THE LUTHERAN VISITOR, COLUMBIA, S. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1809. fitfimn ffflslfw. COLUMBIA, S. C. ay, November 3, 1869. EDITORS: Ruv. A. R. RUDK, Coumu, S. C. Rf.v. J. L Miller, Stain-ton, Va. “/a c*»ential* unity, in nou-esucntial* liberty, in all thing* charity.” TERMS: $2.50 for one ve«r 52 number*. I. 50 fnr *»lx months....2G u J. 00 f»r three monrhs 13 44 pTAH communicetions mun be written correctly notl legibly, and accompanied with the names of the writers which, however, may bo withheld from tlie* public. Correspondents must not expe.t declined communications to be re turned. rr We request our subscribers to make remittances io us only in registered letters, or in the form td poet office money orders or bunk dtccks. AH such remittances are at our riak. iVe can not take the risk when money is sent in unrugisterml letter*. Formerly there may have been some ground for the remark, that “the only effect of registra tion is only to make the letter more liable to be stolen.'* But under the new law, which went into operation last .June, we think registered letters are perfectly sale; and we know from almost dally txperiem* that others are not. Xotick t\> Postmasters.—Postmasters through out the country will save trouble by obeying the Uwa hi regard to newspapers, etc. When a paper remains (kwt in U»e office for four consecutive weeks* it ia the duty of the postmaster or his deputy to send the publisher of the paper a written notice of the fact—stating, if possible, the reason why the paper is not taken. The returning to the publisher of a paper marked *‘not taken*” **refu$«-d,” or -uncalled f r,” ta not a legal notice. Premiums. We will give to iuiy one who semis us two Subscribers mid #5, one copy of “ IH*tincticc Doctrine*.” We will give for four Subocribcm anti #10, a copy of “ Life amt Ihrd* of Luther.” We will give for live Siiliscrilicrs nml #12.50, a copy of “ Luther’* Ser mon*, Tot. I.; or if preferred, a copy of “ Dr. Sie**’ Ecclnia Sacra or “ Luther’* Church Poastil,” in IS num bers. We will give for ten SulworilsTH nml’#25, a copy of u The Hook of Concord.” The name* anti the money mart acconiiiany each other. As regartls premiums due for Vol. I., the former publishers are respon sible. For the premiums for Vol. II., we are. A. It. RUDE, J. I. MILLER. Li 1 —!—1-Jii l Our neighbors, the Annociatc Re formed Prenbytrrian and the Lutheran Vutitor, have apiieared in a new dress. They an* beautifully printed. [ Presbyterian and Index. We are gratified to learn that our friend, Mr. Cbas. M. Steiff, of Balti more, who liad twenty-five instru nients at the Fair at Staunton, Va., received the First Premium for one of them. It is said, by amateurs anil professors, -to be one of the finest instruments ever brought to the Val ley. Mr. Steiff’s advertisement may be found on our third page. , Correspondence. Mr. Editor: In your issue of 13th inst., 1 have a communication over the signature of “Interested," in which I had reference to Rev. W. A. llouck. From what you say in nu editorial in the same issue, in reference to a Missionary, the impression lias gone forth ill some portions of the Church, where Bro. Houck is not well known, that he is an invalid, or a broken-down minister—which is far from being true. Interested. We am sorry, anil regret it ex ceedingly, that such “an impression” was made by what we wrote. We saw Brother Houck at Synod, and are convinced, that there is no just cause for such “an impression.” But he will soon prove to the Church, when he enters ilium his agency in liebalf of Newberry College, that he is a