(TV Uarrtj DiGjjfltrlji, is imiin irriY THURSDAY MORNING, , AT CONWAYDomr. 8. C. !' BY GILBERT & DARR. \\ T E K M H . r TWO LHMXAItS inr?ri?Mjr in advance. j | No |>aj>er will be rent out of the Itisfrict, with- j | out the money accompanies the or?l?r. ( K ? TIC* or AMVKMTI?l?i*[tutch."? |Ml!e Minute Men. wliu I were urifpreTlu Pcii.tMolt, under command of 1 f'aptain McDonnell. 1 wan abeeiit fmiu home til the time they Harted, but by accident met , with the company nt Houston, Fit*., at. I ju?i ? hud time to gnthvr nty carpet mck and jump 1 on board of a box car, v ncre 1 found luauv of , " ? r my ( atnesvillo friend#. It wit?wi un^peilcil , hut a pleasant meeting. 1 Vt <1 P. 51.. we reached MVl'mnn and were reinforoed by the company of fhnt place.? Tltey were escorted to the depot by a company of ladie* nnd cavalry! 1 can never forget the p good-bye scene at tlmt phici. Father*, tttofb- ' er*. wive* and sweetheart*. nlj bMdlng their { soldier *on?, brother* nnd frtendo, on to "Vip- * lory or Death." While 1 watched the mingling " crowd with dewy eye*, nnd the Word* Vict?- ( ry or Dentb," noun led in my ear*, my tnlnd j ran l ack to friend* nt home. The saute night ' nt Id o'clock we arrived nt Tallahassee, where J, wo apent the bnlnnce of the aight trying to rlcej ?aoitto of u* in the car.% while other* j> tried the ground, tunny of u* haviug no Man- * ket*. nit I there being no preparations mnde for u* nt that point. It was rut her a hard j( trial to *mac of us who never roughed it be- j i, f?re, but in the morning all were nt good i li plight an.I after partaking of .? scanty meal of j boiled hatu and hard bread, we pursued our ' , | jotim -v. eight mile* further by rail, then we e< mo'tnted lite soldiers house. and took t* foot* I' back for <'hatahoochee. where we arrived nf- " tcr three day* of pretty hard travel, and well r) tired. Only one man fagged ami he wn* noon 1? rCvivO'l. 1 mi)ll lnnfitlAn -.?* * 11 * " _ .... ........ ..... (iujf uirnugn | " Mio Idhii of Quincy, whore all the boy * fell in I ' lore with flic town ipirN*) ft i" certainly p I lie mu?t beautiful plaee I have "eon in Klnri- u la. There I" nmre taste di-phnved in ii" !' buildings. and fhe culture ?u?l arrangement ^ <>f ii" fl'iwrri t Ii it ii in any place of ii" ire I ? Know of. Our reception there liai endeared the heart* of many of the soldiers to it" inhahi- ,v tnnt". We were received by a company of j ladies ( oon as thoelee- * Hon was over, we marched to the river where the steamers Time and \ oiing, awaited us.? t Mir eompaii) embarked on the former, and S| wo had had enough of the Tinie when we J ^ ..I l'..n?? - - ... . unTgw, mi?j nopej or again to put our foot on her deck-. The u> -am* Kn?rin) we pitched our tonis on a beautiful green -ward, in the suburbs <>f >i town, in< ( ..f uDi*iii t harlealon hov s here who were at the bom- I u,> boidiiient of Sumter. There are two other I I ore Horry boys here, besides myself. Ilardee and [ ,uM To Id, so you *ee the llorry boys are willing to I in fight in defence of the -tinny South, no matter j *'r where ihry may be, though some of us would j rather stand on our native aoi! ?Victory or | ??,. Heath." IIORKY. j five j ran Oitx. Twiuo* am> I'lirsmrvr ItrmaxaN. f Ifi Hen Twiggs, late of Ibe I nind States Vr- i m ... , my ha* ahlre?ie-l a loiter to fX-l'rci'loitl 1 J | loin Uuchanan, in which h? uyi: Voiir ??ar|n?l right to me front tin- . in t triuy might lot u<|iiii?rrt) in ; but you hn I oti>< no right to hmml mo a? a traitor. Thig wa? j li j/ >n rush?not ! tlit* through the paper*, hut in /trttem. i *hnll, ' tiir< ll?o?l noiirollj, pa? a t irit to l,nnr??li r for 1 will tilt purpnt^ of a p< rt'ti'tl infrrr,-i- with ,j: ? y on So, air, private yrmtraelf I am wr'l lion a?