SELECTED POETRY. I HOPE ON. When lorruwn depress. And blighted hopes fall, At the leaflets of Autumn Obey Winter'a call; Though faded god wear/, Let there not be a greau . For a aw eel word of comfort la: "Ever hope on .** Wear/ heart a, in all age*. Hare leant on its strength; "Hope ever" their watchword, Brought succor at length. The days dark and drear/ Oft shadowed the morn. But then catne the tweet words: "Brer hope on!" 'fhough prospects the darkest O'ershadow the view, And trials and cares All our sorrows renew, Yet we know that by fire Is the gold tried alone : And, trusting (iod's word, W'e will ever hope on. If wo bear not a cross. We will ne'er wear a crown; Bo, farewell repining. Despair is cast down. With the Christian's soul-anchor Ilrave the white billow's foam. Looking upward for courage. We will ever hope no! FOUR INSCRIPTIONS FOR A MONUMENT To be t'rccfrd in Tirgmia, on the Sc*ne of //?< (irent Stampaic of the Fidtral Arm>/, July 21, 1*11. riod of its growth, an unstinted supply of sunshine, not only over the surface of the field, but down in, through, and among it, the economy of plantiug should J always, as far as circumstances will per* , mit, be adapted to this requirement ; the row in the field running as nearly en.?-t and west as may be, that the grown and lower portions of the stalks may have the full benefit of the morning and cveuing suu. During the corn-growing season the sun during the middle of the day is at an. altitude so nearly vertical, that its rays find their way down through the foliage und between tho rows very readi- ' ly. If, instead of planting their corn in lulls, rowed l?oth ways, four feet apart, two stalks in a hill, our farmers would p'.ant in drills, six foot apart, running ah I ways cast ami west, having the atalki 1 1'ioin Uu tJ twelve inches distant from each other, they would ?o<>n find the I benefit uf this nv?do of culture, both in 1 tho excess of crops and the early mutitri fy of the grain. A prodigious yield of pumpkins may be nbtavm.d front a field thus planted ; and as the vine of the pumpkin draws inure than eighty per , cent, of ita nourishment from the utntoaphcre, they return a good deal mom than value received to the soil, in the grateful shade of their broad leaves during the fierce heat of a midsummer's day. "An old farmer, of long practical experience, once argued to us that actual sunshine was by no means a neccasity of the best development of Indian corn, proviJcd it was supplied with plenty of common daylight. In order to test our positions fairly, we planted twenty hills of tho ordinary Kentucky gourd-seed corn, on the north side of a close board fence, ten feet high, aud running due east and west. On the south side of the fence we planted a like number of i bills of the corn. As front April to .September tho sun rose and set north of our parallel, of course the corn on that side got a little sunshine in spite of us I Nevertheless, with exactly the same culture which its neighbor over tho fence received, it only attained two-thirds tho height, not half the site of stalk, and matured teo days later, yielding one very modest ear per stalk, while the { south side stalks gave us, in almost overy instance, three ; ono on each stalk being invarisbly larger than auy three wc could find over the fence " ~ rr ix jk~ SUPPORT YOUR District Pa])er. TWO ,'LLARH A. YEAR 19 ALL THAT 18 A H K E D FOR THE DISPATCH T 11 TV dvance. IT CONTAINS WEEKLY THE LATEST NEWS RESIDES OTIILIl INTERESTING M Y T T TC Tt S , AND IS COMMENDED To the 1J Lib 1 ic. 0:0 ALL KINDS OP J O B ~\V O R K NEATLY AND Expeditiously Executed. Now is the Time to Subscribe FOR THE TRI-WEEKLY SUMTER THE ritoi'UIKTnUS ??F THESE PAl'KHF ure now sparing neither eipen.10 nor lultor it inouivui will be fornhlicl. r/>/. HT/T/ I" I I HL'tf Till? ? V 1/ .... .. ....III,. ........ I I II r. M chhm' ix rut: state\ ix a/n.ixr/-:, rr.u a xx i'm S:i.OO. H7. A AV. )' i'afck. /.V I />i.i.V'a; / /;/* .i.v.vr.v. 117/7/ A7.M.V //' 77 > tut: latest uolk hkhnkk coixt; to t'kkss ?2 .00. GIMIKNT Sl l)AItIt. ri:o rn ietors, Sumter, S. C. March 2* f if The Southern Guardian A POLITICAL AMI NEWS Jot UN A I.. Published at Columbia, S. C. DAILY, T It l -WK EKLY AND WEEKLY, By C. P. Polham. t r it ? * : I>nly S'? : Tri-Weekly, ST: Weekly. 5J per innnm l'aymciii in Advance invariably. PoilmitmeM sending u* five daily subscriber*. with S-'d'l or live Iri weekly subacribcr* willi [enclosed in reuislered letters] will be emitted to Nil e * I ra copy, er in lien ??f thai. 20 per cent of the sums tliu* remitted ; 11* per cent will be allowed on amount a remitted for single subscription*. POI.ITK S. Aa a political Journal, the SOUTHERN ( UAKDIAN la devoted to the maintenance ol t be ri f lit a, homy, and interest* of the South tm Stales. NEWS. In llie department ol" newa. the early pro ditction of every class of newa from all parti of the world, will be kept prominently in view and no effort will be spared to make it in al respects an acceptable fireside visitor. Spe cial attention will be paid to tho latest and tuost important MARKET REPORTS, of all the leading cotton, grain, produce anc other markets la the country. w. i. ii ? ifimi 11 ? i r A. H HCLKOD. *1>W|* g. It K LI. MCLEOD Sl BELL. Oonoral C o m m i ssion Mor chants. \M? DKALKHS IV Pork. Lanl, Bacon, Candles, Soaf Supar, CoflTee, &c. which the>y offer ?t IowhI market riln f"i Cash <>r Ciljr Acceptance. 116 East-Bay, Charleston, S. C MT* OrUm aolicitol and satisfaction Kua I ranti*! 1 1 y Fth 28 H OKI PROCLAMATION. STATE OF SOUTH CIE>A BXECVTi YE ItEI'Afi TJtKirfrt^^ ACCORDING to An Act ofM/< o.fl.' rate Congress, cutillad An At^o 1 |iui into operation the CoTertnntnl undeftlhe permanent Constitution of the ConWc ! rat* Slates of Amcrict," it in rcouirj^Bial 1 ench Slate Shall vote on the 11 rat Wr^Bu in Novetut?er next, for PrtdA^Hv Vice 1' i ('onfwlertt^^Bi, which other* arc to he inkUivatt^^^W twenty sccoii.I of February Bazt, utH WHKKKAS the c\inline law of ||^Ht provides that the Klenornlbr Prwefchfl Vice IVmidftii shall he *ppetaM[jU(Aj|ll the he time preacribed by the aforWM^^fl j pointmeut of Klectora. Therefore, be it knowa^ IMCK HNS, Governor in^fl . State of South Carolina, fl power in me vested hy authorising the tiovemor, on lK ! occa*iona, to convene the OeaetwH H do is?ue thin my PROCLAMATTnH upon and requealitig the Senator* hem of the liou?e of Represent ntive^l^H^^ Terie in Columbia on the first Mond^T in | November next ensuing, thallhejr mmbe I j present in the House of Re present at ij|sj I the said fitst Wednesday in November ^n> I i point Klectors of President nud Vice I^Kl- L ' .1 . r l. ^ i' r. 1 l? . - . - # a ? - I ?a?-m * i ? iiv * uiiinnTan* 1101 ui .