PIV ft SBUB&fclb F&WMY/ '^iUp^W^FrSr4, ? A. F. UOXAM. - ' "* ' Atft?Friend of *7 Homl. Land of lh?Mo?Ui! Iht fkirNt l??i , - 1 llenenUi Columbia's she* l*wM?ily bw kills of fNwdwrwIeed, H?r pkufa io bwAtjr lia. Itfr dotlad A?ld(, har trarwwd otrouin Th"'r annual Weattb re utw, I .an* of th* Hnatla f &t befabt?*t s right, Ami yield lo nothing wrverg." Fair of the Safetfe! Tars July's crown, * Ye Tstr with matchloas grace ; ? Wo* eUoie fair of old rsno wu lessor to a higher place. . \ ?mr rentnf rwea alike kfcntes The palace auaa glory waves * Red, white and Muk?eternal tyf? Criiklh/na frnc and brave T ' States of ihs South ! 1 be patriot'* buaat V Here ?<>ual Intra have etrny : Nor tyrant tipysr de*p?e and Ubert/k , * 'Neath hesrwi'i approving ?idl* ! ? Qod-or the 5o?HM Pretest (Wis t a ad * V. From false apd opea fqea! *-- . c...;,i?.I i... Vi.: ti ...n?1.^.1 viuiuc^i ly ? MI I* V fltll-ruilllg umm lu vj*ln wNUtatCtf^aN. bo mole tho ahly of Atatc move on L'uon the unfnlhotned in. GatMDiljr n#er ita Mirftes botnc The bulwark of the (He ! * O, B3E NOT THE PIRST ! *??o?? (>, l>? not 1be Aral to diecover A blot on the lama 01' a friend, A Haw iu the faith of * Io>?. Whose heart utnv prove true t? tlis end. We nope of un know one another. And oft into ?rr?f jre f?U; Then let u* apeak well of our bretLer, Or apeak not abont hint at all. A anile or a sigh nay awaken flba icion nioat fWUe and undue: And thua our belief nay be shaken In lionet* thai are baaen and true. . How often the light emile of (krfatH In w?rn by the friends that we b*??. To cover a aoul firfi of gdowf, Too proud lo aekuowlodg* defeat. How often the aigh of dejection la heaved fVom the hvpocrile'a breast." To parody truth and auction, <>r lull a suspicion to rest. How ofton the friends we bok* dearest, Their noblest etnotiona conceal; And boaoma the purest, aincerest, . .Hjtc Hecreta they cannot reread. Leave r?*-?> uiindN to tiarbor ana pioton. And small one* to trace our defect* Lct ohm lie a noble ambition, For bane is the tnind that inspects. We none of us know one another, And oft into error we fall; Then Ve n* speak well of our brother, Or apeak not about him at all. Pi. ANT*.?Wiifuit .Tiuby OHIO INATKb.? Wheat, although considered by none as * native of Sicily, originally ftktli A r*-A m fllA Miftfel hwa I t.kla 1mm.1 ? C vwiiiv iiuiu ?ttv wii?i ui isuiu mull U1 Thibet, where it yet exist? m a grass, with sua ill mealy seed. Kyc exists wild in Siberia. Barley exists wild in the mountain* of flimalay. Oats were brought from North America. JIHkt, one species, is a native of India ; another of Kjftpt and Abyssin* Mai to (Indian corn; is of native growth in America. ? Kioe wan brought from South, Africa, whence it was taken to India, and thence to Europe and America. Peas are of unknown origin. "Vetches are natives of (fertnany. Tbc Garden Bean is from the Rn*t Indies. Jiockwhoat came originally from Blbaria and Turkey. Cabbage grows wildf in Sicily and Naples The P"?ppjrerai! brought from the East. The T^unttownr from Tern. Hop* came to perfection as a wild (lower in Germany. Saffion camo from Egyyt. Tho Onion is alco a native of Egypt. floraeradihh from Booth Europe. Tobacco is a native of Virginia, Tabngo, and k California. Another spcoies .lias al?o been found wild in Asia. The grasses are mostly native phnta, and so are the clovers, except fiuoerno, which is a native of Sicily. The Gourd is an Eastern plant. The Fotato is a well known native ot Peru and Mexico. . Coriander grows wild, near the Mediterranean.? Anlne was brought front tho Grecian AroLi rjrvkc-t* op aoiJTi;pK.