*tire? is ?nno;.i 'l > ' the character of the i ieiirBxnl ill New York : "In looking tit tM iluoit joout climc!?r of the excitement of tliv mi ilrown tb? ancient and common nationality in tlie of nun who were till now couaidt-rc J brethren. VVe liut witnessed black hour* in Franco, where the people rk expect* to inflict civil war upon ether?. not to suffer itnelf. Were New Ye no "holiday aspect' in that c?ly. A more striking i 11 u ?t rat ion of hum.iu veltialiQcnn a/Id corruption the world hit* never witnessed. Of all the citien of America. "New York ieserve* the pre-eminence in this work of j infernal crime. Heaven know* we loathe i'tirit*tiimtii enough. and are naunwatcil hy (lie runt of "Urolhatly Love" -in tha city of "Itroihi r'.y lint*;" l?ut, neither Uv*tou nor 1'hiladclpliin hare ever professed much sympathy tor the South, nnd in ?froih there m thut fanatical element which lias at leant lh? redeem!.'wfckliMa of honcaiy. Lut New York in actuated sob ly and exclusively in this leliherate aud bloody war Upon a Whole pro- I pie, hy the greed of gain. It never wax tin . iholition oify at any time, hut. If U had heen. i Ifeav^^^iiot have shown itsolf to all mankind fcgkrrwlvciuablj l?wd. a- . PfcT?^n ' tlMran<^foQ|^PHHW^v motive of all the diabolism which New York i* now exhibiting, tl.o thirst for Southern blood, the howling of deed* of robbery and rapine, for cutting off the head* of Southern nen and viohsfing the sanctity of their fireddes,"threat* and projects never before delihTOlcl"*named hv one . ivili. ? l ? ~-i ? J |^.r.w njfinnPi iV'iivr in I lie hi*toiy of a?il mankind! Not I nitil Div;.i dustier alxlir,iteN if* throne in Heaven, nn<] valor anr forgotten, or unavenged.?llichmoml l>?rpaicli. Lying Doxtertty. Never were liar* an dextera**- n* tho?e of he N??w York I're**. They 'may be called ' moral cats"?Hing ilium out . the wia baffle, riot bcvcn luuisand merely, but Nevcnfy thousand?all ' he force of Mouth t'nrolina. They hail a i orlreai NpeeiaMy chosen for the tight. , It in juat its well to put on record yiir nr- . ion of the story. The scvVuiy live . regular oblieri of r.jyt Siiintr r had an auxiliary force * f Nome 10 workmen. who. we believe. w ere f oroed to fiiflit nt the pun*. ami n<.t ailfi-rol to ( uve the Kort, however much thry desired it. U the Tta?" troop* on Jamc-. Muriit and ??ulivan'c Island*. leNHt were put there, not to ft hi I'ait ."Sumter, but to engage those Ureal in : myrmidon*. M">0 in tun whom lie mnw-mouthed editor* of New \ ork Wimrt- j 11 il a* being sen t to eat ii* uj>. There wwV.- to v c -btitj regular? t rouw I he* } >- ?? n N*w Vorlt r ml elsewhere. Tlnou ware to he joined vvith me ;Vhhi fierce border-lighter*, fr<>m ihe rpillar* expelled fi.on Texa*. Terrible fel- ' P ?w*I Ami to there you wore to add emtio '.** [ u mrine.*: /oiuvve* of the *oo. men who had # tight at Vltrierr. unuer liobllo ami l?vcatur, ml I'aiil Jour*, ami Sir I'rtcr IVpperpol ! lore was a force to he brought again.*! J *. i?rcu??T7Titf to tt*e*e very me New Vork itper*. of men. \ I they ha I the tip;*. ami tho lrnun|Miii(<. ai.?i tin; la.?t im* roYcment* in tirui!*. ami ail tire appliance* of ir. It w.i* in nurl the-e l.?*l ?v**?I fri< n h.,i| J'*''' men ahmp the ?hmr? of i ;! e 1 * !*j **ctire I' ate- : j **n See. 1. The t'onpre?* t?f the thin federate I w a'e* of tinea h a ?l? enael. That the l'rc?i- I nt !?.