(T'ljr Xm| Dispntrl 19 IMt'KD KVritT THURSDAY MORNING AT COSWAYBOIlU , 8. C. BY GILBERT & DARR. TKINl. TWO Im 11.1, VKS fnrariabl y in alvanr So piper will be ?cnla*tit of the Dintrict, rill out tho money 'he nr>|?r. it Iran of flnr?!Kri?ixii. A for tf?r fir ?ertion, ami hall thalr lurti for each subs ipienl inirrli^'iy * ' The number oi in? be markcl t nil a?lrerti?emenlr, or tl?e* will be publish* triit 11 onlerel Io^h illMUhlinuel, ami ehargt ncrorilinfrly. One Hollar per wpiare for a Mingle in*e lion. Quarterly ami hionthly ailvertiaemen will be chargof iiu>ri*iii>n >.f friend* and ?>? contrary to that of our enemii Due wet'k #;?'i ymtcnlny, our little ad vane fun e of fire or nit thousand. stationed Fairfax, ?il confronted t?v nearly the enti ftuwray or invasion. We took our poet in ll Wtnrhrt and prepared In we Icokte litem soldier* should thejnvaders of I heir coontr At their long lines and columns advanced battle array, their bayonets glitterin?? in tl morning sun. the determination of our lilt hand to maintain our southern honor and <1 fettd otir hntuee*fVom a tyrant fiie. was tor npp irent in the true, moral courage there e hihited. Hut 1 cannot picture the dlaappoir ment of our men when hy manoeuvre th found them?el*cs on Mana*?as Koud. *-WI were we thus pitted against an enemy i could not withstand *" "Let us die but nev retreat I" IVe were under orders from lion |uarters and hod to obey. We (tailed at Ce lerville and made disposition lo coror rvtrc remaining there unlill midnight and hivo acked on the open ground in tbc face of ? exultant foe. Wc left in silence and long h fore day we were filing past the works on tl now immortal Hull's Run. IIastilv. eotrene ing ourselves we awaited the enemy's n proneh. At twelve M . the roar of and I ho wliimlin; (1f a rifled *oll aver 01 head*. warned im of the beginning of tl?r>*V??? tie, a* well a* of tlie vindictive liktrcil'of l! enemy, ltonhtm'i comniuiw*d the centre, Knwell and Longslrect on il right ami I ?uppo*e the (Jeneral coiiiiiiAiidit wa? liiniHelf <>n I he left. The enemy,* abo fifteen ihumtantl *trong ?y our forces under (kite nl Longiirwt, who killed nearly a thousat ol thein. There wa* never a more coniplf victory. I.on pal reel repulsed them with t! musket live piece* canoon. t the of our huttcries faced them f an hour and forced them to retire. Thri different victories ?u one field. We were not again disturbed until Sundi morning and of cout*?. wre took advantage the respite to make our temporary defence strong M possible. It is said that the en uiy'e pUu of attack was tirst our right wit fifteen thousand, our left with an equal nut her nnd the centre with thirty thousand. A feint wax made on the centre and rigti early Sunday morning, atiitullaiteou* with tl attack on our left at Stone Bridge. The firii from rilled cannon and howitzer continip with little intermission up m the rigltfiM centre during the day and for the very obi on.* reason, that the forces there statiotie should not Icavothcir tronchcslo reinforce t left. Being under lloiihata'? cnmm?neliini thing I ran tell you about the Sum Uy affai i lie enemy wan completely rooted, ret real it in confiiaion toward* Alexandria, tearing tl held of battle covered with th? dead ami tl hold of flight covered with property allied million* of dollar*. Of courae you will leu the particular* of (hi* important event fro official ?ouree* in due time and tliey will he a**tire von. a* new to aoma of you. W> have had hard times since we strui tents at Kairfav, frequently doing withn fo.nl for Iwfnly-fttur hours and sleeping i rti? open ground, willi not ru-n a pile of ?ttvi or leaves to jnii under our hr?d*. Wo eoi wider oiirnfUf" supremely blessed when t have dry ground and the privilege of owing for the night aw n bed. s '|uilo a number of our men are nick, b none dangerously no. Wo are looking with iinpatieh.