1 (fljr Xsm\\ Diajjntrlj, i? I THURSDAY MORNING, M AT CONWAYBORO', H. C. WT BY GILBERT & DARR. B V TIRNI. I TWO DOLLARS l^iiritbljr fn advance. No pa|>er will be wni out of (he District, with- j 1 out the money accompanies tiie order. f HATKI or AOTiatlNISQ. Advertisements inserted it SerantMlvr | cent* par iiuart, (12 linu ur leM.) for lit* Ird ' sertion, in Butt PeolUatiary revolted and at- ' onfederate troops, in theireecape. The movement "ill. attacked 1I?M) No Bfejtewowr, jrfler ail had hern leA*?ng two pieces of spiked. Tlusis wan no Confederalr troop*, hut _ r i? ic : NEWS OP THE WEEK, [c ? 0:0 I The Ix>n ..fit Now I* reek Do- ?.e*poct.dly to our otti . Cumberlnntl, M e Regiment ant two I.rj 0J(| Kentucky otto lee mil Virginia liegi- l.et tli.it shout be hen lathering about i "Kentuck ! Rcntuck ! t oops una rtr??l a few ? ? "nore ?hnn bor not * ... herself with glory ana e *ns feturneU with a m DM bruktt mill H*?il ? i * ' , iiuwd OI on our side. On the . The following are #um mber were killed, but I Ki?l?. according to on ted. Our turn cap- K*?cm co,u^ro. *.d p, 1 ut hi>?li|ilirit: and of color-, Tito *?r in which we i arc tbus reported: In fui ?? it ifftfctt property four companion of n"* 11 c'vil war. The H command of Colonel 1 Sw"u,',, '? lk* J* toe war between ttreat U rlhernara. who lied, foloniea ?iu prior to tin cannon, loaded und petitionee, n civil war. In loan on the nide of the ' ,ion >' became a public w nereral Northerner- , ??? ?*?? ". " ?* '?? rig laclicti to the ticw itovei | itiK noutrnl, the nation- i lhar akirtai-b in the our authority ^^Jutietion The ! ligerent iiaiio^BMS LI O It li 'i porri) gispattj) KUITOK. JOSE RH T WALSH. Thursday Morning, October 10 Vx. \ CqT* Th* Kditorial and Proprietary ?l artmcnta of (be Ih?/>alch, will 1>? conduct* ntirely independent of each other All cor iiinicatiomi referring lo the fortner, muat 1 ddreated to .lie Editor. Financial matter n?l ercrjihing connected with the huaino f the paper, will he conducted by the Pr iri*lor?. or Mr. X. G. Oateen, who will ?rai act nay buaineaa during their absence fro own. ? JLi O ?i Li PROCLAMATIC M STATE OF SOUTH ( AIt01 be KAKCl'TJI'f /th'PAST.VKXM J ELY 0, iCr A CCOIIDING to An Act of die t r? j /m rale (.'ongrcM, entitled An put into operation the Government un .* i permanent Constitution of the t" **' t rate States of America," it is re-iuir 1 each State Shall Vote on the first n>| re- I in November next, for Presold q Vice President of the Confederate , which officers arc to he inaujtnitited , I went v-*eennd of February next, ami WIIKItKAS the existing law of tin i provides that the Fleet ors for Pro?ide Uy Vice President shall be appointed l>v tl 1 J-!-#.. I _| ,l._ i ?:-i_. ({j | Liimuir, niil'irn', mo HVglPini III P Ntnte wi'l -jot Ik* in regular session ' e | lime prescribed l?v the aforesaid Ac^ | |?oinliiipnt uf Electors, tit 1 Jj^crcfdie be it ki rale with ill. They nsented on being tolli lio troops. In a few? encd upon us, r^fer cent, upon wbul^nic heels, in light. *Keu^^^Keni incident iflp be re- % e more take the field ! ird across the river, tentiick!" nnd it will itral position to crown bring about a peace. w J*. ic of (be general rules maent legal writers, roperty during a mtu are now engaged, *o , it a public war. unl npremc Court of tho ar I7W, decided (hat rilain and (lie I'nited J Declaration of I <,!?.. ul after I It iit tleelarnar bei ween