laborer that needeth not to be ash a nii'd, and we are confident that all to whom he appeals for aid to establish this institution, so neces sary and indispensable to tbe Church, will feel that be is a strong and a very strong man, for he will not allow any man to say him: Nay. The Sanctum. I’eter, James anil John have had another of their imaginary conversa tions, that does not remind us of Walter Savage, Landor. Tbe Lu theran Vititor furnished them several topics of discussion, and, considering the spirit of the three high priests of the American Sanctum, fared nut so badly as it was; though sneered at, not abused. But let our readers judge for tlieinsolves: John—Those Southern brethren are an interesting people, however. I understand the Southern General Synod has adopted all the Symbol- ical Books, ami therefore they stand on the same doctrinal basis with the Missourians, aud Iiuttalunians, and the General Council. And yet, in their practice, they totally disregard the so-called “Fonv Points,” which the Missourians, lUiftalouians, and Geoend Council men so inucll insist on. One of these points is, that no Symbolical laitheran can exchange pulpits with a minister of another denomination ; another |miut is that none but I.utliermiK of the Hymliol- ieal sort are allowed to come to their communion table. These are totally disregarded by them, as you ran six- by two consecutive |uiragraphs in Brother Rude's paper, of the Oth inst. Just listen to this, Dr. liiftle writes from Slicpherdstow ii, Va. : “Yesterday was a glorious day in my chtireh. We had the Holy Hop per, and around the altar kneeled, with the Lutherans, German Re formed, Methodists, Isith North and Mouth, PresbyteriuuA, anil Epfact>pa- linns. I received by ooofiruiatiorisix interesting young (ample. In look ing over my record, 1 find that iu the short time of iny sojourn here (20 months) 1 added KIXTY TWO to my membership. I try to give Jeans Christ the glory." dame*—'There is certainly not much symbolism iu this. The Hyinladical Rooks “condemn all those who teach otherwise," nml it would !*• absurd to say that German Reformed, Mctli odists, Presbyterians, mid Kpiseo|ia bans all teacii the same doctrine* as they are taught iu the Symbolical Books. Peter—All this shows tliat men can lie better than tile principles they profess, ami hence we hImhiIi) judge men more by their practice than their profession. And just . herein is where the Missourians are so uncharitable. As Siam as a Synod professes to have adopted the whole of the Symbolical Books, they ex|xs-t that Synod to curry out in practice all that those I took* teach, to the very jot and tittle, and if this is not en forced, they denounce such a Synod as un-Lutlieniii and liyjaieritical. dame*—l must give the .Misaotui- aaa right in this thing; for what etui la- more alisurd than publicly to pro fens » system of doctrines and then practically disregard them. If I have adopted the Symlmlical Books as my doctrinal basis, 1 should feel bound to carry out their teachings to the very letter ami spirit. John—1st me read you another paragraph from Bro. Rude’s piqier, illustrating the interehange of pul pits in the South. (Reads.) “ Dedication. A la-at frame church, 25 by ;«» feet, at Hermitage, Augusta County, Va.. was is I on the 18th of July lust. It was built by the Lutherans and Metho dists for their joint use. The former *o have the first and third, and the latter tin* second ami fourth Suit- baths of each mouth, (hi tbe day of dedication, one liuudrtxl ami ninety- one dollars were raised, which covers the entire indebtedness. This i-hnreh is iu