*.ple, |Msir anil rich, during half a con tnry to come, as they have done during the half century past, lay the y«ir l!MSl mass will Im performed in St. Paul’s Cathedral, anti the sucits- sor of the present soialled Areb- liisliop of Westminster will be eu- throiicd in our Westminster Abis-y. i’rov idence may, however, mv lit to stop all this by some w ise iidcrfer- PIICC.'’ The Huxxian Church in England.— A letter api>eared in tire Moneotr Gazette of .Inly 394, signed by a Mr. Stephen Hutherly, the self npimiutcd high priest of the Kusoian < 'liureh iu England, in which he gives an ac count of liis conversion to the Greek faith, and liis renunciation of the Protestant eouimuuiou in IB.il, al though, as he says, he enjoyed the favor of Dr. I’uaey, the leader of the High Church party, and had some reason to uxpert ,»romoth.n iu hi. I c*ar»*er. IliMohjiH-t in viMtuiK *1. j. at preaent in to obtain a grant from Oct c the Holy Hyiwd I0r, the erectiou of an M nmc m^ IAV orthmlox temple iu Wolverhampton, “ UL OtUDabO at cun, near Hirmiiigliani. He proposes to , emirt » purehase an unoociqiied Metli.slist eliiqs l, which, with its internal re Foreign i flihi, I tndiP\ Nil', &f., quiremeuts ami a family residence, will cost £!XK>. He then goes on to say : “Tlie Mgkwnr Aral . IhifoksM of Cut**!. tol(toto ot fob,. IX. 13 .1101 14.18 14. SO UM 2.40 . ..uKururoOest u * 11.2? ly.Jut.b-1*, ot Liu* .... K-juInlrut to !I.4I luautulflc (Ijuot). 24 *4 I1n*i>i>*tr uf liar. Kquiv»'e«t to 22 *4 S'iftoie uf Lint. O* Uw *r. FKRTIUZKK t . ot il. 1.4 2.4* .. no* uk* I •«• *UJ u> ssift to Ike **pw*uilr of Ikr CAROLINA C. U. 811 KIM Bit. Jn. We will furnish ibis excellent FERTILIZER to Planters ami others at *|iectioo oo not meet tbeir s iabc* pro- 1 rkled Ibry are m< iojond. Cidalaguea will bo forwarded, poatoga paid, to any addn-at wlnwver ntjoemed. Ad.treat RKV 8. GITTKAoL, Sm v. No. "J W. Fayette SI root. 12—4m Aa* 18 1-tf 1 Uml * F s . - Z 11-‘iff i 2 77 a * * * T J* X * s . 00 II N H 3.3 ?5 ® ; pi | — * . s LkYKl T Kill M DlflYERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. I wrnovrD wok kum Tat r !*« ma,»; ■. ary four btrattM f*r )W. tW*» gp»c Gold Medal waa Awarded al Iha tote Fair la Ualumora to OHiiS* iil. Z'S'JLTJTJr* for Ike beat Piann* over tlaMamre. fkiladrlpkia and See York Piaaoa ntto and Yamm* X* It, X L>agfo k, above Balitmua* Street 1)* iBmnrs, M <1 STIKrr* FlAXOd I«y« all ibo laM in prurrsnyfiia. tm ioclmg Uy Aftsir Trrt** Ivory Front* toil Ih# tmprory*l Fr»*wHi .idinn, IWh narrnnUwt Iff fh«» vrtlh tin* of etrttaofw vHhm I writ* montlta If n>4 i Ur mtj***€ to m ohtiix cm »mth Ihrif n«l !«kl oIuiImm. TUoa.