-e f..r il IN*p,ucA. I.ot us have all the local new* y< c.?n gather. I. Tiik Kr.ai.isu la Naw Vhiik Tlie No 1 ork Day Rook, conlaine tbe following item \ nun wm al the barrack* in the Par! yesterday. charged with desertion. Wht asked why hadaaerted. he replied: "I iearni that since I left for the war, rny two cliildrt had hern went to the alma hoi'.M, and my wi turned a l?eggar in the street. J deserted I rescue < ha in Do your wrorst with me." V hatsi>%orking mechanic of this city r rettily a*ked a prominent Kepuh|i< an polit oiau : "What have we working men got I voting for Lincoln ? We are totally mine and there i? nothing left for lis but to leai our families to starve, and go to the w ?r t>e shot like dog* " j, 1' 1 1 K Comments of the northern Ptchs. [From the Yo?k Journal of CoiiUMfCf.] ~ j Thin rvT*r*?. at ill# out*Jt of the adj ranee of our wraj, will disappoint the hope* I ' ?aii Hir nw*i'l?nt *i|ir?tei(mi . with a more correct knowledge and , a juM appreciation of the strength and material of (he oufederatc army, haw deemed ili# result niileh ha# ?ftrn#?>pU* have entertained different evpeetaI lion#, mil !i??r looked upon the inarch to Kichuiond in ihc light of a triumphal and " | grand occasion. which should inspire on* , I roup# witli 'lie highest spirit, and which |f j coul.I. by no poasihility, result in disaster to t our artu*. Probably not one in it hundred of the rgjn >(j lion* at the North who daily rend or li*teii~i|g | the demand of the war .journals, " ? forward . In Kiclniioiid.'' hud uny con COfH ton# of (ru?a? um ?>f i lie Ion* of brare and t ?fallcii in tho encounter between the two armies. Mum homes are iIiiim made desoj lal ? ;? in in its saddent Utroes, sigh-, in only fnr^c nrtrfv The country will rcuicuif?. ' l>er the cool in differ" nee of the ''oti(?re*?nu|t Iwho went front their place of deliberation to sceues of havoc, and thou pill the diopjav of , fireworks flue. Tire panic which shook the p- nation yesterday wan created by the coward?n ' mati ipvm of the party. Ilow lonp I -,.11 .-11: . ' - , "in mi-iuiri-iii .uniTirBii* cloture 11 7 iir * f J [ I'roin the New York Tribune ] We have I'nii^hl ami. hern beaten. (iml ir , forgive our ruler!* that ihi* i* no ; tmt it in in j true, ntiil cannot he *!|f lant army of the I'liiou ha* been roitlcl anil . ' | put to tlight by the army of the rebel*: ami 1 if. from the fragment*, enough material can K ' be gathered to in*ure th# imtneiliate * ifet\ of ilie t aniial, the nminii will have a iiiclan7i ! eholv lllVil itnnorfeel IM...H t * - ? | ? ?u ^ - I . I linn ? Tho Panic. | A ltrili?!t subject whn came nm n? 'I it s|?ei'i tiur of the 1*1? battle. nml who*? er i i'lrnily liiitiii^ boon established, w n s )?orm it i ifil. * tiny hi* two iliirii, h? return to the North. ir i *?"