the' charge of Rev. ('. Heard." ■lame*—What a gem of a little church this must lie. 25 by.111! not much kirgtff than our saiictaiu. And yet two denominations, Methodist* and Lutherans, expect to worship harmoniously together there. Veter-—Despise not the ilay of small things. There may Is- more good accomplished in that little ehnreh, Ilian in the largest and most magnificent cathedral. Those uppci rooms ill which the early Christians. used to assemble I presume were not as targe an this little church. Anil the house of Mary in which tlie j Church assembled to pray for the deliverance of Peter, 1 supjHisc had no room as large as Bra. Beard's church. Peter is evidently the ts-st one of the lot—lie has more charity than cither John or James ; but the truth i is, the America!< Lutheran dor* not J understand, ami it therefore aumiex-t* : anil often misrepresent* us. Nor can it act otherwise. Tl»r inner life, which may tie called the mind, the ( heart and the soul of the Chureli, is i nothing to it. All that it regards, j all that it esteems and values, is tlu- outward appearance, the external action, that which Lx heard ami seen - by men. Doctrine* are nothing to i it; measures, every thing. To the ! Lutheran Vititor doctrines are cvery- i tiling; measure.-., only of Hecoinlary I import. It holds fast to the Confes sion anil the interpretation of it found iu otlier Hymbols; but conecrnitig measures, it teaches that every age, every nation, and each individual clmreli in our connection, is at lull ■liberty to adopt such ns an- liest | calculated to accomplish the end iu view, nnd to n-jix-t whatever is uti suitable. Doctrines are divine; meas ures, human. We ls-long indeed as Lutherans to the Church u|s>stolic and universal, both as regards doe trine* anil usage. A* Ip the former, the church ha* always, been agreed —hence the (Ecumcual Creed* and the A ugustaua; ns to the latter, it has always exercised the utmost freedom from restraint, which the history of the church proves satis factorily. This is the ]>o»itiou wc occupy, nml this makes us a true and faithful disciple of Luther. To him iloctrinca were fuiidmm-ntal anil essential; usages, ini'iisures, non- essential. As to the word of God, the “thus saith the I/ird,” the teach ings of the Prophets and the Ajsw- tlcs, lie tolerated no deviation, and permitted no compromise; neither do we. As to usages, measures, forms, and ceremonies, he granted the fullest liberty, nml was indeed a thorough, new-mensnre man. This is our position; this is the |K>»ition of onr General Synod, mid in ]>erfeet aeeordnnce with our rule of faith and practice ns laid down in our Book of Worship. We, “the Southern breth ren," hnve one Lord, one faith, nml one baptism. We require in essen tials, unity-; we giant In non-e*ential*, liberty-; we practice in nil things, charity. We treat onr weaker breth ren with forliearnm-e; we receive him that is weak In the fotth, bat not to doubtful disputations. We require that all men should honor the Son a* they honor the Father, iu all places, in the chureli, the school house, the dwelling, the busy mart, the o|H‘ii Held. Onr ministers nml jaxtple preach, pray nnd praise the Triune dial any-1 where and everywhere. We demand ' faith iu Christ, nml use every ineas- lire whatsoever which dial has blessed, ami which we think God will bless to the conversion of souls anil the building up of the ehnreh Vat IU I stkmo Yltour. Philadelphia. IIIIAND URKOUMATIOR JVfetUK. The Refonnntion Jubilee nml Mu sieal Festival, inaugurating the Fair for the benefit of the Orphans’ Home, at Germantown, cmiim off lust