-r-To be left alone in the wW? World, With s scarcely a fViend? thl* makes tl?p sadness which, striking it spang into the minds of the young and affectionate, teaches thcin too soon to watol* and intorpret the spirit argue of their own hearts. The solitude of the aged?when, one bj on?, their friends fill -off, aa fall til* aero leaves from the trees in autumn?what is it to the overpowering sense of deaeiaCion whioh fills almost to breaking the sensitive-heart of youth, when tbo nearest and dearest ties, ard severed ? Kcudered oallous by time and suffering, the old feci less, although tbey complain ipore ; the young 'bclnnp a grief too deop for t?ar?r' shrine > sh?ir bosouis sad memories and luoiauoiioly anWotpotions, whioh often ffiwa dork bun to their feel mg* in afterlife. IliRD*.?Itird* are the staurieh friends f evftry nan that raiaes fruit, grain, or gram. *lb?y are the ooMtatutfcnn:' <*?* f&iti depHuing Ummu. Krery eher.y that ft rtlfcio eaU, y* for ?t !?a*t Are Hundred liiuea or or by eountiftM and. mwaeiaaa iajorioM UieecU de ' owed, ft* a park ?f hie meat 'dirt. 1 Ifoodpcokcri. lark*^ j*J*? rpe?T9We, ratio*, and tbe ahoift tribe q? tn feci the practical rvsulhR^f the raid that Republicanism baa been running against the rights and institution^ of the South, oulinioiumg in the elcctiow of Abraham Lincolu to the Presidency. I The bQUda aboiHt^xKBiBwWTinaealeni from that section of tho country, not a single one is here from five Soot hern States; only four front all Virginia, Georgia and Texas, and oue of ,tbp fay a lady 1 In other words, the largest and best half of the Southern trade, from which our merchants havo made fortunes upon fortunes, which has built our marble palaces, filled our mammoth hotels, given lift and activity to oar shipping, has Buddanly collapsed, extinguished, smashed. 9o utuda for the ua?ro.-~-?C ?. Mf?s. Att AsomnuuL SENSATION PRV.ACHxh.?MYbito OJeud.-theladiaa, has made hi* mark an u moving proeohcr, and last week a hearing was arranged for .him in the Baptist Church, Urooose street, New York. Wiulo fthe congregation- was waiting i^ anxious stillness, V. hite Cloud Ndilealpnide *hiw appearance at a fidedoor, not in the peaceful and sober robes of the pious divine, but dhcksd out in tho'savage finery of an Indian warrior. Flourishing hia tomahawk in tlte air, and indulging in a aeries of war-whoope that > nearly split the ears of the horrified spectators, he passed tip and dowu the aialet of the chnteh, and tiuaUy brought up in the jecture roera, where be continued to regale the ears of the fiudience with his terrific yellts some of whom, after recovering from the first effect a of this new method for prnduc>?g * sensation, began to look about for the mo?t ready means of escape. Tho ladies, particularly, arroamcd with fright, and one is said to have fainted, as White ('loud passed near her, brandishing his toranhawk, and throwing himself iota the demoniac attitudes of the war dance. Tho chief subsided, however, after a time, fancying, {robablv, that his^toedoction had been avorably was restore, and VVbit^^fooaproeecdcd with his sermon?rather interesting, by the way?which he was about proceeding to I onhauec by s<>nie love stories among the I red beauties of bis tribo, when the dca| oons of the church present, very unfcel, ingly brought him up all standing, doubtI let* under tho iuiprcssiou that the congre- j 1 ivtttLin urn ra a 1 r/? a?ln anfTminntlw -.1 . !!