* vri#o l*ai fmtWrnm “f# hlt«e cur mnrlilm' r fwffKufokvt It* d* II. IMjr, Uti ilwM «* *iy *»« — Ifer L .HwriX. M F. *il I* niiiib «***«* itfJSar uw.h r. jmw. **Io titc Uurxlrr of anf |R , VJRPltt»J IU LkVIlill iBYcaVh'r /irr ftotdffi 1 /. (Uj ra it a tmoMr ? iitu At'Mi of livr Uta.p «lU *av ay *< rtrry PATRST KLANTIG SP#sf€S! A Sabstitnle for Htir and Fealhnx. The Elastic Sponge Mattress it 111* I.eallhiML cbv.net* mo*-, elastic, dural,I and beat bed iu tie world. The Elastic Sponge Pillows are litrUt soft, rweet and firoe from an unUenHhy atid aiMjrrvraUi* odor, bp room fpnOwrs bare. The Elastic Sponge Cnahions for Chord., Carriage or Clair, are hr superior to even Ike beat curie-1 lutir, (wlticb is never found it. meb anirie*) always letaining tin, tuilnea* very cumtoruble, and mock cheaper Ibah good hair. Tbe Elwatic Sponge In Parniturw » much better than hair, aa it to always free from mntba and ail inaect life: and to perma- I nrwtlr etoadc at to keep the coven conau'diy sills IUM Hill AM K healed at ^aleis, Roanoke full, ll.ua adding grvallv to tbc heautv of tbe Cou.dr. Va.. in Iri braucitul and Srtile J I'urniture. The Elastic Sponge Goods are telling rapidly, and (-verrbodj like* them Send for pamphlet* giving tail panieulere, with price bat oi good* Local Agents Wanted. Au Agent wanted in every town in lire Slate, to '• bom will be given the exclusive wdeof these good* N. XOYES, Gen'I Agent. 120 W. Fayette Street, Baltimore, Md. May 12 40—ly ROANOKE COLLEGE. knuae there la 4 M.md.ya for 11.4 lory to the panbm. Seermd I ‘ “ h**l Piaaoa and P.rfor OrgwMolwayt cw bawd at from $40 to £M» Re* mm who to i .air Plato* to «t»: Gea Kohl. K be. texmgUsv Va. (lew. i Kids Paiuaiwi. Wilmington. M. t'-d Ken. I* 11. I Hill, Chnrlntle, X. C.; Bwhnp Witawr. New IWteen* I*: tie*. John IaV.-iter. Lextogton. Va. : Merer* R Harwell A Sm* Fraisto Braii- imry, i barbate. X. C.; Itoukoigta. Oo- lumln* ft. C; and See hundred osliera in the South who bar. purebated iha STKIFF* P1AXOS ainca lire war cluaed. A call it odirilod Taenia—Uberal. m April » ,A_ 24-tf SENT FREE! M. O Kccfc, Son ft Co.’a SEED CATALOGUE .tad Omd. la tka (W md IrprSaMs Carden, hr !•?•- UUBUStlRD in Januaev. Kvavy lorn al i,.wer* wishing ti.w nnw and valuable * K»»rv ««k Ua« ary —.V r. CAwryar **I toffttfiily ofKDffR’ttU it to of timi. ngwjr. aod conuuitocuilift. ftr. Brikm*, “FtilNl’ Dutt—Ym»r infnm'reoot <>f roar \V airiitnf M h uft<- it t cothp«»if I Mpury vdm timt "W Itarim**.’ after ft y«i»f* nsie, iff »m*rt of t.> dtv tlu»« Rt^i, VfiuM fxA br |mnr4 w »U» uwkf aitr cjc'iXfi «aiH*ff “-A4W /Wd*wa. "Tow U'Mliitif M ' hifK' Ua* V-er« in iifl; in oor buorirj, a;*4 U»y Imuffrierpcff exprenvi- henylf « Wjrlflr j»Sp*»x1 wiih it. il ctriaiujlv aacoa^f.i«lw« • pr«tpf jwwrum of xrori*, tHUi \mm toab.ir. atwi tmt *»eor lii« * uriffr m tourii m \'# oU (katoHimnl Jlv Uffiitg il, owe UrtivIrvtw t« fftoftetsnyd 11V. M. /*. ktmmd, S*mg«rtnit*dmtl ^ /aAtrI mr*t 9f St GxHetrm * Avnrrp. X. f. CMy. j PRICES -A Fair Offer. Va, In ili j Vd9ry nlf t&o Honwkc, in the widM of totmtire -wti-. a