> ant loo i/cl to receive into service I 1. .. > v'm<|iniiii'K, niinuiiiouM <>r regiments j tl?or nmuiilcl*y of a formal call upon the rc|M?ctive | pi io rervc for Midi lime n? lie may pre- i . I .] Sic -. Such vo'iinlecr foi?-i ?*nn may ho ' " rcplcl umlcr this \cl. except liefoin j tferantly provjilcil, shall be orpanireil in j to CorillUKO Willi ;111 I subject lo all tho pro- I loiin oi tliu Act cut it lei "An \rt io pro- j ilo for ilio public defence," i%11 I l?r tntiih- I , " all tin- allow .otices pro\ hlc l". therein; uinl. ! ?< ion mistrrol into service. may bo attached : m ; ?i.iii?. brigade or regiments, n? ' w ih ,.n i i c < not of this Confrilo- ,j ey; ami tho President may appoint all or y "f iho field otluor* thereof. ,,r Si1 *. .1. The I'rriiiltiil shall l?c authorized j tnI r1 for such time a? tho President may ilircet. - 'ha -There in scarcely an article of [ . (etahlc food more widely useful an I more | ' ieorsally loved than the apple. W hy ! cl .1*1 apple wc< hard. where the trees will grow n all, ?* B,? j of the uij stories, l.rt cveiy l.imity. lay I from i wo t.. ten or more barrel-, an I it will 1 c" to them the most e< otiotnical invc-fi utit in whole range of militaries. I -pi \ raw mellow aonle i< digested in n hour ,i . I a half; while boileil cabbage re*|iiirca I 'hours The most healthful dosserI which ' " he placed on the table, i.- a baked apple. 1 r"t alien freely nt breakfast with eimr*.' hreail h*< I loll!i . . w illi.Wtt meal or tie-,!i of any V ind. ^ ^j. a- an a>lmirable effect so? the general s\?- j . m-n rniiMM mg c*w*ii] ?? 'll. inn |||3 "" liiti t uiin*l :iou?, 'rt 1 e rTocfu^lljr Minn Mio m**?t nj*pr*iv 1 irub- mil ri | r I .iiiilios ?* in I I Ik* iioiucc*! i > utoliluii* M|*]*i(r, wouu-l. I ?|*v. aii'l luciou*. ! r 'lie ' , iikc?, mn It. ?. at. I ollur ,wc?*iiiitii< '* i wliirli llieir c-liiMrrn are i*>?. i.fioit in- j rr*< r*>i-ily Dtllfll**!, I here WouM l?e ri iliiiliflll ! hi flir -tun lolitl ofi|o?rl**i - l*iL? nvn -in* e'?r. ?uOicH'til In lay in ? ' ?*k *.| lliii rioiih fruit for i\ whole ao??oi?'? um?. 4 i'iu ? 3 II O It ?i iiornj fjjisjratcjjJ BUlfoK. ? , joheph t yr a l 8 ii-. Thursday Moruiug, May 23 c The Edif^rixl ant Proprietary d*partjneata of tli* IHtp'ttek, will be eondurlod ^ tnlMj iwltpfRdnt of each other AH com- ' wonicatiuitH referring to tit* former, must addrv*?ed to the Kditor. Financial iuatlt|^^H Mini everything connected with the hti?in^^^H of the paper. will he foitdqcttd hy the prietorv or Mr. N. U. Osteee, who will ttB ?nct nny bn?ineaa during their i?h??*nec tzr r? |>er? for t'oiiwaybem' re l,"fjh"l the 1'uatofHc-early on >lny morning. The Poaf inaater will faithfully to their dialoluitloa, and thrvt in future, o*r ewbrrriben wilt appB them there, and not thin oflce. ^^^^B OUR* TERMS. We ANnnre our frienda and a?hacriber*,M wo truhf rmhxr the tightneaa of the n^H market, and could type, ink. paper. and^^^^^B procured without money, wo remind lliera that our term* are LA US PER YXSUM, I'U AdCM |p ^ ^ ^ One of our moat vcnerahn^^B who hat long nm-f pa?trd the ag{^| manhood, tint who it mtlaflad that hc^H fl fife hit gun with preci?ion. tmggeate, IB 9 like him. who cahnot enter the 'rniedH Pouth. should begin to lay hy powdeJB hot, and keep their gnnt in prime B Mthough they cannot leare their B Bret Idea, they can do much in their d^H Letters of Marquo. I S lVo giro <^iace in thia iaatie, to thB Coagreaa in full, authorising the granB Lettera of Mkltjilfl an 1 R^priaal. InB IkilRil the regulation* f irk, the fier-V^j nan for frontier. as being the