>? W J vMiMVltUklj lUBllUUiC'U id matters of that nature. K.NULisn Feri.inu Towards tue > Sot TirkKN Confederacy.?The dispo- | sition of the Kit glial) people to recognize j ' the nevr Government of the Cotton | ' Htatca as noon as possible may t>e gleaned j i fioin tlfe*debute in the English Furliai mcnt oo Mr. Cave'* resolution in refer- j enee to the alare trade. Even Mr. I itoxton, tlio well-kuowu Abolitionist, hvl no objection, provided tho Southern (Confederacy bound itself not to reopen the slave trade. A* this has been already done?not merely by a clause in the J Constitution, bat by the veto by l'ro?i- , dent Davis of am act introduced into tho < ' Montgomery Congress,f rendering the shvo trade a misdemeanor, instead of | 1 pirncy?uo further >p position i? to be anticipator! in thai quarter. The penvieI tiou cxpromni by Republican journals, that the European (J ovum moots, but particularly that of England, would ' hesitate long before they acknowledged > a Power with slavery as its basis, is j i therefore about to be falsified. The . English pre too sensible aud practical a , people to oscrifice their material interests j to a phiianthropioal abstraction. It is J i only in this country that fanaticism is pushed to such suicidal extremes.?N. Y. Herald. A rr..- Kcnjwet nowTaWHUI^W^jirtr^oiuany chanters figuring in the drama in the i second American lUv lotion. "Prcsij dent'1 Davis was bn i*v?>. litncwl blarney,I ; Mr. Prenton,' ftliuiater of Spaifl," nod { Senator Sebastian, tre alao Kentuckiaoo. Worth Knowi no.?A young lady of this f?ty, while in the country fume . year* ago, ateppm u Last!?A Yorhhirelira A harine occasior ' i visit Franc i?u dum founded to fiud, on racking faAais, that men, women and children, allsnokc French. In tho height of the ptrpUxity which this occasioned he retreated to bed, and was awakened iu the taoroiag by the cock crowing; whereupon he bunt into a wild exclamation of asoniflhmcut und delight, and cxclaiaed, 'Thank goodnens, there's Koglish at laat T . What is a Snob ??A snob mtj be known by several characteristics. Hi is polite to his superiors; arrogant tdth those of lower station; frowns no the rich ; snubs the pr, and pretends not to know his own mother, whea lie chances to incet the old lady in uafa.iiionahle clothes, lie has plenty oflrasi, and few brains; and is always uoaisy from a suspicion that his intrinsic vulgarity, may fail to bo hiddcu by his outward gentility. -ML A contented inind is ior-in blessing a man can enjoy ; and if in the present life arises from the subduins^fl^^^^^Hj^ arise the next 1 tun of them. Wf Liberty is to tho eo11cctiv<^^^Hrhnt health is to every individu^HHy.? Without health, no ploasui^Kn be tasted by mau ; without libcrfKtr happiness can be enjoyed by societa The lowest people are generally the first to find fault with show or cqaipagc ; especially that of a person lately flii)>rirpil frnm Itia .->Kutnrilti TKm > r>? " 1?--"V onco consider that in: is breaking the ico for themselves. TjosT?A small lady's watch with u white face; also two ivory young lsdies' work-boxes. A mahogany gentleman's dressing case and a small pony, belonging to young lady with a silver msor and tail. ' Lately a gentleman sat down to write a deed, and begau with : 'Know one woman by these presents/ 'Yow^nre wrong,' said a bystander; it fight to bo 'know all men/ 'Very well/ nswer ed the other, 'if one woman knfwit, nil men will, of course/ g M?. Justice Page was ren owd for I his harshness and ferocity ftps tho bench. While going tho dhuit, a facetious lawyer, by the name ofCrowle, was asked 'if tho judge wssftt just behind V?'I dou't know/^dfeAowle ; 'but