DEMOCRAT ?DAY, AUG 2!, 1908 STATISTICS OFINQUESTS GIVEN OTT^pjjiiERKF AND /^CORONER New Developments at the ICampaign meeting at McColl I campaign meeting # nt *Mc C^jo?? Friday was hold in McLnurin /ill, and about 300 people were .'present .Thoy cheered nearly cv eroody, but tho lion's share of tho applauso went to Sheriff Green 'and Adamsvillo's three candidates for thc legislature. Messrs, Hunch, Northan and Whittaker. *' . An incident which amused tho '-nu?ionco very much was, when Ii K Covington was making his speech, Mr. Wortham quietl^ walked ui} to i the stage and offered Mr CoVing . ton a small vial. Mr. Covington re fused it, and the audience broke into a storm of laughter and appl ause. After the noise subsided, u Mr. Northam explained that it was nothing but some vinegar for Mr. Covington's sore throat. The meeting was presided over by ll. h. Mclaurin, who introduc ed 10- I). Graham as the first speaker. Mr. Graham said that li? was fifty years old, which he thought was old enough and young 'onoug'h for a supervisor, ile thovigh't hw age a nd experience fit; erl hbo for me work J* e' ;t'e? wouldgivc tho oeoplean economical | administration and do good work. In beginning his speech, Mr. Graham said that ho had made his speech at Clio before he knew that Mr. Manning was not at thc meeting, and lie had given Mr. | Maniming the privilege of replying to him at McColl by speaking first, when he would have come last in thc regular order Frank Manning Jr. simply thanked tho people for thc votes they gave him before, andsaid that if ho is re-elect (al he wotdd give them roads during tho next four years that they would be proud of. sn Ki;ll'I'. W F Rogers, E ?J Woodley and C- F- Covington announced their candidacy in a few words. Mr. Covington said that Sherill Green had nuit preaching rotation. Sherill' Green, after discussing several matters, gave some inter esting statistics in connection with his office' he said that he had been calleado attend I'20 inquests since he had been in office, in f>0 of these the jury decided that nobody was responsible for the deaths. Of tho remaining 70, 35 were tried and acquitted, 12 sent to thc penit entiary, 10 to the chaingang, and four hanged. In 1785 ?John Andrews was clee U??ieriff, and since then there have been 26 sheriffs. They have all hanged 18 criminals, and 1 have hanged six, or one-third, of these. Capt. Hinshaw announced his candidacy J. II. Thomas announced his candidacy. CI,KHK OF COU UT J. A. Drake said that honors had been heaped upon Col. Hamer in the legislature, Mr. Thomas had boen treasurer five terms, and Mr. Edens' father served three terms in the legislature. ,1 I ) Edens said he had never ask ed for any office, and never held any except such as school trustee, niavor and chairman Democratic cmb. None of these officers paid anything but was honors given him by his neighbors. T C Hamer said that he had been given a committee clerkship in thc legislature by the lato Col. C. S. McCall) who saw him struggling to get an educntiou and* wanted to help him got through school. Ho beon cUrk of tho house ton years and quit without being run out, and now asks for clerk of court. COKONElt . PF Meeking said he/wanted to got 1?0 votes at McColl, and bo ol ctod on the first ba/a;t. J. F. David sn/y thc coroner's office was going begging in 1888 and lie took it and worked it up by hblding all tho inquests instead *of lelt-ing tho magistrates hold them. Ho -said Mr. McGilvray was too af raia ?f a corpse to bo coroner. Onco he was sitting up with a corp3C?when tho wind blew up apa per from over thojgorpso's face, and McGilvray wont out at the window. Was defeated for coroner in 1900 by Mr. Covington by* only ti votos. G. N. McCall said he had atten ded 40 inquests, and missed only four, with good excuses. 3. F. McGilvray said he was one of tho th reo Clio babies another candidate told about. There are thirteen from Bcnncttsville, and that is an unlucky number. Would not even attempt to drink thirteen bottles of Northam's vinegar. David told # ho truth about my running from #cc?rpse. When I go to hold an inquest, thc jury and sheriff will bo there. K .1 will um h? woui (iii A ^vmu*a>, i-? . r- i?e?w \vhim he took charge of tho supervisor's of fice he found the County in an em burassed financial condition, but when he went Out lu*, left it out of debt. Got un average of ?7')o' a year and had no cleric. At the last settlement tho Comptroller general highly complimented my work. I hope Mr, McGilvray did