liff oti «l rtioMtc. binI is w- ^ NBMN hv a »***} fftrd inteitA|rfffit c**nin»«mtr. i It hn* jut’Hlwf c4 Aeee*^ being oo the | VifutoiMk k TvHtMi-mt' Hailroa l. nn the line of |«r. »«l between Stuuislon and Wnltetrilb*, flu4 | l»-t« «en tfce n coanlies and mountsiB n«r^ ftoftrr*. TW rircnmffUoce*. l »' ill* « U-h'vr;ip ! t oftice. *riv« i. evety adeMoiage 11*> k (kffiwl in h U--.it ion. i Tliv t. olk'jrv «*» ehartyryd in !S3S Ita or- CMtypJeU', »jtd Uic course of ineiruc- i*m tU j High £i*4 comfireU-nffiYc. Its bps ions oniffiiwv anmmMt «wi t ♦ 8K*X>XD SV KDNES- j I* AY ofjfKPTKMBKR, *s«kI continue ten mot ill is. Kttimated Ixpentrs. $208. UF Fur further j*aniou’ffrff ap|4r m A C. : WKlaLS, Ss-efx tsMy <4 the Fueoliy, or to D. F. ! litn LK D P., Fn-stokut. «t Snlrin; Va. j: F. CAMTJKLU /'».«4.r«dri Ayent Strasburg, Va. ; tve 31 lies * 21—If O’KEEFE’S Larga Winter Head Lettuce. M essrs, m. o kkef. sox a co„ the »bi known and reliable Seed Importer*, Grawer* aod More.is, Rochester X. V. having grown and Utorougkly tested this new variety lor lire past three years, now off, I it re tire pub lic a. a FIXE AXD VALUABLE acquisition - for both Uie market and private garden, as it is ’ ready for tree fully ! " THREE WEEKS EARLIER than any other variety of Lettuce, except tint grown under glass. It Kill eland the Hniier KithnKt )>i otrrtion in the colde*t of mr northern riimolee It forms very largo, aolid, and exceed ingly tender, greenish yellow Iread* tbe outride ] aujwitit od.-nov- ot Itav K IL Mt Ltoxjii.il. Irate* bong of a brownish tinge. Orders for :i*. -bd by a frgpacof (Mtupetcnt Teacher*. , 'wvd will be received now, re Ire niled by mail. The .ssinr or iiwtructam will ciutvace all lire sealed packagea at 5ft cent* each, and can tireiictttU of a i.tor.-ugh rduc.tiun. i °°ly be I tad GKXf IXK AXD TRUK at their The luatituliisi bating ireen chart cavil witli eatabbaliment. Order ^ immediately of WYTHEVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE- qpuis ln*Clutk«i will be re-rpcufat’lo*ily. wrtMtvr $9, tod ire will forward either or j pupi* munt emcr pum tu.diy on ti»e fire* day | micliiBW. five frw^n, to 1*1**vc* *hw ino j »>r die Scsniim, aa no ilcducuiiu will be made fiff ! one is relit tig ; eml en *ure erv err lliey will l»e 1 «Wncc liked, ilia* ere ^rw* to refund iho wonev il any j ikMli Isilera.-y awl IJoardinp Dupiirtmcnts will j on© wMdiea to return the i uieliiwe frtt* irffreijcl'L * lie under U»c inmH’diete care of Key. E. U , miU-T • m*i»»tl»'» trial I, eceurdin^r to duvetioo*. Mc1h»nald aud Mi«. M. McDonald, who will ! tiufftfcifcd. fnthcr or bmU*er ahould ytrtmt, in tl»e Iniditalion tl*c dro^r ol erefllunft with the hand*, fifty- | TERMS rtu SKRHlox or nvs MONTHS: two day* in the yeftf. wlten It e»n lit dime Tuition in Preparakirv nepartUPiit $15 00 bruer. wmtc txpedmotrfy. erith kre. Uton etui .. .. DmueeM 10 oo m*i«d*ry ^ * '*** Ck,U,c * , - “ Xiinec-I lVp«rtn»et.t 20 00 WBBhfr. ltd ft Umrcnwl " n "i r< r ** “ Mtalt-m Lii.piiiirfs. ejich.... 