if he is, I am aur> r was just before.' We havo tho testiinX|^V*v| Doted pickpocket, named Pk^tj^Uttcently arrested in Paris, to U* SwHtat crinoline affords bettor facitfjfflp ^Mpacticing thefts on the notiVAr style previously worn. Rein^^^^Hl from the body, ample opport^Rj9Kf >rded to out the dress and puree When you have nee^M^^E^ou uiovi your fingers delic^Efl^V * wise eautiou. Use the sam^E^^Hp with the inevitablo dullnsd^^^^^Eve attention ; keep yonrtelr^K^^Hru lent precipitation ; and dofl^^^H^by the point. When men aro u.ihHpJKcy^Jo not imagine they can ew^H^HLobt so; and when somo- cal^fihllso on them, they do not s^H Ky est get rid of it. Ntivertb^|HKh strive > and tho gods have ordsre^Rso, * the end tneu seek it from the goda.' A man who retlr** i? W1U1UC" """ !? ? on the Merest of bif money, n*7 toanUto hi- resting on hie The boy who undertook to rid? horse rediah, is now preotistig on n noddle of mutton, without stirrup* 'Whet it the different* kiwceO we end e new novel V inquires e highly- , rouged damsel of bcr beeu. ?It is this,' said he: 'a novel is reed beeanse 'l 14 interesting ; yoo are iotcrestia ? because i you red.' J* Men is tho imegu end glot,- of Oud?| but the woman is the glory at the wan., Vanity keeps a person it^avor *?'h themselves, who ere out of lism? with Temptations arc e li ruh o? | much of th.' rust of our nSunftdcncc. j itzn ah, DIB W ' LO^ ' } ?oB TUB *. Defence of the Confederate States. BOOKH OP MUU8?'IUPTION WILL JIB opened for |0,UOU,UIK) el the Bank of Ifte Htatv, in CktrltBvn, on the 17th anil 18th #]w of April neat, bfepara the hfe?\1 l>etrreet? 9 A. M*.'ud ! P. III. Fire pet- ofeu most be paid in t'aeh, at the time of sbbecriplion ; aad the remainder on er before the tret of I|bjl iniereet to run from the date of each payi?i Person* deairby to aecurw their subscription. may pay In Cash the whole amount, and take a receipt for the delivery of Bonds or Sloek. To e<|ualiae the rate of a^b~ ecription at all points, and to ennlde all pdraone conveniently to subscribe, current llaflk note# of the place will be received at their market value ia.coin. In caee of ail over subscription, preferenee will ke yivea , to I those who pay down their whole subscription; next, to subscribers of neat, to suhscrihere of $100. llookt of subscript ion wiH be opened en the i?m? ilajr ui ib? UrsnoliM of (li? IUn4Hil the Slate, in Columbia, Cnmden, ami Abba- | ill* ; also, at tlie Uaaka of Kewberry, Cheater, Fairfield, Chvraw, lieoigetowa and Hamburg, and at Greenville. EDWARD PKOST, ) Comrrt ' C. M. FURH4?t > for GEO. A. TttJt.MCOL l. j MmoA farokmm. Mr All the papera In the Slate will oojiy and vend their bill* to the undcraigned. April 4 6 flt LOActJ FOR ThK MILITARY DEFENCE OF THE 8TATE. ' S (375,000. ?*>?Tll? HASH. OK JHK STATE OP SOUTH CAKOUNA itth^ Agent of (he Stale . to effect the Loan. The Honda to be iaatied are for sums of $M), $100 anil $AO0 each, bearing an intercut of aevfn per cent, pajra hie annually at the fchats Treasury. and the principal is redeemable In l#7'f md 1872. Subscriptions for the Loan will be received > by the bank iu Charleston and ita branches, and by all the banks in lite Slate. They will also be received by the Clerk* of (Id Court in the several districts of tho State. When the Subscriptions are paid to the bank of the State the bonds will l>e delivered. The Hmids are made for anultt amounts to give an opportunity for small subscriptions. It is expected that at the next session of the Legislature the bonds will be ootiverted into Stock. / 4 . The purpose of this Loan presents an appenl to the patriotism of the people, which must secure its hcing promptly taken up. It is needless to enlarge on the uionienlious oonec4|iienco>i>?n tu uu?u? rut ? ?