not count me in the thirteen from Ben notts - ville, for 1 th) not claim to be a Bennettsvillo man. Mr McGilvray replied that there were really foin econ, but he did not count Mcekins, .Mr. Coward, continuing, saul that Smithville was entitled to some recognition. A Smithville man had twice been a candidate for legislative honors, but got only a few votes. The Smithville people arc feeling this and arc wanting to bo cut off from Marlboro and be come part of a new county with Choraw as the county seat. J. P. Campbell said that he was among friends at McColl. He had lived five years in that township and got a magnificent vote there two years ago. Had fulfilled evcr> pledge made. TREASURER. N B Bogers said ho had expectet to make his big speech here, bul the crowd had got so small IK would not attempt to speak. C. W. Crosland asked tho peoph to vote for Bogers if they wert satisfied with his administration, i not vote for Crosland. J. P. Evans said he hoped to bi thc one taken, and not ono of titre' loft. A. H. Odom said bc had si: years experience in bookkeping and would serve to best of abilit; if elected SUPT. EDUCATION A. L. Eastorling thanked th people for their support and prom iscd the best service possible. The meeting adjourned abott one o'clock. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minute sure with one ot* Dr. Shoop's Pink Pni Tablets, The formula is ou thc 25-cen box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist ;t bout Hhs formulai Stops womanly pains headache, pains anywhere. Write Di .snoop, Rosine, Wis, for bee trial, t prove value of his Headache, or Pin Pain Tablets. Sold by JllO, T Douglai DOGS, LIENS AND LIQ, ^ SUBJECTS DISCUSSED BY J L COVINGTON He Would Help put "the Devil's Business in thc Hands of a Receiver" ' ' ? . '?'*>. sf Editor Peo Dec Advocate: /As wc aro in tho midst of the/eam paign and several are at, ?nc hat Working for l?gislativ^?onors? 1 beg spaco in your ^apor to let them know somOyf' our political needs. /"' I will say/n the outset, that wp heed some improvement on the) dog law in this state. I claim there is enough untaxed dogs, m S. C. properly managed to place a nico sum of money to the school funds, or wisely managed to give thc buzzards thc finest picnic, since hog cholera was epidemic in thc hind; or indifcrcntly managed, as at present, to east a gloom over the stato as dark as Egypt vas the night the distroying angel passed over. 1 will say just here, that only yesterday ono of 8. C. four legged baby do' s came near biting me 'he stio.ets of Clio.. Not con with biting my child. ii like they want to pester her The sacred writer must .J somoth" dogs ar ' ^rij*^-*'? ?V.-*TT-V when tte wrote'that pi' the masses and Dives out of a few. and while it sorter eases my conscience i to know that it is thc croat tl C a d 1 child of tho Republican party; 1 am sorry to know that all these years thc Democratic party has been such a kind and indulgent step-father. The claim thal the lien law is for tho benefit of the poor white man does not hold good lo my judgment, and in support of my contention, I (daim that many of our poor white farmers have been forced to have the farm, and look for other employment: because they could not compete with the negro in thc item of high rents; and the way things are going it won't be long before most of the poor white tenants will be moved from the farm, while Mr. Cullie will be able, to visit hen-houses on moon-light nights in second handed automobiles. roi: ITtOllIMTION I am in favor of doing by the dispensary like the managers of it seem to have done with the money, clean it. up. The question of pro hibition was .submited to the peo ple of the stale se\ eral years since, and te their everlasting credit they carried prohibition by a large, ma jority, and we had a right to ex pect that the will of the people would he the law of the land. What was the rest'lt!1 It gi ts n hands of the politicians and instead of getting prohibition wo got the dispensary. That is one time ?ve went to the polls and asked for li fish, and received a serpent. I dont pretend to say that I never tasted a drop of strong drink but I try nevor to fake on more under ; my shirl than I can shoulder and J am no prophet nor son of jphct, but I beliovo if my ide part of thc law's of our st alf M? would go a long ways to putting the Devil's business in jhv hands of a receiver. J. L. Covington, CIV/S. C. lt. F. I). No. 1. "?ki fi m ?NTER.ED MILITIA AS 18 mer Developments in the Gil christ Fowler Case Jt?V LcGrand, attorney for I) N fowler, who was indicted by A 0 (??clirist for selling cigarettes to fe son, Henry Gilchrist, lias received from Assistant Ail jutant Sofi'ral Brock a certified copy of ^he*V Bccord and Report of Co. Vr. tiled hy Capt. W ll McIntyre ixim the adjutant general. This i*erj >.