night. Tin- Academy of Manic, with nn im mense audience and it* iui|Nmiug siiiTouiidiugs v presented a very rev. n. m. rtffiwprffn ■ now ddiveled an addles*. We ftftre sorry we ieard srf little of it ; for, although Sir. H. bus a fine, *b-nr ifhe i. voice, it Is evident he is not wen* turned to a|ieaking in the Academy of Music. We venture to aay, how ever, that it ana worthy of Uie man lie has the taste aud ability for such an iMx-asion. We think nro. S. felt ss though the people were getting hril-1 w, ' 1,r y- ami hi* address coaling in at i the conclusion, was ent up and bur | Another inatauce of the _ , -f-, ,-fr •ciroalt rider” did any that “Luther ans were going to hell," to spot lie* party nml on another occasion. Not |to the lady to whom la- MUSkc 4 iinmlvisedly <-omx»niing the Book of Worship. SAM SM A LI* Fur lU* Lull stki YWlnr. Auothtr Revival! Dear Editors The !*»rd has. to much merry, i»le*sixl ihc cluuvhe* ) limit seem-. Great |>re|Miration» had ( OVPr been made for this o|axiing, anil tin nnu t „f n eom-ct idea of the eterunl, «niler my charge with a gracious rej- higheat ex|iectations were realizexl. fitness of things. f ' \1val of n-Hgion. i An overture, by an orchestra of Again the Tonng Maenm-relier On Bntttrdnv Is’fon- the first Sail sang, ami were •meoeed. anil then n H.-i,temls-r. t commenced » anil all wc usk is that all things ! liutnor** wilh' di* ll' '! ATi. i'liir 1 r,ru,Ml •’honm. Tlu- IlHlIclujall, in , done deeeiitlv and iu onler We I *'“. h «'» "mnii mn* in the |lle .lifferent |«rts, a* they I? , i, J worM * fMf rw * lM ' were snug by m-lix-t singers fn.m tlie ,« h i nrtuiti to rise. Tlie music ix-nmxl' —slowly the curtain rolled u|>—-and i amid excluniathais of surprise and bath in September, T commenced iratraetoil iiiectbigat my At. F.noOiVi snug by select stagers trofl me plwreli. which eonrinued abiait one diftHx-nt s,s-leties, fitlv jnlnnl to ' -«-eek. Revs. D. 1. Dreher, W. A. get her, eslted forth the snMimem ! .tniliirt, and W. KIiiiIkiII assisted me emotions, and then in «»ne great < during Hie greater part of the meet- tem|M-st «f nms yu ; inR . KWlt t0 hinT ! I V flu in* cl.lTlo Hicse ilelislitful *N*H»*t ** Ik-fore us was the interior of a songs ImUrl was the singing “f ,h '' rhnrHl *• aml * rr, ■ n ' , ot,,or " t'ntluxlrul of the Sixteenth Century, Old Humlretl u«riUs! to I .ether, at the eh we of the meeting, deeidy I With its (rntnewac pillars, oil each ot Did anybody ever k.-ep Ids mouth (jnstitont. ! which liiuig|Niiiitiiigsuf the Apostle* ; “ ,,nt y ***** dowdogy was l I sin i not only of water, but also of the Spirit. We love all who love the Isird, aud w ho Im-Im-vc in Father. Son aaik- Iloly Giumt i they are i«i brotliei-s, though “weak iu tla- fuilli." The miehun-hlim-sa aud lietrnshixy be toug togeflier. We ehlilmsl above SurniiMintixl urehis crowuing the I whole, ami through which jamml a to Is* « true ,g ligkt, whilst in the aisles diaeiple of Luther, and moat of our | the altar was seen a throng of five liumlied »oi-lnp|s-is. hrethri-n are sncli also. No man after the A|i**tle Paul has under stissl the truth ns it la in Jernis' Is-ttcr nml clearer than l.utlicr, and we, therefore, gladly anil confidently I follow him. No on,-, moreover, id j Luther's ixiteiu|Miniries, and not i many stilimx|iieutly, ithderslissl us well as he did the great principle aud rights of human liberty; he was far ahead not only of Ilia age, but! also uf many iu our day. Tlu- age in wliicli lie h\e,l was an age of in tolerance, and there is still too much of it III the rhureh. Not only in imi always nipg tlint 'Old Hundred