right of captur- i of tig property heyond the frontiers or limits of mother State ? and in reprisal or .satisfaction i u or losses sustained. Ep0 Tho ToDth Regiment 8. C. Volux^A. tccrs. BB ^We are very glad to learn that this nont will now so<>n l>o organised. Our in'eer compttnies in this section have ho^B cry much dissatisfied, hecnuse of the np^^HS cnt neglect of their formation into a dent, and they will bo doubtless, gra^^^^B1 [ratified to receive orders to elect theta^B ffiocrs. The Regiment will en ?to ("apt. R. .1. Johnson's t 'ompainj^B ('apt. .1. F. i'risslrv's ('ompsi^B t'upt. It. (I. Nv hite < t'oiupany. ^^B Ilenniiig's Company. Copt. J. J. tieorge's Company. >1. linurdin'* Company, t'npt. J. II. Norman't Compitny. Capt. A. II. John-ton'* Company. Capt. .1. K. Net tier Company ( apt. li. Mullcr'.* Company. ^^BL t ' i| iniii* nn I V In; < '..n im-IB B re/mm Georgetown IM.ii riot: t iptaim dim and A. H. Johnsons' arc from llony^| lip exact locality of the other ('oinparuo^^MI u have not learrn I The election of dfiecn, * to iiikc place on 'he ?lrt in-tan'.wem hd we hope that, ahlo and cij men, will I L-eOivc the ?rt?t 'ucn tilitary experience, military cducariotifM^^^R lilitary talent?men in who-e ni-l^m ^^B) riidcii yoil can c-n^^o ? mrti .i 1 i i the loi ir ..t 1 -if. ' < wivi "The Spirit of E tic roach III to lb.' - fV, referring in our r>rm to which ilijcvted. George Washington used wing word1*: "Tha^pirit of cncro.tc^H ipl< t<> consolidate tfc< power* of nil ifeB trtioentn into one and thus to cicate^H er the form of Government. a ret^H in. ' liven in his day when oiir^H cut was regarded an a model, lifl nl I, and when I lie A mrric.-nflfl y^yd, 1 rue.I ?ncli ]>ro|>ori ions, as t.^H great limit part. Founded upou the lilj wer, the avarice atid ambition of tn^H I already haaughi upon the world, sery and w ?e l>ynasties had heen^H riled, and lungdnms crushed l>y its d well might Washington fear for tii^H bin own beloved country. II is apprch^| vc been more than trained. Ins w >< 38 lie knew between northern begun. its Ci, we art* now reaping, in their nmnt iltH mi. ii i* nuiiir-i loruf I" ii ni' M nl of cnrr<>iM-*hnu'rii by <>n? nooiion up^H ' riptiiM of MiKiibor, for in doing no, vH^H nl'l lime l?v purniio *n arm* '^Lj iininlain tlint operation, rather than ?nb- S inj longer to rnrronrhmtnli npni their (if'nr.d malltutionn. \\ hilnt thin nrcooidiing, i?n?f forcing thin di?mcmh?rtn<'nt. by |^| tyrannizing ?|>irit,il lim -wept mttr every I lige of the origin.il of our -^B it vf n #H- ' Bktiju*. He ai'l oxej| ^Brn iegisla^on. lie disregards and | decrees of judicial authority. A u^^Amtv m'iim of the word, he coll* to i ll^^^H^du?potii>m of Ike n???b, end by their j ^^^g|>o??r, etrirjf essential of freedom, , j}estroycd. Another government .,^^Bie, once Mylel (lie "glory of the 1 ^^^Baa been ovetthrown by the deettac- I Bit of eneroachiueBi. ^nngltad Mid the South. ^Bvc noticed recently that much eatiais expressed. because of the prubable ^ and favor of KnglanJ towards the Confederacy duriug the couteat | | ? n the fatert to he ! Hjgdit-r. I'ride, if (p)lliisg elee, ! Ha' ui froui at) exhibition of | H?a power, who if friendly at all, Kanse it ia to her interest. On# expected to oonfer a signal another. or to take part in her H . decided benefit will j ^^^^^^^Bran one instance HUucd friendship or alliance I ^Bwould not honor a maul ^HetiiT of I Whe capture of Fort KuuiBW HP^^r H Boglleb papers, brouglit by the H ^ frioa io New Ydrk, oomment very the surrender of Fort Humter. of ^Houiiis lind been jttst