* i j?ropliie necoititt of proceeding* *' at I'entieville pending Ih? contest. An imtf ini>nip ptc-nte party, embracing innni .f the >}r black Kopubbcan big-wigs about WasAtngtoll, had |t"iii' "HI to i*i> at a convenient distance frotinhc battle-field, and get tlic fir?t n intelligence "f the \letory. Among Jiese Mi ! doughty sons of Mars, he mentioned the redoubtable Senators W il?nn, Trtmihull. ; t lnwnller. Foster niul Simmer, arid Congress 1 mett (irotv. < If.**, Kly, blatr nnm the battle held, ilie party became nervous for new*. a> | ami got it in a few minutes from a boot bulrn ' lelin, in the shape of a living soldier, In j announcing at the top of hi* voice?They ate - Coming' The conflision ami excitement of the Congressional pic nie party at this point can I teller lie imagined than 'les"rihe to NV whin^ton. In llie I'unfrli'rilii nrniy. ? tew mile* off. ;i ' ilifferenl ppwiirle preaente>l ilaetf. Tint* > ihrMi^hmil the Iny number* nf onr ?ti?tr* ||t men Here in the thieke*! ol' the luitlle. br*Tmi; lunger, wu I in ?ncr?l instance* meeting ilenth itwelf. W hut n r?ntrH?t to the miners>u ''''' *rc','',c'1 Lincoln'* t'nnjfre**. who mil t.ilk !??nl vote f<>r wnr i?n list ol I'm m - V Keniletniiti w!i.> wo I at Mnniafn* on TtieH'.lny morning. kii* h n negro man belonging to mi \lnbntim offirer te ^marrli n Zouave into rump Tlie negro. n to ahorl. thiik ?? < follow, ha>l two gnu* on hi* ehoohter, ami trove hi* priaonet before him r- The Zouave w v* i pert looking fellow, mi l i- wore hi* arm in h ?Hng in eufi?e?|nenre of y hi* #riuni|. A* the negro reaehe?| the com* I. pony in which the .-theer *?< standing. In; >e hitn>le>| over hi* prise, raying, nin?*H. here to ? I >le?e ileril* wh > Keen shouting wt u?, r": ijorrij KU1TOK. ? JOSEPH T WALSn. ? j Thurnduy MorniuK. August 8. * Ths KJiluritl mii I Proprietary dalilrinifiitu of the thapmitlk, will l?e conducted " i entirely imle|?*nd?nt of each other All communications referring to tlie former, must b? "|u i tililrr^ol to the Kdilor. Financial mattrra,4 ih i ami everything connected with the lnninty Iff the paper, will |h> conducted hy the Trd?^ J" ! pricing*. or Mr. JP. U. Ostein, who will tran-j <] act any Siuines^during their absence from 1 low n. (V j **c fyxi- Papers for Conwaylittfn' subscribers. -j are lodged at the I'oitnlPt early on |hun. J M* j day inmmirigj The I'ostaiaster will attend j". , laithfuC^I" their distribution, And we hope ' ' that inWture. our subscribers will apply fer*j them there, ami not at thi. office. j T*" Thi* is the last copy of ttie />i>^sM^ which will he sent to subscribers who not paid their siilrscriptions. ^ write only on one side of theirpaper^^^^^^P^i &ajf" We are requested Instate tha letters ( and packages for member* of the Brooks j Guard. should he directed to the car of Capt ' J. II. Norman, Company n., 10th llrgimcti' i si j S. T i*. ?' fiea*"" We are much obliged ?r t 'no* ay horn, would he preferred. n< Apply aMhe office of >fe??r*. Meaty Taylor A; | (V * "1 Tho Lndioft at Work. movement neoine to he in progrc** oil I o\er the South, anionic it* nohle women, toI ward* making n???I preparing clothing ami pin j other nrre??ariof> for our hrare ??>hlier*. W'c f? , learn that in our Town, District, ami in lower 1 I> j Ml Saint*, the ladic* are hu*ily engaged in H ! preparing winter *ttpplic* for the Volunteer* ; <1: ' who will gy way of information. I I that the Home Guard Companies tr< already ' ( [ org.anued will he accepted hy him. ' n *?r the Compwnte* volunteer, muter r "" \ dor the militia regiment will not he re-orgiw- jf| i/ed. The action already taken, hy the com- ! ri i panic*, in tendering their aerviee* to Gen. I p' llaillee. a* a part of the I.egion lie i* raiwin; 01 in for home defence, will in no way, prerern (jt i ilicir volunteering under thi* order, for it i? CI I tiH'l,,r-.io?