so iuiu*k lotuk-r, aud ,,|s-n your numtli so uuirli w ider. than w lien vim, sing other tunes? ; Knoeli. In this im-eting I wa* an- slshsl iMX'a*ionally by Rev. Mr. I’ivU*- ly, oftlie AKsociate Reformed < lumli, Rei. Mr. Triplett, of the McthodW Kpisco|mI Chntrh, and Itcv. Mr. Ttiir Is,th great ami sniall. Tlie cat licdrul Im'II rings, and then from the tower came the uilisN'al notes ut lull Iter's grand old Ihiltle llyutu, KIN VKttTK m IIU s lo, k is taken up by the full chorus of voices Is-lou. In tlie won,I slunta, ut the wuixts, dm* Cbriat it in, which, iu the Thirty Year's War, I dm,*! know; but if sounds rover- ding, of the I’nulivtcriatiCliirroli; Ulx berate fiirever. heaven will hr |M-rsun« f,aiml |iea,s- to their souls in full of Old lliindivd. It wfil err- .. . , . i taiidy drown mil imr modem rhiinl. «'l..,im ro„ms-t,sl thefi, oprmtins^m wr nhwl! evvr pinv. r**r u,, '‘ < lum li, ana biw> It i* set for the infllions hi sing, snd others seemcl dcr-ply |ienit,Tit at tlie the! will sing il as long as the wwriil dose „f the mis ting. aliiales. We hail a gissl is HI I full of it last uiglit. Not only did tin' imu UiiaxI foriv of the Hocn-tie*, nml rhiklrrn. tlie hill orvliestrn amt lain,I join in, lad the whole iitHhenre. ait IlHHuaitid people, nar to tlieir leef the Swedish unn\, uiah-r Gust ante j Adolphus, always a,ssHa|HUii,xl with J and swelled the glad straiu of prai*e niilitaiy iniiaic and a anliite of artil • to the Triune tiisl. W oe it usd tbui lerv, vus then taken up bv evert ! *•' •"'bevc that he w ho so lovixl mil I, „ r..n . ' nr mndr it an engine agsiiijst the I \omx', u lull Mir of the on-tentm. , • _ . r . r j , . I , **"• devil, ia now mingling Ins tone m | and the brass lustnuaeut*. and s ,b,- song „r Moars ami Ha- Isdali. we prriert hurrininr of musie wwol | could wisti with tlm poet: crasliiug through the both ling. -oti-j Or Mavot w,-,*«aii,w«nusg»*j" ,l» not live m the atxtix-nth. but in... .... , , . ... , , , . ., „ .i rox, u Lutii,‘ran huaselt, and a great ' l have written .mu Innm-dU this Max the !s,nl ,-omloii the distress cl, ami estaldish the young ls-lie\ ei> in the ftdfh. “Tlie Is us I ha* done great thing* for ns, w lu-reof an- glad." To his gr,-ut uam,- Is- all tin- glory! Amen! : - a. i>. le mosfil the uineteeuth century. Tlie men of the General riyinal in Noltli Ameiiea do not la-loug to that class. They lover of iitth- children, all the tliriUM claim for themselves and allow t,i| rr ""‘ * l,r n "“ , ‘ w ” ,v "I”" 1 all others the full uud the Dee exer cise of the lils-rty wherewith ••€ Itiist | lias mad n* free."' Ami that lils-itx is: the faithful lulheremv' to tlu- re- veal,si truths as k«i,I by the ('loir, li, and tlu- fee- choice of human iustiu- in,-a tali ties and means. ^ New Publication!. KrAKtlltLICAL KlAIEW. th-toher. Art. I. duntifentian by Faith..—I. lm|HM*ihiltity of Se*fJuMtifl,-ati,ai. 2. Hie True Iha-trilietif JnstiAeulimi according to Art. IV. Augaiairg Con frosion. I. Tlu- thaw “titan.* 2. The f iron nit—H'hrist snlh-nsl lot ns.” it, Tlie Mature—“We ohtuin I in,-riling, and while 1 uritc, ap|n-ar I to heal tbe met,sly of --wsigs and |H*n«V f.iiatlv lingering in mx nils. I.INDK.N. (k-tola-r |D:1|, Dfcki. fr,Mu the III,- slag--, l-'irst eaMM- a little tellos I hobliliiig xi itb his cratch, toll,iw,*1 Ivy • ->—- fifty hoy* ami girts, ranging in age - , ' 1 * Gakr*.* \ from thirteen to two yrnr*. It wa* - Ila Cuuuu Sk(rbvr uilta Satxil. an «ff.s ting sight, ami wr *mt many I gr A -, (>< .. yi77 tl .. n „,m Has!