%int*ric*f in 1 conformity wiili the Act of (lie Confederate Congrr** aforesaid. A* the permanent Government is to I* organized, an election wilt ho required for ] i wo Hrimlon from this State. and a Inn, in all probability, considering I! <* peculiar Slate of j the country, other important mutter* will b^ | acted oil at the same session of the Lcgiila> : ';,rp , J | Given under my hand and the seal of lb| 1 State aforesaid, at Columbia, this the *iil| day of July, in the year o| our Lord, w< thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, iftid I in the eiglhy-sixth year of the IndcpAdence of the State of South Carolina. f F. W. PICKKN'A Isaac II. Mraxs, Secretary of State, j July IK JO Jemf STOKLEY & OLDHAM | JAMRS STOKI.RT ALEX. OLnili* Dealors in Grain and Commission Morchants, WILMIlVttTOX, N. C. o;o Prompt attention given to the sale of C<4t ui, Flour, Kacoii ami other Country Produce. , I Km kurxces?Col. John Mcltae. Presidnt llank of Wilmington ; O. (J. Parsley, K?j. ! President Commercial Hank : John l*aw-6 1 pounds to the bushel. Jf SToKELY k OLDkVLM March I 2 DEALER WATCHES, JKWFaS ' Guns, PistoTS^^^ SUMTER, 8. C.^t M .rel, 4 Fogarties & StillJBn. Wholesale and Retail DtilJK French, English and American DRY GOODS, ' 2".7 h'/Xf.' STREET. COR.VER U'EXT I ! WORTH STREET, I Charleston, 8 C. m March I 1 M 1 F. VON N wrii, Importer aii<1 Dernier in H Fancy Goods, Toy;^hosiery, &c. No 'J<>H King *n .ti, K posaible.) tbe publication of a Weekly Newspaper, to be entiled tbe HORRY DISPATCH. The facte that each District of the State. (Ilorry excepted,) now enjoys the privileges and advantages of its own journal?that the deoire for reading and knowledge, generally, is rapidly growing among our people?that the present is partcularly a period when information is sought after and desired?tbet Mm patriotic chixens of llorry, so long cut iff from the improving and developing influences of our homo press, are determined to rest quietly no longer in their isolation, bnt to place themselves upon the same platform %ith the rest?together with the generous and txoble-hearted encouragement, received, directly, linve induced us to emhark in this Iae, under the firm conviction that and will be no such thing as failure, a per will be respectable in site, and printed with clear type, upon good in abort, ills design is to make it such aa the intelligent people of Horry t feel ashamed. ditorisl department will he conducted T. Wai.sii, Ks?|. r 12 lines for I lie first insertion, and .VI cents for each subsequent insertion. with the usual rates to permanent advertisers, A. A. fllLBF.RT. 1 ' II. L. DAKII. , Proprietor*. Feb. 2* I PROSPECTUS or Titr. S01TI1ERN fOWFDER ATIO>'. TIIK undersign, d arc publishing a, Darlington four! llou*e, a n? a p*,|ter, rolled the "Southern Confederation " It ia intended to be au Inuki'KXIikxt oumal, devoted to the various interests of the community, and runtrolled by no party or clique. The object of its Kditora will l>e to iitrnisli a Weekly I'oper. which w ill bring to the firesides of its readers, the news of the day in every department, as far as it can he condensed in so small a spare. We will devote a large space to Literary. Agricultural and Miscellaneous subjects. In fe^^tics, as its name imports, it will bel^^ i^TTidly States, leagued ingjiher by tTie^^^^ of common interest, and common danger. Tin- times are portentous, ami the South needs the united strength of all her sons: we ?hall therefore. ? ? endeavor to conduct our paper, as to make it an acceptable visitor, ovmi lllWOOl>. | Editors \\ M. K. ZIMMKIIMAN. V nud JF.SSKK W. NORWOOD. ) I'uldi-her*. March 21 :l tf II. W . A.