10 00 j | - X “dl work. Kmbnml. ry. kc. 10 00 * ** I>rj»winp and 10 00 1 Uuse nf Piano 2 Mi Sept 2 . 0 KKKF, SOX t CO. Rochester, X. V. 3-tjj G*nra*mem erllh excluffir© riglil of tti.h mtike 8 raoocy fold BcJliuf thnm. SI3 BmHtmm- StrmH, /MUinmt, J&f, jiarisli for tbe proponed tein|»le may be saitl to exist already, as tbe petition presented to tlie Holy Synod is sitrnetl by twenty-one |iersous, and I all of them have proinissetl tbeir zealous support. It wtaild be very- easy to show a far greater ntmiber of sifinatures, but I have preferred a few sincere |iersoiui to a muss of ques tionable ]ieople. AI1 these |N>rstma, off r tar retostkhuhrerere Stacks* price. Korrign Fruit* Nut*. *c., wliicb art ararvaaud to b* of Nch qitalkv *• repnarntrd to the pur- Mag I* 40—*■» THE LUTHERAN BOOK STORE, So. Ml, ris* Stmt,. Sold by distort generally, to whom liberal liaouuiil. are Mode. R. C UROWNISO, Get. Ayept, SJ 0unlan.ll SI, Nnw Vrtrk. Sept 1 S—J* WAIBO rilTIUZER. FINIIK ffando Mining and Manulurturiiig 1 Company lava always on band a tail •upf.lv at lire above deservedly priiolar *i«nnrc. nmoufoctnred from ‘ tire Brere Piri.|d»ie« ol Aal.ley Uin r," under tire auperv.aion of a oun- patml Chr mto* . We refrr. by )a-Ttm-itiiii hr ialuratalnm as lo it* valor upon venous acnp* re lire Rev. T. 8. B.HXKST. of 1 uman. 8. C„wlto la our astlmrired Agent for the ahmre -fkauftinl rsnlltoer.* WM C DUKR8 k CO. Gen. At’lft Fario r and Cufnmreaiun Mendmata, Xo. I Suatli Atlantic Whirl, Cltatleaton. $. C. May to 41—tl WANTED. A GKXTS to Fell a new book of gres t value lo Farmers, Medianics. and Workingmen of all trade* and orcupntkms. 13lli Edition now ready. The FARMERS' AXD MECUAX1CS MAXVAL. Edited by GKX). E. WARING, Jt. Author of “ Ekmotts qf Agrtatltinr,” “ DniH- inf for Profit and tor Ilraltk” and form erly Affriatfau-tai Engineer at On- " trml Par, Xmo Turk. 500 Octavo Pages aud over 200 Illustrations. TV Km Oriraju Time* snys: “ Ii is * book which should be iu the ltauds of every Farmer and Mechanic.” The Kew Orkaits Pkmym*t soyjf; 4i So valu- Kadi boarder 1* required to furnish one pair of ! able a book sliould be found in U»o bouse ot* MkhK one yiiir of pillow cases mid two towels, j every Farmer and mechanic; its elegant illustra- Effch pupil must have her elotlies diaiiuetlj - and 1 tiona will make it welcome everywhere.'’ indeUib'r m.ukc«l with her mime. Cftmimmicalious nddD.'ased to RlV. E. II. | Cmduntiog Fee. 2 50 i 1 fc*nrd per SeffAMAi uf five motiilia, iudud- { ing washing, ligh!.*s kc-. *i 00 | Chnr^rvs must »*e paid in advance. No pupil will be retained lunger than fees are prepaid. Me DiinaU» w ill receive immediate alieutiou. Wtfihcx Oh. Vityimm, thdy, 18C8. 