«x n m the an,lienee wwpmg. and «c t%l ll,s|. bv a friend, to Hie (%Hutfan eoiif, **. v.e felt wanvthmg like a Mg j XtifUmr , 4 th ,. ?lft* I lf n*mmr4 I ti-n- «mv A LMl**« U*Ux~ it ttmiltl !«*• tin* I«>l «*ti twHh l»» I**»» UtlW nrpktti*. Ami when |lw> mhi^ I Ur U-iitttu ul h\uii», -TIhtf in no n;»i*t«*, n tint! fooit up cIm» n imiy, *'f I l'nV* wa Wiftl #nr e»cf Imtnl. 4 *«r. »»itrfti m« Jhem*k ’ evm iMmrt wan in Kop^ivMHiw nf niiiH, Kii'litdiUNiiCM, j to tin* |*n*yrr! Itoit l«irMn tlnwr lirtl#* amt Kt«*mnl I*ifr. , ’ 4. Tin* lantrm- j fitthorfaM ami MottaffiMn ohm! mrnt—“ Fnitli.'" A lily ilimintHil Uy i Thru th**) JfcUfg a i ':«r»4. !lo» wonU I>r. M. Vn1«*iitim% (IfttyilwirK, l*». I writtrn ami imimi* arttiiii****! for yIiim Art. II. The Sabbath omil.ical View. Dominienlisni tle- fimxl. and tlie Lutheran view main taiued. By Rev. II K. Jneoim, I'liilliptdiurg, Fa. Art. III. f ummanion trith Cod. An cdityiug article. By Bex. J. F. Smith. D.D., of Xexvark, N. J. Art. IV. E,rle*ia*tical Purity. In tlu* lutielc it is maintained that any ininiHter who di»lioiHir* by crime or vii-c tlu- Hucretl oilice, should la- forever excluded from it. Art. V. Jtauiel and hi* J'rophecien. It i* enough to say this article i* from Dr. J. A. Heins, to give it all the rccoitiiiicmlntioii it deserves. Dr. H. is one of the closest student* of |troph;» fowthr,* - was join,*1 in liy three hondn-d Sun ,hty-schisd eliihlren. Ttiis was followed l»y a grand vonil nml mstniinental ebonis from tin- t>rat,*rio of tin- Creatien, by tin- Han,let ami lludyu S,s-iety, nnd w u*e\,piisit,-ly remb-rr,l. Now every Imdy 1s mixioMs for the Yonng Marti nrtvher. Tills German Society, of •■otirse, is cnii)|io*rxt of >xumg unxi isily, nml we never did think that male voices alone IiimI any anisic in • linn. But when they sung “HV “The tpttlifnliH** of tlie'rharp* uiuik- by ‘Ham Smut!,’ us published ill the tcdhvtvn I i»f, tln-u. in the light «d the niutI, t oiiiuuMnluKXU. his uumc wil) . gros U-slitttully smaller,} and that i "** of olll IM-lghiair. the Lutheran Visitor. ; wifi grow rhnntnWy larger." 1 < foil friend is mistaken, wjbrjt lb- says that I re|,res,-otB most inconvenienced by this arrange, incut, ebeerfnOy acqnkwce in it,t»iere. by proving their loyalty to tlie font interest* of tbe Clrureh ami propfe. This action was takeu iu respoiaie the earnest recommendation of retired Prewiiksit, lk-x. T. K. IkHimg w ho ha* isx-n ailvocatuig it for yeapj' A gi-eat part of the time and attfn, tiim of Syiiml whs occupied with the uffaira of New lierrj College, situate^ in this plan*. This College hist *(( its means during the war, and ha * had but a pn-carion* existence ever since. It has recently Ihsxi n-iaov«4 from Newberry to Walltalla, eanying a few stwU-uts ahuig. Tlx- bull,ling here is as yet htcoa. |d,-l,-, but will soon resent a tinixhed iipis'aninee, chi,-liy through tlu-earn est lalign, of Hon. D. Reiman, tba leading fit iron, anti a staunch Ltj theran residing in Walltalla. The didlenlty has been to support the mxvsaary corps of I*t, there lieing so lew paying students the institution. Several idans were- devised, with, out arriving at sms-ess. and all wreo discussed by the lliemlierw at the Symal with great earnestutxw. It w as finally detmiiined to make one more de*|*-rate apis-al to the l*-«iplc iii behalf of this netxieil school of learning, and an agent (Rev, W.4, Houck) was a|4Hiint,-d to -misram the chureli t lion Highly. Tin* agent is to Is- assisted and advised by a committee located in I'liarli-ston, eon- K *n>, Scliirnier and llieks. Tbe pnqmU. tion is to seciue 2IN1 |h-i sous w lu, w31 give *211 |s-r year for tire years As an iudneemeiit’ each salwerihev w ill I,axe the