\, Cor. hin;; anil Beanfaln-Nlrrel?. WS NOW receiving from French ami AuioriM can manufactories DECORATED PAPER, of new ami rich design* in l'anet. (told. Satin, Velvet ami Wnml Imitations, with Borders, \c., to correspond. A, Chambor and other Papers, in every vnriety of *tyle ami pattern. My Kl(Kk of Window Shades, of my own manufacture, ami t'nrtain* made and put up in the latest styles. Upholstory Goods, Curtain Materials and Furniture fiivtrin^, of Into importation in full ami cuinpKte, which arc offered, ? hole-ale ami ret nil, at such price* as to present unusual inducements to purchaser*. Fell ?K 1 ly Charleston Candy Manufactory. UL\S>1\\ & BIUO. Mwnnfariiir?r* an<| importer* of rFrench Confectioneries, Fancy BOXES, WIIOLKH VI K ANl? KKTAII. Candle* put tip in 'J.'i, fit) and lt?0 lh. boxes. All orders promptly attended to. 247 King-st., Charleston, S. C. Cakes fresh every Day. Wedding t'ake, Pyramid* and Steeple* made to order, I'arties supplied on reasonable j terms. I ly Feb "2M .1. R. SI ARKS, 28 2 and 28 4 King-street, ^ wiiulksau . j. ani i to !rvt j^Ji.T i? Furiii-*^ ?%4t lure, Ch?ir?, llairtrool, Hjirin^ aimI M?m Maltroaaea. Looking lilaaacv A< Ho*cwiio?1, 1% mIiint >iu< 1 Mahognny I'arlnt Furniture, in Rrocatclle, ami Hair cloth. , F.immrl Chamber Furniture, <>ak Row' wo.mI, &c.. Ac. Alwav" on ha ml a Mrjre mwortnirnl of lie, frigeratnre, fhihlreu'a Carriage* ami Hock in j: llorac*. March 4 1 ly CITY lIOTEIi, (FORMER I. V C. I not./.Y.I j WILMINGTON. N.? C. Chits ct Kvnus, proprietors. No paina ?p*rnl lo make thia houae agreeahU LT O II . DISTRICT DIRECTORYh/sTMicr <>nn'Kns All Sainti Por%*h?Senator. Ckwln AlUtoa, Jr. /tcpre?rntmtirr. I'n?r Vaught, Sr. Majittrafr*. J J. X. Montgomery, IVltr Vaught. Jr.. Tliun. King. Win. M. I'oat, M l).. R. K ' SomIOM. Committnrytr* of /tomb. I'flfr Vaught. Jr., A. H. Klugg. J. W. I.allnire. Charles Alston. Jr., Isaiah Sutlvey, I J. 11. Edge, II. K. Sfuioui. f*mmi*tioner* of free School*. I I'f'fr Vaught 8r , Chairman. W. K. Cukmi. M. I) , Sacl'jr, Win. Matthews, 11. E. Sea- : sious. \v A. ('lardy. ( \m*mi?*i*ntr? of the /'nor. W. K. Cuckon. M. L)., Chairman, I'ater Vitughi, Jr. Sfct'jr, Jo*. Clardy, Th mints King, J. J. (tore Merchant* at faille Rtrer. Irtnlfll (lore. Dealer in (Iroeertrs, Dry (load*. Hardware. | Wm. Mathews. I Drain in .Vara/ Store*. 11 roerric*. Dry flood* &r. Thomas H". Gore. Ihol'r in Dry (loord*, llroeeme, ffariltrarr, ,fe j James Kastus | Dealer in Dry flood*. Prnrition*. ffraeerie*, and Ct>mmutton Merchant. W. W. Williams. Dealer in l.tyuor* and 11 racertt*. K1SCSTDS PARISH. Di* frict (ijfieer*. Senator?F. I. Sessions. Representative?C. II Snrvi*. CviNwiMivnrr in Ayw/y. Julin It. Ileal y. Sheriff. W. 1. (Irahau. I Clerk of flmrrrl JSriituiw ????/ Common Pl*a?. J Milieu A. Thompson, f frill/iary. Jkuri A. Thompson 7*?/r (' /lector. N. It. Cooper Isaac (J. Long. Maffitlrairi. Thos. I* Gillespie. J.*G. Long. C, It. fcjur- i vis. II. M. Audersoii. J. W. Mi*hoe, l>a- ' niel Lewis, A'ivn Knicr. William Itovd. K. . I>. Itichnrdsou. Samuel 1). I'itnian, J. J. Ilicliw nod, .Ins. K. I)fu*rnhury. C'vmmi*?ioncrr of Homlr. j Fpper Hoard? Alva Hntor. A. 11. Johnson. . Levi Grainger, Thomas F. Hardee, James i C. Healy. ' Lower l?oar?l?F S. Gillespie. \V. IV. Lotirimore. C W. Mux, Isaiah W illiatn?, Joseph Thompson. <'niNmioihieri of I'uhlir /liiilihnijt. . John It. Itenty. George It. Congdon, J. J. i Itiehwood. K. It. Jones. I'ninmimuhi / ? In Ajijirurf llniiil*. ^^^^ie*-ioh?. F. I. Sessions, J. F. Ilarrtll, ^lolmes. Thos. W. ltealy. ^Pei?rr? i'l tier S<-h > ?