intUpendhlit of public war alr?incut ll> remain- * of F.ur<>pe recoxniio A an_1W[r a| I^nillaim flW * m * UIS Jr"A "Our Frionda of Northern Birth/* Daring the tlruggU ia which we ere * jeow engage !, and over after wards, all oi - u* will be apt to cherish unfriendly, if eot bitter feelings towards everything _ end everybody connected with Yankeetloin; but in the uarne of all that is ~ Venerous and just, let as not be so blindkd by our prejudices as to persecute and footemn auy one rnorcly because by acct cot, and by no will of his own, he was4 porn north of Mason's and Dixon's Line. d?t us honor and do justice, at leas^ tb lihoee whose every day walk and conferwfttion, prove them to be our friends. ^Specially to those of Northern birth e-Among us, an ] all orer tha South, who 1 the justness of our cause, hare sacri 'Jlced property, pride of section, sou all r \tbo fond rceollections of the kjrne of! a J their birth. When tbey tight f tf us, we | ? cjniust remember that they fight against ' ii '^kindred and friends, and already has ' 1 Anther met brother in deadly conflict on ti Battlc6cld. Our worthy President a B withou^XMrth m I, Y DISP >N. Now Is the Time U Subscrl POR TTT V TRT.WCWVI.V A.NU WKKKLY ( SUMTER WATCHMA 0:0 TIIK riloritlKTOitS of THF.SK i* a pi I are now sparing neither expense u< labor lo keep fully up with (lie great current of new*. a* well a? to render their Journal* second lu none iu regard to general interest and LIXAi reliability. Vrraugeinenia * have I Sti I. been onfede- ; made by which new* up to the latest 111011 Act t? will bo furnished, dor the Clc^r Till WEEK I. V I'M'K/l [THE onfede CHEAPEST IX THE STATE) r,J ' y.V A Ol'AXCK, I'EU liic*uuv I it mid r,?4.oo. CuT WEEK!.)' I'A I'EU. IX AO- " e State | I'.lX('E /'EE AXXI'M. \\ ITH lit and XEWS !'/'TO THE LATEST lie Leg- HO I II II E E1' U E E Ooftliis IX(i TO EE ESS CZ ffiij.oo. ^( !11.11KBT^& f)AHI LATEST BY [From Di?p*tclicit to Churl Richmond, June 24.?It i the Maryland Legislature has inner of itrrmniun. It in uii passed in Kterct session. It in a?iJ that Senator Cril his compromise to CongrMi with the tbrent tbat Kentucky it is not adopted. WashiJtOToji, June 24.--fl gard is evidently preparing to position is a good one. Judgt be no battle for some weeksy< There is no news to-day fro the telegraph lines are down i lion has been interrupted by i Andrew Johnson has arrii ton, and claims to represent I Twenty thousand Southern Fairfax Court House. It is reported that the r doubled. Also that Congresi k the writ of kahrrr corpmt at an . r o 11. WAH HEW8. ? ? " UU Lexington in Miaieuri, ku fallen into trc ?ur bands after a oMiplrti victory over io{ tb? Heaaians: Col. Mulligan command- tlx d, wit'u 3,500 troop* strong)y entrench m1. Ilia reinforcements were intercepted the imi driven back. The fight lasted for Ar evcral dajia?from the 16th to tha 21st. 1V> The situation of tha Federals grew desperate. Sorties and skirmishes took Un dace eonstantlj. Finally, the Federals Int icld a council and decided to capitulate, the 'rice demanded tha unconditional sur- at coder of the officers. The wen were gui Mowed to depart without arms. The | tha 'ederals marched out to the tune of, w?l 'Dixie." Mulligan shed tears and the Da nen raved but took the oath not to serve j tui) gainst the Confederacy. Mulligan was pos rounded. Gov. Jackson arrived at Lex- I 1 ngton on Saturday with the legislature, j sid< "he prisoners, property, and specie cap- j crei urcd arc immense. It is a splcndcd tho od profitable victory. 