>'| that the regimen! than raised will ' ? | for in n p trt ?f hit command. | ^ Me luive been informed tlint ih? movement ,j, ! iv citrn linK a* fnr up the cminirv as Darling- ?t i ton and Marlboro', and we are pleased to hear rl ' it. South t'arolina liit? done her part toward* ^ i the ilefener or the border. and prompt and 1 active measure* should he now set on fool for her own defence. "Di*ai$rceablo and Picayune." ol A great bailie liti hern fought, 11 great vielory won. Ii is agreed by nil, llmi each and ?{ every innn, officer nnfion? rj) %Vho J fully belong* The wrangling for-lhe honor ^ i? disagreeable, because if I* productive of ,| had feeling and petty jealousy. Il in pica- I tj yune. and beneath a irue hero to proclaim ?' , hi* deed.* and dispute for renown. RukhcII Racing With tho Yankccti. j " Having rren nil lie could at the South,X(| having disgusted every one with his HtiifhaM arrogance, having repaid Houthern ho?pita!l^^v tv by lying representation* and impmh sneer*, and having nbu*ed tlie confidence placed in him. we find Russell with the Vnnkee* at flie great llallle of Mane.a?aa. l>oubt)e?* i ci lie expected to feu?t upon tlie good thing* I i'1 which old Scott, had boxed up for Kiehniond jj( ! The following account of hie ince back to i,] W i*hingti>n, i* taken from a New York ni III |? ?j?i*r : l.n*t Sunday nflernoon, Mr ti IV I'm ' ' nam. of this city, and a friend, were Icianrelv I m walking on the road letwoen Fairfax ami * < Vutcrvillox Virginia, at a point where a' - Michigan regiment w is drawn up across the i ^ rond. At this moment, from the direction of i 'entcrville. there came rushing onward a eon- 1 " fused mass of transportation and artillery wagon*, ainhulances, t'ongreasnien, carriage*. 01 hoi*< t;ien. pedestrians, \c., nil in headlong) flight, on the way to Washington on "importaut huoinrss."' Vtnotig the*e a Solitatv i hor*eman, Kngllsh as to hi*aspect, and fat and ruddy a* to his appearance. gnlloj?ed up wuii f( .... . i.l.. ~ I .1 ?> .[n-m jJ ?? ? ! Iicilimiuri lit flMIIIIIK-l |||g lit lone* it |'?s!-;ip ttir ?r itt the nirrry of ?? l'nion or Hece?non regi- j to men I. Tin- colonel refti?e?l lo it! low him i,, ^ |ia**. l?itt llP'tlly yielded, ???* In* it?*eri- | ti,f that lie w?? it eit illian. iuhI tliiti he had * | I * v.lioni lleiii-inl Scott. I lie ji*?* ?lio?*<| m tint lie wit- Wnt. II l*ti*?eM, 1.1.. !>., and the m |hi- \ }!tigti?limitn (fitvf lie* meaning lo tK?> w fniefnl tUy of Hull' linn." 0f .The following l'"*imn*ter* hare been t|>- h> jiointnl in llii* State ; James D. GU??, for II I'olnnibin. Vll'red linger, for Ch*rle?t<>n; Tho*. W Pcgtie*, (or rodent ami Win. \|??Nultjr f"T Georgetown 3] d fJL X> I B VA' ^ [Proa the Ckarlaaton Cwritr.] J VolontHriM * The inmion of (teulb Collin* la en trnii f he either looked Per, or not look* I . -r. It the former he ike opinion of auihnritlaa ****' kd poiplf. there in but one course to be pur? ! ; to make proportions, not half nay, I of p mV. vacillating movement" but thorough, | 0(nc reful decided one", to the stretch of the , illty of all ' mmm If the latter, why there need be no prepar- i T ion* at all, but let every one take hi* own j ton. tirtte, stay at home and be at ra*e if he 1 jnjv >o?e?. yr go to Virginia to ttglit, leaving 1 . * home and people in perfect security until e war ia ended. j c*r? Hut. both authorities ?" ! many thinking rapt ople t>c?ide?. -rem iq in. .ine decidedly to i pj,*,,, the first opinion. el*e why the attempts wo i >le. of organlialion and preparation. hitherto I * ca lnm and disjointed enough?lei ua hope to be I reafter ?t rnn^et*nuunrc syatematic. 