< take up the Loan. March 1* 2 Tho Newspaper of the South. THE CHARLESTON MERCURY fiivcs I lie laical midmost r? ii.ilds Political. Commercial and General Sews from all parts of the W oild. Its special correspondents fur- J nislies by mail and telegraph. full and c.)Hv [ accounts of every 'hiug of interest that transpires in the great cities of 3urop? twwd A me ricti. T!iK NEWS oK TilK ftgi'Tll KBCfliVKH SPECIAL ATTENTION. Politiually, tue Mercury represent* the' Uight* Hosi.itnocc Elements. ami advocate* the Union of the Brail hern Slate* In maintaining their Itights anil establishing their aecuril jr. ' Daily Meroturjr. I year in adrauea. $10. Tri-Wackly Mercury 1 year in advance. $5. Xo paper ?cnt ottlroi tho cash accompanies ' the Order. K. It. 1MIKTT. Jr., Charleston. Maroh 14 * ^ 2 ' \ If How is the Tiaf to SiMribe FOR THE TRI-WEEKLY AM> frtlILT SUMTER WATCHMAN. a# o:o THE rROPrtfrroRs ok THESE PAPERS I nre now sparing neither expense nor lahnr to keep CUlly up with I ha great currant of fee#*, as well an tv> rentier their Joui nalaaccoud to none in regard to genera! interest and reliability. Argjkngrmcii).* have been made by which naW* up to (he latest moment will be nirnUhed. 00- 77?/ WftKKLT 1'APKR (77/A' /"*//*' I f'K'or IK' -riff v*? a?/? J i II r* ai l) J /.v .i/mm.vc? /v:? JA'AL* """"H 08.OO. WEEKLY I'AI'ER, IS A /K M /'A'* ANSIS, WITH st: ws uh to y//* y a rfsr y/i/t;/ KM-ore <;7 Kiyfi-STIFRT, CORKER WESTwnnrrj^rHEET, < dhariaatcm, 8 C. Marvh 4 - 1 1 p. WllMff EX, 1 uvpoitM m*4 tornl?r la v Fancy Goods, Toys, Hosiery, &o. Nt,J? TUo# kiug. *Viu. U. l'?t, M l'., I 1 l g^^TT?rr-7- ?v~. .Tv WwilUMX V itoojbr | A^Lfir^taUs^ /. *. KUf* . f-? of Ft** Aekmb. ' F*t*r V?ught ?r . W. K.' (uJmM M J) . Vok 11. E. ?? ttiouf. W. A. Cl*rwy.%k . V Vy . , C'timitttunrrt of-ik* Po9r. W. *.. Cw.iM, M. D . CkWriBM^^Ui TrugbW ar. s?9(>. J?. CUfJj. IImm Kib|. J. J. flw|? . *?y- ? , Mt'ckfU mt b*UU Hit- J?_ TtioinM JT. W+Uj, Wroffrw*, Uoniwnrt, rj nm of I'nKlif John R. George It. Coitgdou, J. . Itieli wood, E. It. Jones. f k'rft Srhnofp. W. J KlU*. Win, llngtis. O. W. Ward. .1 J Jrdiaston, Jim. Ikaiy,- Jw. T. Walsh. CotHtMi'nioiirr* of th< Poor. J. It McCnK-kon, J. T. Moody, Levi ft mi g?r, If. J. lleyit. MS XAftKJtS of P/.KcrWXS. All Snnl't I'mritk. Little Hhrer?W. A. ('lardy, Tlios. Livin; ton, W.J. (Jnif. filerrcit ^wump?T. uiui. Socanthe?11. A. Tillmnii, U. A. pefc-ilrt Tiiua King. Troop Muster Ground ? Robert NcsbUj W. I Tucker, W. While. Ki nation I'(tri*k Conwwyboro*?ft. H. Congilun, I. T. Lrwii i". r? . i?rirn. littll Creek,?W. M . f.arriuiorc, IV Parker, I'? tff I'oel. LH>k lllufl? J. .1. KmI, Am Gore, F.. U. Jet kin*. U&lUvant'r Ferry?W. I. Gerald, A i> Cki| - per. It. M. J'owell. Floyd'a?C. Untia^rr, J. U..Fk)) K. . I Ford lUreell. M l Jvlin II. Uniui, M.I) ltd. K. 6 rank M l). LatCflrfl, * K. Monro, jr. ' illiton A GilleafAe. Juo. R, Beaiy. llu IUt k WtUii. Scknolt and T'a chart. Male Academy, - - ? J. 0. Olar Female Academy, - Mr*. A. A. Sanrji . (J rum tut. .//^rdftat #?.. te, ' ftaa/y. Tajlcr A Ci? T. II. Hofoe* ( aa. R. (IfineHmi *? > * mPP?* * * a R W. Cplwj . Wr Hrnc> ft tWri^yi Mi Ajirnt JlfwhrrV. T. M?A. ' I* , * # * IP 1 hr yj^jte ** ~FE#8F*C*tT^ '?'f *% ** o* ??? ; HORRY DHPATTri J, ' ' *? ** ' * * " It it |>nj|>e?euvaybora', Horry District, about (lit feiftt ftf Hare^ ??<, (or Mit, thereafter ?