< shows that Henry Gilchrist mtoled the company on Sept 1901, at thc age of 18. lu, will be remembered that Votijig Gilchrist and his father tes at the preliminary hearing in ase against Fowler that Hen as only 16. is unlawful to sell cigarettes to ulpeison under 18. jfy,?? unlawful to ?oin tho army as a soldier under IS. I i tic the ?y I Negri Escaped from Chain^ang. T-i.sdayAug l l Dave Williams colo od, eseaped from the chain gui; while working on a road in Ad:; jsville. He was cutting hush es i? the roadside and slipped oil' into the weods. Ile carried his axe , r ; him and probably cut his ':: JCS ail. . . the fryrfr/- . .. -v?M t,??i.v., ?>?..-.. w. ; was oil" on a vacation', and lhere.! was a new guard in his place. Williams was convicted of at tcm piing to kill his wife, and was sentenced last spring to ten years in t??o gang. Ile had the longest term bo serve ol* anybody in the Liang. Sherill' Green and supervisor Maiming have been doing their best t> recapture him, bul have liol yet succeeded. It is said that Williams bas traveled extensively und Iiis been as far as Hosten. IL is thcught that he is making his .vay turill again. .-.. - jTo Be Consolidated. Aftjr this week the Poo 1 >ee Ad rocatJ a nd the Marlboro Democrat ?viii bj consolidated and will be ?HiblUjcd as one paper. The price ?viii lio.SI. :>0 a year, payable in fid vate*. Thc advertising rates will not be idyansd, for the present at least. They 'ill be thc same for the con solidate! paper that they have licretdoro been for each imper, so tim advertisers will get the ad vantaf ol the combined circulation nt abut half tho price they have lierotoore had to pay to reach tho subcrters of both papers. The Ad vocate! has often been compli mente by advertisers who issertl that it was t h c best nd vcr ting medium in all the Pee Dee sit ion. With the subscription list ollie Democrat added to its iilreadlarge circulation, it cannot b oxdled anywhere asa means of g. Vin ?ubi ?city in this section to unythg that an advertiser wishes to mal known to thc public. The subscilers of the consolidated paperyill be especially valuable to advtisers, us every one ts paid in ed vice. Win both the Advocate and the Donnait have large circulations in the unty, there are very few people, who take both papers. Those ho aro taking both can have th" choice of the following proposons: I. (cy can receive two pa pers tinne of the subscriptions expire '2. 'ey can have one of thc paper fin t to a friend anywhere they USC. IV, ey can have the time which paid in advance for each papcrklcd together and the sub scrip; moved up far enough a hea I nuke up for both. 4. Joy can gel the money back ? the portion ol' the sub to the Democrat which is muli rod. Kaqubscriber who has paid in for both papers will plcasdtify us as soon as possi ble wll of these propositions bc prefci FIGURES BY SUPERVISORS CONTROVERSY ABOUT EX PENSES OF COUNTY Other Incidents of the Boykin Meeting-A Recess for Dinner Thc candidates spoke longer at Boykin last Wednesday than usu al. At thc other meetings they had all finished by one o'clock, hut at Boykin only 12 of thc 30 candi dates had finished by that hour, when a recess was taken for din ner, which tho citizens of thc com munity served on the grounds. A C Green presided. Most of tho speeches wore about the same as at other places. Be low is a brief mention of some of thc new incidents. While Mr. Drake was speaking Col. 1 lamer asked him the mean ingot rotation. Mr. Drake replied that it had two or three meanings-One of them was revolving and might mean "rovolving mo and Col. Ha mer and Mr. Thomas around in tho ollices and leaving thc young man out." (Laughtei.) 