1 *tca Mow are tbe young fcn upon nrhout the ' a ? fence of city and at eoaat depend*, I conding these rfforti* speak not of those lf the far iulerior at present? Why, since the Mat *ire and command of the Kxecutive has j ttnd en made known that no further drain should j(f#( made upon these portions of the State. these ry men have been going off to Virgfnia by rfl'( "re- and hundred", weakening theirrespec- I >'lg re corps nt home, and taking front the uccd- j T J defence of tlie Stale. ' pjn( Hnrc the battle of Stone Bridge, renewed Hlse ha? been given to this movement : ara piroyatinn to leave from vari- ral. HDaL^^^gg than ^decimating the aires | o? t of I lie! Instate ltimvkr.,?ari?r I ni in instances to be mentioned reducing | . ieir companies to n1mo?t a contemptible Srr- ^ *ant guanl. Hut what of tliat? Tbe ipiarry | C up and (tying, the tally-bo i* sounding, i mm )w- * fill f??iiel it come to your mind with peon- in t! tr forte, that the post of glory i* not always wer le po?t of duty. Such at ienst will he the consolation of . ^ iwo wnw, rowing noin IhCtltiat |<<|| nlnl ' eana Im join the atrugglc upon the plalna of 8. ( irginia. have foregone the glitter of fame ! ra|1 road, ?n1 a cowardly r''' v?tard, hut wo hiti?li for tho f.une ol South ' * r arolina, if any of hor souk wore engaged in ' ^Nl" 10 ruffianly attempt to niurdor him. The contained y cot onlay *? . cnunl of the shooting of t'at>t. Plinrle* II. hc-l saoii. of Company "M," l?t Regiment Smith ! t,,t itrolina Volunteer*. on Tuowlay evening. J j| par Wilaon N. on tlio Wilmington and | eldou Railroad. hy Arthur II. Ihwi* ..f the j pound (ieorgia Regiment. then en route fot riai ii* city. The perpetrator of the act *? t?w ut under guard for conveyance to thiacily , 0 ltd trial hy martial law. The r I roil mat a li co a attending tho death of , l'cr apt. Ax>oii, oscitod a leclingof hitter indig- | .1 at ion again*! I'.tvia, though no ?H*t tpt at . , italiatSivii *? a e i?* f?rl?w w ah erit J 11 of the I'eterahurg oaraon Wednesday oven- j ir. n urn i it ev reaction t ! o depot in flu* ''"r Iy. four Soutli Carolina Volunteers tip- hall ruached the our iu which the prisoner w.i? ' nf t ititinod under guard, ami expressed nil I trnlion of shooting him. Finding them , ^r" fertniiied. the superintendent ?if the road j * I'lins. II. Wvnn. K?|..) ordered the car eon- j leai ining the prisoner and guard (two men I jjc? med with muskets) to to* hacked to the j . anohestor side of the river. This >nr, nnil the four who hie! tiindo the 'lemon- , 'IH* ration, being tohl that I'avis would he ear feei?l on the s.iuio errnml of ven tire. The bridge guard says five or siv the iMiers passed hint ami wouhl not he repiil-ed inc>| hen he ordered them to return. The ie*ult sending Davis across tin* bridge, in cottipa- I " " V w;i!i two men as gj.n l ignorant of theii hall itv. is fournl in the following narrative fur thei is'.ed us 1>V a nietuher of the Kcgiment to 1 liich he wa* nttiichescw icy were going to hang him. lie protested ? I rainst it, and said that they had pledged < ielr faith to liini. One stepped in front of' itn. saying "faith, bed?