Tecvtved. The ^Bhe?o papers ia very signiheant, a* ^B poaeeae, alntoat without excei'tion, BuilirriihiU' liven the Manchester H ^k Always an opponent of slavery, is 9 Hninti that the seceded Klalfi "will Bxiiail ia estimation b* ilw 1 i ^R'hmiMlot, and p*irig nrc K* "can scarcely form % uiUecl lot npccufcn. hecan?c (lie North will he drprivad <*t ; Rii.i?t productivc^powcrfiil am! wealthy I Priet?." The Liverpool I*.o.t anticipate* ;hting of the moot twrrilile deecription. fween armies in many reap cot a equally ktchcd, hied by tliwt peculiar (terrenes* lieh coni-anguiuity ever give* to the bat ilea brethren The European Time* r?*riew* I tent etrau, nttd pleada for peace. The I >w York Journal of ('oiiuneree ?ays it would 1 t bo ati migo if England should conjure up ute pretext for relieving the oottou trade ui re*trietioii*. and averting disaster from i r manufacturer*. With the inton-e feeling | ;ely to exl?t among the F.nglish people, i d witti vaat interests ?o much affected, the | iirnal add", thty will find U ,u**ivc ajiectalor*. They will not I Iv find it difTicult, but impossible. The iiicij.lea of mtri >u* are their interest*, and ; f interest* of England nre free trade and t Iron. Hence wo ?hnl! wee what we shall ! ' h Texan. ^^a(ial\ewton News publishes the following , KLicl "San Antonio, April 2U:" llii- t:iorliitig i". thai t' niiii .1 >mi hi rn?Kin([ 111 o i.ov- I < ntient property. Preparation* ore being j ile In itt rrnilifiC'i. Fivo companies of , hundred men each have Iwen formed in | city thi* week, and one company of uriiU 1 1 v will be in readint*** to-night. } i the ? l:fn of ilie News ha* received a letter j In i > Indian N itinn. giting n?"iiriiiicc? of i kind reception the Choctaws, I'liirkviuim, j i-rokecs. Scmiuoles and Creeks gm? to tlic nniiH?ioncr? appointed lo visit them by the j ile Convention. The-e tribes are slave- j der?. and nre tor secession arid tln> South- j 11 '..nlederm y. Tlie Cherokee* have "clear- i out" the. Abolition emissaries niuung : ' in. ! i riie t'hii ki- i'v< wi-hfd to secede at once. < b Clierokees wished to wait until thr return ike delegation thay had ??-nt to \V*-hing i to see about their funds, held in tm-t by ' i I nited States Treasury. I Ml the tribe* were to hold a general conn- j j uii iii?- rm m-mm. e may evpecl lu\s *inccl fm * io- j i)i?" r? venue I.iwi of flu- ('oiifr-lcra^ ^ she i-. a vert ?t:ni|ic-1i v--n/ol. yucht alwmt eighty t'UM burthen. TM? ' ^Bn lately in tlio employ &.* il?e I'nlifi Bvirnmeii', mill wn? aliont lo proceed , Mil or n to ilie firl iu Turtuga*. to be , f.vt military H^r. near K1 I'aao. ban been nnrrcmler- t &. lb Rn-vrn, United State# Army, t ^Kiiic* W MclKiffin,Stair ('uintpiimiiin- # I'une.l Siniei tio.ijiH iuiemled leav Hiuii Antonio on Utu 2'.Mh. The com- ! ' woiiM receive a large Mipply of | K^Home arms, two t'i-poui??lera. ami a ; of aiiiiiiiiiiiiion. The j>ro\ tin i . ^bttMPUtti'.- three companion for i also been turncM t<> ho i nu?pcunion <>t *11 ordinary p an-l pr >< > **, ami an nnrh approii- 1 j ^Bcty t<> a military denpoii-tji It in . HHhry law,^originating yi eiiiergeucie*. 1' ?f o\ir< rue | i ll to ilie State, either t. ^wiih-iiii -I froi i v iihin, i'ii- piibile we!^demand* ejlnrtlrdiiiary nieniutrea. Ami lial law In ing JiMfliiiinnl, *ignifie? that I'j eraiiou ??f ike ordinary legal ililnyn of r< p in j |,,f ihe military power, il [ Ii ha? for the time become Mipreme. ^ mi npeti-l n the operation <>f the writ of,' I>it e<>rptu, enablen pernor*# eharge<| with #on io he aurnmarily trieil by court mar- I " irinteail of grand jury, justifie* m-archm ni eiiiire* of private property, anil the tak |in?a?