1 Geueral l'rioVs official mint ATClI. ibe DISTINCT DIIIECTO K1 lusTKicT oyncuRs. All Stinil't /'iirish?Sftialor. j^r Cknrles Allnton, Jr% Rrpf' tfHlilttVt. Peter Y*uglit, Sr. GHS ; >r J J J. V. Montgomery, Peter Yiiught, Ji Tkoe. King, Wui. M. Poet, M.D., 11. ] Session*. (' mmi??i?nrr* of ItonHt. Peter Yruiglil, Jr.. A. It Flagg. J. W. I. Itrlire, t'liarle* Alston. Jr., IsmaL Stulve I II IM II I' . , Sect'jr, Wm. M.iitlit w-. I). L Se ttioua. W. A. CI a rtl jr. Cotnmi*$ionrr* o f the Poor. j W. K. Cuckun. M. L) , .Chairman, Pet Caught. Jr. Sect'y, Joe. Clardy, Thorn 1 King, J. J. Gore. Merchant* a I /.it tie Hirer. Iredell (tore. Dealer in Groceries. Dry (Jowl*. 1/nrJirare Wm. Mathews. Denier in .Yarn I Store*, (J roc met, Dry Goo TH. MAIL. REIKFORC AN I> .ton Courier.] PROVISION reported that BLLS. No. Ca. PLOUK. puwU ?n()rdi- B." 108Mki No. Cn. Flou 1 to hare been obbla. Pilot bread, (made in ( 1 Keg Duller, . . - Tierce* Prime lliee nun fo lenden will offer ?ALtO i, accompanied A -|mU |#t of WHITB roR. r will accede if The*? good* are ou conaigtui be aohl low, . eneral Baaure- And only for tho ( advance Ilia Now ia the lime to gel jour an ,* aay there will M lhe" * n,? ? ?} ? \h'n * J again be had in thia market. A * * OEO. II. t >m Missouri, as | June 27 IT " TO THE LAD] ' ? a nick lot op lack j red s( Washing- and MU8I.INM. can be iast Tennessee, cash, at low figures, at i troops are at C( June 27 17 iarr la to be ATTSNTION ? is to suspend | IV.4CC.MAW LlCtrytt *Oyd?y. peillF. KIXOKTOXJ^di P of KM 10 mount- I l^tfimneiliatc on Hr ?1 der (ten. II. It. Jackson, of Georgia, _ bcring 2600 troops, and the IT. S. ? iop?, under Gen. Reynold*,' nutuber- ^ j 6000, resulting in the total defeat of J latter. j The following ia a xpecial dispatch to fl ? Charleston Courier. The IIampt>n V tillery ia doing a good work on tho Fairfax, C. II. October 3.?Tko lited States steam propeller Ilcsoe, twelve hutidr* d tons, was sunk by 1 Hampton Artillery last Wvducsday, Free Stooe Point. It ia said that a JM I boat baa also beon sunk ainco then, and 1 the atnoke stack appear* above the fl bar near Matthias Point. President ^ I via reviewed the troops to day The S Itarv display was very grand and ins- Tj MM I'hc of the H sod, and a^H ught to be iedtcH n| renthousandjy^H f . | i'arrmyt ami CaLinft Muktr. _ W. T. Uoiid. Boot ami Shor Muktr. W. J. Abraham* Bates of PoMtage in the Confoder?j ate States UM I.I Il k lift. SM Single U'ltciM not vxctrtling a half uunc^H in wri^lii? F??r miy ili?iitiiro under *>00 mile*. *> rru^J F< r uuy ili.-iiiiK t' ?HT ">(N? niiU'x, lllc^H An Additional single rule for each x i Jf. Ill I lie foregoing ease* llie postage t^^^H prepaid by stamps or stamped envelopes, Advertised letters '1 cents each. O.N PACK MiL.N " Containing oilier than printed or w^H " | matter?money packages arc included I el ana To >'C rated by weight as letters nr? and I'limpi'd tlie rates of postage on l^H er | In nil to be prepaid by siuin^^^^^^H as I stamped cut elopes. on .NcwararKBs Sent in regular and boua fide from WeeknB Semi ET_ H O HIH ED 8VPPORT1 ^Darleston.) uniltd.) rot, and will TWO OO bll Uaah. J fcj lpi.lv of Klour 4 XT' 1 "1 A i-artiol. e*n .A. Y EAI1 ppljr ?oon to JUNGIX)N. lL_ 18 ALL THAT 18 A 8 K r^H [E8. ^B if ANTILLA8, r?, ,h. 7)xsPATCi NO DON'S. # ' JB if jgg