<1: I am going to met loot you," and upon that shot hyii. It-ivis Tr|| o n turned to escape; they rushed upon htm, | . nd cut at him with bowie knives, indicting '* " -vera! wounds Itavis fell, partially insensi- j T if. .tgiam, wiuir on me grotnm, int1}' in- gra ieted h wound with a knife in Him nock, nml ?ou iip on the lii'tid. Supposing him dead, they inird lo leave. when one of ihptn naked if ' ri lev hn'l he 11 it nul send for n ilnrtiir Ih- ri,tt. wit lieforc being removed In I>r. I.uokett's hou?e. (||p avi*. mippoMiig buiiM-lt dying. Hnkni per- 1 iaaioll In mnkt* > !?*< Irarial imi before lln> plop- ',-? ?Dilinrilir?. M?* wa? taken in th* Town the all, mi*l liia rviilfiii* *tand* reenrdcd by a l4lIl, agi*traie. j An Tin* cirrumaianros of I he ulu.oiing and Mailing arc iinilirri'il from Mr Ihin* aiateiueni*. , n'" AflOLITIOM ('UMIRKUNtN IN IliTTl.r % b0" irre*pondent or Ihi* Now York Inaly Time* 'I ?* the following: H'ongrri* adhuirned Friday un|il Monday ?Cr apreaaly lo allow the member* In ?ee the con n?w. Neither I'ongre** nor ibe I nioii tuli Kih lo *ee aim*her eiudi a *ighl. At ihe grand ' w r, ampcde eiriliena wrre awfully reared, ami ^ think aevernl of Ihein wore taken |irt*onor*. " ' wlme*aei| *ome lerrifte foai* of running ,n 1 vug thorn, Many loat ibeir oarriage*. I pa* id for anght I know are skulking about the )r,| ootl* now line very fal I'uiigre??man fared Ml artilleryman $".!0 for hi* hnr*e; l" it after he hail the home, he found il mi ml to mount ihai he turned pali> all over ? i ing e John Oilpfafd along, near my lrg?, until! ver la home threw him. when hiaagonjr wa* tear- - n il?three of tia booated hint up, and be eot r" tain M though the d 1 w ?* after him. ,n" hat >1 C. will never go to the war* again " ' lo l r'c ii. __ ffEWS OF THE WEEK. "T' hvt'ongreaa of the Confederal* State* baa < ed a postal Hill undar which a#Mier? are | *ol io send letters without prt-pojniMt I outage ? the poeUgc to be collected at the e of destination. It ?!?? confers the 1 privilege on m?mh?gur I'oagrees t he privateer steamer Gordon. of Charles- I lias captured and carried into ilntteran t the brig Mctiilfrey. of Hangor. Me., it Cardenas, bound to Hangor. with a I ;o of 'WH> hogshead" malaises. She also ' tired the schooner I'rotector, of Philadeli. from Cuba, h*und for Philadelphia, with 1 rgo of banannas, plantains, pine apples, < other W?at India fruit*. The Privateer ] tner Mariner has captured nt Ocracocke. < chooner loaded with West ln?U* fruit. I Prliateer \*ork, captured the brig 1?. 8. I 'tin. of Huston; loaded with sugar mills j i other machinery, shook*, Ac. Kite was "bed near Loggerhead Inlet, and it is ' >rted that the Yankees succeeded in burn- 1 her. he London Turn** says that President i coin's Message to Congress tends to eonthc impression produced by his* Inatiguuf a civil war. and that after infinite loss otk ?UIm, uf the latter hatfa a! Jy pone lo New Orient** ib tho custody of ingiiiebed French otbecr*. i special dispatch to t he llaHiinorc JLIrcJuutyr. j n Washington, *aaya that Mr. Russell. of London who wa* present at the lie. states that J^tory records no surh cat for the ^Pt century?no rout utter and complete n* that .of the lernl force*. The righting of the Southern it, he says, was magnificent. They tired h the precision of veteran*. m They would to permit their artillery to tire, and then tig. discharge their muskets nnd charge onet* in splendid order Some, of the j, lutiona Were imperii, and performed with ! feel rapidity, coolness and discipline. I difficulty occurred at tioshen Hill, be- I eti Mr. It. S. t hick, a member of the iih t'nrolinn l.egi*1nlore. nnd Mr. I.aFav Hunter, in whieh the former leeeired a I in the lung* from n pistol in tbe hand* he latter. The wound it "i* hclievcd will re fatal. 