>^inn of iiuhlio hl?li **? i>-I ..II. . tt 1 .. k- ? ! comtininir-Atinii Involving the ct oxfrri-c of ?ov*r<*ignl v. it i*# of "( of grout abilH. N(l i? only to r? Bi(irf the nioel iin per- (1 Hl)n - rt:11141 t K * ? H|i' Andrew Jnekaon Uto nf the United M .11 i ? n >f nl?| Hickory, w ^BMemjtlii" i flio - >tl? ull., 00 hi" wity rr J mcry, to niel I In- iword in defence <* ttli. i ti ?oil | ? ~r c u. NEWS OP~TBE WEEK. A bill has been introduced in ifcf gout rfB Congress to protect lh? Indian trib Soui 11 of kanm*. (>"mf unknown riiecreant displaced the rai on the Southwestern ltsilroad, near Araericu ba., Tkurt4?| last, bjr faaana of wklak tJ passenger train fretn Macon waa thrown fro he track, and the engine and a portion of tl cam precipitated down a twenty.fire feet er banktaerit. Several parties w?>m injured, it uot fatally. Tlie Governor* of Pennsylvania, Ohio, fi liana and Illinois pledge their State* to pr teet the rn'.oniets of Virginia, Kentucky at Missouri.* The Small Pot lias undoubtedly brokoif 01 in the Capitol at Washington. "On Thursday Mr. Saiuuet Prance, a high respectable citiieu ad Baltimore, M?l.t con nuttod sulbfte by shotting himself with . gun. It la probable that t ho Confederate Cuagvw wtll ajouin within the Beat ten days, to inn again in July, at such place aa oircumstanct tuay render necessary. . A report has readied Keokuk, Iba't a part of Missouriaus hud gotio over into Taylt county, Iowa, and burned the town of Anil; The Kentucky B?rder State Coraraiseioaer recently elected, were to have aaeesnhled i ittmiieMmHiHr 9 Dr. Charles Hughes, of91 having refused to ntkc the oath of altrgianr to the United States, was driven flrom tti city: * , Tlit >Kpk Tork t.'ourier, and Ktu|i"'.-^r in sieta that it is the intention of the Confederal Slate* to invade Pennsylvania a.ud pHlug Philadelphia. * lion Howell Cobb, in a letter to the At hen Hattuur, Mitiouneta hi* unalterable dvteruii nation jo retire to pviv|tc life, on the exjiirn lion of hi* present term of office. John J'. Kennedy. I, 8 Senator fvoi Maryland, haa ii?sue?l a long apical again* rece*?ioi?. Harriet ll+eeher Stowe ternia tbh pre-en invasion of the South by Lincoln, the "HaJj War," The ~Wnveling traitors, propose to divide th State, and call the western portion "New V\r gin in." It la Mated that it was ?10O, instead o $3.tt?tO, which ex-I'i esident Ituchanan pari to the Pennsylvania Volunteer*. Captain Futtilflin tlardner, of the 10th Yapi ment V. 8. Infcinffy, re?lguo4 on' th* Oth o April la?t." The Second Volunteer Regiment of Net Orleans in. Then tloro (J llunf, Colonel. This vcTu-mbli jurist and noldicr was .1 Colonel in the Mexi can war. unJ ha* Won Jml^e of the firm l>i? trie! Court of Now Orleans for years lie I a South Carolinian, an>l the oldest of fou wi lrl\ known brothers in professional life. An Kngli?h brig tuoetolwl in getting int< Char loot on on Thursday loot. Shu brought i valuable cargo of (run. enough to caot me lti.io.itl halls. She has a return freigh of cotton, at the high rata of about (wentj dollar" pei bale. "Lincoln employ* his troops in repairing tin railroad* in Maryland. A eery wise precau tion. n? their principal employment will con hi in in ?Wwwtrack* " The Mar} lander* in Itichtnond am forrninj a Kegiment for serflea of the Confc'deratt Sfnfe*. ? The Lr*i?lnttirc of Tennesson lias r,aMe? Tor a Congee** of Southern Hunk officers t< Confer and adopt *tich line of policy as wil Ke?t promote the general welf?