/#. PPoVm. Hughs. G. W. Ward. J A. 1 ^^^Wmslou, Jas. lleaty. Jos. T. Walsh. ('i.lHIHIMIOrirrt ii f >h' /'nor. J. It. MoCrneken. J. T. Moody, Le\i (1 ranger. II. J. Floyd. t/.i x .users nr k/.f.ctioxs. .1'/ Sinnt'l I'nrith. i.hup mvcr?H. \. ? iimly, Tlios. "laving eton. W. J. (tore, j Mcrrett Swamp?T. ('. Shackelford, J. ti. Waller. .1. J. Dunn. ! Suc.astce? II. A. Tillman, L*. A. Del.cttrp. [ 1 Thus. King. Troop Mo?ter (iround Holier! Nrnliil, W. II. I Tucker, IV. While. A*.ll'/lliiN l\iri?h. Don vn vhoro'?fj. It. ! 'ongdon, I. T. Low in, i I'. II . (i icon. , Roll ('rc? k ?W. W. I.owrimore, IV Darker. IVi ler I'o-i. ( Hog Muff?I. J. licit, A?? (tore, K. II. Jen- ! kins. I Gallivant'* Kerrv?W. I. Gerald, A. 11 Skip per. It. M I'oWetl. I , Flupl n?(' Grainger, J. II. Floyd, Klin* 1 I Tyler. I Green?ea?J. T. Moody, K. Ilarrelson, H J Powell. J Simpson ("reck?Win. Darter, D. M. It^ave*. W. K. (lure. Hickory Tree ?I. S. Fllioi, S. Johnson. 11. P. Stevenson. Conwayboro' Directory. J'hi/tirntiit. ! .1 II. Norman, M l). I Ford Harrell, M.D. John II. (Irani. M.D Im, P.. (Irani, MP. I.hhi/IT*. l R. Monro jr. Allston & Gillespie, Jno. H. Hcaly. Ilarllee ,* Walsh, Pott fttfirr. J. J. Richwood, Post Master. Tri-Weekly Mails from Fair lllnff. N. f. Weekly Mails, from Georgetown and Little River. Mail Arrangements. Southern hihI Northern Mails, i l>ne Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday*. at P.M. Clone, name ilay*. at - - 8 lluck*ville, (lecugetnwn ami Yawhana Mail*. Due Sunday*, at - - - A.M. Clo?e* Thursday*. at - 2 P. M. Dog-Wood Neck and I.iltle Hirer Mail*, Due Thursday*. at - - 8 P.M. Close* Suturday, at - - H P.M. Hit! tit. | Mansion 1Ioo?e. >?y S. Pore. , Horry Hotel, hy - - Clayton Smith. ('hi. St t>. Methodist? Minister* in charge. Her Me**r? Well* and Link. Pre*hyterian?Pa*tor, Her. W. ,\. firrgg MKKCHASTS. r? l i/raim in //"/ flrorrri/M, fjorrfirttrt f ? &e., fir. IWilr, Tsylor .t Co. T. II. Holme*. Geo. II. Cungiloii. nuimuirti* k Co. S, W. Wilnofl. IV .1. Singleton k Co. ' I. T l.eni*. E. II. Lewis. A. W. l'rice. Itnnm k K%inin?ki R. W Hpifej. >V 8. Kesv** I'fuUrg in LiqHart and Orvcari't llMrrongh* k Gurgnnn*. ? < 'urriujt amJ CaLtut iiakrr. W. T. IW>nd. Ilnot iind S/ntf Mahrr, W.J. Abrth?nii Rates of Postage in tbo Coufodcrato States ux uniM. Single letter* not vicrnling a lf%lf ounce in weight? ?* For auy distance under MMI miles, ft cents ; For any distance over '**! mile*. Hi cents ; An additional single rate for each additional halt ounce or less. Drop letters '2 cents each. In the foregoing cases the postage to he prepaid liy stamps or stamped euvelope*. Advertised letters '2 cents each. <>X PACKAUKa Containing other than printed or written matter?money packages are included in this class : To he rated by weight as letters are rated, and charged the rales of postage on letters. In all cases to be prepaid by stamps or stamped etivrlopes. OX XKWspAfKUS Sent to regular and bona fide subscihers from the othce of publication, and not exceeding three ounces in weight : Weekly paper. III cents per quarter : Semi Weekly paper. 