la-nefit of free tuit an for on/ student during these yeans It is tlio iglit that this jdati is feasible and x\ ill sneeissL l *ne thing is ei'Hain, the Lutheran Church and the |x-ople of Sooth Carolina eannat atford to see this institution sink. It is a necessity. It must lie snp- portetL lln- Genuan citizens will not, xx,■ think, allow it to fail. If is , situated it, Widlodl::—the nmst de lightful German settlement out rf "Vothcrlaa't ” au,l it is dexaite,! t« the education of youth, after the manner, and iu the spirit of “Fathtf- laud." It is Ic-lieved that when these fact* | are made pnblie. no difficulty wdl Z , U ,4,r ^‘1 mvsent Itself, ami the agents of tbe I i onr toge. i ,-nllegi' will abundantly tc.ncecd. Twa ■ Vor the Uihnti Vww. He wherry College. The following n-soiutituis wen- ' uuammomdy inuwixt at the mix-ting (id theByuori of S. C, at iVallinlla, amt fumislH-,1 fur insertion in tiu- I.'itkerm.i Vititor. It is to Is- h..|Msl rim* the AxnudU-ul aetkw, will U- iil^nnwl by a hearty- ucieoiue ami Id ri al iktnatiuus to tire Agent xvls-n e\Tt ami wherever he presents him self. Hie College must mu Is eheawl: Uttular i. That Rev. W. A. liom.k kr ke:vby ' up|MHutnl a* General j Remind, Tliat cueli minister in eoniMxdniu with the Nymsl of Smith Canima and iiitjaceM Slates, alwri ali brethren, will earnestly aid aud «S'i*t ohr Agent in tortlw-iing this a|ipa*wrr his demiOHls. tie m-iu W/ mil thraneu yrtfeteu,” we mlmit tliat we naibl md »xxa,l joining ! u«- den a-* ami I aftinu. My »* ftli*. Why does me tor “jinsif" of the encore. Very kindly they re tnniisl, and our fervent deidre wm, If von wouhl only King tlie Buttle Hymn in tlie originnl I Yon know we ti-ll l.ntliernn. We were t Md ami New, nnd High and lew, nml nil Art. V 1. 1 hr Relation of the Text ' M ,,y„ „f l.ufheniu—one time nearly n Methodtof I.ntheran, for we etmtd itnv,- shout,si when that building wm slinking with tlie wont* which have won buttles, “Itz ls4Ua Oh- (kid turew.* 1 r In the ulisenee of Itov. Dr. Kriitel, word is he not From . Hex-cr- to the Sermon. By Dr. Knliks | tlu- Geruitiu. By Rev. A. D i itiglmus, Richmond. Imliunn. Art. VII. Patrick Hrnry. By l»r. | Sprague, of Albany. A noble and ' worthy tribute to the great worth of j young men who nionni the lack of a WS glMMl eall oil smteil the ‘•ehmit rider” said alaait the B-s>k of Worship f It Hex-m*. however, that that to um denied. The eirr-nlt rider then did hay that the Iks>k of Worallip eontutns faint ’ hood*. Now will the ,-irrxiit rider, or Bro. | Brown, tell their jss-ple from thx- ■ im)|Ht that they may >d ttw-ir oxrn free will ili-Khcmtety meepl nml adopt falnchooduemax-lnll.v whtxi inoel next year in St. John's chureli, j dmrlewtou. 1 Hiring tbe session xawy nupnrtiMit dem-mmariouul mat- Item w erx- folly eauvasmsl ami settlisl. There W as nodirtoiiai as to artieles O* Amtiioe. f,w the Synod of S,intl, wlmt I t-'Utolina to truly muted in Kxwngxdl- ewl tenth, nnd firudy maintains tin- Isitix-ran fonns of xvorahip ami ChtmU govremnetit. Two grave subjects ctigrossxsl attention -. 1st. Tlie grxigrnphii-nl urrnnge mentsof tlie ptistnnil riuirgre thrtinh- twit the State; and, 2d. The College at AVaftmtla. new I'rofi-seor* aly to 1m* uer. Prolwt, Allentown, I’a. An instructive uiimber. AMKUICAN FaOEU. October. Baltimore. Excrllrut us always. and n monument more- enduring than hearts, those thing* in the Book ot lie nert-iwarv for present ehlr! Ji ro ! Chun;i that at Worm*, “brought down the Worship which elreuit rider* rails j he divided,'and it^nmy he thaf simn- many safeguaitis cannot fox estab lished al*,ut the sacred