*? > *.! i~-? ? ? currency of uniform value throughttlif ih< "?outh. A Canada pnj*r -ay-, that. the agetfls y order of kincon* tin the lfuh in?t , a mysterious movement oak (dare among the troops in Waahinpon.? The Rhode Idiq'l repm?n! war mrly ortlcreii m bo in reatMnesf to marrli at a moment** no ire. The tnii-son* of their batteries vert quietly gathered Wheeling and Northwest rn Virginia will probably be tho next point ?f Federal occupation. F\-Mini?ter? Pallas and Faulkner, have retimed from Kurope. ndcavor to obtain a ces-alion of hosf^^BI in til ufter the meeting of Congress. John UumcII has recently made ini >ortnnt statements in the British House t>( VimiikiD?, ri'ltlim to American affair*.. lie aid, n* to the Federal Oovvrnnynt commitinir *11 infrinument of international law hy ollcctinp due* from furelpn aliips' before re?Vfii?tf hulk, tbe law officer* of the Crown aid that no much drj ?ended on eircuinstanes that no definite infractions had been sent a British cruisers on the American eamif ? le ladicred that the collection of duties a* reposed world he impractieahle. Hele?ti\e t the blockade, he said it could only !>e re i?pni*ed when effective Bopnrdinp letter* f inar<|iie issued hv Ibe Southern I'onfiedo?<*y, the Government were of opinion that 10 Southern Confederacy must be rccopniied ? belligerents. Baltimore has l?ecn oeetipied by Federal oop*. The follow i np i* an account of the anner in which it woe done. The I'nited State* troop* encamped at the clay llouee. heinp previously relieved hy nor iroops, were embarked i?n a Irwin of iri in>l (??wrrir?-.| nt the Cutmlrn sfo>?n about. 7 o'clock. The police authorities ere no! notified of the movement until the pcarance of tlie train made it manifest, lien t'apt " llovl. of the Southern TMslriet, paired to the station with twenty five ofli>ra. hut the number of spectators collected as not sc. 1 irjre ns to incommode the troops g [ V in#*-, ihnreiug. The lr?o|M comprised the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, the Fighth N?W York Regiment and the Ronton Light 'oni >any, six piece*, tusking alto^Qathrr l."?tlt) men. The body wan coiuuiamleer?on. is, I The regiment* rapidly formed on Lee street, Im uu handed bjr the Mud assMBfaavia* ?hm Mas?a?d< > ??? ivgtiiunt. movra to Federal te llill. n- The citiiena of South Baltimore were notneui what surprised at the sud^gp Introduction of the troops in their midat, and curiosity colg. lected great numbers In the vicinity of the 0. oeiup to yritneM the progress of the camping Id operalieaa. Nothing wan learned an to ibo purpose of the inovebictit here, or '.he future ut destination or operations of the troops. * The place of the above army of occupation \y at the Relay House is supplied by four eontn. pauies bClhoY.ighth Massachusetts Regiment, _a who reached the Relay on Sunday night. Ocn. Butler has taken the Uiliaor House as pa his head-piariera." tl The Superintendent of the Uraach Mint of the t'onfcderiO# States, at Bahlonega, (5s., has receivc^orders to strike n^tnore of the I'niiv ted Sificecaiit. hut to reserve the bullion Hurt til diq^fot the new coin of the Ceiifedera^^^^^^^^^fl j St stew are received, tghich are now^fl of preparation. D e | ran down u. the water with the announcement tlfff^H H ont anewered. The ?nty rtp^^i HE p and be 4^?whereupon the eentinelfir^^^^J e t >tio of the jHTHona in the ecbooncr, reeeitred the hail In the fecehe.vl tin4 ??? instantly 8 killed. Tin* nchooner then hoTe to." j. Lincoln ha* directed that fhanath nf fidelity ^ he ndminiatered anew to nil officer*. eicept these