'he Fort Smith Tons*, of the 1.1th till., *n*tliat Captain Pike ha* concluded trca with the t'lioctnws, Chickasaw*, Creek* I Seminole*. All the trihe* on the frontier ^ e tint* formed an a'lianco with the I'on- | , ,-k I n <#"1..- >1- el 1 ..... . 1 ?H |>1 1111* 1 urniKCC". .Mr. ] is for neutral'ty, and a huge numlier of people are with ilie South, mostly half ii|?, while the lull bloods are opposed to South, ati'l r-t i 11 adhere to the old (Sovtrnil. The therokec* are raid to he very l*1i iliriilt-'l in sentiment, and several of the r blood.; have Lee 11 compelled to ll<*e for | ir lives. The Tuns* entertains 110 hope of j arrangement la-tug. tuade with Mr. Iloss j 1 the Confederate Commissioner*, n Lincoln'* Congress peaco propositions 1 e proposed l?y Mr Cox, of Ohio, y forty-two votes in ilie House were east j heir favor, including Cox. Morris, Nugent, rdleton, Vullandtghamami White, of Ohio, vena, Holm an. I^ine and Voorhies, of Indil.ogan. HiehanUon slid Kobittson, of ! rrois. ten. McCtellnn is to t?e invested with the rers of Commander-in-Chief of the army ,ineoln. he "honorable ' Thomas Roberts, late nlx-^nt the Wheeling ( Va.) Abolition Con lion. hn* lieen l?y "niith t'arolina ran J r no more, ami we will not. I"he t'harlcMnn < 'mirier pay* dial a difficulty \ tirrcd Wednesday jiighi, :'.|?t ult.. at a j itf>ntit meeting. between Mr. Alexander I lie antl?er*. mm.* aliot hj ?adrr oftlen. >n Monday. One of the parties was mi collar on the Mttiawti < m} Railroad, another t preacher of the (iospel. ^ m The Uiehnioiid Kmmimrr sa vs : "Next Io be great victory, the most important otcurraet eretita l? the arrival at New York of I'riucc Napoieoie and the l'rinceea Clothlidc Tliie visit is French mediation to its first form. A l'rince-en pacific and a Prince** of teuder rear* wonhl soercely come U> theae troubled lauds from motives of curiosity or pleasure. The Confederate Congress has passed and lhe Vreaident approved an aet authorizing the Aietribution of the proceed* and ?ala of the prise ship A. U. Thompson. Also, an act unending an act establishing Judicial Courts Tor the Confederacy. Aleo, an act making provision for the rare of and supplies for the sick and wounded soldiers. A1.*0, an act providing for additional field officers to volunteer battalions and tyt the appoiuttnent of assistant Adjutant (sencral. Col Farnham, of the New York Fire Zouaves, has become deranged from ezposute and wounds received at the battle of Hull Run.? lie has been taken to the Washington Insane Asylum. it is reliably elated, on tjic most undoubted wvidunos. that wheat ilai wa? st WusLington of the capture of .Sherman's bet. 'rry. ticn. Scott privately ordered six cannon * to be taken from the Navy Yard and sent to Alexandria, with JEtorsew. * and have them brought back to Aiaddnginn with the announcement that it was Sherman's battery. The following was telegraphed to the Clinrlestun Jfrrrerp ou the i!d instant: <>ov. Harris, sf Tennessee, telegraph* to President thvvi* that a pitch battle lias bevu fouglit ill Miumiri ?'