office, nni the action of the Synod will w*' mend itself to the minds of to* Church. To have this educated mtoii*3 * scuiimuy must l*- maintained to (tether with the eidlege, nud ^ Synisl eonfidently upjs-als to to* eiunmunity at huge Ito eneouragemoot and aid. lions,-" like -the mri*e of mighty thnn falsehoods, nnd thone name truth*, pnator* w ill Is- reonired to TUu< " u u "*’ *'!' T, derings. notfolnrhood*,liaxe Wn believed,not forge church and receive fosteJl a ,,u ' d ‘ a, '' 1 - v ^ „ ’ After tin*, the ebonis, “Lift np your only since lartfo r'* day, but ever small one. Bnt the Synod wiselv H heads." from the Oratorio of tbe rioce Chris* wa* on Orth ; and to ^j . .. ; Messiah (followed by ftill Orrliestra, -t*y forty^ix million, ot ehi-Utian* not merit meet the approvat* WHabPUto? ’ ^ A.LHAUA, LV | AMERIC AN AoRlcri-Ti RIST. l»c with magnificent *e!eetion» from the only hrCere them, bnt are rendr. If Wh- R would *..n „ J ' ? .Ovtobvr 20, * • —. X'.irL. I,.,. II wtth OH** . "t.-T, “ f ”"f" Ushers can afford to give ao much for effect. The Festlvnl (kle arrange,] rider to the (xmtrfiry.notwithHtabd the Utinreh h goo-, to H a i i .J 0 ”"'" ° t,, ° ‘ J n as g, #G50a year, we do not understand, for , hi. oceatoon. wa* finely evented, fftff. ftw acei'plfifito' iirted npon ot the next Consequent ui>ou the war lw- s There must be gn*enfoick* at the and concluded with n grand combined I urn ready, 1 think, whaierer tt he finally bottom of the mystery. rhoni* of all the ws-ietie*. 'become* liis-ewsary, to “prove" that meeting of the ’ place to religious n-ci^istnict* 0 ^ ! F. that in •l"**" worship » »»"’ I rieut “ fE ‘ kingih- tom-"'" (- the repfoto* |l taut to *wte tha t ‘ ministrations toe ' alto-rw*** «* ‘"j freedom f™'' •‘ ,l f issue*. Th."-"" f vitality- dex-f” r; ‘ueroletoec . strength. Tod saml to" 1 """ 1 ; altar* »f the Chnifh in ‘ l * ,s led, taught and nlKHit thirty < • j ing. I**""! <|*s,ing ft dent/aod tlie B*sr» J. H. H»n and evangelic-; I s Austin, Sleigh. ■ Bachman, Can — offieiolted iu tn I ami religion' K attx-ntive is»" rS vice* Sablmtii \ nforty impresM ) Holy Comniurn I to a large com : oltserved in preeexbsl by v ele-pa-ot ,„bix - 1; For forty min I diaroprsed t-- i- - addition to lb J; j ate to tbe <*-- tender rent’!, and eainteil ti ,d Evangel i- half ■ cent u iv the common f ment of jwmii: to hi* young' , ' . \ "V r x try, n* a from memory Hi- etoioit - Th -ty. and vx i to Heaven. ! and comfort - It wa* imb one of St. P of life; When veigiugou li- ■m- L • to las sou Tit to Iv often f ; ‘' "V • i 1 tlepiiKuri- is a good fig v iHiurse, I Iu gC- ■ < forth there e ' •’ of riglitisms riglin-ous ju< W ^ i day: ami u- JL, theui abn ti,. , During ti f :VS 1 Holluiaii w a - 11 the gos|*-l ii 1 V an iinptv.ssi - plv 1 pedally to th- k a landmark i t. <'■ - This you n n burg Disti i- •> VI a high idaee |> K V V iikii to xx b Is • 1 ornck-* of i. s It may - 1 Clxarieston W. \Vl H,.T- Sytioil, and r ♦ Associate 1' f K- >- Mr. liax-lmj. lives, tlie S, ted fathei . : ; < A fexx- xv- - r ■ - it* hospital-^ f letter. Wad L fill luiveu ot the bea ti-,1 - if iiatnnj is i e-harms, tin with the w eleoine - Tile ooeiii I *" Blue Ridg, h their sol- in j dim distji! J biirily rob > J • “Wimnier tiJ art in vari. J i.V giirgi ■ * eye from th Jibes are >>, F - ; oeuds bin-' I (OX'at. desi _. j chtth*, tin * ehiqiing . : i »uid uiuait .i|^ “O* fire in ..P'- —eumplet- re hallah, at | its design uf Tliypi is ; n to rest; an K into the kol ^ood Im-jo- ; fid moon Your e>. L Oomfortnl ,1 and hi* I tonirtant. :,K, departin- fa moil*. X This is f . eorrex-t »< tf IK