who hare enteral tereioe eince the l*t n* of April. !, A telegram to tho Charleston Mercury front Montgomery says that the St^ithefti Oongreea . < will lay *jo direct tu it the present session, for want oWtkc necessary information regarding thw rnlnc of property in the different p J State* ; hut there will he | pledge to pas* u *ueh n hill a> soon a? such infnrmntion can he obtained. Thi* pTedge cannot, howeeer, he f redeemable toiler three* or ffmr month*. hy p which time the nenjstery information will he obtained. Strong effort* will he mad# to modify and I le*#en the rate# of the present tnriff. which will firohfihl r rmi'M I * Anmnjf the appointments recently made hy the President of the Confederate 8i?In, which have been confirmed by Congress, are the following; Wade Keys, Assistsyit. Attorney timer*! ; Geo. E. W. Nelson, Superintendent of Public f Printing; I). II. Hamilton, Marshal of tho District of South Carolina ; K. L. Ross. Mar0 ahal of the District of Georgia; James Conn uer, Attorney for the District of South t'aror tina ; Hamilton l oupcr. Attorney ror the IMa, trict of Georgia. ^ Major h S Tucker, of the Confederate Army. died at Fort Morgan, ou tho K?h instant. p and wm liurinl at Mobile. If* was a brave officer, who hn>! served in the Mexican war. Travel between Baltimore and Philadelphia has been resumed. , It is said that there la no truth in the re TI u>ug I nr ri?|'HilT or pmiteer by tbe Federal Oowernnirnt. j I.ietit. J. T. KinftaiH. one of the ion?l en, lerprising and gallant officer* in the American 1 i Na*y, has resigned hie coromiwiion in th.?* , I -erricr. , lliek* erf Maryland, hat ii??w declared publicly, for coercion?ho hat railed for four regif ' tnentrof militia, to obey the rci|ui*ition of Lin> . coin. ttn the 14th ia?t., lioTcrnora Letcher and . I LUit ami (Sencral li'o.l.ani reviewed the ^uuili , Carolina It vgi went a, in ibe prwdmceof an iui. I iuoiims coucourso wf a-luorittg apectator*. | The f'kfurlt'Mun Courier of the IHth inat., f j giro* the lollowir.g account of ih^ capture of I j a targe ?hip at Siniihrille N ('. : "A gentlaman who reached tluf elty ycfterI j terday from Wilmington, V t\. inform* ut? . I that rf large ahip?name unknown?got I I aground on the Frying l'an Xbeal an Wednesday laM. Ilcr lHManc?s when a tn? boat went to her aid Hlte wma aatiatc4 off by the tog, her representing that the wasbu^dni^Afl^^^^^^^H amount M drawing I wotity-oue feet of water when ; and ?hc > reportod tove wo hare re' oeired tlic following dispatch, for which we \ arc indebted to the eourtcy of the Kditor* of I t ho l?aily Journal: "The ahip Thomao H'ataon, Allen, from New j York, win brought li? here to-day. Hhe i* front three to fotir hnndred tons burthen.? i The character of her bininc** in theee water* | i* not yet a*rertain*l. She I* now lying at 1 the wharf, leaking badly." " Ren Moi'ullneh ha* been appointed a I'.riga1 dier fleneral in the Army of the Confederate I Spite*. The Secretary of War of the Confederate ' Slate* hnK uivon * _ . , iiinrv riiitinI " Iteor.* will he accepted, except aueh a* enter ervice for the whole war. Richard win?? ? ? mrniril in Charleston, I on Friday laM, for the nmnlrr of hi* wife. A Mr. Hnlhkml bearer of diapalche* from our (.'omtuiMioOern in Koropc, ??.i arrested at New Vork, lu? diapatuhea. examined, and he wax I lien rvlva-ed. j Our privateer* ht.re begun th#*/ work, ' . Two prize* were captured off Mobile on the i 17lh instant. The (ioveriiiiieiit of the <'oiifederate State* will take charge of the mail* in the tfotifh oi? I the let of June.