! ? ? victory gamed liy tlir Confederate troop*.' Hen. McVullocl? commanded un our aide with lH.ftOO men. The enemy numbered 20.IHIO. under com* maud of (icticial I.yon. After n sharp engagement, (icncrnl I.yon* force* were routed by the Mouthrrners. Six hundred of fbe eneniy were killed and ncven hundred were taken prisoners. The wliole nufnhcr of killed, wounded and missing of the Near York Fire Zouaves i* They are to be seut home, being thoroughly demoralised. Cfll. Wiomas. wlio was concerned in the Capture of the strainer *' .'ychola*. and who is now u prisoner in tin-Hand* oi the Hessians at Foil Mclleitry, raised such a shout on healing of ilw Confederate victory, thnt the commandant of the post ordered him to he put in iron*. - The order was instantly carried iijto execution, but it failed to have the effect of sealing the hero's month. i Ik \ tii or Can. Ciiahi.ks II. Axho.n.?Our telegraphic coliiMiiy lliis morning give iulorluaiion of the death of Captain i'harle* ii. "Axson. of the ltlcliard?nii Ononis, and tli? *ad new* ha*, therefore, been confirmed, ('apt. Vxsoii had lately returned from the sent of war. "this company being mustered out ?>f the Confederate service. Through his ardent see**!*. Mivaliug I va*pirit resolute in purpose, ardent in hope. Willi 'he thoughtful delicacy of his character, he wu* carrying a gift of Southern fruit to friends nho-e Virginian hospitality had ic .- iu.uiiioii'i wuii wiirinm *(! coiiii'- \i Wilson, a* we nrc informed, some one on the trniti attempted fn interfere w.th hi* oflei ings. A x*mi politely remonstrated with i he offender, ami til In -I ww* a Is ml to procure I ho interference of the proper officer, nil ii 'Itc persuasion ol friend* the ?1 i Hi apparently settled. ('apt. .\x*on i -umflrTil* ?eat in the ear*. Not so. how ABTj^with the offender. Fancying himself he again advanced. nml when Biir iin>-i ruthlessly, and a* we are advised. flj|iiny shot Captain Ax?oii through th; heart. killing him instantly. Me the son of the late Judge Jacob Avon, lorntrlT Keeorder of Charleston, ami tail in the thirty-seventh year of hi* Age lie was ready to die for hi* country: and he who iv can well he esteemed ready to die.? Charleston Courier. - * w - m IftriniCKT*.?Mr. Jenuiligs. a tneiuher of llie llutlcr |iti;iird and mirrendcr. Col. K. eatd he would deliver hie awitrd to a proper otheer Seeing tine of theCaroliua regiment a on the left, he *uid to flie Lincoln men. "Yonder i* one of your regiment*, tako tne there and I will deliver my award to the Colonel." They did take him. and found them*elve* all prtfritiera.?Columbia (iuardian. ? -. ? HvweT.i*'* l.teiuu*.? liy their gloriou* achievement* on the battle field, la*t Sunday, the member* of thi* famoti* l egion have made theni??lve* immortal. It wu* rightly eonjectured. when the legion wa* formed. that if allowed the opportunity, it would illn*lrate ?>nuia * Minima |irii?n? and mid In the Inatrc of her I'lliutiinclmnirlpr. Tlif havoc made in it* rnnk? will noon be repaired by new iiymt^rK, for when t'ol. Hampton flr*t proponed to rniao In* l.cgion, he met with a full and rapid rewponae loilif on!I. Mi??ia*ippi, Alabama. tirorjfia. Florida and Nor'h I'arolinn all competed for the honor ol * rrinjr under Vim. thirty companion thit* t*nl on him. ? Kichmoti I f>i?pntrh. "Hit nit.