1) D McColl Jr.. took his time discussing biennial sessions and the lien law. Voted for biennial se? otis when it was before lcgis la' -, but thought b was t mis | ta and will now vote for annual sessions. The vote in Marlboro was 399 for biennial sessions, and 206 against. Opposed to appeal of lien law, but it should be voted on by the people. II C Northam made thc biggest speech he had yet made. D L "Whittaker advocated a marriage license law but opposed divorce law. T A Bristow said he wanted la dies to till all the ollices. Some body asked, "How about sherill '." .1 P Bunch said only live states have annual sessions of the legis lature. When the biennial sessions bill w as submitted to thc people of the state, the vole was For 25,256. Against 14,461. .J C Campbell discussed the fi nances of the state, and said tho state was a year behind. ll K Covington devoted about di his time to a splendid argument for prohibition and temp?rance. J P Gibson reviewed his legisla tive record. Said he got before 150 )f the 109 votes cast at his home nee i net, with seven in the race. J F McGilvray said he wonder 'd what the old broken down torses would do if they did not lave Jim David to brag on them. M E Coward said that tho up >er part of the county had been liscrir*;mated against. There aro ally one or two candidates from hove Bennettsvillo. Frank Manning Jr, said that he fished to correct a mistake which Ir. Graham bad made at Tatum, lr. Graham stated there that the ounty had already paid out $25000 ids year, and that the income .ould be only $?51,000, leaving nly $0,000 for thc balance of the ear. This was a mistake. $8,100 f the amount spentjwas for money arrowed last year. Only $14,000 id been spent this year, anil tho it i mated income is $35,000,'which ould leave $21,000. (?rand jury ul congratulated him on the 'ice paid for supplies. IC 1) Graham said that Mr. Man? ng had been talking about bis >od work but this is the first nc he has told anything about e cost of it. Mr. Manning's books e public property and anybody s a right to examine them. I ,vc thc figures, copied from tho record of tho oflico. Ho asked tho legislature for about 831,000, and the tax was lovicd to raise that a mount. Mr. Graham exhibited thc following statement, showing the amount paid out at each meet ing this year: Jan 3 Jan 17 Feb 8 Feb 15 Feb 21 Mar 5 Mar 20 Apr 3 Apr 17 May 1 May lo June 5 June 19 duly 3 July 17 Aug 7 Total Less amount paid Mar 5 for borrowed money " $8,400.00 Balance, paid for ex penses 1908 $25,174.06 Mr. Graham said that this bad been taken from the records, and anybody could examine them and sec if it iscorrect. He said that 83,893.81 had been paid out at tho last meeting. Of this, 81469.18 had been paid to individuals for work in Brownsville. Mr Graham compared thc cor responding meeting hist year, and said that only $1308.45 was paid out at thc meeting of Aug 10, 1907, when it was not a campaign year. The county has borrowed $14,000 this year. There will not bc enough money to pay the olli ecrs salaries, court expenses, etc the balance of the year. C F Covington said that SI V.LVOI v.'ni 'mild Lue, f them in my judgement preemi nently qualified for the duties of ,ho ollice. A man of genuine nodesty, c alm sane judgment, pro* iou need convictions, inflexible in egrity, great energy and ripe ex >erionce, he has the courage to do vhat be believes is right and resist vhat he believes wrong. In carly life this man made up lis mind to get a college education, nd, though handicapped by insu f iciont schooling and a lack of mids, he kept bravely at his task, util he finally left the South Car lina college with a splendid ccord, carrying with him tho do r?es of Batchelor of Arts and tatchelor of Laws. Few men cv r ended a college career with ighor regard and respect from btulents and teachers, and his bus . icss career of sixteen years has nly confirmed the opinion of his iirly associates. As a lawyer, the schemes of the .ickster and shyster have been mspicuously absont from hts radico and his verbal promise is ? good as any man's bond to those ho know him. As a member of ie state legislature he showed mspicuous ability, earning tho gb regard of the best men in >th house and senate. This man has conducted his cam lign on a high and dignified am, never overstating his own lalifieutions or the deticiencies of S oppononts. At a time when politics seems bc degenerating, it should be 'atc ful to those who lovo truth, stice and right, to have an oppor* nity to vote for such a man. The candidate 1 refer to is James Coggeshall of Darlington, who os not know that I have writton 9 above. rbis is written because I owe n a debt of gratitude for his ad .e and example during my col ;o days, and because I want the bors of the sixth district to h?rt thomselvcs by placing a man of splendid qualities irr Congross. (Signed) David K. Coker, rtsvillo, S. C., A\ig. 18, 1908. 45 1538&4 A 12.90 094.81 10,007-97 1307.99 2490.73 1307.30 1908.21 1474.20 2584.00 1149.42 2414.55 970.54 3893.81 $33,574.00