* pmlMjC) OMyibHoail>Oa.of a WeeWjf N'.a?^fobtr^Mtbe . HQRiAY DISPATCH. " * The ftrtt that earth Utwet of the KiMr, ' t (Herry tieepttd,! tow nyeye lUe pnrilriirt ptui advantage* of Ua o?u journal?that tbo deeirr for raaAtog tftl ktttrltdfe, (etertll} . * b rapMly ptvinf among our people?(lint the |*re?ent ha partcnlariv a period ?ku in fortMtlut ia aouglit after and ilreirrd?that b the yiatr^rtto fttieeae of Horry, mm long ml j OB ttvtu (be improving and de relaying influ of our houi ptven, Kt determined to re T?i no longer la tlieir laafntiow, Ihi( <0 place th?iwflvM upon the mow platform with the r^i ^ together *Mk Ike generou* r ?wl tie hie Hearted eueaurageuiettt. received, direct Ijr, hare Induced as te eraUrli iu thi-> enterprise. under the firm conviction that 'here on a and will >eno eueit tkleg ae failure. The paper w HI be /erpeetable in tiu, mol w ill printed with clear type, apon geed paper?-in short, lh? design is to uinke ileneh aahedt, na the intelligent |?eople of llorry need net fee I ashamed. The editorial department will lw coiuiuctvl by Jt>?." T. WiUH, K#?|. Itf'bir ahility, orth ami prlhclplff, we M it nhoocaacary to fay nay thing. T key tire well known ami appreciated, both at Home ami abroad, and atlorU the Burnt ample guarantee, that "TAf Horry lhmftmieK,r he it a matter, will he in no way befclnd the Weekly preen of the JMate.? State-Jlights principle* strictly conalrned, arc thoae which will Hi- firmly nailed to iu uiu?thefid. J"l?e Jhtpnfeh will Im- conducted alrictly uli r. Hit Qixh principle. it if i li?t only a- upon thio ntlcui can it b? mitiiq U> prospei The trrm?. ?hcrcf<>re, wiU be Two Dollars per annum, in udianrr. Adtartiaetnent* wHI l>c insetted at To rr*u per square of IT linen for the firm iamrrtivn, ami .V> u,' cents fn-alavehcrhlmg Mtatea. and the formation of a SOt'THJiKS tONKLUEKATION" of friendly Stales, leagued together by the lies nf common interest, and eonuaon danger. 1 The nmae are portentous, and the South i needs the nnuei Mrcngth of all her sun; ' I wc shall therelore. so endeavor to conduct out ]ni|>er. n* I*? nmke h an acceptable eialtnr, '* 'twii to those wlio may ?*4 njrrre with u? in opinion in in tittr* >4 4nnil. it will be utir object t<> persiia wound;- to curb, the raeli and A AeftTlons. trtuf to ttlir uj> the fnrdy nnd indifferent to t? *cu?e of their danger ' , Titu I'sperwIlM be puHUahed weekly, at two dollar* tanum, tu adrauc*. JAMM II NfUiWtMIJ), | Kdiioia WM-. F.. 7.fMMKH*AN. V nnd JKSHKE YT. NOKW(KH), S I'nblirher-. Marrli tf I ".. . 4 II The Southern Guardian A POLITICAL AM? NEWS JOURNAL, Published at Columbia, S. C. DAILY, T R I-W E RKLY A5b WEEKLY, k By C. P. Pel ham. v m m m ,v ' Dally 71 ; Trl-Weckly, 54; Weekly, t>2 per annnwi. l'nynieiM in Advance iorariaI* bly. P winwalei a MMidinK ue tire daily aubaeribera, with 5-10 or five trl-Wcekl^ tilbwi iber* with R2t>, [#neloa?d in registered leu ere] will he eutit led to an extra copy, or in lieu M thnt, per cent ot ibe , , aumfe lAaa rein*ttad| .10 par Cent will be allntred on airi#?iRr? remitted far tingle stihaeiiptioiia. POUT1CM As a politic id JduruSl. lnotion of tU? of now* from h!1 pan* of (ho worirt, will ^O b?pi lit fir* ?it<1 no ctfort w u* >" "porr-l to nn?ke It in nil rw?i?ftec* ivn ftcceyUMr ttioonie ftgiiiM . ti|>r niMUntion win l>? port to iki l?i?rt ftul ft: ?i" fto* ?. > s?, a MAKKRT BKPOHTH: of *U tko Ttinft&f cotton, ;rr?i?. pro?lof? an-l o(h?r i? i lie oo. fttry MftW^U ' , if CITY HOTEL, VjIMojJXA, WIXSlfNOTON, 5. c ' Cute & Evans, k. * pnorKfrrrms. No |*o?n? j>?rcll ? Moikethts K??hm- unrrcuMr