8<-p 1$ 3t THE BOOK Jf WORSHIP. PfihivJtcd by authority of the Ecaugdica! Lu theran Synod of Xurth America, T HIS ROOK. <»f GT4 24 mo., is new trndj. We ffivc tlie Church eigld tqmts Active men and women can mrfce more money ‘ and give better *fftisf»»o4ion in selling this book titan any work in the field. I Scud for 1G page circular, telling all about it* K. R. TREAT Jt 00.. Publishers, Na 654 Broadway. N. T. Sept 1 2—lm SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechan ical Magazine. *8 nave prepared re 411 til orriera for any of our 1 Chore*, Itabtioalitoto tret all urirer TWofogi " T, .. ‘ ’ .i . . r .. ' ~l . i id M lacelluireuua work* with the exception of two or three Uetomto wHI foal to m tholf adrareage of them, have aequire*! tlieir know 1 to fcaur os wok iM, «*ya Sprawl aiteaitoa edge of tbe orthodox rreeti through *’'£ , rmoo p.p^ ,„4 . (*,.*») hmmii at me.” Reganibig the Russian war, st.rio.ecy always •* am«• ootore to he says: When in 1853 bis country- p o. Box ism men took the side of the indtlel Turks, 1 May 27 42—if DIE M0DENWELT,” T HE best aod cbeapew illustrated Fa^bfow Journal in the world for fi«rol'ie* and Min ffcnerwllr. It (iHia veurly over l.fiOO IUuffifwtferns, AU0 full Nfoed PaUeniA 2«h» Dm- gr«ms fc* Bmtd and F.robroMlcfy, und II large Idflily emorrd Bir«l Engraving*. It o»u<* «een to be Appreciated ftpefem m^***t% 35 cent*. Yiwrir, $3. Rrrry number centali * from ten to twpnty- for* full ffiised ol afen^l every dc#c ip* tion of Lad es' and Children's gantM-ut* rteud for specimen. R. T. TAYIzOA Importer, 391 Os* al Street, Xe« York April 29 SA-ly {Official Organ of the South CarUima State Agri- cvttxual and Mechanical Society.) •ii every copy sold, and in thin way pari ol' the profit* accrue to the benefit of the Church. Price iu .Sheep, .$1 06 ' “ “ Dark Arabesque. I25 J “ w Arabeeque GUt... ».# ......... i 7a •• “ Monieci*Tuets, jpU edge 2 00 ** “ Mnroceu, extra gilt... ........ 2 50 “ " M^^re^r.xtreiih: * JJ | *«Sr »«* m»y rec whrt tt "A \ T an early dale lire subscribers u-iU publish tire first number ol o Monthly llsgaiiire, devoted to lire development of lire mrlerisl in- : leresta of tlim S ato, aud Die whole South: aod I will distribute five Ibousnml copies grituitoualy. - *' Turkey Antique - S 00 With giil clospv 30 cent* extra. Ministers and C ngregationa are requeued to trend ou lit. it orders at once, lo ultom a discount of ten per cunt, is made. PCFF1K Jt CHAPMAN, AwtorSrre, CWantari* S. C, Aug & j l—tf s.'ribing. -Tlrey intenil to make it tire best anb hao lsomert industrial Magtirinc ever publialred i nt lire .South, and Urey ask lire cordial co-oper:i ; tion of eeery good citizen in this euterprisc which must rod,rend to Ute public welfare. Pcrwms wialiing copies of Ike firs! number ! will please send tlreir address to Walker Evans & Cogswell. i * Gtukt.KSTnx, S. 0.