211 cents per quarter; Tri weekly paper. SO cchts per quarter ; Daily paper, till rents per quarter : In all cases the postige to be paid quarterly ... >. iir uiucrn OI inc HUMrlN-ni. 11* PVNifttMrALa Sent In rr^ulir and bona fide inWribrr* front the ulhcr uf putdication aml^iot exceeding ounce* in weight : ?oolhiv -A cent* |?er <|iiarter. ?mi Monthly 0 cent* per (|itaricr. Two and a-halr cent* additional for every additional ounce or lee* beyond I lie first If ounces. Hi-Mont lily or Quarterly, 'J Coutu no ounce. In all rases. the postage to tie paid ijunrtoily in advauciant the office* of Hie subscribers. ? ox rn *x*ir.XT rmxiKn MtTTr.n. Kvery other newspaper, pamphlet, periodical ami magazine, each circular not sealed, hand-bill und migrating. not exceeding d ounce* in weight, 2 cents for uuy distance ; 2 cents nd.litional for each additional ounce or lc** beyouml the tir?t th't-e onnres. In nil cit so* the postage to lie prepaid by stamp t or stamped envelopes. t u \nkim; ratvn.r.ur. The following person* only ate entitled to tin* franking privilege, and in all eases strictly confined to iitrirtt Miaixt:**': l*o?tma*ter General. His t*bicffMerk. Auditor of the Treaaury for the l'wtoflice Department. Deputy I'osl inasters. T II K Southern Firlil und rirevide. A I.ITI'.H \KY ami Agricultural .paper |>ul>fished weekly in Augusta, (ienrgia. i?r. I', Agricultural Kditor. \V. \V. Mann, Literary Kditor. Win. N. While. Horticultural Kditor. llcVolcd to iculture. Literature ami Art. It is a ?pinrto form of eight page*. folio -iic ?each issue fiintnitilnjr forty column* ?l mmlir. In mechanical execution, it in in tin- bc*l style of the typographical art. In utility it will fx* all that the l?o?t agricultural u-iciico ami praeiital knowledge of South Carolina can furiii*li. A weekly visitor to the home* of Southern Planter* ami Farmer*, it will In? more useful ami arrestable to them than nny mom lily journal of c?|iinl merit. The Agi iciillurnl Kditor is l>r, Panicl, the di*iiiiiroi?hcd |>r?lo???r of .Viniculture in the I nivciMty ot tirorgia ? cilitor lor many year* pa-t ot the Soulhern Cultivator," ami a leading coolrihulor to many Northern n?*rieultinal journal* of the highest re|>utaiioii. The Horticultural Kditor i* Mr. William N. White, a skillful ami experienced cu!tiv:il< r of fruit*. flowcra ami vegetables?a writer of repute in thc*o er rent. 1 on I ho atnottt of nul>*cription> received hy ! tlirin. I t Mi nil subscriptions exceeding twenty, cent from one office, twenty-five percent will he ! nllowed. In Addition to tliid commission m preniioni ' of hue linnilreil dollar* will he paid to that j postmaster. in cifc-h of the following Stales, who (cinla the largest nniuher oi aiilwilicru, with the money, hy the tirst day of August, j next : fieorgiu, Tcnuewrf, Alnhitinn and Minni??ppi. Other premiums ami priic* will lie duly announced. I t'lmlrihutinr* solicited frotft the pens of 1 Saulhrnt wrilirn, A special nppenl is nutde to the Indies of | the South for their pan oange and good wishes. The paper will he enthely silent on politics. On matters pertaining to their respective departments, address the Kditors. On matters of business generally address JAM KM (i \ RUN Kit. Aprd II '? if The Newspaper of the South. THE CHARLESTON* MERCERY (iiTM llie Ut??t ?naily and Tri-VSeekly. Tin*- ?>r ai aamiPTio*. Daily #lli.i*l per annum, payable in advance. Tri-Weekly |A.OO par .-.nnum, payable i?? i advance j April t